I SWITCHED Planet Earth And The Sun!

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so you guys want me to take the sun a giant 10 000 degree fireball and make life on it oh and by the way you gave me like five or six other crazy ideas let's do it what is going on tfg squad my name is brandon and welcome back to universe sandbox so as always i'm using all of your suggestions at home and you guys have some really good ones so let's just jump right in first thing on the list you guys said brandon you've made a hot sun you've made a giant sun what about making a cold sun and i actually really like that idea if you want to see more games like this on the channel don't forget to hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you guys are new here's the sun i think we named them like henry or hector or something like that this time we're gonna name him uh uh eric the son's name is now eric i don't know why i picked that name anyway so right now the sun is 9895 degrees fahrenheit let's pause the simulation we're going to make it a cold sun so it's not like we're going to make it a thousand degrees or 500 degrees no no no we're going to make the sun 12 degrees fahrenheit bam oh no it looks like somebody just turned a light bulb off in the solar system something tells me this is gonna negatively affect the other planets but hey i'm not sure maybe everybody will enjoy the snow and ice age that's about to happen planet earth is freezing as we speak a few moments later so it's very hard to see because you know the sun's not working but uh planet earth is now an ice ball if you look at it it's negative 377 degrees fahrenheit okay i want to try this one more time but just a little bit less you know extreme i'm gonna make it a lot colder but not a freezing ball so let's make it 2005 degrees fahrenheit bam okay that is more of what i was expecting so when you cool down the sun it actually becomes red and when you make the sun hotter it actually becomes blue let me just show you real quick if i make the sun 500 000 degrees fahrenheit bam it just turned blue but that's not what we're here for we're here for a cold sun 2 500 degrees fahrenheit at least there's a little bit of sunlight now let's go back to the earth and see what happens oh no planet earth is a frozen ball again planet earth is a frozen ball again wait wait let me zoom out again let me zoom out this is a problem this is a real problem the sun actually looks kind of nice let me slow it down what's mercury i feel like mercury's still close enough that it'll get warmed by the sun how hot is mercury negative oh my gosh mercury is negative 14 degrees fahrenheit and dropping okay you know what i don't think it works in our solar system okay the next thing you guys suggested was making a giant moon around planet earth so normally the moon is well i don't know moon size but we're gonna make it a lot bigger so let me go to add let's zoom out uh that seems about moon distance from from earth right yeah that seems about perfect okay according to this the moon is about 27 the size of planet earth bam we just made it just as big as planet earth and we're gonna make the mass also just as big as planet earth oh my goodness gracious oh my goodness great look how big the moon is could you imagine looking up into the sky and seeing this massive moon right in the sky that would be terrifying this is gonna cause problems i'm gonna hit play and something tells me the moon is not gonna orbit around planet earth like normal oh no oh no this is a problem this is oh it's it's already crashing into planet earth this is bad i'm gonna speed this up a little bit but i think this might be a problem oh no oh no okay the moon just hit planet earth and yeted it in the middle of the universe never to be seen again and look at the moon by the way the moon is on fire right now like it's literally on fire right now so you guys love when i blow up planet earth and this commenter said brandon throw a giant whale at planet earth buddy i don't think they have whales in this game but you know what i will check just for you so i see basketballs tennis balls soccer balls i see spaceships i'm not seeing any way they literally have a whale let's do that okay there is literally a giant sperm whale oh my gosh okay let's close out of this and let's launch this bad boy well first things first we gotta name the whale i mean it looks like a a jimmy it looks like a jimmy the whale to me and we're gonna make this whale a little bit bigger so this whale is 15 meters and 38 000 kilograms we're gonna make it 138 that a 400 no no we're going to make it 138 000 kilograms and it got a lot bigger so this is now the world's largest whale how fast we want this thing to go 10 of the speed of light that is incredibly fast alright jimmy hold on to your bootstraps let's do this is he is he moving oh now he's moving now he's moving oh let's select planet earth there goes jimmy there he's entering the what happened did i oh i broke the game no i didn't break the game okay jimmy just entered the atmosphere and just destroyed i think he landed in the the ocean but it looks like the explosions oh the explosion is spreading oh the explosion is sending a shockwave through planet earth look at this it's entering china right now i'm sorry china but you're about to get a shockwave from a giant whale named jimmy i mean that was way too much fun not to do it again except a lot bigger so let's name this uh this is uh mary mary the whale and we're gonna make her uh 583 kilometer kilograms bam oh my goodness mary you've been eating a little too many kelp chips okay that's uh that's a little crazy and we're gonna go down and we're gonna make this one the speed of light i don't see oh there's mary there's mary okay mary here she comes oh this is gonna be giant what wait a second the last one oh wait i'm starting to see it there's mary there is the merry title wave oh i should have aimed for like i don't know that you oh my goodness oh my goodness mary mary what did i tell you about eating all those twinkies that fell into the ocean that was not good that was not good how many people are alive 97 not a single person died from a 500 000 ton whale flying the speed of light oh that's a load of barnacles the next one is one of the most ridiculous things you guys have ever suggested you said brandon create life on the sun guys it it's a fireball floating through there's no atmosphere it's it's 10 000 degrees how the heck do you expect me to create life on there but i'm gonna try so first things first we're gonna take the sun and we're gonna make it a cool 70 degrees fahrenheit and the sun just turned off again like a light bulb uh now we're gonna pause the simulation so we've got a 70 degree sun that's very comfortable now we're gonna have to add water and let's add one earth's worth of what actually you know what the sun's really big let's make it 10 earth's worth of water let's zoom in let's hit play and slow down the simulation uh here we go i'm trying to add water to the sun to add life to it i don't think this is gonna work but i'm gonna try my best i think i'm gonna need more water this does not look like it's enough water okay we're gonna make it a thousand times the amount of water on planet earth i don't think it's reached the sun yet let's speed up the simulation a little bit more is it doing anything it the sun looks different but it definitely doesn't look like it could support life this could be a problem i'm trying to add water to the sun you know what can anybody live yet is i haven't checked yet you know what maybe people are living on the sun right now and it's um zero percent chance of survival i i mean i don't know what to do guys it's a giant ball of gas how are we gonna live in a giant ball of gas we're gonna make the sun have uh 50 iron uh that amount of silicate and water and hydrogen and now we're gonna hit play and maybe now someone can survive no it's still zero you know what i'm moving on to the last thing on my list okay i'm really excited about this last one you guys told me to take the sun and planet earth and switch them and just see what happens i i don't know what's gonna happen but i'm actually really excited for this okay let's zoom into planet earth let's go to tools let's go to delete and bam planet earth is gone me and you we don't exist anymore but we're about to exist again in the middle of the solar system okay but let's zoom out let's go to add let's go to the sun and let's go to orbit i guess we want the sun to orbit around the earth now i i don't know let's put the sun right about in between mars and venus there beautiful now there's two suns but we're about to get rid of the other sun so let's get rid of this and bam now the sun is no longer in the middle of the solar system we're gonna add the earth and this should be great so all of those crazy people that think the earth is in the middle of the solar system they're right i really have no idea what's gonna happen but something tells me everybody's gonna die let's just hit play and watch this thing okay you're telling me if i switch planet earth and the sun oh no wait never mind okay venus is taking a a scenic route um mercury's just gone mercury is like you know what nah if the sun's not in the middle of the solar system i'm out venus is doing something weird let's let's move this a little bit faster okay it's creating like a helix around the sun earth is trying to catch up earth's like hey i don't want to miss out on the fun look at this venus is doing some strange little rotation mars and earth are doing their own thing let's speed this up a little bit faster it's oh my god whoa dude that's so cool the sun is just leading an expedition through space and all of the planets are just like helixing around it no way is the earth livable oh the earth is 10 degrees fahrenheit what's the likelihood of survival 93 you know what if we switch the earth and the sun 93 of us will continue to live i highly doubt that hit that subscriber button and check out my brand new vlog on tfg vlogs go over there and subscribe right now and i will see all of you in the next video what can i do next time to blow up planet earth
Channel: The Frustrated Gamer
Views: 1,500,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2, solar smash, solar smash game, solar smash gameplay, the frustrated gamer solar smash, the frustrated gamer universe sandbox, the frustrated gamer universe sandbox 2, universe simulator, universe simulator game, universe simulator gameplay, space simulator, space simulator game, simulator game, solar smash update, solar smash secrets, solar smash easter egg, simulator, simulator games, the frustrated gamer
Id: nk2-7h1Hoe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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