Mental Wards Share Their Most ALARMING Patients - (r/AskReddit)

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our /oscar etic by planet reddit mental hospital workers have read it what's the craziest thing you've ever seen on the job I did my internship at a state mental hospital about 11 years ago there was a guy there who spoke mostly Spanish and was known for exposing himself to various women throughout the campus he wasn't on my caseload but he came to plenty of my groups and was polite to me and well behaved my last day as the hospital he walks up to me and hands me a crumbled brown paper bag and says he got something for me in his broken English I was terrified to look inside knowing his reputation and his violent history but I peeked in and was shocked to see a small pink teddy bear I still have it he shoved the bear down his pants before giving it to you I guarantee it yeah that thing needs to be washed bad I didn't technically work there it was a clinical rotation for school but I have a couple stories so this paranoid patient who was relatively Pleasant told us that there was a bat in her room this was an inpatient facility patients don't typically go outside and windows don't open easily she was brushed off one day during rounds she repeats that things are going well but there's a bat in her room she caught it everyone was doubtful but sure enough she pulls down her bed sheets and there's a god damn bat trapped underneath that flies out felt real bad that people wrote her off for that so now I'm very careful with people who claim to have seen or felt things that seem unlikely I've encountered and had to help catch a bat that somehow appeared in an apartment that had been locked up for months I feel for this woman bats are sneaky is duck I was working at a campground one day when I found a bat drowning in the toilet I scooped him out took him into the laundry room and let him warm up I thought he was dead for sure until he started flying around was a beach trying to get it out of the laundry room but I'm still pretty proud of saving it before I started one patient ate a whole clock that was in his room I bet that was pretty time-consuming he asked for seconds but they didn't have a minute to spare my wife works in a psych ward and she had a lady recently give birth to tea bags after claiming to be pregnant during her stay she shoved them up there and acted out a whole birth and everything when that was all said and done she spent a few days screaming at the nurses and text to give her the baby back she went to a long-term treatment center after that when her water broke was it boiling No a vagina whistle I wish I couldn't read this my thoughts exactly my brain was screaming no no nonononononono but I just kept reading Huck while I was doing clinicals nothing terribly exciting happened because we were kept in the safest unit but one of the longer-term staff there told us about a girl who was in her room and rubbed holes into both forearms to commit suicide he had even taken pictures which was super raunchy though badly lit but this girl had rubbed the skin and veins in her arm down to the bone obviously she died Rowe that's horriffic that's so sad how did she do it I was a rec therapist at a state hospital after college I worked in what was the aggressive male unit we had all the murders child molesters and aggressive males on the unit there was a wind that was locked at all times for the patients that needed extra supervision one guy was actually caught committed to this wing he would take advantage of the week so he was on a q15 which was a visual check every 15 minutes once they found him in the bathroom during a check buying pee from another patient for $2 he told the staff that he wanted to gain the power and strength of the other patient another guy didn't have an access eye diagnosis only mild mental retardation but was aggressive at times and really big so the state sent him to the hospital because there was nowhere else for him he would love cookies and snacks but not have money he figured out that if he went to the actual hospital they would bring him cookies snacks and Shasta ginger ale so he began to swallow things to go to the hospital if not watched closely he would pull the clock off the wall and swallow the batteries just to get snacks after I left the hospital I read a story in the paper about a patient's drinking bleach and dying so I called an old co-worker and they confirmed that the patient swallowed bleach after a janitor left the utility closet door unlocked I have so many stories about that place I miss working fair it was hands-down the most fun I ever had at a job all the patients loved me because I was the guy that would hang out with them and take them out of the hospital on field trips we have a girl that comes in all the time who does the same thing she's too high-functioning for her group home but low functioning enough the state has custody and won't can't relocate her her kirb plan is absurd may only go to certain hospital is to be in a room not socializing in hallway no ginger ale water only with no ice it sounds mean but she's also a top-ranked abuser of health system in the state and yeah it would just be cheaper for the DPH to relocate her I'm glad you had fun working there after reading the first two sentences I was expecting the opposite are you willing to share more stories my friend told me this one she works at a mental hospital in my country that gets the most challenging teenage patients they got this twelve-year-old girl who broke her own thigh burn in her room during the third night imagine the willpower with that one obviously it became a huge deal because that shouldn't have been able to happen duck me just how I don't know the details because my friend was so shocked about this she was just out of school when this happened I felt like she wasn't exactly ready for her work yet but she wouldn't really talk about it not that she's allowed to anyway but what I gathered once when she was really drunk without the girl just dropped something really heavy repeatedly on the thigh when the thigh was above the air and the rest of the leg was something solid like a table I don't know if this is the case 100% and what other details but that's the imagine I got she won't talk about it so that's all I know but wouldn't the leg just move all snaps from the knee I really don't know but it was a thigh bone that she broke her dad had broken a leg and down before burnt her to the stove and done all kinds of absolutely terrible stuff maybe she was used to the pain by then I don't even want to tell about the absolutely shitty stuff her dad did I really don't know how a person can do that to themselves but maybe her childhood explains it and I know I shouldn't know about this because my friend is a nurse but she really needed a person who would listen about all that terrible stuff she saw I once pulled a toothbrush out of a man's ass as he yelled at my kitten at the top of his lungs yes but enough about your hobbies what about while you were on the job they have now been married for eight years my grandfather worked at a mental hospital his favorite story that he used to tell me when something like this one day I was watching the wards when all of a sudden a huge fellow came running at me while I was scared out of my pants since there was no way I could possibly fight this guy off just as he came close and I thought it was the end for me he kept running right past to the bathroom that was behind me he always got a good laugh out of that one people being psychotic and even the violent are things you get used to the extreme incompetence of a large portion of the staff members and the awesome job the administration did of ignoring it was absolutely shocking for the most part it was a mess leading to misdiagnosis under staffing and mistreatment of patients but some of them seemed outright malicious one Beach of a nurse would constantly escalate situations to the point of restraints and drugs being used in order to get back at patients who insulted her I feel I should note that there are several who were absolute pros whose skills I truly admired but they could only pick up so much slack how the heck do those people the escalators work at these places why are they there if they don't particularly like that environment and have a knack for dealing with people in those situations I mean that's the opposite of how you're meant to act around people with psyche disorders damn that's pretty shitty I had to stay at a mental health ward for just under a week nearly two years ago the nurses were excellent you could tell they really cared about the patients and didn't judge us I had actually gone to college with one of the nurses and she chatted with me like nothing was different since the last time we had seen each other the psychiatrists were the ones that seemed to have a stick up their ass but we only had to deal with them for a brief meeting every other day also the other patients were some of the best people I've ever met most of them were always in a positive mood laughing and joking if you ever want to see people have a random dance party just put a radio in the middle of a behavioral health unit of course there were some bad outbursts but nothing super shocking it kind of felt like one super dysfunctional family leaning on one another to get through whatever we were dealing with that time I actually left with a few new friends that I still keep in touch with today my grandma worked at a mental hospital and said she watched a man rip out another man's eyeball guess somebody should have been keeping an eye on em had a patient who often claimed someone stole his amp guitars and money from his room he never had any of the sort he'd single someone out often another patient or sometimes ask nurses and often start trying to throw punches he once chased a friend of mine around the nurse's station we caught one patient smothering another with a pillow you can just be like oh yeah bt-dubs dude almost died in a horrific way after a funny story about crazy guitar guy I worked in a locked unit for a few months I've been bitten scratched punched spit on had my glasses punched off my face and vaginal fluids and vomit thrown on me the list goes on but my worst memories are a toss-up between a guy staring me dead in the eye and slit his wrist with a big plastic pen or seeing a girl swallow a rubber glove icepack rocks used hemp on fesses and an mp3 player where all of the items on that list swallowed consecutively or on different occasions are you done during my several surgeons into inpatient care when I was in my teens and early 20s there was one male psyche nurse assigned to a ward full of female patients between the ages of 16 and 21 you could remain in the youth or juvenile ward until you were 21 because of reasons I don't remember now patient problems ranged from depression and anxiety disorders to violent psychosis substance abuse was common it was well known among the patients that you could get cigarettes alcohol adderall and vicodin from this oneness in exchange for sexual favors he was there for years he was reported on occasion but those reports never led to any disciplinary action because well who would you believe the disturbed young ladies with a history of mental illness behavioral problems and substance abuse all the clean-cut well-loved psychiatric employee with a squeaky-clean record headed to clarify nurse guy was way more subtle about this than I make it sound he wasn't handing out pills like skittles and getting a dozen blow jobs a day and he was good at picking victims and also the facility was understaffed and not well-run that's terrible wonder why they don't have cameras or anything in a psych ward all places stuff like that could be caught if there was there usually are cameras everywhere of course there are going to be gaps or areas like bathrooms and changing areas where they can't put in surveillance workers know all the places the cameras do and don't cover so they can keep a better eye on the patients it's not hard for them to find alone time with patients and places with no surveillance especially if the kid is on full observations where they can't even take a piss or without at least keeping the door cracks with a worker on the outside occasionally looking in to keep an eye on you oh [ __ ] a question I actually have answers for all of these are secondhand from when my mom worked the front desk so take that as you will one guy got into a straight-up screaming match with his girlfriend the soda machine like how dare you do this to any don't you know how much I've done for you in this family the whole shebang one kid once she worked admissions came into her office and ducking trash tightiy then broke a red pen splashed it on himself and on the wall can confirm the wall splash saw it firsthand and tried to start screaming that she was attacking him my mom is like the sweetest woman you will ever meet so the texts were having none of this kids [ __ ] one time some guy walked in from the street carrying a frozen turkey mum saw him sit down in the lobby he sat there for a solid hour and a half then got up and left no clue what was up there the last one is the only time my mom has ever been creeped out one evening the cops brought in this teenager maybe fifteen or so she had ankle cuffs wrist cuffs and this weird belt that both sets of cuffs were attached to they brought her in and basically stood her in the center of the waiting room while the cops got her paperwork sorted out this chick just bored holes into my mom's head with her eyes freaked mom out enough to the point that she requested to be let off early to get away from this kid I'm sure if I asked her I could get some more if anyone is interested he was trying to go cold turkey probably too late but I had a patient who cut off his penis scrotum and ate them former mental patient here there was an older lady who was so constipated she was laid on her back in her bed with her feet in the air screaming about birthing babies while they pulled it out of her then she'd go about the hall talking about her new baby boy I can only imagine what would happen if she had diarrhea or something poor lady she was such a sweet lady very loud and so not they're all away she was so serious about having just given birth my dad worked as an orderly nurse at a VA hospital he said there was the guy who would sit in a chair right outside of his room in the hallway and laugh periodically one day my dad asks what he's laugh-in it and the man looked at him and said God is telling me jokes I wonder if God is actually funny or if he's just laughing so God doesn't get pissed off are you kidding me God is hysterical look at this I'm a nursing student who had my psychiatric mental health clinical in a mental health crisis center in all reality it's not really that crazy it's mostly Baker acts for people who are severely depressed or people who are neglecting themselves due to their mental illness mental health units have a lot of negative stigma associated with them being for crazies and whatnot but really they are just sick people trying to get better just like any other hospital even the patients with schizophrenia or psychosis are usually there because their meds got out of whack and they are being rebalanced that being said the most crazy and heartbreaking case I dealt with was an 8 year old child who grew up watching his stepdad abuse his mom but could not do anything about it so he would internalize his emotions leading to self-harm and suicidal ideation that culminated in him stabbing himself through the arm with scissors at school when he was being bullied hearing about how he wished he could just end his life at such a young age was absolutely heartbreaking and really put into perspective minimal my problems were compared to this kid who had gone through more in eight years emotionally than I have in 20 my first in patient was in fifth grade my brother molested me for a year when I was eight years old I ended up self harming myself and it wasn't until a teacher found a suicide note I had given to a girl I liked that anyone took me seriously just a simple paper cut off that said kill me I was inpatient for only two weeks I'm 20 now I hallucinate hear muffled voices and have a bad paranoia sometimes to the point I thought that my team lives retirement ceremony was actually a suicide cult and I thought they were going to make me drink poison I went inpatient recently they gave me medication without any paperwork totaled my car a few days later I was diagnosed with schizophrenia now I'm losing my job I think I'm losing the feeling of love and have considered getting a divorce cause of it I don't like mental facilities or medication the worst thing I've seen in a facility was probably the loss of time and space I've done it and seen others do it to constantly ask for the time cause there aren't any clocks or the date sorry if that was anticlimactic edit spelled paranoia wrong sorry you had to go through that abuse especially at such a young age my sister 13 is an inpatient curve right now she's actually coming home tomorrow would you care to describe how the experience was for you one morning a new admission needed to give a urine sample during her assessment she seemed relatively aware of things so nobody thought she'd have difficulty with it - so I gave her the cup and explained I needed a urine sample she stared at me blankly I repeated myself and when I got no response I explained I needed to stay in the bathroom to make sure it was a genuine sample the urine was her own I turned to give her privacy the next thing I know I heard the sink running she was trying to fill the cup with water I reacts planed exactly what I needed from her she stared blankly mind you I'm trying to put it as simply as possible at this point I turned back around to give her privacy next thing I know she's naked and in the shower I reacts plain what I need and after 15 minutes of this she complied I left her in the bathroom and delivered the urine sample to the RN I was then on assignment of watching a male patient whose room was next to that particular bathroom I hear the bathroom door open but I don't think anything of it I start to feel uncomfortable but I can't place why exactly I happened to turn around to find the female patient from before standing directly behind me completely naked staring me down i avert my eyes and explain she needs to return to the bathroom and put on her clothes she stares silently makes an almost unbreakable eye contact with me and starts rubbing lotion on her breasts I explained to her again I need her in her bedroom or the bathroom and call for the nurse the patient goes in her room as the nurse comes over when the nurse knocks on her door the patient comes out fully clothed and stated she had no idea what anybody was talking about psychotic patients sure are fun also another story I wanted to add would be the time of 12 year old smuggled in her iPhone 7 plus by shoving it up her vagina she was only caught with it because she got her period while storing it not an employee but someone who had to be placed into a unit for about three months as a teenager we had some free time scheduled in for a few hours every day most of us were just depressed suicidal or had eating disorders there was one girl who had been abused as a child and she had been there for a couple years she was ducking odd one day there was a lot of screaming from the common room and a bunch of orderlies had to pin her down the floor she had bitten off her ducking finger and then went all Mike Tyson and pizza chunk off one of the orderlies ears I am happy to say that I was moved very shortly after so I was on surgery when this happened but we had a patient who was known to our hospital for sticking light bulbs up his ass where he got stressed lots of Psych issues obviously any go figure he was back because he'd done it again so I was familiarizing myself with his case and going through olds notes he's probably had six or seven removals at this point and every single case report the surgeon documented the type model of light bulb I don't know why but that just amused me beyond belief to people tasting each other's poop and pretending they're on a reality TV show like MasterChef and one of them as judge who is tasting and the other is participating Tom this fesses as good but could be enhanced by eating more sodium the presentation could have been better maybe if you had swirled the Pope it would be more eye appealing a few years back I was misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder and when I went to the ER because the meds were making me have suicidal ideation I was Baker acted it was the worst five days of my life it was scary and upsetting and the staff were either really nice or rude impatient and inattentive my roommate would masturbate nightly other patients would share really disturbing things with me it smelled awful the food was awful my bed was uncomfortable and I had trouble sleeping a patient choked herself out with a bedsheet another patient stabbed herself with a pen so they took our pens away and I couldn't draw write a staff member had her face bashed pretty hard by a tall large patient and there was a lot of blood I woke up every morning to screams and it was surreal to realize as I woke you that no it's not a dream you're really here this is really happening to you long run the most frustrating thing with the cost and the level of care we got I have really good insurance from work so it was pretty much covered but many patients and there had little to no means and were signing forms accepting the charge for care which was like $1500 a day and some seemed to have no idea what they were signing the care involved basic group therapy and meds I feel the other patients deserve better it was an eye-opening and heartbreaking experience mental health deserves more attention better quality and easier more affordable access thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music]
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Id: -AQojEf0DIA
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Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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