How Quickly Did You End Your Bad Marriage?

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[Music] how quickly did you end your bad marriage i had two good friends who were brothers they were party animals out drinking at bars all the time sleeping with different women every weekend recreational drugs their idols were the whole jackass crew back in the day they just loved that whole bachelor lifestyle and to be honest i was a bit jealous of the fun they were having i was in a longer term relationship for many years eventually the younger brothers settled down and got engaged to a really nice girl something broke in the older brother's mind and he suddenly wasn't some sort of race to get married before his younger brother he kept living the bachelor lifestyle but then when they announced to us all he was engaged to be married and with his fiancee that set a wedding date to be married six months before his younger brother none of us ever met this girl before we found out he was engaged when we did meet her it was clear he'd not been open with her about his lifestyle she was a very prim and proper lady very shy and quiet they worked together so she only knew the professional side of him over the months leading to the wedding his partying kept going he was cheating on her with one night stands but she was oblivious our group of friends told him he needed to tell her what he was doing but he refused i was nominated to be the one to tell her before it was too late i met her for coffee and told her how he was cheating on her and the drugs he was using she was generally taken aback but she told me to my face she was still going to marry him and that she could change him i left with a clear conscience after that fast forward to their wedding day and it's an absolute mess he is drunk before the reception even starts and passes out in a corner some time after dinner as i'm leaving i say goodbye to his bride and i can see it in her eyes the definition of regret they ended up being together for exactly one year her final straw was when she really wanted to go out for a special brunch for their one year anniversary she made plans at a fancy place he told her he was going out to party the night before but would be home in time to get some sleep before their anniversary started he ended up hooking up with some chick he picked up at the bar and when he finally made it home the next afternoon his wife had packed her bags and left i felt bad for her at first but then i remembered how i laid down everything on the table with her and she still did it i've never seen or spoken to her again my friend ended up repeating his pattern he's on his fourth marriage now but does seem to have finally settled down this time two months in he told me i was too fat and will no longer be having intercourse with me i lost 75 pounds in three months by doing it the wrong way and he told me he was already seeing someone else he then seemed surprised my parents would no longer pay his bills and was kicked off their property 30 days later not my story but a fraternity brother of my husband had a marriage that lasted maybe a hundred days before they split apparently she didn't realize that marrying a military person would mean moving around and he just assumed she knew and was good with it not me but a friend their marriage didn't last through the reception groom got absolutely wasted drunk and slapped the bride's child he then hits the bride in the face too she filed for an annulment the next morning the groom was a truck driver so he and the bride didn't spend a ton of time together over their relationship so i guess she didn't know he was like that the actual assault happened behind closed doors and was kept pretty hush-hush until the next morning to save face i don't know enough about marriage law to comment on the legality of their marriage but i was told she would be filing for an annulment this all happened about 10 years ago and i'm no longer in contact with the bride but last i heard she was doing better and had moved on the groom had racked up several thousands of dollars in debt in the bride's name during the relationship that wasn't discovered until things started falling apart i think he's in jail now four months in he dislocated my jaw but really what i want to share is the signs were there and people should be aware of them first it was just grabbing my arm kind of hard then grabbing my arm hard enough to bruise it then pushing then slapping it took years to escalate i heard it gets worse i didn't think too much of it i thought i'm not a wimp and it isn't like he's beating me every day i thought that's what domestic abuse looked like then i married him well let me tell you if they're grabbing pushing or hitting you they will eventually hurt you worse when she cheated on me for the third time in 10 months because for some reason the first two did not convince me i had a friend who married one of the most horrible people i've ever met so charming at first but within the first three months of them being together we all started to notice a few things and we decided none of us liked him one day we saw hand-shaped bruises on her arms and literally the next day they were at the courthouse getting married we had a small gathering shortly after which he ended up turning into their wedding celebration bachelor party whatever he could to make it all about him he got extremely drunk and basically tried to kill her in front of all of us she told us they didn't have their rings yet but they would get them soon and he walked over to her and started strangling her for embarrassing him she ended up breaking down and realizing that for the entire four months of their relationship and nine days of their marriage he had progressively gotten more and more abusive and she made a mistake on our honeymoon she didn't want to do anything but fight so i left two days early to be with my dog then she stopped wearing her ring and refused to tell people she was married referring to me as her boyfriend instead the final straw was when my grandpa was dying and she said i wish he'd just hurry up and die already i'm tired of this apartment being so depressing all the time we made it four months in all before filing for divorce we were together about a year give or take a little the relationship seemed relatively normal until we got married she had her share of issues bad childhood severe anxiety bulimia but i was dumb and thought i could fix them if there were red flags why did i marry her i had just had a really bad breakup with my girlfriend of four years a few months before meeting my first wife we had made plans for our future marriage kids the works and the breakup really messed me up i was insecure and afraid of being alone so i probably would have married anyone young dumb and unaccustomed to heartbreak i may have gotten rid of the wife but no chance in hell was i getting rid of the dog we took her and moved her far away and now she's got lots of people around all the time to spoil her and fatten her with treats are things better now very much so i took a few years being single and just learning who i was and wanted to be i'm happily remarried and this time it's stuck and i'm stuck my wife won't let me leave send help not me but my ex-girlfriend a few years ago before we met she was dating a guy for about seven years or so due to family pressures tradition etc she went and got married to the guy they went home in separate cars because she said they both realized it was a mistake she lived with her cousins for six months because she was scared to tell her parents i didn't really want to be married to my girlfriend at the time however she was determined to get married by age 24. at the time i had significant difficulties saying no i was working a 60-plus odd hours a week in a kitchen to help pay for everything and i was struggling with my mental health at the time and we grew further and further apart emotionally through this process then i found out less than five months into the marriage that she had been unfaithful to me for at least a year while she had been planning our wedding she had been sleeping with other people she had been putting serious pressure on me to provide money for her dream wedding too she also had an abortion because she didn't know whether i would have been the father or not when i found this all out i basically had a breakdown and thought about taking my own life but my bros helped me realize it was not my fault shout out to the bros thanks for supporting ask planet [Music] you
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 6,532
Rating: 4.9153438 out of 5
Keywords: ask planet, radio tts, updoot, toad films, funny story, ask planet how quickly did you end your bad marriage?, end marriage, ask planet marriage, ask planet divorce, bachelor, bachelorette, the bachelor, the bachelorette, ask planet marry, marriage, ask planet engagement, engagement, anull, marriage annulment, bridezilla, bride to be, wedding vibes, ask planet wedding disaster, regrets, who are you?, why did i get married, why did i do that, ask planet lawyer, divorce court, prenup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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