No Man's Sky Ship Hunting in Galaxy 19 - 2021

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[Music] what is going on everybody zoo back here once again in no man's sky happy friday to everybody it's a heck of a long week but we made it we're all right it was good week too we got x and expedition that was fun so uh what are we gonna do tonight though zoo well i guess we're gonna get back to ship hunting i'm still looking for that green snow speeder um but guys check this out i found this planet last night it's like a paradise void so i got this idea for a build and this is about how far of that idea i got into um i i was thinking of like some sort of ruined city you know [Music] oh kale walker right so dude uh you were having trouble with um with the deploying the myth beacon what's what's not working [Music] hey magic welcome [Music] the grave marker won't appear and you don't know what system to go to um well one definitely make sure you have the mission selected i'm gonna assume you probably already did that but make sure you have the mission selected and yeah that's the only thing i could i could think that's weird [Music] hey bob [Music] bob did you see what kill walker say in there do you have any suggestions for that you're always good with suggestions my ship is way out here because i found this planet and i just i had to run around on it i think we may be in galaxy 19 right now [Music] does it say anything when the mission is selected like uh that you have to go to another system or something like that all right so you're you were in the space anomaly by the myth beacon i'm trying to think what i did right so you buy the myth beacon you select that mission you go out of the space anomaly and then it yeah it should just pop [Music] so i think it could be bugged for you it and it could have gotten echo blah blah paulo has ideas what huh hey space cadet how you doing [Music] i don't know um sorry uh i'm not sure anybody else it sounds it sounds a little bug to me like when you leave the space anomaly and it immediately warps you that's usually because maybe you did a mission so maybe you you did a mission and it warped you when you left the anomaly which somehow screwed up the myth beacon uh system i would i would try and go back [Music] oh did they people people had the same issues six months ago i don't i don't know then i'm gonna guess it's a bug that's just still there i would maybe the only thing i i could suggest is going back um to that system if use the the portal to go back to the station [Music] oh actually we we gotta well first let me look at the galaxy map here [Music] okay we are in 19 so we're gonna stay in 19 tonight [Music] yeah that sucks kill walker dude but what i would say is if you've already it sounds like you know you're you're not making any obvious mistakes and you did do everything right um and if you've also done some research and this was a bug from the first time around then my guess this is still a bug [Music] all right so we are in galaxy 19. [Music] cool [Music] the way i remember the myth beacon working or uh it is when you have it in your inventory and you have the mission selected it doesn't matte it wasn't system specific [Music] no and that one can't if you think about it that one can't be oh may maybe if someone found a way around maybe try that go back to rendezvous one and that's a problem too yeah that could be that could be tricky if it's not on the portal [Music] all right look oh i bet you oh that's not that bad why don't i have that oh my god guys look at all these x-class modules huh which ship do we wanna put those on the new one [Music] um [Music] hey luminous welcome wait um dude uh maybe i could go to rendezvous one and you could join my game you want to try that all right well let's guys let's try and help kill walker out here um and i'm gonna go into my expedition save uh is this one all right and we're gonna see if we can get back to rendezvous one so uh oh yeah i'm at the spot i think oh no i'm on my freighter for some reason so this is my this is where i'm at what do you want to hold on let me do um here let me i'm gonna drop my friend code into the into the stream here and i'm gonna turn uh networking enabled [Music] [Music] okay yeah let me let's take a look out here yeah i'm definitely in a rendezvous or no are probably where i set off the myth beacon because it's discovered by hello games yeah this this was this was the myth beacon planet yeah killwalker you need to quit to mode select go to multiplayer at mode select and choose join me [Music] yeah maybe it does have to be done on this planet [Music] hey xander how you doing thanks so much for stopping by it's good to see you [Music] let's see if we can find uh what this guy's doing because he might be at the at the spot and then we could help uh kill walker out [Music] wow i just looked at the time and it was exactly one four one four whoops there it is this is it oh wow xander that's awesome a firefighter that's a great job dude congrats on that and that's awesome like that's i love firefighters you help people out you know good job awesome i'll look kill walkers here did it work you didn't you're here wait where'd he that was weird where'd you go yeah seriously let's have some stadium applause for xander [Applause] that's awesome man we're gonna have um some nip nip for me hey cynics how you doing good to see you [Music] look at all this stuff well i i have two myth beacons how did that happen i don't know how that happened that's weird [Music] all right kill walker sees the marker that's good [Music] oh cynics yeah well they re-released all the expeditions so we just got expeditions uh we got one and finished that and then we just had got two just came out on wednesday so uh that was fun we ran that on the last stream tonight we're just kind of messing around right now we're helping um kill walker finish the expedition [Music] and then we're going to do some ship hunting i'm looking for a nice green fighter and i want to do some building too i'm feeling a little creative so oh yeah you're long gone [Music] kill walker has landed [Music] [Music] it's too bad we can't see it uh i remember we can maybe i can did you get it you got the update not enough fuel monsters [Music] oh awesome that's great good good good all right finish that expedition i'm gonna leave myself here in case anyone else has this problem i can help them yeah well you know what let me throw i'm gonna throw this save down here [Music] it's a frigate so and it's a frigate and it is uh whoops [Music] not super useful it's cool to have for sure but it's not like a game changer you can't land on it like you can with other frigates so there's that okay so what were we doing up here we're getting we were grabbing our loot from our frigate missions [Music] yeah it's a recon frigate freighter inventory's full no all right let's sell some stuff [Music] uh okay good now we have room that's what we're doing right i'm a little spaced out today guys so don't don't mind me holy smokes oh look at that they fix the problem finally [Music] you don't get stuck anymore [Music] oh that's that's good that they they fix that that's awesome oh yeah sorry killwalker i had to take off and get back to my my streaming business my freighter uh [Music] wow we're we're too rich we we really need to find this ship so we can um [Music] blow some units [Music] dude have any you guys seen sister citizens freighter uh she's run using a mod that changes changes it and it was awesome on no worries killwalker i love helping out and i'm happy i was able to help you thanks for watching my content i appreciate that thank you give me a thumbs up on this live stream we'll call it equal or you call it even and thank you all for being here by the way um so we still have some ships we're trying to level up because we have a full fleet now all right so you you when they get to s-class we'll name them so here you go here's the recon normandy ship there it is somewhere over here you'll see it go when i push launch but what's weird is there's no recon missions yet so it's ah we're out of fuel i wonder if there's gonna be recon missions at some point [Music] yeah i'm sending the normandy out right now where is it oh look this this ship uh oh we we had a couple go to s-class without i didn't even realize it they're not named okay so we'll have to we'll have to name them what am i doing here balanced [Music] [Music] okay and that's that yeah luminous yes exactly the freighter with the modded bridge and it looked like a huge biodome i thought that looked pretty sick i was like wow i mean i i like to i like that but they they're missing a huge opportunity here see with mods on pc you can build on your freighter and you can use all kinds of crazy parts like that um wait am i remembering everything we did the loot we did the missions yeah now i forgot guys it's the weekend so we can check out the weekend mission [Music] galaxy 19 is awesome it's just i don't know so many awesome planets here and um yeah cool ships it's just like the a really good galaxy so um lot of paradise planets here all right we're going there [Music] yeah weekend mission it might be a good one maybe no one no it's not it's gonna be is it gonna be hazardous flora what do you think has just flora dig up bones rescue stranded life form or if i've got to turn networking off [Music] there we go very rare do i turn networking on on on live stream but i wonder how one to help kill walker there uh we will not be doing this one because that just is not worth the time and i have to quit i have uh a lot of quicksilver let's see what the prizes are oh the bite the second bite be open i'm gonna buy it just to buy it why not what's it called i i don't know if they are are these made by the community are they made by hello games if they're made by the community i think that's pretty cool and that's why i'm buying them support but all right nothing left to do here let's get to ship hunting yeah stranded life form i'm i'm not into it we might check out some planets tonight i sometimes can't resist when i'm going to space stations and we're we're mainly going to use uh life form viking viking viking systems rich ones if we can find them now whatever we'll try to start see how we do here [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so if you saw the thumbnail for this live stream that snow speeder is almost exactly what i want if it just didn't have the top wing [Music] oh yeah let's uh check for multi-tools you see how some stations have a it almost looks like a color and this looks like with the lighting it has like a green tint and i think that affects like the way ships look kinda are am i nuts but it almost looks kind of green you know what you could do you here's a here you can kind of get halfway on this and and check out you look cool you got like one foot up it's almost like you're leaning against it [Music] hey merry lizzy welcome cobra hello thank you guys for coming by my live stream we're just chilling taking it easy looking for ships hanging out in galaxy 19 i'm looking for um what's that stuff chapstick there it is [Music] it's a coconut chapstick what's up with this station [Music] there we go fine whoa look at that that is a christmas ship holy smokes look at it it almost looks like it's wearing a red scarf like around the back [Music] now we are looking for red and green but not this style of fighter but i think this one's pretty awesome so i'm gonna get a photo because somebody might want this especially for you know this time of year [Music] around halloween i did um i posted a bunch of halloween looking ships on twitter that people seem to enjoy so i want to do christmas ships [Music] yes right merry lizzy it's some nights there's so many lives going on [Music] i do the same thing make the rounds [Music] all right well we did find a red and green fighter really quickly but [Music] not a snow speeder so [Music] all right let's keep it moving hey dr six legs hello [Music] it's a three star gek system i don't know if i should have bothered with the gek systems but [Music] [Music] wow [Music] this game's got really good graphics you know sometimes i just appreciate how good those asteroids look especially now when you shoot them this is just me [Music] am i wrong or maybe it's a nymph nib talking [Music] look at that huh whoa oh my god more christmas ships that's so weird dude what is going on we got santa's hauler are you kidding me look at this is this just a christmas miracle hey call an a class look at that yeah where's flowery tell flowery that i just found santa's hauler please i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna i'll tweet this at him later because i think he i i'm almost positive he was looking for a santa ship like i think he already found the living ship version but he was looking for the mechanical oh look at that that's a good ship for banana tom where's banana tom banana tom around tonight no oh how long then the new expedition takes not very long we did it in about two and a half hours um it could if you went really really super fast you could probably do it under two its its by by far the shortest one but if you need any help and need a walk through i did make one hey little tiny bit welcome thanks for coming by yeah isn't the guppy cool i love it and do you know what um one of my viewers you guys wanna know what they 3d printed my so i have a 3d print out my guppy but i haven't been able to color it yet i'm going to though yeah i got two guides for the for expedition season two i just put up a video today which just get it gives you a quick overview with the tips and tricks and then there's the the play through with every single milestone all chat set to chapters so you can just jump around to whatever you need yeah guppy is the ship i'm flying right now is a exotic guppy there we go yeah it's in the 3d print 3d print is awesome um i wish i had it it colored [Music] but apparently um in the 3d printing world no man's sky is is big and there was uh there's like templates or something you can download for no man's sky ships and multi-tools and stuff oh thank you tiny bit i didn't know uh how that video was took me a while to put together so i was hoping it would be good i don't know if a lot of people need it well how many hours do you have in the game kill walker i bet it's [Music] probably not as many as me i don't want to tell how many i have [Music] all right what do we got here whoa yellow very yellow i don't think hey barrel knows i don't love that style yeah 50 plus hours and no man's sky is like you j you're just starting i'm serious it's it's it's pretty ridiculous but i mean i still find things out in this game that i didn't know and that's with over 2 000 hours so yeah 50 is very oh that's a that's a snow speeder but it doesn't have the right wings and it's not the right colors box thruster but some of you might want that [Music] i have to make a special folder like called the ships of galaxy 19 collection [Music] oh my goodness cobra six thousand hours see kill walker so don't feel bad about not having an exotic or an s-class ship you'll have all those things the this game you know it's it can take a while and especially if you just enjoy the trip [Music] then it can really take a long time like i played obsessively when i first got it for a good two months um because of with all the quarantine stuff oh look at that thing let's have a look there orange droid snow speeder with the see these are kind of cool they got the droid but i i don't like those wings yeah not really a big fan of those wings but this style that's the snow speeder style the the way the cockpit and the front look that's what we're looking for it's got to be green yeah it is a chill game oh what's this planet down here we're gonna go take a look see i can't resist it in galaxy 19. [Music] [Music] hmm this is a pretty beautiful looking planet oh look look look at him [Music] did you see him oh my god [Music] look at that he he's got wow wow see and this is why we come the galaxy 19. [Music] yeah kit kill walker you probably wouldn't have been out of euclid with if you're only 50 hours [Music] going to different galaxies is something like when you're you know later on you do [Music] wow [Music] i mean you you go find just as much cool stuff in euclid i don't know what it is about 19 though it like there just seems to be cool stuff in 19 more frequently than some other galaxies i think i feel that way flowery might feel that way too [Music] no glyphs glyphs are glyphs are for galaxy travel in inside of a galaxy you can't go from one galaxy to another with glyphs [Music] so glyphs are galaxy specific so if i have the glyphs to say an awesome ship and i give them to you and you're in euclid but i but i found the ship in eisendam or another galaxy you you would need to go to the galaxy first and then use the glyphs now this is a really nice uh planet really nice blue water awesome fauna how do you leave galaxies uh through a portal like get you can you can travel between galaxies so say i let you join my game right now you would be in galaxy 19 so while you were here you could put down a base computer as long as you have a base computer you can portal in now to portal out you so the base portals that's how you can go from galaxy to galaxy another way is the you know the big teleporter in the space anomaly if they happen to have a featured base that's in another galaxy and you go there yeah you just throw a base computer [Music] and then there's going through the galactic core which is pretty pretty awesome i would suggest it but there's more to that i have a video on it but hey casu and hey yin yang monkey how you guys doing so like me personally i have bases in the first um like in the first 20 galaxies 20 so give or take a couple and that's so i can explore different galaxies or you know and i just went in order i think um i'd yeah because like right now i'm in galaxy 19 so if i find the perfect ship for somebody else they're gonna have to get the galaxy 19 first before they could get it wow this is a good planet i wonder what it looks like uh at night oh my goodness look at that oh casu um [Music] big updates there has there been big updates oh speaking of updates what's going on with my um settlement [Music] nothing that's weird are we already do that well this is a good planet if anybody wants it galaxy 19. i think we did we see the ships yeah we we did we're not gonna hit every planet in this system i i know i like to do that but it just takes too long but we are gonna hit the trading post where is it it's on this planet now we're gonna get to see another planet lava planet [Laughter] [Music] my creative mode um settlement is like that like when settlements first came out i realized in creative mode they progressed much quicker so i was doing um a settlement in creative mode and now i never check it every so every time i play in creative mode it's always telling me there's like sentinels or something i have let them i i don't care [Music] gekkindor [Music] whoa that is a ship look at that someone might want that [Music] people like those pointy ships see it's all about looking out for your fellow traveler [Music] like you may not like it but if you think someone might like it because that's how people find their perfect ship usually online oh casu thank you so much for saying that that's that's really kind appreciate it i'm glad i could help in any way that makes me feel good because that's what i try and do if i can what are these guys talking about my settlement probably not oh that's that was that barrel nose we probably didn't see all the ships there but [Music] we saw a few [Music] three star corvax system [Music] [Music] yes thank you to all who hit the thumbs up thank you so much look at that uh red planet this kind of looks might might look kind of red and green fungal no how about a system scanner what if they gave us a system scanner that allowed us to scan the entire system and so and then you would know what was on each planet without having to um you know point point your ship at each planet get out of here uh that i don't know you know like a late game quality of life thing yeah coordinates work on ps4 [Music] i'll tell you one thing killwalker if if oh my god first wave exotic first wave exotic holy smokes look at that flowery where are you he's gonna be so upset first wave oh my goodness look at that thing wow see so that's kind of rare to get a first wave exotic into a space station like that for anyone who doesn't know that's why i got a little excited but anytime you find a exotic just naturally it's pretty exciting look at this one here single thruster [Music] color is cool and the the front's bad i i just i'm not a huge fan of the the tall wing [Music] oh yeah what i was gonna say uh if you finish expedition 2 that one sets you up so good if you especially if you've done expedition 1 um you're really set up well to pl to start a new game in normal mode like but skip a lot of the boring stuff that you have to do in the beginning [Music] i forget though um [Music] well that sounded like almost made a weird noise like a different kind of ship i don't know [Music] maybe this thing will allow us to take over a system and know all the ships or something to do with ships and it should have something to do with ships [Music] maybe in one of the updates we'll get next year it'll be heavy on um on the ship on the ships give us something for ships new types yeah i think i i think they're definitely going to do that because why else would they they did explorers a bit already and remember they put new engines in in expedition 3 we have those we all have those exotic ships with different engines [Music] so what's up with that let's use the life form scanner let's extend that so we can see all the information about the sim system yin yang i agree with you guppies guppies guppies and rasas that's right killwalker each save can claim expedition rewards the the big rewards not the little ones look what we just found purple paradise let's go check it out we gotta check it out that rainbow wow look at this planet holy smokes this is some this is like you know if you were good in life what you see when you die probably you're just going through some nice tall grass and then you see this thing and you're like okay maybe i didn't do the right things in life but then you're like wait a minute maybe this is a maybe i'm pre-judging maybe he's a good guy so then you're like okay let me keep going wait i saw a couple ships so maybe they have flight here that's kind of cool whoa look at that oh but maybe maybe we could be friends let me scan them you know that sort of thing [Music] that's the kind of thing things i think about look at the transmission tower over there look this planet has cable pods on it that's awesome and rare to find like a lush paradise with cable pods [Music] is there water on the planet is a good good question um we might have to check it out in the ship i don't see any i know how we can find out quick let's use um walrus holy smokes he's a good way to kind of see what's going on on the planet see if there's rivers but then he does that and just drops you to your death good thing we have jetpack [Music] hey cat thank you flowery thank you squirrel welcome raiders moose welcome moose welcome cat flowery i was just yelling your name [Music] wow this this planet this is this is some planet [Music] flowery you just missed the first wave exotic i'm not even kidding but but i said i gotta i can't believe it it happened again i have to tell flowery the beetle i found the beetle and gal like i think galaxy 19. um i do have the glyphs for the beetle somewhere but i'm pretty sure he wasn't in any he was in some other galaxy but i've i've come across huge beetles more than once so all i did was make them just make them big now we only have big pets i don't i don't know how i feel about that we have uh bumbolina bumbling is pretty quick i'm not sure why we got this one um i don't know hey gary 420 the 420 is happening today i wouldn't even go to the space station yet that planet just caught my eye and i was like we have to go see what it looks like right now because i got the the nip nip guys tonight is uh is pleasant but if i'm a little slow that's why but i had a lot of pain today so i i kind of needed it austin thomas how you doing and lex luke good to see you guys and of course gary 420 once again welcome everybody [Applause] that's a round of applause for you guys [Music] no that is rubbish i don't like that guy the multi-tool guy he's a jerk it's like he has the nerve to diss my gear my gear is so much better than his ki like i would i would shred that guy is he kidding me like he says stuff like your your gear insults me [Music] i don't like him yeah yeah cat yeah i don't know i got into it a little earlier than normal today [Music] how's halo going [Music] halo infinite right i've been yeah i've been looking at it too not but i've not played it [Music] well this station uh not so good shuttles a lot of show what's going on here [Music] who's what flowery remember the nip nip i i don't i don't remember what happened one second ago i'm i'm living [Laughter] i'm living like a goldfish over here halo infinite is very awesome i yeah you know i used to love those games but i don't think i can play them anymore i really don't um my hands are just they're not good and they can't handle games like that i'd have to be too quick with the you know the and the the jumping sometimes when i'm playing no man's sky i get the i get the old feelings back oh look at this look at this [Music] that is some nice ship i'm gonna i'm gonna take a photo of this one too for and it's this is gonna be for the galaxy 19 calendar that flowery squirrel and i are putting together we're creating a calendar for galaxy 19. it's good idea no i just came up with it but i'm telling you galaxy 19. [Music] [Music] uh no there is no freighter reward for expedition 2 it's a frigate that you can use with your freighter look there there we got the the b class there we got the b class they gave us two b classes that ship is kind of strange once you look at like a hundred thousand ships you're gonna start noticing differences and it's it can be quite fun [Music] now it's like once you see once you really start looking at the ships you will appreciate them women did we do we oh yeah we did go to this purple one oh my god look at look at this are you kidding me guys that's two paradise planets in the system and and if i'm right this systems only two planets it's only two planets what is going galaxy 19 is so awesome let's check this planet out [Music] i kind of wanted to land near oh look at this it's yeah mountains i wanted to land near the water where'd the water go [Music] whoa look at this oh we gotta be careful that extreme sentinel planet look at this little animal it's little tiny oh yeah we gotta see what kind of animals are here uh head i don't know he's got a head wow look at him how are you i'm from somewhere else get the hell out of here oh look it look it it's one of those but it's a little tiny oh there's massive dino source these aren't diplos i i i would put these guys in the i mean but look i mean look how big he is he's pretty big i will put them in the prehistoric category [Music] whoa whoa whoa [Music] i should actually on somebody might want this for pet i'm going to make a special folder for galaxy 19. oh my goodness look at look at this look at this perfect spot to build wow look at that that's amazing looking you almost have a natural bridge going over here [Music] look at this [Music] oh there isn't oh my god it's like a little river awesome [Music] there you go once again galaxy 19 there's the glyphs if anyone wants to come [Music] [Music] oops sorry jeffrey kroll just subscribed thank you so much jeffrey i really appreciate that that's really cool of you awesome dude um hey skip welcome well that was a damn good system holy smokes don't say you never saw a great system [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah juicy uh three star systems [Music] what do they call them trinary star systems those things will blind you they're cool though they're super cool [Music] we can go there [Music] [Music] excuse me whoa jeez [Music] oh my another paradise planet are you kidding me all right we're going to the space station first a galaxy 19 so amazing that planets boiling doom where is it there it is guys do you want to know what i've been playing everspace the first ever space i got it um black friday sale i don't like it like i'm upset that i bought it i'm tr it's like one of those things i'm trying to like i've tried it out a few times because i thought i would maybe stream it but it's just i don't know i don't know something about it [Music] oh that's a strange looking fighter strange fighter you got there mister explorer [Music] [Music] [Music] check box ticked [Music] did i look at the multi-tool here man i am [Music] it's friday though it's friday [Music] i i i did this whole week [Music] oh you did cat that's great [Music] [Music] all right what we got there hexagon planet boiling doom quagmire [Music] uh no we're not going there [Music] and another paradise [Music] it's like my ship is from this planet they match perfect [Music] oh i i would have completed number two sooner if i didn't have if i didn't make me have to oh my god look at this planet reminds me of something like that like the red with the green trees [Music] wow look at this this is beautiful [Music] foreign [Music] oh did these guys they're on a lot of planets i want to speak with their commander you right you stop these guys look that doesn't he he seems like an intelligent being yeah this is santa's planet holy smokes there's the glyphs know look at this look at this it's like the trees themselves have a red glow let's uh turn the lights out look at this it's almost it's almost like a a christmas tree a crystal [Music] okay i guess we saw most of those animals look at this little grass cave it's cool so yeah but i think like a system scanner is a good idea you come into a system you do something like see you know it sends out a scan then maybe you go to the space station and there you could use a terminal or something that would tell you all the information about the system just just the information that's told on the scan like what type of planet so what cut out this part of scanning each planet from space almost every system we've gone to tonight guys has had a paradise like planet it's crazy they're everywhere [Music] hyperdrive is no fuel that's that's silly that doesn't happen often well we need to buy a ship because we have too much money [Music] i need to burn burn some units [Music] no need to paint the town red then [Music] wait i i can't remember yeah so when you cut no so that they're not gonna have a scan all feature or maybe maybe that's what it is scan all that's what that is for no it's gotta be for something cooler than that but we're not gonna get to know until 22 sometime in 22 maybe the green explorer was 1 billion yeah i think it was i don't know why the ships take so long i feel like it didn't used to be that way but maybe i'm remembering wrong i should go back and watch my old videos [Music] oh oh my goodness [Music] poor guy oh the these these fellows look at this [Music] yeah i don't i don't like the way those ships look holy smokes [Music] all right congrats kell walker you did it you finished the finish the expedition yep there you go if your mane has access to the normandy you did it good job and i feel good that i was able to help a little i think salaam [Music] salam mercy [Music] shabbat care shopping care [Music] all right little applause for killwalker did it good job [Music] now when that converts to a normal save you know you you should be pretty well off [Music] see this is like a green station it's got like a green tint so we haven't had much multi-tool look luck tonight you i usually have better luck with multi-tools at space stations [Music] oh that's awesome killwalker cool congrats [Music] [Music] it's a christmassy explorer [Music] i'll see you later kill walker whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh man so close to what we're looking for well closer i gotta i need one without this fin it's gotta not have that fin or these wings and it's gotta be cool colors i gotta remember to make that folder [Music] all right we'll keep looking a little bit more but we're gonna start building a base last night i hit my uh i hit my build limit [Music] i was doing some building uh i don't even remember where at one of the bases and i hit my build count so i had to delete a base so i deleted the build we had here in 19 but i got a new one i started i one or two new ones i'm i'm not sure so actually we're gonna we're gonna do that here we'll do we'll we'll do one more system and then we'll start building yeah sadly the jelly bean build but i me i made a video uh that's on the channel a while back that's just called all my base and i visit all my bases um for some reason the video has a lot of down boats but i i don't know why but uh so i have all pretty much every base that i've had for a while on video so you know they'll live forever the hell is going on back there what is that thing white path i'm landing overseer whoa wee oh that's not what i thought it was that like a cream cream color and white that's kind of cool somebody might want that i'll get a photo wow orange snow speeder that one would that would look that would have went perfect with my uh with my halloween ships that looks just like uh candy that candy corn candy [Music] you know that stuff tastes like wax and sugar all right i guess we're not finding the ship the hump will continue okay so the new bases uh [Music] oh actually your bases well you know what let's go here real quick because i need to upload a photo because this actually does have a build there now [Music] [Music] i don't know if we're gonna be able to uh do a screenshot yeah we're not going to be able to that's really it was really far away that'll that'll have to do but i i can't remember now what happened but i know i was building here last night i think and that's when i ran out of parts but i don't remember what i was building oh okay so i was building this but then i i started doing something here something a little wacky [Music] uh i want a hat i don't know i don't know and then maybe we'll put um a big signal booster on top do something like this [Music] oh no didn't stay big [Music] hmm [Music] i just realized that i set up this electricity for no reason all right well anyway let's go let's go to um [Music] the building i think 19. [Music] oh the lens adjuster i talked about for glasses [Music] oh man i i don't i don't know [Music] i'll just do that doesn't look like anything happened so i guess that's good now why are we still a class oh whoops alright so let's see what that build was [Music] void city that's it guys [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] wow that's weird you have to be over a hundred [Music] that's like that's really hard to do [Music] so i was trying to get weird with this build [Music] i don't know [Music] got to be really careful though um [Music] about building [Music] near these plants because they will they'll explode it's really hard to kind of get them into a build it can be done it's just it's hard for me [Music] [Music] i i need to build um i can't do decoration right now [Music] [Music] a bubble base that's cool hey james hartorn how are you doing um it's a piece i'm looking for here there we go so going to make a circle circle this is how i do it it's hard okay so now we're gonna use this whoops we're gonna wire reverse wire glitch not like that and that's no good i don't know why it does that sometimes there that's what you want now we'll take the triangle here [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now we got that except something looks off why is this top one yeah that one wasn't in there right see if i could fix it though [Music] [Music] okay that'll help [Music] [Music] and this part just there we go now [Music] that's not it either maybe i forgot to do something i i have uh one of those i i did have one of those blood balloon pets for a while i don't understand what i did wrong on this one so i'm gonna delete the whole damn thing and i'm going to try it one more time [Music] what is going on [Music] this is [Music] that's that's weird that's not how it was supposed to be [Music] [Music] so oh if i do it again delete the wrong thing yeah now there's that but [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Xxiou Games
Views: 395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: No Man's Sky Ship Hunting, No Mans Sky Expedition 2, no mans sky expedition 2, no mans sky expedition 2 rewards, no mans sky expedition 2 redux, no mans sky expedition 2 end date, no mans sky expedition 2 walkthrough, no mans sky expedition 2 rendezvous 1, no mans sky expedition 2 guide, No Mans Sky Ship Hunting, no mans sky ship hunting, no mans sky ship hunting guide, No mans sky exotic ship hunting
Id: uyHDlKRk3Zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 18sec (7938 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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