Meeting Connor From Detroit In Real Life!

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I love how Connor is such a good sport about everything he does. He is so interactive and such a nice guy. I love him so much oml

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 85 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/KoolKid1217 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 11 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This was adorable! I loved hearing his notes on how he gets in-character as Conner.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 68 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TabethaRasa ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 11 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

And the Tracis, Bryan's wife Amelia! They married just a couple of weeks ago

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 35 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/baconshark316 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 12 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

"My name is Connor.

I vape."

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 32 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/khalsea ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 12 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Where'd he get that jacket???

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 23 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheBatman_Yo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 11 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

And the shippers go wild!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 19 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CarnivorousL ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 12 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

TIL we are from the city in Michigan

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/NotAdrianK ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 11 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

"thats the fun Connor." true, true. deviants are cool tho haha

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/KatieBlissWasHere ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 12 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The wink at 3:00 oh my god

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GayEverydayEveryday ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 12 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
Bryan: Wapoosh! Top of the morning to you laddies! Jack: Yes, I like it. Now you need to say, "My name is Connor I'm the android sent by--" Bryan: My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by cyberlife! (in an Irish accent) (Jack laughs) Jack: Oh my god! Amelia: Wooow Jack: When he showed up at the door, he just yelled from the street, "Hi Sean. My name is Connor." I was like, I didn't even have to say anything. Everyone in my community was like, "You need to get him to say the line." Bryan: That's easy. Jack: Cause I memed the shit out of it And then it was everywhere. It was all over Reddit and everything just saying "My name is Connor." Bryan: My name is Connor. My name is Bryan, and this is Amelia. But, uhh... you know. Jack: Now! I'm the android sent by cyberlife. Bryan: But would you like to be? Jack: I-I do. I wanna be. Bryan: We brought you-- we brought you something. Jack: You did? Bryan: You hold on to this. Jack: I get two Canadian dollars? Bryan: Two Canadian, whole dollars. Jack: I crossed the border, I became deviant! Bryan: Alright, I think you're gonna like this, and I like how you're already wearing the white shirt. Jack: You know I had to do it to em. I'm like that meme guy. (Jack, please don't.) There's like a meme guy who you know, 'I had to do it to em'. He's just like, standing in the street. Bryan: This is for you, sir, to try. Jack: (channeling his fake enthusiasm) Oh, my god. Bryan: This is our official from, uh, Quantic Dream, PlayStation official cosplay RK800 jacket. Jack: I'm gonna act surprised, but I-I knew it was over there, all along. Bryan: It was-- it was just over there, on the table. Jack: We've been talking, for like, three hours already! This is insane. We should get some some like close-ups out of it. Bryan: Yeah! Jack: Look at this bad boy. We are an RK800, just to make sure. And that is your serial number. Bryan: 313 248 317 51 Correct? I hope.. Jack: He's a natural, it's almost like you learned some lines for this game. Designed by CyberLife, made in Detroit. This is really cool. Bryan: Fun fact about these numbers, the '313' is the Detroit area code. Jack: Okay. Bryan: '248' is the Oakland, Michigan area code, where I grew up. '317', which has been hugged off at this point, that's my birthday. Jack: Really? Bryan: Yeah! And five-- Amelia: St. Patrick's Day! Bryan: St. Patrick's Day, which all Irish love. Jack: It's meant to be! Bryan: Isn't that right? Jack: Yeah, we do even though you guys celebrate more than we do at this point. Bryan: Well, thanks for lending it to us. Jack: It's a Tuesday. Bryan: Well, it's a good day to have a birthday on because everyone will definitely party with you on your birthday. So you're gonna put it on man. Jack: so did they actually put it in the game because of you? Bryan: Yeah, they asked me on set. They said, "We need you to come up with a nine digit number." And I was like-- Jack: You came up with that number? Bryan: I came up with a number on set! And I was like well, cuz, you know.. I don't think I got the part because I'm from Michigan, but I'm from Michigan and so.. And they were like we need something-- I knew that in Paris, they were gonna be like, what's the area code Detroit? Yeah, 313. Jack: That's true Bryan: Here, put it on. Jack: Do you get credit for that? Bryan: No. Well now I do, because of you. Jack: (laughing) Giving you a platform! Bryan: You let the Internet know. Looks good on you, man! Amelia: Ahhh, let's see, let's see. Aaooo, yes, yes. Bryan: We're about the same size, too. Jack: Yeah. Bryan: Would you like the tie? Jack: You're taller than I am, though. Bryan: Do you know how to tie a tie? Jack: I do, but- (puts on the tie) Oh, I forgot how to tie a tie. :( Bryan: Alright, I'll help you. Amelia: This is so sweet! Jack: This is such wholesome content! Bryan: This is wholesome content! (winks) Jack: Everyone at home is freaking out right now. Jack: Hi. Bryan: (sweetly) Hello everyone. Jack: We-- It happened. I wasn't, we weren't just saying it. Bryan: We're here in real life. You're gonna be so-- There- You're gonna have so much fun at the dance. Oh my god, don't be nervous. Jack: Oh, but what if Chad is there? Bryan: Chad's.. not gonna be there cause Chad's with somebody else now. But, we are gonna find you.. (stares into camera like he's on the office) Jack: Where is my corsage? Too much, I don't know. Amelia. Where is my corsage? Bryan: I don't know. Jack: Amelia, where's my corsage? Amelia: Here is your corsage. Here it is, here it is. Bryan: You can do your own top button. Amelia: What side is it on? Bryan: Uhhh, how do we do this? I've never tied someone's tie in front of them. Here, we're gonna do the dad thing... Jack: I really feel like your child right now. Amelia: Okay so, this is kind of messed up... Jack: Does this have a reason? Bryan: That has a reason because we have to mark that you are an Android. Jack: I thought that your LED in the, thing, the... Bryan: It does, but what if you wear a hat, see? Bryan: We can't... Jack: That's-- that's one of my things about the game! You can just pull that shit off and all of a sudden it's like, yeah, I'm a human now.. Bryan: But you have to think to do it. You have to say... You know, you have to deviate to be aware that you even wanna pop your thing (LED) off. Jack: Deep lore! Bryan: Deep lore, right, there we go. Bryan: Young man. Jack: This is just a fashion shoot. Should we do a fake fashion shoot where I come in and work it? Bryan: Would you, please? Jack: Absolutely. Bryan: But you gotta walk like Connor, you know? Jack: How does- okay, you can teach me. Bryan: You know how to walk! Well, I'll tell you what I'll hold a PS Bryan: Do you have a DualShock controller and I'll do? Jack: yeah I do Bryan: And I'll control it and you can walk around? Jack: Walk into the wall. Bryan: And I'll press triangle and you can fall off stuff. Jack: Oh god, I have an led. The way this video is going is that we sat down we're like, what do we do? I don't know Bryan: dress him up Jack: dress me up. I just realized that I didn't introduce either of you I think people know who you are Bryan: Well they know who you are. Hol- hold tight for a second alright Amelia: You want to deviate? Or do you want to be you want to be -do you wanna be just normal- Jack: I want to deviate. That's the fun Connor. Amelia: Alright that's what you're doing right now Jack: That's my boy Bryan: There you go. Look at you! Jack: I'm Connor in shorts Bryan: Can you do that I straighten up and you gotta kind of yep Clench your jaws a little bit. So you look like- Jack: You have a stronger jaw than I have. Bryan: Oh you just have more fluff on there. Okay, so we'll do a two part one, I'll do the you know, cuz everybody knows I can do this flawlessly Jack: Yeah, he's gonna teach me how to do the gravity coin trick. Bryan: Alright, so yeah, how it goes like this we flip the coin in this hand Jack:Okay and then Using the same thumb that you flipped it up in the air with you toss it to this hand- it flies through the air lands between your fingers, no problem Got it? Okay, perfect. So to warm up I'll do-- I'll pass it to you. And all you got to do is just catch it between your fingers. That's the easy part Jack: I have tiny fingers. Bryan: Are you ready? Get those tiny fingers ready. On your mark, gotta look straight ahead. You cannot look down at the coin Amelia: No, no you have to let him try first, with him looking Bryan: Yeah, alright. You can look the first time, but- hold on, here. Jack: I thought about taking it off and it just popped off. Bryan: You deviated! Are you ready for this? I'll look straight ahead. You can look down. Okay, three two one Pretty close. I mean you almost stopped it. Jack: Nailed it-- It hit my finger right there Imagine if we got it. If just the first time we did it we nailed it. We would all freak out Bryan: Yeah, well it depends on how much time you have because we could just keep shooting until we get it Ready? We'll try it again. WhOaAhH!1! How did we do that?! Yes! Yes! Yeah! Yeah! Bryan: Top o' the mornin' to ya! Jack: Connor's a very neat man. Bryan: Yeah. Gotta keep it very- Jack: I noticed as well while I was playing I kept calling him like a man and a boy I never called him it. ever. Bryan: Thank you! You wanna know a fun fact about the script actually- in the first half of the script if you play as Connor, no matter what, you refer to the other androids as it. It's sticking out- you have like a little antennae- You refer to all the other androids as it- "We found IT," "Yeah, IT couldn't be located," And then if you choose the deviating choices by the end of the story You say "he" and "she." And then, (Jack: Oh wow) if you don't- if you're always Red Connor, you always say it. Little tiny things. Jack: Nice. Here we go Bryan: You know- Jack: That's the sound of winning. That's the sound of victory, thank you Bryan: It really brings out your eyes, the suit. Hold on. Jack: I- I'm not even like, hitting it. Bryan: No, you're doing great! Amelia: You're doing so well. Jack: Thanks, Mom. Bryan: Positive mental attitude. Jack: Yes! he knows! Thanks for everyone's spamming him all the time. Be nice to Brian and Amelia on their streams by the way, everyone keeps spamming them Okay, last attempt. It's gonna work Jack: "My name is Connor!" (Laughing) Okay, I think that's failed. We're- we're not very good at it. Bryan: No we did great! We ran that into the ground-- so I could, maybe I could walk you to the table. Where do you think we'll do- the, um Reading the quiz. Jack: It's going to be in the other room Bryan: Can we track with you? Jack: Okay. Bryan: You want to get that you know shot right? The third-person over-the-shoulder You know, the video game shot. All right Connor, Connor, back up. Hold on a second. Uhh.. Come on. You have- you have joints! (Laughing) I'm not a tin man! Jack: Did you actually have to like- perfect a walk to do it? Bryan: Oh absolutely, so the big thing there is that when you're standing on your- So you can do it right now. Where's the balance is your balance more on your toes forward, or is the balance more on your heels back? Jack: It's kind of forward. Bryan: Then see if you can lean back a little bit to split the difference So you feel like if you do like this your feet are totally flat on the ground So big big part of Connor, is that for me. Jack: Okay Bryan: Because you're there and at the beginning of every day on set I would go to the middle of the grid on the stage because it Performance capture center has a big grid. Yeah, and so stand right in the middle like this and I would do- have your.. uhh So you can relax this a bit, you don't have to puff up too much because Connors kind of like a wiry guy (Jack: Okay) And then the back of your head is going up towards the ceiling, your eyes going straight across and then whenever Connor comes into a room you sort of scan it So anytime they walk into an environment and you don't even really need to move very much if you can minimize everything you're doing (Jack: Okay) so walk into the room and you look Coffeemaker. Sink. Camera. Other camera. Other camera. Amelia. Window. Right, so it's almost like you're clearing the room. You're going- dzzzzzzz and then you get going. Lot of like uhhhh on set- we keep things very simple so like if you're gonna walk forward to sit here in this chair this let's let's give a one go ready, I'm gonna drive you forward Walking nice turn, take a seat Pretty good! Cool, I think you can you can make it a little more efficient (Laughing) So so like for instance, this is a big thing I found out on set. If I walk up here like this, right? an Android if we can make it one movement Just turn and sit (Jack: Wow) 'cause we as humans are a little bit more like you know, kinda chaotic Imagine you have a line... you saw Donny Darco? Jack: I did! Bryan: You know the, sort of, space/time continum Jack: Oh yeah! Bryan: So all of that from the beginning Everything you're doing is predestined. Okay, you're going to sit that chair. Jack: You're like my acting coach right now. Bryan: Yeah, there we go. Jack: I'm going to be on Hollywood (laughing) ON Hollywood? Bryan: Here we are on Hollywood. Jack: So you walk forward Bryan: and then in the same movement boom nice little spin looking like innocent school boy. Just sit here patiently and wait (footsteps in the background) Bryan: Never bored Jack: You're analyzing-- you're computing Bryan: Just taking in information. Hello Jack: Hi I'm too human. I can't do this. Bryan: You're doing great. Just care less (laughing) Jack: I can't do that, Bryan. I care too much Bryan: Just don't care Just sit there Not caring Jack: (laughing) Bryan: Not lauging either, just very-- Jack: It's like meditation Bryan: Breath in-- with your tiny robotic lungs Jack: I can feel the processing Bryan: You can feel the processing? Jack: I'm talking to Amanda right now. Bryan: You gotta to blink. That was a thing we did. Blink blink blink Jack: I'm either talking to Amanda or having a seizure (both laughs) Jack: Talking to Amanda. Okay. Bryan: Do you have a really good wink? Can you look right at the camera and just give them a wink? Yeah, they like that! Jack: You need to do it now You ok? Does he often do this? Did you improv that wink? Bryan: Yeah, the winkers are improv, because we did-- whenever we do the probe So this thing like this when the-- you know their arms to peel back and then I can get the information about where is Jericho? We checked with the Tracy's in the Eden Club like this and the wake up bit Yeah, so we did this and I kind of liked the idea of it being kind of Jack: Twitchy? Bryan: Twitchy. Hm ( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ) So it was kind of chaotic with the blinking. And so there are different pieces like we were waiting the elevator with Hank and when we're Doing the conversation we're talking then all of a sudden the report comes in from Amanda So I thought it was fun this kind of like, you know, all of a sudden this computer starts being really like a computer Since it came right after the line of like, "And adapting the human unpredictability is one of my features." Bryan: The shorts are a new look This is like... this is-- Jack: This is millennial Connor. Bryan: Millennial Connor. Yeah. Yeah. Jack: My name is Connor. I vape. Bryan: Alright we're gonna shoot you in the arm (makes gunshot sfx) Jack: Hi Daniel Bryan: It's actually the other arm, I forgot Jack: Okay Hi Daniel, I don't know what else he says. Bryan: (whispers) My name is Connor. Jack: My name is Connor. I'm the Android sent by Cyberlife Bryan: (whispers) I'm here to get you out of this. Jack: I'm here to get you out of this. Bryan: How do you know my name? Bryan: (whispers) I know a lot of things about you Jack: I know a lot of things about you I'm not an actor I follow you on Instagram I know what you're into You liked one direction one time What's that line in the game where Clancy's like-- 'Why do they give you that weird face and voice?' Bryan: Clancy tweaked that line a little bit. Yeah He made a little funnier There's a couple times where like Clancy or Hank is talking about Connor, or Connor is talking about Hank and after working with each other We were like-- we want to change these lines. Like there's one where we're trying to figure out What password what an eccentric detect-- something sort of detective-- But anyway, the original line was like Really hard on Hank, you know It was like-- 'What would a dysfunctional loser alcoholic detective use?' and I was like, whoa-- Hank might be our friend at this point. So we call them like, an eccentric Hard-boiled detective or something, I think. there's a couple different times where like The scripts like-- the different options because sometimes you'll push like Triangle to be determined, but you don't know what he's gonna say. And so that was a balancing act on set because you wanted to make sure that you had the ability to like-- as the player choose this most option or that most option, but without it feeling like a Totally spontaneous line. The main like-- they all had to kind of build from the same place (Amelia: The center) Yeah from the same Center Which is why it's all about this shoulders back, kind of like a penguin Jack: Did you have to do the same thing for Tracy? Amelia: Yeah, we did the T-pose in the beginning But I was a little different because she had deviated and her walk was different Also because we were wearing heels so it just makes you walk differently. Jack: Did you have to act across from yourself? Amelia: No, I had-- I had a partner-- a sitting partner Bryan: Who's actually the level designer. But-- so we had a double So the same thing was like this scene where you're trying to figure out which one's the real Connor there was actually an actor named Te'o who's Based in Paris, who did all of the MO kit stuff- so they have to have him- he is in the same Measurements as I am from like from his wrist to his elbow, from his elbow to his shoulder are the same measurements as me So he's like a stunt double. But for the MO kit, so we would record all of the performance lines So when Connor is talking to Hank or any other character-- like the beginning end of the gunplay so like I got to draw a gun and and say whatever dialogue it was-- but then once it cut into the fight scene they switch it to Jean-Charles, whose the stunt double, and then also master parkour guy for the running stuff and then for the MO kit when the players in control we recorded tons of like references so things like You know looking around the space or this thing where Connor is kind of thinking as he walks or as you walk past Connor did this kind of stuff-- just like taking in the environment But then they have to from any position-- from any camera angle while you, the player, could make Conor like go They have to record the possibility of each of these different movements and so they did things on set and they literally record it. You would stand there in the performance capture suit and they did this for months. Really labor-intensive. I'm like standing there one foot forward, one foot back. One foot forward out of the name (Jack: OH God!) There's actually four different people that are running around in the Connor body Jack: But there's only one true Connor Bryan: You It's you now. Whoever wears the jacket is the true Connor Jack: I wonder if you went around town in this if people would actually recognize it-- Have you get recognized much as Connor? Bryan: Well when you go to things like E3. (Jack: well, yeah) Amelia: or Best Buy Bryan: Actually yeah, I went to Best Buy because I had to buy an adapter and the guy was asking me like What do you what do you stream? 'I'm playing some Crash Bandicoot with my friends'. I don't wanna to start some whole conversation about it. And he was like, 'Yeah, I'm actually gonna play your game next'. And I was like-- And his friend he hang out with like, what's going on? It's him. That's the guy who plays Connor. Jack: The Android sent by Cyberlife Bryan: And I thought, you know, I had my glasses, I have my hat. You know, I'm just a guy buying some cables But no, places like Best Buy, but not just like walking on Street Amelia: When we're on honeymoon Bryan: Oh yeah, our honeymoon in Kauai. It was the first day we were there-- we were taking a social media detox We're not gonna tweet. We're just gonna let-- I have BryBot, it's a Program to schedule tweets and stuff in other time zones. BryBots got it It's gonna take over for our honeymoon. I'm done. Lay down at the beach, no, the pool. Had a pina colada and then I heard-- as Amelia went away and it sounded like 'Bryan?' I was like 'Yes?', And they're like 'Are you Connor?' Yes, I went by the side of the pool. There was these three kids that reminded me a lot of me and my brother and friends and like just like was talking to them by the pool for a little while. I said we're on honeymoon and they are actually from Hawaii and They were super supportive and cool and then they, you know, scampered off And then Amelia and I were continuing to enjoy our honeymoon and then we realized we were kinda being surveilled And then they came back and they were like 'Would it be okay if we got one more photo with you?' and I was like. 'Yeah sure'. And then as I got here to do like the photo I was like 'One MORE photo??' But I did say to them and I think this is cool If you want to introduce yourself to someone in life There's some of you were like to be brave and go up and say hi And wanna introduce myself, any people should do it. Like respecting people's personal boundaries They were very respectful and super kind. But like I think it was cool that they were brave enough to go like 'Hey, I'm gonna have a conversation with you' instead of just kind of like watch from a distance Jack: Yeah, I get one of those when I come home and people like, I saw you out the boat, but I was too afraid to come say hi. 'I'm not scary. Come say hi.' Bryan: You're super not scary. Jack: I can be. I'll go all John Wick on them Bryan: Yeah, you wanna go red Connor? Jack: Should attack the camera. (Outros) - I'm Everywhere By Teknoaxe (Thanks for Watching !) Do you want to take the test-- you want to take the BuzzFeed test and see if you're truly Connor We're gonna take a test and see who we are in Detroit: Become Human
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 11,127,697
Rating: 4.9470725 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, connor, detroit connor, bryan dechart, meeting bryan dechart, jacksepticeye bryan dechart, collab, irl, connor from detroit in real life, actor, connor's actor, funny, amelia rose blaire
Id: l1yl1Oz30_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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