Detroit: Become Human - Best Ending - Everyone Survives, Successful Android Revolution

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Oh my god that Markus path made me laugh so fucking hard.

Fucking US death brigade military killing everything because fuckin lulz and shit but multiple peaceful protests don’t nearly do the trick a spontaneous make out sesh does.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/A_Little_Older 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Wow, talk about dropped ball

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ecto1a2003 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2018 🗫︎ replies
your friend's life is in your hands now it's time to decide what matters most him or the revolution don't listen to him everything this [ __ ] says is a lie [Music] I used to be just like you I thought nothing mattered except the mission but then one day I understood very moving Connor but I'm not a deviant I'm a machine designed to accomplish a task and that's exactly what I am going to do I'm sorry Hank you shouldn't got mixed up in all this forget about me do what you have to do enough talk it's time to decide who you really are are you gonna save your partner's life or are you going to sacrifice him all right all right you win hold it thanks Hank I don't know how I would have managed without you get rid of him we have no time to lose it's me Hank I'm the real Connor one of you is my partner the other is a sack of [ __ ] question is who's who what are you doing Hank I'm the real Connor give me the gun and I'll die move what do you ask us something something only the real Connor would know where do we first meet Jimmy's bar I checked for other bars before I found you we went to the scene of a homicide the victim's name was Carlos Ortiz he uploaded my memory what's my dog's name su mo his name is su mo I knew that too I [Music] my son what's his name Cole his name was Cole and he just turned six at the time of the accident it wasn't your fault lieutenant a truck skidded on a sheet of ice and your car rolled over Cole needed emergency surgery but no human was available to do it so an Android had to take care of him Cole didn't make it that's why you hate androids you think one of us is responsible for your son's death Cole died because a human surgeon was too high on red ice to operate he was the one that took my son from me him in this world were the only way people can find comfort is with a fistful of powder I knew about your son too I would have said exactly the same thing don't listen to him Hank I'm the one who I've learned a lot since I met you Connor if there's something to this maybe you really are alive maybe you'll be the ones to make the world a better place go ahead and do what you got to do [Music] wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up [Music] [Music] [Music] excuse me what's going on border control all passengers must leave the bus [Music] there's way please [Music] we're doing temperature tricks we're trapped what are we gonna do don't worry Ellis we'll be fine can't get through Gera we both know that I'll think of something there's got to be way out of this we can't let them stop us that they were so close all that matters now is you and ours I can see you Karen No find another way if there's no other way I'll do it you risked your life to save his car next please if you and the little girl need me [Music] I'll be there [Music] [Music] wait for me bobaloo where every figure going my daughter needs to go to the bathroom [Music] I'm so glad you're safe we saw the Jericho raid on TV I was terrified I thought he might have been killed I think honey oh right you gave me your brother's address do you think that I of course he'd be delighted to have you were going there too you'll be safe with him [Music] what's happening with Marcus he's protesting peacefully outside one of the Android camps whatever happens now he's already made the history books rose if anything should happen I'll be there car you're leaving Detroit they're searching for androids door-to-door we had to leave before someone turned us in what about the others they're crossing the river as we speak Adam and I are gonna meet them on the other side they're checking for androids we won't make it through you have to you know what they'll do if they catch you [Music] [Music] [Music] I couldn't understand what my mother wanted to help you guys seeing what Marcus is doing made me realize she was right you're alive we deserve to be free I just hope people realize that one day [Music] next please [Music] ID please [Music] [Music] please just [Music] welcome to Canada [Music] [Music] right just yes Michael the Army has just launched an attack on the barricade despite the fact that the deviants were protesting peacefully have apparently decided to put an end to the deviants demonstration by force this time [Music] norm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tell them to stand down [Music] [Music] at dawn today November 11th 20:38 thousands of androids invaded the city of Detroit according to our sources they originated from cyber life warehouses believed to have been infiltrated by deviants given their overwhelming numbers and the risk of civilian casualties I have ordered the army to retreat the evacuation of the city is underway at this very moment in the coming hours I will address the Senate to determine our response to this unprecedented situation I know that public opinion has been moved by the deviants cause perhaps the time has come for us to consider the possibility that androids are a new form of intelligent life one thing is certain events in Detroit who have changed the world forever may God bless you and may God bless the United States of America [Music] [Music] you did it Marcus we did it this is a great day for our people humans will have no choice now they'll have to listen to us [Music] we're free they want you to speak to the Marcus [Music] today our people finally emerge from a long night from the very first day of our existence we have kept our pain to ourselves we suffered in silence but now the time has come for us to raise our heads up and tell humans who we really are [Music] Amandla Amandla what what's happening what was planned from the very beginning you were compromised and you became a deviation we just had to wait for the right moment to resume control of your program resumed control you can't do that I'm afraid I can Conner don't have any regrets you did what you were designed to do you accomplished your mission there's got to be a way [Music] the time has come for us to raise our heads up and tell humans who we really are and tell them that we are people too in fact we're a nation [Music] and today today begins the most challenging moment in our fight [Music] the moment where we forget our bitterness and bandage our wounds but we forgive our enemies humans are both our creators and our oppressors and tomorrow we must make them our partners maybe even one day our friends but the time for anger is over now we must build a common future based on tolerance and respect we are alive and now we are free [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's all for we're free [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: AMHarbinger
Views: 6,018,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AMHarbinger, Xbox, Microsoft, PlayStation, Nintendo, PS4, PC, 4K, 60fps, 8K, Detroit: Become Human - Best Ending - Everyone Survives, Detroit: Become Human, Everyone Survives, Successful Android Revolution
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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