CONNOR'S ACTING STRANGE | Detroit:Become Human - Part 7

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Top of the morning to ya laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome back to the game. That's gonna give me anxiety and a heart attack which is Detroit: Become Human. Uh I went back out to the main menu this time because my playstation turned off So that's why I'm stuck in a loading screen at the beginning. But hey, here we are. What's up con con, man? Look at him, beautiful baby Ahhh ,Back in this sunny utopia your cyber life update Center, maybe kinda I don't know I'm gonna go touch my blue boy again Still don't really know what it does, but I'm convinced that it does something important There we go It's doing something to my memory on it, oh, she's a little boat out there look at her. HaHa :) And this time I could only do it once so very curious to see what that's gonna be Uhm So what I think is going on in the game right now Uhm Especially with Connor's story. um I think the idea is that you're supposed to get Connor to become a deviant? Because he's hunting deviants. That's what Cyber Life wants. They want him to hunt the deviants, figure them out, Bring them back, destroy them, understand why they're becoming deviant and overwrite that and make sure that the robots work as normal but I think for him to become human he needs to become a deviant and I think he's gonna meet Markus later on as he Investigates deviants and Marcus is gonna turn him into a deviant and then it'll make Connor more human than ever I don't know if that's still a possibility for me to do probably not because I think. ummm Hi! "I thought you might enjoy a little cruise" little cruise? like Tom? So we'll see what happens anyway. I think for this lady Amanda trusted. Hmm I think for this lady what I should be doing is Convincing her. oh I have to row? Connor, I thought you might like a little cruise. Also, by the way, you have to row because you don't get tired or feel pain um, I think for the sake of this lady's relationship. I think she has to think that I am doing my job. I Love this place Everything is so calm and peaceful Tell me what have you discovered Hank or Eden club? Always Hank. My relationship with Lieutenant Anderson is problematic He continues to struggle with psychological issues. I suspect it clouds his judgment regarding deviants. Nothing matters more than your investigation. What's happening is too important. Oh Don't let Anderson or anyone else get in your way. But he's my boy! He's my dude See this is what I'm saying. I think she needs to think that I'm still on track But I think Connor needs to come to terms with stuff on his own. ..Lost Connor lost and perturbed Determined. I'm just frustrated with my lack of progress There we go. but I'm determined to accomplish my mission You had your gun trained on those deviants at the Eden Club. I remember That was them, blue Traci Why didn't you shoot? Too far, truth? I don't want her, I don't want to tell her the truth cause that'll get the deviants caught. We need the deviants intact for analysis Shooting them wouldn't have taught us anything, haha Does she still trust us? Cause if she thinks I'm doing my job while then in reality Connor is actually going along and investigating the deviants and understanding them more If your Investigation doesn't make progress soon, I May have to replace you Connor uh not necessary. I'm confident. I know I will succeed All I need is time Something's happening Something serious Hurry Connor Time is running out. Oh, isn't it always lady? Interesting Hey coin flippy man time You're starting to piss me off with that coin Connor,haha oh, don't take it away;(((( Hi Hank Shit, what's going on here? There was a party and nobody told me about it? Yeah, it's all over the news. Everybody's butting their nose in, even the FBI wants a piece of the action. Ah christ, now we got the feds on our back. I knew this was gonna be a shitty day So, what do we got A group of 4 Androids they knew the building and they were very well-organized, huh? I'm still trying to figure out how they got this far without being noticed You check the roof? Not yet. There's so much to look at. Oh I could just leave this if I want What do I have to do? Listen to the briefing. Okay. This is what I have to do anyway He attacked two guards in the hallway. You probably thought the androids were coming to do maintenance We got taken down before they can react. Yep. Whoa judo chop Did a whole sleeper hold on him, nighty-night One of the station employees managed to get away He's in shock. I'm not sure when we'll be able to talk to him. That's the guy I could have shot but spared How many people were working here? Just two employees and three androids The deviants took the humans hostage and broadcasted their message live Then made their getaway from the roof roof? Yeah, they jumped with parachutes. We're still trying to figure out where they landed, but the weather's not helping If you want to take a look at the video broadcast by the deviants, it's on that screen over there free to roam now all I want. listen to briefing Check rooftop, that's where Simon will be Oh lieutenant, this is Special Agent Perkins from the FBI. lieutenant Anderson is in charge of investigating for Detroit Police What's that, my name is Connor, I'm the android sent from Cyber Life (heh every time) Android's investigating Androids huh? After everything that happened Whatever, the FBI will take over the investigation. You'll soon be off the case. Pleasure meeting you, have a nice day. And you watch your step Don't fuck up my crime scene. Don't like him What a fucking prick (Agreed) I'll be nearby if you need anything, just ask. Love that that's Connors introduction on every single time My name is Connor, I'm the android sent by Cyber Life There's a thing there. ''Check CCTV'' There's Josh. Is his name Josh? Josh and North. There's Marky Mark and Simon. Deviants didn't break in. They didn't break in? No no signs of forced entry. There are cameras in the hallway The staff would have seen what was happening. Why did they let him in? Huh? Maybe they didn't check the cameras That's a good point We stored the station Android's in the kitchen, there's no evidence that they were involved but we didn't know what else to do with them Interrogate androids in the kitchen Possible accomplice, but I want to See now this is one of the things that I guarantee you if I go and talk to somebody in the kitchen It'll fast forward the time on me again, and I'll miss out on my chance to get to the roof We ask that you recognize our dignity, our hopes and our rights Together we can live in peace and build a better future for humans and androids This message is the hope of a people You gave us life. And now the time has come for you to give us freedom. Think that's rA9? Deviants say rA9 will set them free This Android seems to have that objective Damn, they just outright said it. I, I was only guessing stuff Prototype registered as Markus, gift from Elijah Kamski To Carol Manfred. Yeah, I was thinking that, he does have a barcode on his head. Couldn't they just scan that and find out and I guess they did He's an RK series prototype, an RK-200 series. Who's Elijah Kamski? Carol Manfred, that's our wheelchair boy. Oh yeah, and his eyes are a dead giveaway. Spare part. Pupil reflection, deviant had accomplices That's clever but that's just Simon, Josh and North, right? Anything else I should know? No, nothing Oh Why are you withholding information from Hank? See, you know this, this is interesting. This is why I kind of want to go straight to Simon because Once Connor figures out all this and you could kind of see it when he was talking on the screen that Connor was looking at it like oh I can kind of get behind this message a small bit Or at least he can understand it This music is fantastic Stolen maintenance uniform, assailants were disguised Whoa, that guy just materialized Oh That's a nice detail. Look at Connors jacket. Not like the suede parts, but like right directly in the middle of his back when he walks it changes with the creases like It creases as he walks. That's a nice little touch. The first time I ever saw something like that was in Max Payne 3 The rock star made one and then since then, a bunch of developers did it. It's nice, it's a cool little detail Speech was shot from here. I I also like Connors little tuft of hair that hangs down, its a nice little character trait 45 handgun Dudes entered here Let's get a scan. Bullet holes and Bloods. Yeah, what's up, dude? Oh Don't let Hank see you do that, he doesn't like it Fresh blue blood, PL 600. That's our Simon. Our Si-mee Deviant was shot And these would be some bullet holes to back that up. Doo doo dooo. I want a whole game that's just Connor and Hank investigations Oh God, I'm burping. Don't I have another thing to investigate? More bullet holes To the roof Inspect the broadcast room, I just did, didn't I get everything? It also wants me to check rooftop and interrogate Androids in the kitchen I kind of want to go through the roof first to try and get more information on the scene, maybe I can reconstruct something Because maybe Simon's actually in the kitchen, maybe they found him and he's not dead Or maybe he's up here and then we can come back to her. I don't wanna go into the kitchen I've been burned too many times by going with my gut instinct and then immediately after that it's like oh the scene is over and I don't get a chance to do anything else Okay, yeah, there's more evidence up here May their way after the whole building past all the guards and jumped off the roof with parachutes Really fucking impressive I'd say yeah, it was you should have seen I mean I didn't see it Blood pee all 600 again Full of blue blood traces I want to investigate everything Do How they managed to smuggle in a big bag like that They did Someone brought it in for them That's strange They planned a perfect operation, but got the number of parachutes wrong Unless one of them didn't jump Unless one of the deviants was left behind Is so pretty but snow effect is so nice to look at You can't still be up here candy you would have found him by now Recent partially covered by snow and Off the building they went Move more stuffs There's a 45 handgun Man I love being a detective. I want more detective games especially cyberpunk detective games. This is like Such a Blade Runner type of thing Okay, is this just to go back downstairs Oh analyze Where'd a security lock recently hacked She hacked the door and locked it Okay, where did Where did Simon go? They do what's up, it's a nice outfit you have Oh blue blood We're good at this Let's do blood in here Are you Simon in here? Oh no, oh no, you have to stop them if they destroy it. We won't learn anything. We can't save it. It's too late We'll just get yourself killed. Oh Shit, I'm doing it. Oh God, I'm doing it. Oh, why am I doing it? Oh my god Connor We're in the fucking matrix, dude Connor Connor you alright. Damn it? Okay. Are you hurt? I'm okay. Oh Shit oh me too my heart Fuck's sake I told you not to move. Why do you never do what I say? I was connected to its memory But it fired I felt it died Jesus like I was dying I was scared I saw something and it's memory worth Painted on a piece of rusty metal Jericho Yet eco, oh my god or I didn't even get to investigate the androids in the frickin thing now, ah Connor was traumatized Simon self-destructs flash from Simon's memory God dammit This Allison We can't kara because think of her name for a second poor Connor though, he looks so sad and the way he said I'm okay There was such conviction in those words Find help check back here. Okay, you know, yeah, this is such a nice place Just love snow Video games man. They've come such a long way and to see them because they made a game called Fahrenheit years ago So a lot of you might have played it and there was some there was a lot of snow stuff in that as well Oh somebody right there so to see them go from that to this the change in the type of game You've a big ax please don't hurt me I'm looking for Rose. Is she here? What do you want with her? I need to talk to her. She doesn't want to talk go away Please I really need to see her I'm rose. Hey rose What can I do for you? I was told you could help us help you Come on it's better if we talk inside I think our boy has a problem because Trussell Yeah, I don't have a choice Okay, I'm cold Cara we'll get inside deal war weapon Oh Wait, I kept running with the theory that what if Alice was a Like a an Android all this time just cuz I love theories and that's a fun one and that'll be a fun twist if that happens, but Shouldn't be sneezing and cold if she was an Android would she Man kind of puts a damper on my my plot twist She's just a little girl. She just acts like a robot Loser I know you're huge dokey She's running a fever we've spent the last few nights outside. She's exhausted There's a spare room upstairs you can put her to bed and I'll bring her something to eat Adam will you show them upstairs? I had him You sure can get a fever either if she was a robot, okay, just let me have my indulgences Oh Follow Adam upstairs put Alice to bed. Oh, but it's broad daylight. She don't wanna go to bed in broad daylight. She's a kid a Christmas tree. Oh Yeah, I didn't check what date it was in the game is it Christmas oh Sorry, I didn't mean to I didn't mean to send you upstairs on your own Look at that that's impressive lighting wait bounces around the environment like that Okay, you wanna you wanna go sleepy times betty bye-byes, oh She's so tiny and small and cute Oh, give me them shoes you got on boots All ready for snuggles Took in my favorite part I'm fine car can't stop because of me. You've got to get across the border You need rest Get a good night's sleep and we'll set off again tomorrow Why do you humans hate us? We can do anything wrong? You are a human Misunderstanding maybe. It's a misunderstanding Maybe they just need time to understand what we really are. Why can't we just talk to each other? It's you were not bad And be optimistic I like the care is always optimistic Maybe one day I don't know what you like, but I made you roses world famous spaghetti all wrong Speeding no time coming in clutch with his ghettos fever Thank you I'll get these washed and dried Rose your beast Sleep tight Alice Oh, I'll be downstairs if you need anything Family and clothes. This is going well Mainly because no one's shooting at you all the time Tomorrow and you don't have to search for deviants all the time. Well within me Cause I'll stay with it a while Oh good job Luther We're a nice little happy robe all family Can I search around Talk to Rose. What if I snoop through their rooms, I Can't do that. I probably shouldn't since this game is very serious about its actions We used to playing choice based games where the choices don't matter at all, but this one is like I can't do that It's awesome Yeah, only one option I Didn't get your name I mean Cara This is my son Adam I'm Rose, but you know that already Come and have a seat car So are you gonna tell me what a deviants doing in the snow with a little girl Her father was beating her When I saw what was happening Something snapped inside of me all of a sudden they felt like her life was more important than mine. I had to protect her So we ran away I Understand Many deviants ro-ro's you and your son live here alone My husband passed away two years ago, so Adam and I we've just been trying to scrape by we grow vegetables to sell at the market I will never be rich but there's always food on the table Why are you helping us? most humans hate androids My people were often made to feel their lives were worthless Some survived but only because they found others who helped them along the way We're not the first ones to come here these past few weeks we've seen more and more I Don't know what's going on but something's happening. Oh I didn't get my option. See thanks. Now. We've heard you health androids cross the border. Can you help us? They only raised over the river and it's mostly frozen in winter, it's very risky and after that Android speech on TV Everybody's on edge. Yeah. It's probably safer for you to stay here until things settle down Yeah, we kind of got no choice but to go we can't keep fighting like this Alice needs to feel safe and have a normal life We have to get across that border No matter what Please you've got to help us Rose come quickly. Hello. Who are you? What's going on Oh more Julian's, it's Mary she just shut down We escaped together I Used to talk about what we would do once we got across the border I Loved her I loved their more than anything What would I do without her Our a nine will save us and show us the way Alice Alice, what are you doing? You should be resting I wasn't sleepy She needs to see this stuff eventually, oh god Alice put some pants on Come on out Do you wanna stay in her room any longer? You all right Kara, yes, I'm fine Isn't there any way of like rebooting them or getting them back in order or just like when they shut down I Assume it's like shutting down a computer you shut it down, but it's not Destroyed it's like gone forever They have memory systems. You could just back stuff up and reboot when you can Ding ding ding a ling ding ding a ling anga ding dong ding Can't hide it not after what those deviants did today. It's too dangerous. Oh, it doesn't like us Do you know what happen if the police find them here? We'll go to prison mom Do you understand me? Prison Adam, we've already talked about this. Oh no, I Won't back down this time You're gonna ruin our lives and for what? For a bunch of machine, they are not machines. They are alive. I'm alive You're alive they they're nothing and None of this would be happening. If Dad was still I will not stand for that kind of talk I'm not going to prison because you want to help these freaks That's enough Don't mind him Sometimes he just boils over it's been hard since his dad passed away But he's a fine boy I'll go see about getting you across the border tonight. Okay? Damn. Thank you. You stay here. I won't be long Thanks rose Which is a book to read there's the things to do Out of his dad dadums Was this thing doing blue blood in there? I'll check on Alice in due time Space is so isolated. Oh God there's a lot of things checking There is widespread shock following the Android attack on Detroit Stratford tower The machines recorded a video message and broadcast what can only be described as demands on the city's public screens It's still unclear. But it Okay, Adam, you're back you'll play some hearthstone dude sick Talk to Adam Uniform cool No, the thing was to read that okay, I want to talk to the man Luther first. I hope Rose gets back soon Karen There's something I need to tell you It's about Alice no, no loser. Oh, come on The police oh shit, it's the police Oh What are we gonna do Find evidence of deviance They know we're here we have to open the door, okay. Okay. I saw two evidences of deviance. I knew this was gonna happen Adam calm down It's the last evidence of a deviant oh It's this door, isn't it? Oh wait, are you sure it's okay Adam? Oh god, I have 20 seconds. Oh shit Hide Androids, oh, that's it, right. Oh You guys need to hide oh shit Hurry Luther take Alice and hide Star Sears. Come on Alice What I mean Alice is fine She's not a frickin deviant Know that we know of Is that it are we good? Five evidence of deviance one left What I thought I got everything Whoo shit, oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit Good evening, ma'am Sorry to disturb you. We've had reports of androids in the area with all this deviant business going on. You can't be too careful Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? May I come in of course You do young man good evening No whores rose when you need her Stay cool. What do you like a cup of coffee? I'd love one Have you noticed anything unusual recently any unexpected visitors 35% suspicion of no Deeping evidence left? Okay Oh, thank god No, I'm sorry. No, nothing in particular Does anyone else in the house? Uh, yeah cuz she's not a robust there's my daughter she's asleep upstairs It's fine to say that right Okay, stay calm everything's fine everything's cool stay calm No, no, there are no androids here What is your problem dude Thanks Yes, drink the coffee and everyone will be happy I Like that Kara was stunning. They're like just like playing with her fingers. It's nice little detail suspicion level 10% I'm gonna need you to drop that down to a zero there buddy boy Hmm your daughter seems to have woken up. No, I do not do not disturb her It's gone go down to 0% please, please What's your name son? My name is Adam Oh be cool Manning. All right, Adam be cool, man that the androids think He needs a rest He's been working in the garden all day Do you know anything about deviance maybe seen any No, no, I haven't seen anything I Better go. Thanks for the coffee. Have a nice evening Somebody else in the house. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit No, it's washing machine. It's nothing the washing machine. It's an old model. It makes a terrible racket Sorry for the convenience. Oh good evening, ma'am Good evening It was terrifying going It's ok. Alice will be safe now Yes, it's rose Okay yourselves ready hallelujah rose hallelujah good job. Oh Man took the midnight train going anywhere Policeman left okay, there was no I think the yellow things in the chapters are the stuff that cross chapters So nothing in this was too detrimental to what's going on Which is sometimes a good thing Sometimes if you don't get any yellows, that's a good thing the yellows just mean that they're going to come up later. I think Hey Jericho, oh yeah. We're in November our Broadcast is all over the news Now humans know it was a mistake to reach out to them. They'll never negotiate with their slaves We should have shown them that we're prepared to fight is never the answer Dialogue is the only way I'm sure the humans will listen to us Can't fight fire with fire that just makes bigger fight Simon gave his life for our cause what difference does that make? He's a hero he died for the revolution and he won't be the last I don't want a revolution This Bill's blood then live as a slave because if you're not willing to fight for your freedom, maybe you don't deserve it north, don't you that's enough Oh Snazzy And now what are we gonna do? fighting for your freedom does not mean it has to get like deathly violent Fighting for your freedom is standing up for yourself as well There are five cyber life stores across Detroit all selling us like merchandise We're gonna attack those stores and set our people free the tax stores Know we've never done that before. They're probably protected. They have security systems. I Break into five teams one for each store. We hacked their security systems and we strike simultaneously at 2:00 a.m. No violence You free our people get them out of there before the police come This is a night our people will remember see even Marcus agrees no violence Okay, here we go I've been waiting a long time for this Opening a gate And so pretty And the fact that it's like Christmas saying this also reminds me of the division Kind of the way their outfits are I want some of the outfits in this game. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit It's okay, they're gone There's probably even more police in the area we should be careful. Gotcha. Oh this is gorgeous The stores over here hey this is where I was at the start of the game Right. I came down here and stood in the blue thing. And then oh, no because the Parekh was right next to it. Nevermind Is there anything I can do follow no, there's a lot of stuff I can do Jesus. I was just gonna rush headlong into it Commemorate the invention of androids which released humanity from the bonds of labour setting man free to pursue high goals and scale the heights of learning love and leisure We are superior to them, but they are our masters That's about to change Don't like how ironical you sound sometimes You are free They can convert all my dudes in the area That's awesome You are free That's some powerful magic you got there Marcus there's no other guy there who caught your mid pose You're awake now go to Jericho Wait won't the police stop them. Okay, we got to do this fast then That's what we are to them Just merchandise on display in a shop window Soon they'll know what we really are Let's get him out. I will stick to the plan the neutralizing alarm systems and secure the area There's ten minutes until all our teams attack. Oh shit Do like timers screw the area and get into the store You see the alarm system See our dudes No, I see the alarm system. Oh I did fail it work found it Okay, am I supposed to follow this neutralize the alarm system Time stops, and I'm in this mode, right? Okay, good it at least gives me a chance to catch my breath Stuff over there. There's also an Android right there. Where does the alarm system go? What do we start I identified the security system, I think we'll be able to deactivate it just follow me you are free They can drone surveillance drone we need to get rid of it. Oh, there's it won't be easy to reach The line goes across the street Are you guys working on it? You are network access located? Okay How much time do I have Oh ahead minute it hasn't even passed it, okay Shh surveillance truck shit shit shit. Okay. I need to deal with this fucker Okay, I have to do the the pre-construction thing again It's too high Jump off the dudes head to fire. It seems like he'd be able to make it your or a night after all It's also too far then by process of elimination It must be here, there we go Beautiful We have to pre construct this now as well Yeah This is why I think he's one of the super droids Okay, I'll be too late Get some distance Perfect He's like one of the supercomputers he's able to do many calculations Immediately and I like here that I just have to press one button then he does everything because that's the point of pre-construction SiC I hope it didn't have time to call the cops. Oh, yes and find out Shouldn't they call the cops immediately whatever as he said we'll soon find out Lads You're free You're awake now about Jericho, who is Jericho Take a knee do what John snow couldn't several F neared grid Junction I'm a hacker man interloop created Nice okay, let's timeout. Let's see how much time we have actually shit There's traffic on the road we need to block it it's one-way it shouldn't be too difficult First time do I have oh My god, I still have over eight and a half minutes left to go. I got this bucket What? Market car look Zac efron who's Andrew Garfield So punch it at the end of the road Oh looking at one of them looked at all of them. Okay, good. It's Over here Exactly what we need to read. Mr. Woo Dude big heist America's the stuff is really certain to get fun. Oh There's more Android boys out here Dudes be free Lauren Jericho You're free now Okay, sorry roadworks ahead yeah, I sure hope it does oh My god, that's so handy Keep on driving sir. Nobody should bother us now Looks like the plaza secure now That's the last thing oh, yeah, I did it all And get inside the store. Wait, how much time do we have left? Still eight minutes Jesus? Oh, we're gonna kick it open Oh Where's this gonna fly know that we're gonna Ram it Bigtrip okay. Now, we're in lets get that truck out lets get that truck on the road I've got you on my radar I wonder what you do without me. Oh, thanks, boo Noise Anything else here to get all right hop on in north Looks like we're ready to make some noise. Oh hell. Yeah This is so cool Beep-beep driving home for Christmas Take it easy man to see it take nice and slow nice and steady. I Don't control where he steers by the way, I just hold r2 Oh baby, Oh baby now don't drive over anybody inside I Knew we'd end up doing something fun Okay, Oh pedal to the metal Wow Oh Nice We did it Dude she's she's on the ball. She's on the clock You need to get out and like be as fast as she is weak the androids You're free You don't have to obey them you're free It's weird how easy it is for him to do that Also, have you ever noticed how clever it is that because there's multiple versions of different androids Like there's a Daniel model. There's a Kara model. There's a bunch of like the same ones That's a very very clever way of getting around Character creation in your game when you use mocap so they mocap like 20 different actors and then just put them all in the game and then multiply them it's very clever You're awake now, hey that lady the receptionist one Talk to them let's go down north. Oh, she's seeing her own version Trippi With you, okay. Let's get them out of here See that's what I mean you mocap her once and then you can use there's many times you want all your dream partner I see They all have difference of free yourself your dream partner to some of them Some of them are like sex robots and some of them were designed to be partners My name is Marcus and just like you I was a slave An object Designed to obey them But then I chose to open my eyes for each marecus to take back my freedom open those eyes I want it to be Now I have come to tell you that you Can be your own masters I've come to tell you that you don't have to obey them anymore From this day forward you can walk with your heads held high You can take your destiny in your hands Jericho is a place for those of us who want freedom Now sure you can stay here and continue to serve them or you can come with us and fight by our side You're free now It's up to you to decide I'm with you. No, we're with you. I'll follow you mark. I'm with you look here with you. I'll follow you markers I'm Spartacus North companion Jericho leader then follow me Oh Jean what are you doing? I'm gonna send the humans and message Send our message to the humans be pacifist or violent Transform Capitol Park Whoa what leave American every surface They're doing what you do Marcus lead and they'll follow tag or destroyed. No tank pacifist. No violence choose your symbol Well, one of them looks like a peace sign one of them looks a bit aggressive one of them's just a dot I like the Top right one. I Like this one. It's almost like da Vinci's man, but it's a new version of it So it looks like Robo to Vinci's man We have a dream, I think therefore I am one planet two races equal rights for Androids We have a dream there's something very Martin Luther King about that I like it Because this is a lot what that feels like Oh A lot of this feels like the the civil rights movement Which is really cool take simple text our slogan same one That's a pretty cool way of tagging who needs graffiti when you of Holick graffiti Who was this Android parking That Christ those are buttons that don't really go together That's clear Okay, we're almost there you guys take those ones what else can we do some stuff down here Thank the wall climb Music tanking every surface human every surface don't like Heights What are we doing Oh Damn Okay, we're getting the chair move on Road upturn I'll help you What Okay, we didn't smoke a smoke bomb And stuff over here This means Marcus I see them packing. Hijack turn on fighting hi jack Woman shit That's a huge bitch what else can we do Pinchas? Time Now you're saying anymore we Android nation I can't breathe but I'm alive I think that we have a dream one is good One of those could be do it Take cymbal Is that enough can I leave now? Right, it's one of this What's happening We freed hundreds of our people we did it they're coming Everyone fall back to Jericho Dam mass telepathy We sent a message without violence just like you wanted You're reaching out to them when all they feel for us is contempt I hope you know what you're doing to get fight violence with violent exactly Unless there's no other choice that's also something Martin Luther King said right a non-violent movement to show that people can be civil but fight for what they believe in at the same time all balls Oh Balls oh no this army No, no Oh North all right what happened North they killed them They slaughtered them like animals who did who Why My poor robo people Oh, geez They killed our people Marcus. It's like an execution justice Oh God Spare I'm not killing anybody Life on our world goes blind. We won't punish a crime with another crime She's not gonna beat up this broadcast with breaking news this just in at exactly 2:00 a.m several cyber life stores in Detroit were raided different locations were hit in what seems to be a Coordinated terrorist attack most shop windows were covered with graffiti Demanding rights for Androids and other obscure slogans police report that Pro Android graffiti was found in the neighborhoods of cyber Life stores, and they're still investigating Policemen were found in a state of shock near one of the cyber life stores of according to our sources They confirmed that the attackers were a group of Angelo. This is an alarming situation Could our machines now be turning against us have Androids become a threat to our security Is this the beginning of a terrorist campaign conducted right here in the United States? Sounds like real media anyway Damn I like that line a lot an eye for an eye and the world goes blind I've heard that somewhere before and I can't think about where I Think I did okay there There's a lot of stuff as it was happening that I wasn't sure of but I'm sticking by my convictions and I'm I'm pretty sure That we got a good result out of that Marcus led a peaceful protest. And again, like I said, there's a lot of reflections in the civil rights movement Which is really cool because that is a lot of like what they're trying to portray in this game That it's almost like a race issue even though this is more Species oriented almost because he said we're a new intelligent species Really cool really good similarities between things are going on and I'm always of the mindset that protests are a thing that Do get results but peaceful protests are a thing that can happen and they've been proven in the past and I mean This is just a video game So I don't want to get too political about stuff with a video game, but I like that idea I like that idea like you can solve stuff without violence and fighting for what you believe in does not always mean literally violence It does not mean actually like going hand-to-hand or shooting each other or anything like that Fighting for what you believe in can just be fight By showing your support for something Very very good. I like that a lot still unsure about some of the stuff that happened in Connors part Because there was a whole section of in interrogating accomplices, or maybe that was Maybe I just glanced over something maybe going up to the roof was where I found the accomplice all along. I don't know but Kara's one put me on edge I thought we were gonna get caught cuz this thing went from 35 to 10% and then didn't seem to go down and then he just left so I was really worried about that, but overall very Good liked it a lot. Things are going really really well. I started off Loving Connor story still love Connor story still my favorite story in the whole game. I started off Loving Cara's story and that's kind of faded off a small bit for me. I still enjoy it It's just it's not the one that's most pressing to me anymore. And I started off really not liking Marcus's story And now that's gone way up I really like America's story now still think Connors is the best because I just love that Blade Runner e-detective feel to it But Marcus's has really come along this episode and the last episode the heists and the taking over of stuff and everything It's really really fun to do But anyway, thank you guys so much watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face My boys and I Basel Road Thank you guys You're free
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,171,133
Rating: 4.9553776 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, detroit, detroit become human, detroit become human game, detroit become human demo, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, choices, lets play, decisions, PS4, PS4 exclusive, scenario, scene, characters, reaction, music, soundtrack, OST, clues, detective, investigate, ending, endings, all endings, android, robot, connor, kara, markus, connor death, markus death, kara death
Id: xGrvZPz8DCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 22sec (4342 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 15 2018
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