DID I MISS SOMETHING HUGE!? | Detroit:Become Human - Part 9

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He probably did miss something huge

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/thismanisplays 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Yeah he frikin did!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/IcyCreams 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2018 🗫︎ replies
[WHAPOOSH!] Top of the morning to ya, laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome back to [Frenchified] "Detroit: Become Human", Where we last left off all my special lil' robot babies made it off the boat. They're all alive! My lil' Sour Patch Kids! They're all in the water, ready to go! I think. Maybe. We'll see what's happening. Right now, We are outside a statue, full a' snow! Are we back at Carl's house?! Ohhhh! Markus, you're goin' home! You look great for a dude who just.. avoided war and landed in the ocean. *door opens* It remembers us! *happy laugh* Well, *you* more than any of the rest of us but I'd like to think we're all in this journey together! *happy/nostalgic* Ah, my god! That's a cool picture. It's so weird to be back! Hello, robo-birds! *reading option* "Play? *futuristic beep as message begins* *happy* HE'S NOT DEAD!! *grateful sigh* Awww. That's adorable! Ah, my god, for all this time I thought Markus killed him! Hello, chirpy birds that are actually deactivated so you're... *basically* dead. Oop, can't go in the kitchen. *high pitched* Hello~? Everything *looks* the same. There's a lot more pictures everywhere. Aw, man, that looks like the picture *I* drew. As Markus! Maybe I *inspired* him.. ever so slightly. Aww, where we played chess.. It feels like only yesterday! *about chess piece, whispering* (Put it up your butt!) What, who said that? Not me. That one's.. scary. 'Kay, I've already seen the giraffe. Awh, he never moved my picture! That's so nice. How much time has passed between then and now? 'Cause I haven't been paying attention to all the time stamps of stuff that's been happening. Oh, what's this? I don't think there's anything of actual interest around here, I think we're just here to see Carl so let's go up and see him. I'm impatient, I wanna see.. my buddy boy. Hopefully he's still in.. *decent* health. Last time we saw him, he needed a wheelchair to get everywhere. I'm assuming that hasn't changed much. Did he get new stairs? *in reaction to painting* Whoa! Carl's been painting up a storm! Who are you?! *whispering* (Convert him!) Yeah! Aw, no! Thank you, buddy. *jealously* I see Carl *downgraded* since I left. Hah. AW, NO! He's so much worse! *reading options* Lost, grim, fatal.. "resigned?" I need advice. Carl always has such sage advice. We keep- I'm bombarding him with so much on his almost death bed. Hmmm... I knew I could count on you Carl! :) I was hoping it would just go.. *flatline noise* and we'd have to watch Carl die. I'm so happy we didn't have to do that. Oh god, we're at the Church of Markus. This would be really interesting if you went the entire opposite path. You could literally become like a.. tyrant. A cult leader. Turn into Android Hitler. Thankfully, we like our buddy Markus. What are we doing? *reading options* "Talk to your people," "Apologize to Kara," "Decide Connor's fate." Ooh, I do *not* like how you phrased that. Is this Kara? Hey, Kara and Alice. Karalice! Okay, you're also- oh.. *zips lips* He's tryin'. You're also.. *androids.* Like you could just find *some* way to cross a border! Right? You, don't get tired. You don't get cold, You don't get anything. Also why go to the- *breath in* just.. whatever. I'm poking holes in somethin' that I shouldn't be. Wait, *reads* "decide Connor's fate." Where's Connor? 'Kay, that's Connor on the right. That's Josh. I'm guessing that's North. Okay. Let's talk to Con Con Man! *protectively* Don't say that, baby boy!! Oh, I trust you. Wholeheartedly! OH, I TRUST. Aw, no, my boy! *Jack sighs.* MY BOY'S GOIN' OFF ON A MISSION! He's gonna be *mini* Robo Jesus! I'mma talk to Josh. it's one of the jerries Hi, jerry We are jerry What's up, joshua? if it weren't for you i'd be dead Thanks to you i might see her people free one day You, and i haven't always agreed but i know We're fighting for the same thing Whatever you, decide i'm with. You marcus, yeah that's my, boy thanks dude Let's give mr. Duncan start knocking one of these That's the look of appreciation Okay, now let's go talk to north and hope it doesn't go south again That is north right? hey, boo They, say they, don't want to take, any risks with deviance So they're rounding our people up and taking them to the camps for extermination not jesus It's like a concentration, camp the only ones that Is horrible how, many of us survived the attack a few hundred Maybe more if you count those hiding all over the city If you hadn't triggered the, bomb we'd all be dead What's? Your system status i'm okay? Huh nominal Well i didn't need, my kahuna's You could have been killed trying to save me marcus You have to think of our people first nothing else matters In a few hours in a lobby over will have changed the world of the world will have destroyed us You have to make a choice marcus, oh don't do that Whatever you choose, we will follow. You i love you marcus She said the l word and now we're interfacing, oh come on guys not in front of the other androids Kiss her you fool, oh maybe that's their version of kissing except you actually kissed yeah, inform your people of your choice i haven't made my choice yet i Have to back up to my, throne i'm gonna, give a speech everybody please be a good one humans have decided to, exterminate us Our people are packed in camps right now being destroyed Time has come to make a choice One that very, well may determine the future of our people hell, yeah launched an assault in the camps to liberate the androids revolution march peacefully, no i'm gonna demonstration i know i Know you're all angry? And i know you, want to fight without fighting violence or violent i assure you violence is not the answer here We are going to tell them peacefully that, we want justice? The humanity in them they will listen and if not Others will take our place and continue this fight Are you ready to follow, me i will follow you marcus i mean they will i'm not angelique I'm just really hyped up Marcus marcus marcus What a sweet baby, boy, not as sweet as, my other, baby, boy, my other baby, boy, is the sweetest he's the best of all Okay, there's a few other people they could have talked you but, oh? No spare connor is one of them so, oh? what would i do at connor there otherwise just throw him to the wolves i Need, to protect him because my name is connor I'm the android, say bye so everyone at 6:00 a.m. This morning a national curfew, was declared hillary clinton civilian movement will be strictly controlled The right to assembly is suspended all Electronic communications are restricted and i have granted Enhanced powers to our security agencies to him in addition to these measures all Androids must be handed over to the authorities immediately Temporary camps are being set up in all our major cities to contain, and destroy them i am now asking all civilians to cooperate with the authorities And rest assured that everything in our power is being done to guarantee the security of our nation Still on got the head honcho though please please, oh We can, answer questions the deviants been apprehended the that is known as marcus has not been located yet but We will soon track it down and neutralize it madame president whirring, fem hacking Is it true that the androids could have our it systems like nuclear power plants and military bases all Androids working on sensitive sites have been neutralized and all it systems have been suspended to avoid Any risks of hacking the situation is under control All it systems have been suspended, oh? Please you can't just suspend it Many, believe that androids are a new form of intelligent life, do you have any comment that's ridiculous Next question please, oh jeez, she doesn't even explain please Cyberknife what's gonna happen a cyber life will androids be banned definitively We're working very closely with cyber life to neutralize all deviants, i won't make any comments about anything Else until we've dealt with the android question Please i feel like if that was real life it would just immediately be shut down. Like they, would never be trusted again Public opinion, jericho so recall centers are republican Madam president public opinion seems to have become increasingly favorable to the deviant particularly since they've adopted a peaceful approach How, do you feel, about this, yeah public opinion is one thing the security of the state is another These deviants are dangerous, and my highest priority is to protect the american people Thank you that will be all I don't know a man feels like, you kind of Do your best there the con con man my, boy i Don't have con and hank adventures anymore though sad Connor model 3 1 3 2 4 8 3, 1 7 i'm the android since buy you cyber life Identification successful, ok? I am a super hacker man i am mr. Robot That's a badass gate need one of those for my house It's a a penis how, is that cyber life Jesus, not only is their software an affront to mankind so are there structures This is very irobot? Okay, play it cool, you are a connor the android sent by cyber, life just remember that We got this Follow, me we'll escort you thanks but i know, where to go, maybe but i have my orders These remind, me of stormtroopers or the guys, from mirror's edge catalyst Don't arouse suspicion what the hell, is this agent lee 300 Yeah, agent 47. Ah, that has to be an easter egg right let's go Hit man's with, us i'll never get pass him Oh, jesus this is where the oscars are made? this is an evil building if ever i've seen, one Okay, i would, say play it cool, connor but you're an android. You you can't really get Stressed, well i guess you can't know, that you're a deviant wait cool Okay, you just keep telling them that you're the android side bite them hey, fellas these in 54 level 31 Reggie's have to go to minus forty-nine, wait where are we going? Seems like you guys are expecting me stop the elevator free construct camera Camera status enabled Who, hacker man's, away? noise anything else Okay, i don't have time to be wasting don't touch that don't touch me don't touch my, boy! Okay, let's pre construct, let's kick, some, ass. Oh wait only america's, was pre constructing before now, both of them ken What happens if i do that do i get shot i? Immediately get shot okay, we'll go over the other guy first it feels like the the best solution get him And then kick him pre calculation complete execute order 66 Jesus duties What's the point of freaking something about the continued Touch, my, boy! John wick you're a so more like connor deviant, oh? Oh, agent 54 s voice agent 54 level sub 49 Cuz, they, were they were obviously expecting connor for something i needed to go to level 50 something for that Everything he's kicking, off pretty simple sermon hey My, girls are back bus leaves in 20 minutes that doesn't give us much time we've got to move fast Move fast no alice You all right You're! A fucking robot, oh? I can turn off her cold sensitivity really, oh My, god if only it was that easy with real kids mommy i'm hungry josh hit me There you'll feel, better now, ah thanks And look that it's just a setting that, we turn on or off? That's where she was never hungry? also if you notice the androids are never leaving a plume of smoke in the cold i like this, might come in handy They, never breathe out like hot air so they never have that like Mist or smoke or whatever you Want to say coming out of their mouth the breath coming out of their mouth so that maybe that was a that says heavy rain, and To infinite and beyond our on in the cinema that's a reference of their two previous games So maybe that, was may give away, for alice's that she never had coins or hot breath You have to keep going everyone catch that bus stay close to me I'm going to sneak past them without being noticed we're. Gonna get solaced i promise you we're not gonna, save them Don't kill me i didn't do anything oh, them anymore look it under my breath, oh god boy, you're back, oh god There are soldiers everywhere, who need, to be careful, boys poor androids get the cognac good boy i Already, called my girls, oh? God i hate it luther He didn't die in the boat save luther of course Okay, let's come i, also like how, the game took three minutes off me already i've not been doing, this section for three minutes yet or have i hey buddy I'm human i just want to go home, my wife is expecting, me and we're going to order please, oh god find a weapon i have a weapon i have a, goner What do you know, this fucking break Road slowly, oh? Is this sony, oh? Yeah, baby i shouldn't wish you liked to see me Where's alice she's hiding, nearby car you saved us jerry, we don't know. How. To thank you go before they see i Wanted to meet you at the terminal but, they caught me, along the way? Come on we're close but, we don't have much time everyone's safe in a life, this is going really, well Jesus, oh jesus, where am i going over there, oh? don't see us Turn around, oh you motherfucker, oh? God i thought, we were boned, oh lucy, you're gonna give us away, you're gigantic Poor androids that stores called probity Okay, go go go go, please please please please Loser it's like trying to hide a truck These little shamrock on that one over there turn around you stormtrooper fuck Keep turning, no okay, oh? we're out Hallelujah, baby but chuck boyd We have passports it should be okay but you never know Maybe, we should take the detour and avoid the risk we're almost out of time we could, miss the bus, yeah yeah Well you might be safer it takes 3 minutes to go through that takes 11 min i don't even have 11 minutes i i only have 10 minutes left i have to do this one We have passports we're, okay, we look human, we look like a family we're safe Just, don't freak out i don't like, humans, who carry guns They, make me nervous just stay calm all right luther you just talk in your, brains to each other your old robots heidi, please They, don't realize, there's akopian. Civilians aren't allowed out unless absolutely necessary Where are you, going, uh Played the daughter carriage always, my daughter slept over at. A friend's house We went to pick her up we're on our way home now You, suspect something Stay cap, now you can talk in your, brains, stay calm everything is fine you all right little girl She's just cold tumbling feeling, wrong, she's just cold She's sick She's sick a, bad flu We just need, to get her home Mm-hmm urgent, sorry, miss but, we got to be careful there are deviants around and now guys are nervous Hey, wait a minute uh-huh he knows cara, no he doesn't he knows, nothing he knows nothing don't do anything luther do you Hear, me they're gonna shoot. Oh please they're, gonna kill Do nothing, oh if i shoot it's all-out war You, drop, this. Oh thank you you're, welcome? mother of god Usually, you need to calm down for a big burly dude you should freak out a lot She is coming to you, live from detroit where thousands of androids are marching to the city at this very moment The leader of the deviants the one they call marcus is at the head of the march Something's happening in detroit madam president got final stand Oh i'm getting flashbacks, deja vu don't shoot us all down Got this we're just walking peacefully no problem This is cool Sound design is very nice in this game ooh? The detroit gamers are playing baseball i know, what detroit's team is called? detroit city, baseball team Convinced the human so this might not be so easy, i can't change camera angles Hey, guys here we are? Oh, god no thanks Just here to talk, oh good that'll keep him in check We don't want confrontation, we are protesting peacefully hostile Okay, we're safe there's no turning back now Fer we are here to demand the immediate liberation of all androids detained in camps across the country We are not leaving until our people are free They're, gonna start shooting aren't they the rock is good shot i Think, we're all kind of getting shot i? Did get shot niels sit raised hands raised fists sit So people usually do in protests everyone in unison Are you, gonna open fire on unarmed protesters World's watching? Yes michel, we are less than a hundred meters away, and events are unfolding as, we speak, we will continue to bring you live updates Josh, douglas channel 16 michel back to you, thank you josh We hold out? As long as we can My, boy, my beautiful boy We can, do this connor many of them there are Go, hacker man's Elevator attraction blocked, okay so nobody can follow, me down at least, oh, my, god this is just like the scene in irobot I'm not gonna walk down and one of them is just gonna like turn its head at me Why is this so cam Wait now you can convert Step back connor and don't spare him, sorry connor no this bastard you're spittin image no there's two connors Connor and a guy, connor No it's got pilgrim all over, again, the bus terminal We've arrived at us, we made it i mean hank as, well ticket holding passengers only We're stuck here now, what are we going to, do we're just buy a ticket find tickets karen They're, checking everyone, it won't take them long to find us shit, we need to get out of here? train tickets our god We're supposed to find a ticket If you just go through that area You, stole my, little girl todd, no Security, no over here, oh todd you piece of shit, uh Appeal, don't do this time, don't kill us if you penderson your story She took, your daughter, away You, couldn't live it out So you bought yourself anita, they had a real daughter a substitute little girl You, thought you could love, her but, she wouldn't make you forget But nothing could replace your child I just wanted to prove to myself that i was a good father she, was wrong? But i fucked it all over she, was right in the end i didn't deserve them At least - girl You, don't know how. Much i miss my son good roll There's your, problem sir no i made mistake sorry Thank you todd you luck oh Now, let her let, her have her closure and him too oh Oh i almost feel bad for him oh, that was really nice standing there Crap i can't go that way? By todd Can he steal people's location. Id over time naman this, dawei most paranoid, about that shit now, oh? Don't be that way we're gonna spot us And if there are any other robot serious during six i think oliver likes you it's oliver Is she yours, yes she's adorable that's it got the saddle cheese i called, your mom Let's get going, before you, miss her bus You got the tickets right yes honey in my, bag great let's go there, oh? No, oh, no i'm gonna have to steal they're taking our eye, oh? No, that poor family Well we've come so far we can't just let it go away now i'm sorry, oh i'm so sorry i was sure i don't believe it You kind of lost them Did you have a good look in your, bag are you wearing, my backpack the envelope must have fallen fuck Excuse me you didn't happen to see a blue envelope somewhere did you has our bus tickets in it never mind oh No, no sorry What are we gonna, do oh, we can't stay here? We have to find a, safe place for oliver your humans Maybe pick, again, don't know, what happened they were right here in my bags Don't want a thing like that we've come we've come this far To get across the border this is literally our whole mission and it's right there, we can't just let, that slip and they're human They'll, be fine we're the ones, who are gonna get destroyed if we leave? Got your cricket yes here they are Okay, go ahead Thank you fn-2187 Oh, god are we actually, gonna do it are we gonna do it are we actually, gonna be able to get on and leave They're, gonna be fine no not gonna die? no no of course not i mean they're, not they're, not gonna, die They're, just gonna be in a city. That's going, to war, oh i feel horrible oh, this game Bye-bye detroit wait, is that it is that all the border patrol they have Hey, this is great and all but is connor okay? This is not look very peaceful We said, we were being peaceful and now we're just putting up giant barricades mean forced barricaded, oh, oh we've got to finish the barricade come on help me Let's use a bitch And strong android power Oh i'd say that really helped i'm still just gonna say that really held it right That should do it i know it was not an easy decision to make But i'm sure we're doing the right thing me too i don't think north will see it that way what in yup It's like, we came to march Protest peacefully, we're just going to move all these cars and rip up these signs and everything well it's only because you're shooting at me Send a message to the journalist. Chuck soldiers positions support. Your people i'm a sport, my people by lighting a fire Because androids need heat what are you rubbing yourselves like, you're cold, you're robots i know continuity errors Many of our people have fallen, okay i'll be back to talk to you in a second I mean i guess it is like you will shut down if you get Beyond freezing and your bio components freeze up and the blue blood freezes in your, system but it's not like a hard thing to do Marcus, we found what you asked for? Hey, it's another north model and another Simon daniel model my name is daniel i'm the android, some journalists over there We have to make sure they know, what's going on? Whoa, those are cool, prisoners equality, alive free Equality, oh, my, bad my bad let, me try that again equal rights for androids Longest public opinion keeps going, up that's good sport, your people check soldiers positions What else can, we do man there's a lot of things to do? Okay, and i want to talk to main characters yeah because i feel like that that will just progress things what's up y'all The humans have no pity for those, who are different, oh i do believe me a Lot of humans have no pity for those, who are different even within, their, own species Good job supporting, me i'm sure he feels very reassured Are you alright It's not into the crowd Many of us are killed It could have been, me i'm scared i don't, want to shut down And he's got robo ptsd any short inspire justify Reassure it's okay, to be scared I'm scared too but I can't stand by, why, they kill our people You, understand that right Maybe, we should have never asked for freedom none of this would have happened if we'd stayed silent no no Freedom is good it's a hard-fought battle it's an uphill struggle, but, we can get there There is a book to read not that i really care, about books right now Androids are taken to the streets of detroit in apocalyptic Scene sir troy is already in the grip of a national product recall with android series bubble, ads it's all stuff we know? These military authorities and attendants to protect. Civilians, detroit's police captain fowler a senior officer okay? feed lost That was my favorite feed? There's another thing here wasn't there New, oh there was a thing right here the flag Wave it high and proud This is almost like the french revolution at the same time Which is funny because? Quantic dream are a french developer studio or at least david cage the game director is french maybe they're trying to show, off their history Actually i keep saying it's like the french revolution, which i know only through lame is so? Maybe it's not at all like that Movie didn't go down, that way at all in real life It won't stop there What are we gonna do if they attack resist? That's the only, thing, we can, do? Do you, think connor has any chance of making it of course he does he's my, boy he can only count on ourselves now Conner's my dude of course he's going, to make it My north I, guess it's better than nothing I lost all contact with the people at the camps damn i can't hear their voices anymore Maybe the humans, have scrambled our network maybe, they just can't get through Firstly kill them all Yes optimism is key thank you north brett's desperate doubts to rim There's no other way out they are, going to kill us The only hope, we have left, is that, we don't die for nothing? you're, the hope of our people I trust you, we all trust you? No, matter what happens now on making history That's true you guys really, like, doing this! Also how many times i have to tell the people in my, group, that's gonna work, no violence let's just resist hold on it'll work who never believes me Wait i have nothing left to do marcus. Oh marcus come look perkins Comes Dr. Markus! Come on you have, my word they, won't try anything Don't go it's a trap! They, want to get you out of the open, don't go Markus, maybe but i couldn't, want to know, what he was has to say Oh! Please, don't shoot me please don't shoot me i need, to hear, what he has to say, what if they kill you And that's a chance i'll have to take Josh, you've got the, wheel robo jesus coming down Here's a few minutes the troops have, you ordered to charge none of you will survive It'll all be over? You can, avoid that marcus What do you mean? surrender Surrender and i give you, my word your life will. Be spared that's not gonna work be detained but 90 you will be destroyed What were the other demonstrations could happen to the other androids demonstrating in the camps Unfortunately there were no journalists around to help, save them You're, it you're the last remaining deviants, oh no Hell, no i'm not, gonna do that If i accept your offer how do i know you'll keep your word You're, not in any position to be demanding guarantees marcus All you can, do right now is decide whether. You, want to trust, me or not no i do not I'm not afraid, to die if i have to give, my life for what i believe in and i won't have lived in vain that android You seem to really Care about her Didn't want her to die oh do you, what a shithead you Know you could, both be free You could forget about all this you could Start a, new, life someplace else just the two of you didn't. You just say i'd be detained Her nights in your hands marcus Just say the word and she'll. Be spared, all that's in my hands as snow No, i refuse your deal rat head, and i'd rather die here then betray, my people Well you just signed your own death warrant Ain't giving in perky, we can, do this connors gonna come through Wherever marcus, what, did he say He said we're all gonna be fine and we all get ice cream but really he said he's gonna kill us all The humans are about to launch an attack And we will show them and we are not afraid tell them rome, oh jesus and we must die today? Then, we will die free oh? Well it happened fast, oh? Friends life is in your hands connor now it's time to decide what matters most my, boy him Or the revolution, don't listen to him everything this fucker says is a lie, don't worry hank, oh? shit convinced i used to be just like you i Thought nothing mattered except the mission But then one day i understood Very Moving connor! But i'm not a, deviant i'm a machine designed to accomplish a task And that's exactly, what i am going to do my name is connor, oh don't shoot him if i surrender How do i know. You, won't kill him i'll only, do what is strictly necessary to accomplish my mission It's up to you, whether or not that includes killing this human, oh? His demons hank, and he's my best friend off talk It's time to decide who you really are, oh no are you, gonna save your partner's life Or are you, going to sacrifice don't make me pick I'm gonna, save him obviously all right all right pink friend you win, oh! Shit, oh shit! interpose shoot convert danger both Those shit post there was a, weird one? oh! it's a cut-off i am the greater cutter the one true cutter Oh, yeah, john wick, baba yaga, oh? Shit run, button! You, see hank sending over the gordon holy, oh, oh? Thanks, hank i don't know. How. I would have managed without you, oh, no get rid of him, we have no time to lose It's me hank i'm the real kahn, that's the real one i can, tell immediately that's my, boy Yeah, there's a second agreed it's him that's the second shit that's my, boy so! What are you doing, hank I'm the real, connor he just even sound like, me give me the gun, and i'll don't you move My, name is connor i'm the android sent by cyber life, see it's, me, what do you, ask you something something only the real connor would know yeah Where, did we first meet jimmy's bar i checked for other bars before i found you, we went to the scene of a homicide? His, name was carlos ortiz He uploaded, my memory. Oh shit what's my dog's, name sumo? Sumo, sumo his name is sumo i use that to fucking lying piece of shit My, son what's his name oh? no It's cold, isn't it cold cold His, name was cold And he just turned six at the time of the act yes! It wasn't your fault lieutenant lise a truck skidded on a sheet of ice and your car rolled over Cole needed emergency, surgery but, no human, was available to do it so an android Had to take care and that's, why, you hate androids hated androids except your boy That's why, you hate androids You, think one of us is responsible for your son's death cole died because a human surgeon Was too high on red, ice right was it todd he, was the one that took, my son from me in this world were the only, way people can find comfort is but a fistful of powder i Knew about your son too, oh shut up said exactly sheriff. Hank Don't listen to him, hank i'm the one, who Buddy!!! met you connor! Maybe there's something to this hmm, maybe you really are alive Maybe, you'll be the ones to make the world a better place my, boy Go ahead and do what you got to do? The, boys are back in town everybody. Oh thank god, oh! Yes yes yes viva la revolucion race wake up! Oh, my, name is connor i have the android sent by cyberlife i can't, wake up Hank i love you, buddy, wake up Drinks on me wake up whoo there is literally shaking during all of that who's so tense? Poor, hank the whole is poor son? oh fuck me! okay Okay, okay i know we're not in a flow Chart but i i'm gonna have to leave this episode here.. i cannot take another second of this right now! My heart is fucking pounding, oh? Shit that was nerve-racking? My, god and it's only because i saw, somewhere in the comments that somebody said? His, son's name was Cole i think that, was something that i miss in his apartment that time? Because i missed something in his apartment that everyone in the comments Went ballistic saying that i read the magazine too long and i had missed some stuff in his apartment i'm guessing that that Was one of them because people were saying, that his, son's name was cole and Only for that i wouldn't have known i would have just been guessing i think i saw. His name was cold somewhere Maybe it was the comments, maybe i'm just, miss remembering stuff from the game, oh my god! I'm surprised it even gave, me that option, what if it had just blanked it out and i guess wrong would even just shot me No, he must have just asked, other questions there's other stuff other than, where We met your dog's name in your son's name thank god i knew the dog's name was sumo poor sumo, oh soon? Was the best, oh? my jesus This just keeps getting, more tense and more tense i don't think there's a, whole lot left But now it feels like a good stopping, off point to just give myself a breath my god! This, game is way longer than i was expecting it to be i was expecting like, a six to eight hour, game cuz That's kind of what the other games were this is like? ten hours 11 hours i kicked 9 hours, yeah this parent 9 Jesus christ this is so good Never have i played a choice based, game where it felt like, my choices mattered more than this game This, unlike undertale are the only two games undertale is in a direct choice based, game but you Do, make choices and it does affect the rest of the story this is one of the only other few games Where it really, feels like, stuff that i'm saying has a lot of impact. And stuff that i've said, from the beginning Has a lot of impact now. Like this stuff about coal, was like part four or something jesus Very very good i am so on edge playing this i've never been more anxious playing a. Video game that's not a horror game anyway My, boy is okay, my, boy is alive, my best friendship, is there to last forever i knew hank couldn't betray me forever well he didn't betray me Because it was when i went back and i edited it i realized, oh he didn't? He wants deviance to survive but he thought that i was still in machine mode because i said i was determined? determined to figure out the cause Rather than determined to save the deviance which in my head i was like yeah i'm determined to save people but, the Way, connor said it made it sound like i'm determined to find out, who the deviant siren stopped him so hank Was like i'm not going to help, you i want the deviance to stay alive so he didn't necessarily betray Me it felt like that at the moment but i was just so caught up in the betrayal betrayal Thought i just didn't analyze the situation properly, but i'm so happy - that worked out, okay? Thank, you guys so much watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face, LIKE A Deviants !!! LIKE A Deviants!!! And High Five all-round!!! (Whoopsh 2x) Thank you guys see all you dudes IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!! ~ (Outros-I'm Everywhere By Teknoaxe) - Thanks for Watching! Oh! Noted so hard just now!
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,094,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, detroit, detroit become human, detroit become human game, detroit become human demo, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, choices, lets play, decisions, PS4, PS4 exclusive, scenario, scene, characters, reaction, music, soundtrack, OST, clues, detective, investigate, ending, endings, all endings, android, robot, connor, kara, markus, connor death, markus death, kara death
Id: 50sSUKZvw7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 47sec (4007 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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