Meet the YouTubers who SCAM their fans (so messed up)

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this past week i've been searching far and wide all over youtube to find certain youtubers that are just horrible they scam people and it's not even just random people they scam their fans we're gonna talk about a lot of different scams that happen on youtube some of these scams happened a long time ago and some of these scams are happening right now this is going to be a fun and juicy video filled with a lot of youtubers and a lot of scams you're going to be glad you decided to watch this welcome to me talking about some popular youtubers who literally scam their fans for no reason part 3 or something i don't really know you can help me clean up youtube by subscribing to my channel plus i'm trying to get to 1 million subscribers so help a brother out also follow me on instagram or twitter if you want to talk to me or give me any video ideas there are scams going on around you at all times and you might not even realize it but it's actually pretty common let's say you click on a youtube video and the video starts like this click the like button and comment down below for a chance to be entered in my free gift card giveaway i'm sorry to everybody who wants gift cards but yeah that's not real that's a scam and that's just a very basic scam that youtubers do though those type of youtubers take advantage of the kids that watch them and force them into liking and commenting on the videos scams happen in real life too i mean not even just on youtube have you ever got called by a random number telling you that you're eligible to win a prize or that you need to pay money for this random thing yeah that's a scam too but this video will be focused on youtube scams and the scams we're going to talk about in this video are about real things people who watch their favorite youtubers ended up getting scammed for their money credit card information addresses real names things like that and it's just really horrible and it's not even just adults kids are getting scammed by their favorite youtubers too we're gonna talk about all of that let's meet our first scammer kayla massa was a 22 year old youtuber who had over 100 000 subscribers on her youtube channel and over 300 000 followers on instagram she had a load of followers and so many subscribers so you would expect people to like her and i assume most people would trust her right well no i'm wrong looking at her channel everything looks normal nothing really looks weird here i mean she posted challenges like the bean boozled challenge the whisper challenge as well as q and a's and stuff like that everyone did that back in the day like four years ago on youtube so what's so special about her though the weird thing is she hasn't posted in four whole months where did she go and what happened to her let's dive way deeper into this one day a while back she decided to post on her instagram story and she wanted to give her fans a little present she told her followers that they could earn up to seven thousand dollars instantly by giving her access to their bank account now hold up she said what if you have a bank account and you're interested in making money hit me up this is sketchy really sketchy who the heck would give up their bank information to this random girl but remember she had 300 000 followers so she had to be legit right i mean i only have 13 000 followers on instagram but i have 900 000 subs on youtube what the heck is up with that why can she get more followers than me you guys have to help me with that link in the description but anyways a lot of people thought she was legit because she had so many followers so her fans decided to believe her and give up their bank accounts that were full of their life savings at first though everything was going good she told them that she was gonna add in some money to their account and she did but then she started to go ahead and spend all their money on random things imagine doing that to your fans that is so bad here's a story from one of her fans that she actually scammed and guess what it was a kid we will refer to the kid as donald so donald saw her instagram story he then decided to listen to her because she had over 300 000 followers and donald trusted her he trusted her with his money and he expected to make seven thousand dollars that would be a lot of money for somebody young like him the next day kayla met donald at a coffee shop and he handed over his debit cards credit cards pin numbers pretty much everything else handed it right over to her after a few weeks everything was good but then eventually she started spending thousands of dollars that he had but he couldn't do anything about it because it was his account she was never really found guilty because nobody could prove that she did it she would always delete the messages and end up blocking the person until february 13th she got what she deserved federal authorities in new jersey arrested and charged kayla following a complaint that found her guilty of illegally scamming listen to this listen to this over 45 of her followers many of who were under 18 years old scamming your fans of two million dollars i can't believe that a youtuber who worked so hard to get to a hundred thousand subscribers started to scam the people who made her relevant they subscribed to her they followed her and she ended up scamming them and don't forget that she scammed so many people that were under 18 years old she scammed 45 people and around 30 of them were under 18. what is wrong with her i would never do that to you guys though and you guys know that for a fact i want to check out some of her videos though because if she can scam her fans for seven thousand dollars then she must be a psychopath type of person am i right i want to see how she acts in her youtube videos and i want to see if we can spot anything weird about her she's gonna pick me up at twelve zero zero so mind you is around 10 something because you know homecoming ends at 10 so it was like 10 30 11. yeah 10 30 is 11. mind you my mom is going to pick me up at 12.00 so what was i thinking i couldn't find much but it seemed kind of weird when i was watching a q a video by her her sister was telling a story and she did not care at all like she's making a youtube video but she's staring at her phone you know what she was probably scamming her fans right there i couldn't really find anything else that seemed weird about her her channel link is actually in the description if you can find anything weird about her in her videos you should send me a tweet or tag me in something on instagram because i read all of my comments and stuff on instagram and twitter so i'm curious to see what you guys can find and see if we can prove that she was weird this whole time so i'm in the process of making this video right i'm trying to find some scammers and i randomly see on my youtube home screen a video that says top 5 biggest youtube scams that got exposed now i didn't think too much of it i thought it was perfect timing so i clicked on the video and i wanted to try to find some inspiration and then something weird happened just a quick reminder if you want to enter our free amazon gift card giveaway just hit the subscribe button and leave a comment down below tell me which spot is your favorite and why also let's see if we can smash 10 000 likes on this video if we can do that i will personally deliver each and every person who likes this video in iphone 7. that is so ironic in his video he's talking about people who got exposed for scamming on youtube but he's literally doing fake giveaways i don't know if he was joking or if he's actually serious but if he was being serious then that's hilarious he's talking about scammers when he's scamming people right there now there's this one common scam that i see on a lot of different youtube videos and it's not really a scam it's just a horrible way to get likes and subscribers and i'm sure you've seen it and heard it before you click on a youtube video and then they say like this video or a spider will be in your bed tonight you don't want to risk it i don't understand how anybody falls for that because obviously if you like the video it won't change the fact that there's a bug in your bed but for some reason every single video where they do that stupid spider stuff they get 50 000 freaking likes on their video but my videos over here only get like 20 000 but whatever of course we can't forget about the dumbest one of all make sure you like and subscribe to the channel let's measure our 5 000 likes yeah if we smash that million likes that means you'll have a girlfriend by next week so yeah make sure to do that this was in one of my old videos and i can't get enough of it the dude said uh like the video and uh you'll have a girlfriend next week yeah like the video like that is so stupid let's talk about another scam the world of youtube gaming scams is just huge people scam other people for items in their favorite video games and i know all you guys might be thinking oh that's not even that weird it's just you know taking items from people but people are scamming people for things that are worth real money and for things that people worked hard for or spent real money on i made a video on fortnight scammers before and basically to sum it up people act like they're gonna trade guns but then they just steal their guns and these guns have real life value there are so many other games where people scam their fans i mean go ahead and think of a game like rocket league if you search up rocket league scamming you'll find so many videos of people just recording themselves scamming people you can almost search up any game and you'll find some type of people scamming and it's not always the popular youtubers doing this there are youtubers with only 100 subscribers doing the same thing scamming people i feel like this has to be stopped i mean youtube will literally allow a video to be uploaded that says how to scam in rocket league but they delete other random videos now there are actually bots that act like the youtubers and then end up stealing money from their fans let's say it's a normal day and you see a video by ali a so you click on it and you start watching it you go into the comments and then you see a comment that says i have a gift for my fans click here you see that the comment was posted by ali a but in reality people made a fake account with the same name as a youtuber the comment is usually like in a weird font and it's misspelled and spaced out i don't know why they do that but it's pretty obvious that it's a fake account right but once again there are kids on youtube that don't understand that i figured out that once the kids or just anyone click on this link all of their information gets exposed the scammers that made the account get their first name last name address card number and things like that just from clicking on a link you might think uh nobody really falls for that fake comment there's probably a couple of people who click on it so it's not even that bad but there was actually a study that in the last month over 70 000 people clicked on those links in one month the thing is though this has been happening since 2016. so if you go ahead and do 70 000 people who fell for it times 12 months times 4 years that comes out to over 3 million people who have clicked this link now that's not a exact number but that's a good estimate on how many people have clicked on these links over three million there is one good thing about this scam though and it's that recently i haven't really seen too many of these accounts so maybe youtube is doing something about it a couple of years back there was a scam that went around youtube that everybody hated it involved ricegum jake paul t martin syndicate and more of your favorite youtubers all those guys are super popular i'm sure you guys have already heard about it but it was super scummy and i want to relive this so this was back when all those case opening sites were super popular basically you go to a website you pay money to open up a virtual box and stuff like that and you had a chance of getting something really expensive and you could make your money back but it was basically gambling ricegum and jake paul made videos about these type of sites and they showed them in their videos winning big money and saying oh my god guys it's super easy to win money on this site you can get awesome stuff just go to the website well actually ricegum and jake paul connected with the people who owned those websites and got juiced accounts what i mean by that i don't mean like orange juice the people who own the website were juicing up their accounts making them win way more than any of their fans would so jake paul ricegum people like that acted like it was super easy to win but in reality it's super hard to win and don't even get me started about the fact that most of their fans are little kids who aren't legally allowed to gamble so they were promoting gambling to little kids t martin and syndicate's scam situation was a little different though they made videos on a website called cs go lotto and you would play gambling games for the game cs go you know you would open up cases and stuff for gun skins and different things like that t martin and syndicate kept stressing how they kept winning and it was super easy to win the thing is though both of them owned the website so they could rig it to make them win whenever they wanted so basically the same thing happened as ricegum and jake paul situation but these guys actually own the website all these youtubers eventually moved on from this and they're not doing these type of things anymore so that's super good so what can we do about all of this i hope youtube actually sees this video and sees how many people are still scamming in 2020 and how many people are getting away with it i doubt they'd do anything about the people saying like the video enjoy my giveaway or like the video and the spider is going to get you because they can't really prove if that's real or not but maybe just maybe they can get rid of the people who literally scam people through those fake comments and get rid of those people who record themselves scamming people on video games maybe one day youtube will realize how many scams are going on in the world of youtube and hopefully they will start to clean it up you can click on any of the videos on screen to watch another video where we go ahead and expose some of the worst youtubers on this platform and if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet what are you doing like honestly what are you doing but yeah watch another
Channel: DJ Cook
Views: 3,243,055
Rating: 4.9512782 out of 5
Keywords: dj cook, dj, djcook, youtubers that scam their fans, youtubers scam, scam, scamming, scamming youtubers, youtubers scamming fans, meet the youtubers, meet video
Id: bwwpeZ1vHKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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