this guy FAKED his sons DEATH and he’s screwed..

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yo what's up YouTube is slowly starting to become a bad place a month ago there was a girl who tried to call Kobe Bryant at 3 a.m. just for some views and money YouTube has a bunch of these stupid videos and the one we're gonna look at today is no different this popular youtuber literally acted like his son was dead just so he could get some views the youtuber who posted that video is Eli so cray I actually made an exposing video on him before where I exposed his fake Barney videos yeah trust me you don't want me to explain what that was in that video I made on him I caught him childish and now 10 months later he has a son who let this man have kids we're gonna take a look at his channel and more specifically we're all gonna watch his video where he fakes his son's death why did he do this and why did his wife let this happen and did he actually show his son being dead we're gonna figure all these things out in today's episode so go ahead grab your number 4 from Subway ask for some toenail clippings on the side because this video is gonna be stupid click the subscribe button if you want to see these quality videos all the time I will bet you $100 right now that your wallet looks like this come on buddy it's time for a new one Ridge wallets are freaking a sweet they look nothing like that busted wallet that you're rocking right now so you can look cool whenever you pull out your money there's over 12 different colors and styles so you can be different from everybody else if you get a Ridge wallet and you don't like it you can return it for free yeah for free and you can get your money back but if you like it there's lifetime warranties so you can make sure nothing happens to it you can get 10% off your first wallet today by going to Ridge comm /dj use code DJ at checkout link in the description DUI so cray I never thought I'd come back to your channel after watching your Barney and Sonic the Hedgehog videos I was so weirded out but now you're faking your son's death and doing even more horrible videos this one's called my newborn son has the virus so you're telling me that he made a video where he said his son was dead and then a week later he says his son has the virus this is the saddest father ever just wait until your son can read he's gonna be like dad what the [ __ ] he posted a video and said I think I have the virus a week later he posts I don't have the virus anymore a couple of days later he posts my girlfriend does not feel well she has it a couple of days later my newborn son has the illness and then finally his next two videos are just saying how to get rid of it and how to tell if you have it seven straight videos of him milking the virus for views that is lame his channel banner says creepy eating challenges and pranks but I don't see any creepy videos on his channel at all which ones are creepy let me know because I must be stupid cuz I don't see any we don't have our son anymore so this is the video where he says his son is dead let's see if we can answer these questions is his wife okay with him doing this and does he actually show his dead son watch this [Music] what's up guys honestly man I'm fellate I ought to do right now by you for like talking right now for forty five whole seconds he's talking about stuff outside like did we click on this video to learn about the water outside of your apartment no so show us how he came to see this hit the like button for me right now subscribe to China's notification Billy shigatse goes to see man subscribe to this channel no weirdo he's not here and no this is not him notice is not him this is a fake baby doll man I got this dog to make up for it cuz I'm so sad right now so I had to get a fake dog to take his place guys done tell about a goddamn title our son is not here our son is not here so now I have to go buy a baby dog to take his spine it's not the same I've been talking to this baby doll that night I be holding him close to me I'll be trying to change his diaper but it's closed school dog so don't ever come off I've been trying to feed him but the milk just turned right out his mouth because they don't even drink it as a fake dog you're filthy I'm gonna come on man look at the little dogs right there man oh yeah we see that yeah we can see it dang that's sweet you guys see that where the man it looks at work it looks at exactly we're gonna hit them they're ready perfect wait what dude son just died and he's posing for a thumbnail and laughing about it something isn't right here are you ready for the best part yet here's the part where he finally screws up and shows us that it's all a prank watch this but we lost our son we lost our son and do you know why you lost our son we lost him for the wheat game yeah I've watched probably 2,000 clickbait videos in my lifetime while doing these meat videos but I have never and I mean I have never seen somebody admit to the clickbait in the middle of the video and don't forget he didn't click bait like fortnight V bucks glitches he clicked made it his son's death so that makes it million times worse there's 15 more minutes of this video left I don't know why I'm gonna go watch the whole thing and I'm gonna show you guys anything I find stupid or funny or an important 15 min eaten a tail okay it's safe to say that I just wasted 15 minutes of my life because that video was probably the most boring video I have ever laid my eyes on in the comments there was a kid who commented I like this video how could you like this video like what about this video was entertainment nothing another kid commented I feel sad did you guys look around the apartment and then a couple minutes later he replied to that comment and said Wow why would you guys do that so he was watching the video and he felt so bad and what did that help and tell them to look around the apartment try to find the kid but once he saw the part where he said clickbait he was so ashamed I know that kid unsubscribed oh my gosh I nearly had a heart attack when I read this video title it says our son learned how to roll over and hold his bottle at 3 months but I swear when I first read it he said at 3 a.m. I thought it said our son learned how to roll over and hold his bottle I had 3 a.m. I would have bursted out laughing if he made a 3 a.m. video about his son's milk bombs but honestly that's something he would do look at this video for example spinning of fidgets spinner at 3 a.m. what [Music] all of that that you just saw happened because he spun his video spinner at 3 a.m. like what what is going on with this video ok I just found his mom's YouTube channel I had to do a little bit of digging to find this and this is so cringy I did not expect her to do this at all [Music] his mom posted a video with Eli so cray and she titled it penny wise and Georgie break into my home so now you're telling me that the whole family is click bTW I used to think morgues had the worst family on YouTube but now I'm not so sure I commented on her most recent video and I asked her how do you feel about your son using your grandson for views and saying that he died for views and if she answers me I'll put up a picture on the screen right now when I'm editing the video but if she doesn't answer me it's just gonna be a blank comment with no answer so I really hope she answers he says I want to see what his mom thinks a couple of days after he posted the video that said we lost our son he posted a video titled my son has the illness now I don't think it's very uncommon for babies to get the illness since their immune system isn't that developed and it's quite easy to get sick but he might not be lying this might actually be real so let's watch this video and try to see if he takes the son to the hospital or let's see if he gets a call saying his son tested positive or we might just be watching a 10-minute video of him walking around and making stuff up he talked about his hair milk medicine but he never said anything about his son my son July a man yes this is not clear based absolutely warrant to perceive the truth I would not lie about not like this he had the coronavirus man so he said it's the absolute truth and he said I would never lie about my son getting this virus but you would lie about him dying explain that to me Aurora virus man keyword had the corona virus you don't have anymore so the keyword was had had he had it why does the title say he has then I bet sake make me laugh right now Harry watch this mr. fundamentally bloats we stop and I mean two people look that baby has the same reaction that all of us have because you are not funny he took a whole minute out of his day to try to make his son laugh and he was not budging the kid was like get away from me bruh I'll just make a situation you know I'm saying come on rice will come at me locked in the crib and I'm saying some B consonant simple I would not call this content at all like you're walking around your bedroom acting like your son is dying and uploading it content more like I do stupid stuff just so I can get a little bit of money at eight minutes into the video he says this but anyway stay tuned for the next video man I miss you guys soon peace okay seems normal until you see that the video is ten minutes long he ended the video at 8 minutes and 20 seconds and then put a black screen for two whole minutes just so you could put ads in the middle of his video this video has one of the most detailed hate comments that I have ever read I'm gonna read it to you guys is this what you've chosen to do with your life every morning you wake up and just accept that this is what you do lying to people and for what nothing no money no rewards just a satisfaction of a thousand or so people to click on your video for a few seconds and then leave the fact that you have a family actually concerns me the fact that someone has incompetent and ignorant as you is allowed to breed so many people throughout history have fought for us our country race species and with this freedom this is what you do you are a horrid human being you don't even take the time to respond to these people you make a five-minute video about humping a mannequin with a clown suit or that your son is dead slap a like and subscribe at the end and for good measure an extra 10 minutes of darkness at the end I bet most of these subscribers are forgotten accounts or knowing the depths you have sunk to possibly BOTS there's way more to that comment but I'm just gonna leave it at that I feel like I was personally attacked when I read that comment jeez that was brutal I hope Eli's okay read this comment and tried to change up his content because this was a very nice message no I really wanted to do something with him or give him something because I enjoyed this comment so much the way he wrote it is exactly how I feel about Eli so cray i clicked on his channel and tried to comment on his videos but he has no video so i replied to his comment telling him to tweet at me if he saw it it may be a long shot but I loved this comment okay guys he actually answered me and we figured out a way we could you know incorporate him into this video so let me know if you guys find it it's like a little Easter egg dropping our baby prank on girlfriend why would you even joke about this if you drop your baby that is so bad for the kid so basically what I did was I took this doll from my mom house I think this little baby doll for my mom's crib and what I'm gonna be doing is dropping this baby I'm gonna drive him on the floor but I'm gonna do it in a way where Johanna can't see like when she come through the door had my back turn but I have like sideways so she could see it I'm gonna drop the baby and not only am I gonna drop the baby but I'm gonna be adding a Christ okay I see now is the girl gonna have a fake reaction or is she actually getting pranked because you guys know 90% of YouTube's pranks these days are all fake [Music] okay hold on he literally ripped the hat off of the real baby the baby's head smacked against the crib the baby was fussing and crying and then he just shuts the closet door now I'm not a father I don't really know much about parenting you guys know that I'm 17 years old but doing that doesn't seem too smart for me also is leaving a baby alone in the closet a good idea okay this part is where he falls over with the baby and it is so fake I hate this dude I didn't laugh or even smile at that at all maybe if it was like a different type of prank but dropping your baby is not that funny I wonder what his girlfriend thinks about his YouTube channel I mean he constantly uses her for views saying she has a virus and then uses her son for view saying he has a virus and saying that the son is dead and he's doing all these things pranking her with her baby falling on the floor like I want to know what she thinks about it I'm gonna try to ask her how she feels and I found her Instagram after a lot of digging around and I asked her how do you feel about your boyfriend doing these horrible things for views and if she answers me I'll make sure to put it in here but if she never ends up answering then once again you'll see a blank message and you'll see that nobody wants to answer DJ hold on don't click off the video just yet on screen right now there are three more amazing videos that I uploaded as well as a link to my meet the youtubers playlist where you can find every single one of my exposing videos so go ahead and continue watching
Channel: DJ Cook
Views: 2,027,647
Rating: 4.9312983 out of 5
Keywords: dj cook, dj, djcook, this guy faked his sons death, faked sons death, elisocray, elisocray son, elisocray dj cook, he faked his sons death for views, meet the youtubers, dj cook meet the youtubers, faked his son dying
Id: rGZimNutk5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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