Meet Ninja - He's "Better" Than Everyone Else...

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Playing games isnt really a sport though

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/cheeuschrist ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 28 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

When fortnite stops making money and the next flavor come around I'm sure ninja will be dead in the water

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/felrozlokk ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 28 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Finally, another ninja hater

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/fhsamy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 28 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
so I hope you guys are familiar with ninja if you don't know who he is then you probably don't even play for tonight if you're familiar with ninja you might not be familiar with what's been going on with him the last couple of weeks there's been some drama and some just weird things have been happening if you guys don't know what these meat videos are I basically talk about youtubers sometimes I talk about clickbait sometimes I talk about drama like this one sometimes I talk about people who stretch their videos just all of the bad things on YouTube we're going to go ahead and cover in this series if you don't know what's been happening with ninja over the last couple of weeks allow me to explain it so ninja was normally streaming just how he does pretty much every single day he's just playing the game and then he gets killed he's playing with dr. Lupo and he gets killed and he immediately becomes mad because he died he feels like the kill was unfair and there was just a different entity in how he got killed like he felt like he knew where he was after spectating the dude for only a couple of seconds dr. Lupo said watch out for the emo and eventually the dude that killed ninja did emo and ninja thought that it was stream sniping ninja thought that the dude who killed him heard dr. Lupo say that I mean people do this all the time whenever they kill someone I don't really understand why he thought that this specific instance was stream sniping let me play the clip real quick watch for the emo watch the stream sniping proof goodie you gotta always love when there's proof you look what an idiot how stupid can you be that guy is pretty stupid thing I'm going out of my way to make sure this guy's man I see five all right I see five if you leave this game right now I will not report you so this was really weird he ended up calling the player an idiot and reported him for stream sniping even though there was no proof other than he emoted after he killed someone which that's what everybody does and ninja seems to feel like he's the best he seems to feel like he's the creator of fortnight he feels like he can do things that other people can't and that's why a lot of people have stopped watching him and that's why a lot of people like me don't even like him we're gonna talk about in this video a lot of different instances where ninja has been in drama and just we're going to try to change their mind about ninja because in my opinion I don't really like ninja you know I feel like he's self-entitled you know he's egotistical he thinks he's better than everyone I'm gonna try to change your opinion on him so without further ado let's get in to this video so you guys know I was talking about how I said I think that ninja is super egotistical and thinks he's better than everybody else I mean I know plenty of people on YouTube who are better than ninja one example if he dies during a game he backs out and he makes everybody else die and back out because he doesn't want to wait but if other people die that are on his team he plays like that's so unfair why would you tell your teammates hurry up and die I want to play but whenever they die you're like no I still have a chance like that just shows that you think you're better than everyone and whenever ninjas on the ground knocked he'll be like come on right here revive me ride me he doesn't even care about his teammate trying to get the kill he just wants himself to be revived like I know that he's streaming and he wants to put on a good show for his stream but most of the time when he's playing with his friends they're streaming as well I mean they have their things that they need to do for their stream and he just feels like everything revolves around him and he also said that people are ignorant if they think he was not a part of four-night success so he's saying if he never started playing for tonight it would not have gotten big do you hear him that's like saying if I didn't start uploading YouTube videos that nobody else would have done it if I didn't start uploading items shot videos nobody else would have done it you sound stupid he's basically acting like he gave everyone the free pass to go play for 9 there were plenty of other creators at the time who played the game and I didn't even watch him at the time I learned about fortnight from Dakotas and to say that your fans are ignorant because they don't think that you were a part of for tonight's success that's ignorant from you like why would you say that just because you were popular on YouTube and your videos were getting 500,000 views doesn't mean you made the game popular you definitely did if you know he did bring a lot of viewers to the game and a lot of players but it's not like he was a huge part of it epic games the creator of the game they did very very nice with marketing and everything and they pushed the game out to social media and stuff they partnered with the infinity war movie and they're partnering with wreck-it Ralph like they know what they're doing and they got themselves the popularity not ninja if anything more tonight successes made him successful now in my opinion he's not even entertaining he's just a good player and back then he was definitely touted as the best player in the game and that could be why he thinks that he was a huge part of it because he was the best player at the time well it slowly but surely over time people started becoming better than him and would you rather watch someone who's entertaining and good or would you rather watch someone who's toxic and annoying and good you would want to be entertained so it's sure to me that another streamer or just another person that would play the game like a youtuber would have taken his spot it's not that hard to play the game every single day all day and be good at the game this in his case he thinks that he started fortnight there's also another instance of where he had pretty pretty bad drama though this was in August specifically August 14 2018 so ninja stated that he avoids streaming with women on Twitch because he didn't want to bring drama or gossip down on himself his wife or other woman now here's his exact words if I have one conversation with one female streamer where we're playing with one another and even if there's a hint of flirting that is gonna be taken and going to be put on every single video and be clickbait forever the only way to avoid that gossip is to not play with them at all or you can just not flirt with them he acts like if he plays a game with a girl that his wife's gonna break up with him it's not that hard not to cheat on your wife he's trying to be faithful to his wife and just not have any drama around him but him announcing that he's going to not feature any girls in any of his videos or streams it's going to bring way more drama to him I still can't get over the fact that he said he wants to be faithful to his wife you playing a game with a girl doesn't mean you're cheating on your wife like is it that hard to understand he acts like his wife is gonna be pissed off at him for doing his job so I want to talk more about these stream sniping drama because that's pretty much what's going on right now at least while I'm recording this this is what's happening on the web ninja is getting mad at people for a supposedly stream sniping so ninja was playing for tonight like always he pretty much does that every single day on his stream so it was nothing different until something happened and you know what happened he got stream snipe there's like quotations around that in my mind so ninja was playing fort night he got supposedly stream snipe and then he said congratulations men wild card you're the reason that I'm switching over to black ops right now and then he turned off fortnight and started playing blackout once he gets into the game and blackout he was like I was having a bunch of fun I've been complaining about the stream sniping for a long time but the last couple of days it's been pretty bad I know they're watching my streams that's how they get in the games if you guys are going to try to ruin my games and land on me and then just kill me and then quit out of the game I'm just not gonna play isn't there like things in the fort night settings that makes you have a delay can't you put a delay on your stream can't you like get a new screen whenever you ready up like on your stream so they don't see when you're ready up like it's not that hard to defend it like he's switching to different games in the middle of his streams because he doesn't want to turn on a setting that makes sense right now I want to go back to what I was talking about in the intro the most famous instance of someone's stream sniping at ninja with quotation marks again I want to talk about this in full detail so we're still gonna be talking about that one time where he got killed and he waited in spectator dude for a whole minute pretty much I'm waiting for him to emo and then the dude did like literally he killed him he emoted and ninja said that's a stream sniper this is except that you died and move on so ninja said I'm going out of my way to get this guy banned he then pulled out his phone and didn't even use in game reporting system he directly contacted someone from epic he really wanted to get this guy banned and you would think like once he you know contacted someone from epic he would be like okay I need to calm down this guy's gonna get banned let's just forget about it but he didn't calm down after he reported the player he was calling out viewers in the chat who disagreed with him so if someone said what's wrong with emoting he was probably going to say nobody emotes after a kill like who does that he was definitely stream sniping that's just being a salty when you died and he knows that's what happened the player was identified as ic5 and he became nervous that his account would be banned the player who supposedly stream sniped him much tweeted that he did nothing wrong and he had a video that proved it ic5 tweeted out I will show you that I did not stream snipe I don't want to try and gain Klout from this but I will upload it if you really think I stream tonight I emoted cuz there were six people watching me and I lasered you I did not stream snipe you that's a perfect explanation if there were six people watching me and I just got an amazing kill I would dance wouldn't you IC 5ad then replied I don't understand why you raised called me an idiot and said you were going to try to get me banned I know that you can get me banned because of how much power you have with an epic you are the face of 49 ninja then said epic will never ban people for no reason even if I say anything you assuming they do is naive stop playing the victim you aren't getting banned I'm sorry stop milking it obviously ninja just doesn't want to say I messed up he keeps on bringing up evidence saying that oh it's perfect timing when you emote it but he can't just say okay it was weird that that happened but I know I was wrong he just has to keep on bringing up evidence trying to you know milk the fact he told him to stop milking it but here he is bringing it up again what are we going to take away from all of this information I just gave you guys in my opinion I think you guys should now know that Ninja is egotistical he thinks that if something happens to him it sucks but if it happens to someone else he wouldn't really care like he thinks he's the face of everything a lot of people think he's the face of Fortnight but just weird to me he is good at fortnight but people are catching up to him in skill and that's where he kind of gets mad when he gets crapped on he gets mad when he gets killed in general he normally gets mad he doesn't say oh good stuff man or good fight good builds he would say oh why didn't this place oh that's why I think he's super egotistical and thinks he revolves around everything this meet video was honestly amazing in my opinion I enjoyed recording it let me know what you guys think of this video hope you guys didn't enjoy this like I said let me know your thoughts on this whole ninja situation I know at that time that you're watching this this whole situation has probably cleared up because these videos do take a long time to edit and make so I mean that's why you're seeing it kind of late but nonetheless I hope this video was kind of awesome too go ahead and watch and just look back on some of the weird things that ninja has done over the past couple of weeks once again thank you guys for watching if you want to see more quality content like this just click the subscribe button that's all you got to do you'll be notified when I do post awesome videos like this but I'll catch you guys later peace out [Music] or not shiny show me
Channel: DJ Cook
Views: 6,815,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meet ninja, ninja, ninja stream sniping, ninja stream snipers, ninjas ego, ninja complaining, kodak, kodak wk, kodakwk, kodak wk meet the youtubers, kodak wk meet ninja, hes better than everyone else
Id: R0dorPLv8Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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