Meet people who USE Kids for $$$

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I don't know why this is happening but there's a lot of weird things going on right now both Jake Paul and rice gum have been accused of doing some really really scummy thing and if you think about Jake Paul and rice gum you know that they both have over 10 million subscribers on YouTube so why would they be doing these things and you might be asking what things are they doing well in today's video we're gonna talk about that and pretty much what they've been doing is they got a request to make a sponsored video on this website and if you think of rice come and you think of Jake Paul they appealed to kids right most of their subscribers are kids and this is going to come in handy later in the video just remember that most of their audience more than 70% of their audience is under 14 years old and they can't really make the best decisions for themselves they promoted gambling to little kids which is a red flag right there it is illegal for kids under 18 to gamble but rice gum and Jake Paul are blinded by money if you don't know what website I'm talking about it is mystery brand this website pretty much just started gaining popularity through the hands of these two youtubers with their 10 million subscriber audience it was obvious that this website was going to blow up you open up a fake case or a fake box and whatever you get you can get that shipped to you but it comes at a crazy price but before we get into that triggered Franchi Joe says subscribe and like this video or your roblox girlfriend will break up with you come on I like her a lot please don't break up with me please just like the video now if you guys watched my item shop videos you're probably gonna say what's wrong with sponsoring a website what's wrong with doing this didn't you sponsor app bounty but yeah I was sponsored by them but they're not a scam website and I know a lot of people are gonna be like oh app bounty is a scam stop denying it you're just saying that because they sponsored you but a bounty works for me and my friends and everyone that I talked to it's just the people who say it doesn't work probably are just you know ignorant and don't want to try it so no I'm not being hypocritical with this video calling out people for you know having sponsors when I used to do it in their case their sponsors are I don't even know how to explain it so in Jake Paul's instance on December 30th he made a video and he uploaded it it had a really really clickbait thumbnail I mean it was just really really weird you know it's not clickbait but it was just Beatty it baited the viewer into clicking on it I mean he had a frickin weird expression on his face he's like oh my god and you know he has that you know sunburst background with all the items glowing with the yellow $5,000 with the box glowing just you know it makes the viewer want to click on it and there's nothing really wrong with that because you want to win the click and then the title is pretty funny to me it says I spent $5,000 on mystery boxes and you won't believe what I got parenthesis insane now throughout the video he just talks about how he found out this new website that literally you can get good odds from and you make profit from and you get all this hype beast clothing and all these iPhones from and it's super easy to do but what he didn't really disclose in the video is that it's a sponsored video and if you guys don't know anything about you know sponsored openings I'm gonna tell you about that later and it's just really really cheap for you know the people who don't know that it's a sponsored opening I'm gonna tell you why it's really cheap he told everyone that it was a sponsored video in the video description now like I said he didn't disclose it in the video but like you guys know probably whenever you do you know watch a sponsored video on YouTube it says includes paid promotion and what I think's funny is that the video has 60,000 likes which is a lot of likes but then you look at dislikes and there's 53,000 so you know he's getting a lot of hate for this which I feel like he should in the description it says this video is sponsored by mystery Brin hashtag add and then below that he says please be advised we want to make sure this is 100 percent clear to our fans of all ages this is a sponsorship and needs caution so that's good that he was you know talking to the kids but he didn't same thing in the video like that you know he is trying to talk to everyone in the description where most people don't even read the description same for all the little kids they click on the video for the video they don't click on the video to read I mean I know a lot of kids who don't like to read so why would he expect them to go ahead and read the description I mean should have just said that in the video but he just doesn't want them to know it's sponsored I guess he mentions all this in the description trying to be like the good guy but he doesn't mention that you know his odds are in his favor because he sponsored so the first three boxes he opened he got converse vans and then the same pair of Converse so it doesn't really seem sponsored because like I'm gonna mention later if you have a sponsored video and yours getting sponsored by a website they're going to make it so you get a lot of good things and he did get a very good thing he was opening shoeboxes and he got an indie dis Yeezy waverunner 700 those are going for 500 it says imagine opening a hundred dollar box and getting something worth a $500 that's not a good payout for mr. e brand why would they want 100 dollars and give you 500 they're losing money this is obviously just rigged there's no way you're gonna unbox something like this like this website is shady already I don't believe it he then proceeds to get air pods and you guys know how popular those are okay he opens his third apple case right so he got ear pods he got a case and then he got an iPhone excess max you're kidding me so you spent like what five hundred dollars so far and you've gotten a really nice pair of shoes and the most expensive iPhone you can get at the moment no there's no way this is obviously sponsored I want to see someone who shows that they're not sponsored get all of this honestly there's no way that this happened and you guys remember that I mentioned rice gum earlier in the video he made a video on mystery box and the outcome was even better he got a lot more stuff so what's so bad about this he's just showing people that he spent a lot of money on mystery boxes well his audience is full of kids and like I said he did mention in the description that kid should not be on this but he's making it seem like you can go on there spend $300 and make a $2,000 profit and two kids they really really want an iPhone they really really want those hypebeast shoes and he's making it seem like it's super easy with his increased odds because it is a sponsored video he opens up another case and gets an adidas Yeezy boost 350 v2 there's no way you're getting all of this good stuff I've seen unspun surd videos of people opening up fidget spinner after fidget spinner after fidget spinner spending five bucks on a case to get a 25 cent video spinner over and over again and as not like he has amazing look it's not luck it's odds which mystery brand throws on his account and then at the end of the video he wants to try to be funny or something cuz this is not funny he makes his own case if you didn't know you could do that Oh mystery brand it's really really you know not good the odds are not in your favor I mean the whole site is not in your favor but making cases even worse he puts in a rolls-royce that's two hundred fifty thousand dollars in his case and he then puts you know a couple of shoes to even out the odds and then he opens it for a thousand dollars expecting that he's gonna get the car because why wouldn't he you know they topped up his account with a whole bunch of odds and five thousand dollars why wouldn't they just give him a 250 thousand dollar car you know why not he gets the shoes and he acts like he's surprised he didn't get the car he walks away and it plays this not funny music it was only funny in 2013 but he plays this you know sad type music and his girls like when you're not really fine that's not funny and then he proceeds to throw down his like $300 gaming chair even though he doesn't really play games I'm pretty sure and he acts like he's super mad and he doesn't have a reason to be mad because he just got an iPhone excess max for a sponsored video this doesn't really appeal to people because they see him not getting a car I feel like if you were to get sponsored you would tell them give me the car but just don't give me it just make it seem like I got it some people are gonna be like dang you can get a car I'm gonna get a car but he doesn't get the car and he starts to freak out and it's not funny at all the Paul Brothers have had a lot of drama going on with them and another person who's had some drama with him is Rice gum and his video on mystery brand is horrible now you guys are still probably saying what's wrong with this well it's just the fact that they're appealing this to kids and kids will do a lot in gambling under the age of 18 or 21 I'm not too sure is illegal so why are they doing this so on mystery brand there's like a whole bunch of tears like you have the red tier which is the godly stuff and then you have purple which is you know nice I'm pretty sure then you have pink or something I'm not too familiar with it correct me if I'm wrong and you guys use this site please don't tell me you do but you know it goes red purple pink and then it goes to blue and then it's gray and gray is like 25 cent items blue is like you know you're ten dollar items something like that just depends on the cost of the case and rice gum which is no different from Jake Paul's video he's getting red stuff velour the second thing he opens is Nike Air Force One mid Supreme MBA white box logo those shoes are nice and they are expensive for a two hundred dollar box he made four hundred dollars back it's not going to happen like that and if you guys are new to mystery brand and you want to go ahead and do it don't trust me you're going to lose money so he keeps on you know opening this shoe box trying to get something probably because the mystery brand developers said open the shoe box on the third one you're gonna get some really nice shoes and this is where his you know ego embossed nough starts to come in he opens his mystery box and he gets a pair of one of the nicest shoes I've seen these shoes have always been just really nice that the Pharrell nmds and their red red is my favorite color right he's saying all these shoes are so nice they're worth one thousand eight hundred dollars even though I spent $100 on this case which is never gonna happen for you guys how many times I'm gonna stress this it's never going to happen for you guys this is obviously rigged he then says hold up this is really cool but I already have these shoes so why would do I want it just be thankful man like that's like saying if you have a car and you get the same car you're gonna be like oh why do I have to sell this and get the money back it's money brah don't complain give it away or something so he goes ahead and opens up another shoe box you know because they told him to do that and then he gets an adidas nm dr1 Bape green camel which are pretty expensive and I don't know if I can tell that he's faking but he gets these nmds and he's like oh yo yo like he's faking his reaction so hard he knows what he's gonna get but he's acting like he's surprised like that's not cool and he opened up a hoodie pack or something and he got a Gildan hoodie which goes for like five bucks and he tried to be funny I'm pretty sure he told them to put that in there because he said bro I spent $200 on this case and I got a Gildan hoodie he that's not funny at all and then he proceeds to get a NASA hoodie he's like Brooke come on NASA I don't even like you like he's not funny he's trying to be funny and stray all the kids away from the fact that this is rigged and sponsored and he's being paid to react like this I just don't like youtubers who lied to their audience there's no reason they're the ones who made you you know I mean they're the ones who continue to watch your videos and continue to support you and you just do it all for money you don't care about them that's just stupid to me so he was tired of what he was getting and he really wanted something you know fashion like so he made his own case with all of his little favorite things and he ended up getting a Chanel handbag he's like oh my god I'm gonna sell this and get a whole bunch of money now here's my problem with this they're catering to kids and I've mentioned that a lot but I want to get the point to you guys where we're meeting these people and I'm telling you guys about these people's so you don't get fooled by their clickbait titles and they're just you know fake expressions and just fake personality in these videos they seem super happy but they know what they're getting they seem like it's completely random but it's rigged they know what they're getting they act like it's not sponsored but it is he says I'm partnering with mystery brand he doesn't mention that the odds are in his favor he doesn't mention that the videos rigged he doesn't mention that he's getting paid to say all this he doesn't mention that they've already put them in the cases themselves he doesn't mention that you're going to go ahead and get a whole bunch of fidgets spinners if you try it at home he just wants people to click on his link in the description so he can make even more money and he did on this video oh yeah two million views on both of the videos rice gums has one hundred and seven thousand dislikes and sixty-two thousand dislikes and this is probably because rice comes a more respectable person than Jake Paul I don't like the Polar's at all let me know how you guys feel about them but yeah rice gum but just all in all they both are scamming their audience their audience consists of you know kids through you know eight to sixteen and sometimes kids can be fools and I can do anything for money really money at a young age is very important and that's why they're trying to target them and I feel like that's not right now how do you feel about mystery bread I feel like it's a good concept do you know I think it's really cool that people can open up boxes and have the surprise factor but I don't think it's cool that their odds are just horrible and it says on the Box website I'm reading an article about it right now to try to you know get more information they say that mystery brand has set odds no matter what and all these youtubers got lucky there's no way I've seen so many unboxings before I made this video to try to research where people got fidgets miners' and converse and converse and converse and spent thousands of dollars and made back 400 bucks like this doesn't make sense but all these big-name youtubers that say they partnered with them get I phones and cars and air pods and all this like it just doesn't make sense of me it's obviously sponsored and it just makes it even worse that they're not going to admit that it's rigged they're not going to admit that they give them the items on purpose to make them look like a better company but like I said let me know your opinions if you guys want to be featured in my next video just tell me why people should subscribe give me a funny one or just a weird one and I'll definitely choose it you want to watch any more of these videos just go ahead and check out my channel it's all quality content for you guys hope you guys enjoy I'll catch you guys later peace out [Music]
Channel: DJ Cook
Views: 3,257,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kodak, kodakwk, kodak wk, meet the youtubers, meet, meet video, meet the youtubers who use kids for $$$, meet the youtubers who, meet the youtubers who use kids for money, quality, quality content, quality video, kodak wk meet, meet the youtubers who use kids for money kodak wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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