5-Minute Crafts are SO FAKE!

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you all know that YouTube channel five-minute crafts right it's that channel that just shows you DIY stuff to make and yeah it's just a simple little video right wrong well there's something funny going on with this YouTube channel that we're gonna take a look at in today's video a lot of it has to do with their thumbnails and once we take a look at the thumbnails we're gonna all realize that something's fishy in today's video we're gonna check out five-minute crafts and a couple of other channels that'll make you say to yourself why are they doing these things if you want to see awesome and entertaining videos like this all the time just go ahead and subscribe to my channel I promise you will not regret it and go follow me on Instagram like I said earlier most of it shows up in their thumbnails and we're gonna take a look at a couple of their thumbnails before we check out one of their videos this one says a 42 holy grail hacks that will save you a fortune and it's a picture of a stickman and then all of a sudden he's flying like how would that save anybody money like what this one says thirty eight crazy ways to fix anything around you but get this there's a broken toilet seat or there's an X showing that that's bad but then on the right side they have a picture of ramen noodles on the broken toilet seat and it has a check mark on it like if anyone can explain to me what this means please go ahead and tell me because this doesn't make any sense why would you put ramen noodles in a broken toilet seat okay now this one is the worst one it says 25 glue gun hacks you have to try but there's a picture of them putting hot glue on an iPhone screen excuse me this makes no sense at all the only thing they're gonna teach you in that video is how to break your phone so obviously by looking at just these thumbnails you can tell that this five-minute crafts channel is so stupid all their thumbnails just make no sense and most of them are clickbait there's only one way though to find out if they're actually click baiting and to be honest I want to figure out by a glue gun hack when they were putting hot glue on the phone let's see these hacks that according to them you have to try you have to do it so I'm watching this video and at no point did I see them putting hot glue on a phone the only place I saw them do it was when they put it on the back and kind of made like a case but they didn't even put it on the phone so right there that was clickbait and the phone case was not even that good like imagine you're going to school in someone's like nice phone case you're like yeah I made it out of glue one year ago they made this video with the glue gun hack thing right but literally two years ago they made the same exact video with these same exact thumbnail just different colors like is it that hard to think of something else this channel is about to get a lot more weirder once we start getting into more videos so there's two videos I'm gonna look at and they make me so confused one is called 20 hacks that will save your day and it's a picture of a girl in her leggings and what if you thought that was bad though check out this 43 simply brilliant camping life hacks what's the point of that like you're just gonna be sitting down and then randomly pull your pants down to start pooping like who does that later on you're gonna be like oh where can I say you're gonna go sit down it's just gonna smell like uh-oh okay so here's the one on the thumbnail alright [Music] what so let's go ahead and check out some of the dumbest life hacks that they've ever released to their channel and these are going to be super dumb ok let's see so she's opening a bag up and she's putting stuff in it now she's putting a zip tie on it and she cut it off like imagine doing one you're not gonna be able to get in your backpack you're gonna have to like try to get that off it is so tight like don't you just love when you have to lock your backpack like what how is that a life hack so here are some hacks for your smile brought to you by five minute crafts they have some coca-cola she drinks it swishes it around her mouth and they say before and after her teeth became whiter like no they did it its soda how would that make your teeth white so obviously by looking at these these hacks are just stupid and weird the only one that was kind of working was the one with the leggings but I'm not even sure if that one really works cuz I'm not a girl honestly I want to find out if one of these life hacks actually works and I want to go ahead and try them and show you guys this is gonna be like the first time I ever really showed my face in a video so this is gonna be pretty cool and I bet I'm just gonna mess up cuz these life hacks are really fake right now I'm about to do the hack that you can see like right now on screen I'm about to go do that and we're gonna see if this works or if there's any problems with it cuz you guys know five-minute crafts now I need to start off by saying not everyone has the same like you know air vents as they do that was a really weird air vent so for one most people can't even do it but we're gonna try to do it so here's the problem with your little hack um you know you put it through here with my air vent and like like put my phone in it like where am I gonna put this in her video her thing was like I'm like where am I gonna put this like what so yeah that video didn't go very well I really wanted to figure this out but her car's air vents are completely different from any other cars I feel like like the title that video should not have been life hacks like it should have been a life hacks that you will love if you have a 2004 Toyota Prius because I'm pretty sure not everyone has that same car now the 5 minute crafts channel actually has like so many different channels associated with it I think there's a company behind this channel that owns plenty of them they own seven second riddles daily fails five-minute crafts for a cycle and five-minute crafts verses and just so many more channels it can go on and on now a couple of these channels are actually really really cringey and they actually still have fake life hacks like why do they continue to do this across all their channels now daily fails as a channel that I definitely want to look at their most popular video is bathroom fails and hacks and I'm pretty sure I know why this is their most viewed video we actually find out why is their most viewed video when we click on the video so they start the video off with a girl in the bath and they obviously did this because they want all the kids to love this video so she drops her phone in the bath like don't be on it when you're in the bath and maybe it won't happen the next video is a girl being bored so she picks up a magazine and it's dirty so she decides to hang up her magazines so they won't be dirty like if your bathroom floor was actually sweep tore something your magazines would not get dirty you do not have to use this hat so before we get into this one I just want to warn you that this has so much to do with it they start you out with cutting a whole bunch of slits into a shirt then you should weave it through this weird looking shower mat that you probably don't know where they got it from then you need to get more cuts of a different color shirt more cuts more cuts and more cuts and when you're done you got to cut off the excess stuff and now you can get out of that shower nicely or you could you know go to the store and buy one and you would not have to waste your time by cutting all those shirts so this girl is just like on the toilet in the middle of nowhere like what like I like lost for words why would there be a toilet in the middle of nowhere and why is she pooping I what this channel is just everywhere like I'm not even sure what they're trying to get at do you guys want to see something super funny though so there's a video on their channel and remember their channel is daily fails right daily fails so fails like people falling over and just fails alright having some fun okay there's a video on the channel though called ouch 18 clothes fails and ways to fix them right the thumbnail looks pretty familiar though it looks like the same girls with them same leggings on just a different color but watch this right when you click on the video this is the funny part it's a literally the same exact clip from the other channel 5 minute crafts it even has the freakin watermark at the bottom they're using these same clips on different channels I do not understand this and it's not even like they try to you know hide this clip in the middle of the video so it doesn't make it look like they're copying but they're using these same clips in the start of their video like what now we know all of their channels now use the same videos so let's see if all of their channels do clickbait we're gonna find out if they click bait by trying to find a thumbnail that looks really weird and then going through the video and seeing if that hacker whatever was shown in the thumbnail is actually in the video if it's not in the video its clickbait so this one is called how to open anything around you and the thumbnail is a key with two holes in it so maybe this is a way to open anything around you I feel like this is not gonna show up in the video but let's just take a look and try to find this key yep no Kino Kino Kino Kino key we know that this channel click baits I remember a long time ago though five minute crafts was not that bad of a channel they actually used to be good and make good crafts and hacks but where did they go wrong let's talk about that if we go back two years ago it's one of their first videos there's actually a video titled how to make an amazing balancing trick and this is actually really cool this actually seems like a really cool hack they're gonna make something balanced using pretty much only a toothpick and some corks I find this really cool and I liked how their videos back then were so specific like if you wanted to figure out how to do that you could do that and you wouldn't have to watch an hour-long video to figure out one thing that's not cool at all and don't forget they use the same videos across each and every channel all in all though five minute crafts is sometimes a good Channel but these five minute crafts don't even work I tried looking around for a craft channel that made videos on crafts that actually work because I want to shout them out you know I want to see which crap channels are actually real but if you search up the word crass or life hacks or something on YouTube five minute crafts is everywhere and they're joining channels that they have like the life hack channel that they own and stuff shows up to like I guess if you want to figure out how to do something yourself you got to go on like Pinterest or something you will not be able to find it on YouTube this channel and the 20 million other channels that are associated with it are horrible the company that's behind these channels is probably making a lot of money because their views are really high but I questioned their ways on how they make money because doing it this way must be really really weird telling people about crafts that don't even work what's the point well that's all for this video talking about five minute crafts that don't even work if you guys did enjoy this video at all make sure you go ahead and subscribe to my channel if you're new and like the video if you did enjoy because I know not all of you click that like button it takes like one second you might as well do it right now I hope you guys did enjoy this one I'll see you guys in my next episode peace out [Music]
Channel: DJ Cook
Views: 3,815,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5-minute crafts, do it yourself, life hacks, 5 minute crafts dont work..., 5 min crafts, diy, dj cook, dj cook 5 minute crafts, dj, meet the youtubers, meet the youtubers dj cook, 5min crafts dont work
Id: s8lIA0nAWUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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