The Backpack Kid has Problems...

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you guys probably all know about the backpack kid and some of you might like him some of you might dislike him but me I don't know what it is but I just don't like this kid he basically is a social media personality who pretty much just rose to fame super quickly whenever videos of him dancing went viral in January 2016 and I don't know why these went viral probably because they were very cringy now on Instagram he was known as I got bars and what that means is he can rap but I never really saw him rap in any of those videos so I don't know why that was his name yeah people started to realize that this kid is super cringy and it's weird how he dances like this but he's gaining Fame and he's pretty decent at dancing so then people started talking about him and then he got more followers and more followers until it essentially just became a meme that he was a dancer and there was always you know the familiar dances whenever he you know danced he would do dabs and he would hit them folks and he would do all that I sound so weird I know saying all this but there was one dance that people were like what is that what are you doing you look weird like did you create this and essentially he did create this dance that we're gonna talk about you guys probably know it it is in fortnight but at the same time there were people who did it way before him and there's proof that people did it way before he did for this video to be possible I'm going to need some money so the video will continue after a quick word from our sponsor I know you guys play games if you're watching this you probably play games or you might just want to buy stuff well app bounty is sponsoring this video and if you've heard of a bounty you've probably heard of all the bad things about it but a bounty actually works and I want you guys to take this time to go ahead and check it out and trust me if actually works if you go down there and click that link right now it will work and if you don't know what it is it's basically just a site where you download games literally free games and you get gift cards you can get Amazon gift cards if you guys use your Amazon gift cards you can buy clothes you can buy shoes you can buy everything on Amazon it's super simple Thank You app bounty for sponsoring this video like I said it actually works click the link in the description and go ahead and get yourself some free money so there's a video uploaded January 13 2011 uploaded by Yul Kennedy the title says backpack kid didn't create the floss mashed potato I don't know what the mashed potato has to do with it but you guys are probably thinking if you're not using your brain right now thinking how did he know that the backpack it was gonna create the floss in 2011 when the backpack kid created it in 2016 well he went back and changed the title but still this video was uploaded 2011 of somebody doing the floss check it out oh yeah yeah yeah I'm singing so I don't get a copyright strike yeah I hope you enjoy the video took me awhile yeah yeah yeah gotta go so technically the backpack kid didn't create the floss now there's a couple explanations for this maybe the backpack kid just randomly was in his room one day and thought of the floss or maybe he copied it off of one of these videos that weren't very popular and tried to popularize it I feel like he didn't create it because there was already people doing it at the time you know I'm saying but they just didn't have the popularity to make the dance skyrocket like the back fat kid did for floss and there's also another instance of where somebody did the floss before the backpack kids so this is really weird uploaded November 12 2014 a very popular youtuber this time j stu studios locally known for their toilet paper forts and just weird shenanigans in public uploaded a video called look what I can do which has 4.6 million views and within the video if you go to about 20 seconds in one of the you know personalities of this channel started flossing he said look what I can do instead of flossing and it's not that the backpack kid completely copied this video but it's just weird that he says that he created it even though people did it before him but like I said he did popularize the floss now the backpack kid has danced with many many people he danced with a oh and Te'o the people who created the song I just wanna rolia rolia rolia you know that song yeah it was a banger back in like 2016 but it's you know never played anymore the people who created that song are friends with the backpack kid and why is the backpack kid called the backpack kid he wears a backpack all the time and if you don't think this kid is the real deal Caty arey posted to him on Instagram the backpack kid which was known as I got bars at the time from his Instagram posted a video of him flossing with his backpack on and Katy Perry reposted it and Katy Perry is popular really popular that's how you know he is on top of the world right now now in his Instagram bio it said that he's ending racism and his you know explanation for that is he dances with black people to try to end racism cuz that makes sense and we're gonna get into the drama part of this video there is some drama going on with him and this is kind of the reason why I don't like him I've been you know being kind of positive about him this whole video saying he's cringy but you know it's cool it's funny he's doing something with his life instead of you know sitting down all day playing a video game you know he's doing something he's making money he's increasing his popularity so that's cool but there's been some bad things that he's done and I mean really really bad so you guys know how there's dances in fortnight right and some of these dances were created by fortnight right they just thought of a random dance and threw it together but some of these were created by people real people who just danced and then four-night threw it in their game and made money off of other people's dances and didn't give them any money so at first it was 2 milli he's sued fortnight or at least tried to because they took his Millie Rock dance and if you don't know what that is it is the swipe bit emo where ever you just like move your arms I probably gonna show it on screen right now if I remember to do it in the editing but yeah you just swipe your arms this was a real dance by a real person and he didn't get any money from them using his dance so I guess that's kind of like copyright and stuff like that but so they started suing and then more people were like well if this dude can get money from this why can't I so then Alfonso Ribeiro of The Fresh Prince of bel-air started to try to you know sue for 9 and then Donald a faizon which owns the default dance of for now if you ever seen the default dance compared to the regular dance is literally like the same thing he tried suing for tonight as well now what are they all doing here they're realizing that they can make a whole bunch of money so they're doing it I don't like when people do that honestly in my opinion whenever people see a chance to you know do some things gummy but make a whole bunch of money I don't like when people do that like I stopped item shop videos because I thought it was going to make my channel better and it was gonna be more fun for me if I were to continue doing those I would have made a lot more money that just shows that some people are super you know focused on money and some people just want to live their life in a good way this dude was an actor Donald Faison he's an actor he was on a TV show poison like if you're an actor on a you know Hollywood TV show you have enough money you don't need to do all this and then what does this have to do with the back packing what why am I talking about fortnight dances well you guys know the floss is in for tonight the backpack kid was playing for tonight and he was in love with it I tried to put it up on the screen right now but he was in love with fortnight doing his floss dance and just having a good time he had nothing wrong with it but if you look at it today the backpack kid created the floss I guess you could say and it appeared in fortnight it was in these season two battle pet and the backpack kid after loving fortnight and not caring that it was in the game he started to create a lawsuit and now he's trying to sue fortnight because he realized how easy and how other people are making money so he's going to go ahead and sue fortnight as his kodak black said in one of his songs first they kissing you hugging you and then they're suing you I feel like that matches up perfectly back that kid was kissing for a night and loving fortnight and then he was suing for me that's just so weird to me and maybe if you're a broke person and they just jacked your dance and didn't give you any credit right but they've talked to backpacking before and he's been fine with it just seeing that he could make all this money he started to get mad so if you didn't think that the backpack kid could get any worse back that kid has a YouTube channel just like I do but we don't really post the same thing you see if we take a look at his channel he posts you know music every once in a while which we're about to get into his music which is and then every once in a while he'll post like a fortnight video but he's started to stop uploading for tonight because he's suing them anyway there has been some drama going on with him like crazy drama about a song called a flossin that he made now this song was featured on genius and if you guys don't know what genius is it's basically a platformer that is known for bringing in rappers and just people who make songs and telling them to explain their lyrics and tell them the explanation and the you know meaning of what they say in their songs and the backpack kid came in and you know what he said he said I be Flossie [Music] be flossing I'll be four sir what do you mean zwei that is he's doing his dance the floss he's doing his dance that's so uh rap about something else man it's like his whole life it just revolved around the floss that he took from somebody else that's so weird the likes 38000 likes the dislikes 232,000 oh my god they hate this kid as much as I do and do you guys want to see some memes about this video oh it's so bad and that's why I just really don't like him he's overreacting and trying to ride the wave and I hate hate hate hate when people try to ride other people's ways now all in all what's my problem with him what why do I not like him well one he was cringy and whenever I see something cringy what do I do I cringe and I don't enjoy cringing like genuinely cringing is just like a you know and he makes me cringe he looks weird not trying to you know be rude but he looks weird especially when he dances and does all these weird dances it just makes me cringe as well as him loving fortnight and then just being so fake for some money I would hate that a fortnight put my dance in the game I think that would be awesome like if I just started dancing one day and I saw it in fortnight I would buy that and dance and just people would know that would be my dance I would be blessed to have it in a game but he wants to sue fortnight and then take it out of the game like what like his money getting to his head that badly I don't know but I hope you guys enjoyed this video if it's really well edited in your opinion and you really did enjoy it and you were entertained go ahead and subscribe because most of my videos pretty much all of my videos like this you can go and check them out art exactly like this I edit them very very well and we just talk about stuff and I just expressed my opinion on certain things and you know I just show it through quality content so thank you guys for watching I'll catch you guys later peace out [Music] ain't no enough but I'm here right now kids like I'm a snipers my hair right now Wow Ida came this morning [Music]
Channel: DJ Cook
Views: 3,378,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kodak, kodakwk, kodak wk, thebackpackkid, theback, the backpack kid, the backpack kid has problems..., the backpack kid flossin, flossin, floss, whats going on, whats going on kodak wk
Id: ALxdQJdtgEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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