this girl called Kobe at 3AM (she messed up)

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yo what's up it was just a normal day I got home from school I got on YouTube I was probably on the toilet and I saw this I was thinking there's no way that this girl just did that I wanted to know who this girl was so I clicked on her channel and I found a lot more videos where she was using dead people for views and for money we got to do something about this for the past year on my channel I've exposed like 30 different bad youtubers and this is only the second girl youtuber I've ever made a video on normally girls are good youtubers but not this one this video is about to get really juicy because today we're gonna watch a couple of videos where people are using dead celebrities to get a lot of money and I mean seriously they use these dead people for views if you guys don't know already Kobe Bryant recently died in a helicopter crash and he was a very famous and very good basketball player he was also a really good person so I'm confused and wondering why this girl wanted to make this video go ahead eat a banana chug some sprite after that and click like on this video because it took a long time to make welcome to why the heck are these people doing this part 1 I'll have you know I've watched people call Sonic at 3 a.m. and I've actually watched someone called cars 3 at 3 a.m. yeah I know they called a movie I don't but calling a dead person at 3 a.m. this girl looks 15 16 maybe 17 years old and she's making dead people videos just imagine someone in your family dies and you see a video of somebody calling them at 3 a.m. that would suck we have to get rid of this girl's channel so the title of the video that she made says calling Kobe Bryant on FaceTime at 3 a.m. he answered and here's the horrible thumbnail you can just tell that this video is fake just from the picture I hope you guys are doing great guys I hope you guys are having an amazing day eyes are a comment down below and if not I hope this video brightens up your day and makes you smile pretty sure this video isn't brightening anyone's day up does she realize what she's doing basically today I am going to be calling Kobe Bryant 3 a.m. yes guys 3 a.m. this is gonna be one of the most insane uh craziest videos ever who else hates our already every single fake youtuber talks the same way and I hate it today we are going to be doing this and it's going to be so crazy guys literally how all of them sound I'm super scared for doing this guys because almost of course she's nervous I'd be nervous too if I was talking to a dead person that's really scary we're doing this let's do it guys ok guys so right now I'm currently about to call Kobe Bryant at 3 a.m. guys it's currently 3 a.m. it just from 3:00 a.m. guys I swear I'm super nervous for this it's crying 3a I miss you guys just it's 3 a.m. it's 3 a.m. it's 3 a.m. like yeah we get it just call him already guys you don't believe how nervous I am because as you guys know he currently just passed away sadly I want you guys to give all your condolences to his family to his close friends and to give his donations to his family cuz this is really really tragic Thank You Koby r.i.p amen did she just say that she cares for his family and that everybody should give their condolences to Kobe's family she does not realize what she's doing she's literally faking calling him for money but then in the video she's telling people to go support his family if Kobe Bryant's wife saw this she would beat this girl up oh gosh this next part of this video when she calls him is so fake oh it's so bad okay guys so here is his number Kobe Bryant as you guys saw so right now guys I'm about to FaceTime the man himself Kobe Bryant I really hope that he responds man what if he doesn't yeah like what if he doesn't answer you were just talking about how he died so it would be normal if he didn't answer right no freaking way no way bro this is a joke yep what's good Kobe let's go answer what what if he's kidnapped dude this girl just said what if Kobe is being kidnapped what is going on in this video okay so so far she's called him like three times and he hasn't picked up you know why because it's not even his number it's probably her calling her friend or something he then talked about what if the helicopter was fake and what if the Illuminati was on his phone yeah she's just so dumb but he's about to call her though okay guys check this out look look see Kobe Bryant missed FaceTime call what is going on oh my god okay we're gonna try to call back and see what's up okay I give up I just called him off camera because I wanted to see what was going on but I just got rejected this is literally the end of the video what the heck he's messed up if you thought her calling Kobe Bryant was bad you guys know pop smoke he was a rapper that came up from New York and he was really starting to blow up until recently he was killed in his home if we go ahead and look at this girl's channel HB vlogs we can see calling pop smoke on face at 3:00 a.m. how many times do we have to teach you this lesson hi so I found he's number this is literally his number guys oh my god like no it's not we're gonna try it out anyways go okay so once again the dead person won't answer is this how all her videos go she said in the video that she was gonna call them but then they didn't answer the title literally says he actually answered so I'm gonna watch the rest of this video pray for me and I'm gonna try to find where he answers and I wish I did not have to watch this stupid video pop smoke is literally facetiming me back oh okay guys look guys look guys look oh my god oh my god her camera is so bad like you can't even tell what the phone said oh my god should I answer okay yes I'm gonna answer I'm gonna answer I'm gonna answer do you really just did that out of all my meet the youtubers episodes where I've exposed the youtubers I have never seen somebody make their fans click the like button to see something else what I've seen a couple youtubers where you'd click on the video to see something and it'd be at the end of the video they would want you to watch till the end but I've never seen someone put what you clicked on that's bad fight a streak but this gets to at least 300 likes I will call him back if he gets a 300 likes so get this a 300 likes guys and I'm looking back again you have 200 dislikes does that count let's look at the comments because I bet a lot of people have a lot to say about this girl somebody commented and said you suck oh wait that was my company this dude said delete your channel using dead people for Klout is just wrong in every way you should know better I agree with that someone else said you probably didn't even know pop smoke until you found out he was dead and you just wanted Klout that is actually true she probably didn't even know who pop smoke was and then when she found out he was dead she knew that that was an easy way to get views some what also said quit trying to get Klout and also nice mustache mu tachi hey everybody comment down below mu tachi right now someone else actually made a video calling kobe bryant at 3 a.m. and that dude's video was actually way worse than the girls video the way that this dude talks and the way that he begs people to watch till the end of the video is horrible I cannot wait for you guys to see this now before you guys watch this video this is actually a reload of the original video that the dude posted the original video actually gotten taken down because of how bad it was and YouTube did not allow it but luckily somebody screen recorded it and they posted it again so if you see this video don't go and give this dude hate because it's not the same dude who posted it he's welcome back to the channel and if you are new please let me know down in the comment section watch through the whole entire video guys because if you didn't already know the one and only famous basketball player Kobe has unfortunately passed away and I just want to say all my thoughts and prayers go to his family and friends guys why does every youtuber do this they're literally calling a dead person but then they say I was sad that he passed away and now I care about his family so go support them like no you do not care at all if you're calling them at 3 a.m. and in the intro like he immediately said if you guys are new watching to the end like before he said anything else he was begging people to watch to the end of the video I don't know why but I hate to say this but he reminds me of morons make sure you watch me the whole video guys because I'm actually gonna try and FaceTime Kirby and let's just see if he's actually alive or dead still guys I just want to know because this is actually so scary it's guys guys what I say to him well guys I don't even know you're gonna put hello is this Kobi guys I'm gonna keep it simple for now and let's just hope let's just hope okay so he says he's gonna text Kobe and then later on in the video he's gonna FaceTime him in today's video we have not seen anybody actually call or FaceTime them in the kobe bryant video she didn't call him in the pop smoke video she didn't call him either but in these videos we'll get to check out of these guys doing it they actually called them this wait I don't I don't want anything to do with the mainstream media anymore guys what what was that he was like I don't want ya like a hold up I don't I was gonna show you guys the parts where they were texting each other like him texting Kobe and stuff but that was just so boring and I didn't want to have you guys be bored of my video so I'm just gonna show you the part where he actually caused Kobe Bryant beware though because this part is probably the weirdest and cringy esteem that you will see today but you have to expect cringe enos when you click on my videos because we always look at cringy stuff in these episodes so but without further ado to be ready to watch this super horrible call I actually do I feel so bad for guys I'm gonna call him you know what I'm just gonna call him right off the bat let's just see what happens guys guys we were actually cooling could be right now is he gonna answer guys we need to find out oh my god yo hello yo hello yo yo is it comfy yo what does this mean yo hello oh my god guys yo he just ended on me he just actually ended on me so this dude literally got his friend to act like Kobe Bryant when the fake Kobe or whatever the duty was calling at least when he said I told you not to call me you could tell that he had an accent similar to that kids he was like I told you not to call me like Kobe does not sound like that there's actually one more video of somebody calling Kobe Bryant so let's go ahead and check out this scumbag you Kobe Bryant if you own this absolutely insane yo oh my god is that is that Kobe Bryant I thought you were dead what happened bro you need help oh my goodness I can't believe that just happened wise this has been an insane video yeah I'm done with these kids I hope their parents found out that they were doing this and they will get a nice opening bit but still surprises me though is the fact that that HB vlogs girl who called Kobe Bryant and pop smoke at 3:00 a.m. still has her channel up I think her channel should be deleted immediately that's my goal for today's video in a couple of weeks I want to see her channel gone and I want to see it off of youtube and if it doesn't happen the new tube obviously just doesn't care so for this to happen I need all of you guys to like this video right now just click that like button and hopefully someone that works for YouTube will see this video and take action against these horrible people I appreciate you guys for always loving these videos and always give a ton of likes and a ton of comments and just always supporting me if you guys thought this video was fun to watch go ahead and subscribe to my channel to see these awesome videos all the time I'll see you guys in my next episode I know you see those videos on the screen right now if they seem cool to you go ahead and click on one of them they might be about the time I threw a chair my teacher about the time I punched a kid in the McDonald's play place or it might just be a random video so go ahead and check that out if you want
Channel: DJ Cook
Views: 3,920,897
Rating: 4.8811555 out of 5
Keywords: calling kobe bryant at 3am, calling kobe, kobe bryant, this girl called kobe, dj cook kobe, dj cook 3am, 3am challenges, 3am, 3am calling, calling pop smoke at, calling pop smoke at 3am, dj cook, dj cook 3am video, meet the youtubers, hb vlogs
Id: inxgD4FcRGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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