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take a look you guys know the rules before we begin make sure to punch that notification bell yeah my editor has to do something every time I punch every time our editors behind the camera looking at me very upset right now when I had a joke but uh hi yeah Domino's you're my favorite pizza place watch this hi pizza huh you're my favorite pizza hi 9 1 1 I make it so you made it through try not to laugh alright well we changed your oil got your tires rotated looks like you're due for a new filter though and also I'm a naughty little bunny boy [Music] [Music] hi I'm Ben it's me glossa and today I'm going to talk to you about pee just crazy don't we just have it time oh wait just saw Black Panther hi Domino's yeah hola konichiwa Sbarro's looking to enter and cram in Fiji I'm saying top from Disney's so random and you're watching the Disney Channel all right everybody be cool all right you're not missing the registers that I'm here to make a call to my ex-wife Karen get my wife on the phone all the cats get the character under the registers now be cool be cool shake up his name so leaving traffic looking to enter Dave & Buster's ad mmm I've seen many a traveler go in Meriden legit there's cheap beer and wings Mario karts and a lady in jean shorts and flip-flops named Tammy who keeps giving your eyes and we can go to your suits I promised I wouldn't have questions I know relationships are based on trust I just got kicked out of a baja fresh [Music] [Laughter] hello my name is Sir humble brag um apologies for being late my Tesla was acting a little strange it's not a big deal I have a six point three inch pan yes is that Shane tell us what he says I mean it's just it's just crazy you know I get out there and these guys just hug like I'm doing three sets every night you met strapping me in please you know I do shows you ready let's do this man they do this it's not going back what else we've been training for you're right sir moment what father told us to do mm-hmm yes you're dead dad let's go [Applause] [Applause] I hate you guys hey what's up slate - camera cool hi I'm Shane top I'm over 18 and I'm five-eleven [Music] you could have gotten us killed or worse expelled it's not Wingardium Leviosa it's levy oh sorry and I start again I'm just not feeling into it it's not Wingardium Leviosa it's Leviosa thank you um do you had shot mr. Rick Berg I have some good news now some bad news he found your son who's been missing for 20 years he's healthy he's fine unfortunately he is a massive fan of James Corden if you don't want to oh my god you're okay you're mine yes the guy told you not to let the baby do shine [Music] [Music] we now return to the season finale of The Bachelorette dannion I connect with you on a very real level but when you saw that fire hydrant me to disappear covers your nipple geez I don't know how to make you laugh but I know someone who does hold on wait dude relax chill out dang it he first ignore our dude that was only like three your boyfriend just ignored me but I made you laugh mm-hmm well great all right ready for my prostate exam so look at the edge of my backbone laid see many travelers freaking bro dude last night dude Jessica came over to my place dude it was nuts we totally read the Bible it was awesome dude she totally got on her knees and then she totally read the Bible we freaking read the five so hard so freaking hard dude and then oh dude and then we found my parents like we Thunder stache and then we totally read the Bible all over it was so damn machetes I am legally responsible to tell you that we fell just sorry it makes me laugh but it's serious foot job huh we found a dead McCall in the nacho barrels [Music] soldiers of the sassy infantry [Music] many will die but your leg feller will be remembered Wow guys that was a lot of shame hey if you want to watch either you eat it hit that box up top or if you want to check out our try not to laugh playlist hit that box on the bottom if you enjoyed the clips in this video we have all the links in the description below [Music]
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 4,657,665
Rating: 4.9704309 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, compilation, best of shayne topp, try not to laugh, best of try not to laugh, try not to laugh challenge, smosh try not to laugh, try not to laugh shayne, smosh compilation, you're my favorite pizza place
Id: mB9uFt3XF4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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