Meat Lovers Pizza on the Blackstone 22" Griddle | COOKING WITH BIG CAT 305

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what's up yo big cat 3:05 here today we are making pizza on the Blackstone not just any pizza meat lovers Pizza we're gonna load this thing up with some bacon sausage pepperoni and ham and some cheese and some awesome tomato pizza sauce and it's gonna be phenomenal hopeful leads we'll find out I'm using a new pizza crust and you're gonna have to stick around to find out which one it is and I'm I'll give you a little I'll give it a hit so stick around I want you to see it all if you knew the channel I think we're stopping by make sure you hit that subscribe button down below and ring that notification bell and if you are a current subscriber I want to thank you for all your support we're growing fast and keeping that thumbs up as well as commenting down below everybody let's get cooking so we are gonna start off by cooking our meats pre cooking our meats we're going to start off with our bacon we've got three strips of black peppercorn thick-cut bacon we've got a pound some Italian ground sausage we're gonna chop that up remember it's easier to chop it when it's raw versus trying to chop it after it's cooked so a little tip there chop it chop it chop it while it's raw makes life much easier once you get that all nice and crumbled up you're gonna leave it alone you start messing with your bacon breaking these strips up I cut these into little bite-sized pieces it is pizza so you know easy way to go you can hear the sizzle you could smell it trust me it smells phenomenal so we break it up and just let it relax and sizzle sizzle and get cooked so the bacon and the sausage take the longest so that's why I put those on first sausage you don't wanna mess with too much just flip them over after three or four minute minutes break them up a little bit more you can see them start to get stuck together there no biggie chop chop chop and these are gonna be amazing pizza toppers so I move some of the pieces that are not so cooked towards the center the center is always the hottest part of this particular black stone I know the larger ones are a little bit different but this two burner the center's the hottest trust me move those move that bacon around turn it check on it it's cooking nicely I've got the burners on pretty much medium-low here no need to rush this and that's it just keep flipping it keep checking it and this is gonna make the pizza so easy everything's gonna be already done pretty much when you cook the pizza it's basically just a matter of heating up cheese [Music] so the sausage is looking good we'll slide that over the bacon is looking good also we'll slide that over as well and we'll make some room for our ham so these are little biscuit sized ham rounds if you want to call them that that I cut in half and we're we're not gonna cook these two too much we're just gonna kind of brown them a little bit and you can see I'm separating them here with my hands let me tell you the best tool there is in the kitchen is your hands there is no tool that does a better job than your hands so this pizzas for me and my family so I'm making it with my hands and if I was not I would be wearing gloves but I am so [Music] hey you just want to spread them out get them nice and even on there and literally the ham takes like two minutes just to heat up and give them a little bit of color you don't even need to do this but you know why not you get some of that bacon grease on that ham oh that's key right there so we check the sausage to make sure it's not getting burnt it's not looking good now we're gonna flip the ham over you can see the color starting to come in there oh yeah there's a nice little browning like I said get a little bacon grease throw that bacon grease in there as well Oh bacon make bacon makes everything taste better so oh you can see the color coming right now so that's it this is pretty much done we're gonna take this off here and just a few looks delicious so this is a little tray that I got I think I got it at Walmart actually I believe it's like a dip tray like a veggie dip or some kind of a chip and dip or something I don't know I use it for stuff like this so picture you're taking this black stone camping and you want to make a pizza because who doesn't love pizza you could do that when you go camping you just take this tray here you can cook this all in advance and you pre cook all your meats and you stick it in this little tray here last but not least the sausage I made more than I needed but that's okay so you had that sausage in there and and you could take this with you camping and you got everything already made so anyway let's go back inside that's our first prep so now inside we're gonna make the pizza crust this is a new little gadget I just got this pizza pan with the holes in it it is sturdy let me tell you it is awesome I'm gonna put a link in the description below where you can get one I got it on Amazon and then this is just another pan that's about the same size and here's our pill berry pizza crust that I'm gonna try out for the first time I've heard good things about it I have never actually tried this so this is a first for me so we're gonna open it up spread it open and we are gonna make this into the shape of this circle circular pizza pan which is the same size pretty much as the the one with the holes in it but I figured trying to do this with the ones with the holes wouldn't make a mess and have things going all through the holes so the pizza crust through the hole so their pizza dough through the hole so I said you know what let me just do it on a regular pan first I all of these pans actually with just a little bit of oil just so you know the the dough comes off and spreads around nice and easily so you can see I'm not working that too much I'm just kind of moving it out towards the edges and plenty of pizza dough to fill up this pan which is about 14 inches wide and you can see there it's about done so I'm gonna take it out of here and stick it into the pan that I'm gonna actually be cooking it on with the holes in it so I start working it over there and let me move it over back into the picture so you can see and you can see there it's already pretty much done just kind of finish it up a little bit on the edges and I don't have to worry about that going through the holes or making a mess there's a little hole right there so I pinched it a little bit and you can do that no big deal and then for the edges they're not perfect just grab a pair of scissors or a knife cut those edges off and boom you got a perfect perfect circular pizza pizza crust dough right there looks great that's exactly what I was going for there you go it looks beautiful now we got our little container I added the pepperoni I had the cheese in the middle and bam there you go there's our toppings for our pizza so imagine taking that with you to the beach to the campground to wherever and you got it right there and you can make that ahead of time so I put this this is actually a vegetable tray for a grill that I turned over and I'm gonna use that to raise the pizza dough off the bottom of the griddle so it doesn't burn the bottom of the pizza crust and that's it we we preheat it for about eight minutes the directions say I believe it's 400 degrees for 425 so I check it after about eight minutes and it's it's about getting there so we're gonna take this off it is very hot be careful and now we're gonna add our toppings I start with the mids pizza sauce which is my favorite it is really good if you have not tried it tastes great and you take your ladle and you just spin that around spread it around I guess there's probably a better word to use but you can see a little goes a long way you don't want to put too much sauce because then you're gonna have a soggy pizza and not everybody likes a soggy pizza so literally four or five tablespoons goes a long way so I'm gonna add some fresh garlic minced garlic here I love fresh garlic who doesn't love garlic so I'm gonna add that in there and spread it around a little bit and we're gonna add some oregano as well give it a nice Italian spice and then we add our toppings right here from our handy dandy toppings holder organizer whatever you want to call so we add the cheese first another you can go crazy with the cheese I usually do but I just wanted to make a regular pizza I'm usually an extra cheese guy to be honest but for this particular video I just went with the regular amount of cheese I guess so add the cheese first and then from there we start adding our meats start with the Italian sausage and just kind of spread it out as even as you can I mean you can go as crazy as you want you can load up your pizza like crazy but sometimes less is more sometimes you you just want to kind of spread it out and since you're putting four different types of meat you put a little bit of each and then it becomes a nice evenly top pizza so we add our ham here spread it around like I said fill in the gaps and then from there we add our bacon oh my god the bacon is smelling delicious and you just kind of want to spread that around as well it's looking good and then finally we want to add our pepperoni that's the only thing I didn't cook they're so thin they're gonna heat up while they're baking in the Blackstone or if you make this you can make this pizza in your oven you can make it on a grill you can make this pizza wherever as long as you have a heat source and you can make it you have it covered like a like an oven you can make it I've made it I've made it on a grill I've made it on Quemado style grill and there on a regular grill I've made it in the oven many many times I've only made it on the blackstone a couple let me tell you this is this is this what came out really good so pepperonis are pretty much almost done we're just kind of kind of filling in a couple more of the empty spots we have a few more ingredients left over and we're about here done this is load this is a definitely a meatlovers pizza so we're gonna add a little bit more cheese this is a Kobe Jack blend just give it some color a little bit of yellow in there yellow yellow a little bit of yellow yellow cheese in there as well you know I went light on the cheese in the beginning so I figured let me do that a little bit more on the top which I did and I'm glad I did because I love cheese so this pizza looks good it is time to stick it back on to the black stone so we put it right back on that upside-down vegetable grill tray thingamajig whatever you want to call it and the heat is on about medium to medium-low and after about six or seven minutes you want to check it it is getting there it's looking good the cheese is melting but it's not quite there I don't think but look at the bottom the bottom look great and it's hot be careful so I just check it a few more times every couple to three minutes and it's it's coming along nicely I decide to turn it a little bit with my fingers not very smart but well you know it is what it is so I turn it around just so it cooks nice and evenly and it's about ready so you know what let's go check it out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait ah look at this pizza this is a beautiful meatlovers pizza with the Pillsbury crust that I cannot wait to try the toppings I know are gonna be great because you know to meat cheese and garlic and thus mins pizza sauce is phenomenal but enough talking let's cut into this crust it's still nice and hot let's uh let's give it a shot I'm gonna stand up here because oh look at the crunch factor okay step number one was good crunch factor is definitely there [Music] that looks delicious a couple more cuts and we are we are ready to check this out let's see which one do I pick how about the one closest to me that looks good oh [Music] look at that looks great the bottom looks great it's not burnt I'm gonna give you a little close-up oh yeah look at that pizza the bottom looks phenomenal the top looks great with all the cheese all right let's give her a taste mmm that is some good pizza [Music] you got all the meat flavors coming through the crush is perfect the sauce is perfect [Music] hmm muy delicioso that came out phenomenal so everybody if you're looking to make some pizza on the black song this is super easy I love this pizza crust out of a can come on it doesn't get much easier than that it looks beautiful it tastes phenomenal with super easy to make and I highly suggest everybody thank you for watching liking subscribing and commenting and will keep on cooking big cat out
Channel: Cooking with Big Cat 305
Views: 54,282
Rating: 4.855238 out of 5
Keywords: pizza, meat lovers, meat lovers pizza, blackstone, griddle, griddle cooking, blackstone griddle, pizza on the blackstone griddle, pizza on the griddle, easy pizza, easy pizza on the griddle, easy pizza recipe, how to make pizza, best pizza recipe, pizza recipe, easy pizza on the blackstone, blackstone 22-inch griddle, cooking with big cat 305, how to make pizza on the griddle, how to make pizza on the blackstone, how to make meat lovers pizza, blackstone pizza, pizza blackstone
Id: tbzlKC18d7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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