Flatbread Pizzas on the Blackstone Griddle

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[Music] [Applause] what's going on y'all uh we are back on the Blackstone Davey was trying to stay home and cook supper for once ain't that cool Oh today we're making a flatbread pizza right here on the Blackstone super simple super good kids love it and well they're our school right now they'll be here just a little bit on the way cook you up they don't have afternoon snack how does that sound we're going to show you what we're going to cook with but before we do it subscribe button bell notification hit up you know all the thumbs up comment down below get all that done check down below we have links to Facebook Instagram Twitter email hey hit us up we love to hear from you so with all that said let's get show what we're cooking with now this recipe here is pretty straightforward but now the flatbed we're using is this naan bread you can pick it up at Walmart and then man I'll tell you what this took crisp up and it just makes a perfect crust for your pizza we're going to do some meat level pizzas here we asked some we bake in handsome month sausage and I went ahead and cooked up and crumbled up and save a little time for the video and we got some pepperoni in we have some mozzarella cheese and Colby Monterey Jack kind of course can't have pizza you know without the pizza sauce so let's get showing you how we're gonna do this head start things off it up a little all down we got a toast up our trust our flatbread that's naan bread guy work turned me on this naan bread imma City would it is it is awesome as you see us it's just flat bread man it is good and he said to take little butter and toast it up like that and it's good by itself I haven't tried like that yet but hey don't I don't mean I won't so what we'll do now is we're just gonna toast it up these things have been going for a little while on one side let's flip let's see oh you're they start to get a little toast tool you see though they're still kind of flexible which is fine we're gonna toss up just a little bit now let's check these things out here oh yeah yeah that's kind of what we're looking for so what would be the ass what we'll do is we put that little bit more old we're gonna lightly toast the other side this now I know what don't look like these things are gonna be too crunchy but they will turn out that way so let's just lightly toast this side here we're getting putting this thing together that want to bet on here about a minute or so we're gonna start toast up on the other side so what we're gonna do now just kind of move these over just a little bit now we have a cooling rack what's gonna actually be cooking round now what we'll do is we'll come put my stuff up here so we start adding our stuff on the course the first thing we do want some pizzas would pizza sauce they add as much sausage you've walked into these things some people like a lot of sauce some don't that's completely up to you we're gonna put some on here now we're gonna back to turmeric on C we're gonna make a meat lovers Pizza I guess you'd call it it's kind of nothing the meat or make a cheese pizza one of the kids said they want achieve what the dude will come through here with Colby Monterey Jack cheese [Music] and you can make extra cheesy however you want to do this now I still have this side on high but the pizzas are actually as you see out there on the cooling rack so they're off the griddle cooking warmer and meeting kind of a sign with some mozzarella cheese on here let's go back and let's make say well let's make this back on the meat put some sausage on here now this is just some regular breakfast sausage that we uh browned up chopped up nothing spectacular got some bacon here we cooked up this a little while ago let those some pepperonis on there how's that tell you what on this other one bears just cheese let's make it cheesy cheesy cheesy I think on this and I might just break a little bit more cheese on why not make it pretty alright not what we're gonna do get the cheese melted we'll just take this dome here shut up it's almost ain't big enough then we'll take a water bottle now help melt that cheese out of that see what kind of get captured of the dome there no that cheese is out and that that crust will start to crisp it up now I got part of it hanging off the back but that's okay will do now I just kind of let that cook a little bit hey let it go as long as you want crisp up meltdown get them like you like I don't know how long it's gonna take for that cheese to melt so let's take a look that's gonna take a little bit looks a lot that's okay a little more steamed up on there now if you're looking for anything that we cook with this griddle these cooler and rice you know our spatula now this bait this basically paying I she made this home at the Walmart bought a panic attacks it was on Japan and a doorknob from the hardware department but if you're looking for anything that we're cooking with you know are we using look down the description down below we have a link we are an Amazon affiliate hey if you if you know you buy through the link you've got you're helping us out don't cost you any extra but we sure would appreciate the help so let's check these now yeah they're starting to melt down now they get uh look pretty good more steam baby cheese melting gooey I know what don't seem like these uh cross will crisp up but they will being right off of that griddle like that and that heat coming up man it crisps the bottom of that Brits are crunching just a nice light crisp it ain't real it ain't burnt okay I think these things are ready to come up let's check them out oh you late melted down few cover down here away let's go here okay don't be the crazy kids showed up and pizzas are off the griddle lady's gonna be good yeah yeah tell you what I tell you what junebug Ann wants to cut the song so cut them up let's see what we got going on here let's keep doing this time you hungry go back over it's not exactly the best pizza cutter we ever have Oh cut it that way now longer you leave it on this cooling rack the crispy or that bread will get the crust apart can lift this on a little bit longer but now get the idea just to give you an idea we cook some more and show you how crusty these are me look there don't even be in look it's not burnt so yeah the longer you leave them on here the butter so you know making leggings crushes you won't make them as thin as you know however you want to make them I mean this one here bends a little bit it's not bad well there you go so we leave them on here a little longer they'll crisp up a little better so that's completely up to you how you want to do it all right take it pick out a piece [Music] you go get that big piece brushing all right try it out which think about that that's better than or Tia's on that is good at that naan bread flatbread I'm gonna tell you what that really hoarsely that cheesy pizza Rock even on there you know bottom of the crust there I said longer you leave it on there the crispier it will be cold and hey I don't think you can go wrong with this flat break-in you ever had these for supper tonight now yeah okay ah so what else we got it there you go it also make sure you check out our social media links down below our Facebook Instagram Twitter we got an email we even have a PayPal down there if you feel like just you know hey being generous to us we would appreciate that and someone tell you what until next time we'll see you [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Cooking with The Crazy Pop
Views: 93,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackstone griddle, outdoor cooking, flat top, backyard cooking, easy recipe, pizzas on the blackstone griddle, flatbread pizza, flatbread recipe, flatbread on the blackstone griddle, cooking on the blackstone griddle, cooking on the blackstone grill, making pizzas on the blackstone griddle
Id: OGIRkx2uDyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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