Philly Cheese Steaks on the Blackstone 22" Griddle | COOKING WITH BIG CAT 305

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what's up yo big cat 3:05 here today is a big day for us we hit a thousand subscribers a thousand and just a little over six months that's awesome thank you all so much for subscribing liking commenting I really appreciate it and today we're gonna be cooking Philly cheesesteaks on the blackstone let's do it [Music] baby all right I was able to pick up these beautiful thin sliced rib eyes at Publix for 1029 per pound I also picked up this kuma knife on Amazon the link is in the description below and this thing is a really good knife cuts super smooth very nice nice weight to it and you'll see here it just goes right through the meat like nothing basically you want to cut through and get rid of all the fat you want to get rid of that silver skin that's in there and clean it up as nice as you can it's actually a little bit easier to do when they're not already thin sliced but I got such a good deal on them that I decided to just go for it so you want to cut them into nice thin strips I froze the steak for about 45 minutes before I started this process it makes it a little bit easier when you slice it and then you just want to cut nice thin strips up to get the fat taken off you go direction number one and then you want to turn it 90 degrees and then cut it into basically cubes so we get to the end here turn it sideways 90 degrees and then basically just slice it again all the way through and you can do this on the griddle which I've done in the past but this makes it a little bit easier for prep time cook time you name it and let me tell you it came out amazing so I I like this way better just saying so any other little pieces of fat you find as you're cutting through just get rid of them just toss them off to the side and that's how you cut them so we'll fast forward just a little bit to get through the process [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and here's the finished product looks absolutely beautiful ingredients time so we have our cheese whiz it's not actually cheese whiz its cheese dip that I got from Aldi's for less than $2 if you buy actual cheese whiz from Publix it's $5 it's the same stuff just ahead the bread that beautiful bread there I got at BJ's a dozen of those rolls for $4 they were awesome bottom right I have some provolone middle bottom I've got some chopped white onions and then on the Left I have the ribeye that we talked about already which I got on sale for 1029 a pound some oil some water some pepper and some salt and that's it very simple ingredients this is an amazing dish from Philly I'm not trying to make it better I'm trying to actually replicate what these guys and gals doing Philly because it's such an awesome sandwich I'm sure I'll get some feedback what I did wrong or what I did right it's all good but we start by putting our onions down and get those nice and brown before we continue onions are down just like always you just want to mix them up a little bit stir them around get them nice and lubed up with that oil and we just want to get these a little bit caramelized before we actually add them to the meat because she's take a little bit longer to cook them the meat not much that's it just spread them around nice and evenly get them nice and happy all right so it's been about a minute or so or stir them up like I said you want to cook these nothing fancy nothing special really the ingredients are very plain when I say plain like not too many ingredients so that's a good thing I love onions I come all the time so we just want to get these a little bit browned on the outside not too much and like I said we just want to get in caramelize we're gonna add some salt here put some spices on them that's some fresh ground pepper finally got my pepper mill to start working [Music] so here we have a little pot we're gonna put some cheese whiz in and we're gonna get that nice and heated up on the grill or griddle and those onions are gonna continue to cook you want to get that cheese in there early because it takes a little bit of time to heat up so I want to take this opportunity you know a thousand subscribers that's amazing and I would not have been able to do it without my my partner in life she's she's the camera woman the producer the director set design you name it she does it all and most importantly she is my partner and she makes it much easier she makes it a lot more fun and that's why I think we're having some success here is because we're a great team and I love her to death so we'll keep on cooking and you know I could not do it without her so thank you very much babe I love it all right continuing on so we move the onions over and make some room for the next main ingredient which of course is the beef so we add a little bit of oil you're gonna spread that out a little bit [Music] grilles on I would say medium to medium-high at this point and we're just gonna put it down look at those beautiful cubes I mean that's a good-looking rear buy right there absolutely beautiful you can see there's a there's some fat in there which is where you're gonna get the flavor but it's still you know it's not crazy fat it's a little bit mean at the same time it's it's a nice nice mixture of space stuff ribeye there so here you want to spread them out and then you're gonna season them with some salt and some ground pepper that's it nothing crazy here salt and pepper and that's it we're gonna start flipping it so while the state gets a little bit browned on the bottom we're gonna stir up that cheese make sure it's getting nice and creamy if you just leave it at room temperature it's gonna stay like paste but you heat it up a little bit and it gets nice and nice and creamy so we have the our our onions off to the side staying nice and chilled then when I say chilled warm I don't show this in more but it isn't this in this case so there we go so let's mix these up a little bit you can see it a bit of color [Music] looking good oh that looks amazing let me tell you the key to cheesesteaks is the quality of the meat you don't have to use crazy quality meat but rib eyes New York Strip those are good you try to use some of the other cheaper ones to save a couple bucks it's not worth it let me pay this makes a huge difference so here we go we're gonna add our now with the meats brown we're going to add the the onions into the meat mixture and we're going to toss that all together and get them nice and combined so we don't wanna overcook the meat either because by the time you're done adding the cheese and melting the cheese and flipping it and all that stuff it's gonna cook more and even after it's done and you've already put it in the bun it's gonna continue to cook so you want to be a little bit I'd say about 10 to 15 percent less cooked then you actually want it to be when you're done so these are pretty much ready I mean they look great so at this point and I split them up into piles and you're gonna set these suckers up with some cheese but look at that little close-up nice bubbling nice sizzling oh this is gonna be outstanding look at the cheese whoo look at that cheese ready to go so that's what you want the onions and the meat to look like before you add the cheese right there [Music] so to prep our buns we're gonna have one with the cheese whiz which is gonna be mine and then the other two are just gonna have the provolone so going off of what I've learned from watching the guys in Philly and gals in Philly you spread the Cheez Whiz on the buns or bread and we'll come back to that so here we go one more stir one more flip one more moving the meat around stir it up toss it up and then we're gonna split these up into three even piles make it three subs here it's about almost two pounds of meat by the way there's one point eight something I can't remember exactly so you do the math pretty hefty and those buds are huge those are like six seven inches so they're not big buns we got a lot of meat so that's another thing I learned with my research is you don't want to skimp on the meat you want to be nice and packed meat and cheese by the way so there we go spreading them out kind of getting them in the shape that you want to be and that is it then we move that cheese out of the way a little bit and [Music] here we go we're gonna add our provolone three nice sized slices to the two that are gonna be prolonged so we had three slices to each I did not use smoked provolone I used regular provolone and we are gonna cover these up to get them nice and melted with the grill dome add a little bit of water in here steam them up make some steamed up nicely and melt that cheese they're gonna be awesome [Music] let's check oh my goodness look at that provolone oh that looks beautiful so those are ready to come off the griddle [Music] so here we go again learn from Philly watching the videos and checking out what they do over there oh look at that you put the buns on top you get your big long spatula and slide underneath flip it on over and off beautiful I love it that looks outstanding and what I did was I just wrapped him up in some tinfoil I had off to the side to keep them nice and hot look at that boom it's like a regular sub shop over here for the cheese number two provolone boom look at that provolone's melting all over the place burn in my hand love it wrap it up nice and tight next order up oh yeah that's what I'm talking about right there [Music] and then last but not least is big cats for the cheese with the Cheez Whiz get it nice I got the extras that fell off the edges honor if you guys notice that but I kind of play in that here we go Cheez Whiz on the bun down slide it flip it look at that browning on the top melt the cheese whiz right on top dripping oh my god are you kidding me look at that oh that is insane right there I cannot wait to open up this super hot package special delivery 1000 subscribers thanks again everybody I'm so excited channel is doing great I love doing this this is my passion I love it and we're gonna keep on cooking but for now we're gonna open up the package here we go look at this cheesy deliciousness oh did you see that let's go ahead and cut her in half that is loaded up with cheese I think I'm gonna need a whole roll of paper towels to eat this monster fitted cheese mm here we go big bite sorry yeah I made a whole roll wow that is amazing what a sandwich absolutely delicioso from Philly Thank You Philly I try my best to make it authentic I'm a you know 1/8 latin guy here in Miami it's a ploy to do my best but hopefully I did you guys right if not let me know in the comments I appreciate all feedback good feedback hopefully constructive criticism okay I'll take it bad feedback that's fine too whatever you got let's go I want to get better so this came out awesome hope you guys try it yourself very easy to do especially on the black stone so again 1,000 subscribers I love it thank you for watching liking subscribing and we'll keep on cooking big cat app
Channel: Cooking with Big Cat 305
Views: 19,935
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: blackstone, griddle, philly, cheesesteak, cheese, whiz, sandwhich, provolone, big cat 305, recipe, easy, philly cheesesteak, easy philly cheesesteak, best philly cheesesteak, how to make a philly cheesesteak, philly cheesesteak on a blackstone griddle, philly cheesesteak recipe, authentic philly cheesesteak, classic philly cheesesteak
Id: iS-S4qbH1wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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