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guys welcome back to the griddle guys today we're doing two ingredient pizza dough with whatever toppings you want we'll take you through the whole process but no lie two ingredients get some family coming by we're all staying distant you know doing our thing what do you guys think of the process what do you when it was all said and done final product looks unbelievable I'm blown away I am blown away looks like that this pizza crust came from two ingredients I didn't buy and we did it two different ways we don't this one we use the torch on that but we'll get to that in the video but thanks for coming back and simple cook real good real easy and a treat for the family kids love it they can make their own personal ones like whatever toppings you like all good stuff [Music] anyone game on two ingredients I wasn't kidding this is because Nate gives me a hard time every time I have 14 ingredients for my cooks well you know to be honest it's because you say a real simple cook and then you list out 27 ingredients well this is a real simple cook that's what is super simple cook self-rising flour that's all it is self-rising flour you got a cup of that you get a cup of Greek yogurt I'm doing two of each just because I'm feeding more people today but you can make the dough you can let it sit for the day it's pretty pretty straightforward pretty easy and elastol a while in the fridge at least a couple hours any special type of yogurt or it's just a Greek yogurt yogurt yeah so it ends up having like almost like a sourdough type taste oh I love to the pizza it's really good it's really good and I know you guys are both doubting this whole process I've never doubted you not for one second time video I have doubted you every second you so many times I've that I've done this I use my hands and then I realize about the five minutes into what I shouldn't be using my hands because it's such a mess so now oh yeah and you just get those uh the dog loves the dog loves and then it doesn't come off so now I work it and then once I get it into a dough where it's not as sticky then I'll start using my hands but this is uh pretty much even as far as measurements a cup and a cop are two cups and two cups for the yogurt versus the flour but you're still gonna have extra flour because this is still gonna be a bit sticky so you're just gonna keep adding the flour until you get the texture or the feel that you want so it's like having bench flour when you're working on the counter yeah yeah and then it rolls out just like regular pizza dough it uh cooks kind of like nine like that that stone fiber bread they sell at the market it's different this would be this would be an awesome camping cook awesome camp because you can bring those ingredients like super easy portion amount you can have kids do it you know everybody can do their own personal pizzas so this is uh when I'm tempted to get in with my hands when I'm gonna put a little more flour and I'm gonna keep working this I thank you Chris all right 336 minutes later no three minutes I work in it comes out to a nice pizza ball he can let it sit for a little bit as I mentioned earlier it doesn't really proof or arise as much but uh we're good to go well slice it up portion it out and we'll make some roll out some dough much much much lay down you going in thirds yeah sorry about you knife Chris stole it on the grass dog don't worry he's got no one coming you know what I kind of wish I got a chef's coat as well instead of a Japanese veggie knife yeah I don't know I got a veggie knife in fine with too late to change yeah well maybe a little surrender one of them Jeff do you mind no I don't know wash your hands no it's gonna cook off oh all right so we got three balls I got two balls we didn't know you had that problem yeah three dough balls that we poured - no she's gonna put into one here for now we let it sit for a couple minutes but I'm just gonna roll this out I'm not a pizza guy as far as I never worked at a show up like Nate like the AVO over here you can see them in the background so I use a roller and I just kind of work it out Nate any comments about this yeah doing it wrong you said no but you you don't have an option to toss a dough like this because it hasn't had enough time for the gluten and relax and proof so rolling it is definitely the way to go just keep flattening and thinning and you can make it as thick as you want or as thin as you want I kind of like it pan them on the thin side cuz it does cook up a little bit once you start uh throw it down on the griddle that's thinning pretty good yes not bad just like Dave's head of here over there not tearing so that's good that's a bonus and the other thing that you run into is sometimes it sticks so it's not sticking so that means we get the right texture consistency so I don't think I really want to go too much thinner than that just holds together pretty good now when you say I'm still sure I am a shot that we got dough out of yogurt and self-rising flour that quickly yeah all right so here's the other thing it doesn't have to be perfect it's not gonna be perfect perfect so what I'm gonna do for this is I'm just gonna roll out to it cuz we're gonna do we can do a two at a time I think we go so that'll be their nice little trick you just did yeah that's handed yeah it's easy to throw it too high on the griddle too so so we do have the griddle warming up what are we gonna wall right now yeah I'm gonna do it on low you know I'm gonna put some oil down do it on like a medium medium to low you don't want to go to high because you want the door to cook yeah so I'll keep rolling this out anyways you get the point pretty much every time we do pizza I mean you want to let the heat build over time because you got a lot of stuff to get a warm up it's kind of multiple layers yeah we'll throw these down on the griddle in a second I'll show you how that looks all right so we're ready to throw it down on the griddle I have the heat on medium I'm gonna put a little bit of oil down the anticipation it's like a darker to a surgery as everybody watches in silence this one's gonna be even easier yeah yeah I have had it stick to the pan and then I'm sitting there trying to scrape the pan as it's cooking so you can see it's gonna cook up like a Peter almost there look I mean it's bubbling up already yeah did you flip it inside top what the toppings on top um I did that before and I think I've come to the conclusion that I flip it after there's pretty much cooked and get one set and get the top side Brown again and then I flip it again put the toppings on so that way it's gonna get that heat all the way through and it helps melt the topping it's the same way I do my grilled pizza yeah I love grilled pita too you can't go wrong with that toppings are already being warmed up cooked you see that earlier now in the video I get some jalapenos I got some sausage and we got some pepperoni and we're gonna mix it up a bit with this that's it we're just gonna wait probably know four or five minutes on each side hate should I pop the bubbles it's up to you I was actually just gonna ask you that yeah that's that way I think you'll get more even cooking on the other side of you yeah and I did notice that when you flip it you get those yeah you could start sports and light sports I don't have the poker like they do with the pizza shop you know it looks like dough thick pizza and you can see I mean I rolled it all pretty thin and it's still pretty thick I mean it's rising up a bit as you cook it it is that's the self rising flour yeah yeah so who knew self-rising flour so good color there wait a bit yeah you back to flip so what's been about what three minutes 12 minutes you can see you starting to get crispy we're gonna flip whoo perfect perfect so we're gonna let the underside cook and then we're gonna flip throw the toppings on so it's about three minutes on this side too now I'm gonna flip nice and hot perfect so now I'm gonna move the sauce over we're gonna do one sausage sauce apart it's work and that's just hot and then so we're gonna do a sausage and I just finished I'm trying to say go ahead quick you get a sausage and pepperoni no we got a sausage and jalapeno and then we got a UH just they uh I don't even know what I'm saying at this point awesome to help you no no no no pepperoni help anyone and then a sausage didn't cheat sausage and whatever you can to help you no or no let's go are you putting that down before the cheese interesting I like it now we're gonna dome one we're gonna torch torch the other one we're just going to show you if you don't dome it or if you don't torch it the cheese will melt it's just not as appealing looking and you'll see that even with the domes it doesn't look as good as a torch by the way these are really hot which is good what why do I feel like I'm gonna pizza join it two in the morning and [Laughter] college you're gonna get a comment you're surprised it's fine why just cuz the sauce is boiling yeah and we only have it on medium right medium medium no this is actually a toppings Iran wall and they're still going crazy cheese light with the cheese you know you can go heavier but the anticipation looking good though they they taste good it looked good I put a little garlic salt too before I put the toppings down just if you like that extra flavor dome torch all right so we got the dome for that we're gonna do a torch on this one I'm just gonna give the cheese a little color this actually takes a lot longer than you would expect with this direct heat to get like the cheese because it's get too much job oil in it so you figure that's the cause Nate yeah I would I guess I would agree I've never torched cheese so we did it on the first the chicken sandwich cook-off yeah yeah we did yeah you're right it's actually surprising you we think it would melt much much faster yeah all right this is pretty much done film one pull that off in a second as well we got a sneak preview lately we want to ruin it let's take a look I wanna steal them nice okay all right so we'll take this off we'll hit it cool a little bit and then we'll cut it up give it a taste [Music] so well back we just thought everybody had a taste and gonna get an honest opinion of what this looks like I love it I love it first of all I didn't think the dough would come out like this but it's crispy on the bottom it's got a real nice flavor we need I don't think we put it on camera but Jeff I sprinkled some garlic salt on before we put the toppings that made a huge difference but this is it's delicious unique flavor I love it Jeff I would write again oh yeah all right oh yeah Chris again again too close to her yeah oh come on Chris excellent Jeff I'll tell you what the only disappointment here is it there's this many people because I want all that because it is very good we do have another one domed and ready to go very tasty what do you guys think about the dome versus the ant wash I'm happy with my dome yeah really good all right Bob good call Jeff I like this a lot and simple hey guys if you enjoyed this video do us a favor like hit subscribe hit the bell that would be awesome we appreciate the support stay safe
Channel: The Griddle Guys
Views: 64,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackstone, Griddle, cooking, griddling, griddle, camp chef, campchef, bbq, outdoor cooking, easy recipe, recipes, pizza, pepperoni, sausage, jalapeno, dough, yogurt, self rising dough, cheese, torch, dome, sauce, 2 ingredients, crust, pizza dough, 2 ingredient pizza dough, healthy pizza, how to make pizza dough, blackstone griddle recipes, blackstone griddle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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