7 Tips for Better Steaks on the Griddle with Chef Nate | Cook Eat Repeat | Blackstone Griddle

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we're rolling are you i am we don't have to second-guess my rolling abilities do we have second-guess mine whatever i don't know hey who am i hey that was a great shot i wasn't recording hey so today i want to talk about steaks i see a lot of you guys out there making fantastic looking food but i do see a lot of questions on how to get a perfect steak so in this video i'm going to share some tips and tricks things that i like to do cj some one two three give me the one abc your lack of ability to stay in tempo yeah that hurts me hang on abc [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] all right tip number one maybe this is one and two one let's okay one bring your steaks up to room temperature before you start cooking there is some science to this uh we'll get into collagen and gelatin and conversions oh later you big nerd hey why are you gonna talk about it cj i'm gonna even mention it in just a minute um but you wanna bring your steaks up to room temperature first tip number one numero uno um and i'm struggling somebody needs to ring the bell and we're back bring your steaks up to room temperature tip number one tip number two make sure the surface of your steak is dry so cj check this out the sun's kind of beaten down so some of that moisture is coming out but you'll notice even on a steak that you get from the grocery store there's going to be a little bit of moisture on the steak and moisture is the enemy of a beautiful seer beautiful crust moisture bad moisture bad dry dry good good so we want to make sure that we are completely dry or at least as dry as we can be so that the second our steak hits the hot black stone we're getting that instant my yard reaction that instant crust and sear otherwise if you have too much moisture if you have any liquid on there even a marinade if you have too much liquid it's gonna start simmering uh and boiling before you start searing right so we want my yard reaction myred reaction is basically all the the it's different than caramelization we talk about this a good bit uh onions most vegetables have a bit of sugar content in them and as they start to cook as the heat starts to penetrate those sugars they caramelize giving us a different color like onions when you make french onion soup or you caramelize them for your beautiful burgers my yard is the same effect but in steak so there are some sugars and protein but it's not the same kind of sugars makes perfect sense then there we go there we go all right oh something else i like to do this isn't really like a super awesome tip but i like to season my steaks uh with oil and not my griddle hey so this is a this is something that i think is important you say don't have any liquid no moisture but all of an oil is not in that category this is not the same right so if you have water or a liquid that has to cook off uh before we start searing but oil on the other hand becomes the medium for heat so this oil is going to help uh distribute the heat evenly on our steak now i don't want to oh hey now try to get away from me i've got two different steaks here i've got a top sirloin and i've got a beautiful rib eye i am definitely a rib eye guy right that guy bro it's that fat it's that fat you can really tell the difference if you look close cj ribeye has these beautiful large channels of fat and then a good marbling the inner muscular fat right in here as well while leaner steaks don't they only have the inner muscular or sometimes they have a fat cap like a new york strip something like that but i'm going to hit this just with salt this is absolutely personal preference but i like to season in stages do you think about that cj okay stage one seasonings state phase or phase is faze seasoning okay what i like to do is season a little bit now a little bit in the middle a little bit later and then a little bit at the end so we don't want to over season i don't know if you notice cj but these these are serious steaks so the definition of sirius so right here is a very thick steak now the reason i want that on my griddle is because we've got direct heat i'm just getting some of the sides some of that leftover seasoning if you wanted to you could actually season uh your plate like that and then get that fat side just cover it everywhere man yeah just get a good even little seasoning layer um so a thicker steak gives us more wiggle room uh to get up to the temp that we want while still still giving us enough time on the direct heat to get that sear to get that crust and that's what we want so i have my 36 inch set to stun is that what is that what's going on that's what that is so i've got two burners set to high two other burners off i'm gonna let this salt sit on my stakes for just a minute and i'm gonna get to something i love to do this isn't really a steak tip is it i don't know it's a tip to make your steaks more delicious okay i'm gonna go over here on my cooler side just off of the heat i'm gonna add some whole garlic cloves now this is gonna a little salt all right just a bit of salt and that's all such bright light we get a little bit more heat i'm gonna get some color i want to get some caramelization real quick on these then we're gonna slow them down now we were talking about my yard reaction versus caramelization uh garlic and onion have a lot of sugar so we're going to get that deep dark color but we don't want too much of it just a skosh which is a real technical tension okay see we're getting that can you see that in there buddy just getting that beautiful slight slight little bit of caramelization it smells amazing all right so you can see how hot the griddle is that's going quick i'm going to bring it back to my cool side is it better in the sun or i'd rather be in the sun all right so we're gonna pull it off of our heat now this is just getting some residual heat from this side of our griddle that is really hot this side that is almost completely off we're just getting that residual heat i'm gonna add some fresh rosemary rosemary right over the top i don't want it to be on the griddle top because i don't want it to burn so you can break them a little bit if you want i just want that bright aroma to kind of become one with the garlic just like that now i'm going to take a little bit of water and a dome and we're going to steam oh yeah we're going to steam our garlic in our herbs we'll let that go for i don't know how long would you say buddy seven minutes eight minutes uh you'll notice the garlic starts to to get really soft and we can like mix it into butter just on the steak come on so now i'm sure you can notice we're screaming hot here see that we are hot hot hot so we're gonna go down with our steak yeah that's what we want that instant sear now i'm doing two different kinds of steaks just to show you guys how it works but by all means if you're using something other than these two that's totally cool no worries i like to give it a little bit of a push just to make sure i get full connectivity full contact full contact with that hot screaming blackstone beautiful i wanna let that go from it all right let that go uh quick tip on your garlic you don't want to run out of water uh so let's check it out oh we don't want to run out of water we're doing good we might add we're already here add a bit more here oh yeah it smells amazing oh my gosh yeah that smells so good we're gonna mix that garlic and that rosemary into butter because we can there's some restaurant tips and hacks out there that not too many people know about one of the reasons why your steak tastes so good at a restaurant mmm load it down all the butter all the beer is that it the beef bill okay mountain bill what it means to melt with butter oh you're welcome okay all right let's give our steaks i don't know three minutes or so you're gonna peek real quick okay so you wanna peek let's just take a little peek real quick see how we're doing yeah we're starting to get some mayard reaction we're looking really great but we are definitely not there yet now this is why i like using a much thicker steak i would say these are this is a steak for two i think the idea of cooking a much bigger steak knowing i'm gonna slice it family style for two people makes a lot more sense for me to get the temp that i want versus thinner steaks that cook faster because then you have a much smaller window of error where you you get into like perfectly cooked into overcooked in a matter of minutes it happens really fast it does happen really fast when a steak is that thin so we don't want little pancakes we want a hunk of meat so we'll be back in three minutes all right there we go i'm gonna flip our steaks over now check that sear out we've got that beautiful crust that's the my yard reaction that's what we're looking for so let those go for just a bit both steaks are looking pretty fantastic now earlier i talked about seasoning instead seasoning oh so this is stage two this is stage numero yeah baby so this seasoning is fantastic but i feel like if it sits on the flat top too long it'll burn and we won't actually get um the flavor without burning some of the uh ingredients does that make sense yeah so i'm going to go a little bit now because we're not really blast searing this one side either got it let's add some of that and then you know what else do you do what we could take these flip them on their side like lean them up against um the wall and that way we get that fat side or the sides that don't have any texture just yet we can add those um just using our griddle in creative and fun ways well well to get every single little bit of that fat crispiness you're a clever individual thank you thank you thank you now those only need just a minute on that fat side because it is all fat um it'll cook really quickly this is looking beautiful you know what i'm going to do cj talk to me hi talk to me goose good i'm gonna bring this over into some of that beef fat over here i'm gonna hit that with a little bit more water and i'm actually gonna kind of steal some of that flavor from the steak get it into my garlic and help it finish cooking just as skosh they call this deglazing where we're pulling up see all that seasoning that was there with the beef fat now it's in our garlic mice nice get our garlic let's see let's go just a second longer let's uh let's grab our rib eye because it will definitely be done first that is just that's gorgeous can you see this oh i can you tracking me you follow me follow me follow me oh i was we're gonna let this rest for just a bit now this is very very important with your steaks you got to let them rest because it's been through some stuff cj it's been it's been a tiresome day for that today your steak has it's been through some stuff yeah you know this um sirloin is a lot thicker so i'm actually going to i love the sear that i'm getting here and make sure i get some of that fat because i lost it when i sew my garlic but i want to cook this a touch longer let's go yeah i'm going to add just a bit of olive oil yeah because good idea kind of cause you stole all the goods man throw all the beef fat i'm gonna let this cook a little bit longer only because it's so much thicker we'll let that go for just a bit you can see we're getting fantastic caramelization my yard reaction that's the caramelization of protein we're gonna let that go just to touch longer we're almost in glory tommy alrighty how do you feel about this garlic i'm super excited all right so typically if i was making a true compound butter like a rosemary garlic compound butter i'd want to pull this garlic off and let it cool down before mashing it into some cold butter or softened butter but i'm not waiting we ain't doing it i ain't got the time for it so i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take this beautiful garlic and we're gonna go right on top of some butter whoa i'm falling so i'm gonna put my garlic right here into a big bowl now since it's really hot it's definitely going to melt this butter but that's okay yeah oh dude it's like immediately turning into rivers of glory and gorgeous so now that was fresh garlic not very long ago but when you use a fork you can actually pre it's like super soft now you see that yeah it just mashes like that is where the flavor is that's where the texture is you just see it's just so smooth and beautiful so i'm going to smash all of this garlic as much as i can you can leave some bigger pieces some smaller pieces it's completely up to you we're just going to mount this flavor into our butter oh you know what i do huh a little bit more steakhouse wait wait oh hold on yeah what another big gulps huh yeah hey guys oh big gulps huh all right well see you later i'm gonna hit this with some seasoning this is a nice thing too you can have this on the side so that every guest doesn't have to have it okay let's flip our steak one more time buddy okay oh my goodness dang it almost there yeah well i'll bring it to you show me see those i'm not bubbling anymore hang on gotta do the magic magic shot okay it's magicians david copperfield here's the david blames of steak oh that's nice right great got it coverage leave that there for just a second longer you know someone asked me this question the other day about when to know when a steak is done um there's a fun little trick i like to use it's a grip trick but it's all about repetition and feeling so you're gonna have to cook a bunch of steak yeah get it just right otherwise you can use a thermometer and check its temperature but which is fine ain't nobody got time for that which is fine it's fine i just don't i'd rather feel it so here's a fun little trick you take your hand close it like a fist but don't squeeze it right so this is loose right just close it like a fist now the way this feels right here that's what rare feels like i'll do a half strength grip that is what medium feels like and then do a full grip with that that full grip was so hardcore it made me go out of focus [Laughter] so when i come over to my steak i can feel i can feel that we're where i want to be okay okay yeah come on with it so i'm gonna bring this over we'll let this start to rest as well now the reason we rest a steak and we're actually gonna rest with all this beautiful garlic i'm gonna put this on top you know what i need a spoon for this one i can't be i can't be missing out on that butter i was hoping you're about to run oh man you see this yes you're hoping i was going to run would it jerk yeah i'm actually going to let my steak rest with this garlic rosemary butter action i can't even throw one of these on there so as it's resting it's absorbing a lot of those beautiful flavors from the garlic the butter and the rosemary i mean these are really simple to do you can have any side dish you want with these but i mean right where we are and this is caveman legendary that's just holy whoa yeah i'm seeing like a river above butter sliding down the stake the old river of butter that sounds like the like a song lyric you know river of butter flowing down the steak i ain't seen medium dwell since you had to shut off that snake i did kill a snake the other day yeah water moccasin tried to eat my child so the reason we let our steaks rest uh maybe this is tip three or four i don't know what tip work i'm not sure where we're at tip this one tip this uh let it rest because your steak's been through some stuff right like there's so much going on the heat is just all over the place on the inside of that steak and we need it to come up to temperature evenly and slowly before cutting it otherwise those juices are going to make a run for it they're out the door you've lost all the juiciness in your steak now earlier we talked a little bit about collagen and fat and cj's i started glossing over but there was some really interesting science in that inner muscular that collagen fat that's in every steak now just because you don't see like a big band of fat doesn't mean your beef doesn't have fat in it collagen is kind of those little little bits of fat that you don't see and collagen needs to come up to 120 degrees before it converts to gelatin it gets really juicy and wonderful right so the way we did our steak we brought it up really fast we put it off to the side we're letting it rest as it re as it's resting the temperature is evenly distributing throughout the steak and all that collagen is starting to break down into gelatin giving us a juicy wonderful steak are you awake i i just my brain is dehydrating i need you to ring the bell please hey there he is all right um typically we give this a little bit more time to rest i need to we should let's just give it a second let's be back in two i need to leave because i want it don't do it i want that don't you do it i want that all right it's been a few minutes time to do the do uh-huh about this let's do let's uh we don't need that part just now so let's pull this onto our cutting board it's had a chance to rest like garlic just had a chance to marry with all the delicious juice dude look at all this beautiful oh yeah we got to play with that what else is done you ain't going where are you going you're going where are you going nowhere that's right so i mentioned earlier the idea of having one steak per person versus uh doing a steak for two i'm i'm a fan of the steak for two oh for reasons like gemini right we get to have more of like a platter family style action uh where we just have these beautifully cooked steaks now here's something interesting my mother always used to freak out about steaks and think that they were too rare because it's something that happens after you've cut it after you've exposed it to air now i don't know if you can see here we're at a pretty good medium here but it's actually lit it's closer to medium rare and you'll notice it in just a few minutes because as the cut side of the stake hits that open air it's going to start to bloom and once it blooms it actually gets a deeper red color so people that are afraid of rare might look at a medium medium-rare steak and see even right now cj can you see it starting to bloom out right here like the color will start to change over the course of a few minutes uh so we'll let that sit for just a couple of no we're not i'm gonna eat it can you see this right here can you see this majesty do you see how just it just spreads yeah look at this i wanna eat it and i'm gonna i'm gonza eats it look at that right there that my friends that's a fatty bite and that's my jam yes sir you get down on that fat this is a beautiful juicy flavorful steak but you know what i need cj what some more seasoning one last level one last stage so if i were serving this i would do one of these buddy i would serve it family style so i would give it this old this old action all right now once i have all this surface area exposed you know let's put it on our platter because we have all this look at all this okay here we go going platter style now i'll just load up this beautiful plate of meat oh look at this let's wrap this up already so because i want to eat i really i want some of this i'm going to hit this at the very end with just a bit more of that steakhouse season now this is more like a garnishing salt at this point so it's going to just taste 100 like the seasoning without altering any of its flavor profiles you wanna do this one too sure get yourself a sharp knife thin elegant slices serve it family style take your time season in layers watch your technique my friends you will be rocking the backyard no hands down you haven't even had a bite yep no there you go sir oh there we are wait oh oh you guys can find recipes like this at blackstoneproducts.com if you're on youtube be sure to click the subscribe button down below and that little bell icon so that you get an email every time we post a video check out teespring buy some fun t-shirts and check out the website and local walmart and buy some amazing goodness if you haven't had the uh steakhouse go get it cj eats it like a snack just yep downed it are they uh they guys are up maybe they haven't have webs here thank you guys for watching thanks guys i'm chef nathan lippy i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Blackstone Griddles
Views: 176,428
Rating: 4.9151225 out of 5
Keywords: Blackstone griddle recipes, how to cook on blackstone griddle, how to use blackstone griddle, flat top recipes, griddle cooking, flat top cooking, outdoor cooking, flat top griddle, blackstone, blackstone griddle, Black Stone, Blackstone Recipes, Blackstone steaks, Steaks on the griddle, Chef nate, Flat top steak tips, Tips for steak, best steaks on griddle, are steaks good on griddle, Cook eat repeat, ribeye steak, ribeye steak on blackstone griddle
Id: pHjd4h5QbgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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