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hey welcome back I'm Adam I'm Brent we aren't the wall twins today once again we go and then we eat and today we're doing a pizza on the blackstone griddle they seem like something you wouldn't do take a try but Brett not only can you try this you can do it you can do it so if that sounds like something you'd be interested our take on a pizza cooked on the blackstone griddle then stick around as we dig in I can't believe the ball twins they're right there that's one of them that's the other one I'm the other one as we said welcome back however this is your first time consider subscribing and hit the notification bell so you don't miss any of our cooks together we are in Central Florida the rains have lifted so we've got the soft soothing sounds of the cicadas buzzing we deal with it it is what it is the lovely sounds of nature we'll go with that today we are cooking a pizza now we're gonna keep it simple my family likes pepperoni pizzas we are cooking I like pepperoni - we like pepperoni we're gonna keep it simple we could we could toss anything on this pizza we could go throughout that whole rigmarole you know what you like on a pizza if you like it on a pizza you can put toss it on this pizza that we're gonna make on the blackstone we just want to show you the simple way of doing it so today we're using petrol D the pepperoni so also we've got our dough dough we actually went to our local grocery store Publix here they didn't have any of their fresh ball dough but what they did have is some of their frozen fresh made pizza dough they make it fresh and then they freeze it so this was one of those we've let that thaw overnight so this is ready to go I've poked some holes in it with a fork to make sure that this isn't gonna bubble up on us but we're gonna go ahead and show you how we cook this first thing we want to do is actually I will be taking this off the stone we're gonna put it on some our olive oil that's already on the black stone then we're going to put more olive oil a little bit of garlic on top of the other side here and then we're gonna flip it make sure it's good to go before you put it back on the stone for indirect heat for cooking throw the pepperonis on to the black stone two reasons well it's gonna eat them up but it's also gonna act as a help of the heat poured to melt the cheese once we throw it back on because this is a pizza that is not obviously it's not going in a stone fire oven we got these pepperonis our four Bell pepperonis me by the two-pound bags at Sam's Club or Costco I don't remember which now this pizza dough is gonna cook pretty fast and there's a reason why we only have half burners on we have these two burners on on the left side and then we're basically gonna put the pizza stone over the the second one here and then over the middle where it's not we don't have any burner there so we're gonna kind of get the indirect heat and then we're gonna turn the pizza as it is cooking so when you get a full cook all the way through so you're gonna see that process as we do it so we're looking good with a pepperoni bro we had agreed that Adam was gonna do this coke and I bought it in so before you lay that down Adam I do want to do one that it's gonna add some flavor to the crust okay I'm gonna take some garlic powder and just kind of put it right where we're gonna put the pizza and this is going to add some delicious flavor to the dough all right stretched out just a little bit maybe just a little wonky isn't gonna be perfectly round anymore well that was okay don't have to be perfectly round ask you what Adam delicious is delicious okay now we're gonna brush the other side with some olive oil yep I'm gonna put a little olive oil on the pizza now this is extra virgin olive oil this is just gonna first of all give it really good flavor but also keep this from stick it let me get just a little bit more here what we shouldn't put some in a bowl just brush that on I don't know why I did I've done that every time I use it okay and then I'm gonna put a little bit of this powder onto that so there's still just a nettle and we're actually gonna flip it because you want to cook both sides you want to start the cooking process on both sides of this dough because that is also going to help melt the cheese on top boom look at that you could already see that starting to crisp up right there that is great man this right here is our hot zone that's why this is a little bit more cooked than that we may move this over actually just for the initial let's get some cook on right here okay so now our crust is just about ready you know I put a fork in this to make sure this would be to bubble up but I Nate you probably didn't do enough right there's not four this will help prevent it from bubbling up right here I get it to one side and didn't do the other side you can cook this directly on the black stone like you said we've got the two on the left side are on the two on the right or off we would use indirect heat to cook this all the way through however we want to make sure we don't burn this we want a really good cooking process so what we're going to do so Bridget put some more olive oil on ER on our stone good job bro that looks pretty good rubba yeah so this is what we're gonna dress on to our pizza right so the pizza sauce Adams wife picked up is new ragout margarita premium pizza sauce opened it tasted it and it has that fresh tomato taste which is the way I love my pita sauce my marinara sauces as well which I will actually use this to dump I'll put it in a little Bowl and dump it don't buy a pizza as well so we're gonna just pour a little bit of the sauce on here and then we're start in the center and circle out no I like my sauce and my cheese to go all the way to the edge my thing is for us we're saucy dudes to us there's no such thing as too much so he's exactly right yes in fact you've seen some of our food review videos we we like it this size we like it this out and we are using our Sargento mozzarella this is off the block mozzarella this is the thicker cut so it's a it's a little bit thicker which we like because it'll give it a nice thick spread on there as it melts so we're gonna wait just a little bit of the cheese on there you want this to start cooking as well sorry so we're gonna play just a little bit of the cheese purse yeah when Adam was explaining just a little bit of the cheese I almost said what are you talking about just a little bit then he continued to explain then we're gonna lay down the pepperoni and then we're gonna top with a lot more cheese like I said on top of that we're gonna go ahead and toss on a little bit of the Parmesan cheese and this will add a nice little crispness and flavor to the pizza cuz there we go we got our pepperoni so I don't want to pull those right off of the griddle top so now we're just going to face and safety usually these are kind of dropping all over house you start in the middle and suckle all the way down and around to make sure everywhere is covered these are still hot and crispy I love it I love the bowls right some of these will go directly on the sides and that's okay we're kind of at this point getting put on willy-nilly and just like the cheese just like the sauce to me you almost can't have too many pepperonis so I'm going to dress this nice you cannot over pepperoni a pizza that's right so we're gonna dress this now some of the cheese is already melting a little bit in there that's good bread that may have been enough what do you be it's the only way we know how to make pizza buddy perfect okay here not a whole lot of harm but there we go now as we get this going I just want to check real quick because we're using indirect heat but this side is over the heat so that's good it's cooking when it's not burning which is good so this crust will burn if you do not tend to it so we're gonna add some steam up in here the purpose is to help melt the cheese so I am gonna move this over right on to the heat so the stone can get hot I was worried the stone was gonna get too hot but it looks like we're actually cooking just fine we've got our ingredients in here so we're gonna let that go on there real quick and you can actually see the under cheese out of laid-off first is actually starting to melt so that's good so the heat is coming up and of course we're getting the heat from the table and for the pepperonis that we threw on as well now our dough was cooking really nicely when we had it on the black stone that sounds perfect what's gonna be our determiner when the pizza's done when the cheese is melted what's that cheese is melted and we can ensure that the dough is cooked all the way through we know we're gonna be ready [Music] we've got some good melted here and we we put it on the stone because we didn't want to burn this but we realize we're actually getting such a good cook on this we're gonna pull it down onto the stone for the final just a few minutes here so we can get a nice good cook on the dough before we finish this whole pizza so we're gonna do there's their sheet here and not what everywhere but if there's direct heat coming from underneath here and then not here so we're gonna continue what is the red button for Plan C what I did I pulled that over you want a little bit of steam in there but the melty on this cheese is amazing the peach the crush looks really good and I'm just starting to cook a little bit so we're gonna turn what's good where I did not help involve it were look at that cook that is cooking her big we underneath okay we're gonna spit this just a couple more times here we got one side all done I'm just making sure that the cook is good not close to burning and we're gonna call it good all right so we'll give it just another minute here this thing is just about done and this thing is cranking out nice just the way I was open Mel's amazing to that I think we haven't talked about yet it spelled that the pepperoni is it's good it's good I would say two things my biggest takeaways from this next time I would probably start directly on the Blackstone how we started to and we got both sides probably wouldn't let it cook just a little bit longer um second thing if I would have used the stone I should have had the stone already on for about 10 minutes to really get it hot in fact that was my intention forgot to mention that but lessons learned and the pizzas still turning out amazing so you know in a sense we're learning together right that's a big deal all right it is looking just about perfect on top and on bottom look at that pizza that thing is holy cow that being cooked just about to perfection look at all that mots man now all right Brad go ahead and give that a cut almost you hear that Chris penis of the crust which half is mine very good question roe that is so satisfying my brother and last cuts all right let's taste this look at that man oh man look at that pizza that is what we're dealing with there and I gotta say for some of the hiccups some of the issues that we had I was concerned this wasn't going to turn out look at this good I am anxious to see how this dough is Brent rolled though tends to cook up just a little bit stronger so I'm anxious to see how this tastes it did work in a pitch it did work in a pinch we were just able to go get it they were able to grab it for us we threw it in the fridge I didn't have to do any prep so that's the best part about it having said that though Brett let's grab a slice and dig in okay so I chose my favorite slice on there but this is what we're looking at man I love this it is still piping hot hopefully it's not gonna burn the tongue in the roof of the mouth this thing is amazing but this is our take on our homemade pizza on the blackstone griddle but Brett like I always say it can look amazing look a little messy and amazing it can smell amazing absolutely does and say what you said this smells like a restaurant this is so good but if this doesn't taste amazing then this was all for naught Cheers I'll eat with that my brother the crust is just fine bro you adding the garlic onto the black stone on top of that extra virgin olive oil that's just a teeny little bit of taste and flavor and Brett talked about buttering the crust with the garlic butter we decided not to cuz we just wanted to get this real quick that would have added to it I will tell you this is the best homemade pizza I've ever been through I think we need to go on the road and start selling these pizza truck a food truck this pizza is outstanding absolutely amazing seize the layers of cheese we put on there is just perfectly the way it's just everybody's just really low as you take every bite so good I meant to take one or two bites and be done and wrap this up I can't stop eating this me too I am so happy with how this turned out a couple things one if this were a pizza that was available in a restaurant I would order it on the red-eye absolute I would take my family there second thing one thing that I've learned with the Blackstone and one things I absolutely love about about the Blackstone is that no matter what you throw on here chances are it's gonna turn out amazing right no matter how you cook no matter how you plan to cook right and how it turns out it always seems to make the belly very happy this didn't go according to plan having said that it came out according to plan and that's all that matters man end result result we call him gorilla golfer he can get on the green in about one or two shots but about seven or eight putts later I do you see the hole-in-one that was great I she just do that every time that's right got us a trip to Hawaii that's a story for another day though thank you so much for watching us cook this pizza accidents issues and all we really appreciate you taking the time to watch it if you did like this if this helped you in any way make sure and give us a big thumbs up if you didn't like this because this just wasn't your cup of tea or you've got a better way and you think your way is just the best that's okay we understand go ahead and it the thumbs down two times on this one we understand aside from coming out and cooking this amazing pizza why else are we doing this cuz all we do is twin no matter what and with that we beat you a deal and it don't forget to Like and subscribe [Music]
Views: 147,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LETS MAKE PIZZA ON THE BLACKSTONE GRIDDLE, blackstone griddle, griddle pizza, homemade pizza, outdoor cooking, blackstone griddle recipes, pizza recipe, simple cooking, blackstone griddle pizza recipes, blackstone griddle homemade pizza, griddle pizza recipe, homemade pizza recipe, easy pizza, WALTWINS, blackstone pizza, pizza on the griddle, easy recipe, pizza dough, how to make pizza on blackstone griddle, how to make pizza on blackstone, blackstone products
Id: YWbPibuoOmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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