MAYA TUTORIAL | Medieval Lighthouse tutorial pt15

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hi guys welcome back to another video in this channel today we're gonna continue with the lighthouse with lighthouse project which by now we're i believe this is a video number 15 of the series so quite a big series um we were talking about this one and i think it's it's really good that we're doing this full series it kind of looks like a one of our premium courses which is fine i mean you guys have been supporting the channel for so long that i don't think uh giving you guys uh more content like this one is it's not a bad idea right but i also think it's good for people to go back and maybe like take their time and follow the whole process and try to do your own i know that it is a little bit difficult to follow because it's a it's a big project right now uh but i want to show you the best thing so a big update here you can see that i actually changed a lot of the stuff in here like i added the little stairs the extra platform that we were missing i built this like scaffolding over here you can see the the the repetition of textures here's a quick trick since i haven't done any phrase transformations just yet i can grab like a couple of these guys and then just rotate them locally on on y and uh and we're just gonna create like more variation so if you start seeing like a certain pattern like repeating just make sure to like rotate things around and and that should break up the pattern slightly right so yeah that creates a little bit more variation so only if it's visible now we already know that this texture is going to look really nice once we add the tessellation and the um what's the word the extrusion um so today i want to focus or the next part of this tutorial i want to focus on the doors because i think the doors are going to be really really really good so let me show you here uh wooden door medieval this is the kind of stuff like like doors where we can actually put a little bit more effort into because we're gonna be using them quite a bit so if you create one a very nice looking door then you're gonna be able to repeat it several times and uh and create something very nice i think one of the best examples i can give you is novigrad from the witcher so in in the witcher video game there's the city called novograph and of course if you take a look at this you're not gonna model every single thing as an individual piece you're gonna be doing kit kits or kid bashing and then you're just gonna duplicate the whole thing so i wanna do this sort of like medieval door um with the like the frame because in the concept here we can see that there's the frame on the on the door well this one it's kind of like right there but we can do like a wooden frame and then this door right here and this other right here they can be the exact same door we can just like repeat it so let's look for a very nice like old wooden door i want to do kind of like something like this but one very good piece of advice that i can give you guys is always try to look for um real photographs like a real reference because there's a lot of great 3d artwork right like out there but sometimes 3d artists including me we will make mistakes or we will take certain shortcuts and you don't want to copy those mistakes or those shortcuts into your own um into your own work right so so i'm gonna look for like a very nice like rustic like this is pretty pretty straightforward right like this is kind of what we want to do this one looks really good this is 3d i know but it looks really good congratulations to whoever did that one um let me look uh wooden door old i'm going to look for wooden door all there we go this is getting me a little bit closer to what i'm looking for so yeah i think something like this this is something close to what we're looking for i might be even tempted to change the style because i can't really see the styles they're like i can see a couple of planks like going across the the door but i don't see a lot of information so here's where we might take a couple of artistic liberties to create something a little bit more interesting um and also you know to make sure that you guys learn new stuff this one i really like this sort of like style but uh let me see if we can find a nice reference here and this is part of the job huh sometimes again like i was mentioning at the end of the last video um even though i'm doing this like quite fast i would say um in the job you you take your time and make sure things are done like super super super right so yeah i think we're gonna go for just like a simple door i really like this ones that have like a like a different like finish to it or there we go this one's look very cool i think we're gonna do this style right here because i really like this like hinges uh but we're gonna do them as a different piece so i'm gonna do it like the right way to do this i'm going to save this image and we're of course going to go to our [Music] our source images and let's call this old old door now we jump on to maya let's save this file right here actually i'm gonna say file increment and save to have a new version in case anything happens remember always good to have that uh let's save this and we're gonna go uh spacebar maya and front view and now that i say that let me go back to our car next thing there we go so carnegie is the software that we use here to to show the key the keystrokes uh there we go so um yeah so front view again spacebar click on maya and then front view and i'm gonna go this is the shortcut for image planes and we're just gonna get our old door now we already know that we're doing real skill a door is usually like two meters high so i'm gonna add a cube sometimes of course bigger and i'm gonna change the skill of the cube to 200 and that's the height that the door should have so i'm going to bring this up and grab my image plane and scale it up so that we match that nice little effect right there there we go perfect on the perspective view i'm just going gonna push this guy back and we start modeling and this doors are one of those things that are super super simple to model so let me show you first let's do actually uh see how the grid is like super super tight like you might even see like a weird like fragment look on your on your screen that's that's one of the things that i don't like about maya that the greatest is meant to be like super small because for some reason they think that you're gonna work on a small scale when you're reality you care you can work on real world skill so we're gonna go into a display a grid and the magic numbers that i use whenever i'm working in real scare is 100 10 and one which is going to give you a very similar grid but a lot more manageable as you can see here so yeah there we go and as you can see we have the frame very nice frame and then we have the door so let's start with the frame frame is super simple we can do a very similar technique to what we did with that with the window so i'm going to start with a big box right here like this i'm going to grab both faces extrude them and offset actually let me show you another technique this is i mean super simple but you could also go and create i've seen some people do it like this you can create a a pipe and if you create a pipe and rotate that 90 degrees so it's facing us and you change the subdivision axis to four you're pretty much gonna get like a rhomboid shape let me show you here let's bring the radius up there we go see that rhomboid chip so the only thing you need to do is rotate this like 45 degrees let's increase the thickness and it's pretty much like creating the the pattern so very similar uh techniques like pretty pretty yeah pretty similar to be honest uh the only difference is that one we use like bridge and stuff and this one is a little bit more straightforward so uh in this case the thing that it will save me or a little bit of the of the like the express things if you wish is that we're gonna be able to let me go to the object scale i'm going to press r and click to go into world scale and then i'm going to select this verses right here and just scale them down let's phrase the transformations and then these two things just go all the way down to the floor there we go and we have this i am going to make it a little bit thicker so thicker on this side there we go and uh we can do the same thing we did for the for the wood frames for the windows like we can split this edges over here and just feel them so i'm going to say edit mesh and then detach that's going to detach them and then i'm going to say a mesh separate so now each object is a separate object i'm going to grab all of the objects i'm gonna say mesh fill hole that's gonna fill the hole on all of the objects and then i'm actually gonna grab uh all of the objects and i'm gonna bubble them all at the same time i'm gonna say yeah just one segment i'm gonna say a 0.2 0.2 fraction so we have a little bit of a bevel probably like a 0.1 to be honest 0.1 there we go i'm going to go here this has to be done per object so each object we're going to change the bubble to 0.1 there we go and now we can grab them again and just combine them into a single piece that way we're gonna have that little bit of detail there which is again gonna give us a nice little shadowy nice little element it's not a lot of extra polygons and we have a nice effect if you want to save or optimize more just leave it as the simple shape that we had before and that's perfectly fine now uh for the uh for the actual door itself we need the wood plate planks so i'm just going to add like a again a cube make it so that it looks like a plank and just push it all the way to the top let's do this here there we go and um something like that now i do want to add a little bit of uh again of bevel to the whole thing so in this case i'm gonna bevel and i'm gonna give it two segments so that we got like a little bit of rounder edges that's gonna that's gonna help with the what we're gonna be doing later on and now it's just a matter of uh duplicating and creating the deploy so i'm gonna move it here ctrl d shift d shift d shift d shift d shift d shift d repeats the last action and here's where i'm actually going to go and i'm going to start moving some of the planks are going to be slightly thicker and some of them are going to be slightly smaller but however before i do this one really nice tip that i can give you guys is get the gv so make sure you have your jubilee like properly laid out before doing this and that's going to save you so many problems so i'm going to grab this guy ub planar mapping and then i'm going to say a ub 3d cut and so uv edges i'm going to go to this line back here and if we jump into the uv uv editor and we grab all of this and hit ctrl u to unfold there we go we can even hit ctrl l it's going to lay them out in this case horizontally and that's it so now we have uv is ready and it's going to be a little bit easier to just go ctrl d let's make like a broad one and then ctrl d let's make a small one like a thin one and then ctrl d same size ctrl d let's make like a very thin one ctrl d and then like a really thick one not super thick of course but just thicker again this is just to add a little bit of variation to the whole thing there we go perfect so we have this and i know that when we bake like the ambient occlusion and everything we're gonna get a nice effect the only thing of course is we need to grab all of this guys and we need to give each one of them their own uv so control u to everyone and then control l control l and as you can see each plank will have its own texture this of course is gonna reduce the texture resolution but since this is just one asset i think we can afford like a 2k or even a 4k map and as long as we reuse it several times the whole assets gonna look very nice so this is yeah just the basic construction of the of the door here now um here's here's something a little bit more advanced for those of you that are into game development um if you're going to be bringing this into your engine you of course want all of these elements to be combined into a single geometry because you want to be able to rotate them you could create a rig inside of maya and then skin it and rig it and stuff but usually you're gonna you're gonna want to rotate this in game however as you can see here the pivot point of the object is not where i want it to be i want to be on one of the sides this is super important you're gonna actually move this whole thing to the side so that the pivot point of the door itself not the door frame the door itself sits right on the world origin or as close to the word origin as possible so for instance here i think we still need to let me let me i'm going to grab the pivot point for both of them and i'm going to snap them to the grid there we go so so this one is already in the grid but the other one's not so let me just move this slightly there we go i think that should be fine because now when i rotate this guy let's go to the front view i'm going to move the pivot point to the to the origin that's where from where the door is gonna rotate so eventually if i were to like program or script this thing so that it rotates this is the kind of rotation that i would get so a little bit of overlap there but it's fine and as you can see this rotates like how i would expect a door to rotate for me it was very counterintuitive when i first learned this because i've been i've been taught all the time to do things symmetrically but especially for like rotations and things when you go into games it's very important that the origin is is located where where you want to rotate things around otherwise we're going to have to offset the pivot point on the engine and it gets a little bit more complicated so i've been using unreal for a couple years now and the most of the objects that i need to do this i follow this technique where i would make sure that the pivot point of the object is right here in case i want to create like a little bit of a transition we're not going to be opening our door in in our case that would be a little bit too much i think for this project um but yeah so so that's it so as you can see uh actually the the hinges of the door are are on the outside of the doorframe so that means that i actually need to bring this thing like forward which i'm not gonna do i'm actually gonna bring this thing backwards like this so that the hinge when i open the door in this case it goes to the other side however this hinges are on the outside and to be safe you would like to keep the hinges on the inside so i think it's going to be the other way around i'm going to move this thing forward like this and the hinges would actually be like back here um but i am going to add like a decoration here to to indicate that the hinges are like on the other side something right because usually the hinges of a door should be on the inside because otherwise someone can just break them and open the door um sometimes those are the little details that people don't actually like look uh at on video games but it is something like technically the hinges of a door should be on the inside so that they are not uh easily destroyed anyway so let's add the the boards and i do remember that in the concept i don't have the concert right now we did have like a cross board here so let's just recycle one of these guys so we're just going to grab one plank here since we already have ubs and i'm going to say mesh edit mesh duplicate and this is kind of like it's going to extract the object so now there's another object in there you can see that's the that's the plank so that one right there center the pivot point and let's position it how we want it so it's going to be let's have one like support over there and come and change the scale to object mode so that we can scale it based on the object we can even change the the movement to object mode and here's the very important part like i definitely want this thing to be like exactly online or in line with the with the rest of the elements right so i'm going to move this thing and move this thing so we get like a super super precise um union here so there's one over there and this one over there there we go now i can just duplicate this move this to the top technically we should be able to rotate it and just have like a like a straight one over here so let's go front view again grab this vertex right here and this one's right here and this one's down here there we go just a simple transformation of the element and i actually want to add like another like small one over here just to give it some variation now another thing i want to do is i'm actually going to go to this planks right here i'm going to go into vertex mode and i want to grab like i'm going to grab like this face right here this one right here i'm going to press a b which is soft selection you guys remember soft selection uh and right now if i double click my movement option for sub selection you're going to see that i have this set to surface not volume volume will move everything so we'll do this sort of thing i don't want that i don't want to do that i want to do surface so that we only move the ones that are like on one area and as you can see what i want to do here is add a little bit of variation to the to the woods maybe they were not like completely completely perfect so that will add a little bit of variation to the whole thing and i think that's gonna it's gonna make it look very very nice there we go look at that so simple things like that even with the planks here like one thing we can do is we can just like move them like slightly forward and slightly backwards and and that kind of stuff will give a different sort of sort of like perception to the whole thing eventually the ambient occlusion is going to be like darker in certain areas and that's going to be really really good for us um even though we're not seeing the back of the door it is a good idea to to have like the same planks on the other side i'm not going to do it right now because we're going to be wasting texture space and and i want the the element to look very nice but you should keep that in mind if your door is going to be like opening and closing you definitely want to have uh the same amount of detail on the other on the other side so yeah that's that's it now let's do the hinges and the hinges are a little bit fancy you can see here that we have some very fancy hinges and again from a from a realistic perspective from a realistic point of view you want this hinges to be on the inside so that when you open the door the hinge is protected on the other side however in this case since we want to make it look cool we might argue that it might look better if the hinges are outside however you would need to open the door uh towards you right so it's again those kind of decisions that you need to make so let's build them super easy i'm just gonna i'm just gonna start with a cube let's bring the cube to the hinge right here right about there i'm gonna grab this face on this side like on the one that i'm not seeing i'm selecting it with a with a selection a square and then just i'm gonna extrude this and then do another extrusion there we go this is of course not gonna be super thick so let's make it thinner and let's do this like sort of round stuff over here so one quick way to do it i'm gonna grab this three faces or actually these two faces control e i'm gonna extrude out to create like the the shape of the element because i know when i smooth this out we're gonna get a nicer shape and uh yeah that's that's pretty much it uh we can babble can we babble i don't know it looks weird so let me i'm gonna keep it like this and i'm gonna use an inserted loop to insert an actual right here to keep it like sharp and then one over here and one over here that's going to give me this sort of effect that looks nice i'm going to say mesh and smooth and i only use those or just like those support edges to to get that like to get this shape right here which is a relatively nice looking shape and now i'm gonna grab like one two three four and one two three four and with the v again with soft selection i'm gonna press b and middle mouse click to create like a small a radius and we can give it this sort of like effect right something like that i think looks looks nice now if we don't want this to be as sharp we can grab let's get rid of soft selection cover like these two points just push them out it's gonna soften it up a little bit um we have these things going up but since we're not gonna see them i'm not sure if we wanna if i wanna add them to be honest i don't wanna add like this this things right here so i'm gonna i'm gonna focus on this other ones so i'm gonna grab all of these faces scale them so they're completely flat extrude them bring them here there we go and now i'm gonna grab like one two three one two three and let's extrude and create those like little lines right here so this one's gonna this vertices we're gonna move them over here and this one's over here and then we're gonna select one two three one two three ctrl e again front view and this this one's gonna create this sort of like shape over here there we go so we we kind of marked this thing right there i think it looks okay let's give it a little bit more life so i'm thinking about like maybe like creating a little bit of a like a small line over there now remember we we don't have uh smooth mode instead of games so so we do need to carry take care of the of the resolution i'm gonna say mesh display soften edge and this is what we will probably see in games to see not looking super tight right i don't think this is going to work guys not liking it i'm going to keep it simple i'm going to keep it simple i mean we could do the the thing but there's other important things that i want to show you with the project so so i think we're going to just going to keep it simple so i'm just going to go with like a traditional square i am going to use the size as a sort of like reference so right about there let me know in the comments if you guys want me to do this like properly i'll do it but it's going to take a couple like another 30 minutes or 40 minute video uh i'll i'll be happy to do it just just let me know in the comments and and we'll do it uh but now as i mentioned we're gonna we're gonna keep it simple i'm just gonna do like a straight line here let's add a line in the middle create like this little triangular shape grab all of the all of the outer edges and just bubble again super simple super traditional sort of like a hinge thing i'm gonna actually delete the back part because we don't need it and now we just position it on the door so again technically the hinges are on the other side but this will give me a little bit of a of a nice effect here now do i need to create like the little balls now we can do that with hide map instead of substance i'll show you in the next video once we jump into into texturing so that's gonna be one it's gonna be two and then we'll have a third one over here as you can see it's kind of being like overridden by the other plank that's fine just put the plank on top kind of like a like an afterthought or something and that's it so let's do the uvs real quick i think we're good on time right now so all of these planks already have their uv so i'm not worried about those ones this one's super easy we just need to say uv planar mapping from the z-axis so we can't like take a picture of them over there it's combining into a single object let's go to uv uv editor control u that's it not nothing else and this once again super easy so i'm just going to say uv um planar mapping camera based projection we're going to use our little trick here and now it's just a matter of since these are they're kind of like cylinders so i'm going to go uv 3d cut and that's like cap cap cap cap cap cap and on the other side we're going to do a cross and a cross i've seen some people suggest doing like automat automatic mapping when you're doing this protection because everything is going to be solved inside of a substance and whatnot i i've been doing uvs for 10 years and having proper uvs is always better than having like like lazy and automatic ubis so if you can learn the proper way to do the ubis that's very good for you so control l control again control u and then ctrl l ctrl l there we go and now we have everything in here so as you can see it is a good proportion everything is is right there but we do have a lot of wasted space so the reason why we have wasted space is due to the size of the elements we could cut more stuff wait a second oh you know what what i missed make sure you freeze transformation first and then you control u and ctrl l there we go so yeah there's a lot of wasted space so what i would suggest whenever you have this is try to leave like in this case i'm i'm gonna help maya like place all of my objects in this case closer to the element why because i might not use this specific um what's the word this is specific uv for anything else making this one smaller but just having the extra spacing here like clean space will be a good idea if later on i wanna i wanna place something else in here so maybe we can use this space to add like um like there's a lamp or maybe like a doorknob actually we're missing the doorknob right yeah we're missing the doorknob so let's do the doorknob and we can have doorknob over here so for the doorknob i think again i'm just gonna keep it really simple so i'm just gonna do a taurus the tornado would be like over here let's rotate this 90 degrees there we go a little bit bigger and the radius a little bit bigger as well suction radius now let's do a big big taurus oh there we go it's going to be right about there sitting a little bit on top here's another cool trick for you guys so i'm going to grab this guys right here and again edit mesh duplicate that's going to give me a duplicate over there and i'm going to extrude this guy to create like the support thing there we go just like that i mean we can babble this like the outer edges just have a nicer a little bit of a nicer look yeah look pretty cool right and then usually this thing is mounted like on that on the square so i'm just going to grab one of these blanks and just create like a square here which is the thing that this thing is going to be like welded on top of right there we go so this one has uv so i just need to freeze the transformation the torus by default has ubs and this one since it was a duplicate from a taurus it actually will have some sort of ubis let me see if it works it doesn't work almost works just need to grab this guy right here uv cut uv edges ctrl u again and there we go that that works nicely so again just grab everything here control or sorry uh phrase transformation go back into uv mode and i'm not gonna make the mistake because this could be a mistake i'm not gonna be them i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna make the mistake of trying to unfold this again because if i unfold this i'm going to get the exact same sort of effect where everything in the woods is going to get like cramped up and then the doorknob is going to be like really really tiny so instead what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab this guy this guy and this guy and this guys i'm going to control u to unfold and control l to layout to get a nice layout then i'm going to make them smaller place them over here grab everything over here and then since we have enough space we can actually afford to have a little bit more resolution on this guys and you're going to see that they're going to be a little bit higher resolution which i don't think is a bad idea because this is the thing that the player might be looking at so having a little bit of extra resolution there might be good we are going to get a little bit of uh discrepancy in in quality right because this goes this guy's going to be a little bit higher texture than the rest of the of the wood planks but again i think it's a it's a little price that we can pay and and it's not going to look worse when you have different amounts of like texture resolutions the problem is when something looks worse compared to the other thing so in this case if the wood looks good enough and then the handle looks even better that's good rather than having the handle look good and then the wood looking bad hopefully you you understand what i mean trying to explain that with my bad english so yeah this is it this is our our door it looks looking nice i think it's uh it's gonna bake very very nicely and uh we're ready to jump into substance painter to do some texture so that's it for this one guys i'll see you back on the next one we're just gonna keep going like one after the other remember uh today this video should be thursday so uh make sure to check down here in the link if you're submitting for this weekend's portfolio review you can drop a folder with a link to your art station or your works like the actual works the actual file so you're free to do so and uh yeah that's that's pretty much it guys make sure to like share subscribe you know check out our premium courses all the deal and uh yeah that's it i'll see you back tomorrow bye
Channel: Nexttut
Views: 465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya 2018, zbrush tutorial, maya tutorial, nalini kanta jena, character sculpting, zbrush sculpting, zbrush turorial, beginner zbrush tutorial, human anatomy zbrush, modeling tutorial
Id: KihKdUrg_DA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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