MAYA TUTORIAL | Medieval Lighthouse tutorial pt16

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hey guys welcome back to another video in this series today we're going to continue with the lighthouse however i do need to have this video which is going to be like an interlude video where i need to teach you about unreal engine because that's the engine that we're going to be using to get everything together like make sure everything works as a video game scene and uh yeah so let's jump right into it shall we uh at the time of this recording my friends there are two versions for unreal engine that you can have access to so you're gonna have to download of course your epic launcher right here and if you go here into ue4 or library you're gonna be able to install as many versions as you want there's all of the versions all the way from 4.0 uh to 4.27.2 which is the latest one you also have access i think you need to go in into the internet and go for like this link that's going to install your uh unreal uh engine 5 which is the newest version it's still on early access so it's not recommended that you use it for a production to create your own video game because you might find some bugs or things that might not as expected however they do have promise or they have promised that if you work on 4.27 migrating later on on 5.0 will be a an easy way to upgrade something and you can also uh work on 5.0 and then once a stable final release comes out you're gonna be able to just jump into that one so i just double click or click there on launch and this is the window that we get which is um our basic like windows setup and what i'm going to do is i'm going to hit games right here and i'm going to create a third-person game which is going to be my base uh the target platform is going to be desktop quality prison i'm going to set to maximum if you're going for like mobile and stuff you can change this over here i do want to have the starter constant i don't want to have ray tracing turn on uh right now i do think we can turn it on later on and the reason i'm not going to turn it on is because i don't have a ray tracing card um so yeah where are we going to have this i'm actually going to move it to our project so let's go here to next to live there we go and right here i actually already have one uh project so i'm gonna select this folder and let's call this project um lighthouse lighthouse story or something just to give it a little bit of a dramatic thing right so yeah let's create this and it will create the project it will create all the subfolders everything and the engine will launch it usually takes a little bit to launch especially if you have like a slow machine or not a lot of hard drive space i personally am running with a very limited hard drive right now my main drive is it's about to give up but uh yeah so let's see if this goes fast if not i will just wait and while this is loading let me open up my burial so why why do i need to teach you uh on real world because we're going to be doing a lot of cool stuff inside of it and the one of the things that we're going to be talking about and we're going to start with this tomorrow oh this whole week i have planned it out for for the lighthouse so tomorrow which should be monday we're going to be working on the um what's the word on the textures a lot of texture work we're going to start with texture work which is one of the main things that we're missing so let's go real quick here let's set the project let's grab our next to live there we go and then let's open the lighthouse scene well it's this one there we go that's unreal we'll go go back in just a second and yep there we go this is what we have right like most of the things like already uh yeah kind of ready for the whole thing so here's what i'm gonna do because i i want to have this scene inside of unreal and start like seeing how things work right so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to grab every single piece right here every single piece like everything maybe except like this guy's over there i'm going to say file export selection and i'm going to export this as an obj very important that i do an obj you're going to see why in just a second i'm going to go to assets folder lighthouse and right here outside of every other thing i'm just going to export this as lighthouse object or just like full scene let's call it full c and i'm not going to export materials i do not want to export materials right now because i don't want extra information so it's going to export selection let's open a new scene oh let's open a new scene don't save this one i'm going to say file import i'm going to go to my assets folder lighthouse where is it there we go and just import the full scene and the reason i'm importing the full scene is even though we did not export with materials if i were to select everything as you can see right here let me see if i can just select all by type geometry we're still going to have a lot of shading groups oh no we don't perfect okay that's great we only have one one object so that's awesome so now this will allow me to actually import this thing inside of unreal so this is the new version for unreal engine 5 which is really cool the the interface has been streamlined i think we've talked about this before i'm not sure if i did the aku aku mask on the 5 uh on rail 5 i think i did um i don't want to update this so that's fine and it's very easy to navigate you navigate in a very similar fashion as in maya you're going to click alt and click to move around alt and middle click to pan and alt and right click to zoom and you can also use the was if you right click and press wasd you can just like maneuver as if you were in the game like if you're a little like flying chip you're just moving around the whole thing so yeah now we could create a new level but i'm actually gonna reuse this one right here and i'm going to select this guy just click and i'm just going to hit or delete to delete the whole thing there we go and now we're going to import the lighthouse so i'm going to go here into my content browser which is a content browser it's your file hierarchy that you see outside in windows it's it's it's still in here i'm just going to create a new folder to keep things organized i'm going to call this lighthouse everything's going to go in this nice little folder and i'm going to create a new folder i'm going to call this lighthouse test just so i know that anything that's inside this folder is not going to be useful later on i'm going to right click again i'm going to say import and i'm going to go into our projects folder so let's go 2021 next to live assets can you believe 2021 is about to be over guys it's been quite a ride right almost six months of daily content almost daily content when we started we didn't have a daily content but now we do i'm just gonna hit open here and i'm gonna select a couple of things as you can see here it is trying to export this on fbx which is weird because i think i i thought i exported this on obj but that's fine um i don't want nanite that's fine i'm gonna go here into the material i'm gonna create new material or i'm actually just going to say do not create a material i don't want any new materials just like the basic gray and it's very important that we do select the option to combine the objects so right here one of the arrows that i just clicked there's an option to combine objects which should be here combined meshes so i'm going to enable this it's very important that i enable this just for this particular case and the reason why i want to um do that is to make sure that i just modify the whole thing as a whole object right because i i just want to have like a general idea of where things are there we go so there's bad tangents there's zero tangents instead of binomial that's fine those are just warnings as you can see the thing did import properly so i can just drag and drop it over here and there we go look at this our whole world is ready to roll so i'm just going to rotate this 90 degrees and the reason the object came in uh like with a bad rotation is because we exported this as an obj and the coordinates inside of unreal are different than the coordinates inside of maya as you can see here if i press w c is pointing upwards so in maya you know it's x left and right uh c front and back and then y up and down in unreal it's x uh left and right y front and back and then c up and down so it's going to be a little bit different there if you export as an fpx it should automatically know that it's coming from maya and then you shouldn't get any of this issues so let's move this thing around oop and as you can see the scale is working properly so let me delete all of this guys over here not everything there's a couple things that i do want to keep with all of geometry let's go what's that uh yeah that's get rid of the text the player start is fine that's a reflection capture that's fine for now we'll talk about all of these things later on don't worry we have a little bit of fog that's great so i'm just gonna move this guy back to to the to the beginning right there and the problem is if i were to grab my character right here and move it up and then hit play i would just like be pushed out why because right now this object if i double click um this is right now using um a collision mesh that's pretty much just like a giant box so i'm gonna go here to collision and though i believe we can see the collision where is it i'm not sure where the collision is but i'm going to remove the collision and then i'm going to go all the way down here you can see there's a lot of materials i actually would like to delete all of them but whatever and i'm going to go all the way down here to collision presets i'm gonna change this from uh project default to use a complex collision as simple okay so this is a super bad way to do things but what it will do is it will pretty much change every single polygon into a collision mesh so now if i hit play i should be able to be right here pretty cool right so there we go as you can see like the size of the level it looks great the size of the door looks good small barrel over there the nets look good the stairs maybe a little bit small i think a couple of areas are a little bit small but overall this looks good and as you can see it took me not absolutely no time to create or make this a playable level we're going to talk about proper the proper way to do this later on don't worry but as of now as you can see like my original remember this box with this box which was our original uh like proportion thing it's working perfectly you can see that the proportion is very very nice it's great so yeah i mean this is it this is uh the object right here inside of uh inside of unreal now let's do one a couple more things uh that again just like the basics of things so materials might materials inside of um inside of uh unreal can be accessed in two different ways right click here and just create a new material i'm going to rename this like m gray 50. so i know this is going to be 50 gray and if i double click i'm going to go into the material editor which is very similar to a hypershade right this is the material node this is my preview settings over here and i'm going to be able to connect all sorts of maps over here so i'm going to press number three and click on the object or any place on the grid right here and this will create something called a three vector which is uh an object a little note inside of unreal that has three values and we know that colors have three values rgb so we're going to be able to change the values of this element to whatever we want so let's go to like a 50 grade i'm just going to say 0.5 here on the on the gray just hit ok and drag and drop this into the base color now this sphere will be 50 gray another thing i want to do is i don't want this thing to be shiny so i want this to be matte and that is driven by the specular option right so i'm going to press a 1 and click and this is going to create something called a float so this is just a float value a value that you can define as any number imaginable and we're just going to plug this in into specular so it's going to be a series specular and then i'm going to do another float and i'm going to set this to 1 i'm gonna set this roughness to one so now this object is completely matte so it reflects absolutely no light and all of the light that gets hit it's completely rough uh on the object so i'm just gonna hit save this will compile the shader and now very easy just drag and drop this on top of this guy right here now the reason why this is not applying everywhere is even though we did have only like a lambert color it actually remembers like the materials that it had from maya so there's like material slots as you can see right here so i think what i can do is if i select this guy right here you can see all of this right all of this material ids and um there's so many of them there's like what like oh my god oh my god no that's too many okay let's fix it real quick i think we can go here and then we go into the material options where is it we should be able to delete the objects right here there we go so i'm just gonna have to um can we delete this or sometimes you need to have like an assignment here or something 440 material slots oh my god is that really what i'm doing here wow that's too many so it's one material slot per object okay easiest way to fix it super super easy way to fix it let's go back here to maya let's select all by type geometry right click or actually just combine so um mesh combined so it's a single object we'll take a little bit well of course because it's a two million or 200 000 triangle it's not that bad by the way but it is quite heavy let's do the history and now technically we should only have one material play history there we go so yeah you can see just number one so grab this guy file export selection let's export it again here on the obj and then what we can do super easy just go back here into unreal and this is what we're doing in production we we constantly like re-import things i'm just going to hit rate import and when we re-import this thing all of the material elements should be gone i'm gonna select this guy and done there we go so i've successfully re-imported the whole thing so technically we shouldn't have any other weird things anymore i still see a lot of elements over here but that's fine at least everything is a single color now so yeah now as i was mentioning these are the materials that we're going to be using so you guys remember the material that we did for the stones right like this guy over here if we wanted to create the material here it's very very easy i'm just going to click here create a new material let's call this m stones i'm going to move this material later on to another place and super easy it's just a matter of going into our folder here let's go to assets lighthouse and then we have rock walls textures remember those guys over here so we have we need this one this one this one or actually the gray one um we do need the displacement even though we're we're not going to use it just yet and we need the normal map actually let's just do the three like the three basic ones so i can show you because there's one thing that we're gonna be doing quite a bit so there we go you just drag and drop them over here and they are loaded into our content browser super easy and now it's just a matter of dragging and dropping them right here into our scene there we go now the normal map goes as you might expect on the normal map channel the color map goes on to the base color but this one this one's important and a lot of my students um i was going to say a bad word screw this up and the the thing is this image if you guys remember is actually combining a couple of channels we have the red channel the green channel and the blue channel right the red channel is our ambient occlusion the green channel is our roughness and then the blue channel is of metallic which in this case we don't have any and all of these three channels are combined into a single texture but those channels are black and white channels so you guys know from our maya classes that whenever you have a texture that's supposed to be black and white you don't want to do any color correction on the image and that thing right or this thing right here this srgb node is doing that it's correcting some of the colors i don't want that so this is like turning this off it's pretty much as telling unreal hey this is going to be a raw image just treat it as a raw image so now we just drop this right here and you're going to be able to see this over here where it says sampler type it's a linear color instead of a color okay super important that this one's a linear color normal map doesn't really matter like you can leave this as a normal because it knows it's a normal map as you can see it treats this as a normal so we don't have to do this unlinearized thing on the on the normal map uh yeah just keep that in mind so the r is my ambient occlusion which is gonna again darken some of my colors over here there we go and then the green is gonna be going into our roughness now we have a problem the problem is that the normal map as you can see here is looking inverted right it looks like the stones are coming like to the other side and the reason why this is happening we've mentioned this before in other videos is this is a norm a opengl normal map and opengl normal maps are flipped compared to directx and i think i'm not sure if someone in the comments mentioned this or a friend of mine told me about this but one of the reasons why some companies choose to do opengl or directx is if you want to use directx you need to pay a license and some people just want to save the license in this case unreal did pay the license for directx um or are they owned by microsoft i'm not sure i think they are owned by microsoft aren't they can't remember anyway so super simple fix i'm just gonna go here to the normal map and there's an option over here which we can use to flip it where is it compression type no where is it is it here or maybe it was in this option [Music] oh no it's not okay i think i think we can re-import this because when you import the texture um you can set tell this if this is say if it's a normal map or like a normal normal or not a normal map so let me grab this one right here let's force lead and let's go back to our images right here there's also a note that we can use but i i thought we had like a flip option there's usually a flip option okay it's not it's not giving me the flipper i'm pretty sure it was over here it is a world normal map here we go free flip green channel that's the only thing we need to do flip the green channel and when we flip the green channel now the normal map will work as a direct external map so there we go because it pretty much just changes that and yeah you can see here looks pretty good right uh so yeah this is this is pretty much the thing we're gonna be doing a lot of texture work tomorrow we're gonna be talking about a very important topic which is a material like combination like we want to paint the walls of the of the lighthouse and we want to have certain areas be brick and certain areas be other elements but we don't want to have like one specific texture set for each one so we're going to be using masks we're going to be using some of the techniques that we saw for the cliff and we're going to be using this build right here okay so if you're following along probably not right now at the time of this recording because i i'm not sure if anyone is like actually following video by video but if you are then congratulations uh if you're watching this a long time in the future or later in the future and you're following the steps make sure you feel like you understand how and why we're important things this way because we're going to be doing a lot of this build okay so this was just a basic ui interface basic uh like material setup and basic just like uh in this case um collision setup okay so now you can see that the characters it's working everything's working nicely everything is uh it's flowing and you can see that the proportions the scale of the whole thing looks very very nice so eventually when we have the finished product i think this thing is going to be amazing so yeah that's it for now guys i'll see you back tomorrow we'll continue with the lighthouse unless uh anything like major comes up but right now the schedule says that we're going to be uh moving forward with this guy okay so let us know in the comments what you think about this one let us know um what do you think about the series questions anything you know maybe say hi i'll see you back tomorrow guys have fun bye-bye
Channel: Nexttut
Views: 348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya 2018, zbrush tutorial, maya tutorial, nalini kanta jena, character sculpting, zbrush sculpting, zbrush turorial, beginner zbrush tutorial, human anatomy zbrush, modeling tutorial
Id: b0kzECGmszw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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