MAYA TUTORIAL | Medieval Lighthouse tutorial pt19

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hey guys welcome to another video in this channel today we're going to continue with the lighthouse final video before our special christmas weekend our portfolio review tomorrow and sunday and uh yeah so let's get to it this is that's the that's the schedule so far so um oh by the way i i did read all of your comments about the seabrush thing and the most of you i think are in a very similar mindset as i am like if things don't change for the worst then maybe we're okay but we'll have to see right we'll have to see how things go um so last time we were here in the lighthouse we uh took a look at the what's the word here by the way i've been like super tired this last couple days so i'm probably going to blank out a little bit during this tutorial so yeah last time we saw the blend layer material which is this is a special material that uses two inputs in this case a concrete input and a bricks input and generates a blend between them using an alpha channel which is just this texture and we can do crazy things about the the alpha channel so for instance here if you guys remember we were multiplying this two uh alpha channels and creating this sort of like grunge zebra texture which looks okay right uh now it's time that we apply this to our own uh lighthouse so let's jump onto the until lighthouse scene and i'm gonna be focusing on this main part of the lighthouse this one right here so if you remember when we were modeling this thing we created this like huge block right here which is all made out of this sort of like concrete and brick wall and we can see on the concept that there's a couple of holes and a couple of dirt and things like that right so the first thing i need to do is i need to extract this lines right here which are wood beams from the elements right so i'm going to isolate this object right here with this button let me by the way turn on the karnik thing and we did get a feedback that the buttons were a little bit too big so if you guys are using karnak you can double click here go into keyboard and then the font size i believe we can make this smaller there we go so that should be a little bit less intrusive hopefully there we go so i'm gonna grab this guy again let's isolate this and we don't need this cap so i'm gonna grab this ctrl f11 to select all of the faces and delete just normal delete and then we're gonna write a vertex here select the faces and then delete there we go and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to do is i'm going to i was going to say go and do at the same time i'm going to grab all of the edge loops that create this sort of like wall section so all of this edge loops we're going to select by the way this object won't be divided like we're going to keep it like super low poly like you're seeing right here because we really don't need to divide it and we're going to say measure in the modeling tabs we're going to go mesh and we're going to say sorry edit mesh and separate or detach let's do detach so now each like section that i selected is separated as a different object so i'm going to grab all of the wall objects this one's right here and i'm going to say edit mesh and now i'm going to say extract and what extract does as the name might already be giving other way it just extracts the objects it creates an object per like island and i don't want that so i'm going to just combine them all into a single one so all of the concrete beams are in one single piece now let's do our ub trick so i'm just going to say uv uh we're going to do a planar mapping just to get like a basis here we these are cylinders so it's just cap cap and across so i'm just going to go uv 3d car or let's go to the back of course so that we don't see the line all the way here there we go and now i'm going to go uv ub editor grab everything here let's turn this off let's grab all uv shells and control u and there we go ctrl l to lay them out and that's pretty much it like we really don't need anything else if we want to be like super super super precise we could straighten them out because we're going to be using bricks and if at any point we see bricks going across all of the surface it will be nice if everything is like completely like laid out so you can go here into the transform options and there's this one where is it things align and snap no arrangement layout where is it there's a little option here here unfold and there's the straightening uv so i'm just going to select pretty much all the islands and hit straighten and you're going to see that now they're all completely straight ctrl l again to flatten them out and as you can see we have a very nice laid out uv map for rfr all of our elements now uh let's grab these beams right here because there's a little trick that i want to show you these are all going to be wood beams right like we we agree there and the easiest way or one of the easiest way to to create the proper ub layout just one second so uh in order to facilitate the ub mapping of all of these things i am gonna be cutting a straight through each of the rings okay so i'm just gonna create a uv new ub planar mapping remember when i do the planar mapping i have the set to camera keep image with height ratio and then hit apply so now we have ubs everywhere and we already have the inner sides cut so that's going to save us a little bit of time right so i am going to go into etch loop this might take a little while because i'm going to have to go to each specific ring and we're not going to be able i mean we could try duplicating them but since we created them from an extrusion most of them might not be like exactly the same right like they might be slightly different here and there in the scales so the the transfer of the ubis might not be uh precisely precisely clean so it's gonna be even though it's gonna take a little like a couple of minutes here just like select all of this edge loops i believe there was a shortcut to select like an edge shrink that i think it would take probably like the same amount of time so i'm just going to select all of this guys right here all of this guys there we go almost there there we go i'm just going to say uv in this case i'm just going to say cut up edges so that should cut all of the uv edges into its own islands right so now if we were to go u editor and we just do we shield this and control u to unfold and control l we're gonna have everything as it has to be i need to take a call real quick i'll be right back and we'll continue sorry about that as you know i normally try to record everything in one go but every now and then we get some calls and some messages that you need to attempt so there we go um as i mentioned we have this uvs and the uvs are working nicely as you can see here on the uv editor they're all flat towards the grain of the wood and if you remember we already have a wood texture which is this one right here now the only problem is as you can see it's aligned to the different uh to like a different uh like profile right so i'm gonna grab this guys i'm gonna go ub uv editor grab them all again i'm going to go into modify layout and in the options i'm going to change this shell pre-rotation from horizontal to vertical just hit apply and there we go now all of my uh like elements here are going in the same direction and i'm just going to assign the exact same wood beams that we have right here uh that's not the one let's check it's wood beams new okay so grab this guy assign existing material a wood beams new there we go so now as you can see we have a very nice build um wood beams for the whole thing so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to take my whole little lighthouse thing so i'm going to just make a big selection box let's not use like the top part just yet because it's not finished so let's just focus on like the rock part the walls and the what's the word and the beams there we go so let's just deselect everything that we don't want like this little guys right here this guy over here and this guy over here there we go so as you can see we've got everything selected uh there's a couple of things that are missing material that's that's fine and since they all already have the materials that we need like if i were to select this guy or actually no this one doesn't have a material so i'm gonna assign a new material to this guy assign new material just a lambert it's fine i'm gonna call this m um lighthouse i'm just gonna say lh lh house there we go so that has a material this has a mature rock wall perfect and all of this have the wood's beam now i don't like this name like always having like new or zero ones here or two becomes a little bit difficult to to pinpoint what you want right so let me just deselect that guy there we go and uh so i'm gonna create a new name and the easiest way is to go into the hyper sheet here and i'm just gonna go wood beams and i'm just gonna rename this instead of wood beams new let's call this wood beams fresh so that they're like newer wood right i know i know that that's probably what i meant when i first did it but i just want to keep it in a more easy to understand way so as you can see we have this pillar that's not exactly where it should be so let's bring it back there we go same for this one let's just bring it back a little bit and here's where we're going to be doing some crazy crazy stuff actually probably need to bring this guys down a little bit and this ones i'm gonna push them out so i'm actually gonna take all of this elements into substance painter and i'm gonna use the geometry to generate masks that would be impossible to use normally but with the trick that we saw the last video the the blended materials we're gonna be able to create something very very cool so i'm gonna say file export selection and i'm gonna export this of course in our assets folder lighthouse let's create a new folder we'll call this lighthouse again just lh main or tower let's just call it tower there we go so we're going to export this and we're going to call this lh tower there we go so on support maps that's fine i don't really care about the maps right now because we're going to be generating some new maps here on substance painter so yeah when you export an object such as this one with multiple materials substance painter will detect that each element or each different part of the object has a material like specific material and it will create something that's called a material or texture set over here which is very very important we're going to use it to our advantage so here in the lighthouse let's go to the tower we don't need udems just keep it like this i am going to go 4k because i do want to have a lot of geometry or a lot of pixels to get like nice masks uh because it's just masks it's just gonna be black and white mask that we're gonna be using and there we go so what i'm gonna do as you can see uh we have the wood beams oh that's weird did i forget to select a couple of them i really don't care about the wood beams to be honest because i know those ones are gonna work nicely so i really just care about the the rod the um there's the the lighthouse so we're just gonna focus on this one okay so i'm gonna go here and the first thing i need to do is i need to create the bakes and again here's where the magic is gonna happen because i'm gonna be using a 4k bake to have like a very nice bake and we're just gonna bake uh the material and what's gonna happen is especially when it gets to the amp in the occlusion map it will take the beams as you can see into consideration to create that mask so we can see how this um how there's gonna be like a slight dirt look at that like concave and convex shapes exactly where we need them so this will allow us to create some very nice texture presets here inside of substance that we're going to be able to use with our material layer and system inside the front reel so just a quick show we're not going to be using the bricks like like the textures that i'm going to be using here are not going to be the ones that we're going to be using later on so i need a brick texture i'm not sure if we have a brick texture over here do we oh it seems like we don't that's weird maybe there's like smart material do we have a small material with bricks that's a little bit of an oversight we should have a bricks material at least okay i mean let me jump quickly into substance source and get one give me just one second here like again i just need any kind of freak because we already have the brick textures remember we got them from the uh what's the word from the from the polyhaven site because i want to show you how to do this without needing any sort of uh um external softwares so in this case i just need this for for basic purposes to just to oversee the general thing right so there we go we just got this there and as you can see they're gonna tile very very nicely on top of the whole thing and even though i could like definitely go here into the options and increase the texture so that we match what we want like some of you might be like why not just take this like maybe you repeat this like i don't know seven times and this is gonna be my texture yeah we can take this but the problem is if we go really close you're gonna start seeing this very low quality and we know that we can get so much higher quality if we do the material blending but we do need to have this one as a sort of base to know where we're going to paint the concrete in and out right so this one right here this concrete clean i'm going to use as my actually let's use this one concrete like dirty on top and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to add a black mask right click generator and let's add like a dirt generator and what's going to happen here especially if we increase the contrast invert this thing look at that we're gonna get some like damage all across the elements and it's following the map that we would normally have now of course this looks a little bit weird so we're gonna have to kind of like twist tweak this thing around there we go that's a little bit more like it and and here's where the the exercise comes into play because we're going to have to visualize that the black and like the places where this brick is going to be is where our final brick texture is going to be and the places where where we're seeing the concrete is where we're going to be seeing the the concrete in our final results so if i see this and i go let's go back to maya to see the the reference you can see that we have some pieces where things are really really broken up right so i'm going to go here right click and i'm going to add a paint layer and then i'm going to go into my brushes here and i'm going to grab like this charcoal frame thing you can do this with a wacom tablet or with just like um with your mouse like any of them work and what i can do is i can just start maybe something a little bit more harsh like this dirt splash let me get harsher there we go and i'm gonna be able to to manually like artistically paint where i want this damage to be or not b like maybe i don't want as much damage over here so i'm just going to press x to to go out of the of the painting mode and then just fill in a couple of the of the gaps right so all of this elements right here all of this and i know on the worst this is my main like my main shot right so most of my attention should be on this particular area so i remember there's like this big block like at this position right here so let's create that little element right there perfect and yeah i mean we can just play around and and have fun like knowing or placing a couple of like details here and there you want to make it look natural so more often than not you're going to have this sort of damage in areas where you would expect like water or erosion to to come into play so yeah just just be mindful of where you want it and how much damage you want because that's also gonna be that's also gonna be important and there we go like this looks good to me i think it's gonna look very nice inside of inside the front reel so here's the trick i'm gonna right click this guy right here and i'm gonna export the mask export mask to file and this mask is what we're gonna be using so let's go here to our next live option assets lighthouse tower we're going to call this bricks bricks mask there we go now another thing that we usually have is dirt right like a little bit of rust in like the corners of stuff and we can actually have multiple materials blending between each other one thing that i did forget to mention when we were talking about the layer materials is they're very powerful but they are expensive so every time you have a blending material there's going to be another draw call draw collis is like the the moment the engine takes to analyze each pixel on your on your image right on your render image so if you have two textures it's gonna check each pixel twice and then it will depending on the setup of your material choose which texture should be displayed if you have three textures it's going to check the pixel three times and the more textures you have the more complex it gets right so let's adjust the black mask here let's add another generator let's do like a dirt generator and in this one i'm actually going to go a little bit crazy so i'm going to go a little high here i am going to use my trick the one that i want it's not my trick but it's the trick that i normally show you guys which is the fill layer with the clouds um or or a noise modifier and then we multiply this to break up the the effect of the of the rust a little bit uh let's increase the balance here there we go it kind of breaks this thing up and i don't want to have as much on the top side i want to have a little bit more rust like down here because eventually this could be set to like an overlay so the contrast gets a little bit nicer right so i'm going to add another generator and this is going to be um let's do a position generator and the position generator as you can see it's a gradient coming from top to bottom and in this case it's white on top and black on the bottom so that's why we're not seeing the the this portion i'm going to invert this and then if we modify the balance we should be able to have this sort of effect we're going to have like a gradient down here and then not as much over here and then this one of course we're going to multiply that way we're going to have more rust as you can see down here and less rust on the top side here so we're combining like if we were to turn this off you're gonna see that we eliminate all of the rust up here so the uppermost parts are not gonna get as much damage and then we're gonna right click this guy and we're gonna export mask to file and this is going to be called like dirt mask lh lighthouse there we go so now we don't even need to export anything from uh from substance because what we needed it's already it's already there what we need to import here is the the actual tower so i'm gonna right click here i'm gonna create a new entire own new folder it's gonna be called lh uh tower just go there right click import to games we're gonna go assets lighthouse tower and we import this guy right here very important we do want to combine the meshes and we do do want to create materials so create new materials and we just say import all and what should happen here we might get a couple of warnings that's totally fine yeah like texture name clash name clash okay yeah that's fine and we have this lighthouse which we're gonna be able to position here uh we're gonna zero out the rotations or the position here so zero zero zero and then this one was raised 500 units so let's raise this one 500 units i still not don't know why this is happening to be honest and then we'll rotate this 90 degrees here and that should match like the exact concept that we have there we go now as you can see uh it's actually already loading a little bit of the wood there uh but that's not what i'm interested about it actually loaded most of the textures here so we're going to talk about those later right now i just want to talk about the the lighthouse material so if you remember from where we were doing our um our test here we actually had we actually already have the the the wall setup right like this uh wall set up here we already have our lighthouse material so i am just gonna like if i just drag and drop this one right here you can see that the texture applies very nicely on top of the element it's just a matter of going into this material and modifying the alpha channels here okay so what i'm going to do is i actually don't need this multiply nodes i am going to go let's move the same here to the another wall cell let's go live house tower here right click import and let's import the brick mask open and we're just going to drag and drop this here and this is going to be well wait a second let's make sure that this is not linearized is it linearized or does it know that it's not linearized um [Music] sometimes when you export it already knows that it's not yeah it's unlinear it's perfect so we just drag this here and as you can see we're gonna grab like the r channel that's fine and go into alpha and now we're gonna have this very nice effect and if we save the material will update very nicely and voila we are gonna have our very nice thing as soon as it finishes compiling so yeah i mean while this is finishing remember guys tomorrow we have our portfolio look at this beautiful thing nice right very nice i really really really like how it looks it looks very like grungy it looks very nice and again like compare the the quality of the bricks right here the quality of the pixels of the bricks right here to what we we would normally have our head if we use like a 4k texture like like this is the pixel quality of using a 4k texture which is not bad i mean it works but this is the texture quality using a tileable texture with material blending now the only thing i'm a little bit concerned about is the fact that the concrete looks a little bit too big on the on the texture side of things you can see that we like the ground shears way too much so no problems we just go to our wall setup and if we go to the concrete wall which is this one right here whenever we're using this i'm just gonna right click create a texture coordinates texture coordinate there we go and this gets plugged in into the ubis of our element all of them and we can multiply this like that's a four four and four and there we go we of course need to go to this one right here and compile again because it needs to process the fact that we updated something here so we need to save this one right here first and then save this one right here and after and there we go now we're going to be doing something very interesting as we move forward with this project it will take a while because as i mentioned next week we're going to have our like christmas a special week and um and we're going to have to to stop the lighthouse for a couple of uh days probably like two weeks in like new year and christmas but when we come back i'm gonna teach you how to create an instance material to utilize this lighthouse walls for the other part of the of the process but as you can see here like this looks really really really good let's just fix the water real quick because it's driving me crazy so if we go here to the wood beams what the hell is going on because it's like very dark see that it already has a texture tiling there which is fine but i don't know why it's so dark that's very weird because the texture is fine huh what could it be what could be oh no it's using this the wood fresh right remember so this is black and it's just using the normal maps and that's the way it's doing this sort of weird thing so let's just plug this in let's delete this parameter which is like the dark parameter and bring this into the base color there we go so we save and in maya now that i think about it i remember that for maya something that we did is we changed the color slightly remember we saturated the thing a little bit so we can actually do this here very easily it's called an hsv hsv note um yeah rgv2hsv this is the one no it's not this one what can we do hsv hue shift there we go huge shot so we're gonna grab this one right here i believe and then can we change the hue no that's not it huh can't remember which one we used to do color correction there we go so um let's see if there's like a saturation because i there we go so we have saturate so we just plug this in into the saturated node and then this goes in here now let's take a look like this note should be no i'll i'll i'll take a look at that one later on guys because we're running a little bit out of time and um i still need to check out but yeah we're going to change the wood here but as you can see we managed to hit this very important milestone which is like starting to get like all of the materials in here we still have a lot of work to do but things are shaping up as you can see it's a process um as i mentioned before like we're i'm doing this relatively fast like the project like this would be like 100 hours probably we're gonna try to get it under 20 hours here on the youtube channel we're at video 19 30 minutes each so yeah we're almost at 10 hours right now which i think it's a great achievement to get here so yeah that's it guys i'll see you back tomorrow for the portfolio review remember today you can still submit so i'm gonna be recording late on on friday or which is today and uh if you still want to submit make sure to hit the link real quick right now and i'll get your work in this next portfolio review thank you very much guys i'll see you back tomorrow like share subscribe you know the drill bye
Channel: Nexttut
Views: 327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya 2018, zbrush tutorial, maya tutorial, nalini kanta jena, character sculpting, zbrush sculpting, zbrush turorial, beginner zbrush tutorial, human anatomy zbrush, modeling tutorial
Id: U1_pboiQ8aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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