Maya Modelling Tutorial | Medieval Lighthouse Part 07

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hi guys welcome back to another video in this channel today today we're going to continue with that thing that you have been asking for the last couple of days which is the lighthouse so yeah i mean we had a couple of uh different days in the last couple of days i'm sorry if we can continue here but i know you guys are patient so let's get to it and as i promised today we're gonna be talking about all of the wood frames because you can see that right now we're missing a very substantial amount of elements in our um in our lighthouse which is all of the wooden frames that we usually get in this sort of like medieval houses now it would be bonkers it would be completely crazy to model uv texture and place each specific element as a separate element even if we were doing this for film like that's that's just not the way that you would do it so let me show you but first i just noticed something that's a little bit off-putting which is the saturation that we have around this box right here is not matching the saturation on our wood planks i think the one on the wood planks is closer to what i'm looking for so i'm going to show you a very quick trick this is for maya of course but we're going to do something similar later on for um for what's the word for um unreal and that is uh we can actually plug in a node here to modify the hue saturation and value so it's called hsv so it's a remap hsv so we input the color on this little node right here and then we output the same color to this one right here now right now it's doing the exact same thing however if we go here to the saturation and we lower the saturation like so you're gonna see that now our elements are less saturated and also i think the lightness for instance it's a little bit too dark so we can go down here to the value i'm gonna bring the black colors a little bit like up like this and that's gonna uh get rid of the blacks and get them like closer to the whites so this is i mean that's a very simple representation of a little bit of like shading work or shaders work that's something that you do or we do quite frequently um in post-production or before the rendering starts because sometimes you just don't have time to go back or there's going to be like small tweaks here and there depending on the type of lights and the type of scenarios that you have you're gonna have to modify okay so uh we're gonna follow a very similar process for the main planks right here that we did for the for the floor right here um so i know that these are like big chunks of of wood so let me look for some reference here so if we take a look at like wood pillars you're gonna see that uh they're usually like this right like a very like blocky pillar or like this and uh it's very straight like we we don't need to model something like super complex and uh but we definitely want to have like a like a nice grain on the on the woods like this for instance it's too nice of a grain i would expect this woods to be a little bit more damaged so we're going to go to poly haven as again and remember if you have access to substance source uh you can go with substance but i'm trying to use everything from like free sites so you guys don't have to worry about this so i'm just going to look for a wood and i want to look for some like like this one like look at this this is just it's perfect it's exactly what we're going for right like this is sort of like the the effect that we want this or like very rough effect so i think this is perfect the saturation is really good i know in the concepts a little bit darker but as you saw like we can change the saturation real quick and that's it by the way i changed the configuration of the microphone let me know if the audio is sounding good because the microphone used to be like about here uh and now it's like up here and i find a little bit more comfortable because my area is now clean uh but let me know if the audio is not suffering from that so uh we are gonna eventually use these guys in in a real engine 4 so we don't need a bump map so i'm going to get rid of that one uh we don't really need the displacement we're going to keep everything in normal maps uh so i'm going to say normal map gl is fine i mean we can just flip it later on roughness definitely need roughness and uh we can just export this one like the uh ao roughness metallic so this is like a like a packed uh texture and i'm just gonna hit download so while that is downloading oh my god sorry about that um by the way someone commented on the on the comments yesterday like he was gonna make sure that we got like uh uh like an oil pipe from russia so that we could have like heaters up here a heater would be nice i think i'm gonna have to get a heater because my studio it's a little room and it gets quite cold um so yeah let me go here and next to live we go to our assets lighthouse and i'm going to create a new one called uh wolf beams which is a little bit confusing like comparing it to the other one by the way guys i'm not sure if you guys are halo fans but halo infinite the beta is now out it's great man it's really good i really like halo so i've been playing a little bit of halo here and there um but yeah so there we go so we have our um a normal map that's a normal map we have or actually what is no that's the ambient occlusion roughness metallic sorry this is the normal map and uh this is the uh roughness so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go into maya and i'm gonna create four or three i mean you can do as many as you want types of uh wood beams so i'm gonna create a cube and i i can actually like reference like a real size for for like wood beams but i'm gonna kind of like guesstimate so i'm gonna say this is gonna be a 20 by 20 by 20 beam and then we're gonna make it a meter high so this is going to be our one meter block so for small areas let's say maybe two meters for small areas like this one's right here i'm probably going to use a um a half or like a one meter block right so even if there's a little bit of overlap that's completely fine i'm just gonna use this one right here and then i'm gonna ctrl d duplicate this one and this one's gonna be double that so let's do 4 meters right so this is going to be like a really really big and now this one i'm going to try and use it for this particular beast over here and then i'm going to do two more of this guys but they're going to be a little bit more chunky so you can see that like on this area right here we have some like a really really really big beams so i'm going to go ctrl d and this one's going to be like 40. and 40. okay so it's going to be like a like a chunky block like a really really chunky look and we are going to be able to change the scales later on if we need to i'm just going to i'm just going to i'm just creating like this so like uh general effects right and then i'm going to do the same for this one so ctrl d and let's do like this one i think i'm going to do 300 or sorry like 30 by 30. so there we go now as you can see all of these guys have a very similar topology right like they all came from the same cube so technically if i were to grab all of them um just phrase the transformations go into uv uv editor i should be able to just like control u to unfold everything and boom everything is working nicely i'm gonna hit ctrl key or sorry ctrl l to lay them out and as you can see we have this layout right here is this the perfect or the most perfect uv we can get no definitely not is this good enough probably but i think we can do better so uh what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go to the first one right here let's go here i'm going to go uv 3d cut and sew uv tools i'm actually going to delete your beast so uh ub to do the leds and i'm going to say i'm going to use my method so ub planar mapping there we go and then it's gb 3d cut is going to be like all the caps and then a cross and a little lower caps there we go so now if i go on this guy you editor and we unfold and layout we're gonna have like a more perfect uv this is gonna work like great on our element now i don't wanna do the same thing over here so there's a very handy tool that we can use that's called a transfer attributes uh some of you have probably already used it for those that haven't this element or this little tool allows us to as the name implies transfer the attribute from one object to another and there's several attributes that we can transfer but the one that we're interested in is of course uv so if we check this gb right now it's a very weird gb it's not bad it's not perfect either so i'm going to select the origin and like the target and we're going to go mesh transfer attributes option box and in this case i want to transfer the uv sets so you can see it's set to all and i'm going to use topology so it's going to follow the same topology hit apply you can see that now this one has the exact same um uv element right so same here here just apply there we go here and here apply and there we go now the problem is if i were to check all of this elements right here and i checked the resolution for the ubs the resolutions are not going to be working nicely because of the the objects are like wrongly like format so i'm going to hit ctrl u to unfold and then ctrl l to do this again what the hell just happened here that's really weird let me try this again so apply okay i think it's because we have extra cuts so i'm gonna go here i'm gonna say uv delete uv so there's no uv information and let's start from scratch that seems a little bit weird oh you know what's happening here oh that's a shame it's it's thinking that this guy is like going up and down instead of like front and back so you can see like this is like like the cap and then this is the other part of the element oh that's a shame oh well so let me show you another way in which we can do it super easy i'm again just gonna let me just grab all of them it's gonna be easier this way so i'm gonna say uv delete uvs again grab all of them i'm gonna combine them for just a second that's a very same object and then i'm gonna say um i'm gonna go into edge mode i'm gonna select all the caps for all of them like this and i love the bottom caps like that well sorry we first need to create uv so i'm gonna say uv planar mapping there we go we have a map right now i'm going to grab all of the top edges actually all of the edges and then just deselect that one so all of the caps are selected uv and then i'm going to say cut gb edges so all of the caps are cut now and i'm just going to grab one two and three uv and cut to the edge and there we go so i mean i would i want i want to show you the transfer attributes which should work if the topology hasn't changed that much but apparently that one was a little bit too much so ctrl u ctrl l again to as you can see like map this properly and now every single beam is going in the proper like direction right like the resolution rather the resolution of all of the uvs are perfectly fine i don't like keeping my uh geometries at a perfectly 90 degree angle because that is not something that occurs in the real world like you usually don't have a perfect or not perfectly 90 degree angle and here's what i'm going to do i'm going to assign a new material first let's assign the lambert here let's delete history in this library we're going to call this m wood beams and on the color thing i'm going to say a file and we're going to plug in the file from our assets lighthouse wood beams and we're gonna use of course the diffuse which is this one right here open now of course as you can imagine the resolution or the scale of the element is not working the way we would expect which is fine because we're gonna be uh multiplying it again so i'm gonna go bomb mapping um just already so tangent space normals file and we're gonna toggle in here or we're gonna insert sorry our wood beams and this is the normal map so this one right here there we go now remember normal maps are utility nodes so we change this to a raw so that they uh display properly here and uh we should be able to see a little bit of a bump effect right there it's gonna be very very minimal right now but it should be there now here's where the fun begins i am gonna go to my um my hybrid shade right here which remember it's this little one up here at the side of the of the little um like camera tablets things and i'm going to select this one and wood beams now i have this um thing disabled uh i think it's in where is it uh i think it's this one like the keep swatches or something i remember disabling this a long time ago in another version of maya and the preferences just keep importing where you don't see the little elements so that's why i need to see the name you can also go here and just make this like bigger and that way we can immediately find the wood beams and there we go so what i want to do of course is i want to increase the resolution size here on our place to the texture so let's start with like a two and a two and let's go here and let's say two and two and let's take a look at how this looks as a general thing and i think this is a good resolution like it's uh it's big enough that we see the effect uh but it's not like super invasive uh they are titling as you can see so so we don't really see where it starts and where it ends it's kind of like faded there uh but a player would normally it would be a little bit difficult to notice right where the where the things happen there's gonna be so many things like going in and out of the element that's going to be a little bit difficult to pinpoint so um let me close off the ubs and what i want to do is i want to give them a bubble so i'm just going to bubble this thing and the cool thing about beveling once you already have uvs is that if if the bevel is like simple like this one right here let's say a fraction of like 0.7 like the uv shouldn't distort as much you can see that we don't get that much distortion so it looks better and then on this one i think what was it 0.07 there we go so now we grab all of this them again i'm gonna separate them so mesh separate or sorry mesh separate there we go and then select everything delete the history freeze transformation center pivot so that everyone has the pivot point exactly where we want and now is where we can use our very nice handy tool that we just learned a couple of uh weeks ago if you haven't checked that video go back in the saturday video we saw the replace object tool which is super super handy so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select my origin and then i'm going to select all of the elements that i want to replace so let's say all of this for instance and we're going to go into edit sorry where was it modify replace objects um i do want to keep them as instances in case i want to do anything and i'm just going to apply sorry i think it was the other way around so we select the objects that we want to do like all of this select the object that we're um replacing and just hit apply and it did not work weird okay let me try this again let me just select this guys i'm gonna phrase transformations and let's try again huh oh okay oh yeah yeah yeah so the reason why it's doing this is because it focuses or it it moves the like the object that you want to replace with should be at the origin of the world otherwise we're gonna get that offset that we're getting there because as you can see like one two three four five six seven select this guy and we hit apply we do get the construction but it's like offset it to the distance from the world so here's a quick trick to create a a parameter and bring every anything to the to the origin so i am gonna create a locator so i'm gonna say create locator these are just like transform nodes i'm gonna call this world origin and if i were to grab this guys right here and parent them to the word origin now they will have information like they should have that's weird the word origin is in the world origin but they should have information it's weird that they do not have information they should inherit the like difference like the distance okay no worries now we're gonna have to do it the the hard way uh i'm gonna select this guy and this guys i'm gonna isolate them there we go and then i'm gonna like uh with v key snap them to to the point and since the only point right now in the scene is that guy right there then it should be there so let's rename these things because that's definitely gonna help so before we snap them let's rename them so we're gonna call this wb as in wood beam small and then this is going to be wb i think again wood beam small and then i'm going to add a t as in thick and then this is going to be wooden beam long and then this is going to be i know this is under my camera sorry about that but i just got to trust me that i'm renaming you can see the name over here as well so grab all of those guys again and with a v key i'm just gonna snap them and the only point that we have right now is the point in the world so we're gonna delete history again and uh there we go so now i know all of my elements are right there it's a very odd place to be i know uh but it's just it's what we have so i'm gonna grab again all of my like little ones over here and this one right here and then i'm gonna grab the small i'm gonna say modify replace objects and as you can see now we are going to have this and now it's just a matter of going to some of them and then pressing e click and using discrete rotate so that we can rotate them in specific angles like this one and that way we just ensure that no single one has like the exact same uh like um what's the word like orientation so if there's like specific like uh i don't know let's call it like uh like a line or something direction like this one this one we're both seeing like the same one we're just gonna rotate it around and you can even like rotate it like the other way around like this and you're gonna have like a different texture so all of that's gonna it's gonna be what we we need to do to to create the little uh like elements right there okay so i'm gonna grab for instance my and again this is gonna be a lot of geometry so that's why it's renaming super important because at the end i'm gonna just grab everything and group it in a single group so we just move an object as a whole but when placing things we might need to do this sort of thing so i'm gonna grab like the long uh this one so i'm gonna duplicate this one and i'm gonna use this to build the like the border so that's why the screen rotates gonna be so important here because i'm gonna be able to to just like move this around and position where i need it to be so we already have like the planks right there so this is going to be like the like the base right like where the where the planks would be like um anchored to and here here's the cool thing like since since uh these are like tileable textures we can actually scale these things like up and down a little bit and and we shouldn't have that much of a problem so for instance here i'm going to ctrl d i'm just going to rotate this 90 degrees position this right around there and again now overlaps overlaps are definitely something that you want to avoid so for instance here these two guys as you can see they're fighting uh for something called c depth so in the the depth of the image like when we see this through the camera they're both at the same level at the exact same level so we leave this like or that if we leave them like this in engines any renders sometimes the renderer doesn't know which one of those faces has to be rendered out uh this is where i would definitely recommend two options one like just like literally move the object down a little bit even though it's a little bit of overlap like this like that's an option and at that point they're no longer fighting for c depth because they're at different depths of course uh or the other one if you want to be like super clinical about this just grab the vertices here and push them back and then like grab the brushes here and push them forward a little bit like this so now they're like kind of like intersecting uh with each other right and we get this very very nice effect and i'm just gonna control d duplicate this one now this one i really don't need to rotate because it's it's on us in such a different place that uh players are not going to be seeing this at any particular point now the one that i previously had had by no longer nate and bye-bye we just delete that one uh let me grab like one of this ones and again i'm just going to control d and i'm going to use this one to build the little stairs so the little stairs are just like this again this wooden material and it's important that we use the same wood because you would expect whoever built this to have gotten the same thing from from the same forest or something uh from the same carpenter right so let's like modify this definitely make them thinner so this one's gonna be like around there i'm gonna go with like the high point of the of the stairs and then here and again as we've mentioned like see if we want to change this the cool thing is we can just like flip it around and now we have a completely different set of stairs because right now again we know the polygon count is going to be high because the the geometry is so complex but we we don't want the polygon count to be high and the texture resolution to be high as well so so we're going to sacrifice on the polygon count where we're going to optimize on the on the texture count so that's that's why we're reusing this sort of things so the stair can go already we have that very nice stair over there uh cool thing about this as well like if you want to change a little bit of the texture you can just go into the jubilee editor and like we know that this is the proper size and just like move it around a little bit and that's going to give me a completely like different effect let's probably move it a little bit more there we go so we're going to have a completely different effect the only problem with doing this and it's something we're going to be doing later with certain pieces is that we're not going to be able to use masks to add more details so only use that technique of like moving things around if you are not thinking about adding uh details on top of the objects now you can see that here on the concept we also have like a like a wood beam where these things are like literally like like inserted right so i'm gonna grab this one ctrl d let's rotate this like this and then like this and we're gonna move this rotate it like probably like about there only like one angle less okay here's where i'll probably uh turn off the discrete rotate so that i can find like the perfect angle i'll put this with at which this elements are uh being like selected now here you can see that we wouldn't have this it would be flat right like completely flat and uh we wouldn't have this either so again like what can we do well super super easy we can actually like modify this guy so i'm gonna go with my cut tool i'm gonna cut right here and then i'm gonna just grab like these vertices and just move them down does this destroy the geometry yes it totally does does it matter not really over here similar thing we can just grab like this vertices right here go to the right view just like move them forward why because i mean the fact that these things are slightly different in thickness shouldn't be that much of a problem for anyone i'm just going to duplicate this guy place it right here and as you can see we have this very nice like wooden stairs like when you're playing a game and you guys have done this like you are not like literally checking every square inch of the game you just like are moving around and then you're saying like the quest giver is over here or there's like a zombie coming over there like you're just like using whatever you have so even this overlap right here um some of you might be wondering could we add like a little bit of rust and stuff to that area so that it looks a little bit better yes of course we can and and uh but that would imply that we need to add a more uh texture resolution right because we will need to create specific textures for these stairs and that would make her more like a hero prop and this particular exercise that i'm showing you here i want to make sure that you understand that that's not something that we always need okay so yeah there we go so we have the little stair right there and that's pretty much the whole thing that i'm gonna do everywhere guys so i'm gonna do something that i normally don't do and that is i am actually gonna pause the video right now because otherwise this would be like a i don't know like an hour long video so i'm gonna pause the video and what i'm gonna do and you're gonna see me um you're gonna see the end result that the after this boss is gonna be like a magic trick i'm just gonna like uh snap my fingers and you're gonna see the whole thing finished i'm literally just gonna grab this blocks this building blocks that i created i'm gonna place them rotate them move them around and and get like the main frame of the house going okay so again let's do this this magic trick so it's gonna be one two three and we're back so i haven't finished everything just yet but i wanted to show you a couple of tricks uh before we wrap this up now um again as i mentioned before we did our little magic trick here i don't want to waste like uh this probably gonna take me like an hour or a little bit more i don't want to just like be here one hour talking about life and stuff um so i'm gonna stop the video in in just a few minutes and i'll i'll finish this up uh off camera and then tomorrow we'll continue i want to show you how to do like the walkways over here the fences uh we need to do like all of the tiling over here so there's there's still some work to do uh but i think we're in a good shape right here so two things that i want to show you before we go first how do we properly align our kit here or like lock kit to like the walls of our um element right here and the answer is we need to find at the angle at which this thing is moving right because we want the angle of our like main shape of our main elements to be aligned to that specific place so i'm going to grab this wood beam along thick this one ctrl d and i'm going to snap it with a v to a point which in this case is the vertex right there so if i need to like modify it stretch it out a little bit and stuff that's totally totally fine as you can see that we have this this beams right here so i'm going to be using this front facing element to kind of like align the border there we go see how i'm aligning it to that little corner right there because that's going to be my main my main position that's one way to do it i'm actually going to go a little bit like further out and my main concern is that eventually we're going to need to add like these horizontal beams right here and these beams uh i want them to be outside of the of the elements so creating a little bit of of like a concave shape so i'm actually gonna push these guys in instead like this so that when we place this beams right here which just going like in this angle uh we we shouldn't have a problem so there we go now uh something that i'm doing with the beam in the house and in here as well is if we need to scale them like i'm going to try to scale them so that they match where they're going to be meeting the other beams so that when we have the other beams of course we're not going to notice this as much so something like this yeah i think i think that looks good so we're just gonna control d this guys move them over here again trying to keep them inside of the like the grid so that when we place this guys right here uh we keep the silhouette but yeah that looks good to me so i'm just gonna grab all of this four guys ctrl d just move them to the back because this is a six sided cylinder so technically we should be matching we can already see that there's a little bit of an inclination that's why it's also important that we uh do this in like sequence so for instance this guy is right here i'll show you how to fix that in just a second but let's first finish the like the proper placement so i'm going to ctrl d move them around and again i'm just going to try to find the main wall right there there we go so that's the main wall control d and move these things around like this so these guys are going to be right there creating the like the the main shapes of the element now what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab all of this guys faster away would be something like this right just select everything here i'm going to ctrl d duplicate them again and bring them all the way to the top there we go then i am going to select all of the beams again in order to properly like match the curvature that we want i'm actually going to combine them so i'm going to combine all of them and i'm going to create a lattice so we're going to go to the form lattice it's going to create a box around all of my elements and i'm going to change the divisions to one i just want the one division all throughout the element and what this will do now is if i go up here and then select the lattice points on this guys this guy's control as you can see the thickness of the elements so we should be able to just scale the scene slightly until we kind of match the the inclination that we want so something like that so as you can see now all of them match really really close to the wall which is what we're going for except for this like last ones right here but again that's easy to fix i'm just going to select everything here say mesh separate grab this guys again well let's select everything and just tell the history it's going to delete the the lattice so select this guys up here and i'm just gonna say uh the form lattice again bring this down to two grab the lattice points right here and just bring them in so they're like inclined that way we're not like rotating the beams in we're just like kind of like deforming them in and we create the shape that we want without having to like have like a super extreme thought here i think we might be able to like just push this guys there we go and that's it that's that's pretty much all we need to do just a little history again and the light is gonna be gone and all of those guys of course i am gonna i'm gonna combine for just a second grab your vertices and just move them down and as you can see we're gonna be hugging the surface of the lighthouse very very nicely so eventually of course this geometry is going to be gone and we're going to be left with this guys but if you see like a couple of beams like this one right here i'm a little bit concerned that it's too hidden we can just like go poly modeling center the pivot point again and just like move them out there we go so that we can at least kind of see it like i'm not too worried about the elements because again we're going to be modifying the walls as well uh but yeah that's it now one thing i am a little bit concerned about is the shading you can see that the shading for this woods especially in the concept it's a little bit dark a little bit redder um than the one on the docks and the ducks it's like a very dry very used wood and this one seems to be a little bit more like oily like refurbished or something and the question might be well can we create an instance of a material and the answer is yes we can actually select our material here the m wood beams and i'm going to say edit and i'm going to do a duplicate shading network and that will create a new element which is wood beams one i'm going to call this wood beams new so that i know that this is a like a new material and then what we can do is we can play around again with a remap hsb hue saturation and value and i can say hey you know what like i would like the color of my object to be slightly darker so i'm going to push the whites down so it's a slightly darker i want the saturation to go up so i'm going to push the saturation here a little bit higher so you can see we get this like very nice effect and if we want to change the hue we can make a little bit redder right here so that's it so now the only thing i need to do is select all of the beams that are up here like all of this creation that we have over here there we go which is the the main beams right click and we're gonna assign the new material or the existing material which is this wood beams new let's go back to this one and sign the lambert because that one definitely doesn't have it and there we go so now as you can see we have this very nice effect the only problem is the shading it seems like the normal map for some reason forgot that it's not an srgb and it's a raw material there we go but now that's a raw material you can see that we're reutilizing the exact same wood texture but with a different like element and we can calculate this like i think it's a little bit too red uh but again this this uh hue saturation here i can just like desaturate it so let's let's bring the saturation down a little bit and bring this back to like its original brown because i the main thing is i just want this to look a little bit different than the ones down here and that's it so let's turn on the lights and uh yeah so as you can see this this is shaping out nicely right so all of this geometry is eventually going to be uh like substituted by something else there's a lot of wood that i still need to replace so i'm gonna be replacing this again off camera just to save you guys a couple of minutes and uh yeah that's it guys i'll see you back tomorrow we'll continue with the lighthouse uh don't forget that we have our uh portfolio submissions ready or open right now so make sure to check down here on the link and see if we have um or check the link just drop whatever you want me to evaluate and we'll take a look at that on the weekend so that's it for me guys have a good day i'll see you back tomorrow bye
Channel: Nexttut
Views: 577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya 2018, zbrush tutorial, maya tutorial, nalini kanta jena, character sculpting, zbrush sculpting, zbrush turorial, beginner zbrush tutorial, human anatomy zbrush, modeling tutorial
Id: Ds3xzce7CIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 57sec (1917 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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