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hi guys welcome back to another video in this series today we're going to continue with our portfolio review the last portfolio review of the year or at least the last part of it so yeah i'm wearing this a nice festive outfit because i'm going to a christmas party after this and um everyone's getting dressed it's kind of like a pajama party kind of thing so yeah you know being festive and everything so yeah let's go guys let's continue with our uh list right here so yesterday i believe the last one that we reviewed was aron felipe iran felipe and we're going to go with the gunjan mandal so gunjan you are the first one hi i am gunjan mandal nice to meet you my friend hope you like my portfolio i love everyone's portfolio cool cool okay okay nice you're from delhi india nice nice i would love to visit the india someday okay okay this is a nice model um it's definitely it definitely seems like uh you were learning still because textures could get a little bit more work um the low poly doesn't look that bad however like this sort of thing when we do modeling especially when we do hard surface modeling it's very important that our edges and our borders are sharp that that's one of the things that's going to make a hard surface look cool okay so be very careful when you're doing this make sure you have enough support edges make sure that your silhouette is as clean as possible and one of the cool things about i'm not sure if you uh took a a if you created this or if you what's the word if you reference a constant you're mixing a couple of things in for instance like this thing right here i've seen some rifles that use that sort of thing to reload or something uh but then you're using like a revolver chamber and uh and then the trigger like it doesn't seem like the trigger could go forward so that's the kind of thing that you also need to take into consideration the the let's call it the mechanics of things so one thing that i like to do and i think i do have maya open yeah say hi to arlo he's one of our characters for a vr experience that we will building over here so when you're working let's say we're doing a trigger right so i'm just going to do something very messy mesh tools create polygon and let's say i do like the casing for my my trigger right there so that's my casing and then i do my trigger and the trigger is going to be like similar to what you have something like that okay so the problem is this guy right here if the put point was over here and i were to rotate this trigger it would it would like very weirdly slide around the object so so we need to position this thing and we need to position the trigger in such a way that it makes sense right like when we when we move this it actually makes sense that this thing is triggering the gun and and right now there's several parts of this gun's design that don't seem to be working as well as they could okay but it's a good model it's a good practice let's go lightsabers everyone does a lightsaber at one point in their uh careers i can definitely tell that this is your own invention which is cool i like that i like that you're going and trying to you do your own stuff but again always try to reference what is being done in the real world right so if we look for lightsaber costume uh concepts right like so that we don't reference any of the original ones you're gonna see that there's sort of like certain things that people put in there in their designs and and one thing that i don't see in any of these designs is this square shape like having a square shape kind of takes away from this like elegant round shape that you usually would have right so yeah just be careful with that and that's the thing it's not the same thing to be it's not the same thing to be a 3d modeler than to be a treated designer because when you design you need to take other things into consideration when you model you just follow the concept and follow the drawing and that's it right uh also i know that this is sort of like a like a cushion uh texture it looks a little bit weird again reference what they have like when they they use leather it's a little bit more like leathery rather than like a um i don't know i'm not sure how to pronounce or how to say that specific like finish that that like uh ah furniture has where you get this sort of effect but uh yeah now for this one i'm gonna show you a very quick uh trick here let me open photoshop uh glow glow is always super super good uh because it lets you like show that this thing is actually emitting light you could do glow and i think you are doing glow but sometimes you don't get this sort of like glow effect right like the hazy atmosphere because there's no atmosphere so to very quickly fix this in in post as we like to say you're just gonna [Music] come on photoshop control and i got there we go so you're just gonna get this here create a new layer go into your brush option right click to select a soft brush like this one select the same color of your object create like a slightly bigger element and just draw a line on top of it and then on the blending modes change this to linear touch boom so leaner dodge is like the like the magic thing here because as you can see the white or like the brightest elements on the uh on the object will remain there and you'll get the sort of like glow effect and you can of course like lower the opacity if you don't want to have as much glow or you can even go filter blur gaussian blur and smooth it out a little bit right so it's not as intense because depending on how much atmosphere and fog there is on the scene that would be how much glow you actually see okay but yeah having a little bit of that glow would be very very nice also i've seen this in in the movies you usually see the core of the lightsaber as perfectly white so i would be inclined to to like add a perfectly white line see how that makes it look like super bright we still have the blue we're not losing the blue but light as it gets more intense it gets wider right so you're not gonna have like a like a super bright element which is pure color so just keep that in mind small little advice over there that's a nice practice definitely definitely need to keep practicing your anatomy nails especially like this one right here they need to be inside of the of the finger not just overlaid like that careful with the knuckles also this pinky finger is usually way way down here okay so there's a couple of things to fix there on the on the anatomy i like this character i mean i always like when students do a full project because as i've mentioned yesterday doing a fruit project teaches you how to do things and then you can keep on improving right so things that i would uh keep improving you need to work on the hair the hair system i'm not sure if it's hair cards it kind of looks like it's hair cards uh you need to add a little bit more break up uh because no it's fibers it's fibers right it's a fiber mesh or is it exgen uh kind of looks like action or something yeah i soften them them up because the the hairstyle looks a little bit weird a little bit more texture or uh work on the character might be good if you're going for a stylized character with this uh little uh girl right here i could recommend our soldier the stylized soldier uh course which goes through the whole production pipeline and in the texturing part we do talk about how to texture like a nice cartoonish-like skill a skin like in in fortnite that's it i love this guy he's super funny topology is good like i i definitely can tell that you you know what you're doing proportions still need a little bit of work and um and hair of course like if you're not gonna be adding a hair system to make it to make him feel fussy maybe hair texture might not be a very big second see that your your um jujubes are not bad and yeah like your topology for animation that that's gonna work but we definitely need to check the proportions because again sith ice age if you take a look at its head he's like a rhomboid right so see how far apart the eyes are and how big the nose is and in this one the nose is really small the eyes are far apart but they're higher and you can see here that they're pretty much in the same line so that's the kind of thing that you need to like really really analyze when you're copying a concept to make sure that you match the element perfectly this one i can definitely see some improvement like the skin looks a lot better the eyes still look a little bit unrealistic on the latest mormons of course i did a tutorial on how to do eyes i believe we also have that one and i think only on that one i think i only mentioned that procedure in that specific tutorial but there is a process that you can do so that the arm so that the eyes look a little bit more realistic so yeah check check that one out it might be helpful for you the hair looks way way better like the hair cards look a lot nicer uh yeah the proportion is very good as well that's a that's a great topology so so i can see the improvement this was four months ago and and the other little girl that you did this one this was eight months ago so four months of improvement from this to this that's a great uh that shows potential and and potentially one of those things that a lot of people have but as long as you like you need to use it everyone not everyone right but there's a lot of people that have potential but there's a lot of people that don't use that potential it seems like you are using it so just keep pushing forward my friend and i can guarantee you're gonna you're gonna get to a very nice place uh gene gene or john kevin hi my name is jay kevin this is my current work okay i'm starting to create a portfolio to become a 3d characteristic great i have studied fine arts and i want to get into the video game industry i also make illustrations and to the digital art i would like to know what you think of it of course mustache night that's your alias oh you're from valencia espana move in this is great man this is very cool i like it i really like it i'm seeing a lot of very common techniques inside of zbrush uh like it kind of seems like poly loops and extraction curve brushes stitching it's really good the proportions on the face are really good as well uh yeah yeah the armor looks great i i think the the boots look a little bit weird and boots and feet are one of my weak points as well like it's sort of things that you don't like to do because they're so boring or they tend to be very boring so they look a little bit like loafs of bread i would probably harden them a little bit like make sure that they follow sort of like the same pattern everywhere but yeah that's a nice sculpture nice detail were you able to [Music] texture it yes you did perfect okay you did textured however i'm a little bit curious because you had some very nice detail over here and you don't have it over here did you struggle with the with the bakes that's that's it's it's a common thing and and sometimes when we struggle with that sort of thing sometimes we just like uh get rid of it to in order not to to have such a hard time um yeah like this kind of thing it looks great right like i think like this one's right here you could have catched them with a normal map like you don't need to create or like loop every single stitch just by going over them like roughly over there that should be good this one though you might have needed like let me let's go into photoshop again so imagine a cross section of that thing so you have the armor and then you have that sort of like a rope braided thing so your low poly would have to go like this right so you you do need to catch this silhouette because it's a very heavy sweat for the stitching imagine this is like the armor of the stitching and then you have the stitching over here it's not necessary your low poly can just go like normally over it and and it will project the detail on your object but yeah like uh because again it looks nice here it looks like a very nice like metal work um and then we we missed it on the on the texture file but the texture is really good were you following a tutorial or or were you [Music] uh sorry for the guys that don't speak spanish this is only for only for my friend here mustache knight another no imitato espanol muy de vertida pero nomis alle parana estamos casa de papel uh okay so yeah that's a great great project man great project okay you did this you you actually created this concert arts that's great like if you can create a concept art and then make it into a character you are worth your like weight in gold my friend because there's a lot of indie studio houses that are looking for someone that can create stuff and do that stuff i myself am not super well versed in the in the like drawing stages of the thing but i can do like conceptualization and design like general design i never get all the way up to this point but i have some i've had some clients that they say hey i need this kind of character and then i just shoot or send a lot of reference images and then i i mission max or mix and match from from all of them so it looks like this is very similar to the one that you did so that's that's great uh mistborn then concept art mistborn book series okay yeah yeah i mean your concept is good man a little bit of anatomy there just small things same thing here uh one advice that the concept artist teacher of ours gave us when we were studying concept art is if you're not gonna finish or polish everything to perfection like here are the hands right keep them keep them loose like just just like a blob of pink but don't try to do this because then it seems like you were trying to draw them but you didn't know how to and i see your face i see your detail and i know that you know how to draw and paint so it was probably just like lack of time or interest at the very end which is completely normal just just keep them keep them uh like a little bit loose a little bit um you know like like an impressionist paint right um yeah man i mean this is great like this guy right here or this girl right here she's she's great do we have a [Music] enormous viewer okay this is what i want to see the topology okay the polish is good good amount 150k triangles that's great yeah a couple of maps yeah just like this thing that i mentioned like maybe giving a little bit more love to the whole thing the post i don't love the post it's not a deal breaker for me like if i were if i was looking for character artists and i saw this one i would definitely hire you like you have everything that i need from from someone who's uh gonna do characters um but yeah like the posing here like the elbow's a little bit like off to the side and then the the hand here looks a little bit actually that one's kind of fine so but just that's just me neat picking like this is great man do a couple more of this and you're going to be you're going to be great so yep that's that's amazing very well that was jean giancarlo penton are you from italy my friend hello abraham my name is giancarlo and i'm currently a junior at my university student game design i specialize in character art i want to get your opinion on my portfolios if there's anything i should improve i start applying to internships and associate jobs so any advice would be helpful putting your name out there that's one of the best things you can do there's a lot of fear in sending your resume because of rejection which is very common very understandable okay you're from orlando uh giancarlo is a very title name so sorry if i'm mistaken there so good speed scope again speed scopes are not the kind of thing that i would normally add into my portfolio unless it was like a really good one uh because yeah like this is the concept art and and we are not like there yet because we're missing the body and everything so if you like this creature finish it even if it's just the sculpt finish it so that people know that you can sculpt and that would be a really nice really nice piece sheriff no mercy this looks a little bit cartoonish it kind of looks like five nights at freddy's kind of thing um i'm not sure if that's the uh the general style we have a concept as well okay we do have a concept okay interesting concept yeah so i think we we went a little bit too noisy on the cloth like see how how there's no defined like wrinkles and flow of the cloth it just looks like crumple and in here there's a very very clean lens which tends to be something that we do when we're learning the the clothing system um so yeah just try try to simplify the forms that would be my my advice for for cloth so when you're when you're taking a look at cloth here let me see how we're gonna have compression which is where that where the cloth kind of like bunches up together and then we're gonna have tension and then again compression and these are tension lines as well and then yes we're gonna have the like the nice wrinkles here but see how we have a lot of like flat spaces like really flat spaces where the where the cloth just stretches over the body those are really really important same for the boots like here see compression and then flat flat a little bit of a wrinkle there flat so that sort of like angle shape is very important in this concept so so we definitely need to to keep that into consideration um i applaud that you did the whole character uh i do think that the bullets are a little bit wonky as well but yeah uh any any particular reason why you decided to do the hands like this because uh in case you did that's not usually the most common way to to like post characters tipos or vpos are the most common i'm not saying you can't do it like this the witcher 3 game was very famous for doing it this way but that's because they had their internal rigging system set up in in a specific way that needed this sort of thing um so i'm not sure if that's the best thing for your portfolio this is a great piece i like it super dark super moody for the gracetti underworld contest oh i didn't know there was a contest she looked applied that's nice i like it the hair looks great is it hair cards or hair system kind of looks like hair cards right looks good just a good one yeah mr molotov okay real time character from a concept by guinta bana this is my first time creating game ready character going through the full production pipeline i'm extremely grateful to have been mentored by nicholas hunter throughout the project i've learned very much from doing mr montauk and can wait to implement them into future projects okay let's see so again one of the great things about doing a food project is that it's a full project you learned everything right like you were able to learn about anatomy proportions cloth textures uv bakes posing lighting like everything everything everything i think the skin is a little bit too shiny too plasticky so maybe breaking up that gloss a little bit more would be helpful i like the mustache and the eyebrows they look good the eyes look really good as well uh the surface is okay but yeah see how it looks very very waxy very plasticky that's that's because of the of the glossiness it's very constant it's it's it's plastic throughout it's like if he was sweating or something it looks a little bit weird but i like the change in textures that's really great this patch oh that one looks great that's nice it's a plane ride with transparency because that looks great the button yeah yeah everything looks good man proportion wise i think he's proportionate enough i think i think we're good i do think we still need to practice what i just mentioned with the cloth because um that's that could be one of the the weak points now um there's two advices that i can give for clots just do a couple of uh okay okay so this is important i just noticed this one whenever you're doing cloths it's not uncommon to add a lot of triangles in these areas to properly catch the silhouette changes that the cloth gives because if you if you have a very interesting sculpt with a lot of breaks and and folds and stuff and then you just add or create a cylinder that catches all of that information then we're gonna get this sort of i call it the the meatball effect where what it just looks like a texture applied to a round like thing right like a meatball like a chewing gum thing so it's so it's totally okay to go in here um try to look for making off uh of the games like uh alloy horizon zero dawn let's see if we don't get any like not say for a word stuff because people are crazy my friends there we go so see how this is the high poly and uh if you dig enough in the internet webs you could find the original model that they use for the game and you're gonna see that there's all like all of these folds they're actually geometry like they would add like a couple of triangles and edge loops on on the big folds so that when you see the character in the game see here look at that look at that handkerchief right around her her neck look at this see how there's like the silhouette over there that's the kind of thing that we need to do on our clothing so that it doesn't look flat okay so just keep that in mind sculpt better cloth and do a better topology on those areas and you're gonna be uh ready to go my friend great job that was giancarlo penton let's go with vimal hari from india note hi sir hope you're doing great i am i'm a little bit tired but i'm great thanks for doing this for photo reviews they have a lot and i learned so much from them love to hear your feedback on my work which i'm doing for the last couple of months okay yeah of course models a lot of mods okay uh just a quick note about the portfolio reviews remember that portfolio reviews are really useful not only for the people that are being reviewed but for everyone else i remember when i was at school one of the things that i looked forward to the most was when finals came around and everyone was presenting their finals because not only were you gonna where you're gonna be given feedback on your own work you would see the screw-ups of your of your classmates and then you would keep that down and remember like okay i'm not gonna screw that up if i ever come into something like that and then you would see what great things they did and you'll be like i'm gonna do that on my next project so so sometimes we as artists tend to be a little bit selfish and we we try to be perfect on our own without like getting support from everyone else and this is a team game especially on a production such as a video game or a movie you're not gonna do a movie or a video game by yourself of course you could but the the greatest films and video games out there were made by a lot of people so so you need to understand that you need to bring your strengths into the team and the strengths of the rest of the members of the teams are gonna push you or pull you all the way to the top so that you can keep improving okay so just be a team player that's important okay displacement looks great the model looks okay a little bit low polish um lashing okay it's from the witcher right i mean it looks a little bit jarring just because we don't have any texture on the skull and we do have texture on the ground and the ground looks very realistic and the horns do not so just keep that in mind this one is great i like it i really like it yeah it's great is it displacement is it displaced no it's low poly that's great cool okay okay uh cloth could do a little bit more work and texture the anatomy looks fine we will need to know if this is this was done with um with the base mesh or if you started from scratch i'm a little bit inclined to believe that this was a base mesh due to the position of the arms and everything else um but you you can let me know in the comments if you did from scratch then congratulations your proportions are really good however we do need to define the muscles in the anatomy a little bit better hands look a little bit death like very stiff um there's detail on the face that's missing uh like main wrinkles and stuff main like bony protrusions the beard looks great a little bit of break up on this area might be good and it kind of looks like action i think um so yeah just just work a little bit on that one that's a nice nice one as well okay okay that was good cool sci-fi car nice uh the thread on the wheels looks a little bit too simple for like so much complexity up here i really like the net that that's very cool um decals are seem to be a little bit too much like i see a lot of vehicles uh remember sometimes less is more so you don't need to have like decals everywhere or maybe play around with the size of the decal so they are not super super intense but it looks good oh this looks very good it's a nice one nice architectural rendering this thanks guys by the way i hate them well i don't hate them but it's uh a lot of people when i say i do 3d this is the first thing they actually like oh you do renders for like houses and buildings and stuff like no not that kind of 3d uh these things are paid really well like really well there's a lot of money in construction in architecture so if you ever get jobs doing this sort of stuff my best advice is do them do them because as you can see it's not that difficult to get a nice result a nice looking result and there's a lot of money in the in the architecture industry um this that's another like small parenthesis don't even if you guys want to be like 3d artists for video games or for film or whatever keep your mind open because there's a lot of opportunities out there and sometimes if you if you just focus on one thing you miss like big opportunities that could later on support the main goal that you have you know what i mean so for instance when i started my 3d career i would say about 60 to 70 percent of my income was teaching and after i started teaching and my students started graduating and going into companies they started calling me back because they needed some some help with projects and then my workload started like shifting now it's about the 50 50. so 50 of my income comes from projects and the other 50 comes from teaching um but i wouldn't been able to get to that point unless i would i would have said okay let's do a couple of years of teaching and then and then we'll jump into the industry right so so there's a lot of different ways that was my personal experience there's going to be a lot of different experiences for you guys so nielsen how is this from uh is this from um from the show dark from netflix it kind of looks like it if it is nice it looks great and if you guys haven't watched that show dark amazing show guys amazing one of the best uh time traveling shows i've ever seen att very good texture this guy the apology is great texture it yeah you looks good just texture it okay a little bit more simple i like the house a little bit more better the the lighting looks a little bit flat in this one that would be my my oh that's that's nice texture it next right you have great models it's time to texture to learn some texturing substance painter udems you're going to use juvederms for this one because otherwise the texture resolution is going to be super super low nice car is that like a mustang right okay this is the little tank very low poly you actually went really low poly now i see why the the wheels are so good so if this is for a game and this is it's supposed to be low poly like this then i understand the silhouette now nice this is what like a biking hall or something uh careful with the denoiser and and the light bounces whenever you're doing interior scenes that's one of the of the caveats that if you're gonna do like just indirect lighting coming from the windows and just bouncing around you're gonna need a lot of samples and it's gonna take a long time so yeah just keep that in mind don't be impatient because otherwise you're gonna get this sort of like splotchy look everywhere and it looks it makes it look a little bit dirty and that's it okay perfect man perfect my friend um vimal that that looks very good i think your next step is texturing you definitely need to jump into texturing i know that you already know a little bit of it because otherwise you wouldn't be able to do this sort of like textures on the character uh so grab a project if i could recommend something i'll probably go with this one because i think hard surface texturing is a little bit easier sometimes or even like the biking ship this one right here these are great projects to texture and you can show your skills with those so congratulations now let's go with sid hunt jay sit on hello behind you do hope you're doing good i want to get your opinion on my latest work modeling maya texturing substance render in unreal let's take a look okay nice nice i'm kind of analyzing the scene okay this looks way better uh this shot right here i understand why you added it because it's the it's the back part of the thing but this is your main shot right so uh to be honest i would just remove this one like unless you're doing like a 360 thing just just show this one this one this one's great i like it there's a lot of story in here like the little eye over there the dead tree there's a lot of models the texturing looks good modeling is a bit basic if i may say something that you could uh work a little bit more on it would be modeling it looks a little bit too blocky like uh like this thing is right here i can't understand that they're like concrete of walls but they just look like squares like cubes nicely textured cubes but just like cubes right so so try to add a little bit more complexity in your models because you definitely know how to do your textures now this guys right here they seem to be missing a material it looks like a lambert especially since this thing is rusted i would expect to see a little bit of rust on top of them uh but yeah that's that's a nice one man i see that you have the oh you do have the marmoset view okay let's see it's a little bit big that's fine fast internet always good that's why when i record on on my in-laws um i have a little bit of a hard time because uh their internet is uh it's not as good they don't need as much as i do right so let's see let's see what we have here cool see i actually like this lighting a little bit better that's another thing that i was gonna mention like this sky that you added at the back not ideal i would go for something a little bit more simpler uh and i think i've mentioned this on yesterday's uh review like if you don't know how to properly uh like integrate image environments in a composition you should air for the side of this sort of thing like a like a diorama uh so yeah let's go into the topology and let's confirm my suspicious yeah so as you can see these are just like cubes right even the cones super simple cones so you could go a little bit more complex and i can i can see that you know how to do it like this is a sort of a complex shape this like little fan right there that's a complex shape so i know that you're optimizing and doing things in the right way it's just a matter of uh don't don't um like like that that last ten percent of polishing and creating the last little bits that's that's one of the parts that we struggle a lot with uh because we're just tired of the project like we just want to finish but this kind of thing like takes away from from everything your textures are great man like this is this is great but see here like i immediately by going into the textures i immediately can't see which things are textures oh no sorry that's reflectivity where's the i'll be there there we go so yeah see how there's almost no textures very very light over there so be careful with that that's why this sort of like channel maps are super important because they allow us to see how things are are behaving normals look good like everything in the normal map looks good uh roughness let's take a look our glossiness that's good as well like there should be a little bit of glossiness variation everywhere like you shouldn't have any any sort of like flat color or anything and yeah yeah great job my friend great job and last but not least mr connor jenkins who submitted yesterday at the last minute hey next dude i'm connor year two college student getting ready for university and feedback is appreciated keep up the great videos they're immensely helpful thank you my friend thank you for appreciating our videos let's take a look you're from what fort the united kingdom another place that i would love to visit okay let's go how are we doing on time okay we're okay we're okay nice model textures could uh have a little bit more work but this was done okay this was posted 18 days ago we would need to know whether this was done 18 days ago i don't think so right because uh it seems like you posted everything uh on a single session uh careful with this uh texture is looking a little bit too intense on the normal map over there um i would advise against this sort of stuff i know it is funny but it does kind of could look immature i'm not saying your imager i'm just saying that this sort of like transition could make it look a little bit immature uh it's it's meme-ish right so it's like a meme uh share this on your facebook instagram or your social medias but not on your portfolio i would i would take this one out because this one's not bad like this is a nice model it does look a little bit too low polish especially like this things right here these details i think you could go a little bit higher careful with this guys as well uh typography is one of those things that a lot of people it may include it i used to do this a lot when i was a student um we kind of want to give more a like a better sense of presentation by using like typography that has to do with the model and the time and stuff not necessary just a small little name over here royal canon made by conor jenkins that should be more than enough because if you don't do it properly it will detract from your firm job from your object and if you do it properly it might also detract from your object so that's why we we tend not to do it nice model the mall looks good careful with the wood grain this one looks good this one looks a little bit weird we would need to see on the reference if this thing is supposed to go this way or the other way around um but everything else looks good i like this one see another thing because i i understand what you're doing this uh because a lot of new games uh have the sort of like meme guns as well so if you're thinking about oh i'm gonna pitch this to like a call of duty or to like a four night and i can i can show that i can do like variation and textures that's fine just just remove this just remove the the way you're presenting this keep the image and just say color variation nerf style that's it and then do like color variation camo style and that way people know that you can also create like variations for your text because the texture looks good uh the canon i think it looks a little it looked a little bit weird uh but this one right here looks really good and like if i was if i wanted to have like a like a meme gun on my call of duty game this would be great um but yeah the presentation here not not ideal again it kind of removes a little bit of seriousness that that's all i i mean to say this is great i've never done one of this guys very complex right a lot of buttons and knobs and stuff this is great it looks great man nice model again um are they in the concept if they are fine if they're not maybe two of them it's not necessary sometimes less is more that's the that's the sapphire ruby butterfly knife gem collection ruby emerald sapphire nerf again okay okay that's cool it's cool i understand it kind of looks like counter strike sort of thing which is fine again typography careful with that one and i'm just saying this because i've been told this by by some recruiters they're like oh so we saw your work and they were like why did you choose that like font and i was like oh i liked it yeah it looks ugly and they're like oh sorry so um yeah people do notice it like this sort of effects as well not ideal this model is actually not that great either my friend i think this model could use a little bit more work because it's very very blocky very low poly this is what i would expect to see on a cell phone game nowadays um so i might take this one away or out of your portfolio because all of this that we've reviewed they're good this one not that good this one's good i like it nice detail on the borders on the metal edge where oh this is great see this is what i mean maybe not the fonts again that's just personal preference uh maybe not the fonts but having this that's great because it shows that you know how to create like variations and the variations are really important stage coach uh careful with your low polish nowadays we don't do this anymore like this was to be the way to optimize things uh before but nowadays we we go a little bit higher on the on the on the poly counts because we are allowed to do that because the engines and everything is are a little bit more powerful so don't go that low uh the textures are great just up your topology or your your elements a little bit higher texture works great man congratulations did you do this it's kind of cool so this this i don't mind this i find it cool if this is the mall that you're using and you just like did it like a black and white to sort of like show how it would look on a on a menu or something that that i can understand and i can approve the other ones ah not so much uh but yeah there you go my friend connor congratulations that's a good portfolio keep on working uh your your school years are gonna be the years that you're gonna be using to learn the most because all of your time or most of your time is going to be focused on learning so make the best out of it when i was a student i i did three years in los angeles and when i was a student i i used to work 10 hours a day every single day saturdays and sundays as well like every single day i would go to the school and be there for 10 hours at least sometimes even more for three years so you probably got you guys have probably heard about the 10 000 hours right so if i did 10 hours 360 days well probably not 360 let's say 10 hours 300 days maybe there were a couple days throughout the year that i traveled or something so 10 hours 300 days that's 3 000 so in three years i was getting close to my uh or to the goal of being a master right or they say you become a master you don't really become a master at ten thousand hours you're you're very proficient at your job at ten thousand hours so just keep on pushing keep on working keep on learning and your guys are gonna do great thank you thank you everyone for this um portfolio review this is i believe portfolio review number 10 and the this series has been great that everyone seems to love it here in the channel so make sure to leave a like share subscribe and be on the lookout because tomorrow we start with our christmas week so i know some of you might not celebrate christmas i do um we're not gonna be talking about religion or i think we're just gonna make it a fun time and we're gonna do something something cool i think you guys are gonna like it so yeah hang on tight and i'll see you back tomorrow bye
Channel: Nexttut
Views: 428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya 2018, zbrush tutorial, maya tutorial, nalini kanta jena, character sculpting, zbrush sculpting, zbrush turorial, beginner zbrush tutorial, human anatomy zbrush, modeling tutorial
Id: wzL5ccIU8cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 17sec (2297 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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