Maya Environment Modelling Tutorial | Medieval Lighthouse Part 02

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hey guys welcome back to a new video in this channel today we're going to continue with our uh project that we started yesterday which is this a very nice uh lighthouse element now i was not expecting we were not expecting the response that we got uh it seems like a lot of you guys are really looking forward to the whole series but not only look forward to it try to do it yourself that's the that's the main goal that we have with this sort of videos that you also learn uh from them so uh today we're gonna start working on well the the general details like i i want to start like adding a little bit more um let's call it uh what would be the proper word volume to the whole thing right because right now these are just like super basic shapes that we have here instead of maya and it would be nice if we could start blocking in a couple of more important pieces so let's start for instance with the door and the door is going to be really easy it's just a matter of finding like the proper height here and the best way to do it is of course with our shot cam so i'm going to say panels electroselected and then i'm going to use my cut tool here on oh let's go object mode there we go and i'm gonna use cut tool and we're gonna cut right about there perfect now that's that's the main one that i need because now here i'm just gonna go to the middle and then to the middle and to the middle and i think that's going to be a nice size for our door so here i'm going to extrude and we're going to extrude this in now again this is just the blocking we're going to be like modifying the geometry and everything later on i just want to have like a general idea of where things are because uh well of course we need to do that so now i'm going to do the same trick that we did gestures i'm going to go shotguns panels look through selected panels uh tear off copy so we have this copy over here and that way i'm going to be able to modify things here and see where things fall over here so as you can see we have this paneling right here there's like a wooden support and i want to find where that line is which i can see it's roughly about there cool and then we have another one right about there which is another like wood beam that we have and then of course the uh the rest of the elements so the reason why i want to do this is because now i could start thinking about like how to do this parts right here like the paneling and stuff so i know that eventually we're going to have a little bit of paneling right about here and about here so i could grab all of these faces and these faces and just extrude them out now uh as you can see when i extrude this thing with this element right here we're gonna get certain curvature there if you don't want that you can just use thickness right here and that's gonna uh extrude things up a little bit more like straight without distorting them or creating more volume so that's gonna that's gonna look a little bit better same thing same deal for this one right here so i'm gonna add a new line like right about there grab this thing ctrl e and then just push with thickness out a little bit to create this sort of effect eventually we're gonna be able to extract those faces and work with those phases if we need to but if not it's just a matter of or it's just a way for me to to find where most of the of the important things are going to be for instance here for the lighthouse let's go to the base here right about there and then it's about there as you can see here here's where you need to use your logic right like i see this this beam right here on the house and then this one right here is slightly above it so i'm gonna go slightly above it as well probably a little bit more like about there and there we go and we also take a look at the thickness so now that sticks probably about there and then the next one you can see it's right where the where the roof meets the the whole thing this element right there this is where where the next one is going to be so about there and then the next one i don't have any point of reference i'm going to have to kind of like eyeball it should be about there and then there's one almost immediately above it like about there and then we have our little thing right there so that gives me this little guys right here which are going to be my some sort of like supports right so grab this whole thing ctrl e and we extrude this out there we go to get a nice effect now here's where the concept gets a little bit like weird because uh remember when we were talking about the house and this section seems to be like uh like aligned to this like middle section of the of the like element i can see the little corner there almost touching uh but then like we we tried doing that over here and then just like things don't match right the only way this would match is if we would we were to take this thing right here and like move it to the side meaning that on this side everything is like perfectly straight and then this thing is like slightly skewed towards the other side i'm not sure if i want to do that to be honest i might consider just like making this thing a little bit thinner and just like going over here uh which doesn't seem to be that much like that bad right so it's a little bit weird but it's not as bad maybe what we can do here uh is push this thing like further out like not not everything but maybe well maybe yeah everything let's try this guys to try and match the concept a little closer so there we go just a little bit so as you saw there it's just a small bit of push there and of course the roof would need to be pushed as well and and this is why this part this like blocking stage is so important because uh we need to try to find a way to to create this sort of thing in the in the best possible way now um one thing that's going to be happening very very soon and actually i'm going to need your help guys because we need to make a decision is we need to decide whether we want this thing to be ready for a game or we want this thing to be ready for a cinematic approach and i'm going to let that to you your guy you guys are going to vote and and depending on your boat that's what what we're gonna be doing okay so uh yeah make sure you you leave your comment and tell me what thing you would like to see would you like to see this be a cinematic piece or a um or a video game piece because again depending on what we get on the results from the comments tomorrow i will start teaching you techniques uh to model things specifically for certain things for let's say films or commercial in which case we would stay here inside of maya or for um video games in which case we will probably uh trans uh transport transports that the proper word yeah like move this thing into into um into uh unreal now you can see that uh up here the little like cone thing it's actually like six sides as well so i'm just gonna make the six sides but we have a big problem the problem is that since we already like modified things it doesn't remember how it was before it got created so we're actually gonna have to create a new one snap this thing right there make sure that we select six sides before we do any sort of like movements on the vertex or anything and now we should be able to to properly match it so that's the base that's the point and now you can see that we have this sort of like faceted look as well so in this case i'm gonna go front view i'm going to use my cut tool i'm going to cut once and twice here and then with my little things here i'm just going to push in and in to create that sort of like pointy hat effect on the on the top of the tower cool now we had the barrels were doing the barrels yesterday so this was supposed to be the big barrel just like a very big barrel here it's bigger than a human and then this one's gonna be the small barrel and since we're already doing barrels why not teach you how to model a very nice barrel so if we take a look at the barrel barrel planks we need to see how many planks we usually have in the barrel um i'm pretty sure there's like different ways to do a barrel but uh what happens or if you've seen how a barrel is made it's usually a lot of planks like like pushed together with a metal thing they they wet the the what's the worth the wood until it becomes like flexible and then they dry it out i think and they use like a lot of resins and stuff to harden it so i would say probably like 16 planks might not be a bad idea so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to create a actually i'm going to show you because this is something that we do quite often i'm going to open a new scene and let's save this and we're going to work on a barrel on a new scene and the reason why this is important is sometimes you don't want to have your your main scene be like super contaminated with all of the different things that you're doing so let's do 16 there we go and what i want to do first is i want to create like the planks so to do this in in the most realistic way possible i'm actually going to grab all of the faces on the top and on the bottom like this and then i am gonna say uh mesh edit mesh as separate or extract both of them work and that's gonna keep only this guy right here and then this guy's right here i'm gonna grab all of the edge loops and i'm gonna say edit mesh separate what that will do is now each face is going to be an individual face but before that i do want to give it the curvature so i'm going to go mesh tools insert loop and we're going to insert five edge loops so we get six divisions there we go we're gonna grab the first one this is actually the every time i teach 3d each every one of my students has to do a barrel that's like the right of passage for my classes i actually have a barrel here in the studio that we that we used to reference and uh so yeah every single person that has taken a class with me at some point or another has done a barrel so there we go but the one that we normally do is not as complex as this one that we're going to be doing today so here's what we're going to do now i am going to grab all of the edges here very quickly select discuss or faster way since there's less uh edge loops this way i'm just going to deselect this one and that way we just get like all of the guys going vertical and i'm going to say edit mesh and i'm going to say detach and that will detach its individual face so now each plank it's like a different plank right so now this guy right here i am going to extrude and i'm going to extrude out but with thickness i want to do a little bit of thickness and we definitely need to do a little bit of offset here so that the planks kind of like merge together as well because otherwise uh when we uh like merge everything things are not going to look exactly like what we want you can see there's a little bit of an error there that's fine that one it's super easy to fix it's just a matter of grabbing those two edge loops and just pushing them together there same one for this guy right here there we go now i know i know that all of these guys are going to be are the exact same thing right like they're very very similar so what i can do here is i can actually um select one island right here and then delete the rest of the islands there we go and we only have this one why am i doing this well i want to save a little bit of time and this is a technique that we're going to be doing quite a bit no matter if we're doing this for games for film uh which is thinking about how to save time right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go here and i'm going to grab again pretty much all of the edges except this guy's right here like the inner ones so all of the outer edges and the borders and we're gonna bevel we're gonna add two segments and a small fraction it's gonna be a quite a heavy quite a heavy element but as you can see now when we say or do number three we're gonna get a super smooth plank which is closer to what we're going for and since this thing is still right there at the center we can just duplicate the special let's just do the history and freeze transformation and we can say uh let's just do that calculation we're gonna have 360 divided by 16 planks so that's 22.5 um angles so i'm going to grab that guy edit duplicate the special and i am going to have a 15 copies because we already have the first one and it's going to be 22.5 and if we hit apply boom we have our this very nice barrel this is one way to do it it's not the only way to do it uh i do think this is going to give us the most like realistic approach uh i would say it still looks a little bit like faceted um but it shouldn't be that bad now this uh caps of course we're gonna like scale them down like this and i am gonna give them extrusion and then oop on this guy right here oh this one right there i'm gonna bevel so i have a little bit of a lip right there uh there we go so now of course we i'm actually for this one again in order to save a little bit of polygons i'm just gonna delete the inner side so i won't read the number three uh this remains very flat and as you can see we have this thing right here so there we go not bad right now what this will allow me to do is now i can grab all of this elements except for the cap of course this cup actually we're going to delete it just duplicate this other one i'm going to grab this elements right here and if i want to i am actually going to combine all of them into a single element and i'm going to grab the face here use soft selection but i'm going to change the soft selection here in the in the move options to utilize only uh not volume but surface that way only the faces that are in the same island will be moved so i can move this thing like up and then i can move this thing back down and then i can move this thing like up again and then let's grab these two guys and move them up again so what am i doing here i'm creating variation right like the barrel is not going to be perfectly straight we're going to have a little bit of uh of an interesting silhouette here and there and again here's where where you can go as like detailed and as uh like perfectionist as you want or keep it as simple as you want depending on on the kind of uh of projects you want to do so i'm going to say control d here just rotate this around 180 degrees and we should have the cap on the other side perfect the ones on the bottom i am gonna keep like really straight because i would expect them to be very straight and if we take a look at the reference i can see that we only have one two three edge right here it seems to be kind of like buried this is like an abandoned house or like a lighthouse so i would expect to see like one more so i'm gonna go with a create create polygon primitives and we're going to do a pipe i kind of miss the the control a from blender at this point uh for those of you that are saying like yeah i've been using blender and i'm just using yeah like like it doesn't really matter which software you're using you can do this in 3d studio max you can do this in in houdini like any software you want you can you can utilize or do all of this tricks most of the techniques in in modeling are very uh very like transferable from one point to another the the only one i would say might be a little bit difficult to do fast would be a zbrush which we all love zebras i know that but uh we we need to be honest with ourselves like there are certain things that zbrush of course you can do a barrel in silvers but i mean come on you wouldn't you wouldn't do it right it would be it would take you quite a bit of time so i know that here we're not seeing that like the upper side but i think it's going to really really help to see the the upper side of the elements here so let's just push this guy up r just push it out a little bit and then i'm already going to be doing the the bevel on this guys so small bevel let's see two segments so when we smooth this out if we're gonna be smoothing we get a nicer effect and then we have a second one right about here it's a little bit thicker and very important that we try to follow the curvature of the barrel it's one of the things that i always uh great on my students work when they do the barrel that they they are following the proper like hide and stuff there we go so now i am gonna uh ctrl g group it ctrl d uh duplicate the group and then rotate this 180 degrees and then just position this thing in a very similar manner like that there we go and we have our own very little barrel not little but our own barrel so we're going to grab all of this guys merge them together so they're in a single element and if we press number three for all of them this is what we're gonna see and as you can see since the planks of the barrel are quite uh like straight we get a very nice shading and silhouette if we want like a super smooth barrel we can also do that i would probably not model each plank separately in that case i would probably keep it as a single object but i just wanted to show you how to model a little bit of a more complex barrel guys so now here's the interesting part um i'm going to stop it here on this on this guy not the video but this this asset i'm going to stop it right here i'm just going to center people delete history do everything and i'm going to combine it into a single object just to again just to keep it as simple as possible and i'm just going to call this object barrel and the reason why i want to do this is because i will be referencing this object in my scene and the difference between referencing an object and actually importing it is if i ever do anything any change to this guy right here all of the references in my other file are going to be modified so if i update the ubs if i do this or that it's going to be updated uh that's one way to do it so let me let me save the scene and we're gonna save this i'm actually gonna make a subfolder here for the lighthouse uh like sub scenes so i'm gonna call this barrel and now let's open the lighthouse scene there we go and here what we can do is again we can say file create reference we go into our lighthouse and we reference the barrel and now this object right here is a reference to the barrel and we can scale it we can we can do exactly like anything that you can imagine you can do here or almost anything and again the reason why this is going to be so important is because we're going to be able to modify this for instance make this thing a little bit wider and later on when we do the the actual uvs and stuff it's going to be super simple to just transfer this so i'm just going to duplicate this guy right here make it smaller because this is going to be here you can see that this one's not a reference anymore which is fine and again if you don't want to use reference that's fine you can't delete references though so if you want to delete references just uh reference editor go here right click file and um pop up nowhere here and just like this little guy delete the reference there we go so as you can see this one did not get deleted why because it's it's when you duplicate it you you broke the reference pretty much so we're gonna position this where it's supposed to be and here's where i would strongly recommend keep bashing and by kid bashing i mean reuse this thing as many times as you need so i can see there's another small barrel right there there's two balls like a bucket there's one small barrel right there and the that's pretty much it so we have two more barrels i'm just gonna grab this guy right here ctrl d this one seems to be a more like human size small little barrel so like a garbage can or something so this is going to be right here in front of the of the door and again this is going to be super important because by by placing this guys we're going to be able to um get a better idea of the proportions of the elements so for instance here i can see that this thing right here might be a little bit too close to the wall so let's push this a little bit more because again the distance that i see here is not that big so just careful there you can also move the pivot point of the barrel down and then that way when you snap it's going to automatically snap to the to the element that you want and uh yeah so that's like that's like a big white barrel so i'm going to make this a big white barrel and leave it right there because again these are just barrels they're very small now if you see that like uh ugly like black thing that's also from the clip planes you want to change the near plane to something like a 10 and that's also gonna fix that so that's that's how how close you can get before you actually like do this sort of thing where you go through the object uh and there we go so that's the that's the barrel now i think how are we doing on time okay we're doing good i think one thing that's going to be really really helpful here is to to start like laying out more of the of the base meshes that we have here the barrel was a just a quick model that we can do and we're going to be doing a lot of those but you can see here in the concept that we have this like pillars right like this like wooden pillars and i know that those are just like cylinders so i'm just going to grab a i am gonna uh move the cylinder here oop scale it up so that we get roughly the size like i'm gonna use this uh border as a sort of guide so as you can see we have four of those like going from here all the way to the wall so they're probably going to be about eb it's about that size i would say and yeah we can go again into the shot cams panels look to select it's just going to be a little bit difficult to find the exact same size i think i think we're close though a tier of copy i'm gonna be taking a look at this on my other screen because i have more screen real estate so i apologize if you guys are not seeing this but i'm just gonna like that's the proper position that's roughly where it should be but it's definitely gonna be taller so it's about that tall i'm also gonna move the pivot point down and snap to the floor there we go so that's gonna be one and then we're gonna have two three and then the fourth one right here in the wall and they're going to be varying in size but i'm not going to focus on size right now because at this point this is not important so it's going to duplicate this guy move this all the way to the side here and i'm just going to create ctrl d and even though i don't see it i'm going to press shift d and that's going to duplicate with the same like distance and that now we can add a little bit of variation so maybe not all of them are exactly at the same like sort of distance and that's fine and i know we don't see those on the back but i mean it really doesn't hurt to add them right so duplicate this guy again and i can see three on this side so let's snap this here so that there's like one because we have like some some sort of stairs here we're missing this control d and then there's one there and there that's another one over here and then there's another one over here and then over here this one's seem to be a little bit smaller so i'm going to be scaling them down because they're not matching my my perspective the way they should and then here on the corner and then we have one there one there and eventually all of this are gonna be replaced by a proper uh like uh by a proper sculpture or a proper element but right now it's just to to get the general feel of things right now i'm also doing i need to be completely honest with you guys i'm also doing this in a sort of uh entertainment kind of way because i i i would probably not bother placing these guys in the in the uh if i were doing this like normally here for instance here i can see that my my platform is missing a little bit of a distance so i'm gonna give it a little bit more distance so it's not something that i was able to see here or on the until we we like match this little guy there and then this guy is going to go here and i would expect to have like a couple more here so yeah like i would probably uh like wait until the very end that i had the sculptures to start placing them but of course i need to make this so that it's also entertaining for all of us right so i'm just gonna grab all of these guys right here like all of these little cylinders and i'm gonna scale them down because they they're a little bit tinier than the ones on top here and uh there we go so so we have that which is a nice nice approach now uh we have all the all of the beams and uh i'm gonna spend a good amount of time here with the beams uh again i really need you guys to vote on comments if you haven't voted make sure to leave your boat because every bone will count should we do this in a sort of a video game fashion or should we do it this in a more uh cinematic fashion depending on which one we do well that's the techniques that we're going to be showing now that doesn't mean that later on we're not going to be able to do something different but uh it's just the one that i'm gonna be focusing the most so i'm gonna i'm gonna add this cliff into a shelf for now because i'm gonna be focusing on this guys right here and and you can see that i'm matching this guy right here and i know that if i'm able to match this guy like properly all the other ones should fall relatively simple so i'm just going to press ctrl d and that's about the distance that we have so shift the issue of the issue the issue of the issue of the issue of dish if they shift d and we should have like pretty much everything here now there's a couple of them that look a little bit weird so i'm just gonna like do a little bit of movement here and there there we go and i'm gonna grab this guy right here ctrl d and we have one there and then two more one two and then we have control d right here and then the next one is right here pretty much where we have or close to where we have one of those little things is where we're gonna have one of these elements so we're gonna do this and ctrl d ctrl d shift d shift d let's push this one further up now we're missing a little bit of a platform here i haven't modeled yet so let's model it real quick because now that we have more pieces it's a lot easier to find where things are supposed to be so i know that here we're going to have let's move the pivot point down here and i know that we're going to have the sort of like platform right about there so it's going to be it's going to start right here right because that's where the where this pillars are there's like a little bit of a stair it's it's it's a little bit lower like there's four steps over here and there's this there's four more steps but this ones are like a little bit longer so it's right about there i would say and this guy right here goes all the way over here and this one goes a little bit further out like that so again we're getting this like multi tiling thing right here so then we have like another support right there and another support right there so those are like the like the main supports for the for the whole thing that's sitting on the cliff there's more of course i would expect them to be more and we're going to be adding them later on but here is where i really need to manage my cliff because it looks really really weird like this those supports are supposed to be like hugging the surface of the of the cliff uh in this sort of like way so so we're gonna have to modify the cliff of course uh actually i i think i need to go like lower right about there yeah that's that's a little bit closer and then like this segment right here this is like like pushed in or something because most of these guys they're kind of like hugging the surface of the cliff so i'm gonna try and see if i can make this work i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to push these guys in and then grab this guys and push them out so that we create this sort of like ramp thing if you know what i mean so that the cliff seems to be doing this sort of thing which is weird because on the on the concept it's not doing that it's doing the opposite but uh at least we're getting the the sort of like effect right here um now we have all of this scaffolding over here right so one quick way to do it is i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go over here and i'm not even gonna bother about like the proper scaffolding i'm just gonna do like four of them guys right now grab them i'm gonna group them or combine them together and then i'm just gonna start like creating this sort of like tower thing that goes up it's just noise pretty much i'm just i'm just creating noise and then i'm gonna rotate them around 90 degrees like this and eventually again once you guys help me decide which kind of like uh process or workflow we're going to be using i'll be able to decide how to better best approach this whole thing right so as you can see it's just it's just like noise that we're adding so it sort of like gives the idea of the scaffolding later on we're going to match the scaffolding properly uh but again it's just uh it's just a matter of of creating a visual interest so we see the whole thing it looks it looks pretty cool right so again we're gonna fix all of that we definitely need to fix all of that uh but we'll do that later and uh let's see let's see what else do we have we have a couple of we have a little bit of a rooftop over here so this guys remember we changed or moved this thing around i think this guy needs to be a little bit like bare and immediately below this thing there's like a it's like a little stair coming into a platform and which is this platform of course so then we need to push this platform a little bit forward and of course as soon as we uh move the whole house this platform also needs to move like about there let's grab all of these things so that's a little bit closer to where this is supposed to be there we go uh on this side i can see there's like a little bit of a of a shelf again with planks like coming from here so i'm just gonna push this out move it down like this um this does seems to be this seems to be pushing a little bit more because here's where we would have the stairs we have a lot of stairs so i definitely think we should do a stairs and one of the easiest ways to to represent the stair is oh what did i do there we go i'm just going to grab like a like a cube and the stairs are usually 30 centimeters high so i think this one will be a little bit higher so probably going to be like well it's not 30 centimeters i think 30 centimeters is fine let's go 25. so on the scale of y i'm going to say 25 that's usually how big of a stair would be they're usually a meter wide so i'm going to say a hundredth and the [Music] and the the depth should be like 30 centimeters so that's that's usually how how like big a stair is so i'm gonna move the pivot point of this stair to the front and to the bottom so that's like on a corner say ctrl d ctrl d and we're going to snap back here and up here ctrl d snap back here and up here ctrl d and snap up here and up here and then we're going to have our four steps which is one two three four it's roughly the amount of stuff that i'm seeing in most stairs so for instance this stair right here would be my main stair over here and i'm probably gonna make it a little bit wider in this case and of course the final step like you should have like this thing should be sitting like there on the ground because the final step is going to be the last one right like something like this so that seems good to me and then the next stair is this one right here which seems to be a little bit wider on the concept so it's probably going to be about there i like that i think it looks it looks good i mean it's again just a blocking but it looks good and then we have another stair on this air right here which is just as you can see here it's just like one step so i'm just gonna position this one step where it's supposed to be which is about there and then i'm just gonna delete all the faces that we don't need grab this guy again now this other one also has four steps right here but they're wider so we're gonna have like taller steps they seem to be going like longer and they seem to be a little bit like flatter so the distance between them is not as big so that means that we're going to have something like this so see how by creating one little stair we can have like as many as we want now this guy right here this seems to be a little bit narrower it's supposed to be five steps on this one so that means that we're gonna have to like make this like thinner and we're probably gonna have to like add a fifth step so i'm gonna push these guys in like this let's make them thinner like this and remember we just created this one over here so why not just reutilize that one that's a single where is it let's center the pivot point and let's snap it right there there we go and that's it that's going to give us our like fifth step again we're gonna fix a lot of this stuff a lot of this stuff is gonna be fixed but at least we're getting our nice block in here and i can definitely see that it's not matching my concept like the stair on the concept if i wanted to really match it should be like here uh but as you can see this really breaks the does it yeah it really breaks the proportions so so here's where i'm gonna have to deviate a little bit from the concept and and try to find like the best possible like solution so you can see that they're closer to the border here so i'm going to leave them right about there because again sometimes sometimes it's just going to be very very difficult to to match everything perfectly and the and the most important part is that it looks as close as possible because even the most like proficient artists like you you see the concepts of the characters that they use for movies and stuff they never match like a hundred percent so this ones are definitely narrower and as you can see there on the on the edge of this little house thingy so about there i would say and that's what we would get and uh yeah that's it i mean as you can see this is looking pretty pretty nice uh we do have this guys right here how are we doing on time uh i think we're gonna stop here guys i think i think this is a good point to stop uh because i i even though i could start like adding more beams and more stuff it's going to be easier if we decide what kind of things we're going to be doing if we're going to be going for games or we're going to be going for bt for film so make sure to leave a comment make sure to let me know which one you think it's going to look best for our uh for our particular uh scenario and uh depending on which which one gets picked we of course we're gonna be moving forward with that one uh and yeah that's it for today guys hope you guys enjoyed this uh continuous uh project uh make sure you like subscribe share and i'll see you back tomorrow bye
Channel: Nexttut
Views: 989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya 2018, zbrush tutorial, maya tutorial, nalini kanta jena, character sculpting, zbrush sculpting, zbrush turorial, beginner zbrush tutorial, human anatomy zbrush, modeling tutorial
Id: k5heLeTVFZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 22sec (2062 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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