Maya Modelling Tutorial | Medieval Lighthouse Part 06

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hey guys welcome to another week of full 3d content tips tricks and more today we're gonna continue with our lighthouse project and i want to start the week in a sort of a slow fashion actually uh over here in mexico uh today on monday the 16th well it's not monday the 16th monday the 20th or 20th 20th of monday of november we celebrate the mexican revolution which was an event uh more than a hundred and like 10 years ago 110 i think it was 110 years ago um you know pretty much every country in the world has had a revolution where a political political system gets like rebuked or something and that is what our current uh constitution uh that that's the current constitution that we have and it's kind of like the like breaking point for our modern progress and uh since we have a free day today i'm gonna be focusing on doing uh working on some a project that i'm still um appending and i wanna keep it simple with this very easy to use assets sorry for the long like history there just want to make sure that you understand that today it's going to be a slow day or a simple day because we're going to be doing one of these things so this thing is called a life buoy um we're going to have to learn english again because i'm not sure how to run is it buoy or boy anyway this sort of thing like i know them as lifesavers but if you look for live servers here online you're going to get the candies uh which are very tasty actually they're they're good candies uh but this is the one that we're using so the live buoy right here i'm gonna say buoy hopefully that's the right word and i have this one right here um well this is actually 3d i i saw one that was not 3d this one there we go so we're going to be using this one as reference which is very very similar to the one that we have in the in the concept right uh we have a couple of them in the concept and it's one of the easiest ones and i'm going to show you how to do the the buoy itself or the live thing and then the rope which is super cool so we're gonna download this image right into our project files so we're going to do next to live and source images and we have our lighthouse do we not no let's call this uh live bully there we go and then inside of maya uh we're just gonna go front view uh we're gonna import an image right here and we should have this one right here there we go so sometimes you're gonna get this sort of images where you don't actually have like a realistic thing um what i mean it's not like a perfect view it's just a reference from from the real world right so i'm gonna try to position this in in the best like possible way here in the in the middle point now um talking about real world skill you remember the actual lighthouse that we are building is at real world scale so it will be a good idea alright that's a good idea to do that as well for this one right here so what i'm gonna do is super simple i'm gonna like what do you wanna probably like a meter like i think the radius would be like a meter so i'm gonna start with a torus right here which is this one and i'm going to rotate this in 90 degrees so that it's facing me i'm just pressing e and rotating i used to have a software i'll download the software for the shortcut keys so that you guys can see those as well now i am going to or lower the divisions to like a 12 or something so that it's not super super wide and the then i'm just going to scale this up but instead of scaling with just a scale i'm actually going to go here into the radius option i'm just going to middle mouse and move it all the way up there we go and then i'm going to go section radius i'm going to make this thicker like so now one of the problems that we have right here is that we have this sort of like lines they're this i don't know how to explain what they are but there are this sort of like divisions like like brother divisions uh in the new like reference that i saw there were like some plastic bands that would hold the rope together in the old times i would guess they would be like leather or something um but unfortunately they're right there on the middle of the object so that means that i'm actually going to have to change the subdivision axis to something like a 24 why because eventually i'm going to need one of those guys or maybe even two and the other thing that i don't like about this thing is that as you can see we do have a middle line but these guys are going to be like asymmetrical now is that the problem not really as long as we know where we're doing but if you want to you can rotate this guy so this thing is facing right here and i believe if i were to uh divide 360 by 24 we should get 15 so if we say 15 or actually minus or 7.5 that's going to be right there on the middle point so that will allow me to use this one this one this one and this one all of those loops as sort of the uh the little bands that we're going to be adding now i don't want to add the bands just extruding them from here because if i do that then we're going to have some issues with the like the optimization of things because we're going to have to add a lot of support edges to the whole thing so i'm going to go edit mesh and i'm going to say duplicate to duplicate those bands around now if i use this little blue arrow you can see there it's kind of like like extruding them out so i'm going to strip them out just a little bit and now it should be a lot easier to just grab those bands right there like all of those four bands ctrl e to extrude extrude them again and just uh move them or okay ctrl e and just move them here's a quick tip if by any point if at any point you lose the like the little like extrude box you can just select the object and hit your letter t and that will bring back the last like uh little tool box that you were using so in this case since that was the poly extrude that's the one we we get now since we're using all of them at the same time i would rather keep them together so there we go and as you can see we have the the very nice effect now uh for those of you blender users you know about this you can go into mesh display and soften edge uh we call that or yeah we call that in blender uh smooth mesh i think and that we can do the same for all of them however if we do that for this guys right here you're gonna see that we get a very weird like black outline that's maya having a really really hard time trying to understand or trying to find the best possible way to uh to solve that uh the fact that you want to soften this like 90 degree angles quick way to do that i mean we could soften the edges again or harden the edges but i don't want to do that so quick way to do this is just select the edges and hit a bubble so by adding that little bevel right there that makes it easier it makes an easier job for maya to to soften everything so i'm going to go here again mesh display soften edge and as you can see that looks a lot better without actually having the geometry so we're we're kicking keeping this uh sort of like a game mesh ready set right so now i'm gonna grab all of these guys and i'm gonna grab this guy and again let's just duplicate the special some of you already see seen this one or this tool in other videos but duplicate the special will allow us to move this thing around the object in a very nice way so i'm gonna say file uh sorry edit duplicate a special i want three copies of this guy and they're going to be rotated uh i believe this is 90 degrees and in the not in the in the y axis is going to be on the c axis okay so it's going to be apply and uh nope that was not the proper axis uh no it is the proper axis so rotate because we're going to duplicate and then rotate on the oh it says y axis that's really weird shouldn't be the y axis but okay that's the axis we have there there we go and that's it now everything is a single piece now to keep it simple of course i'm going to grab all of this guys right here i'm going to combine them into a single mesh and we're going to call this uh boy it's called supports there we go and now for the main buoy right here i i don't want to have just like a basic taurus it looks very very like ugly so i'm thinking if this is a medieval thing they didn't have like form fitting like factories that could make this so maybe they used like just a hardened leather thing and they just left a hollow point in the inside i don't know like i'm not i'm not gonna go investigate about this object because it's such a simple object so i'm just gonna grab this middle line right here and this one right here i'm gonna bevel those lines make the fraction smaller like that grab this guy and this guy extrude out push this out like this and give it a little bit of an offset why the opposite because i don't want this guys to be like perfectly um what's the word perfectly like square remember every time we have like perfect 90 degree 90 degree angles things look a little bit too fake so by uh doing that sort of movement like a little bit of an offset we get a more organic look and uh that's pretty much it i mean eventually with the textures we're gonna have a little bit of dirt all around the object now if we have enough geometry like if we talk to the art director and they and they are like yeah you can go way higher like this is 864 triangles and they say you can go all the way to 5 5k triangles for everything then i would definitely go here mesh and just hit a smooth and that's going to give me a super smooth very nice mesh however this is already like quite heavy so i'm going to keep it soft for now and then later on if we need to increase it i'll increase it uh i do think these guys though need to hog the surface a little bit better so i'm going to delete this guys go to this first one and i'm going to center the pivot point first so we can hog the surface a little bit better there we go so there's even if there's a little bit of overlap that's fine and then i'm gonna move the pivot point up back to the center to the to the grid right there uh delay history and i'm gonna say again oop uh edit and a duplicate special now you can see since we froze the transformations that changes the axis so i'm going to go back here and now it's not the y-axis anymore now it is the c-axis and just hit apply and we should get the result that we're looking for and there we go we have the the basics of the buoy or the life-saving i'm gonna call this a lightsaber okay i know that that's the candy but i'm gonna call this life here saber so now let's do the rope and the rope uh there's a super cool tool that we have now inside of maya i love this tool i i don't know why it wasn't here before like i've been it's one of those tools that i've wanted to have for so long and i didn't know i wanted it and when they released i was like thank you this is just great which is at the sweep mesh so right here sweep mesh you're gonna have to have the newest version of maya 2022 to be able to access this tool but it works in a super super nice way so i'm going to go here edit and i'm going to say or create curve tools and i'm going to create a ep curve and i'm just going to trace like literally trace the rope that's going around the lifesaver all the way through the picture like this all the way to the front to the front to the top to the top and there we go so right about there perfect as you can see this is the the rope however one of the issues that we have is that the rope is not uh like on the proper perspective so here's where where we need to do a little bit of work so i'm going to right click on the curve and i'm going to select the control vertices and we're going to start moving this control vertices forward to create or or help the the rope follow the exact path that we want so i know that i want this rope to go forward like this see how it goes on top of the little like band right there so there we go and then like this one right here probably this one that's not that one sometimes there's like a crazy point that you don't see that's affecting the whole curvature so here here's where you're gonna have to to to really play around with like the gravity and stuff make sure things like flow and and moving the right way so let's push this guy a little bit further back so it really looks like it's hanging because again this is one of those assets that you're usually having like video games and stuff uh the players are not going gonna be able to interact with of course there are games where police can interact with any object or every object in the in the scene uh but this in my opinion would be one of those that you wouldn't be able to maybe you can shoot at it and you get like some bullet holes or something well it's a medieval game so how would you shoot it maybe you throw a fireball ad and it looks burnt like the texture changes to like a burn texture uh but you wouldn't be able to just like pick it up and throw it around right maybe there's a little bit of animation where the where there's some wind or something like there's things that you can do of course uh but usually these are gonna be things are just gonna uh pretty much stay right where they are like you're not gonna have a lot of animation or movement so so just just keep that in mind okay so let's push this where they're supposed to be there we go uh this one i i really don't care as much on on this one so on the back because they're on the back right but even there even then like the the proper thing to do is just like move this thing to the back so that it it really looks like that like the rope is following the proper uh like a sequence right so that's it's tense enough and there we go so so that's pretty much it now some of you might think well now that we have the rope the best thing would be to to do the actual rope like twist it and create like the whole threads there's a lot of tutorials out there of how to create like a proper rope it's not that difficult you just create like several like cylinders and twist them together however that's for like a high quality rope if you want to do like game quality drop it's just going to be a cylinder and the texture in the cylinder is going to be a tileable texture that just repeats the whole like row pattern so that's what we're going to do i'm just going to grab this guy right here i'm going to say create sorry create and then sweep mesh and as you can see i will automatically get this thing right here and i am going to increase the precision hit optimize so that we don't have as many polygons because this is definitely going to add a lot of polygons as you can see there and decrease the scale profile of course to get like the proper thickness for the rope now here i can see that i made a mistake with a curve and this is one of the great things about the curb mesh the fact that if you mess up on the on the curb placement like what i did right here and you modify everything this is dynamic so all of the contour like the the little sweep mesh like geometry that we've created it's it's uh it's moving in a very like natural way around the whole thing so i should be able to again if i need to to like modify a couple of this uh positions here i should just move the rope around and it will automatically automatically update on this whole thing here you know what whatever i think is great about the sweep mesh you automatically get a perfect ub like a perfectly perfectly straight ub this is it like the whole like length of the of the tube it's perfectly laid out from top to bottom so i know that if i if i just style a texture right here i should be able to do it there's one thing we need to do though with this thing and that is i need to actually make this thing fit the whole like u or the v pattern right here so i need to make it like square and like this because the tiling of the of the rope that's the way it's gonna it's gonna work so i'm just gonna grab like the the ubs grab the top ubs and i can snap them like that that should work i'm gonna do the same on the side so grab all of these guys and then with the x just snap them there we go you're gonna see that the other tiles get turned uh or get like activated but as long as we're not going into them it should be perfectly fine so now let me just to demonstrate that this should work uh the way i'm expecting this to work i am gonna go into um here let's look for a rope texture let's look for title let's see if there's a free one sometimes there are some free ones so no that's not a free one that's not a free one that kind of looks like a free one i mean i can see the uh the tiling this is not what i'm looking for though or is it i think it is let me uh save this image let's try this out yeah i think we can do this can we no no that's not it this one this is the kind of thing that we're looking for there we go so this is not perfect right because it looks very fake but i'm just gonna use it to to demonstrate how this is so powerful because now if i go to this guy and assign a new material let's just do a traditional lambor for now and i'm gonna plug in the color here and i do the rope that we just downloaded you're gonna see that right now we're uh like like pushing that texture all the way throughout the rope you can see the little fibers there but now if we go into the hypershade and this is something that we're going to eventually do inside of the of the engine we can go to the to the tiles here to the uv tiles and or sorry to the to the texture coordinate and we're going to repeat this texture but let's try 10 and 10. and you can see that we're getting more fibers so we might not need as many fibers in this case we need more fibers going like up and down than we need like a side to side so i think maybe side to side is going to be fine it's just like we need a lot of ones right here so let's say 50 there we go so as you can see now we have 50 and one so we have the same number of like elements that we had on the on the element but with 50 repetitions and you can see how the rope goes all the way around now we're not done yet here as you can see there's a little bit of an issue there so i'm going to go back to the sweep mesh and we can increase the precision a little bit and again the more precision we add that the nicer the curvatures are going to be so something like that works a lot better i would say but you can see that the poly count is going like really really high we almost have 3k triangles for all of these things and even though we do have the optimized turn on it's uh it's a little bit too much so here's where i would go like manually go and start deleting some of the edge loops that we might not need like all of them and just press ctrl and delete and that's going to remove some of the extra edge loops that are not necessarily well necessary right so here of course i see a lot of the ropes gonna start looking a lot more um but not not as nice as what we had before uh but it should it should give us a nicer effect and uh yeah that's pretty much it guys like of course we need to texture everything again but as you can see we have this whole object now this whole object i would definitely uh rename a couple things i'm just gonna grab everything delete history center people phrase transformation to clean everything up this rope we're gonna call this uh or let's just call it lifesaver i haven't i'm just having such a hard time with that element let's call this lifesaver um a rope and then these guys are gonna be uh combine them as well and they're gonna be boy sports that's fine and then this is the the boy right let's just call it the lifesaver and then we can grab all of three of those guys control g to group them and we're gonna call them live saver group play history and technically all of this uh groups we don't need anymore technically they're curve you don't need it anymore either but if you want to keep it just to have like a backup in case you're going to be doing something else later on that's it's not a bad idea um and yeah i mean this is pretty much it let me add just a couple of quick colors here and again this is just for uh for just the visualization purposes so i'm gonna grab this uh like section right here this fourth section and then uh this fourth section over here like this like all of this guys and i'm going to right click assign a new material let's do just the lambert and we're going to sample like the red color that we have back here and then shift and right click to invert the selection right click assign a new material assign a new material another lambert let's sample that sort of like uh like y that we have there there we go and now uh one of them like this one right here and this one right here those are going to be red so we assign the lambert three and these ones are going to be white so we assign the lime bird four and that's it we have a very nice effect now uh there's one extra thing i want to show you which is really cool if you remember in the lighthouse scene i added i'm not sure if i told you but i added a directional light and an ambient light to get this sort of like a blue issue i think you saw it on the on the first very on the very first video i did that at the very end and then what i did is i actually grouped those little two things together called that light setup and then that little group i exported out as a maya scene now i can go to any scene like this one right here and just say file import and in my scenes on the lighthouse scenes i have this a light scene a scene which only has the little light group and if i hit import you're gonna see we have the light scene light setup and it's just the ambient light and the direction light and now if i turn on the light i'm gonna have the exact same like lightning situation that we have on the on the actual element so uh yeah i mean that's it guys uh i'm gonna keep this one right here it kind of looks cool that's gonna look cool for the thumbnail right so i'm just gonna keep this right here let me uh go into the alpha game say like a point two or like a point three so that we kind of see it there and there we go a very simple way to create a nicely looking realistic looking uh boy or life life buoy lifesaver uh ready to get into our scene tomorrow we're gonna be doing all of the wood frames so make sure to stay tuned make sure to come back tomorrow and check it out also also remember this next weekend we have our next portfolio review i forgot to mention this at the beginning of the video but starting tomorrow or starting today rather you're gonna find the description or in the description the link to the open um selection for our uh for this weekend's review so if you want to submit any work for me to review during the weekend uh make sure to follow the link down here to the google drive create a little folder with your name on it drop any files or links that you want me to check out and i'll be happy to do so and also uh a lot of you did like this little like note pad or note text and left me a little bit with messages i love that so if you if you can't do it i would really appreciate it that way it's kind of like a like a one-way or two-way communication uh but it really it was really nice to read all of those messages guys so uh yeah that's it for now make sure to leave a like subscribe share comment you know the drill i'll see you back tomorrow bye
Channel: Nexttut
Views: 514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya 2018, zbrush tutorial, maya tutorial, nalini kanta jena, character sculpting, zbrush sculpting, zbrush turorial, beginner zbrush tutorial, human anatomy zbrush, modeling tutorial
Id: gwk7rkTMhfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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