Maya Texturing Tutorial | Medieval Lighthouse Part 05

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hey guys welcome back to another video in this series today we're going to continue with our lighthouse this is the final day of this week's uh project now tomorrow and sunday i'm going to be talking about some little tips and tricks about the software as you know we're going to keep it simple just for the weekend and then on monday since we don't have anything planned for next week we're actually gonna go back and um continue with the lighthouse okay so uh hopefully you guys are looking forward to more content we have these little pillars right here which is what we did uh yesterday turned out nice right now some of you actually shared a couple of techniques and secrets with me and that's one of the pieces i'm gonna be picking tomorrow there's a thing here called um where is it i can't find right now but there's a way this one replace object so i'm going to be talking tomorrow about the replace objects feature because it's something i didn't know about so i did a little bit of research and it seems like a really really handy tool so we're going to be uh taking a look at that one tomorrow okay now uh for today i promised you guys i was gonna blow your mind and show you a very nice way in which we can um attack this area right here right like this uh sort of like dock so the first thing we need to do is of course we need to get some research and uh if we take a look at docs you're gonna see that uh when they are like this big they usually have this like sort of like wooden reinforcements on the front and then everything else is lined up with just like uh slates right or just like flat pieces of wood and uh since we're gonna be doing this for games we need to think of a way to optimize this in the best possible way so what i'm gonna show you right now is a technique that we can use to create complex geometry so it's not just a simple just like a flat plane but also uh we're going to be using tileable textures so for those of you that don't know what high level textures are uh temple textures are textures that as the name implies tile together and it doesn't matter how many times you repeat them you're always going to have the same sort of pattern now teleporters are super super useful because they will allow us to create some very nice uh or or cover large areas of our objects without the need of having like super gigantic texture maps which as you guys know texture maps nowadays are one of the main bottlenecks in performance so i have access to substance a source or well it used to be called substance source it's now called adobe acids or something substance three acids so um if you have uh this thing right here uh yeah there we go you can just look for like wood and you're gonna be able to find all of this wood elements or wood materials that we can use however i don't want you guys to go in here because i know most of you don't have or some of you might not have this access so don't worry i got your back there's there's there's also very nice site called poly haven and poly haven is a great site for hdrs we've used it before for models as well and for textures so if i go here into textures you're gonna see that we have for instance this one and look at this it's beautiful it's exactly what we need the only thing i don't like about the structure is that it is gonna limit us to having this sort of like lines right like it like it will be super useful if we want to create planks but if we want to model our own wood then might not be the best idea however we have this one right here which is a little bit closer to what i'm looking for and as you can see uh we don't have as much of an issue because the lines of the wood is not are not as intense let me just keep on looking here like this plywood's not bad either uh i like that one the wood planks jerk because i i just want like a like a general general like old wood thing we can actually i think we can look for wood and that's going to filter out there we go all the wood materials so fine green wood we got this plywood and we got this wood planks dirty and then we're going to use this one the wood planks dirty so i am gonna download this guys at 4k and the reason why i want to download them at 4k is uh what are we getting here let's check this out okay so we have the diffuse the displacement the normal and the gear roughness that's fine that's all we need we actually don't need the um the displacement we can work with all of this guys so i'm just going to ctrl x to cut this guys go into my projects here and let's go to our next to live let's go assets i'm going to create here on the on the lighthouse element let's create a new one called tileable booth now usually when you're downloading this sort of like textures they will tell you what the resolution is like what's the area and you can see here the scale is 1.5 by 1.5 meters so that means that it covers a 1.5 by 1.5 area um so i'm going to go into into maya now and we're going to create a plane here and i'm going to change the measurements of the plane to 150 because that will be um like the the proper like resolution that those guys have okay so this is what we're gonna do right now and uh let's isolate this guy right here and i'm gonna assign a new material and we're gonna be doing the the complete like build up of shaders and everything uh once we're inside of uh instead of unreal but for now i'm just gonna call this uh tileable there we go now on the color map we're gonna be assigning of course the uh elements here so let's go to assets lighthouse and we're going to assign the not the roughness wait did we not copy everything now it seems like there was like a like an issue here let me reopen this guys oh rather 7-zip open archive it's been used huh that's pretty weird let me let me cancel this i'm not sure why that happened let's try it again ah come on windows help me out here we have the diffuse we have the roughness we're missing the other two and i mean this this was not supposed to be like a super complicated one so that's very weird uh okay let's try it again let's go downloads no not that one uh this one uh seven sip open archive nope okay i'm gonna pause this real quick guys let me sort this out and i'll be just back this is gonna be just a quick jump okay so i just went back here to the side guys to pull haven and i'm gonna change this from uh blender whatever to just like the zip folder and as you can see i don't need the blender i don't need the gltf um yeah this one's fine the ambient reference metallic diffuse is fine we don't need displacement uh normal i'm doing both of them eventually we're just gonna be using uh the directx and roughness that's fine and i'm just gonna hit download now let's see if this one actually likes to work so let's show a folder let's 7-zip there we go so i think maybe what got the issue in the first place or the first time was the the fact that i didn't extract like the whole thing so let me go back here real quick there we go oop and that's it so i'm just going to drag and drop this perfect so now it's working so now we go back into maya and here on the channel or this element we are going to go to our assets to the lighthouse of course tolerable wood and on the textures we're going to select this diffuse because we only want the color and as you can see there we go we have this a very nice plank color and here's where the trick is going to come into play so as you can see i'm actually going to go into the plane and i'm going to reduce the amount of elements here to one so there's only going to be one dimension and as you can see we have some very nice lines where the wood is giving me the planks so what i can do is i can actually model this guys so i'm going to control click there there there there there and there like those elements right there and then i'm going to select all of the edges and i'm going to say um modeling mesh or edit mesh detach there we go so now each specific face is a separate plank which is inheriting the same sort of like effect that we have here now i'm going to grab all of them i'm going to say mesh separate so they're all separate objects i'm going to grab all of them i'm going to give them a little bit of an extrusion there we go now you can see that yes we are going to get a little bit of distortion here but it shouldn't be that much of a deal there we go and then i'm going to delete the lower faces because we're never going to be seeing the lower faces those are going to be uh hidden so we're only going to have the upper frame i mean you can keep them actually i'm going to keep them because uh the newer reels they like when when things are not like perfectly like this and then i'm going to grab all of this and i'm just going to double them and what that will do as you can see is it won't really distort the the effect as much actually um i'm actually going to combine them again so let's delete history and i'm going to combine them again so that when we bevel the bubble works uh at the same like length and width with everything as you can see there and that's it like that that's all i'm gonna do and why am i doing this well because if we have our light you're going to see that there is going to be an actual shadow being casted on those specific areas now this is not just going to be like a like a plane with just fake normal map information there's actually like legit legit modeling here and these are super super low as you can see it's only it's only uh 308 um triangles so so we can definitely use this guys and and just populate the whole thing now we could actually like just increase the resolution here a little bit and and i don't think we're gonna have that much of a deal however the scale of the objects might be affect a little bit however this is not the end of it like i'm gonna use this guys for like the border here and one of the cool things is eventually we might be able to just grab like a couple of this guys okay yeah we have a problem here uh yeah okay let me go back because yeah sometimes when we do the extrusion things let me check let's say mesh separate does it separate okay that's separate okay so i'm just gonna do the history first transformation there we go and uh let's just combine them again sometimes when you do that like sort of like weird babble uh some things will get like stuck together there we go so now each blank is a different black and what we're gonna be able to do is we're gonna push this guy's here on the border like let's say around there and we can just grab like one of this double click go into vertex mode and if we move this guy's just a little bit out we're gonna create a more interesting silhouette as you can see right there it's going to give us a very very nice effect and the fact that this looks like the fiber of the wood it's such a small detail that you won't really notice now we could of course unfold and try to get like a better texture but i think we're just going to be we're going to be just fine like the most important thing is is this guys right here right now this is not all this is not the the end of the the things um as i mentioned i want to create this sort of like like the whole thing but i want to create it in such a way that it looks like the like the talks that we were uh that we were referencing and as you can see docks can sometimes be built in this sort of like modular fashion and i think this is one that what's gonna help us create this very nice effect for the whole floor uh you can see it there it's a little bit difficult to tell but you can see some planks go one way and some planks go another way so what i'm gonna do here is i'm gonna create a new cube i'm gonna uh let's let me grab this guy and just bring it back to zero zero actually that's not gonna be that's not what i'm going for let me just grab the cube that we created i'm just going to snap it there to the corner there we go so what i'm going to do with this cube is i'm going to use this to create sort of like the the volume that's going to be encompassing this uh what's right here so i'm going to do something like this and i think something like that's fine and now let's so it's like four so let's say four and four there we go i think i think that's good and now i'm just going to position this right about there i mean if we want to be super super precise we can be just a matter of like grabbing this point and then snapping it there and snapping it there there we go so now there's there's not gonna be any any sort of like uh um weird elements here i'm actually gonna go five here on the scale there we go five and five and now i'm gonna grab this phase right here and i'm gonna extrude this out and i'm gonna snap it to this other side right here there we go so that's gonna be my my main plank and that's all i need this is this is the plank that i need because what i'm gonna do now is i am gonna go uvs i'm gonna do a planar mapping from the y-axis in this case apply and now if i were to assign the same material to this guy you can see that we're going to have this thing right here which is going to look close to what i want it's not it's not perfect there's or it's not perfect yet i'm going to show you one little trick here so on this one i'm actually going to be doing the uh the unfold so i'm going to say file uh uv editor and we definitely need to do a couple of cuts here so i'm going to go uv 3d cut and saw u2 we're going to cut the lower side like this and then we're going to cut the little corners here and here here and here there we go now this edge actually we don't need anymore so it's going to delete it that's also going to save us some geometry i'm definitely going to give it a bevel probably like two segments in a small fraction there we go and now we're gonna go uv's uv editor grab the uvs and hit ctrl u to unfold i'm gonna say modify and i'm gonna um layout so layout which is going to give me this in this case i want to be the other way around so i'm going to go again a modified layout and i'm going to change the options here to vertical so now the uvs are faced vertical and as you can see we're inheriting the same amount of detail here on the on the woods now this one i do want this to be a little bit denser than the than the rest of the elements and here's where the tileable textures come into place because i can just grab this guys make them wider and by making them wider i'm reusing the texture here on my element and as you can see this is going to become a denser which is exactly what i want now i'm going to grab this guy i'm going to position at the pivot point or actually i think that's a good position i'm going to go into rotation discrete rotate we're going to duplicate this guy rotate this in 90 degrees and this one is of course going to be snapped to this other side and then i'm going to ctrl d move this one over here rotate 90 degrees snap it there duplicate this guy do this and snap it here and as you can see we have successfully completed a very nice plank or like square of elements of textures that we're going to be able to reutilize as many times as we want so i'm going to combine all of this combine into a single object and now it's just a matter of populating my little uh element right here so i'm going to make this go in a little bit and here's what i'm going to do i am going to move the pivot point move the pivot point to the border let me isolate this so we can find the outermost edge there we go and now i'm just going to duplicate and snap it to the next border chief d shift d shift this if this shift shift d you can see that here of course we're not getting the exact size don't worry we're going to fix that later on one very quick way in which we can fix this and that's why we separated all of this just delete them just delete this guy this guy we snap it to like around there and even if we need to scale that specific one a little bit more that's fine not gonna it's not gonna affect us um this one's we can just like crunch them here yes the texture is gonna be a little bit denser on this side but again it's such a small detail and we're sort of like keep bashing this whole thing that it shouldn't really be a problem so no player is gonna notice like hey the resolution the vertical resolution of this log right here is ten times bigger than uh whatever we had everywhere else now like people don't notice that sort of thing then i'm gonna grab this guys like all of these guys and we're gonna just duplicate and just position them right here there we go now we could leave like a plane just like a brown plane down here in case we see a little bit of the of the effect there or we can just be very very precise we can snap everything as well but i think i think i'm gonna be able to match it there uh maybe not so i'm just gonna isolate everything snap to point and then snap to point there there we go so now i'm perfectly sure that this is gonna work and now since we have two two of this guys it's just a matter of grabbing every everything again like i'm not gonna grab the small ones right because the small ones are a different size i'm just gonna get this move this guy's over here same deal and then there's just shift d shift d as you can see we pretty much get all the way to the back now if we take a look at this as you can see this looks completely horrible and the reason it looks horrible is because we're seeing the same planks going in the same direction all over the place but here's where that where the where the cool part comes into place we can randomly select not randomly like we can definitely select the ones that we want we're going to center the pivot point we're going to turn on discrete rotate and we're going to rotate them 45 degree angles like this in a random fashion or semi-random fashion like you can select whichever ones you want just again center the pivot point so that it's right on the center of the of the objects and then sorry center the pivot point and then just rotate them with discrete rotate turn on and then here's another cool thing remember we didn't erase the the woods on the back like they're all the same uh texture you can flip them again center the pivot point make sure all of them are centered and then flip them and that's pretty much gonna give you a completely different texture so as you can see we're gonna have that sort of like uh effect going around and now if you're a player and you're right here you're not going to notice that the same like pattern is repeating everywhere and if you see a little bit of a pattern here for instance like here i can see that red plank over there uh we can just move it around and now take a look at this pretty difficult to tell where the where the actual element is right and again one of the cool things about this is that this is a real geometry so there's a little bit of a shadow here that's actually like pushing the details so so that's the kind of thing that's really going to push it to the next level now is this high poly yes it's a little bit high poly the easiest way to do this would be to bake everything into a single plane and just uh create the texture but as you can see this is going to give us a very very nice result without much of a problem so i'm going to select some of this guys right here and let's populate the rest of the elements so i'm going to do ctrl d just move this to the side like this you can see we're going to have to do the a very similar trick over there for this oh god we just or at this point this is this is where um as like game designers or something's gonna be like i mean should we just like leave it like that i mean we're just going over the edge a little bit maybe we just push everything else uh a couple of centimeters across and and we should be fine right and the answer is yes most of the time like if you if you need to modify things for the sake of simplicity that's perfectly fine it's perfectly balanced so for instance here we're probably gonna need this guys right here so i'm just gonna duplicate this guy let's rotate this like this snap it to to the woods right there there we go and then just move this over here right we can even like have it not match perfectly that's fine and then just ctrl d and then just shift the several times until we cover the whole platform and then same deal like this guys it's it's very obvious that everything is repeating so i'm just going to grab everything here we're going to go to the um we're going to center pivot point here and we're going to rotate them 90 degrees and maybe let's like flip them like flip them 180 degrees again so that the that the pattern that we're seeing is not exactly the same let's center the pivot point and again just flip them this one's gonna be a little bit more difficult because we're not going to have as much uh variation uh but another thing that happens in games very often is that there's going to be so many objects like barrels ropes papers like the nets there's going to be so much information that you're not going to notice that the things are tiling so again just take a look at this thing and say hey you know what like maybe this guys right here are tiling a little bit too much just rotating them around and then maybe this one we we flip it around as well so that the like the bars or whatever are facing in a different direction and that's going to give you like a a completely different look and as you can see this is starting to look very nice let's turn on uh the light and yeah like that's that's that's pretty much what we're gonna have now we need to think about what to do with this guys and i think we're going to be talking about that tomorrow when we do the locks because we're going to be following a very very similar approach like all of the wooden beams that i see here not not all of them but most of the wooden beams like all of the supports here the house definitely all of this beams right here i'm going to be using this technique for other beams like for instance like this walkways over here those i am going to be teaching you another method that we can use to to create a very nice variation on the on the models uh while still keeping the performance on a good level but finally i just think we need to do this little guy right there so i'm just gonna grab like nine of those guys let's bring this thing down and again like just for simplicity sake i'm just gonna keep it this size i mean in this case i could just like delete those and since the size here is not that like that much of a difference i'm just gonna oh i'm gonna combine these guys and that particular one is gonna be stretched just a little bit more than than everything else so that those are gonna be like slightly slightly bigger planks but shouldn't be that much of a deal now this guys i am gonna add them into a larger and just hide them for now so that way we can see the whole like construction so far and yes we need the supports but as you can see we have the floor the whole floor is ready for us now we definitely need to organize this so let me let me grab all of the cubes here which i believe are all of this guys and i'm going to control g and i'm going to call this uh floor boards now let's take a look at the poly count it's 36 000 no 46 000 triangles it's fine this is perfectly fine because there's a lot again a lot of different tricks that you can do uh for uh for optimization in unreal and uh this is this is not bad like you can have like in a real engine 4 you could have like 10 million polygons on the scene at the single time not an object made out of 10 million polygons but you could have like a lot of objects in in total or totaling to 10 million polygons uh unreal engine 5 there's no limit with night like we just make this thing 910 we're good to go and again one of the great things and probably the the best lesson that i want to teach you with this guys is remember we're only using one 4k texture it's one 4k texture and look at how much real estate we're getting here now uh let's let's let's take it to the next level before we finish this we can actually add the normal map and get even more detail here it's going to be tangent space normal map and we're going to be adding uh the normal map that we downloaded which again no need to know uh substance no need to know um texturing no need to create our own like elements in in [Music] in zebras like it's just a good old-fashioned texturing word remember we changed this to raw very important and there we go so now you can see that the the lines and the intensity of the normal maps even is even better so yeah this is looking very very nice uh oh actually we do need uh we need that we do need the floor over here so let me let me turn off on my my thing here and i'm just gonna grab again just actually let's grab like the second row and we're probably gonna need like a third row so let's grab like a third row right here duplicate this and this is gonna be this area right here see how nicely it matches like very very close again no need to to worry here let me just fill in the gap there quickest way to select those is just create a selection box here and deselect anything that i know it's not going to be selected like that there you go so that's probably like the fastest way to do this there we go i'm gonna control uh group it and just scale it up a little bit just a little bit no one's gonna notice this slide scale and we're gonna have a very nice wood floor for all of our offer areas so look at that isn't that beautiful like we we took it what 20 minutes 25 minutes maybe 20 minutes so if we if we take away the the time it took me to to fix this kind of thing and and we got everything ready to go now here um again like just for simplicity's sake i'll just push this guys forward like eventually like this phase right here would be like about there and and that's just gonna make my life so much easier if you have to for some reason or another like make sure it's perfectly fine then yeah you're probably gonna have to scale a couple things here and there uh but believe me like i've worked with several uh studio several clients and most of the times when this kind of things arise it's like hey what should we do here like i have all of these styles uh do we have one extra towel do we remove this we want me to cut this one there like nah just leave it like that just push it a little bit more and that's it and then again you're gonna be completely completely fine always always chat with your client and with your uh with your studio of course don't do don't go doing things that are you're not uh that have not been approved uh but yeah this is this is usually the way to go and uh that's it guys uh this is part of five of our uh for tutorial it's gonna take a long time well not a long time but it's going to take a while guys so hopefully you guys are patient please keep supporting us watch the videos let us know in the comments what you think give us a like share you know this is pretty much a master level classes it's very close to what we would be doing on a premium course so uh we really appreciate the support and we hope you guys are enjoying it as well and uh yeah this is it for me guys i'll see you back on the next one bye
Channel: Nexttut
Views: 635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya 2018, zbrush tutorial, maya tutorial, nalini kanta jena, character sculpting, zbrush sculpting, zbrush turorial, beginner zbrush tutorial, human anatomy zbrush, modeling tutorial
Id: HFm8bHtovDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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