Maya 2018 Mouse Modeling For Beginners

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hello friends today I'm going to show you a mouse modeling in Maya so I'm going to use my 2018 if you are a beginner student our artist you can watch this tutorial till the end and you are going to learn something thank you friend for keep supporting me please subscribe my channel if you have not yet so I'm going to bring some good stuff in future so keep supporting me by subscribing my channel and sharing my content thank you so much subscribe Nolan Jenner to trans Channel and hit the bell icon to get notified whenever I upload a new video so we are going to model this mouse in Maya so let's start quickly go to Maya here and I'm going to import it into the top view on the side view I have two different side images so let us click on this little icon on this top view and just browse our image link that's inside this concept art folder okay here is the top image so let's open it and I'm going to do the same thing to bring the side image so to do that put concept add mouse and this time side okay here you can see both images so I'm going to select one and move that backward so here I'm moving this - x-axis and let's move this in - y-axis you can see I'm moving this way just backwards so that I can model at this area at this origin area and then I'm going to move this side image side Mouse image upward in y-axis to make the mouse see it on this line you can see this bold line which is my braid here so now I'm going to take a cue and let's start from a cube so I am going to scale it to mass the basic shape so let's scale it mass the length of the mouse from front to back and then let's match the side from the top angle so that it matches the width okay it's basically this and you can do this as well for the height so it's it doesn't need to be perfect just to make sure it approximately all right and from the top view make sure the mouse is sitting at the center I think I need to move a little bit you can see from this design should be Center okay so here's my Q then I'm going to put some divisions so let's go to the inputs and put some divisions so that I can now start shaping this Q so let's go to sub-region width and here I'm selecting this and we'll mash drag to our few edges so on this weight Theory I'm going to put four so here I'm getting three and no edge loops so let's divide the depth which is this axis the z axis let's divide that to four or five something like that and let's start blocking this model so yeah I'm going to this web frame mode by pressing the for keyboard shortcut and let's move this thing so here I'm using this move tool we can press W to bring the move tool and let's match this side quickly now I'm in wireframe mode you can heat the set it more which is five and you can turn on the x-rays setting more so you can go to setting and turn on x-ray so with this you can see this transparent kind of effect which is very cool for doing this type of stuff so here is the side profile match and let's do the matching from the top as well now you can see from the top which full square having these corners so I'm going to match this basically I'm going to concentrate one side and then we're going to you know delete can we meet of this so that's tall in the setting you can do this from here or you can do that from here I believe that is x-ray this one okay so let's not judge these things and try to mass now you can see the mouse is okay from the side for you and from the top view let's say just imagine this app but from this angle from the front angle it's straight flat so we are going to look being going to get a call here so let's post this again I'm not doing anything this side remove this so try to get this arc here and then I'm going to face more then let's delete to one half because I'm going to meter this side to the other side okay so it's the symmetrical model you can do this so I'm going to first put this somewhere here you need to put this with this no design line let's let's match with that then we are going to see how to do that support this alone somewhere like this okay now I'm going to mirror this to this side so let's go to mess and go to mirror option box will reset it and it's applied and by default it's set to X and that's working here if if it flips in an odd angle then make sure you are setting the access correct because now I can see I I need to know mirror this two x axis in this situation let us close it okay so now you can see once you mirror always press three as as a happy to check if every vertices at the center are most with each other you shouldn't see some hard is this kind of look when you press 3 if you see some hard is this kind of look sharp edges then that means some vertices are not merged so you need to know most manually or change that more settings there threshold setting so this is the basic safe we got here let's let me adjust this a little bit to get that core okay so this is the base accept so here you can see a pan look this dark black part is a separate panel from these two so you are going to first know get that is there then we are going to extract so let's first select all this resist all faces let's select hold shift to our to the selection once you have selected then we are going to get a round loops so we need a round loops for that know for this line we are going to have it around loops for that I am going to extrude so let's go to edit mesh and exterior the shortcut is ctrl e okay here I'm going to no are just the upset so let's hold ctrl and drag here so I'm getting that round loops and to move a little bit to have that same curvature there I think I should have just offset a bit so this is that black pad you can see there you may need to artist a little bit to mask that with the reference image there part I think this is fine okay when you have some know a few edges it's better to put these pull these vertices a little bit outside of the reference image because when you press three or smooth the object you can see it loses the volume because we have very few edges so if you have if you are blocking it then you might not pull this a little bit outside the reference image okay so I think here doesn't match that put it there and you can see there's a gap but I think I'm not going to do that gap so then we are going to extract this and put those details so I'm going to show you how to know put these panel lines these no separation lines so we are going to do that very easily by extracting this piece so I select this face and double click hold the shift button and double click to don't fit on this face to get the first loop selected so once it's selected go to edit mesh and extract by extracting you can see now it's separated from this object okay once it done then we're going to prove those hard lines so we can do that by not extruding the edges inside these border is this so let's isolate this by going to so I select select view selector the circuit is one-to-one so here I'm going to select this is look by double clicking on it hold saved and double click on this then I'm going to extrude so you can go to edit mesh extrude and here I'm going to execute with this z-axis or you can use the thickness as well so let's use the thickness so when you drag on this thickness and say it's extruding in this z axis and to adjust it hold ctrl and drag thickness okay so try to memorize this value here two point zero one seven I think I'll finish to that with this object as well control one to isolate and let's execute this is hold shift right-click to I'll get this extra rays of Sun as well you don't have to go to edit my son to nothing that you okay let me use the thickness summer 17 I believe yeah okay once we have extruded diseases we are going to put some edge loops because now you can see when I press three yeah I'm getting that no separation lines but you can't put some for putting edge loops orbiting edge loops to get that hard edge because now you can see we're missing that hard is we don't get that thickness so we can put that as loops to know make it a bit fit looking so let's drink the insert edge loop tool by going to mesh tools insert edge loop tool and let's put one is loop here as the supporting is look I'm gonna put and sorting sorting is look you can see it's not evenly evenly spaced from this edge because you can see here it's it has a bigger gaps than here so let me undo by ctrl G so instead of using the insert edge loop tool by default let's go to the option box change this relative distance to equal distance when you have these settings and you drag its and make sure to drag from from this from close to this edge if you want to equal if you want an equalist to that that's because you can you if you drag from here let's say it's going to quell with this as load so when you drag you can see it's keep that same no spacing so make sure the drag this edge loops to the minutes can like this and let's do the same thing here you can see if I do that this is loop is not going it this direction it's going this way because the first loop is going this way so here I cannot put a edge loop put an edge look straight but I can do one thing we can select all these faces so let's placeholder tab key and just paint the faces to select this faces and now I'm going to grow it to select all those boundary faces so let's go to let me close this go to select grow and grow selection let's go grow okay so now I have selected this faces and then we are going to extra so let's go to edit mess at room whenever you needed round loops you can select all those faces and extrude upset so let's offset it and you will get that wrong loop you can see now and here I'm going to move in G axis a bit to get that curve there you can see it's going in what move it so now if I press 3 you can see I'm getting a better no hardship here you can see it's not very smooth let's do the same thing here I can put the insert edge loop tool so here I'm using the shift + right mouse button to get this marking you know here you can see the insert edge loop tool let's put that as loop and this blue to his loops and you can see now that Pattison line is very crisp and clear sharp ok so I'm going to put 1/4 sir on one supporting edge loops to the bottom margin just select all those faces at the bottom by holding the tab key you can press the tab key and then you can just paint like this holding the left mouse and drag to select all this business and I'm going to XQ offset and you can see I have that round sorting is loops and for this side supporting is loop I can just use the insert edge loop tool to get that we can see so you can see now we have a very smooth object and partisan and two separated geometry okay so now I'm going to do this mouse nostril area here so for that we are going to extrude this area face so let's do that let's select these faces are extra upset so I can see offset is a very handy tool there so let's observe that and here I'm going to add just these things so now I'm going to use my axis no move tool or axis oriented so let's double click on the move tool and let's go and change this access to normal all maybe you can use the component mode as well let's use this one again we can mirror this if you want to make sure it's on that knock off this vertex would be on that call and let's do the same thing I'm just doing it temporarily I might not delete this side and let me do it again okay so then let's do one thing make sure this is the size you want there and there you can see we have a ring black ring and then the scroll of the mouse so for that black thing I talked I think I need to change it to the world resettled display scale it okay then we are going to extrude and then upset to get that ring there you can see and then I think I need to check that yes now we can extrude this I think I can do one thing I can delete this path so let's delete that first and double click select one face double click and that never face and then we are going to extract this so extract and then here I'm going to extrude this aids the those two ways is just X to this so I'm extruding make see I'm trying to make sure that the inside doesn't visible much and then I'm going to extrude this as well so let's execute I'm using this blue arrow symbol to move extruder in the local direction okay that's fine here and now we are going to just press ctrl one to isolate bring the insert edge loop tool put some in subordinates loops yeah I might put one or two there to make sure this is smooth like that and then let's put an insert a sloop Tolosa cutting edge loops here so you can see the pattern the way I do these different patterns are different no fitted well fitted different panels so I started doing all those things in a single object then I'm extracting and putting into this loop tool to hold those up here I did to put one edge loops outside that okay can see now how smooth and cool it is okay obviously you can keep some more time and exist these things right when these are working okay so for the scroll I'm going to use a simple primitives called Toros near a pipe so let's start with the Taurus here and I'm going to rotate by pressing the e key or the bucket tool and then let's hold J key and rotate 90 degree you can put 90 degree here as well so now you can see it standing like this and then let's put it it's a huge scroll so let's decrease the sides and see real quick we've got a scroll there you can obviously put some details and then I'm going to do this whole of the whole photo or not we're so that way is going to be somewhere here so we need a hole here so I'm going to add some images here so I'm going to put an edge loop at the center and then maybe two as groups to this side this is going all the way so it look okay so let's put that put that is loop there and here I'm going to extrude this for faces so I need a circle there so let's extrude an upset okay and bit scale somewhere move this make sure this is this are on the right plane this little bit go inside so whenever we model make sure you are looking at from different odd angles from bottom from top not just from front so now I'm going to select all these faces and let's use a tool to circle eyes this F so whole ship right and if you check this macro menu you can find some of some consul eyes circularize components use that you can see it turns to a circle and let's scale it quick way to get no sub concept and I will recommend to have at least four face to get this circle okay once I get this then let's extrude half is opening edge loops first and then I'm going to extrude it again this time I'm going inside extrude it again by pressing the G key G is the repeat up for any action you just did I can extract this existing faces to make a pipe so let's go to edit mesh extract so this is my body let's press three and shake the circumference okay then let's do the pipe here for the pipe I'm going to create a car first so let's go to create curve tools if you cough tool go to the top view and here from here I'm going to create car so just left click to create a cough you can see to get a point score points and here you can see and when you put a car point you can just move the mouse to position these points just hold the left key don't know release the mouse left mouse button and drag to move this if you release the left mouse button then you can hold the middle mouse down then move these things so to create a curve once you are done with the curve then can press ENTER to go clear the actual curve okay let's position it to the center of that with that safe there and let's select that face those faces and then the curve so I just selected like this select this faces then shift select this curve so this election order is very important so make sure you select the faces first then the curve then go to edit - uh next - so when you extrude like this it always follow the curve but here it's not because we don't have any divisions in between the extra so we just need to come here and increase these divisions to maths with that curve so we can put drag like this and you can see I cannot increase more than 25 but we can put here by just manually typing it's a 50 enter you can do this okay like this so now you can see it looks hard as kind of SEP so we can go and use the smooth operation or we can just go mesh display and softened edges so I think by this way we are not increasing the poly count so our system is not going to feel the stress I think this is the better way and then for this obviously we are going to smooth our press three so yeah I think I've done something wrong here you can see accidentally I have executed this face I think so to correct this I need to delete all this faces thing yeah delete and now I need to fill this by just selecting this double click to select this boundary and then let's go miss and feel feel whole that should be an option get to feel that whole that boundary so I think this is a very simple mouse but sure but a very good practice to do this kind of loped paneling details so you can use this concept to create any kind of a complex panel type of details by modeling a basic save and then by putting exists and extracting putting in such supporting as loops so thank you very much for watching this video I hope this video will help you if you are a beginner artist or student thank you very much for your support because of you my channel is growing slowly I really appreciate your love and respect and support so please keep supporting me if you have not subscribed yet please subscribe so that I can help you more so see you next time bye bye subscribe Noland general tutorials channel and hit the bell icon to get notified whenever I upload a new video
Channel: Nexttut
Views: 34,467
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Keywords: Maya 2018 Mouse Modeling For Beginners, maya, maya 2018, maya 2018 tutorial, maya modeling tutorial, 3d maya tutorial, mouse modeling in maya, how to model a mouse in maya, maya 2018 for beginners, maya modeling for beginners, maya mouse modeling, computer mouse modeling, nalin jena tutorials, nalin maya, nalin maya tutorials
Id: rXnnyFyqhEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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