Computer Mouse Maya Tutorial

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hey guys I'm Katie or Canada's art and this week in this modelling tutorial I'm going to attempt to a model a computer mouse so I have a double form so stick with me let's go ahead I think I'm going to start with let's do a sphere so let's see this computer mouse let's go ahead and squash it make it a bit longer I like that so next thing I want to do is kind of like shape these sides so go ahead click be so you'll see we have soft select mode now we can do is we can like select a face and it'll adjust faces around it what I want to do is double click on this tool right here so you're in tool settings and they go to soft selection and then make your fall-off radius like one pretty small like that alright so now you can see it'll affect a small portion of our mesh basically so I'm gonna select these three and then I'm going to just push those guys in kind of like that and then you want to try and get the same three on the other side so looks like it's those guys and then just press W Oh make sure you do select these guys as well and then you can press W and press those guys into the mesh smidge trying to make it pretty even on both sides alright there we go we got a basic shape of kind of a computer mouse going on and then we need to flatten out the bottom so I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually just go into clique space go into this mode click B so that we turn off the soft selection and then select these faces and delete let's go into object mode go into this go to edge mode select by double clicking that edge and let's do mesh fill hold so now our mouse is flat on the bottom alright so next thing I want to do is grab a ring or a Taurus let's go ahead and rotate that guy probably let's see 90 on the x-axis there we go and then we're gonna go ahead and want to scale that guy in as you can see we're making a little scroll thing alright let's move it up here and then let's go ahead and make that radius zero all right there we go that's better need a little longer and then go ahead and click w you want to push it just somewhere kind of in there eventually what I'm going to do is I'm going to kind of like cut into this mesh a little bit but for the meantime let's just leave it like that all right so next thing I think I want to do is I want to bring a couple of these faces go ahead and turn on soft lips select again select these faces right here and just oh click B and just press those guys up to be like that and then you can grab that torus and move him up as well and then you can rotate to him or whatever you want to do to make it seem like it fits a little bit more just trying to get kind of like a good line going right here you can see there's a beginning of like a little divot so go ahead and turn off soft select so click B and then let's select these faces that are making this ring right here there we go go ahead and let's offset that into like 0.1 now we would go even more of just a little divot and then you've got that little point right there as well all right so next thing I think I want to do is try and get kind of like a clear line going around this Taurus and so in order to do that I think what I'm gonna do is just create a Taurus go ahead and bring it on up here make the UM make the section radius like point O one it's like super thin all right and then you're basically gonna just move it above here and then I'm gonna basically mold it so scale it to be going around this guy rotate it as needed you want it to basically just clip the mesh around it so let's see [Music] let's select the Taurus copy this rotation on the zxs then select this Taurus and just copy and paste it so it's got the same rotation and then you want to just go ahead and move it and then scale it so that it is the same rough size there's stuff to be exact but you do want to try and get it as exact as you can because we'll be cutting into the mesh all right and then I'm gonna hook a head and scale mine up like that so I get a bit more of a wall on it and then just hug those sides like that trying to get a bit closer on those edges all right that looks kinda close let's see if I can get closer okay that looks pretty good so now what you're gonna do is you're going to select the mouse select that edge that you just made I'm gonna make this edge a bit taller yeah maybe like that and then select the mouse then the small ring then you're gonna do mesh boolean's difference so basically all it should have done is just cut like a little ring go ahead and select that Taurus and then change the section radius to 0.1 change the radius [Music] alright let's go ahead and do mesh boolean difference so now we just cut out a little section of our math basically alright so the next thing I want to do is we're gonna do the same thing I'm just cutting down the center of our mouse so first go ahead and go ahead and create a cube bring it on up here scale it super thin and then we're gonna get it to go about there and then you can push it into the mesh and then you're gonna want to scale it up so it reaches about down to Lake there alright before we do this cube go ahead and select your mouse do mesh smooth it's gonna just all smooth out that way when we do subs it doesn't change that much alright so select that guy actually let's push this cube in and then you can rotate him like that all right select the mouse select the cube and do mesh boolean difference so now I've got a little cut going through here next thing we want to do is go ahead and make the same exact cut going across this guy however that's a lot easier to actually just select the face and to offset and push into the mesh select that ring of faces extrude offset it in and then extrude again and press its thickness into the mesh so it looks like that alright so that is basically our computer mouse if you want to you can add a little like battery pack on the back I don't really think I am you can't also go through and maybe like add a cord on it or something cool like that but um yeah so that's basically it for this tutorial of a computer mouse if you guys have any questions let me know other than that I'll see you guys next time I think I'm gonna make a keyboard to mash this guy so stay tuned for that bye guys [Music]
Channel: Kbdoesart
Views: 1,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya, 3d model, 3d, kbdoesart, maya modeling, kaitlyn berry, kb does art, 3d model computer mouse, modeling, animation, tutorial, digital, mouse model, maya tutorial, computer mouse, 3d modeling, computer mouse model
Id: PodjsojiH8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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