Maya Tutorial: Model a Coffee Cup

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in this maya 3d modeling tutorial i'm going to show you how to quickly model a coffee cup using polygon primitives first i'll select the polygon cylinder primitive from the modeling tool shelf then i'm going to edit its properties i can do that by going to the attribute editor and then selecting poly cylinder 1. here i can change the radius to 4 centimeters and i can change the height to 10 centimeters for the subdivisions on the axis i'm going to change this to 12 because we can smooth it more later we want this to be a multiple of 4 so we can add quads to the base the subdivision height i'll leave this at 5 and then for the subdivision caps i don't want any caps so i'll make that zero and that just deletes all those then on p cylinder one the very first tab let's translate it up five and that'll put it on the ground now right click to go to face mode select the top face and delete it orbit around to look at the bottom face you can hide the grid temporarily by clicking this button in your panel select this face then press ctrl e or command e to extrude select any of the scale icons on any axis then you have a universal scale in the middle bring the edge in press g to extrude again click the scale control on any axis then scale in then hold shift and right click to get the multi-cut tool we need to make quads out of this the easiest way to do that is to draw a line in the middle and then connect the perpendicular lines sometimes it's hard to select a vertex so if you click and hold on an edge and drag to that vertex it'll automatically select it and then remember to right click to accept so again i'm going to drag to the vertex drag to the vertex right click to accept drag to the vertex drag to the vertex right click to accept drag to the vertex drag to the vertex right click to accept and then we have quads on all of these pieces press q to deselect the multi-cut tool now i'm going to rotate around and look at this object next we can smooth this whole object by right-clicking and going to object mode then clicking smooth now we want to make it have some thickness to do that we can press ctrl e or command e to extrude and this time on the thickness we're just going to type point three now we have some thickness to our object and as you can see our bottom is filled with quads so it's easy to manipulate press q to deselect if we press three to smooth notice that the top of our cup gets very sharp we can stop that by adding some edge loops so press one again then hold shift and right click to get the multi-cut tool hold ctrl and you can insert edge loops very quick press q to deselect the multi-cut tool and then orbit to the bottom of the cup coffee cups aren't perfectly flat on the bottom so we want to raise this up hold the tab key and paint a selection down here and then we can hold shift period to grow our selection we just need to select a few more places so we can hold tab and paint in these places once i have this section of faces selected i can press ctrl e or command e to extrude and this time i'm going to go up in this direction in the z direction and we know that our wall thickness is 0.3 so let's just go up negative 0.1 so just a little bit so in some ways this is going up a millimeter and then we have that extruded there so i'll press q to deselect and then i need to add an edge loop to the bottom of this cup because if i press three now it gets a little strange and rounded so press one and then hold shift and right click to get the multi-cut tool and then hold ctrl and i can add an edge loop here one here and one here now if i press three this looks more like a cup with a recessed bottom and a foot so i'm going to press one again to go back to the polygon mode press q to deselect the multi-cut tool and i'm going to show the grid again now what we need to do is add a handle it's easiest to add a handle if we do it on a grid line like this so i'm going to do that what i want to do is shift select 4 squares at the top and then shift select four squares on the bottom and then notice how this axis the z axis goes right through the middle if i hold shift and right click then i can circularize my components they'll come in a little twisted so we can use this twist command to just kind of even them out about 2.2 at this size works but your model may be different and then if you notice when i rotate that it looks a little dented so what we need to do is change the alignment to surface average that will keep it having the curve of the cup and then we need to delete them make sure you don't select any faces in the back after this right click to go to edge mode then double click the top edge loop of this handle part we'll press ctrl e or command e to extrude click one of these handle components and then we can scale in then double click to select this edge loop press ctrl e or command e select one of the control points now i can scale from the middle and then scale that in press q to deselect and now i can double click these and scale them to the size that i want a little bit more easy by pressing the r key and i can scale from the center and bring these in i can double click this one and scale it in and then you can make these the size that you want for your coffee cup handles next press q and i want to double click this edge loop hold shift and double click this edge loop we want to make a handle we can do that very simply by going to edit mesh bridge and then make sure you click on the box if your tool is not reset you can go edit reset settings we want to make sure we pick smooth path plus curve we also want to pick custom so they both go out and then we can decide how many divisions we want i'm going to select 10 divisions and then click bridge so now we see that we have a handle coming out of our coffee cup but if you notice it's very shallow so how can we edit that well let's look over at the poly cylinder notice that now it has a child of curve one i'm going to press q to deselect and then if i go to object mode and i press 4 for x-ray you can see that there's a curve on the inside so if i select this curve suddenly we can see this curve now i can right-click go to control vertex and if i select these points and press w i can move them around and notice how it changes the shape of my handle i can have this be any shape that i want so then edit the handles for how you want it to be for your coffee cup there's one other thing that we can do before we're done with this cup i'm going to press 5 to go back to shaded mode if i select this object notice that we still have our history normally we want to delete our history when we're done but while we're editing it can be very helpful so if i select poly bridge edge 1 notice that there's a taper command so now i can decide if i want to taper it out like this or more likely taper it in just a little bit and you can see how that makes just a nicer coffee handle curve now i can hold shift and right click and go to multi-cut tool remember i hold ctrl to add in edge loops i'll put an edge loop here and an edge loop here so if i press three this looks pretty good smooth but i want it to be smooth all the time so i'll press one right click to go to object mode press q then we can click smooth just one time off click now we have a nice coffee cup that has quads on the bottom and everything looks really nice i'm going to click the front camera then middle mouse button drag it in i'm in object mode right now and i want to press the w key right now the pivot point is in the middle i'm going to press and hold the d and v key dog and violin and then i'm going to drag down to the very bottom if i zoom in i want to make sure i drag all the way down to that bottom vertex then if i hold the x key i can snap to the grid and now i know i'm right on the bottom of the grid next i can go to edit delete by type history and then i can go modify freeze transformations hold the middle mouse button to drag the perspective view back in orbit around and now we have a nice coffee cup i'm going to right click on it and assign a new material i'm going to assign an arnold standard surface then select the presets ceramic replace and now i'm ready to save this coffee cup for import into any scene that i want hopefully this shows you how you can use the bridge command plus make quad surfaces on your cylinders when you need to happy 3d modeling you
Channel: What Make Art
Views: 12,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whatmakeart, what make art, tutorial, how to, art, 3dmodeling, 3danimation, may ed modeling tutorial, may 3d animation tutorial, maya 3d modeling tutorial, maya tutorial, model a coffee cup, coffee cup 3d model, make a quad cyclinder in maya, make a quad cylinder in maya
Id: V59XKklgfDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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