How To Make a Curved Monitor in Maya 2020 (For Beginners - Part 1)

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hello again and let's jump straight to the point and make a curved monitor as fast as we can because if we're going to make a desk as well and set up the scene and lights it will take a lot of time so let's do everything a bit faster first we're going to create a cube scale it or for scale make it thinner a bit wider taller maybe next we're going to bevel the edges and ctrl b shortcut for bubble select the cube again to see a bit better go to this tiny little menu fraction is selected i'm going to press ctrl on my keyboard and with the mouse button to drag to decrease the fraction 0.2 will be good in this case we don't need to add more segments or depth so let's press three on our keyboard and see how it will look now what thread does it smoothes the shape if you're making cautions for example and you want to see how it will look smooth before you actually smooth it you press three on your keyboard in one to go back to original shape if you're happy with the way it looks you go to mesh and apply smooth i'm not happy with it because we have to cover it at first and make some adjustments next thing we should do is to add some edges now there's a tool called inside edge loop tool and i'm going to show you show you what it does let's create cube again move it scale and for example if i want to make some drawers i have to add that just in order to extrude parts and make it look like a door and that's where the edge loop will help us first of all we have to select the object and then we can go to mesh tools and here we can see inside edge loop tool or we can shift shift right click the object and insert edge loop is here as well let's select it what i'm going to do is i'm going to add one here on top on the bottom on the left side right side and middle as well now it might not be symmetrical but i'm not worried about it right now when you're finished with the inside edges always get out from the inside edge loop mode by clicking arrow on the tool menu or shortcut which is q because if you just choose object mode after you've finished and select the object and decide to that you want to extrude things for example i'm going to select face and i want to select this way so look what happens another edge will be inserted so first thing first ctrl c set to under q to get out from insert edge mod inside edge loop mode now i can extrude faces and i'm going to extrude these two w shift so extrude will appear here and take it back object mode and you can see that it is visible we have some drawers here and that's what insurance tool does let's delete it because we're not going to need it anymore and go back to our monitor now i want to curve the edges and we'll do it with insert edge loop select the object go to math tools and don't choose simpson edge loop 2 but select this tiny little cube i want to insert two edges and not one and in this case we're going to choose multiple edge loops i'm happy with two but you can type as many as you want minimize these two settings because later we're gonna resit it to go back the way it was before or you can close it and we can choose we can select it later again and rotate it and i'm gonna click once here and two edges are inserted they are already selected and what i'm going to do is press r on my keyboard and drag the edges so it will be distanced equally from these sides while edges are still selected i'm going to press w for move tool and move it a bit let's insert two more edges by clicking g on the keyboard and what it does is that it repeats last command or last move we have made g and let's insert two more move it as well press key on the keyboard to get out of the smooth mode and choose object mode and press 3 on keyboard to see how it looks when smooth not bad but we need to sharpen edges a little bit more and again edge loop will help us with it press 1 to go back the way it was and now i'm going to reset insert edge loop tool because i want one loop not two mesh tools and resets let's insert one here one here this one and this one press q to get out this mode and then choose object mode and press three or you can press three without going into the object modes and look it's much much better it looks amazing i think i'm quite happy with the way it looks so i'm going to press 1 go to mesh menu and finally smooth it a little tiny menu will appear and you can add more divisions but i don't want to add more and what i'm going to do now is to delete history when you're happy with the object and you know that you're not going to change anything anymore you always have to delete history why i'm going to show it you a bit later but now just select the object and delete by type and history let's move this object a bit far and up as well and it's time to create a stand for it i'm going to use cylinder for this stand um we have to rotate it 90 degrees e is for rotation i can do like this or to be more precise i'm going to go to chun box layer editor and type 9 here we also need to make it a bit thinner and longer as well or for scale make it thinner like this maybe and longer i think this will be enough we also need to add more divisions because we are going to bend it and if you don't have enough divisions it won't look good so go to channel box layer editor again and click on poly cylinder 1 here we have several different things what we need is subdivision height we can select it drag the middle mouse button or we can type for example 20 here now we can bend this we go to default menu band shape not no not button chain not linear and bend a line will appear and we need to rotate this line to match our cylinder we can press e on the keyboard rotate or just type 90 degree here let's count to inputs and there is pan menu and when curvature click it and drag it with the middle mouse button and the magic will happen if we look this closely it's not smooth very well probably we should have added more divisions but we can correct it now but first things first we have to delete history because if we don't do it and for example i want to get rid of this line i'm going to select it and delete look what happens what we did is gone so i'm gonna press ctrl z to undo and select both of this go to edit delete by type and here also is a shortcut.chip d you can use that as well and the line is gone now we can press three and see how it looks when smooth it doesn't look bad but both ends look like sausages so with the it maybe edge loop tool can help us to correct it shift right click search loop tool not this one here here i always click the wrong edges q get out three and so much better i'm happy with it we can go to mesh smooth delete history alt shift d and let's drag the monitor near this stand what we need now to do is to elect to connect these two or we can say that we have invisible leg but for the learning purposes let's make a leg we can make a leg from cube let's create a cube resize it and make it longer i think this will be enough we have a leg but we need now to connect it to the monitor i'm going to duplicate this cube ctrl d is shortcut move it make it smaller and rotate as well e no wrong one this should be type minus 90 and put this tiny little cube on the monitor's back what i want to do is now is to create a curve that connects these two objects we can do it by bridging faces of this cube but first thing we should do is to combine these two because if we don't do it and bridge them without combining them maya will tell us that we should combine them first so before my tells us what to do let's combine them should select both toolkit combine now let's go to face mode select this face shift select this face and bridge i don't like the way it looks uh we can correct it now because it's a little bit of a bendy here let's undo this separate both and maybe push it where's my arab okay if you if your arrow is lost or is not on the object you can go to modify center pivot and it will appear let's try this again combine faces bridge and it looks much better i think it's too high and that is the reason third try fingers crossed ha yes we did it now i've lost tiny little menu press where is bridge menu we lost it we lost bridge menu t okay here it is in your case this curved curved part might look completely different but don't panic first of all under divisions property on this menu you will probably have one and the curve type you probably probably have linear so choose curve type to curve and add some as much divisions as your object might need so our monitor is ready and what we should do first is to delete history because this lag has curve and for example if we decide to resize it look what happens our objects will be destroyed so control set alt shift d for delete history let's resize again to make to be sure that history is deleted it is ctrl c now i want to resize all of them if i drag the mouse select them all and resize every object independently will be resized we don't want that surrender and what will help us in this case is to combine them and now we can resize it if we look closely a blue line will be visible which is which was left by this curve here we can select it and delete nothing will happen because we already deleted the history so this is our manta video is already quite long so not to not make it longer let's make dusk and scene and lights in the part 2. thank you for watching and see you in part 2.
Channel: Rêveuse
Views: 1,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk Maya #1, Learning Autodesk Maya #1, Learning Maya, Maya, 3d modeling, 3d modeling in maya, 3d modeling #1, 3d modeling with maya, learning 3d modeling, rotate, scale, move, move in maya, scale in maya, rotate in maya, for beginners, views in maya, Extrude, Bevel, Extrude in Maya, Bevel in Maya, extrude objects in maya, bevel objects in maya, extrude cube in maya, Curved monitor, Curved monitor in maya, modelind curved monitor, monitor stand in maya
Id: gH8zTsg5U2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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