How to model patterns in Maya 2017

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this video has been made possible by rebus firm the professional render service hey guys welcome back well today we're going to do a subscriber request and I received a question from Isaac and Isaac asked me to demonstrate how to model certain patterns in maya like for example you know that grid pattern on the lens of a camera and so forth so that's we're going to do today it's going to be short but hopefully helpful and that's it let's jump in and check it out here we go okay guys let's look at some modeling techniques that will help you to create some surface types okay so assuming that you don't want to do that using a normal maps or displacement maps but you actually want to model it how would you approach that now I'll just pull up a quick reference image here as you can see what I'm talking about and see this thing yeah there we go okay so this is what I got from Isaac and he was referring to stuff like this the pattern here on this camera the vertical sections here this cross mesh type deal you know you get the idea maybe a crystal glass and so forth okay so we're going to do a couple of examples on that we're just going to direct like this guy go out of it and let's take a polygon cylinder as a starting point we can hit ctrl a to pull up our attribute editor and let's set the subdivision level to 40 and we're going to leave caps as is okay we're going to select that and select that guy hit R to push that in like so and then we're going to do is we are going to right-click and go to edge double click and shift double click go to edit mesh and bevel set the fraction to 0.01 let's see if that's enough I know it looks like it's not let's try 0.1 that's a bit better segments will do four and that's a good starting point okay cool so let's say this is the button on top of our camera and what we can do is go in to our front view right click at a face we're going to drag select our faces here hit ctrl e to extrude turn faces together off and then let's do a thickness of 0.05 which looks about right and let's tweak the offset the 0.02 maybe let's have a look maybe a bit more 2.05 let's do something in the middle opens our three yeah that's fine okay so we still have these faces selected with those selected we're going to go to edit mesh and under face we're going to go to Polk and then we're going to right-click that our vertex drags like these vertices there in the middle we're going to hit our to scale them out just slightly and then we're going to go back in we're going to right click at object mode and we're going to go to let's see to message play and hardened edge okay which will give you a button with that effect on it all right okay next one we'll take a new polygon cylinder hold it W we'll move that over and this time we're going to hit control a again for attribute editor not our channel box it's down here sorry all right and we're going to set that to 40 which is fine okay we're going to write like an edge double click on that ship double click on that we're going to go to edit mesh and bevel once again 3.1 on the fraction we'll do five on the segments and that looks alright right click object mode we're going to add our I'm going to push that down okay now we're going to do here is and I'll just hide this guy for a sec ctrl H we're going to select this guy we're going to right click at a face we're going to drag select these faces like so ctrl e to extrude keep faces together turn that off and we're going to tweak the offset and that's always tricky there we go and let's see we're going to go to super point zero one I just want to see if I'm going in the right direction here let's do 0.09 that's too much good 0 4 maybe yeah it's your point 0 4 that's fine okay so what we can do now is two things we can either with these faces selected hit our there we go so you can pull them in which will give you this effect if that's what you want I do really want that so I'm going to controls you to go back and I'm going to hit control e again to scale that in and I'm going to do 0.01 and make sure 1 in that out minus 0.03 with a little bit more than that ok so that's the effect you'll get right so doesn't look like the example however if you now go into object mode and you go into mesh and smooth you'll get this effect now if you don't want these pointy thing used to go on here hit ctrl Z to go back come on all right and then we're going to do is we're going to switch fuse we're going to go in here F to zoom in we'll go in to insert edgeloop option box manual setting that's fine and we're going to do is you're going to go in and we're going to add an edge loop very close to that area right there and we'll do the same here and that should make a world of difference okay hit Q on a keyboard right click object mode 3 to preview smooth and then you will get exactly that effect that we were talking about okay like so so this is a preview smooth so I'm going to hit one to go back and then go up to mish and smooth to actually smooth it and there you have it okay so if we now go to display and show all we've got this button look at that one okay now one more we want to do a kind of a crosshatch type deal so for that what we'll do is we'll take another polygon cylinder and I'll take these two guys hit ctrl F to hide them again okay once again and we're going to hit control a for attribute editor 40 on the subdivisions let's do I don't know 20 and height trying to see what works best trying to get it somewhat square looking so let's do 14 that seems to be okay right okay so what I want to achieve is that pattern so I'm going to go in here in this few I'm going to right click and get a face and I'm going to direct like these faces let me skip the top and the bottom one okay and I'll bevel that later so we got those and what I'm going to do is I am going to go to edit mesh and poke face then I'm going to right-click and go to vertex I'm going to drag select the vertices these ok and then I'm going to go in to mesh actually no it's under yeah right here sham from vertices ok which will give us these square looking deals okay and then we're going to tweak the width we're going to go to 0.5 that should roughly be it maybe not exactly let's tweet that little let's see 3.45 yeah 0.45 looks about right okay cool so now that we have that and we've got quite a few so that will be a bit tedious but that's fine we're going to go in we're going to right click at an edge I'm going to go hold these two edges like I did before so edit mesh' and a bevel let's see 0.1 I'll do five and the segment's there we go maybe treat that fraction a bit more and this segment is wall okay that looks so cool so we're going to do is we are going to go in and right-click go to face and you see these faces here so we're going to do is we're going to take a diagonal pattern like so I'm going to skip one and then we're going to do one like so there are many ways you can do that you can decide that you only want to do these for example but there's different patterns you can use but I like the way that these diamonds point upwards so I'm going to do this and then I'm going to skip on do this I'll just quickly do that and I'll be back with you guys in a sec hey guys well I did the a large section I didn't do all of them but that's fine you get the idea right and we're going to do here is we can do one of two things so we can hit ctrl e to extrude basically the same principle we can do for example minus 0.01 on the thickness rather to a little bit more than that let's you minus 0.03 right and then if you would right click go to object mode and hit 3 to preview smooth that you would get this pattern right it looks like I forgot one little face here so what you can do as well is you can hit ctrl e and instead of pulling them in you can push them out obviously so we'll do that let's do 0.02 and we'll put that on - minus 0.02 yep it's okay - for ya there we go well it will give you that effect okay and again you can right click go to object mode you can hit 3 to preview smooth which will give you this pattern or if you don't like that you can hit want to go back this is the face that we're working on and you can right click go to object mode we'll select these faces right click face and we'll go in to hardened edge ok so just find the right angle so we can see your object okay it's a bit hard to see so now if you hit 3 you will get this pattern and basically that will allow you to create all sorts of patterns okay even after creating it you can for example hit R and push that in if you want to have something looking like this and you know like I said anything you want you can do with this okay so yeah that's pretty much it I'll just quickly texture these in key shots so you can see them in the thumbnail what they look like with different materials but we don't have to go into that together and yeah that's it so if you got any questions let me know as always and that said thank you guys for watching bye you
Channel: Mike Hermes
Views: 22,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d model maker, patterns, modeling 3d patterns, maya tutorial, maya 2017 tutorial, mike hermes, mh tutorials, how to model in maya, modeling in autodesk maya, camera lenses, crystal glass modeling, wine caraf modeling
Id: eZs8TFoHKG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2016
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