How to make a lightsaber in Maya- FULL FREE TUTORIAL!

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[Music] hello and welcome to this installment of haruki design now let me introduce myself I'm Haruki I'm in uk-based artist from London and I like to use Maya Photoshop and those two mainly ZBrush and a few other softwares now I'm definitely going to be focusing around Photoshop on Maya predominately both for design aspects obviously for the 3d we use Maya and sometimes ZBrush and for the 2d Photoshop our Photoshop can also be used for rendering final renders of models from from Maya or we can import basic models from Maya as a base for a matte painting or as a perspective guide in Photoshop if we don't want to go today the long process with drawing our perspective guide and perspective line now I want to exercise the fact that things I'm going to show you things I'm going to share with you need these are not the one or only way of doing things these are just my way of doing things in your ways i/o techniques I've come across by using the software and they are not to be taken as like the upmost so find a word on mine now I'm still learning the software as I go as will as we all eyes was wherever level we get to we're still learning and yeah I just I've come across quite up to a few cool tips and tricks and stuff along the way and I'm going to show you them in action while we designed some stuff now I asked a few friends of mine a few a few design friends of mine and I saw what they would like to see now they mentioned the sword now I've already done a katana before if you'd like to see that or any of my other work you can go to my art station or the social medias where I post all my work all the links are down below but yeah I thought something easy to do and something you know a nice thought would be maybe a lightsaber or I like to say the hilt choices so I thought yes that's what we got let's just jump right into it because with a 1d then to my friend walk in and more time get in on it now as you saw I kicked the cylinder five five on at the top there and then I use the hotkey e to bring up the rotation tools however I have forgotten to do this now if you click here where the mouse is pointed and go to subdivision caps we want to take that down to zero and now we want to rotate now one way of one way of rotating if you want to snap to angles is to hold down Jay while you're up rotating and that way while you're rotating it's just going to snap like that perfectly and that way you don't have to worry about trying to get you know line it up with a 90 degree it's going ninety one point two ninety one point three you don't have to worry about all of that now we have the cylinder we want to make it long so I just hit R and I pull up so we're going to use this as the base of the lightsaber now I will be u I am using reference I don't usually like to bring up references on my screen or in Maya it's just generally not how I work so I'm not going to do that here I've got a couple pictures open I'm not going to make it exact to how it was in the film's it will be pretty close I'm just not gonna you know go down to every little scratch and hole and that kind of thing just so we get an idea of how to build things okay well I'm also going to do here subdivisions on the axis I'm going to turn that up just so that it's nice and wrong Kineton up to 40 okay so now we have a nice long cylinder nice and run we might need to make this a little bit longer then let's take up to about there just so that we can change that later all right so what we're going to do is we're going to need another cylinder but I don't want to go through the whole process of clicking here and then take and changing the subdivisions and blah blah blah blah blah so what I'm going to do is control D duplicate it I'm gonna we've already got the resize thing open so I'm going to do is just hold the middle one bring it up a little bit and then I'm going to resize it this way using this yellow marker until we get down to about about there okay actually maybe a little bit smaller okay so now as you can see we zoom in we've got a little bit of a nice get there maybe we can make it a little bit bigger okay that looks about right okay let's look in all of the shapes that we're going to need first before we start to do beveled edges and all that which I'll get you a little well okay we are going to need another one of these so we're going to click on that one and we are going to ctrl D again and pull that down to the end here okay we're going to go to about there and then we're going to go to the face so I so so right click and then face and then I'm going to press need other legal so eat okay what we're going to do is we're just going to take this and we're going to rotate it like this and then we're going to resize it just so that it comes out about right so that it's it looks about straight okay that's not quite right okay let's just do it again problem here being that the shape is not quite the right angle that one so why that is however doesn't mean you know you can do this again just slightly readjust it until we get the right shape you like I'm bit of a ID like to sort of do this thing do this quite a lot because I have this thing about things not being quite even and it's all exaggerated cetera by just I don't want to prolong this too much with it being a tutorial and you guys weigh in so I once went excessive amount of time on this you can play around the distance in it's perfect as much as you like I'm going to leave it about there for now so I'm going to take that and I'm going to just rotate that because we're going to leave that that let's leave LaDonna time see now we're going to need another one of these we are going to let's finger to class okay let's move it over this way first then resize it make if it's smaller like that we're going to make it a little bit bigger and then we're just going to pull it over again just so that it overlaps with that one so about there seems alright okay that's fine actually you know this made it a little bit smaller yep okay so what we've got next is we're going to take a different polygons this time a cube we are going to pull that down and we're going to resize that so we want to pull it off this way sorry if you can hear that that vibration is just my phone going off I don't know through that but it's not the time for that right now okay so we're going to pull that down come talk to like that seems alright all right so now you I'm pretty sure you can see the form coming up and it's looking a little bit more like a lightsaber than it did before all right so what we want to do we want to there is a couple of ways there's a there's some ridges that come here some very small ridges now there's a couple of different ways we can do that we can either we can take this take that face and then we can extrude make that smaller then hit G to repeat action put it out then hit G to repeat the action and make it so resize it again so that comes back up however that action can get a bit tedious so what I would what I would do is I would take one to probably take this duplicate it pull it down down to the reaches resize it so just take it back okay so what I would do here is you can't change the subdivisions from here as far as I'm aware there's no waves in it if there is please let me know in the comments below so what I'll do here is mesh tools insert ledge inside edge leak however if I do that it will insert just one wherever I click so what I will do instead of that is I'll go to edge loop I will click on the little box next to it and it will bring up this sometimes it comes up on the side sometimes and but for me it comes up as a separate window I will go to multiple edge loops now this use equal multiplier I'm just saying basically what it does is if it's on - when I click it's going to come to equal equal areas within the polygon other nests that makes sense but you're going to see one talked about in a minute now let's put a few more of them example or you can community all right let's just do about first attempt so when I click here it's going to make 10 equal segments and that's very important for what we want because we want it to be equal spaces we're going to I'm going to show you exactly now what we're going to do we're going to hit Q to come back to our arrow because if we click down again it's going to put more of these edge loops in I'm going to press I'm going to press F just to zoom into that area and I am going to right-click and go to face now I'm going to hold down shift click one box and double click the next one and it's going to make that it's going to make a ring all the way around of these selector faces and I'm going to do that the same here the same here the same here and I think let's move this across as this is really annoying me also maybe you should move this one across oh sorry guys back to faces okay so we're going to do the same thing again with this one so now we've got that what we're going to do is we are going to extrude and we are going to push the nodes now guys if you're wondering how I'm I don't know how you guys are to Maya but if you are wondering how I am moving around the campus or moving the screen around for harm zooming in or zooming out to zoom in and out I'm using a tablet a Wacom tablet i right-click which is one of the clicks on my stylus for my friend and I just Eva brush the stylus towards me on the pad or away from me to go in or out in terms of going round like this I am just clicking I'm holding down alt or command on Mac I'm not sure the thing is on PC but I'm pretty sure it should be the same and if it's not then there's nothing in the comments and I am just simply moving around my stylus so I hope that now so now we've got these bits are coming in we've got these little ridges but they look in a bit rigid they looking a bit rigid delivery you know boiler but um alright so we're going to take that we are going to move them in a little bit now you see what happens when we do that is that they all move in at the same time which is very annoying we can spend time fixing this and doing it one by one but what I would suggest instead okay yeah I suppose I suppose that probably would be the option the best option for me right now let us or actually instead about this we can take we can go into edge mode click away so that nothing selected and the way we searched the faces before by holding down shift we can do that again here just press Q to get rid of that and we're going to select all of these ridges just do that and I just double tap on them all right so now listen so now we've got all of those selected she's not sure all right cool then we will go to edit mesh and bevel and we've got some nice little going on here all right so now what we want to do is these these are these better ridges art of light they are almost like engraved into the bottom of the lightsaber so I don't want to just stick it to the end here because it would just be too long and actually I think I want this to be a little bit more interested that I think the one of these hoes is coming clear both ugly this one here on the other half so let's just do that the drunkest fan okay or you can actually if we press G a reproduction ego then okay it's looking beautiful so let's go back to object mode and we're going to move that crossing evanescent of the world we need to make the whole thing beautiful tiny little bit bigger to space good we're going to move that to about here Oh you happy so got the same so they'll still move it about there now I just want to take this one this edge and move it in today it always be easy don't go on that really makes the poet just wanna take that I'll just mother so now we've got those nice little beveled edges making these little ridges underneath just to give it that nice soft clean the metallic and also mechanical look so sorry I just had to check a message there and think about my internet alright so now we've got that there that there we want to take this face and we want to put it off so we're just gonna we'll just click that it will just click the face and then use the Move tool to pull that up now what we want to do is make this edge here beveled to give it that nice crisp looking kind of you know that that that refined look that of like it's being constructed well you know so it doesn't have these kind of like sharp edges where it looks like it's just being thrown together and so look back area to the Empire somewhere so we're going to do the same thing we're going to go to edge see okay so this might be all right so now in these cases and I'm pretty sure this is because the edge is right at the end of this knot in the middle of this the model somewhere what you're going to find is that it won't let you double click the whole rim so an easy way of just getting around that is just to drag and select all of that then shift drag and select these ones and then that will deselect those and leave that last RIM isolated now we're going to go back to bevel now as you can see it doesn't really have that effect where it weighs like a buffered roundness today to the boat up to the bevel so the way we can fix that is if we go to segments we can type in how many rows of loops through one to make it round up so let's go with let's say three and try that okay we've got that now it still seems a little bit oh that's four five all right that's my bro as you can see there's a nice rounded edge and but I feel like it might be too it might be too right okay so what happened that is as I click - wait the box for the bevel command only sorry the segments and everything the little setting box it disappeared now the best way to get that back just click on whether edges and up here you're going to have these different things and then here you've got this body bevel and you can you can just fix it from there now what I want to do sorry guys and she stole a suicide coming and going who doesn't working just go back from there they go just you look sometimes I just you know it's an early morning and I'm running on nothing right now anyway so fraction we want to turn this down so let's try 0.3 and that gives it a little bit less of a roundness in terms of like an overall runners I think we can take that down a little bit more even let's try 0.15 mm okay want to yeah that looks about right okay so now that we've got that we can work on the grips you can just take this and turn it to object mode so now we're okay in there it's looking quite good I like that I might end up changing this because I'm not to play that I don't let's see how much time we've got another one too long be into this I mean really good not that much left we just got some areas here all right well let's consider first thing to think about how this is going to work now the grips now we're going to take a cube now remember guys that when you're when you click the polygons polygons they might appear they will appear here which is 0 0 0 on the x y&z axis on the grid so it might be hidden within your model now say for example that your ma that your Polly your polygon is hidden in there and you accidentally click away now how the hell'd you get it out what we can do is we can go to wireframe mode and with wireframe mode you'll see it peeking in there and you can just pull it out and then you can just go back to shaded mode as usual just just one thing some people get stuck on sometimes now we are going to take this down and make it long we can resize it as we go those are in my experience actually not to exercise it now just for just for the sake of this so that we can get into good habit I have some bad habits on here which sometimes slow me down because you know as they say fail to plan fail to plan plan to fail now so look we I'm gonna go to about or see right there yeah that looks okay alright the sister is wide enough for us we're going to go to right there I think yeah that's alright let's bring it down to about alright that's about right let's just put out here for a minute now what we want to do is I put a press F is using to it we want to go back to our mesh tools and put insert edgeloop we want to press the box because it's still going to be on the 10 we don't want 10 what we want really is 2 so we're going to take it down to 2 and then click on we've got two perfect edge gibster so I'm going to press Q and then go to your face click the middle one and then extrude and as I pull that up looks about right write it up too much and yeah we can we can do some slight adjustments on it we can bring it in a little bit like that and we're also bringing in just to give it some nice little finesse let's take these edges so do Hajin our shift up and fill it more for one take down these edges here that one and that one and then leaving these one person now remember we don't want these these are the here we just want the edges that are like on the outer edge doesn't need the bottom ones it's just these ones and then possibly these ones go because we're just going to bed with them just to give them us just to give them a little bit of a a nice refined look I'm going to go to edit mesh again and bevel and that's that level looks about right I think we can work with that yeah that is fine right we can go to object mode we can now push that to about there and the way we can make sure that it's sort of like Center this if we go over here now if you'll notice here on the bottom corner but Nene said axis Y and X so X is going that way towards the like the direction of the lights over there Zed is going off now here to the right and the Y is going up to the top now with as we're talking about this line along here we want to talk about the x-axis right so easier so gonna click the Z and zero and that's it and that brings it perfectly to the middle now what we want to do is we want to take we want to take that and then we're going to hit e to rotate and then we're going to hit B and what D does is it allows us to move our pivot point so as I move this down to here hopefully here we're on the sent off let's just take that into let's take it into here run it and see if that's all right so say that's the center duck what happens what we want to do here is we wanted it to be in the center so that when we do go back to hitting a light in here right now when we rotate hopefully it will stay along the edge of the light saber and that way we can get a perfect rotation so that when we do duplicate now so okay let me hit control D to duplicate and then I'm gonna shift this round a little bit like that let's take it to about let's rotate it to about 145 degrees all right and then let me see if this is going to work shift D yep if you keep hitting shifty shifty shifty shifty shifty now what you thought what you've just done by hitting shift D is you have repeated the duplication to repeated the action again unlike the dmg this one example to show what the difference is but I'm what I'm what we use it for is when you make a duplication and move something across you hit shift D and you'll do that exact same communication over and over and over and over again however many times you want now the reason I did it as at 45 degrees was to get the angle so that when it does go all the way around it stays in perfect with perfect spacing and that way we can just get around having to reposition things and it's a nice quick simple way of doing things as you can see now it's really coming together and yeah we haven't done we haven't spent hours upon hours doing anything so I think it's looking pretty good so far I'm quite happy with it right so what else do we need we need another one of these if we go down here too and press up now we're just tweaking and make making small little details and stuff so we hit shift D and we are going to add a little bigger make that smaller maybe that's too big so there that's fine and then bring that down it can make it a little bit all right that's fine yeah that looks about right cool all right this likes little screw that goes here all right we can do it the lazy way and duplicate duplicate this or we can just all right I'm not going to stray away too far from where I do things I just this is just the way I do things so you know some people might have a problem with my lazy tactics but either so if you have got a problem with it deal with it man all right cool so we're going to just shrink that down really small just today sort of the size of the screw okay pull out so you can see what we'll do might be a bit too small up but I move that down and down and move the end the new texture that comes out about there that looks about right cool so we can move that along the z-axis to zero once again Oh does it pop in the right so it's not perfect that thing is not perfectly aligned to the center oh we could just you know we can just take all of these and do you really want to do that now not complicate things all right what can do that just make it a little bit bigger this I feel like it just needs to have a little bit more size on it and make it slightly bigger even move that up looks about right for you all right I'm going to move it to about the can look at it in this off gives us good knowledge review award in assignments seems about right let's take these um let's take the edges now what we could work before we can do just for this one it's just highlight the whole thing or select the whole thing and then shifts and select those ones to let it deselect and then we have those two sides selected those two edges and then we are going to bevel those we are going to turn the segment to about or receive five again rhinoceros we're going to take a fraction up a little bit actually not we're not going to do that we are going to we are going to leave it at that I think that looks about right yep that looks perfect I guess it mostly all flap it in the middle there just to give the to give it a sense of it being like a sort of like an ever available something all the rivets sometimes the holes a little not mind right um see what else we've got now this is really bothering me uh it's really really bother me so let's see if we can do something about that okay let us make a [Music] okay let's make a cylinder here let's go to this little tab here and then probably cylinder and then take the caps down to zero let's take the subdivision axis up to fourteen just tear that roundness again and let's see if it makes a difference this time when we are rotating let's take this put on face and let's make this smaller and I'm not kind of gives us a bit more of a hopefully same thing happened there okay nevermind I'm not going to spend my time trying to figure out the mechanics of this one right no here I've done this before and I just right now I am stumped I started you that be there I don't know one it doesn't look too bad so I'm not too upset with that what we can do is take out the face and we can get you to do let's give the whole thing a I am ask your girl's death then we want to take that and we're going to resize it so it's smaller than brown underneath yes if we will take this all right that's fine let's see that you want to - we won - actually not let's try it one more thing I'm experimenting well um while I'm trying to consistent or better but that link really bothers me right and this is you know honestly to be honest this is what and this is how I learn and this is kind of like how I've got to stage I am NOT now because I don't I don't I don't just give up on certain things you know I don't like to just leave stuff it yourself that looks not quite right I don't like to just leave it anything ice okay whatever you know just move on I don't like to do that and the thing is if I do do that it needs me in a position where I feel like I'm not pushing myself to learn not pushing myself to achieve so you know it's a good way it is definitely a very good way of learning I think personally so let's go to this oh by the way guys this thing I'm doing here I'm hitting spacebar and it's bringing up my top view front view side view and my perspective view perspective view is where you can move around it and have a look around whatever and then the top view is only the top this is only the front and this is only the side and what that does is just it allows you to have a this is where you do your general buildin and these three here are way you can do precise movements and see things properly without having to worry if your view point is off slightly in the perspective view so let's go to the front let's click that one and f cool let's go to multi cut and see if this works okay not do that stick through here boom okay hopefully that should have all right that looks about right so let's go to faces we're gonna take one of these faces we want to take those let's make sure that everything else is selected that we want to get rid of perfect perfect guys perfect per frequents right see much spa I wouldn't have to settle for that we can get rid of this face here boom gone alright so we can do is we can go to object mode we can extrude it a little bit just to give it a little bit of absolutely what's going on man what is going on here what is going on see what's happening so looks like we missed our faces yep we have as you can see these tiny little faces can be the death of us and this software and we don't want that so we are going to get rid of that and that's awesome okay we have still got like this is this let's see I see let's see let's see sometimes this thing is a bit crazy something and again shorts going on there our candy let's take these faces and see if we can extra dose yeah alright that works cool so we've solved that problem cool so now we can get rid of this annoying guy what the hell is going on there alright run over southern death by this dude again Street let's move that across sweep it - on the z-axis or to zero this is [Music] it's not me thrown forward as were two faces and we want to select the outer room so what of that and I'm gonna just teasing it for Laura oops sorry bus all right perfect we're going to move the end now move that into there and just like that sorry guys about all of that mess but I just couldn't leave that as it was that's nice and much much about tomorrow I feel better about myself now all right let's just make this maybe a little bit bigger now would make sense as that shouldn't be protruding out way more than that perfect okay so now what we've got here is all right we're going to take this we are going to duplicate it with a control D again we're going to move it to here and then just do this in the front view here if let's go to faces and let's take these faces actually I'm sorry let's take mmm just think I'll just come work let's take this and see what all right cool all right let's fine we can take these movies no con oh can I take this just to get that from let's just look at this as to leave the front as well all right so we're going to take we are going to I know alright cool so we're just going to do this and then we are going to do the it's called the extrude so extrude is just head all right cool we're going to object mode select that we're going to bring that down we're going to make it smaller because for some reason no mine that didn't work out how I wanted it to so we're just gonna have to do this one so we're going to move this in and then what we're going to do is we are going to take a insert edgeloop bar but that's still on - we don't want to we want one actually no let's just keep - all right cool fun now we want to take when I hit Q so that we can get this we want to take this guy and this guy and we want to just move them down like that and then that looks about right just going to hit the risk or two I'll move them here a little bit we're going to take these three grass and these three goes and without that I hit where the restor children just moved them out and a little bit just so that we can get a little bit not a very nice answer we can add in one more you can add in one more round edge loop so we just go back to relative difference directly the relative distance from edge so that brings us back to our original set of it and we can do that and and then you're just going to take that edge and just about see it shift and select eyes to what and then you're just going to bring gaze up just a little bit so I'm going to do the same with that one and that one and I love it now generally guys what we should really be doing is we should be lining them up with the we should be lining them up with the ones on here now okay you know let's do that because I don't want to make this tutorial and then have you know everyone doing the wrong thing and etc etc etc so let's just go to vertex we're going to pull these three votes project it down here we're going to pull these three vertices down a little bit as well so what you're going to find is you have this and this we are going to combine them but combine them so it makes it into sort of like one tool put one one object for now then we're going to hit vertex there and we've lined up the vertex is a little bit we can should have done is taken that one up to the that one up to the that on up to there and just need clean Amish we can sort of new things around a little bit later on so what we have to do is the same thing over here - whoops and one so control D - okay so lift out there just so that we're lining up these vertexes with each other so that when we now in a minute merge them they merge correctly as are they merge to the right vertex is enough so what we want to do now just want to go back to this side to the side view here and we want to take those which should in effect be exactly the same on the other side although we can't see it and then if we go to edit mesh and merge hopefully when we move this vertex it should be stuck together cool so that's generally how it should be done sometimes I get naughty and these all the way which is a very lazy way of ridding you doing it so now what now what we can do is we can go back to vertex again just officially turn it and then all right so we're going to highlight this and hopefully that should have highlighted put a light behind there I'm going to highlight this one I'm going to just move it just to give it a bit more of a rounded - okay [Music] all right cool let's just make four [Music] that's some sings in love sign looks all right to me yeah it's done if anything else like that so what we do have is this gap under here now I would say let's just let's do something about that but for time sake I don't think we need to and what we do need to do now is one more it's pretty much just one more little [Music] box thing on top and then throw in a few screws and it should be almost done [Music] just take these boxes for like these wanna find flatten the solar ready for a box [Music] [Music] okay and I'm going interested and you load up I think that is how you extract that little one needs to come up a little bit just to soak flat now that looks about right cool all right so that looks good what we're going to do now let's just make this oops that's my dad into object mode we're gonna take a sphere I sorry yeah a cube we're going to resize it cool cool we're going to resize it that way we're going to push it long just sits underneath up cool we can fix that in a bit just and get up doesn't after zooming okay so what were it seems we need to do is go back to the other two different edges on we can bring up those two edges what we need to do is just flatten out more because it's not quite it's not really very see perfect beautiful that looks a lotta right so what we need to do now is make sure that let's just take that to object mode click on this one and then bring that up just stood isis in directly underneath that looks far alright let's make it a little bit wider well yeah cool looks perfect alright this looks good to me yep that looks right all right piccolo and my legs so we want to do is just take these masterless and both of these two edges [Music] level segments honesty five again me cool time now what we have here is pretty much the whole base of the lights ago and I said looking pretty lightsaber rush right now let's see so alright let's just take this that up if somebody does locate from this side we can do is click we've taken this we've done face mode we've clicked on this face so it's turned green that's how you know it's it's selected red means it's not green yes red when you stop screams you know that having right we're going to extrude and then go to resize we're going to resize it well why's it doing that we're going to be there want it again so we've just selected that one day I missed it again so extrude and resize I should be working out perfect nice lovely thank you all all right cool taking it to about there then what we want to do is let's just take in a little bit by pressing G we've just repeated the the extrude and we've just taken a little bit there and then maybe what we can do is just hit G to do the extrude again resize it do it like that and then instead of resizing it again we just push it we can just push it back and that will just give a nice little sort of feel to the inside of the lightsaber you know sometimes that that little bit there just can give it that kind of feel like oh there's something going on within the lightsaber you know all right so now what we want to do is we want to make some some screws now the lightsabers have quite strange screws they're like they're more like knobs they're more like the little twisty screw not things they're little justice or whatever so what we can do is we can take a cinder let's move the out here let's do the same thing again by making a sub cups 0 and then increasing the subdivision axis I don't actually need this up do don't need to this is so smooth let's just take it to tell you that should be fine what we want to do this is press f tails in it I want to do is resize and in push it down either about that then what we want to do again face take that face there and then put okay and then we want to just put all let's just reset this for me besides if my breath and you pull it down and then all right that looks about right let's just push off a little bit just play it wrong with things until they look for until they look you know as perfect as can be for our liking all right cool so what we want to do from the top here is extrude and then just lift it up and then instantly what you have is a little piece like that now what we can do but I think we'll probably look quite nice is if we extruded the bottom here and just put that down just to give a little gap between the sloping angle there and the bottom of the thing this is going to be really small birds remember this so you know you don't want to put too much too much into it although the small details you know often do make the piece it might be an enemy I mean for me I'm all about small details I love that and if I spend a lot of time on this and I'd probably do every scratch on this piece on this lightsaber and I might actually play around this with this after this tutorial and like I said guys a feeling if you want to see any more work I'm going to leave all my links below to my social media I have an art station you can check out things on there most of my stuff will go on there straight away Twitter you can contact Melanie a kind of Instagram picture so let's just take this to zero just to the X my system the middle we're going to place that around about this is this here right cool yes okay see this is coming together guys we're doing this it's coming together right this isn't get up a big - put it up sit up we done missed up the wall thing we don't move on to make it to give it a little bit of feeling see how that little bit at the bottom there it gives it that feel like this is actually gonna this is actually here you know to turn rather than it's just sort of stuck on bus Cebu it just gives it that little bit of a feeling like you know there is some sort of function to this alright so we've got a couple more screws to go another one which is similar to that alright let's just do it here let's do the same thing again where now you guys should be a cylinder experts all right cool let's just uh take that down to about oh I don't know about there let's subdivision access to take up to a three like that all sounds it seems about right alright cool so now we're going to just do a bit more extruding so we are going to press extrude and then resize just so get in there then we are going to go to move move to by pressing W put that down yo cool then we're going to press G to repeat the extrude we're going to pull that down a little bit let's see we're going to press G again and then rescale but risco is our remember guys risk L is our wrote a is e and moving around is a w article so we're going to press G to bring this down I think this should be smaller so let's just make that smaller let's go to the bottom face there we're going to press G to repeat that again rescale and just make it bigger then we're going to press move to pull it out a little bit and then G to repeat again it's a little repeat in avis all right cool and then from the maybe we can just do one more G pull it down and then rescale it so that it flows are right back and that looks about right cool so just like that we made a nice technical looking piece technical impatiens out of a nightclub and off in London go sit miss ball the increase all right let's go down let's resize that put it down reset again maybe I'll bring it down so we are happy with that I think that looks well right let's just shift it into the sent us almost there anyway and yeah that looks about good palace Thanks all right cool now we have one more tea wherever more see then take one of these as follows but that's just me I just take two longer it so cool subdivision traps access to 30 now you can you can change this according to what you need if you thought if you want to make a low poly version of this channel just don't push up the subdivisions too much otherwise your poly count is going to go up now as you can see here you're the whole body card Roman is all you know I saw display today all the edges where it sees etc etc etc if this isn't here then all you need to do is go to see if I can remember this correctly so display to digitally turn them a little heads up this way that's the one so display heads-up display and then down to polygon and this will bring up this little box here or this little information panel I'll give you all your information so you can keep track of what you're doing now generally I don't I mean I watch it but because I do love flat images I don't worry too much about polygons it's only from doing 3d models for the sake of 3d models and I start worrying about body cancel one not so so that it doesn't go out of control but if I'm just if I'm doing this kind of thing and I want to make a flat image I want to make a map painting from it because I do turn generally tend to get quite technical and quite detailed with my models for map paintings so I won't really I don't really care about the body count in that case just because it's not going to affect the final result high bodies can affect the final result when it's used as a 3d model in various different ways now we can go over that in another tutorial so as we go here and put this here we're just gonna oh sorry one run we are going to hit face get the top face there extrude resize as we have been doing you guys must be real exposed to this right now G to repeat goes down G to repeat resize go in and slightly G to repeat come up and then we can we can do that all we can get a home time maybe actually no it's not let's leave out that because that it needs something just to it just needs a nice little piece there so let's just take that move it end move in here a little our thumb thumb up here down here go here and hit the zero bring it to the center nice centered piece let's just make it bit smaller and then let's just sink it into the being so that looks like some sort of river exit right all right cool looks like this no I think there should be something going on here let's do that again it won't take too so what we can do let's put the face let us live a little bit ago partner this is your face let's go to they should to go back to this multiple one two is good for us right now do that okay so we're going to go to resize and that's just going to push out those two they're just lilac guys just like that and then we are going to put in another sorry guys what's going on here gee why is that my working maybe that is not going to work okay so let's just pause a moment what's going on guys what is good blue eyes [Music] and let's just do it this way yeah cool so let's just take let's just make this a an object just resize it in let's bring it down for a minute okay okay it's got two faces what we want to get the faces all around the edge cool we want to extrude those so what is going on here me always going on all right number one let's just take these faces one here one here here here and here let's actually not let's take those ones so does I like said I'm just working this out as I'm going with you guys I just wanna I'm just really truly just proving the point that you know we can do things that we don't plan but we do plan that I mean to a certain extent we plan but we can work things out as we go I'm not here to come with like a premade tutorial and start lecturing and then be like oh this is how it's done and it's perfect every time is not how it works this is let's talk about things in the real world that's just not how things work so I don't want to come and be like you know this is just this is this is the way it's going to happen every time every single time I do something it's going to come out absolutely perfect the first time around no it's just not that's just not going to it's not going to happen and if that's going to happen to somebody then boy you know you deserve to be employed right now by the biggest games company in the world hands down no questions asked and I'll say that alcohol screaming but it's not going to happen so alright let's just leave that as that is movement can just take in an obit just just I think it was just it was proceeding too much all right that looks for a nice lettuce it just gives it a little bit of that sort of tactile feel you know like things are not too plain thing you know it's not thrown together and right I know that the light saber generally it has a few holes here and there it's got some little side holes etc and we can put those in if you like mmm did you did you do we don't really need to be honest because then we're going to start getting into the to the nitty gritty kind of like little bits and bobs and all this stuff and it's just going to start taking this time and take it you know it's just there's no need for it okay cool there is one more thing I think we should put here and that is the buckle the dealy holder here the ring um okay cool what we can do is we can just take a a cube we need to resize it [Music] alright that looks like this superfish Trudie too much [Music] that looks fun that looks about right that looks about right all right cool and then we can I mean now there's a couple of different ways of doing this we can take a torus one of these and we can know there are various different ways of doing this and my way is probably probably only one of the crappiest ways of doing it anyway you don't think I just turn read ten tables like this kind of method of resizing incident kind of like couple of the way it is now I'm going to make into this kind of shape the theme I'll be ever now of the world yeah I'm gonna make into that kind of shape for now I'll talk about resizing the thickness there is there's gotta be a better way than it's what I do but my way it works me so for now I'm too fast I like I said guys if you no better way then by the wings let us not don't keep the Sigma don't keep us in the back although right now looks like we are part about that being affiliated today we can do that really sings 501 a DVD is add a couple more edges when I go back over there we move east out just to get whoops look at that one and it goes out there that seems fine all right cool I want to take that one that one you have a word that is why you be gone these like that we are only mythical or these let's try beveling them and see if that gives us a nice you know a rounded thing yeah not yeah that works for all right cool that seems about right so we can take that we can move that down - right there you want to make sure that it's resting that I want to make it go on it to go in volunteer sir alright guys so as you can see this our holder there and just like that it seems that we have a nice light say we're going on so alright let's render this let's take the whole thing keep it up a little bit let's take a a plane they put it on pain aware and we are going to just make that huge way up what we're going to do is we are going to start applying some materials or some textures now these these bits here they are Crona over there in second that wouldn't you there's one more thing that we have to read the other side be the other time we need to add the suspicion or imagination but you don't [Music] down because this should be who sweep this down [Music] cool so this one this one this this and that they should all be from that folder assign new material and so the birth I switch on my phone plug-in manager now you will need mentalray for this guy's mental ray used to come with my er if I'm not mistaken but now it's a separate plugin I will leave the link down below it's free and when you do get you need to install it and then it's made by this company here in a villa if I'm saying and pronouncing alright then you need to go down to you need to go into your plugin manager which is Windows settings preferences plugin manager and when you go get to that you come down all the way to near the bottom until you find this here mentalray blah blah blah press loaded and auto load for some reason mine doesn't also load all the time so what it doesn't I just have to do this but that's all good umm right so assign new material you're going to go here mi a material underscore X then we're going to first three sets put those are you guys run one we're going to go to the material side okay so so you click on the server there click on presets so presets chrome replace now I'm gonna go for the black chrome now don't worry guys you see it here it looks like a black material it's not trust me we're going to click this this all of these ones now these ones oops remember these are rubbers rubber material as far as ammo so we are going to go back to that same material a material under Squared's we're going to click on it it should be x2 because this second one of the presets and we're going to go down to rubber and replace and that's going to make it a nice rubber material and then this and this this [Music] time to get a little bit closer just to where am i hiding so those ones there we can give those we can really do it for folks can do it for this one and this one and this one and we can give this it's like a plastic Siamese you throw let's close up this one again oh oh sorry guys presets okay let's see we've got here a map fact I'm a plastic which is clearly not over we want a glossy plastic that is probably closer to what we want although if we really want to do this correctly it shouldn't be that one it should be this this this this it can be difficult to select with some of this sometimes good you end up selecting everything other than what you want alright cool so these ones here we can go to assignments or new material and then go here and then go to a glossy plastic replace that and then we want to make that black this one it we need to have this as more of a matte black so we're going to go to do the digital do again same thing again presets and then like a map to map left map plastic finish and replace that and again all black now this one this one we can make it into we can go to the same thing again and we can give it a copper maybe I think they look quite nice and yep buzzers alright this one I think we should make this Chrome like the other one so if we just right click again this is all right clicking right away you know and just look mini comes up there so we'll go to not at Munich new material but we had the first mentor that we sit down with the chrome so it's just one here I just happen to know that I mean sometimes they can get a bit confusing and awesome I suppose we can I suppose we could do the same for this one as well all right cool so we can be dissin for that right so we're going to make the ground here we're going to make this a a fun game and it is a digital to do some mean to all right cool funky and we can make it with make it white now what we have the options doing now is doing something called a go down to mental ray we're go to see and we can create some people image based lighting and if we click this little thing here this is going to come up and when we click on this is why I hate gay alright files are in my face so what we're going to have is a gonna for example an old industrial processing okay so welcome nut we're going to go to the history oh no you're not mmm converted a paragraph those two from the light that's fine alright cool so we've done that I'm going to go to quality show advanced settings we're going to go to legacy options switch on global illumination final government if you want to expert for this stuff there's a guy there's a barrel online here by the name of Mike Herman he is really good at estaba amazing at this hey cro like based stuff anyway so um overall quality let's pump that up to about this one up to about one for now common we wanna push this up to HD 1080 cool let's close that for now let's create a light for the studio ambient light let's pull that up and away for now and set that to about 0.1 cool let's create another light let's create a C let's create a alright let's do an every way so we've got that the area light now let's explain something about this area light the area light is like a square that's almost like the black back for nothing and then the little line that comes out of it that's the direction of the light so we want to do is rotate it now what you can do also is if you press T it will give you this little thing here and if you move that that is where the light is gonna shine so if we move this up out and about then it's just going to follow and it's going to carry on point into exactly where you're exactly where this point is that you've placed down so we can do that let's move that over there who convey justice resize it a little bit I think should be a bit bigger let's take it down a little bit to about add another plane this 2.6 all right cool let's go back in here for a minute I've applied output transport transform to render and 2.2 go - you do I do am i right call us so let's have a look at what we have done so far if this render takes too long guys and I'll just I'll pause the video and come back but then I don't know how long the same thing exactly as you can see it's coming up quite nice not too shabby at all there are many different things that you can add into this you can change bits you can move this around you can add bits and take this away as much as like the point of what I'm doing today and the point of what I've sort of okay this is the way it's come out now hopefully if I save this image I'll save it on my desktop for now I just like saver if I just save it hopefully it should come up in the way the latitude where are you sir right yeah so what we can do for now let's see what this I think what this whole tutorial was about was just to give you an insight into how things work how simple little movements and how little you need to sort of like do in order to start doing this stuff you know because some of the stuff can come out looking really amazing by just doing the slice little things you know I mean it doesn't take so much to get to this to get something like this lights a book now this looks pretty good it doesn't look too showy it can look a lot better yeah for sure I mean we've only spent a little bit of time on it and yeah I mean this is this is this is what it's about don't don't overthink things don't be scared of the software jump into it and just go with the flow just be creative you know and that's the main thing now I will be doing some more of this kind of tutorial I would like to know what you guys want to see that would be very helpful because that way I can kind of like work around the things that you guys want need and wherever whatever you need to address don't be afraid to contact me in any way through any of my social medias and yeah until next time I hope this was beneficial and I hope you enjoyed it thank you very much for watching please remember to subscribe remember to subscribe remember to like remember to comment and yeah stay in contact thanks a lot see ya [Music] you
Channel: Haruki Design
Views: 3,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya, autodesk maya, maya tutorial, tutorial, 3d, modelling, lightsaber, starwars, darkside, jedi, sith, build, how to, how to build, full, free
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 51sec (5811 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2017
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