Mouse Modeling in Maya | 3D Modeling

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go to top view select EP curve tool create a curve Hold right Mouse button select control vertex to adjust the shape of the curve scale tool, to arrange these vertices in straight line adjust the vertices to get the mouse shape. Hold Right Mouse button chose object mode to select the curve go to perspective view duplicate this curve move up Right Mouse button, choose control vertices adjust the control vertex to get the shape take EP curve tool enable snap to curve option create a curve from one curve to second curve **carefully check whether the curve is snapping to the curve or not** create cuve this side also adjust the shape of the curves select the curve and press F to frame the object adjust the shape of the curves create one more curve and adjust it now choose birail tool for birail we need 2 path curves and at least one profile curve we have 3 profile curves(vertical curves) so we have to choose Birail 3+ select profile curves press enter now select path curves surface has been created reverse the normals now Delete the history create a layer and assign selected objects V - Visibility ON / OFF visibility off to hide the object again create a curve to create the top surface of the mouse don't forget to snap Curves adjust the shape of the curve press 3 to smooth the curve create a cruve between these two curves adjust the shape of the curve in front view both path curves should not meet each other so, we have to cut the curves Hold Right Mouse button on the curve and choose edit point to cut the curve click on the curve where you want to cut the curve hold shift and click here also to choose one more edit point choose detach option to detach the curve at edit points now we have 3 curves choose biraiil 3+ and select the profile curve first press enter and select path curves to create a surface reverse normals visibility on in layers window Now delete the history go to top view duplicate the surface enter the value scale x "-1" select the isoparms of both the edges Loft to create a surface between to curves reverse normals create a curve for path of the cord create a circle for radius of the cord select the circle, Hold Shift and select the path curve extrude reverse normals adjust the circle radius to change the readius of the cord place it properly go to top view create a circle to make a hole on the mouse scale it move it to the correct place scale it again select the circle and top surfaces go to the top view project curve on surface the circle has been projected on these surfaces select the surface and trim it select the place where you want surface trim this side also create a sphere rotate 90 degrees scale it go to side view place it properly choose hull mode and select and cale it select trim edges duplicate surface curves change pivot poing (hold D to change the pivot point) scale it select trim edge and the curve then loft create other side also adjust the curves adjust the placement of the wheel 89 00:10:22,460 --> 00:00:00,000 delete all the curves
Views: 32,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mouse modeling using nurbs, mouse modeling in maya, create a mouse in maya, how to model mouse, mouse tutorial in maya, maya nurbs modeling, computer mouse modeling in maya, mouse modeing, modeling a mouse, nurbs modeling in maya, computer mouse modeling, how to model 3d mouse, surface modeling in maya, 3d mouse modeling, mouse modeling using surface, maya surface modeling beginners, create 3d mouse in maya
Id: hsr88zdBZLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2016
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