Maya Modeling Tutorial For Beginners: Step by Step Tutorial

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I think as 3d modelers we all want to get to that point where we could effectively model that supercar but before we tackle that Lambo we have to face the level 1 sub boss the soda can will first start a 3d model of Maya it could be a challenge to find those first models to tackle we want to select a model that's easy enough for us to complete and not get stuck but challenging enough where we learn new techniques and we feel proud of the model that we created a soda can is one of those models it has a simple silhouette yet enough details at the top to pose a challenge if you first started a 3d model so I picked out the model I created the tutorial I even did the blueprints for you you want to get better at 3d modeling right so let's get to work crank up Maya and follow along in this Maya modeling tutorial for beginners what's going on you 3d modeling beast this is a um you see and welcome to my Maya modeling tutorial for beginners so how this video came about is my boy Josh Lewis another jail came through in the comments section and asked for a step-by-step tutorial on 3d modeling a simpler object so that got my brain spinning a little bit and I thought about that soda can so I started to search for blueprints online I wanted to find high-res blueprints that we would be able to stick in the viewport without any shadows highlights or distracting information and we could follow along with the shape and the contours of that soda can couldn't find any so I bust out Adobe Illustrator and I created my own so your boy jail is putting in some work and if you guys have any ideas for future videos don't hesitate to drop them in the comment section down below as you can see I do good ideas from you guys on the next set of videos to create next so without further ado let's get on with the video alright so we're gonna go ahead and start the first thing that you need to do is create a project and then put the blueprints image in the source images directory of Maya that's basically where when you try to load up the image planes that's where Maya will try to source it and then you will go to project window and you see that I already created it so you gotta hit new here and just name the project whatever you want and then all these folders you probably won't use them unless you're doing a huge production in our case we won't but we'll go ahead and just hit accept and then it'll create that project structure and just make sure the blueprints are in the source images folder so I'm gonna go here and jump to my for views I'll go ahead and expand the front and then I'll go to view image plane import image and there you see that our image blueprints is there and that's where Maya is looking in the source images so we'll go ahead and select the image hit open and there it is so just as a rule of thumb I like to basically have my objects below the ground plane and actually centered so we'll go ahead and do that I'll enable my gizmo and I'll go ahead and make sure that this is on the ground and then I'm gonna move this over and I'm gonna make sure that this is almost pretty much in the middle so that looks about right and then we'll jump over to the top view which is right here I'm hitting spacebar to jump in and out of the windows and I'll do the same thing so I'll go to view image plane import image get the blueprint hit open and there it is now I'll go ahead and do the same thing for the top so something that could happen is when you're working sometimes like if we're here we zoomed in and we want to get the gizmo we could actually move our gizmo if we hit the D key you know it will allow us to move our pivot so I'm actually just gonna move that pivot of the image plane closer to this I'll hit the W key to enable or move and then now you see that I'm actually moving the image from that pivot point which is kind of handy especially when you close in I'm gonna create a volume to make sure that the top and the side are actually lined up I'm not gonna use this to model but just make sure that everything lines up the way it should before I begin to create the model so I'm gonna go to create polygon primitives I'll create a cylinder and here I had this hot kid is all why so from now on I'm just gonna hit my hockey but anytime that you have to create a cylinder you can go and do a via the menus this way as well so here it is same thing with my verts usually you just right click to select your vertices or components I just have verts hotkey to the number one on my keyboard so I'm gonna just expand this go to object mode which I have high heat as well but you can right click and go to object mode if you need to enable the scale tool and I'm just gonna go ahead and scale this down a little bit and what we could also do is if you ever have the height basically where you want it let me actually do that first so I'm just gonna wind this up right so for a long time I didn't know that basically these little blue dots here actually constraint what axis ease you're working in so if we take this and we want to make it wider and we just scale up you see that we're getting the width that we want but the height that we don't so I'm gonna undo this and what we could do is just grab it from here so with this little box it's gonna do it's gonna let us work in the X and the Z believed the Y alone so it's kind of nifty to be able to just go in here and now we're scaling while constraining to those two axes ease so that looks good so now what we can do is we don't want this to be visible in the 3d viewport we're primarily just gonna use our ortho graphics for this so what we could do is go in here and we'll go to show and we'll take off image planes right so in our perspective view the image planes are not visible so here we don't want them selectable right cuz oftentimes we're working here we're selecting this and that could be a pain so usually what I do with the image planes here I'm going go to classic I'll select this first one here actually I should be able to select both so I'll shift click select both layers I'm sorry both image planes I'll go to layers and create layer from selected and then here I'll just go ahead and name this wrath for reference save this and then I'll go ahead and take off the select ability by setting this to the R which means the reference so now if we deselect and try to select this we can't right you can't select this one or this one so that's ultimately the setup that we want and our geometry still have selectable all right so something I want to talk about real quick is I noticed that there was a little bit of pixelation going on in the image so if what Maya tries to do is save resources or clamp down your texture resolution and if you have a higher res image like we do here then if you're seeing some pixelation on your image planes what you could do is go to render and then if you're using V port 2.0 which I recommend you can go to the option box here and if we take this down to like a low value so let's just do that and then you see how it gets blurred so this image like the widest resolution it's about almost 4,000 so I'm gonna put in 4,000 here and I'll hit select and there we go so we sharpened this up so that should clear up some of the pixelation that you're getting on your image plane so I'm gonna go ahead and start off from the top this area has a little bit more detail and then the body is gonna be kind of a little bit simpler so this is gonna have more geometry here so I'll start out with this I also have my can right here that I'll be kind of looking at down from time to time so and I recommend you just finding a can so just visually have right and that way you could see the shapes a little bit better but I'm gonna go ahead and start and just really examine this shape and I'm gonna look at this and I know that I'm gonna need a round shape here right so I'll go ahead and go to create polygon primitive and I'll get my cylinder then I'll go ahead and move it here right and I'll go ahead and scale it and looking at the divisions here this should have 20 right that's kind of what my are defaults to so I'm gonna go ahead and plop them down here so you see that we're getting this nice follow through here with the shape and then these points right here are the only ones that we have to tweak and right about here it's gonna be about 10 I'm just really thinking about how all the math is gonna basically fan out but actually I think I like the number of divisions here so let's do a couple things I'm gonna go ahead and take this I'll hold down tab and I'll go ahead and paint these faces here I'll go to select and then we could inverse the selection and delete so this is all we really need to start modeling this piece so here I'll enable my verts and what I'll actually do is I'll hit D again V to vert snap and sometimes it could be finicky so there we go I would just click on the verge instead of trying to drag out and then enable scale again and what I'll do from here is I'll go ahead and just kind of nudge it out the way a little bit and I'm really just trying to get this curvature to follow so on this last vert I'm gonna take this and then just move it and right there so we have that nice curve already pretty much done with polygons so from here I'll go ahead and take this edge I'll do a control e which is extrude so if you want to go via the menus it is right there under edit mesh extrude and then I'll go ahead and hit W and just drag out and I'll go right about here where this starts to curve again and then I'll get a I'll get this vert and put it right about here so what we could do is undo Y which is gonna create another cylinder but this shape is a little bit bigger right so we probably want to use a little bit more subdivisions so I'm gonna go back to 36 kind of evaluate the shape so let's go ahead and drag this out and that looks pretty good and then I'll go ahead and kind of scale it this way so I'm getting that nice curvature right about here so we'll do the same thing so I'll go to my face mode I'll hold down tab and I'll go ahead and paint this little section here and then I'll go to select and then we'll do inverse and delete the rest right so now all we have to do is pretty much combine this well we do have a little bit of a curvature here which I didn't get but we'll go ahead and manually place that so I'm gonna go ahead and select this object in this object and we'll go to mesh and combine and I have this as control - control + 2 separate so I'll be doing that from now on but you could do it if you need to do that it's under the mesh so we'll go mesh combine we'll go ahead and select these two edges here I'll shift and right click and then I'll go to bridge right so it bridge those two faces right here we go so under mesh tools multi-cut alright so I got the multi-cut so what we can do here is I want to drop this edge little bright in the middle so with the multi-cut enabled if you hold down control you can see that were able to drop loop and if we middle mouse click we drop it in the middle of those two edges so now I'll go to vert mode move this right here and get that curvature and looks like we could do this again so I'll hit em I'll do the same thing middle mouse click while holding out alt middle mouse click while holding down alt go in here and just and what I want to do is actually do this at the same time cuz I won't be as precise as possible all right so here are looking at this shape what I want to do essentially is pull an edge from here and push it backwards now there's a couple things we could do one of them is basically this so we'll go ahead and just get this edge loop here because this energy I'm a tree here with the poles it can become an issue so I'm just adding my selection here and now that I have this edge I can go ahead and just extrude out oops so I want to go ahead and play with the offset well if you finding your values are jumping around too much you couldn't hit down ctrl on your keyboard and that will get you you know a more incremental change it'll actually go up or down slower if you hold down ctrl and scrub left to right too much just cut this out for the time being so we're going to delete these faces and then I'll go here and select this edge loop shift click select this guy here and now we can do another extrude and we'll play with the offset and we'll go in this way now we have that perfect thickness and now what we want to do is start building out this shape right here right this cut that's actually where the soda can is open so what we could do is we could try to basically use these edges here and if we really wanted to on this we couldn't nudge this together to better kind of hug this curve so what I'll do is I'll select both of these edges and we could just move randomly but I'd rather use this edge to actually move so I hate D on my keyboard to enable my pivot edit I did you see that we have an align button or a line symbol come up so if we just go ahead and we can go ahead and align it this way or what we could do is if we hold down ctrl you see it changes to orient so now if we click this edge now we're oriented to this edge right here now we can go to move and we'll just go ahead and push this way and you see how nice that movement is and we'll go ahead and repeat the same thing for this one so we'll hit D again we'll hold down ctrl and then we'll click orient on that edge we'll hit W to enable the move tool and then we'll go ahead and move it right there and we're right there or we need to be ok so what we're gonna do next is pretty much build out this hole right here so what I did essentially is and let's make this a little bit easier on the eye so I'll go 5 here to turn on wireframe I'm sorry just shaded mode but I'll go to shading and enable x-ray right so it allows us to see kind of the underneath blueprints with this thirty six sided cylinder I basically just squished it a little bit and now we're pretty much capturing this curve from this line right here that goes underneath this tab so what I'll do is I'll select this right here and then I'll select this edge here and what we could actually do is so what hold down tab paint these faces here and then I'll select the inverse delete this is all we really need so from here I'll just select right about this range and now I can just extrude move down and pretty much align this up here okay so what we could do is just jump down to vert mode and just kind of nudge these it's a better match back curvature and I'll put this guy here and now let's look at the smooth preview so that looks pretty good and we're not really worried about this geometry here because it will pretty much be deleted at some point so now what I'll do is let's actually step back here a second and we want to go ahead and make sure that we have enough divisions here and here to match up so and I just enabled wireframe on shaded in that way we could always look at the wireframes from this point so what I'll do here is also like this vert or I'm sorry this edge here select this range and it looks like we're about fifteen and what I want to do here is I want to just delete this edge here and this edge here and that way we have some better polygon spacing right and we are gonna use sub D so we really don't need to have a lot excessive amounts of geometry here so now let's run back the math select this range to enable this a poly count you just go to display heads-up display and then you enable the poly count option alright so here forgot what the number was but it looks like we are at 13 so we need to be 13 here as well so here we are 7 so we need to add a couple of edges here so that's what I'll do just all I had one here just add a one here in the middle middle and middle and we are alright so that looks good so now from this point we'll just take these verts and then just match them up alright so I'm happy with this shape here so what we could essentially do is cut this out as well right so now we have a nice little base for us to extrude out and connect so what we want to do is let's actually just take a look at how this is looking in 3d and if you have this don't freak out this is actually very simple fix we'll go ahead and start out by combining this will select all the verts and then we'll go ahead and scale I will just scale flat on the Y and now this is flat and since we did it on one axis we won't have any distortion from here what we could do is select this edge here and we can go ahead and select this edge here which is 13 and then we should have 26 which we do so we'll shift and right click and we'll go to bridge and it should connect these I like how this is looking so I'll go ahead and select and before I delete this I do need to pull out this edge here so I'll select all these guys here and I'll do a ctrl E and then W to move and I can just go ahead and do and I'll do this here and then I'll take this guy and kind of move it here and I'll leave that as is for now and then I'll just take a couple ways you can go about it but I'm just gonna go ahead and drag marki actually no I'm gonna go here select this edge loop this edge loop here deselect select this select this so detach this as well and now we can just go ahead and delete this so we'll go ahead and insert edge will appear with the multi-cut we'll take these verts and combine it and now we want to think about filling this gap right here right so what we could do is first start to bring these guys down so we'll take these edges I'll go ahead and extrude and once I extrude I just like to enable my move tool that way I could just move down scale flat move down again vert mode take this vert hold down V boom and just take those two votes and merge down alright Lu do the same thing we'll move up and then we'll go ahead and scale flat and then I'll hold down or I'll hit D hold down V snap here scale tool and then do something like this right so now we have a little bit of an issue because we have more geometry from here and then we're going here right so what can we do well let's see so here we have four edges and then we have going into what eight look at that math that worked out pretty good it usually doesn't but I guess I lucked out right so what we're gonna have to do is actually just use a reduced method and gonna use the help of what I call diamond junctures which realistically we could just do whatever here but since I got to show you guys the right way to model I'm gonna try to keep this quadrant as much as possible but since it's in a flat area we could technically have tries but I'm gonna show you this because there might be instances where you are trying to keep all quads so what I'll do is I'll go ahead and get a edge loop here and go ahead and put this here as well we'll take these verts here and then we'll merge them so now what I could do is take these 3 verts here and I can go ahead and merge this one down right so now if we look at this we can dance this down and then if we delete this we have a quad here but we got rid of those other edges right but I'm gonna take these two and run that there and then edge and delete what I just did is basically I just flattened some of these edges and played around with the spacing so for example if you want to flatten certain components out you can just let's just do this and do this so if you select all the edges or the components you can go ahead and scale scale flat now I do have slide on let me just take that off and you see that these edges are now flat so that's one option you could also come here and enable your slide option so let me undo this right so if you wanted to move maybe this edge here which I've been doing as well right and kind of keep this angle you could use the slide function as well right so you have edge and then you have the surface one's gonna respect the surface versus the edge constraints alright so that's all I pretty much did and now that's all nice qua 'td and the spacing is a little bit better if I hit three key you see that this shape is actually holding pretty nice so I like how that's looking on working so now the next task is gonna be going from this shape to a perfectly cylindrical one that's right around here kind of the start of this darker border which is just a recess in the can so we're gonna need to take a little bit of edge information and this is 23 edges which we probably want at least even sided so let's go with 24 so what we can do in this case is just take this edge here and we'll just bevel this and it's kind of breaking this up so I'm not gonna bevel what I'm gonna do is I'll take the insert edge loop or the multi cut tool add a loop there I had a loop there and then just kill this middle one and if I wanted to I could just enable edge slide if I wanted and this is sorry edge not a surface just slide this one over and then slide this one over and now we should have a nice even number which is 24 that's actually perfect so we'll go ahead and create a cylinder and by the laws of math we need 48 here right cuz 48 by that half it's gonna give us the 24 that we're looking for so I'll put this here and then what I'll do is I'll just take my tab tool and make sure that I'm on faces the hold down tab paint half of the cylinder control shift I delete go on the wireframe right so now we can go ahead and do select this edge here select and of course it's gonna go the other way but what I'll do is I'll just select all the edges deselect these ctrl e and usually when I work with someone there's sometimes I rather keep the the whole thing here now this does have it is a cylinder so it's gonna have that part right but what I'll do is just select the cap and then delete this go back in here now we have some edges that we can play with so I'll select these ctrl e and play with the thickness right so I'll go here we'll get that nice thickness to that edge and now we have something that we could combine here alright now what we want to do is go back to object mode and we want to go ahead and delete this as well and we just want to be left with this ring and something Funky's going on here so yeah just the normals are inverse but that's not a big deal will select this here and then we'll go to mesh display and then reverse and there we go so the other thing we can do is just combine these and make sure that I'm on object mode go back to verts take them and then we could just I'm gonna turn edge slide off and then scale now they're on the same plane and this is gonna be pretty easy or hopefully somewhat easy to actually combine so I'm not gonna bridge here what I'll do is I'll take this here for a snap here vert snap here vert snap here invert snap here and then shift-click and go ahead and merge those and then I'll manually pretty much do these here as well so I could do target weld so I'll show you that tool which can be handy for cases like this so we'll take target weld and then we'll go back to expert just like the I like how that sounds makes me feel like a man now I just I like the I like the extra I guess workspace especially and if you have a bunch of hotkey set you really don't need the other mode so target weld is doing its thing here all right so we're making some nice progress and what I actually did here is I did kind of space some of these out a little bit more after the target weld now what we can go ahead and do is obviously we need to delete kind of an extra fluff here because we're just gonna end up there in this anyways and and if you could tell what I'm doing is I'm just worrying about getting the edge loops the clean edge loops around the borders or just where the major shifts and the form are gonna be and then I'll worry about shaping it in the y-axis right so let's go ahead and just finish this out this should be a bit easier now that we're pretty much here and I'm gonna leave this here because I like to have this when I extrude out so we're gonna do and extrude and then we'll go ahead and add an offset here just do an extrude here I'll do another extrude play with offset here and it looks like it's about halfway through so I'll go ahead and hold down control middle mouse click and there it is so now that I have that let's start shaping this okay so I'm gonna go here and now what I could do is I think I can get rid of this so I'll just take this and I'll take this here detach the components select and delete and let's go ahead and do a mirror on this and if if you see this pinching here this is because of the polymer so let me bring the channel box here there's merge thresholds way too high so point zero one should fix that so anytime that you do a mirror I strongly recommend that you keep that on a very low threshold there all right so let's move on with the show so we're gonna start adding some height to this can so I'm gonna select this edge will appear and I'll jump over to my front view here and I'll go ahead and do an extrude and I'm just gonna move this down here and then I'll go ahead and scale out to about here and then I'll do another extrusion get my translate tool and I'm pretty much just working in extremes here and I'll go back and add the added geometry so we'll put an edge here we'll extrude again and we'll go ahead and drop it about here what we could do is just enable our move tool and both besides scaling we could just do a ctrl + middle mouse and that's gonna push and pull along our normals so essentially is gonna give us something similar to a scale the other option that we could do is we could leave this here and then just leave a hard edge and then just apply a bevel and that's probably what I'll do in a second so I'll go here I'll hold down ctrl middle mouse click taper this in extrude again W key same thing ctrl + middle mouse click and scrub and we have pretty much the shape that we want so here let's go ahead and go on the backside of the can and so it's pretty simple it just has a lip and then kind of a dome so I just did an extrude here and then I can just get the scale tool and just scale inward I'll do another extrude I'll extrude up is before I do that I'm gonna give myself some more breathing room so I'll go ahead and undo that so I'll push this here cuz I'm gonna bevel this and I want more room this bevel is pretty extreme so I want this hard or this this cap here to be on the smaller side so we'll do the extrude and then shift I'm yeah shift and right click merge collapse merges Center now well can we can take this edge here and then we can do a bevel so that's under mesh that's under edit mesh and then bevel I'm just gonna do a via mahaki and I'm gonna drag this way and then I can shift and right click and get some more divisions so I'm gonna get my multi cut and then do control and just add some reinforcing edges here same thing here I had one there and then let's go ahead and take this here and I'm gonna go ahead and enable my soft select which is right here and then I'm gonna dial this down a little bit and then I'm just gonna drag this down so I want to make this a little bit more shallow you're just getting a feel for this it looks like we're about right right about here so now I'm just gonna go and if we smooth this we need to hold this edge up a bit more so what I'll do is select this take off soft select I'm gonna go ahead and bevel this as well so I'll go ahead and add extra divisions there and what I could do is just move this on its normal it's gonna give me something similar scaling there we go so we probably want to maybe add a bevel here so we'll go ahead and do that as well and now just select this edge here and I'll move it up and there we go so we're getting that nice curvature we could probably come in here as well and this this edge here looks like it probably needs another loop right about here so I'll take my multi cut I'll take my multi cut here and then middle mouse click and double click this the same thing I'll take my move tool and then I'll just push and pull on the normal which is control middle mouse clicking and now if we move this we're getting some nice curvature I do want to hold this bottom a little bit better so I got a drop a couple more edges so if we go here what we could do is just get the multi cut again drop that in and then push and pull along the normal maybe we'll go ahead and drop this down here now we already have an edge loop here so we can go ahead and push and pull along the normal there and let's see how we're looking so I think we need one more edge here so multi cut again and then push and pull along the normal and we could do one more here so something that we could do as well as just insert the edge flow option and then that's gonna push and pull along the normal for us so we got this curvature here and then we've got it pretty much repeated for this so before we push and pull this ring out I'm gonna go ahead and start getting this Ridge in because this actually has kind of a curving shape upward towards that lip so we'll go ahead and do ctrl e we'll go ahead and move this guy down right we got that little crevice in there and then it does have a bit of a rounding this or so I'll go ahead and do control B to bevel then it looks like a hard bevel there so what I can do is take my multi cut and then go ahead and just add a edge loop there and we'll add one there and then we also got to reinforce these edges here so what we could do is if we wanted a hard crease we can select that edge loop and that edge loop do control B put this in a bit tighter and then shift right click left and right and now this should look pretty good all right so now we have this shape and now we got to worry about the lip going upwards so the way this lip works is it looks like it pretty much fans out and then you have somewhat of a curvature so we'll add an edge here and this will allow us to get closer to the shape so now let's select this edge enable the move tool and then I'll go ahead and push out this way all right and technically this kind of curves on itself so if you really wanted to get fancy with this and we love fancy in this channel some edge loops here as well so we'll add one here and then add one here and here and we're just going to round these out all right so we'll get some curvature here and looking at this there's a hard lip here so what I could do is here towards the bottom just enable my multi cut again and then add just a little bit of a gap all right so now I'm gonna drop an edge loop here and an edge loop here and then what I could do with this so I'll just select this edge loop here I'll do an extrude I just hit the W key and then I'll go up slightly go ahead and add another edge loop about here and then we'll go ahead and push out just a little bit all right so continue to working on this lip there's a bit of an angle here so I'm gonna push this up here double click double click go ahead and bevel this so that should hold up now go in here and we want a harder edge so we'll go ahead and push this down a little bit now we got three edges there and then this guy is a more rounder edge so what we could do is so like these control be kind of push out and that looks pretty good I'll go dear to my tools I want to enable symmetry for selection so symmetry will do a world and then this should be good to go cool so best way to probably do this is just with the tab key I'll paint this so we got this here go ahead and paint this way so now that it's pushed down we just want to go ahead and reinforce these edges so I'll add so we want to hold up these hard edges here so we'll just add some edge loops what I could do too is just go in here and I want to do these actually as even as possible so I'm just gonna use an extrude and then we'll go ahead and do three divisions now let's see how this looks and if you want to see how the light it reacts what you could do is assign a blend so we'll do new material and we'll just give it a blend and that's gonna catch some of those specular highlights a little bit better so before we move on to the tab I'm just gonna go ahead extrude this down and we can just go ahead and just play with the thickness here just give it a little bit and then we could also just increase the divisions to three and that will go ahead and actually just build in some holding edges for us right in the extrude so let's see how this looks so this looks pretty good so we're gonna build this out pretty much how we built out the top of the can we're gonna focus on the kind of the shape and we'll just extrude outward so here we know that we need a perfect radial here so this is a good starting point so I'm gonna go ahead and get a another cylinder scale it kind of looking at this shape here and I think this is gonna work real nice so essentially we're gonna match this - this here so let's look at the resolution here and 20 feels a little bit skimp on this even though we are doing sub DS so this yeah so 30 is a bad number even though it is even it it's not giving us this resolution that we need so we'll have to tweak this so I'm gonna drop this down so we'll do 28 we'll do 28 here now we have that nice line down the middle and then we'll do the same thing here all right so we're good here and here so we'll go ahead and go to our face mode we'll hold down tab and then we'll just paint this select the inverse the lis and then what we could do from here is extrude outward so I'm gonna go ahead and do just a small strip here and that way we can just cut this out so we're left with this shape here so we'll take this object here we'll go ahead and duplicate it so I'll go ahead and scale this and just stop shy of the border I'll go ahead and put this here so we're doing offset and go right to the border and now we can start getting some of this out so we're gonna delete this and then I'm gonna delete this as well but what I like to do so I'm gonna take this here and then I'll go ahead extrude out so the reason I'm doing that is because if I need to add an edge loop these poles will prevent me from doing so but now that we have this legend up here I can add edge loops if I need it but those poles do kind of get in the way so this needs to be all in the same plane so what I'll do is I'll combine it I'll go ahead and take all the verts and then just scale downward and now we're just nice and flat here so what I could do is go in here and now start connecting some of these edges so for this we have a grand total of seven so we're looking for fourteen which we do so we'll go ahead and shift and right click and then we'll go to bridge and now we're connected there which looks pretty good what we could do is flatten this out from this edge so here I'll just take both or all these edges enable my translate or I'm sorry my scale hit D to edit this so I'm just gonna hold down V and then I'll snap here I'll go back to scale and then I'll scale from that verb and I'll get a nice straight line and so like that maybe we need to go a little bit closer here so we'll probably want to go ahead and also bridge these guys so we got one two three four one two three and four shift right click and then we'll hit bridge so now we're good here and then we could add maybe one two three three divisions so usually in cases like this I like to just have the shape or just the polygon it's kind of built out even though it might be sloppy here we'll go ahead and just close this out and then we'll worry about making it pretty and I'll quantity so here I'm just looking at this flow would probably want some kind of loop or radial nature to it maybe if we drop the border edge here so from here we'll go ahead and kill this loop all right we'll delete this and now we go in here and reroute this like this and then here we can just throw this guy here right so now we are quieted here so what we could do in this case is add one vert if we really want to be quoted here right so we have this and then we have this as well and we could actually use this flow a little bit or this extra geometry because it's gonna help hold up this edge alright folks it's the fourth quarter put your money on your boy because I'm about to take us home so I pretty much just finished building out the piece like I pretty much built the bottom combined I did a little bit of edge flow work and I'm gonna go ahead and deselect that aw hit B and then what I can do is go to my settings here and under soft selection I can Dow this down a little bit there we go that's almost perfect all right so we'll go ahead and taper this down like so so that looks pretty good I'll go ahead and kill soft selection and then I'll manually take this edge here and push and pull along the normal so that looks pretty good so I'm happy where that is and I could take this guy here and kind of do the same and just blend that in a little bit better all right so I ended up basically just doing a little bit of tweaks on the verts and then I ended up just detaching this on the other side because I will give this thickness so we'll go ahead and just take this here extrude I'll extrude downward normals are flipped but it's all good we'll take care of that in a second and then I don't want to leave a little bit of a gap here so I'm gonna dab this down about here and now I could just take a double click on my mesh I'll go to mesh display and then hit reverse right so now what I want to do is that a couple of holding edges here to hold its shape so I'll add one here and then we have to do the same here as well so let's add some holding edges here so I had one here and here all right so to finish this off what I'll do is I'll go ahead and make sure that everything is named so what we should do here is we'll go ahead edit delete by type history and then here looks like we're groups so we'll just go ahead and shift-click these items middle Mouse drag click out of this group now we can delete the group and this is gonna be I'll just name this pin I'll name this one tab so everything's clean in our scene the other thing I want to do is I plan on UV and texturing this so this is a large span here to have basically no edge loops take my multi cut so I'll drop a edge loop in the middle here and then I think we could do another round so here in the middle here in the middle here in the middle and then here in the middle I like how that looks so I signed a Arnold material through a sky dome and then threw in an HDR and that's kind of the this nice little result that you're seeing so that's the end of the video folks I'm super stoked that you were able to come through my channel and spend some time with me getting better at 3d modeling in Maya and putting in some work researching videos online and trying to better yourself as a 3d artist is what this channel is all about so you earn a big fist bump from me boom I'm actually really curious on how these soda cans turn out so if you are facebook or on instagram and you want to show me your wireframes for this model you can upload your pictures and tag me at jl music i will also be doing a follow up tutorial where i go step by step in the process of actually laying out the UVs for the soda can so make sure you subscribe and smash that notifications button to be notified when that video comes out so that's all the time I have for you folks I will catch you next time [Music]
Channel: JL Mussi
Views: 215,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maya Hard Surface, hard surface tutorial, hard surface modeling, hard surface maya, jlmussi, hm tutorials, hard surface, maya tutorial, blender, 3ds max, modo, maya for beginners, maya hard surface modeling techniques, maya hard surface tips, maya hard surface modeling tips, maya hard surface retopology, maya 3d model, maya 3d modeling tutorial, maya basics for beginners, maya 3d modeling basics, maya 3d modeling car, maya 3d modeling 2018, soda can model
Id: HuiBsW2WqaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 51sec (3411 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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