MatPat Meme Review 👏👏 It's Interesting.....

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[Music] [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT not live we are we're still not live but we're still making videos and isn't that pretty much the same thing what was that it was my skeptical sound what was it really it was this gap oh man I'm glad you're not skeptical too much in your day to day long no no it's rare really sir I'm I'm really assure dove the time but usually fairly certain the uncertainty principle does not apply to static hey looking good man who cuts your hair uh some person who yeah not sure sorry maybe if I don't know your schedule had freed up a little bit actually we couldn't really get a hold of a lot of the actual haircutting scissors were really sold out we had a really hard time getting a hold of any scissors for cutting we would have had to do matthews whole ahead with a buzz clipper which i mean it looks like most of your head I don't know what do you say when someone asks you like how do you cut your hair I never have an answer and maybe that's some guys are really nice no some guys are really precise they're like I want a fade to zero or a fade from zero and I want it three inches long on top and I feel like I should be more specific yeah you rent ops tonight kind of guy right well and also I'm a person who's on camera and so some level of like hair consistency is kind of like a prerequisite of this job but you really have run the gamut it would be cool if there was a meme of all of your hair being lame of all the hair yeah there was a revolution I was gonna say there was recently on Twitter I saw like a long thread of Donald Glover progressively smiling more because as childish gambino he's very serious oh yeah and then like back to his community days he was like big smiles and laughs he's just gotten sadder and more serious that's kind of tragic evolution also as the state of the world Matthew but Wow thanks Steph but you can't do that with my hair I I have run the gamut from bald to very bushy it's true like you you've been yea bald to like total hippie yeah this one was a bit short I don't know but the thing is I a very awkward haircut this is my first time getting a haircut with the masks and all the procedures that like they're not allowed to touch anything yeah the disclaimer we are and she was using a pole it's clipper on a pole yes disclaimer is that we we do we are in a place where haircutting is open it's very tightly controlled and regulated you have to make the appointment ahead of time there you know if you go make sure your person has like their extra Cova da herbicide certificate like they should be displaying that matter why they sell out it's like basically what she laid the tarp or like the little smock [ __ ] why would you leave this time tardy that that makes it so nice what you peed the tarp over me like a large house what she laid the tarp over me she wasn't allowed to touch it again I had to like drape it over the chair when we moved to like what my hair I had to like throw it in the recycling bin or the Santa I don't even know what it was a sanitation bin she said they never use them again I'm like is that true that would be such a waste so those things are nice right they hopefully they can sanitize right also if you're gonna throw that I keep my smock does it bother you does it bother you all this stuff that we're throwing away right now because it all has to be completely disinfected it's I'm not usually very sensitive to that kind of stuff and I totally get it yeah but I also feel badly throwing away all the plastic cup nice the tarps all the extra packaging that everything has to come in it feels bad like like for instance these we we swung by an area to pick up some some food on the way here before we started filming and each of like this whole unit had to come in like its own sealed bag yeah what a research no grade pre-sealed bag and so yeah it's it it's a lot of extra materials yeah I just feel guilty about it no I do too and like Stephanie I oftentimes don't I don't feel that in a lot of cases cuz that we don't produce a lot of garbage but I feel myself producing more garbage because it does it feels uncomfortable and we're very conditioned like it was like yeah we do the recycling and we weave like I've been using Plath are paper straws for like a year now that's not my choice on that well that's the paper straws metal straws then the metal straws with the silicon tips I'm totally on board with those because they've got a nice chew to them but the paper ones I'm like aha paper straws are literally like if you don't drink this in the next minute you're never gonna saw in your mouth I don't think that's a controversial statement I think we're in like a middle ground of straws where we haven't quite figured it out right I feel like I'm a technologist raw technology is not quite there yet maybe it will hey so we just mean Monday this week because seven I've just been really busy doing things and I need to get busy retaping all the sound paneling into this law cuz that I know and I'll go down again all that again so bad but anyway we missed me Monday which means it is now meme hopefully this is going up on Wednesday so me Wednesday me weird day oh I like that right he was day Oh it also goes back to old school UT live where we didn't embrace alliteration that's true I have well it's a bit like a sellout when we've been doing these me Mondays because it's so antithetical to help like fan art Tuesday - yeah well fan are Tuesday and meeting Monday or Ken they're one of the same what comes out to me shall we do it we're gonna do the MEMS we're gonna met the Mimi's again these are coming from the GT live or sorry the game theorists subreddit so if you want to submit means please do we yeah enjoy them and this is these have been really fun they were really fun it's also been like these are so fun and they usually don't have to do with anything that's like going on in the real world so they're kind of like a nice escape just like you just relax for a few minutes really nice like the spotlight stuff that you guys are sending exactly here we go alright sit over I'm gonna sit next to Hey gonna get my buns over there get your buns over here okay get those buns over here so you doing what are you doing stuff okay um okay starting off with an Amy meme Oh an amy meme i missing a meme I only shave me he doesn't turn on her camera very much on our calls don't worry once we do it in Jason but and then I feel bad for Jason because he has his he has baby and so usually like he's trying to do this like bouncing the bait I look like I'm bouncing my boobs he's bouncing the baby as if that could even happen I'm not saying any but he's it but he bounces a baby like there's like thirty most of the call and I feel bad for Emily and like if anyone should have the ability to turn off their camera it should be Jason and he's the only one with the kid right I don't know what Amy and Dan on our team at this point are doing that they've transformed their unrecognised we probably don't recognize them so anyway jakey I'm not Jake egt life and positive is true and possible why is it when something happens it's always you 303 the trio of evil TriCaster game audio be to everyone's microphone excuse me there's now a fourth one to this draco malfoy I guess yeah I guess no Ginny maybe it's video yeah the Ginny of this group all of the same battles falling down family falling off it all literally a lot is off the walls I'm still stuck to the ceiling I expected to just find out on us at any moment but to help we have curtains yeah we also have like curtain rods all wrinkled around the room Oh we now have a polearm just in case we're gonna this is all stuff I'm right to do this take me out to the bog Ali and I have been playing a game with these well these were sitting upstairs where we would play them like a trumpet that was not good do you even did you even try those that did they tried what do you what do you look wrap your lips around oh you do oh no oh no this is gonna be meme din so many bad ways there we go Matthew I didn't know you alright so anyway I gotta install that but yeah uh fact the engaging GT live at some point you'll figure it out make sure room is falling apart like 2020 oh this room is falling apart so many times okay I don't I think it's because it's 2020 if anyone if anyone knows how to hang some paneling on the wall in a way that's not gonna destroy my walls just write it some conveyor we had Jason build flats and he just stuck we just spray glue them onto the walls and you didn't care because it's plain but you shouldn't spray glue things on to your actual yeah on your actual wall you're gonna do a ton of damage to your wall but how do I the other youtubers do it can we call some we know so many people come we call them like such a new thing at like hey howdy like we should they probably use pins or the spray glue so instead we're putting it out onto the Internet yeah you can't figure expressing them I don't trust the YouTube yeah next one oh hey someone did I hear this someone please explain myself oh I'm so sorry that you oh this is our on the page okay here we go Matt with Matt with paths oh hey oh no Matt don't know that oh that's great why so apparently patch is the name of my hair I like that well yeah that's Pat yeah man I am that I am a little did you know little did you know that I am Matt and you've also been talking yeah yeah that's great i I'm just realizing this - who knew that my hair was a separate entity unto myself that would be cool that's awesome maybe you can hop off my head and do things okay uh okay I know people have probably done this before but I'm a two-family theory logos okay fan art Friday look riding on mean review Wednesday these are totally for me which is Monday uh I'm really proud of him are you sure that this could go to two fan-made I was like I was like you really so so true story Matthew made these he had to make all of the individual pieces of them and then try and like line them all up and all of those little um like the Sun the burst like the Sun burst yeah you can still see the remnants of when you were making these by hand right from the bottom how uneven it is Wow thanks thanks dad yeah no let's see how it even is thanks about what a low-key birth you can really see how bad the initial photoshopping of that snow goes it doesn't look bad it looks just knowing if you look really close like way closer than you should ever be looking at a you do go you can see through how they're not completely even down there I think it's a fun Easter right here in in truth though actually yeah there's looks better than mine in truth though that one of the editors when he first joined up he's like yeah I wanted the logo to roll across the screen but when I did because it was so off-center it looked like a like a floppy tiger and so he's like so I fixed it and now it's it's perfectly centered and even I'm like oh my gosh thank you Hey right I want to kiss you I didn't kiss him hey so book theory is that is that what the yellow stands for stuff is the yellow I see a bottom left over here you I don't know if I next month what Wow year yeah I think that's good all right logo so hopefully it's in fun Oh Rama piers Oh drama so I will say that's not book theory we we thought about book theory the thing is book theory is so at this point game theory has become book theory could you look about in this weekend's that game theory Oh doing the fan a franchise is literally doing book the year seriously when it comes to film and TV like a lot of the Marvel stuff is comic book theory so like book is actually totally incorporated the problem is that you can never tell what people have read people read all sort of the three we thought about it and it also takes a really long time to catch up with books because you have to obtain a book and then read the whole thing like imagine train your favorite Thrones on the books bottom bottom left though I'm a fast reader but like but the bottom left mystery will be revealed soon that yeah well some people I think already things know I don't know I don't know anyway moving on it's not money but here's me using the Drake mean template using the matpat version ooh that's a nice big brain move they're using this new version oh it doesn't like that one apparently Oh making a version with skip yes I like that there it is there it is I'm so glad that skips back on the way I'm glad that skip has made his triumphant return because honestly this is what it's all about like that it's all it's his show his world we just live in it oh by the way he is a total sidebar oh man what a sidebar the middle of me doesn't make it he's sweet as most of you know we are not in LA we haven't been in LA since February and brought skip with us at some point I'm gonna post on Instagram about that I know I've been wanting to I know right when we and we have our we we still have our home in LA like that's all we and our team is there nothing else has changed we're just not there but skip is here with us and he is like had the time of his life you don't know how happy your animals can be until you like they've lived in California I know you're gonna say no like you get us you know your animals are happy but then you like open up like even just a new room to them or like a new activity and you're like oh my gosh they're so happy skip is like living his best life it's true it's a small difference between regular people to you and people and people minute you mini Chu what does that do it PIPA - oh yeah look at how happy people - is relative to the neutral dead-eyed stare of people mister so anyway a dream review time me when I my friend and I harmonize and saying that's just a theory game theory yeah you get you get the win okay um let's try stuff look at your hair in that one wow that was from the runner looked like a 90s like like sitcom kids I was I was the game show host Oh runner that was fun I enjoyed that I burned out my voice saying it that way yeah it was like three times a day I'd be like that's your uh welcome to zero it kind of hurts my throat just well see it hurts everyone's ears listening to it right can be harmonized saying that's just a theory game theory okay ready that's just a harmony ready that's just a theory Oh game I don't know where you're going I don't know it's not like I said that's just a theory of game theory yes okay that's just a theory a game theory that's more of unison that was those poor hear you pick it out the theory game theory I hope you do it better than us please yeah please fix it yeah that was hot hot cheese Matthew had a career in musical oh yeah but I was the tenor I was also you should you should have been the high note no I should have been that's just up do you mean up game theory because that's a tender line for you the tender line is always like what notes did no one care about that we just need to fill out the court titters shovel it over to you that's just a theory a game theory that sounds about like that good no it wasn't great hey I tried to draw staff speaking of beautiful that's so nice that's a picture I told you too much I like that outfit oh thanks that's so nice of you to say apparently I'm not the only one - ah that's also it the only picture I've had as a profile picture for like the last five years the only one they have the option to draw oh they can draw many pictures sure I'll be drawing okay here do I do it right from laughing bits finding the perfect screenshot to recreate using me recreate this meme using matpat yeah oh that's so great drawing it simultaneously making a meme and Faneuil that is galaxy by the way that's a great drawing I like I really love this anime style right I think the whole reading a little bit chibi but not really it's like it's really cool it's cool it's really I look like lighter hair alright I love the hair I also love this haircut now I feel safe orange jacket you don't have an orange jacket I need an orange jacket that's a great to make this mean real you know this is a person gets it they're operating on like all the rest of us are playing like 2020 Gotha yeah all the rest of us are playing like checkers in 2020 this guy is playing like three-dimensional holographic chess in 2050 - oh well 2050 - ten out of ten hundred out of twenty best meme Scott really be working hard oh dipping back into the finale okay so are you still Hawaii I have no idea you and me both Sonic you and people again I just I appreciate I will not explain it but I appreciate the levels of this name I appreciate you sure you know are you sure you're not gonna do it let's go let's go explain it for the crowd no I I agree I am pleasantly surprised that five nights is still the survivor like I expected the honey Pilar so burned out of it oh so burns so burned out rightfully said and yet they did a good job of like pivoting they took a little break the VR game like they've done a good job of sustaining it and now it's just one of those things it's just those franchises that carry on but I agree how are you still alive the world may never know ooh not my comment but requires more attention oh this is a discussion this is not a meal oh man we have may have broken me Oh what are you doing look at this look at this red battery life yeah I'm so stressed out on you get out of here and go plug in I say as mine is also on red battery low no what are you at I am uh oh this is bad news thank you might as well be percent oh no good not good - completely 8% crown - completely dead upstairs get out of the 8% crew get out we're not the dead crew you're not that you know you're responsible step how many wireless connections does this person have not the snaps the snap floor can wait well what are you what network are you connecting is a lot what is that hold up here let's wait they're connected to two separate 4G networks one is slightly stronger than the other and although some Wi-Fi and you're uploading is you're uploading right now but again this is another person who's playing like 3d holographic technology could do is this Photoshop this might be photos right come on if you're calling [ __ ] you pulling my leg this doesn't exist lies all lies vivy gills me and my friends were reading into the pit and fetch and she realized that on the titles of each new story certain letters have very small letters attached to them bold letters that story story also small letters you have you found that nature if you very wait you have small letters attached to hold up this is got me a new phone this was broken and it's got the face match as opposed to like you know we use pixels not spawn yeah not spawn just obsessed it's just at this point anyway like to all all the old pixels have more like fingerprint on the back one which was great anything but the new one that we just got no fingerprints with the face thing which is apples have had I guess for a while but like it's not great it's like an all dinner um a haircut what is it gonna do like this morning I woke up with Bed Head and glasses and it's like I have no no you are hold up I'm gonna pull this up I'm curious okay maybe review and Paula's like we're gonna investigate but seriously this is my new rich it looks like I'm like oh yeah let this open okay here here's 1:35 a.m. which is the new one I'm here I'm still awake right it's a song from like 2000 this one does not have any that speak secret letters attached well this one is room for one night hello you try the second story which actually room for one more [Laughter] it's like it's like one of those Twitter it's like zoom in go to the upper right corner go to the bottom left corner it's like a zoomin and it's like have a nice day and you're like oh okay but no there's Stephon oh wow I didn't leave wait what no way I can't show this to you know I wish I could that's really ensure that the other one has it to wait and there's a wonderful bunch of letters oh the hell yeah that's awesome clap and a half huge not sarcastic clap and a half well done Wow that is so fascinating wait where's the other I wonder if yeah it's not home plus I can't recognize your face that's brilliant I am absolutely gonna look into that okay cuz I have another book so we have a snap book there you come out this weekend and then two weekends from I have like a deep dive into one of the stories apparently it's now also going to include Ruby a three-party above wow that's cool good one I have no idea gills vivid Gillis yeah way to go great job uh Sam floor here we go based on a true story how I look how I think I look explain staff Laura Oh Oh like a little priest well yeah it's like a fourth grade look at what an attentive class I know good job Right Said no class ever also way to rip off the Getty Images cuz that's gonna cost you 500 bucks not know it'll tell it's fine well what I actually look yes this is me ask this is me and my family I feel like this is just you should just put Matthews I am like at this point I feel like I should just recreate this picture cuz I feel like I'm YouTube's equivalent on this yeah it's really nice to be honest here uh film Theory me move wait hold up Phil who does means about Phil what we love film theory me feel of that channel me it's so underappreciated middle child he just we just just last year this this are you are you explaining a meme right now so no not at all this channels been around since 2015 just last year YouTube recognize that it exists that is accurate actually 8 million subscribers like oh oh you have a film channel maybe you should do how I guess we can talk about that do you want to talk to the film and entertainment team and we're like yeah right yeah film theory the little channel that could be explaining the flaws in the villains plan compared to their motivations and how the protagonist is the true villain of the movie every theory my friend who just wanted to watch high school movies are ruined in our life it's true or are they enhance that's what I like to think of we enhanced the movies in our life everyone else everyone else is playing checkers in 2020 Stephanie we're out there playing three dimensional galaxy chess and 25 - - we're out there that's it you could just stop just top of that I like this one right but they are like that I like just asking the question cuz what it's all about the framing of the story guys you have to ask yourself who's telling you the story and it's always the protagonist they're always gonna make themselves look good high school musical mmm Troy Troy oh hey no probably not me trying to explain competitive pokemon - Mike good luck there oh where did I go wrong also know whose people you in this scenario right people shoe is like your dad hiding in the back no not such an that one this is all you mom that girl know people choose that girl who secretly has a crush on you but is like I will never measure up to Pokemon wow yeah this looking for a lawyer you'll never see me I might be named after a Pokemon kind of people chew but you know never not acknowledge it's fine I've been waiting to post this look I've been theorizing for a while okay whatever it is I'll understand a good gravity falls me always winner come on that's that's child's play that's snap one yep that one understand it appreciate the gravity falls no hard feelings we love all the work you do corporate needs you on this office corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture in this picture like some sort of optical illusion right right fine Danny - is it one of those three-dimensional pictures that oh you see the difference once it once you're back yeah we go say thank you say thanks say thank because of that fan game that map had played like ha ha ha thank sorry we ruined that right thank right who needs proper grammar right s's are overrated I don't need them to make it work thank thank yes I saw this so I saw this one on Twitter I made this mask out of the second gen merch that was too small for me on sorry that was too small it's so good that's maybe a group it's truly just a great grill the type who might might grow might have grown that's great I am NOT the rowing type oh man uh x-man eight five if you are looking for any merch - if you want to design merch for us either it's such a neat design which is so good so okay so two story we were having a call with our merch team last week and we were talking about and just just stuff in general cuz we have we have the buffs which you can use as a mask but we didn't want we didn't want to like pigeonhole it into a mask you can also be scarf color stuff whatever so but we showed them this picture did and they were like that's a really good design they were they were really impressed we were so impressed that we showed it to them so kudos to you and you were so impressed shown it to that not we were you person we were so impressed that we showed it to him no is it look good for us good for us I'm so impressed in us so impressed with the math we showed it to our merch team because we were like someone needs to see that yeah and they're so so if you're looking for a job internship with a rich deep this is great I love this will make our merch team like get in touch will kokum yeah here we go Stephanie is amazing and I love her making a snail on with the old template making your own template so that Stephanie yeah that's very sweet this is accurate look at that good point both of them have pretty solid points Steph right points nice that's awesome Scott please help the man off her back now Matthew coming back to the fine lines nice very good - it's a shoe it is just like we left it it's so true yeah yeah right I put together that fin aft I'm line and sleep now no this makes sense to no one it made right as I'm writing it I'm like I don't even understand that's a bad sign facing channels I don't know I think they're neat I believe Matt pets theories are fun because they're they're fun and it's easy to understand huh I believe thank you sorry I can't breathe hi better Matt Pat's theories because they're fun and it's easier to enjoy them the game or it's easier to enjoy I'm okay I could read you and read the good right hi good right read good I read best are you wearing the new socks that's reading I believe Matt Pat's theories because that's one and it's easier to enjoy the game no not that no it's not it's easier to enjoy oh gaming community oh good mean let's move on this is my read this is me try I'm Stephanie right now reacting to us trying to read this me thank you I like to think that we simplified the Lord sometimes do a few generations from now the smell in the air those coffins so generally schedule again do you smell what the coffins are cooking the changing release date right that's a whole gaming industry right oh my god everything everything we've had a lot of discussions with a lot of gaming companies for sponsorships for just like just because we talk to gaming companies yeah everything's moved pushed back yeah we're uh people need video games to play now more than ever because they're at home yeah Thursday they're doing the big they moved the PlayStation ah the big like PlayStation reveal and not reveal but like the big like Playstation thing and I'm supposed to be on a livestream that's like talking about the news and analyzing it or whatever and it's literally gotten shifted like three times and they keep playing like last movie we gotta move it it's it's crazy it's crazy um speaking of things that are moved we're all so we obviously VidCon isn't happening this year but they're doing like VidCon now which is like a streamed version yeah we told them we would do so we're doing like August yeah we're doing some panel on in August yeah yeah so we are trying here yeah we're trying to do stuff yeah just a reminder that this is Matt Matt to this yes oh boy this is Matt Matt - oh boy all your moving needs hey Mark hey man hey strange cave man this is you know mowing cloth this was beautiful the middle of nowhere Texas just out like outside of Austin Texas gorgeous cave system it was unbelievable and we were there until like 3:00 in the morning it was great it was really wild it was wild I also had a lot of people touching me in awkward places with sponges Oh Mike to make me look dirty okay fun fact never never mind don't forget to take care of yourself responsibility Parenthood mental health pandemic you to be seen responsibility is it a really tough that's right that's like resisting for desserts or like iron which I could use right now not binging five hours of attack on Titan oh that is so great though we caught up on a pen cat I was a bit behind we caught up very quickly on attack on Titan it was glorious five episodes oh let's see that was responsible of us though yeah there you go oh this is very this one's definitely can print it up and hook it by Walter great yeah there's a lot going on right now the hero DT dot live also Bojack reference I like that Amy is the true star Wow escape from LA wow that's even accurate to us right now so this is very pertinent in time well done I feel like I also I feel like we're gonna have to talk about it at some point because everyone goes to to do YouTube and that's an LA is great so don't get us wrong about escaping from LA we still spend a lot of time that way let's just say cuz they're a very small letter when you zoom in really close right now and I don't know it's from the original book oh great job oh this is great eating up a maybe we knew champ please come out and help us I know make our streams rose it's rough right you know it's bad times am I wrong no isn't this more exciting Wow - listen true though right this is honestly the true reason why I'm just a cutout in the mean beam Theory so it's because if I was on camera it's just like by all the hand motions that are going on at any given moment should I rub off on you as an Italian talking with your hands or was it a theater thing oh it's totally a theater thing I think you have to just I think it's just me being an expressive person I don't know expressive cuz I'm trying to teach through the videos and hand gestures help you to do gesture while you're recording cuz you're holding a pop filter most of the time I'm holding the pop filter uh no I did not - gesture as much I do do like a little bit of like bouncing do something jive Matthew I jump jive an wail yeah getting that and getting down with themselves drew me yes no thanks Scott coughing ah cat stand him dude cat is a salad yeah this is this is my frustration this is Stephanie holding me back yeah this is again I feel seen the fan art and really feeling seen from thank you very much fenestra villain Dungeons and Dragons yeah I'm happy oh here we go fans at worst fan is it a fantasy adventure most no no the fantasy no I know the fantasy adventure board game the fan trigger has exactly the the true villain of fanat this point is multi-platform merchandising right the fan the fan was the true villain of snap but now it's it's multi-platform counters on plushies it's terrible right with the fit the moment I realized I needed to turn to they're like pop figures that they're selling in stores I'm like ooh here we go oh man that grew format okay matpat gives us five hundred mean templates I make a meme with a new template this one will be overused oh hey you know I haven't seen as many memes using the blank template right you know hey take advantage this is still open open game my friend right there's a still open open space uh Matt and his nap okay this is my cycle seventh week in a row you've shown your final scene that's great hey if it works go right this is great yeah maybe I shouldn't label things the final when you know the series is still going on little did Isis not my father that does not rings true - Scott - he's called snap three the final one snap for the final one I'm just following it Oh in his footsteps unsolvable he's finally soul for now he's over my is he here wait where's he coming for me cuz I have so many questions for him right so many I don't know how I got this okay Scott we're doing some numerology here Oh Scott Matthew you add them up okay 90-87 three snaps third in 2014 game theory started 2011 o3o i don't know how to explain this to you because that's just Matthew Eagle Scot though it's it's so true it's true game theory started in 2011 and then three years later I'm like I need something that's gonna really help game theory sustain from now until 2050 for when I can play 3d holographic chess and so I created the finesse franchise and rebranded myself as Scott coffin mm-hm that's why you that's why you never see us in the same room together right think about that have you have you ever seen us in sleep I don't know why we're still doing why we're still doing YouTube if we made $50,000 fifty million dollars on like snap shouldn't we have retired by now right terrible the terrible of us and strategy it never ends an infinite loop yes finally let's snap theory finally it's over I thought you're lying but okay yeah yeah you got to the best I appreciate that's me they see me they understand they know it's a vicious cycle here we go my best friend puts up with so many theorists tangents me going on and on about how much team theorist means to me my friend who wanted to hopefully you didn't bore him too much ah oh wow to look right and you mean oh look honestly I made a meme using the newfound template map hat looking at snopp 2020 which requires a rewriting but I like that face a lot is really good this is very like that face great nobody Oh video video time here we go video time hey here we go here's the video that's like audio [Applause] that's great I love that I love that here clap and a half for that video I like that a lot I thought it was interesting this is an interesting video it's an interesting out of 1000 it's speaking of something that's interesting when you're cheering on a test and you pull off the thinking that's brilliant oh that is so true not that I've ever cheated I'm thinking digging deep into my head for this answer this is the universal look because no kid naturally does right and then you successfully pull it off right wait you said wait what what I think we should boy here we go man Steph oh this oh that's some oh I love this no that is so cool oh this is beautiful oh I love this I'm pretty know that I just got Sun and earrings I'm not wearing them right now but I've been wearing for the last like three weeks that looks more like um like a Mario star super sorry I mean I was actually wearing that year man all this fan arts coming out with me with long hair I need to go hair consistent so I can match your fan I keep my hair consistent stop getting haircuts Matthew why does here continue to grow wholesome mean before I go to bed oh my declining mental health the protests happening five minutes wait why is it oh no you can fall asleep to GTA Live anytime we're here you know we're not gonna talk about anything important I feel like the only way that this could a room probably the stupid the only way this could be more accurate is if like instead of wearing fatigues he was wearing like bright neon shirt bright lights in your face like oh that's really cute that's really and honestly that I mean that's one of the reasons why we do it yeah like really this community a lot to us right I'm sorry that we can't be more consistent with it it's it's hard for us between writing theories and all the other like and be good that image from earlier juggling the responsibility anyone come over and help us do it right so it's it's oh it has me to harden inside what we haven't been able to be more consistent or live with it and things like that but it's important for us to still make videos for you guys so this eminent this is this is why so anyway that's really sweet that's a really good one to have done yeah I feel like alright let's let's hold it there um that was really nice right guys guys okay so we're gonna cut this one here keep your meme self keep them coming these are super fun hope you I hope you're enjoying this it seems like you are the amount of memes that we've been seeing in the subreddit are fantastic so yeah keep keep shoveling down our throats and we'll try to keep consistent in uploading these cuz we're oh I thought you were going to continue that analogy and we will continue to digest them yeah he'd sell me down our throats will continue to digest them and poop them out the other Nadia form for you hahaha because that is the digestive system of YouTube of YouTube so so I'm not uplifting now so thank you for helping us to create quality content for you guys you guys are creating quality stuff for us and it's really helping us out maintain a positive attitude through all the chaos and sometimes it is really overwhelming with everything going on so this has been awesome I hope you enjoy these seems like you do because we've been enjoying making them it's really flattering that so many of you are participating in this so thank you guys so much have a great rest of your day and remember it's not a stream it's it's not it's not life it's not not but it is GT life thanks for watching
Channel: GTLive
Views: 166,269
Rating: 4.952086 out of 5
Keywords: meme review, meme review 1, meme review intro, meme, memes, game theory meme review, game theory meme video, matpat meme, matpat meme video, fnaf, fnaf meme, fnaf meme song, fnaf meme review, undertale memes, meme mashup, memes 2020, game theorists, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gtlive meme, gtlive memes
Id: ousv2w1naXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 32sec (2792 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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