Be My Friend Nugget! | Kindergarten 2

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Steph’s Nugget voice is the greatest thing ever.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Chrobert-Ristgau πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT live GT live where today we wanted to continue playing kindergarten to because we were on a roll yesterday we know that it's Tuesday and that's the time for teeth series but we're gonna just bumpy that a little bit later this week there's plenty of stuff to talk about don't get us wrong but we figured we could hold that for another day and enjoy a little bit more kindergarten while we were feeling kindergarten it felt weird to me to be like to start it off and then leave up for a couple days before we got back to the game I want to get like two solid days at least together and then we can you know hop into T series and stuff like that but you know we saw that you were excited about kindergarten action well I've been so eager to play this game been waiting for it for months since since we played it on the live stir the the big charity livestream that we did at the end of last year like I've been so eager to play it so this is this is me kind of being self indulgent and saying like hey guys can we hold off on the normal stuff that we do and instead play this a little bit longer exactly other kind of like quick housekeeping things thank you to everyone who submitted yesterday for the giveaway of for free game codes to get kindergarten to for free Chris did you send out the emails I sure did and not only that we have another giveaway going today for three more games Wow Wow I did not even know that so there you go you can submit today same email address right it is gonna be the exact same email address yes so if you submitted yesterday during our live stream for the for free game codes to kindergarten - you may have been notified so make sure that you check whatever email that you submitted and then secondly if you want another chance to win today send a new email we're giving away another three today apparently team theorists at no personal information nothing like that and if you are under 18 make sure you get your parents permission before you send anything to anyone on the Internet yep so so that is kind of as far as everything as far as giveaways updates on everything that we did yesterday the last thing that we wanted to do real quick here at the top of the stream before we hop into kindergarten is to just take a moment to acknowledge or kind of recognize the tragic passing of one of our friends in the YouTube space and one of our someone that you may have seen on game theory someone you may have seen on YouTube as a whole but his channel's the king of random otherwise known as grant Thompson he's kind of stepped away in in the last year's here he's kind of stepped away from being the host of the channel and kind of passed the torch on to a couple other like co-hosts Nate and Callie yeah now are the faces of the king of random channel but Grant had was a the long longtime host of it we've collabed with him several times he stayed at our house he's like yeah you know we see him at all of the YouTube events and you know anytime anything happens to anyone in the YouTube community it's really tragic and Grant had a wonderful family for children who he just thought the world of and we never had a chance to meet them in person but we've you know just to hear that his video phone him he spoke nothing like the way he spoke about him was just the greatest you know you could tell that he just like loved and cared for them so much and so to not only see him passing so tragically early in his life in and of itself is sad enough but then to leave behind such a you know such a family that he cared about so much in such a large family is it makes it all the sadder plus you know he was one of the good ones here on YouTube did educational content he inspired scientists he inspired people to like go out into the world to try experiments to do things and that kind of person is pretty rare yeah yeah he was I I said it a tweet before we hopped on the livestream but he was fearless and that is in a lot of different ways he was willing to hold a ball of thermite in his hand and light it on fire when I was halfway across the beach from like I ain't touching this stuff no but he like he was awesome like he he did such cool he did his channel in case you've never watched it does like a lot of the and like creation videos and stuffing like you wish science classes could and would do in your school where it is it's stuff like let's let's learn about the physics of thermite or like let's play around with like these gases that you wouldn't get exposed to otherwise and you know by his nature as an educator he got access to that and was able to kind of like share those sorts of really cool learning opportunities with his audience and he had a really cool history I mean he did all sorts of Awesome crazy stuff for a living so if you if you want to today his request or the request of his you know team and family in what was posted online was go out and do a good deed or an act of kindness on behalf of Grant today and we will certainly be thinking about that and our suggestion would also be just you know read a little bit about him and his life because it was really cool and go watch some stuff on the king of random channel honor his memory by you know watching the man himself yeah we did on game theory we did the fire spin video with him over on his channel we did I think the video is called like I have gas or we where we play with sodium hexafluoride which is super cool yeah deepens your voice we also did Mario's thermite fireballs underwater but everything that he did was super cool so please you know go show show him some love or you know in kind of memory of him show the channel some love go watch some of that stuff and keep him in your thoughts and prayers and especially his family because it is gonna be such a hard time and it's just a tragic loss for everyone yeah so anyway with that being said and I know that's a awkward transition to make but we felt like it was important to kind of address here at the beginning let's play some kindergarten yeah we were going to spend the rest of the stream starting now going ahead and playing something that is light-hearted that's fun and it hopefully makes everybody laugh and smile and we get to do funny voices and and that'll just be that's what we plan to do coming into today and we're excited to do that so we're glad you're here and I hope you're ready for some kindergarten yes and so if you want to engage in today's stream you can do it in two let's count them two way waise what are those ways Stephanie you can end up hashtag GT live over on Twitter where we oh man miss Applegate whoa this Applegate's looking pretty like I particularly booked them today looking pretty darn fine here you can you draw this I did oh my yeah did you just like up your art where have you suddenly gotten decent at artwork I've been practicing for the kindergarten dev have you you've been practicing at home have any late at night you're gonna leave us are you're just gonna like a fight I like art he's gonna go to art school art school or something good next year I'm impressed that you guys just like wow Lightning arts it was a present in the chat where you are saying things like kindergarten and Agnes and nugget which are everyone's like favorite characters I've also heard janitor and miss Applegate coming up as favorite characters as well cubics rube gamer staying up for this one while hopefully you're staying up is worth it because he got called out so there it is now it shall be the best says demon-hunter okay there it is friends alright so without any further ado let's hop into kindergarten - I didn't intend for that to rhyme but it did which was pretty nice um three mason comics that just says by the way I don't want to microwave the cat but at the same time I really want to micro the cat I've never felt so emotionally conflicted I agree I think the come on no I in order to play a game through to completion sometimes you just have to microwave a cat no we have to sometimes just a smokey a home we're gonna try to find smokey a home as well last thing just to quickly update you on everything we did yesterday we did the janitors playthrough where we kind of did the janitor storyline by helping him win the war against Bob the other janitor and now we're in the process of figuring out how to three Nuggets yeah so today our goal is to complete Nuggets I think that's a good day well I it's a good goal but sometimes you have to collect items along the way that help you complete more people's storylines so I don't know if we're gonna be able to do nugget I don't know what we'll see way we'll see we have a good lead on nugget we have a good League lead on a couple of them okay so we want to bring so last time we definitely know that we we gotta breathe so that way nugget doesn't lose an arm right that's because that would be tragic am i ready for my next day of kindergarten yes we are okay so let's start things off here bye yeah we're gonna give him the cook tool belt okay yeah good yeah how'd you get down there nugget nugget was searching for a suitable place to the new Nettie's so you crawl to the sewer grate yeah first suitable did you dig by the tree next to the handicapped bring the ground started to shake there was a caning what can I do about that ask the teacher or janitor or principal nicking his neck here just did no get out of here great okay so we know that we can get him out of there by talking to a janitor and getting giving him the tool belt right so strapped hello again little buddy what's going on extracting the great oh no that's terrible if only I had my trusty tool belt I could get him out of there go tell the principal she'll know what to do how about not I have your tool belt you found it that's wonderful hold on strange child Bob is coming to save you I'm gonna get you out of there just hang in there remember to breathe oh shoot apparently worse we needed to talk to Monty to get a flower for nugget we'll try we'll talk okay yeah [ __ ] knew how to breathe yogi does not know how much longer he can stay down here get negative out this'll just take a second got it there we go yo there your little friend don't go crawling on the ground anymore okay good to crawl underground again well just be careful with that [Applause] oh thank you I'll see you around little friend all right so he replaces there and then monthly apparently that was a very nice thing we just did now I'm sure your little friend would like to thank you for your help maybe he does uh hey uh you're looking to buy something yeah you're still selling stuff yep it's gonna be a struggle but I fully intend to keep my business running I will buy something what can I do for you lighter battery hand sanitizer that is none of the things that we need asking about the handicap ramp I need you to do it I need to get to the handicapped probe because ultimately Nugget wants to get to the handicap ramp I see well maybe we can work something out like what oh I'll tell Bob over there that you're pushing me up the ramp for three dollars sounds good yeah let's try that we've never tried oh yeah we need we need Logan no give his been saved then this ginger came in lip or negative well complaint should be giving me thinks I'm the one who told me we get you out and also his cookies never leave you know you didn't it tryst you to be his friend I want to be your friend nugget wing offering [ __ ] quicksand offering but who you can be he's been for hepcidin PD yeah I can get you that flower okay Nikki legs flowers come Juno get the phlegm I will find you the flower okay so so let's give it a month so we know nugget wants to get over by the handicap ramp so let's see if we can get over there I think we should try it do it no here hold up my idea hello again nudge findi friend of negative I don't want to waste money yet oh hey buddy glad you're not stuck behind that great anymore huh look at that again Nick it requires never oh sure but um what about your friend here he's not handicapped you know what I'm just gonna stop digging this hole go ahead don't just don't get trapped into any more holes okay net wish to repeat the incident earlier it would be pain okay see so I was wondering if that would actually work right so now without paying ah oh yes this is a blue flower take the flower quickly II hope your negative missed it don't know see there you go give you a chance it's still only I'm a chance of Freddy's men nugget is kind of uh you've got high standards it's gotta be it's kind of being a little bit over over defensive here man like I don't know if I want his friendship ever have to work this hard for it done for this guy all right here we go it would make you kind of sad it's a friendship but they've not been feeling with this fool yet so what's the alternative nugget yeah maybe if you some good building his music leave the less time to get ready didn't do so what do you need buddy nugget what Claire you follow nugget back to where the exit to the failure to never cave okay great I will do that but first I want to check out this check out all this stuff so what's this looks like this hole caved in I don't want to touch anything okay like a sign back there I don't want to fall into it yeah sign there's a sign with arrows on here they point up left up right up right left up oh boy up left up right it down really quick I'm just gonna write down okay ul you are ul you are well then you l you are you are Lu okay good great where can I use that do you think yeah well oh wait there's something stuck to the wall here yeah great can you go into the school from here oh wait whoa oh oh oh yeah it's it's the forest of mystery or whatever from zelda up left laughs top right oh wait wait there's there was an activating point yeah up love oh oh right this is wild up [Music] right right left up left up yeah right yeah right left and up whoo dududududu is it Zelda yes that's great it's the Master Sword except it's Muslim Master Mon Oh legendary sword Hey oh that's so funny oh that's off great but what a nice little Zelda right it's beautiful nice it didn't even take up an apple awesome okay let me see can you get into the school you can I'm not going to because I want to keep going with nugget okay let's do this okay so we got a follow no yet okay the first inkling was mega green screw his plan it's a letter make it needs a letter brought into this cube you safe nugget box keen observation nugget has a potential nugget has nuggets potential friend also noticed the green of the grass and the blue of the sky negative being I wouldn't expect you to be any other way buddy of course you are okay so here Monty had a lighter looking by something yep what can I do for you lighter this is a standard lighter good for starting fires and lighting cigarettes it'll run you a buck 50 sounds good yeah can we go around the back of the school to get in that way maybe pleasure doing business with you okay it always is okay so he leaves now okay which so we have one Apple left right his potential friend I found and later four [ __ ] yes [Music] [Applause] now miss you negative potential friend my bed the bed why not the bad penny these things sounds like sounds like nuggets just talking about like a really dirty how do I sneak it nugget okay okay so someone is sneaky it seems like that's always her right what she's she's are seeking something black hey you must be one of the new kids I'm Carla do you have any contraband on you okay so that's a strange question he's gonna charge you the psychic probably right well these are strange times I'm just trying to save you some study hall no one gets in or out of here with anything dangerous their metal detector yeah and her name is Kimmy the big leaks that blog growth is the biggest niche in school and she has a knack for knowing who's carrying stuff oh she no no idea but it's unwise to bring anything in these walls unless you have a special way of getting in can you get stuff in well if you want to get past the living metal detector out there I can offer you my services first of all feet there you go good what do you want to smuggle in aa lighter lighter later consider it done so I still have 250 left it'll be in the blue locker upstairs oh great good done awesome easy alright great that's the Bell everyone had inside to your assigned class go to class okay so I have a lighter inside okay thank you teacher is there anything we can check the mission map also so we're going to be very quiet looks like this school is more funding than the last one since there are actually toys this time go play just please be quiet okay here we go potential friend has reached Aquarian the fairies in the student yes it is its potential friend he's ready Jay nope no get defend Shiva okay so we knew he would ask for a shovel which we know is in the janitor's closet okay we're gonna get a shovel we know this how do I get to him though then we should see then we shall go see the janitor in the bathroom together it'll be weird okay should I do it or shade I think we just got it let's go see we just do it Oh what do you want dug in it is neck we'd get it once it is would teach your one spin about weirdo what are you getting at Louise me the principal's please you you have pills Snicket crack that when you filled nicotine you've collapsed the pills arm you'd make it by their DRAM got it come to mama you sweet sanity savers I don't know why she suddenly turn southern but that's fine every one of my characters is turning southern I don't know what it's you Finn we leave the we knew ah did you actually appeals anymore great let's go okay so presumably we can steal some of this stuff yeah I don't actually know what's in it whatever it is it's green and in a bag okay so whatever we take would require us to see if it must not for free tips the copy has Massimo card in it dibs that's free okay so that's hermit frog that's cool can we take the money for free probably not this is Ted's cubby there's three dollars right now I have a feeling we're probably gonna have to but later yeah later okay so we got to get the lighter yeah miss Applegate please open this door immediately there are pills out there don't you understand not really but you are a teacher so I guess I'll have to do what you say good no come out here and help me but I have to monitor the halls no okay okay I'm coming great okay that's these ha so they're outside which means we got to get in here here's the janitor stupid lock can't get into the weapons closet shoot janitor's closet same thing go upstairs and tell old Bob o to come down here and okay we can grab the later while we're up there yeah maybe we could do that with this scary German sure it's not my stupid closet so you can take whatever you want just go get that key a radio Bob to let him know you're coming now quit dawdling and go give me the keys okay so Bob's upstairs yes [Music] Wow that little hypocrite can't even keep the kids on this floor in check come on man let's get you back to class yeah there you go I need to talk to Bob sorry man rules are rules you know let's do something good for me like what well that little penny girl took my lighter oh shoot oh there you wouldn't Oh uh-huh there's one in the locker okay yeah let's do it can we would go through with it whoa really well would you look at that yeah man I'm happy do whatever okay so write glad I ran into you kid I'm like a brother you okay okay okay go Bob probably in that bathroom right he's probably in there you okay great oh hello you must be the kids that's trying to deliver the key to a closet to the other janitor that's right there you are hurry along get it back to him I hear you can be a little impatient I hear that too okay so now great this has actually been really smooth okay so this is just kind of like Domino defected pretty easily the real where's Mikey here good work kids keep my into the bargain load you like a shovel there you go kiddo now if you'll excuse me I gotta iron myself great nice all right that was easy the bill has been given Eureka sugar and his feet must return to the classroom of learning before a teacher knew this he's been missing return of the classroom of learning then teacher his net return teacher maybe once it's you great okay the teacher isn't back yet what do we do I guess we just go to lunch that's what we normally do right about now well steal everything in the Cubbies making nice negatives business to its ladies go to lunch all right we're flying through this great hey at least you know we'll know how far we can get you an inch lady hell out strange child Nikki it was like when and you [ __ ] it's Peter and say nugget 100 nuggets when you're insane today is not nugget day every day's new you dig Wow no child today is burger day you may have a burn great me babies nut burger it's nigut nicotine boom bags of nuggets under stuff behind you you'll have a burger are you all starved make your choice a hot child good for you great ok thanks to them oh no that doesn't bode well she's probably like poisoned or totally alright so I'm assuming you get the box of idiots ah it's great this here nickel needs help to get nuggets for the new 93 we're gonna help buddy there's a lady here with an inch counter she must be removed how do we do that Nega notice the road looked nasty burgers left once the burgers are gone the lunch lady will have to relieve to get more the Nuggets friend can steer the box of nuggets so I need to buy those burgers I'm gonna get scream Nuggets friend Ken or some of nigut other classmates ok ok so yeah so we need someone to buy burgers send me a burger or this kid yeah try him Felix says I'm not allowed to talk to anyone unless it's about business sorry get a wig wet bag bond we're not here we're here to talk business you wouldn't understand you should buy a burger business I'm not into Bank burger I'll provide food for myself Wyatt curse what I'm what lion would you want me to buy it burger okay exactly now please leave us okay so he's saying the same thing I can't believe that none of the new boys want to spit with me I'm still stuck hanging out with these two losers you should buy a burger Cindy mm-hmm no way I'm pretty sure burgers aren't vegan right try the ones with the lunch sacks yeah hey you kid how are you liking my food are you liking the food you should buy a burger work yeah should I buy a burger first or is she gonna call me on online Oh Swiper no no I don't think I will nice try though a cab man they got you got to you quick are you talking about I'm not eating anything that old Margaret makes I don't like the sauce she uses a boy all right great Ozzie [Applause] next to me and my best friend would sit across with me but no we can't have that anymore you kids you should buy Burger Ozzie yeah like wouldn't you make it easier to forget about all this forget about what I'm not gonna take all over this just leave me alone okay whatever aah penny I just love making new friends they don't seem too thrilled to meet you penny Monty II don't see me at recess kid I'm in the middle of a very lucrative deal okay wait let me try these too that's cool new school same kid to sit with what's the point of all this anyway okay you're okay but I actually kind of miss the flop me to bugs okay yes can't believe it or not I do occasionally do my job okay weird would you like for lunch I'll take a hamburger [Applause] please enjoy try again this may be the point that the entire chat is telling us and has been telling us for quite a while that we can't get past without something else really yeah yeah they were nothing couple time to look at Commission knocking but we can't do it now gets quest yeah I'm trying to tell you would it be you don't know we haven't done it yeah so I've been offering an opportunity to do anything well we have to look at the mission map to see what we have the opportunity to do kids aren't allowed in teachers lounge okay that's done I mean that's all bull and good but I'm playing the game blind I know I I like I feel like we should just discover stuff too because I think it's fun to put the pieces together on your own I'm just saying we we can't apparently do that it's alright shoot I guess we gotta just eat through everything yeah is any change let's try condiments fussing sign he leaves now that he's left buck-50 oh yeah maybe we can grab something here probably heat up some cold food plants by a soda that's I mean I have the exact amount for a soda I could take the flower soda yeah but why I don't know sure get the soda I was just trying to think of like what yeah so Ozzy leaves yeah we can looks like Ozzy left his lunch here sandwich has onions so we have a burger with onions okay she doesn't like sauce shoot okay fine shoot okay well we ended pretty far in this one oh and we know what to do it's weird that we can get that far though and and the onions got added to the burger yeah which is weird okay let's see how recess goes all right we've already gotten all the monster mom cards in here no kids you little weasel I looked all day for those pills and couldn't find them there never were any were there many big news tickets please no no I'm all hot and thirsty and it's all your fault you're gonna suffer like I did I'm thirsty and I have a soda area no no I'm busy torturing nugget he made me look outside all day for pills and I'm all aha yeah and thirsty the buck-fifty was my clue DUI wants on the drink there we go oh well thank you I suppose I can let this little monster go but never lie to me again you live mole creature got it okay so I'm gonna get appreciate the assistance from his disgraced potential friend you're welcome forgive me no no come on really that's it so you really need those Nuggets I guess shoot what's we already know what's at the rock wall don't avoid the room great boss apparently we need to do something with a twin first yeah it seems like we need to start like a business conversation with you at the beginning right yep once anything okay so I can't sell a burger what can i buy at this point Oh like you okay can't buy anything neither family penny so at this point there's not a whole lot that we can do no in the back this is my heart usually they disappear after we've done right Otto don't touch the great one I avoided it what yeah oh do you don't get anyone okay weird all right that's just there all right good to know oh wait mm right oh well we back yeah we know but she we don't have any food for her oh yeah oh yeah the burger banging burger burger oh wait here okay come on card test books no way huh that's cool oh I bet we maybe we can keep that one no no usually the only items that you can keep this doors lock to the principal's office usually the only items that you can end up keeping are the ones that are given to you at the very end of the day huh so I'm assuming that we can't keep that one you try picking up the flower and giving it to one of the girls or something we have a passbook what where I need the passbook yeah should I go in yeah I think so you're not allowed inside maybe use the bathroom fine have a good time okay so now we're inside we don't have any money for anything in here but we'd also don't know what's going on in here so doesn't seem like there's anything new yeah I was gonna say hey you're not supposed to be in here what's your pass where's your pass here fine hurry up okay there no gets back there no uh this garbage can smells bad okay I can't get oh the Nuggets are gone yeah actually there's nothing back there anymore all right Oh nugget my kingdom for a nuggets okay Dora the gym is locked you go to the bathroom and grab the spiderwebs potentially huh what else we got anything interesting up here another vending machine this is the passbook and scissors you go steal the money from the classroom at this point maybe if as long as I love it just lock your locked lockers lock their or their uncle be locked okay I don't want to wait so I talked to my old janitor friend I guess so garbage hey hey what's going on there boy sometimes a creepy janitor all right there you go definitely that what he into the science class he's our only no I don't wanna go in there cuz he might the guy might kill us oh boy oh wait this is study hall oh yeah so ya going yeah so we should either be able to be in the science classroom or in well oh he we should be able to get into the science classroom right because the teacher is in charge of study hall so yeah we should be able to get up here oh it's locked darn it okay okay send them right in this video room do you think he still ran to the bathroom maybe yes yeah steal the money yeah toy car doll hmm what if that old great I'm gonna play stupid study off first they take the knife take my frayed up okay sorry bugs so we don't want to fight we don't wanna be in here when the guy gets found out by going here Luke and if ever catch you smoking in this school again I will personally rip out your lungs and dissect them yeah got it man I'm sorry jeez hmm all right so he's go to the bathroom I don't like getting yelled at I wish I had something to cheer me up okay okay so I wonder if we got him a toy or something no he's gonna cat Oh cat look yet okay well now we know there it is we can't take this by I'm not taking myself he's bringing the fray on them shoot yes let's use the stuff so apparently I'll get ok so but we need a passbook to get in there right so we need to either take so we need to take the cat from dumpster lady but we need a passbook before that to get in there to give him the cat right okay we still have it okay the passbook yeah I guess so okay that's weird we still have the passbook yeah no one got it back no good we should see had a friend it's too big day you know no yet I wanted to be your friend and then you were a jerk so there you go Rach no no hang out with me she's upset he's he's grumpy but that's good bathroom Ian's water fountain okay so I guess I can uh she just burned through the day then yeah I think so okay let's just go through this and see if there's anything else interesting that we can do did all this okay so she's got that bugs are still upset and he wants a soda [Music] so if we go in here we can get the stick yep but the stick didn't seem to like really result in anything now oh must mind card okay great didn't realize oh that was I think whatever guy take a stick great hmm okay well stairs or cafeteria do you think I don't know I think we have to burn through this today I don't know what we're like trying to accomplish you know I'm learning learning things okay feel like learning is important it's kindergarten after all it is right that's very very well done okay go okay [Music] shoot bye bye okay Jules oh but we so everyone is pointing us toward the mission map just so you know and apparently we can Oh hard booger Oh hmm apparently we can work on the twins timeline okay sweet oh man open up your monster my own collection and build the deck when you have a full deck you can challenge other kids to monster mountain battles during the recess oh sweet really that's that all huh oh man I have to get good at like a card game in a oh man I'm so bad at card games you'd be okay oh all right look we can also probably do bugs right I don't I don't know I'm all I'm selling you is with the chat is saying is that we can't complete Nuggets quest until we do the twins [Music] I'm checking just the messenger man and also a fellow player I want to know so what do you wanted so what do you wanted to twins let's go I told you already tidy the plants foolproof just do exactly right told you look I know it's just I don't know I feel like this whole thing seemed so wrong ah he hasn't done anything to us he'll be fine quit being stripped hmm long have you been listening for a little bit chat I look good I wouldn't want Ted here to get in trouble hey why would I get in trouble I didn't do anything which is just so typical of you Teddy I'll just see our family's company myself so if you can't believe it it's not fair what's not fair assi reasoning of rebuilding a rezoning the rezzing how dare they residents to read that right yesterday I hate when my friends get rezoned all mine all them me move to a new school to make room for you jerks how many three we got a bad deal if you ask me well it's nice talking with you let's go back over to the twins Teddy here is just so mediocre whatever you turn to a cop whatever he's trying to accomplish will surely fail I'll supportive okay oh hey I'm Ted why aren't you in on Felix's plan because he's a good-for-nothing just grace to my family's name great I'm sorry Felix I just want to help I can do this maybe I can explain better during morning time I'll be in the regular class stupid class stupid class if you want if you want to talk then okay great okay cool I can't wait to get started no I think about it we get started now what are you trying to accomplish just helping with this one part I'll tell you the rest during ranked okay get to it buddy we're gonna need to distract Oz during morning time talk to him and see if you can figure out what a draws attention he'll need a battery I'm gonna get someone who can stage a fight with probably a girl just someone just need to fight probably a girl although with with the rezoning I'm not sure there are any in the dumb class okay I know it doesn't record right we are very familiar with dumb girls on this live stream Teddy you can't pull this off I'll handle it let go okay I'm gonna try you'll see we need okay so we get a better youth indie so we want to buy a battery that's great okay so that's that and now sandy this new school isn't so much more my style especially the selection of boys wait Ted what's your hope it's so good oh I don't we've been here for like five seconds and I'm already beating proposition yeah Wow amazing well through a little text summed up if he makes it if he makes it find its way to another girl's hair then it's a date great I don't like it when a man keeps me waiting I want it done before the bell rings chop-chop okay I'll get it done right away so now Oh is there a girl you could set me up with yep LLL give me some chewed up gum taking a girl's hair oh this girl go along with my plan if I do this I think so I guess I'll just stick this in Carla's here ah that's I should not suggest penny as an alternative his penny I'll get him in trouble yeah I'm really sorry about this Carl ah sorry about what you haven't done anything oh so that's how it's gonna be well you just made yourself an enemy Ted I'd watch your back if I was you okay I'm really sorry but I have this really elaborate plan she seems really bad then I feel terrible this is your plan no but can we just go over there and see if she's okay maybe I can make it up to it great I'll see what I can do oh that was wonderful you're gonna be an excellent boyfriend yeah it's all starting to come together I'll see you in morning time see look at me match me call me Yenta I'm a matchmaker matchmaker make match maker make me a match Yenta gentle gentle boy boy boy boy good grief teddy thank you looks my plan will work just see well great for Ted geez yes seriously okay so okay so Cindy's I'll have to talk to Morgan I have to talk to Carla but yeah before you ever it's curious if there was anything behind the pillars there Oh what the heck is wrong with Ted you just came up and stuck gum in my hair anything I could help that's nice kid I appreciate it I could use some scissors to cut this crud out of my hair where can you get those in the vending machine upstairs you know that upstairs but since you're in the less gifted class would probably be easier for you to get them at lunch okay it's a lunch okay thanks kid here's a vending machine coupon Oh Oh do it myself but I'm not allowed to use the machine anymore after I started counterfeiting these cool okay so we made need a lot of crock in order to get upstairs then we need to get a Hall Pass at some point okay so hopefully one falls into our lap fortunately geez okay kids okay Nuggets gonna come in his arm is gonna be ripped off right peruse oh maybe not maybe not died no no after the first Apple falls destruction was the best toy in the toy box my friends and I used to play with them all the time before that you came Oh actually here before we oh good you're here felix has a scheme it's gonna help our family's company but I have to but I have a better one no one wants to listen what is it I'll tell you you got across I'm telling Felix will be so mad his plan gets ruined it's my fault I promise not to tell I want to use you to get this poor Ozzy this is a man who's destined for Wall Street curious why Ozzy great well you see Felix says because oh I don't know but I think it has something to do with our inherent oh no it's all nothing the illegitimate child oh no there's been a murder done a Southern Fried murder done in the kindergarten the insurance is at stake Ozzy is the one who stands to benefit from this little relationship we have here all right let's ask him how do I kill that your inheritance yeah your inheritance yeah Felix and I are gonna be getting large sum of money when we create tea felix is a dumb kid like me won't know what to do with it maybe he's right don't say that thanks I appreciate that so how do we kill him yeah well they want to give him as much we're gonna need a long distraction I figured we could pretend like something's draw the teachers attention and you could grab let's get that inhaler to kill this poor innocent under-confident asthmatic child one is medic murder coming on with no friends whoa he's so lonely in life right but first we should handle off you gotta get something to just you got something to distract him right yep I do it's a battery it's a battery think you can move to the other side of the class to play with the structural choke Ron go give them that battery and we can talk to sin great all right this battery will just keep going and going and going [Music] no nugget is late okay what happened your arm we had to it off goes and gets the fidgety spinny he's super excited about these Vinny so happy for you Doug it's great destructor I was the best play in the toy box my friends and I used to play with him all the time before the new kids came in once it was the best toy ya know he's out of battery no friends no toys no kids are the works you can have this battery oh really Thanks maybe you weren't so bad yeah maybe I'm gonna go play over by the toy box see you around kid great okay so that's done so now let's talk to that nugget Cindy the huzi on the way we're ready to make our move but the light is like right above this dialogue when we started when we started the distraction be ready to ground up hang up great all right also Felix didn't get a chance to empty this Cub you for going with SmartGlass there's some stuff in it I do with grabbing like money Felix's good money no no no the money is my cubby yeah this is to the right of Aziz the green oh the green goo which the dumpster lading which dumpster lady will get which in turn will get us the Hall Pass yes because she can drink it yeah we should give us the Hall Pass or the cat which we can then microwave cat smoke it cats gonna be smoking for a lot of reasons got a long way to go same instructions it is trash okay okay okay so these guys are gonna start the distraction I just love this doll she's so pretty she's like me Oh maybe cause the distraction oh really sorry sweetie but I only do something like that for my boyfriend that'll be your boyfriend yeah remember I needed a piranha show to strike the teacher oh yeah that's my kind of date are you ready to go that he is yeah let's go be ready to grab that inhaler kids great following boyfriend we're about to have our first oh but it what a gem what a gem are you ready sweetie ready for what you haven't told me anything just play along I've done long what this doesn't how dare you oh hey hurt your jerk oh well there's more where that came from hey Cindy stop knock it off right now right Oh bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce oh my gosh Wow okay this is Ozzy's cubby it has maybe a chicken Taylor and then next door this is Felix's cubby I don't actually know what's inside but it's green and in back takes okay great okay okay stop but I'll kill him if he ever does that again not good enough you little Brad you're getting the study hall for this little incident it was the word fit Oh young love Ryuta for fun it's beautiful Todd warms the little jubblies of our hearts did you get it please tell me you got it my jubblies are so warm right now it's how you're juggling I'm not sure if that applies to me doubly is Jeff we don't to death I think jellies apply to all genders right how are your jubblies there Chris squishy Wow really I mean are you knocking are you sure you're not confusing your job leads with your cockles makes it are your cockles warm I'm gonna back out of this because my job Lisa my cockles both I think I think everybody need to just give everybody else's job leave them cough a little space all the jellies and cockles that I possess on my person are very warm right now just warm all around jellies cockles scooting over here it has nothing to do with your EE cockles no there are two separate things that I think we should be playing perhaps four separate things not sure actually kind of just making it up just kind of going with it oh do you know I got it there we go awesome you're really good this bags now what I practice a lot yesterday no we took away his life you just need to stress him out enough to trigger an asthma attack out stresses him out Ozzy is a bit particular he likes to do things certain way we at break his routines he should start freaking out where do we start lunch there's a lot of really specific things there it should be hard it shouldn't be hard to throw him off his game great ball he likes onions on his burger or whatever so I'll have to take off his onions attention new kids here's your passbook if you get an adult to sign it you're allowed don't get any crazy ideas though you're only allowed to use it once per day okay great so that'll help us out oh my god that's the Bell get out of my classroom and go to lunch okay everyone's calling you a creeper oh nice it's a nice creeper all right oh there you are it's time to move forward with the next stage of the plan great what is it what the devil are you talking to him for what are you two doing Oh show the new kid with forks our follow me a new kid great okay Gillis can't know what we're doing that we're doing this I want to just be the two of us so he knows that I can take charges okay few minutes huh Z is going to leave and use the bathroom mean to take the stall to the left that's the stall he likes okay Ozzy's gonna leave and use the bathroom I need to take the stall on the left okay yeah okay it'll stress them out that's the name of the game here we just have to keep putting pressure on till it cracks go that stall and wait for it okay I got a fork too felix is watching here's a fork so we don't look suspicious Thanks also did you talk to Carla well she forgive me she wants scissors oh of course oh you should probably do that while you're out as well okay good idea okay so I'm gonna have to buy a burger right so that way she can sign my passbook yeah you haven't eaten yet okay okay so I got a PI burger buy a burger oh she do we even have many considers I have I have the pass Carla gave me the car that's right the coupe so I'll take a hamburger please enjoy thank you so now I'm enjoying my hamburger now I go out I bought a burger right mark my pass go outside I I have to get past this get out you need a pass be out here go back to lunch I'm giving you study hall I have lab one bathroom tennis if we have to go to the bathroom first yeah and then it becomes he freaks out and to become the hall monitoring emergency or something wait you're pale cuz he does go smoke right yeah oh yeah what can i yeah yeah back it up kid your passes for the bathroom not upstairs they can't let you go up there okay so what can I do yeah cuz we have an apple to use until he leaves right hmm that little narc took my cigarettes this morning you wouldn't happen to have something to smoke oh that is not green stuff for the dumpster lady oh oh that is not dumpster hag just give it oh that is not dumpster hag stuff over oh wow this is even better than cigarettes thanks man oh no oh boy okay yeah corrupting influence oh okay great vending machine is full of stuff okay use coupon on scissors yeah great we got our scissors so now what's bathroom yeah are we going no no no oh we gotta go there first oh I need some toilet paper there isn't any in here shoot cute shoot okay we got to restart the day yeah okay so the last R is for the lunch the last apples for the Scissors shoot yeah last episodes okay there we are okay go to y'all desk so apparently everyone who the chats like oh it's need I mean I thought was the green goo I mean that's what we thought it was and then that spoiled attendance anecdote yeah I got a different guy different yeah we are very innocent but even I know that's in California certain things happen okay okay so go to the here first Oh do I wait do I give it to him first yeah I think we give it to a curse cuz we have a extra apple here now he's gonna come to the bathroom now we go into the left stall you guys stole great here he comes what the who's in there this is my soul I use every day come out right now I'm not done yet deal with my job leasable everyone knows this is my stall no hurry up and finish please just seize the other one I'm gonna be in here all day I had a really gnarly burger so one of those little curly poops uh-huh it's worse small curly ones that you're like wow I can't believe this exit of my body of my piece [Music] right I'm stressing him out it's causing him an asthma attack I also had a lot of corn yesterday of course ruff ruff what's going on in that left side I hope all of this me the other one I'd rather die hello you haven't heard the last of this kid yeah nice noise noise okay so now we can go upstairs cuz he's busy ah you know enjoying his is herb honey someone's herbal product use coconut scissors there we go okay great thanks for the hook-up and everything but you do gotta get going bro great okay awesome nice so now we are out to lunch or at recess okay so we've got to drop off the scissors and then whatever they want oh can you see my inhaler I thought you left it in my cubby but it's just here I don't know I haven't seen it Carnot's cookie man keep a backup in my locker upstairs I'll just use that if anything happens Oh curses okay so let me talk to my buddy do you hear that here's another inhaler darn it well he definitely seems stressed it I take it you meted to the stall want I did indeed good continue with the planet I just need to adapt a little how so we've got some things to do one is kind of green flower Ozzy is hugely allergic just seeing one should be enough to freak him out Wow okay well I already know where to get one great if you're around school I know one grows back by the dumpster I'll be back with it okay so that's good drop that what sir let's drop it yeah let's get her this get a lime green go it's still my turn to jump on the trampoline oh maybe a gym yeah maybe at the end of the day right or maybe earlier no open the gate okay let's grab our little green flower take it flowers we still have the burger too right for lunch bag here we go get the flower yep wow you are good so now we just have to get into that locker feel the back up inhale okay how do we do that only one person I could get in and I put gum in her hair great okay good well let's see if we can smooth things over with her maybe she'll forgive me I hope so so here we go we got this good perfect good langree go we have a job for you is that so I had why would I be so inclined to help the kid who put gum in my hair this morning I'm really sorry about that but if it helps my plan has been pretty sick shut it snob did you get those scissors I asked for yes I did good at least I got that going for me so will you help us okay I guess if you do one more favor for me see that kid in the wheelchair over there you've been making some moves on my turf today I got a show of not to do that okay here's this here's a screwdriver see to it that his wheels are less than Apple Oh No way you'll see us there's two of you one of you pretend to buy something from the little fence well the other sneaks behind him and pops out a screw it's not that complicated got it please good come see what it's done oh great oh I guess we have to do this we have to further disable crippled I feel sick yeah you're trying to kill Greg that's different my hope Felix is a good reason for let's just get this over with okay right before we do if you want to buy or sell stuff you should probably do it now I doubt that it'll be in the mood after we ruin his day uh are we supposed to sell it what do you mean oh here we go the last part of my plan you have to go to science instead of Jim okay I'll be right back cuz we we need three dollars to go to sighs yeah we gotta sell so I want to now sell something good yeah I can sell the inhaler yeah I can take that I'll give you $2 for it deal deal great they're doing business with you okay I don't need anything so now we have enough to get to science class which then means we go up here are you ready I'm ready now I'll go pretend to buy yourself something just to make sure he doesn't get hurt you bet okay we go great so I've got my green flower what's good wheel hold on a minute kid moneybags is over here is gonna make a purchase okay so no then we got good guy should I remove a screw from Monty's wheelchair yeah oh oh no oh oh no no no no Oh terrible no horrible people know not only did you remove the wheels from my wheelchair my wheelchair then disappeared literally physically disappeared and I'm just laying on the ground is it weird that I feel kind of worse about this than killing Ozzy Ozzy is annoying what I think obvious I think is delightful yeah man hashtag justice for Monty I really nazir Oh what happened to my chair this sucks why is this happening to me No hi yeah I'll let you get yourself together we'll talk later when you're on the court just get out of here great DeeDee well done okay deals a deal I'll see to it that Ozzy Locker is open by the time you get to it uh can you grab the inhaler for us waiting yeah that's not part of our deal you only said the locker we're gonna have to grab whatever you want out of it by yourself right Karen look we've got about that but it was necessary was call it's time you do the actual job now are you ready for your big moment what do I have to do bell rings hey the lab beam go to site that's where Ozzie goes after recess then what once you're in there cause a distraction at sneak out grab the inhaler out of his locker once you have it show Ozzy the flower you should fall apart and die look great sounds like a plan Felix now will meet you after school all goes well you'll be great you're Richie Rich better be worth it geez finally just one more class then I get to go home anyway you won't believe the lab fee okay okay okay I want to pay the lab fee by going science there we go great welcome to science class today's lesson will be about plants please observe the common plant in front of you Oh notice how it is neither carniverous nor poisonous because the PTA is a bunch of cowards feel free to take a sample and look at it under the microscope this one won't do much but it could if Ozzy's mom wasn't such a wimp Wow yes all right okay so what do i what did I have to do I had to cause a distraction yeah then this planet isn't poisonous Arkin or carnivorous which makes sense considering that this is that's cool okay I can't wait we don't get to do showings help hey what's that what pretty flower you have can I help you what do you need a distraction I don't know but seems smart happily what how dare you miss Applegate is a genius he's probably mom fall for any old distraction you're gonna need something big like what boys are so stupid look at this place I'm sure there's something you can use maybe by the computers or something I'll see what I can do okay so there we go here's the microscope I hear about this oh this is a microscope I can look at any slides I've taken samples on with this okay this is a box of slides I can samples on them yeah what else we go so we got the computers got a plug okay I could have changed the lesson plan if I got into this but haha that's interesting okay that's good to know this is an electrical outlet it could probably be used to create a distraction of the right second so god yes yeah go ahead and stick that fork in oh I should tell Cindy first so that way she knows what's coming or maybe she sticks it in yeah we're gonna use the electrical outlet there's a big distraction yeah owlette how's that gonna create a distraction stick this myth oh she's gonna die yeah she's gonna die not gonna do ya think I mean all for Sin City we can say look this is like this is a really deadly oh yeah I insist but I want that flower before I do anything I could get I could get in trouble but it'll be worth it for something pretty we can't do that though because then Ozzy right if we give her the flower I mean we could potentially recover it from her dead body that's what I'm thinking all right let's do it cuz otherwise I'm gonna die right so I'm assuming she's gonna die we can get the flower back get the lighter show it's Ozzy all that right I think so oh good get ready to run here comes a deception oh no oh no hey dr. dinner look what I'm doing I'm like it's it'd be a lot more than this right oh no wait what are you doing that's not a good idea oh you knew children are dumber than the monkey sees brains I remember oh no ok nobody moves I'm sure the power will be back on soon okay so she's dead get the flower this is the fried corpse of Cindy she loves the fork and the flower take the flower great oh and I unlocks like he's close oh look at all I'm a girl again sitting you watch Cindy's clothes oh my god okay so you're in her garden no Sam this locker is locked this locker is locked which one was it Green was a green I own him orange locker is unblocked Biasi take the inhaler okay I'll shoot huh hey kid you can't be out class get back in there oh oh oh look who's back I'm terribly sorry that plants in the dark wasn't interesting enough for you oh no I'm so dead I forgive you please take this laser blasts oh so we have to do a shoot to get back to the thing okay so I think what we do is actually we take the flower later right yeah yeah okay so we need okay Phillipe help me and your distraction see what I can do okay so we find this we're so close tell Cindy all right then Cindy I'm gonna use the electrical outlets take this in in the extraction here's my flower and ready okay so now she gets electrocuted that's great amazing crispbread Cindy okay now we go out okay I'm not gonna do at the dark out here yesterday oh I see you like the leg I used to have too but the other went missing if you find it please bring it to me okay really that's interesting okay good no so now we're here take check the locker hailer now we're back to the room and here is where take the flower oh there we go everyone get back to doing science okay so now we show it to go wake him I'm trying to learn about plan we'll check out this plan oh I think I'm having Ono give him some room damn it Ozzy we've been over this where's your inhaler well Ozzy I have some bad news it's not in there so looks like you're gonna die here but don't worry won't be in vain if you sign on the dotted line here I'm semi legally allowed to use your body for science oh I'll just forge it for him it's what he would have wanted good news everyone I'm suddenly come into possession of a cadaver tomorrow's lesson will be on Anatomy I just noticed the body count on today's class has been slightly higher than average perhaps we could end the day just a little bit early everyone go home go home wowser why was that I'll drink to that holy man all it took was murdering two of my classmates in order to get home early oh my gosh there he is Felix I told him he would do it I didn't see how's it coming to school do you really do up did you really do it my brother was suggesting did yes well done this is exactly what I wanted yes exactly you could do it I did it without your help oh wait yes I'm sure father would be quite proud give him his reward give him the thing oh yes here you are what is it it's a pin from our company it represents that you are a trustworthy Ally to our family there it is safety would you mind just telling the driver I'll be back I just need a moment to talk to our new here sure thing Felix cook all right go take this monster on card it looks kind of like Ozzy did before he uh bye hello no oh dress coma oh no oh dear what max this wasn't supposed to happen house he wasn't supposed to die why he didn't want Ali dead goodness no I want intend dead Oh No why perhaps we could discuss the matter tomorrow perhaps excellent good day to hate men good day ah there we go I was wondering if this prestigious see house closed it's like a shield it's a prestigious pin okay new clothing oh I can look spoiled spoiled germaphobe strike oh mama oh it's like a drama llama accepts of stress stress okay so we need to take so I think we tried now get again Yeah right a belt and shields yeah Belkin shield okay so that's gonna allow them that trust me to buy a burger yeah exactly exactly okay all right those beer on fire apples on nugget yeah speed running it so we gotta do nugget he's trapped oh my god I'm gonna help you janitor friendly can I get by okay Oh No there's kid trapping great yeah that's right nothing scrap is great there we go I have your too but I'll go help him yay helpful whoo great ah great no okay yep thank you no good so good I'm gonna help you I want to be your friend offering I can get you stuff okay Oh Billy find uh gonna flour okay find a good flower path okay buh buh buh buh let me pass we passed Bob oh there we go we're here got a flower take flour gets nugget okay so now we need bit lighter oh yeah I need the lighter there's bribe what's her name Carla well yeah I won't need to talk to nugget right on the lighter I get I have a lighter how do i sneak it in I'll see what I can do Carla Carla pay you off great metal detector I get stuff in your lair great perfect nice all right look at that speed run okay okay now I need to be distraction no get Nuggets gonna go get her to freak out about the pills great she's up there the two of you go out do it Jules no okay so now you need anything okay ba they go out so we need to talk to janitor get our shovel janitor's closet okay so we need to go upstairs what's the face like Bob oh yeah they're great lighter lighter sorry I don't have any mysterious herbs in baggies great so now we got the key key goes down great - here - here I'm gonna shovel great awesome lunch whoo perfect we got this sweet no Hebrides one burger now we're responsible for the other one yes okay here we go - Ted so talk to him first how can I help there's a box of Nick it's the hesitance JD's counter she must be removed there in your only two nasty burgers left one carries a gun delicious lady would get new good burgers okay great that doesn't matter looks nothing yeah it doesn't matter who buys them can you talk to this guy oh wait you back bond we're talking about business you wouldn't understand my burger I'm not interested in buying burger I dragged them for my stuff what of course but I want to buy burger I'm a friend of the company oh good my apologies I had no idea you were a friend of the family you just need me to buy a burger yes oh very good then you are the man Teddy a burger please yes Felix we'll get it back to you I'm Wilma smart bread hello I'm confident wealthy trial can we just go around calling people by like adjectives that like that very directly describe them to like hey neurotic poorly trust females stop describing me jeez oh wow I didn't even realize I like this I could do this shirt it's great although I will say your shirt does kind of confuse me why cuz look so all the aunts she's got all these animals in like design they're super fun right but and they're all animals but then you have this like random little sad speech bubble on there that's weird it's right here no this is a parody wait there's all sorts of other random stuff on here why is this that's really weird what is this random blob oh who knows what you're the door oh this is a sandal okay everything else makes sense it's just the sad speech bubble happens to me no it's right next to the stingray every time I think he's spinning on people I don't think so no I think he's spitting I think it's just a repeated I think this I think the Stingray is spinning that makes no sense why would the spit be sad it makes perfect thing what spit what skate what stingrays spit in your experience has ever been said or maybe it's a tadpole it looks like who can have marker hole on with the game let us know in the chat and on Twitter what you think the sad spit stingrays spit on Stephanie sure it is we'd love to know one burger please while I'm distracted here also you should enter a code right here Boop if you want to win three free copies or one of three you can - read copies have you send your favorite what what is it what are we saving saying is it it's our favorite character well we put favorite monster mountain card Oh whatever you said put some text in the email so that way we know that you're not a bot that's all that's that's the only reason we need it honestly we don't care about your name or anything else three free games to go Whataburger that'll be $1 help yourself trial great great here you go money one burger just like you asked I think you Teddy that will be all great so we buy the last one okay so we got by the last one hello child what would you like the line burger there you are our trial on murder okay he's the name puddle mom I'm on the children are quite ravenous today I must get more burgers he sounded like the seagulls from Finding Nemo for a second I'm fine great okay no get Nick means the burger is good I didn't uh get screen keeps do the nasty burgers but didn't it then tasty Nick it's behind the counter fine I have to do at 5400 cheese what do we got good got back here oh yeah there's definitely a mic on back here yeah mystical tomato yeah this is a box of Nuggets Nuggets it for his new cave for some reason oh this guy man God watch out for him no right that laser he's happy happy I feel sappy happy sometimes come on get sappy its breathing you never did indeed nugget excellent it is quick pleased then you negative K movie what's wrong it's gonna be cool Nick its Nick it should be eat I can microwave them oh whoa no nugget don't do it food dude code is dead cheese goodnight Nikki can think of nothing risk pull yourself together man right let's find a microwave [Applause] [ __ ] code Nick it's bring them back womb negativity you got it I really want chicken nuggets after watching these streams I'm begging you take it well okay then oh no guess okay I know right I have a real hankering for some Nuggets right now okay this is a microwave I could probably use it to heat at night we grab the Nuggets great great or a cat so we should also get a soda cuz the teachers gonna come by so we need oh no oh damn it oh no oh man the teachers gonna beat him up no no she's not it's shoot ah darn it maybe the Nuggets are still no oh no just being there banging shoot the wall trooper ok restart man here I was trying to be prepared from what was happening people people say we shouldn't get the drink wait people say we should get the drink maybe they were just thinking that I can't go back here no see if I can't go back there until they're gone and we use up all the apples so yeah here Lee can I help ya we use up all the apples so I don't think we get the drink my anguish my burger friend of your company great buy the burger okay great we got the burger time uh teachers still back there so I need to use this to buy the other burger pray she disappears okay she disappears so now I steal the Nugget and the monster my turn kakie now gets okay he leaves so we still yeah but if we go what do we go warm them up first yeah maybe that's what we have to do no I know used to freak out about it wait uh what if I know cuz I'll still only be left with one apple apple so no I think we don't buy a drink yet I think we just got to go through this process alright okay okay no yeah he picks out nigut hey [ __ ] yeah another room we got to talk to him again I was I thought I had to double check we could save an apple okay cold nugget nugget nugget okay find a microwave great great okay oh yeah that's right he takes the nuggets away from me so there we go some now do this microwave there we go and Nuggets up no stop stop oh my gosh I'm microwaving the Nuggets nugget he's negative that's so good I'm so happy for you but these warm nuggets nugget is ready to complete his Nunavut cave i'm c- recess maybe we'll show you the wonders even minute cave can't wait doesn't wake lovely bird school today gentle portrait I'm stuck all how others may go to recess so she's gonna come here only so I looked all day for those pills I couldn't find them there never were any were there shoot okay we have anything here you could give her we could be our I'm just gonna broke up uh can I get in oh yeah okay that was easy enough okay so uh great [Music] yeah this should just do it right yeah look he doesn't bother us that's great so she there we go thanks hunter oh that was easy uh-oh well thank you I suppose I can let you this little master go okay great yes great oh well super easy great thank you for sleeping no different no just teach you're needy you're welcome buddy he's ten couldn't I get your dig a brand new nicotine have fun neither Wow great wow that was most effective shovel ever minecraft eat your heart out nugget craft crafting with Nuggets oh man it's a whole it's a whole new spin-off game diamond nugget oh yeah now they have monster line where you just designed the Nugget cave and then you play monster on nugget cave designer that'd be awesome make it happen guys did monster Mon write nugget became evil diner it'll be like PewDiePie's games they're like YouTube simulator yeah it's it's a nugget it's a nugget Cave Simula fill it full of microtransactions be rolling in rolling in the dough booth good one Chris it's good here we go here we go no it's new negative cave is almost complete there is just one more thing negative missed you do you even know get to the war Meggie great we go Oh pooping them all into the cave no no you didn't know experiencers we need to enter the negative oh you gotta know you got a cushion the landing right yeah we did a whole theory we did a whole period this you haven't seen it go watch it oh yeah 100 nuggets that we did a whole game theory and this is happening yeah go check out the kindergarten game theory episode where we calculate how many nuggets you need to soften the fall hundred nuggets is not gonna be enough nobody that's not all right let's go let's do this that it look that that is not nearly enough nugget no dude Nuggets new nugget cave there is so much to see like it notices that there is an egg oh that's the other leg Nikki was hoping this nugget key would not have such looseness I'll get rid of good okay great I'm very much appreciated yeah it's friend is Trudy Nuggets nice friend Trudy is no kids fit that's very yep accurate so we got Nuggets this is the pile of milks that broke my call wait some theorize that it should be larger but apparently it's like no I know it yeah oh that's so funny oh that's great it should be laughing oh that's so fun it's fine oh that's really funny okay oh that's great this is a severed leg nugget doesn't seem to want it in the wall take the leg take the leg leave it going thank you for removing good next segment ice cream please join nugget in the gym when the bell rings negative the friend to pay day but no no I feel like this is very one-sided relationship right right what okay let's check this out this is a statue of a giant nugget there's room in front for some kind of offering okay that we could offer the giant nugget especially on this Ranma this is a skeleton of something it doesn't look human but it does have a wallet check out the other cave yeah whoa what what what the creature will kill you if he isn't distracted by some ha are you kidding no it's great what a great surprise no not coming oh that's so fine go get her Sona oh that's hilarious what do we got to distract him with hey that must be a different we're offering we need a distraction now right what offer you even have buy a soda okay oh oh is the universal distraction maybe we could push her down there Cindy Cindy get distracted uh here you go bada-bing bada-boom great this is a this is already a pretty crowded question I know like I don't even know like see you're gonna get down here right I don't know where you're gonna find time to do other stuff okay no one else is gonna do anything with me because we've already talked every right here's the Nuggets let's poop the Nuggets in those Nuggets poop damn nuggets okay let's go down to the cave Wow I see me I say we take the money this time and then oh you know okay what we need to do yeah oh wait so here's what we're gonna have to do right I get it I already know you're gonna take the leg take the money that brings you to science class yeah science class is where you give dr. Tanner the leg which then gets you something something right which we don't need though so I'm gonna take it I'm gonna take the money yeah uh but and then we're gonna go no we're not gonna cuz we he wants us in gym yeah here's the Bell no good okay come to Jim so I'll go to deal with it this is nugget nugget may finally have a chance at winning a game I'm dead bear it is so on a separate quest line we'll have to do that and then branch off to science class and we can do whatever the leg results in people are saying that we may be able to feed on the cat okay okay I live through it okay okay okay and t-shirt a teacher maybe wants to be dead well sure whatever makes you happy now get I just hope someone is able to knock some sense into you I'm gonna have been good guys scantily clad teachers comments I don't know if she's scantily clad just more there's just a lot of her to clad and she hasn't effectively clad herself yeah well teacher doesn't care hey kids anyone who hits nugget with the dodge ball gets a gold star you see Munich shouldn't yeah oh no I've got a protection oh this is terrible oh this is terrible negative news the buzz of getting down nuggets negative whose nugget we live what [ __ ] the team is not declared any girls creative debt of dodging making hoops to have something to put up with oh I have a leg oh all right oh oh oh oh man I can't believe I'm out already knitted speediest and Miss victory is issued okay great Oh Nuggets been dude oh no you can't go to moon defend nugget well there's no balls oh they have no balls over there you know they don't have AK does bugsy does I'm gonna move uh I'm gonna move back to get the ball up married sure cuz the only Bugsy has the ball right unless nugget moves I'm assuming that Nuggets not gonna move right so he's gonna throw the ball it's gonna hit one of the twins Bugsy is gonna throw his ball which won't hit anyone unless it hit me if I was staying still so like so I think I move off okay I think that's the way to go here it is 10:14 buggy to take your [ __ ] theory yeah whoa Wow nugget has a much better arm okay teddy gadget you imbecile oops sorry Felix right behind me you should have been able to catch it now we're both out okay I'll do better next time I promise okay so those two are out no friend of Nuggets prime use it looks like the bowl and judging okay down to defend Nagano I'm gonna do back nose quick Strega three straight nigut throw the ball ah ouch this stupid day can't get any worse screw this okay so we need someone to catch this means booties yeah up against me I'm gonna throw this like I used to throw slop and your old air old school maybe these native feed if stupid bugs no hesitation great no you fool no now if we to bigots do anything push no get out of my way oh you know the way you guys sacrifice yourself new freedom nigut you Nikki took photo don't be here oh no darn it get out of buzzes line of sight if you want to keep your head shoot oh we're so close man we were so close all right okay yeah yeah oh we were navigating it so well man I have this leg boom hit the leg back okay great okay so now I'm gonna move up these to get finished they both get head great arm myself I should move down back right I need the ball yeah now he says strike strike yeah I think he's I think he's gonna ball I thank you too okay there's that so now Bugsy's there nugget will be victorious you're up against Bugsy do the thing move down move down oh okay he's gonna move forward well okay so the twins just got out because the second twin didn't catch the ball no I'm gonna catch it that's why I should move down there I guess I caught that could you catch it freedom [ __ ] do the trick the goal of dodging is cut - nobody's victories net means no pick whatever dodgeball Stuber anyway yay negative wings no he's never wins no get to need is found a good thing you know what maybe it wasn't about kindergarten it was all about the friends we made a walk away you're breathtaking nugget you're all breathtaking but especially buggy glad you think so it was nice to present his friends with what ah finally okay kids it's good nice watching you smack each other around but it's time to hit the road go home now see you there - questlines okay what do we got let's know you got for us what you got buddy you got let me see yeah we'd like to present maybe it's friend please yes it is a glance to man the other same sort the pretty ordinary give it to a friend of nugget which you know it's friend now he's the pretty Lilly gave nugget it of what are you look it's a pretty listen techniques especially noisy there's all no good news okay you know it's a distraction you like this no big screen you may also have this monster man code it digs much like in the neck [ __ ] good oh nice naked with you tomorrow see you later buddy oh yeah we're fred nuggets Fred yeah a monster man plushie okay and we got mystical tomato and dune worm I thought it said dope worm at first which I was like yeah dope worm great character alright so I I wonder if that's the offering yeah in front of the giant nugget oh yeah which maybe summons or alternatively maybe that's the thing that distracts whatever the monster is in the nugget cave yeah I bet it's one of those two okay be curious but look look that we got our monster mountain plushie oh I see just pin Bob's tool belt I'm gonna have to us man and we also got a half yeah yeah we are flying oh my god okay so good so there you go friends flying it through kindergarten that is neat for three quests like we made it through three quest lines so far and we're we're flow I feel like we're doing pretty good yeah alright so we have to wrap it up for there we will be back tomorrow or Thursday or Thursday at 4 o'clock yeah figure it out we'll be around you tuned we'll be round will be here we're here all week you know what helps ringing the bell yeah putting in the Bell make sure you get notified of when we're streaming next time which why wouldn't you want to be I mean come on it's the best hanging out with us garden okay super fun okay guys we will keeping up with Chris we love this this has been so much fun thanks again to the kindergarten team for sending us the code for the game last chance I want to get your emails in team Marisa if crazy G's could ever pull it up wow oh my god Wow there you go down there it's right there we're giving away three more codes we give away for yesterday three more today I'm sure that you email us in and Kris will let you know either tonight or first thing tomorrow and that's what this game is over three times longer than the original so there's a lot of content and hopefully you guys will be able to enjoy it along with us indeed so anyway that's it for today guys hopefully we'll see you tomorrow or Thursday in the meantime remember that is just a stream a live stream say goodbye no get oh well in the chat yeah oh man Jesse KITT head this is bad also a panda I even though I just got here do you again Dennis better back Oh David Perry what happened to Lily right we'll never know fire flight says bye you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,474,687
Rating: 4.9378419 out of 5
Keywords: kindergarten 2, kindergarten, kindergarten sequel, kindergarten 2 game, kindergarten 2 gameplay, kindergarten 2 trailer, kindergarten nugget, nugget, nugget voice, game thoerists, game thoery, gtlive, matpat, gtlive kindergarten 2, kindergarten 2 gtlive, steph nugget voice
Id: xno-5m53z1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 10sec (6010 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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