MatPat Meme Review 👏👏 You Called Us Out!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Nice to see they can poke fun at themselves, shows maturity

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/QG24 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] put your quality content in the subreddit theorists oh my gosh you can't rip this off of other youtubers i'm not ripping it off of anyone jack's films pewdiepie no one has used the term quality content no one has used the term theorists and no one has tried to awkwardly shove so many syllables into a song where they clearly do not fit put your quality content into the subreddit i like it it's catchy and we'll talk about it but not as much as last time because you didn't like how much we talked about it we talked about it a lot we we have a tendency to overexplain things so anyway guys welcome back name review meme review 2 dos matthew wait wait wait there's something missing here and the word of in we're learning japanese numbers with ali right now i know that it's we are the the members who say anyway what now stephanie are you existing on this couch with no jacket on who spoilers are you i don't know if you realize this i've been wearing jackets as much i think you've been putting on the the new merch one i've been putting on the merch but here in north carolina i wear jackets less because i don't have to wear a jacket it is hot it is hot southern california is much colder than the movies like would lead you to believe it is actually very warm here though we have we have uh an ac unit that went out on uh like up near this like one little section of our house where ollie and matthew and i all sleep it's like the one corner of the house where everyone is and that air conditioning unit broke or something and so you walk up there and it's like welcome to the jungle it's unreal it's so hot so that's why all of us are going to move down here into the basement for a little bit yeah we film this in our base yeah this is our basement uh this is where we hang out where we watch movies and play games and stuff and so and it's like the appropriate place to film gt live in the basement yeah in the basement right next to the level of quality of our content the basement the bottom um but yeah so it's a lot cooler down here which is nice even when you have the hot lights on and stuff so anyway all right since our last meme review oh you guys liked it a lot which is great i'm so excited because we liked it a lot so i'm since doing that meme review the number of posts on the subreddit have exploded so we're gonna do as many as we can today we don't have too long to film right now uh jason i have a meeting with jason and i have what a task master right he right he just make content me kind of like ah what is he were you miming him standing over you with a whip no that wasn't a whip this was what was it then what was this this is a fan he's fanning it make content make it oh thank you jason thank you for failing it's a fan so here we go meme review steph get over on the couch you don't need to switch anything right now do i smell bad no whoa no i'm just kidding i know that's uncalled for matthew's working out he's taking showers all sorts of i wasn't entirely correct maintenance you do have to put the computer screen on the tricaster sorry you also lost your microphone so there's there's a lot a lot of stuff going on right now there you go don't worry we'll figure out a better way to show off these memes too that's another thing on my to-do list random desktop i like the random desktop it's so janky look at it it's like oh man look at this advertisement create an audio ad in minutes you heard that spotify ad audio oh steph is your is your microphone called yeah that's fine no it's not sure you're okay are you are you okay plenty of range of motion you're kind of struggle-busting right now the bus is not pulling out of the station it's 11 o'clock in the morning it's actually like 11 30. this is my first cup of tea i'm doing great that's that's the problem it's 11 30. it would also help if i it would also help if i had tea that had more caffeine in it or if i drank tea without whose fault is that i don't really drink a lot of gas exactly hey i mean monday got me thinking when scott tells you theory is wrong yes this uh yes except here's the thing scott will never tell me that no he won't come out either way every once in a while he'll come out one way that was years ago he'll confirm stuff when the community gets really upset he won't deny and that's the problem that's where the people get upset at you doesn't matter but yeah this is this is kind of how i feel every time i write an f theory this is accurate yeah that's fair okay matpat matpat miss a good game lore theory versus matpat finds a good game is a real they did they didn't just like put random letters in there it is a real word yeah no that's why i was confused a lot of i this stuff never bothers me because i'm always like it's probably like it could always be someone who where like english is their second language or something like that watch they're going to be just from like i don't know here i just like the fact that this this prompts me to want to do fishing theory it does fishing thing allure that's just a theory allure theory thanks for bobbing poppers yeah yeah you didn't you didn't like it look they're look me in the nice jacket look people are using the new meme templates you look very pretty new templates good job this is true me and the boys at 3 a.m look at this this is true this is do my eyes blow this red at 3 am yes actually totally it's the when the diet coke just like when the levels of diet coke go down that's the brown in your eyes the red just comes through it's true little little known fact is that my eyes are only brown because they're filled with diet if you stabbed my eye right now oh yeah that got good it would have grown there would be blood it would be terrible it's just horrifying this has gotten dark in a hurry keep going there we go we're moving faster because we have a few to go we have a lot to go through and not allowed to do a pipa okay wait i gotta open this one up hopefully this didn't throw everything off matthew i might have thrown everything oh yeah okay people using the normal format people replacing batman great guys great guys good although i do like that that fate that first face of pikachu is actually fantastic like it could be any it could be like any expression you want it to be it could be like a oh like a it could be like a pikachu is the omni meme yeah i like the difference the pipa no is is literally stairs dead at the camera the people oh i'm interested in this is slightly dirty oh my god oh you've got my attention oh koi oh oh i'm interested in what you have to say i also like this someone called this out in the comments the double pipa oh no it's the new thing double people it's the double people but there was someone in the comments who i liked their comment who said i'm an intellectual pipa too it was like double pipa but then it was like me an intellectual people too how did we not that's great how did we not think of that i mean i liked i mean i liked whatever it was that we said oh pika 2 is so much better stephanie i mean it is so much better matpat says he solved nap yes but actually no accurate accurate all of these all all of these understand my plight do i look like a dad no really no oh man not a lot of dads that i know braid their hair that's a good dad except for the hipster dance some dudes some dude you have a dad that braids his hair there's nothing wrong with that it's great amazing yes but actually no oh here we go knowing a guy who can braid it's a really it's actually really valuable okay give him another template matt here here's the template for you do you always have to be doing something with it like it's always like [Music] what are you talking about me you could just be like no you gotta do the hand you do the explainer hand stuff explainer hands explain your hands this what are you italian explain a hand spleener hands it it gives people look look at all these emotions i'm giving you templates template template template i'm cute template template template template see look i just gave you like 500. five 500 templates right here i brought a board 500 templates what is that squiggle that's 500. it says sod it says sod it does not say it does kind of say i respect lawn care that's fine here we go matthew give him a template another come on guys comes to the subreddit expecting to find a variety of memes the subreddit uses the same template and final jokes for every meme that's that's why now we have more that's why we have more we're giving you options we're showing that memes about us can be more than just fnaf related right and more than just one single four-year-old picture of matthew see last time i asked you guys to come up with a pie chart of our distribution of episodes because everyone's like oh here's matpat's snap theories the distribution maybe you need to distribute yourself on your phenath memes you think about that one oh think about that where's your pie chart of nap memes same same pie chart the equal what the equal you're such a nut keep going next game theory imagination this is i should put this at the start of every episode so people understand that it's all just imagination it's just imagining oh look at all we got different wow versus senior year that's amazing we're very hardcore bye senior i was gonna say yeah my senior year look you've gotten your hair dead in black i shaved my head i joined the neo-nazis they're so really hair i felt what i like i fell i think i got cooler i just got i'm just like stephanie with an edge yeah you went from like like oh hi i'm cute and innocent in high school to like yeah i found myself and i'm hanging out with the cool girls pikachu yeah meanwhile i'm like i'm nerdy and i fell in with a gang i fell in with the wrong crowd hey guys i'll be my friend yo you're holding up convenience stores on the weekend that's okay i'm like senior year was rough for me i don't know i don't i look like maybe i'm like getting around a little bit dude you do you do i didn't want to say it because i thought that would be offensive but i'm glad you said it now i can agree with you you do you look like every guy's best friend right now in the best way possible senior year was rough for both of us when that asked us up for more memes you know what you can post memes any day and flag with me monday ah here we go again that's true i'm i'm just a bringer of chaos can't you tell with my red poke sure my hair and beard might be different than me and my gangland face i like can we call it that can we call it matthew's gangland phase saint jude sent me into gangland face oh no it's all it's all saint jude's fault that's the only reason that i i shaved the head and i grew up the beard because of that uh so anyway i'm an agent of chaos still i make sense i'm sure the moderators are so mad at me about that oh here we go that's dumb try to tell my friends like i was specifically like i don't want this to be the main you know i didn't want to be calling stuff dumb i didn't want that to be used against him well yeah but you're not really caught you're calling it sarcastic dumb because it's not yeah there you go now you got the hat see and it's only about us you're not calling anything dope you're just saying gt live is dumb yeah exactly i need new friends no you don't need new friends oh i guess you do yeah cause the friends are so yeah yeah get new friends new friends or you know what even better zero you need zero friends what no you you should have some social connection friends you don't need them it's going to be healthier for your mental stability if you have friends what they want you to believe stephanie is my only friend what stephanie and pipa too no even pikachu's abandoned me at this point honestly pikachu is like why don't i get more screen time and i'm like stop being a diva pikachu okay i have to do all the heavy lifting in this release you're already on the hat jeez yeah you're on the hat also i have to give you like a voice and an idea for what like i'm thinking what your thoughts are i'm voicing what you're thinking right you don't even have a mouth yeah you you don't emote pikachu what are you talking about people it's the every face this is the every face look he's rolling his eyes right now the camera that goes you know we have never gotten a bad see a grown man talking to a large stuffed animal i don't understand why your friends don't think gt live is cool that's dumb keep going okay here we go oh no oh no matt pat from games sorry 10 out of 10. great that's a peep of ten out of ten people ten people ten uh if you don't understand that don't explain it just go watch the last episode don't explain don't do it i'm not explaining we don't explain memes here yeah you just get them yeah if you don't get them you're not big brained enough get out no theorists only only smart theorists allowed get out of here keep going this is 15 layers deep steph this is deeper than our basement 15 layers this is amazing i love this this makes me so happy oh the four horsemen of shock [Laughter] oh man i gotta say the luigi's man as someone who has done a lot of thumbnails in my day and also works with dan our graphic guy now on like assets and stuff that he's using for thumbnails the louis this is the luigi face that launched a thousand thumbnails oh my gosh when nintendo did luigi's mansion and gave luigi this expression they did not know what they had created and what they had created was a very clickable thumbnail for that also also can i just yeah of course our main reviews are way too long we need to cut them [Laughter] what do you mean 14 minutes or an hour well that's why we got to stop explaining the means no they keep going faster you're the one who called me back all right me money got me into making memes again when the stream is fun but matthew makes that kind of joke that kind of what kind of joke am i making what's that kind of joke all of your kind of jokes why were you wearing that jacket because the jacket was so big it was cold this is like an extra large jacket that matthew's had since he was 12 but will never in his life i'll have you know it was very 90s okay i watched some old 90s commercials the other day like mentos and stuff i mean and this is a nationwide commercial right the mentos where he like sits down on the bench and it's still painted and so his jacket gets all like white and then he has to roll around he's like mentos freshmaker no but i'm saying if you look at his suit in it it is comedically large yeah like we should you should go back and look at some like old 90s fashionistas people didn't want stuff touching their body the 90s was very against touching okay i mean no touching in the 90s i mean i still kind of adhere to that okay [Laughter] next oh here we go me monday every day let me just check my schedule me monday mean monday mean monday mean monday and our friday sneaking it in there not to be overlooked which i appreciate hey oh man here we go we got some uh escape the night memeing going on this is so sad alexa please when you want to make memes using escape the night templates but no one's gonna care oh hey 300 uploads cared i care yeah i care escape the night if you haven't seen it it's free it's free and his glasses were very silly it's it's free i am so proud of how i did on escape the night matthew strong-armed his way through that show come hell or high water he was like not even that i i was proud of like i don't i don't think of myself as a particularly funny person i think of myself as like a very like science research driven like i i don't know i'm not off the cuff funny or at least i don't think so i can be like over the top and i think like my over-the-top reactions are kind of funny because i'm just a dramatic person but i don't think of myself as like witty but in escape the night a lot of like the interviews and stuff that i did and like a lot of my comments in the moment no like i was i'm like you know what that was legitimately funny good for me oh man like i'm actually really proud of how i did on escape tonight outside of like just everything else like i thought i made a very good character for that show i had a lot of fun i had a lot of fun did you think that because all of your interviews were happening at 4 am because they definitely were all the interviews were happening at 4 in the morning after just being so wiped from the production so maybe i get funnier as it gets later in the night oh whoa you had just never stayed up that late that's what it went down just my mind like unleashes itself and it all opens up you get sleepy drunk and then you just go at it you know what i said i love clowns i find clouds delightful great anyway i appreciate meme format keep going do more memes from escape the night was great so much fun here we go cool theory cool logo done easy enough said oh foot fetish foxy weight newfound game tons of new lore foxy has three toes foxy has two toes that is always my go-to example because it was the i mean this is from fnaf episode number two right don't explain the meme no i'm not explaining the meme i'm explaining my fixation on foxy's toad i tried guys i know you did but seriously going all the way back to the second ever snap theory when i was trying to determine whether it was a prequel or a sequel because remember we didn't know back in fnaf 2 whether it was a prequel or single that was the big thing i know mind blowing but i remember like that was the first point of evidence i'm like wait the animatronics have a different design like this foxy has three toes this box he has two toes this freddy has two buttons this one has one like and so i'm like it can't be the same it has to be a prequel i learned later that those details don't matter when your name is scott cawthon so i don't care so much but it'll always be kind of my go-to example of like the level of detail that i would go to for a lot of those early theories carry on anyway oh today i learned saving money on food has never been so easy get out of here join honey oh come on now sponsor us sponsor us on game theory get out of here get off get off your promoted post that's not a meme this isn't a meme monday this is just a ugly burger game theory giveth and take it away me in south africa i'm gonna go to sleep we ride at dawn that's great it's really cute greetings to all our south african friends friends all around the world good morning hi i appreciate your memes was that your wake-up call to people just waking up hi program that one into your alarm you'll wake up and then just go on twitter and and come right after hi hi hi hi it's not like that it's just it's just emphatic hi apologize headphone users yeah but at a certain point it's going to reset right it's going to go in a loop it's not like it's a one and done stephanie you go in this frame yep it's it exists that is a frame apparently our internet doesn't exist right now why is it loading so slow jesus yikes this frame there it is it exists it's a thing i'm going to karate chop pikachu giving me that look of approval in the background yeah he's there no that's a look of consternation i don't want your attitude pikachu this is a theory oh here we go factor nixon hey factor nixon that is a show that's now available on youtube too uh it's coming out over the next couple weeks uh it was on facebook i did in partnership with nickelodeon it is really memeable it is because it is me right next to a whiteboard so go crazy friends good eye way to get into the deep cuts oh we got video oh yes yes oh it's the new dance craze sweeping the nation stuff this stephanie just wave your arms and move off camera as quickly as possible can you yes can you oh you're very good okay you're very good can you give me an example can you show me the originator of the stephanie oh who did it better who did it better oh she's got good technique oh she does look at how she flicks her wrists well it's all it's all in the wrist flick right look at that yeah that's nice all the wrist flick that's great the stephanie you started a dance craze watch out fortnite will probably steal it and monetize it oh damn that i could sue but it wouldn't do anything i was gonna say you can't copyright that sorry here we go let me help fellow theorists on meme templates what were we doing to matthew what were we thinking you know what when you do a lot of vidcon photos when you do a lot of vidcon photos you make a lot of regretful poses i'm just saying i like my hair in this one this is a winner that's real good oh this is so cute look at how cute oh wow old school great love it here we go matpat steph saying there isn't really any lore or big fan bases that they can cover counter great is it gonna open is it gonna open it's not gonna open it's not gonna open for the next 15 minutes got it oh that was it we saw everything that i didn't know if it was expanded again there are certain fan bases i'm just saying there are certain fan bases and things i i'm nervous about touching also some of the ones that we haven't covered are ones that i myself am not familiar enough with and i don't trust our researchers anymore to really talk about franchises i'm not familiar with because i've been burnt like some of the fear i'm not going to throw anyone under the bus i'm just saying that some of the theories where i've told the researchers hey i don't know much about this game franchise so i'm trusting you those are the episodes that tend to get held over my head as some of the worst just saying because i'm like no really guys in the meetings i'm like no really guys i can only contribute so far but i think it would be fun to cover this franchise you know a lot about it please do it and then lo and behold i upload the name yes so anyway i'm trying to play more and new games so that i can cover more stuff that's you know and also double check the people who work for us because i can't trust them the only way to be true redditer is to use dart everyone is so hot on dark mode i know they're so hot so hot on dark mode that my phone just shifted me over to dark mode without my consent right it was non-consensual dark mode and first they're like don't you want to save battery by using dark mode i'm like no no i'm responsible enough with my battery life that i'm not worried about also we don't leave our home so you can plug it in what am i doing i'm never like five feet away from an outlet like never more than five feet away from an outlet so look i can plug it in over here over here over here over here it doesn't matter i carry a charger in my back pocket sorry pew it's not a fact dark mode keep going what no you can't say that sansa's nes it makes no sense this is me i look a lot more handsome than this actually i think i was going to say i gave you some they gave you some stunning features there including some nice whiskers also your brows are really well quaffed it's age age and beauty here we go the the theory theory here we go okay it's the saga after all these years i have them all the excellent oh no we should do an uno stream uno would be fun really who knows hot man you gotta have like all about stephanie stephanie this may shock you this may shock you they have uno online there's a video game of uno get out of here in fact this again i feel like i'm waking you up from a coma many of your favorite board games from the 1970s if not earlier might have been made into electronic entertainment now i know this like are you okay are you okay handling this are you okay let me take it let me take it there might be online yahtzee at this point scrabble scrabble no you know you can play it with people who aren't in the same room as you now that's crazy have you lost your microphone i don't know when that fell off oh well fantastic oh karen i mean it goes so well together for some reason i'm sorry to anyone named karen okay wait hold up this is this is i gotta zoom in on this one oh my gosh there's a lot of zooming in here okay here we go boop karen once she gathers all six infinity scarves no manager is safe that is really not funny it's harassment and bullying for all women that have to be caring this question what is funny about that what a caring response way to be a karen karen go collect your she's just salty that she only has two infinity scars i have to say my my dad because my my mother's name is karen this is true she's stephanie is a good stephanie has a carrot in her hand i know i have a karen in my life but not a karen in my life um so she your mom even has that hairstyle my dad so so my dad apparently had had seen this meme which is now like sort of dead because it's made it to facebook um so the fact that your dad saw it yeah the fact that my dad saw it um means it's dead but he he misinterpreted it as as karen's being a tattletail that's what he's he called it and he posted on on facebook oh no he's like i don't understand why karen is now a word for tattletail the karen that i married is lovely tattletail a tattletail and i and it was one of those things where i was like i was like what do i do in this situation do i do i correct him and i was like no absolutely not and i was like do i call him and tell him that this is that i was like i certainly can't do this online do i correct him over the phone do i and then i was like no i don't touch this with a 50-foot pole just left he's like no just let it go no no uh yeah what led him to believe that karen is i have no idea so because random because he's 66 and he's using the internet that's what led him to believe that my dear father who uses the internet for genealogy research to find long-lost cousins that's what he uses the internet for outside of that sphere is not his wheelhouse so don't be a karen don't tattletail don't tattletail it's like such a boy and he actually used that word he was like he was like it seems that it seems that karen is being used as someone who is a tattletail the karen i married is lovely i'm gonna get your mom an infinity scarf for her next birthday just just keep going here we go the meme speaks for itself me i'm going to bed early tonight me at 3am watching dt oh yeah you're so cute that's awesome so he's so cute oh thanks i like this photo it's also one of the few times i got to wear my cheetah shoes those are fun those are fun i'd love to wear more of my cheeks we're in quarantine no one else to see him what then what's the point we'll see them in our hearts we'll appreciate we'll actually see them with our eyes too we'll see them in our living room within our foot sometimes i think i'm clever matpat creating brilliant theories for the channel he tried my best to be a good theorist think of a theory that doesn't sound stupid tyler is a descendant from the airbenders oh a minute what that's not actually bad you know a lot i wonder a lot of the theories that at least some of them at least some of them that end up making it like to the episode start with like the seed of an idea from like from reddit or if or if it's like a mostly formed theory those pop up on reddit and then you'll like reach out to the person and be like hey do you mind if i make this into a theory yeah no it's it's true like a lot of there's a lot of good ideas out there but i think a lot of times people don't have the time to do the stupid amount of research that we do to actually like come up with the evidence for it but like sometimes there's real like like that one tightly as a descent from the airbenders that's not a bad idea inherently like that actually like reading that gets me to think like huh i wonder if there's a case to be made there and then just because it's my job to do this strangest job like you know and i know a lot of other very nerdy people alongside me who also love shows like that were able to toss it back and forth and could see like hey what do you remember what do i remember oh there's enough here let's dig in more yeah and then find if there's actually enough here for a fully fledged theory ah some fan art he's here he's there he's everywhere very good it's like it's really good it's bad what happened to his legs where's his legs no his leg what is his left side one is inside that's just he's got a little he's got a little pooch okay yeah looks like a friend not all of us are able to exercise during quarantine geez he's been he's been eating the pizza on the side me and you psychic friend this is great it's a little pooch keep going keep going doing the split here we go uh no tino shade just feels like this sometime me i've connected the two dots you didn't connect poop i've connected them it's fair that would require scott to talk back to me which again as we talked about earlier he does not hey you know as long as i can keep connecting the dots keep going i felt it ahead oh my gosh [Music] no thank you yes thank you i love it oh this is great slap it half to you clap and a half this is this gets 10 out of 10. i brought in this board hoping that i would have a good use for it i had no good use for it so i'm just writing random things on it 10. you can't even see it on the camera i know it's so pointless it's so dumb it's the pointless board fine hey so you remember when jason was fanning me earlier yeah this this this gesture which is clearly jason fanning that time it's time for me to talk to jason oh oh yeah it is okay we have to end this four minutes late i know i can dream i mean video we have so many more we might have two another one of these to catch up oh here oh here we go this is a good one to end up okay just a reminder keep being creative guys the subreddit mods love that matpat showcase community meme content and that y'all are excited to participate in meme monday but we want to remind you about fan art friday we'd love to see the fan art that you guys make even if you're worried about the quality that is actually very true oh my gosh we've had so much amazing fan art over the years and a lot of people who submit amazing fan art don't even think that their fan art is amazing it just is and honestly like we're looking to update this back wall there's a wall that you guys don't see where uh steph and i actually work work like write theories and respond to emails and stuff it's over like the boring area of the basement it's the boring area of the basement it's the room right next to this one and we actually have a wall of fan art that uh we also have framed and it's just because we just like it and it's awesome so you send us don't forget about fan art friday um we only got through a small subset of these there's so many so don't worry we'll go through more uh in an upcoming episode so keep them coming these are fun i hope you're enjoying them we're enjoying covering them thank you for caring so much and for submitting them it's it's actually it's really nice to just kind of have a time to laugh at our little inside jokes good job team good job everyone stopping after that was the show today you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 117,517
Rating: 4.9514985 out of 5
Keywords: meme review, meme review 1, meme review intro, meme, memes, game theory meme review, game theory meme video, matpat meme, matpat meme video, fnaf, fnaf meme, fnaf meme song, fnaf meme review, undertale memes, meme mashup, memes 2020, game theorists, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gtlive meme, gtlive memes
Id: f1mVyMTvdSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 33sec (2133 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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