FNAF is Over Party | FNAF Meme Review 👏🖐

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One thing the bothered me about this was Mat said he called FoxyBro which ummmm no you didn't. You said MikeBot.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LavaCouch 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

20:30 Okay, look. I can understand why Mat is not playing The Thousand-Year Door on GTLive. It's a fairly lengthy RPG and it'd take like 30 parts to finish; at best there could be highlights. Even then, it's good for Mat to also be able to just play good games and enjoy them on his own time without having to play host for us.

But I reeeeeeeally want to hear his thoughts on it when he's done. It's such a good game, and even if it's just something he talks about during a different broadcast I'd like to hear about his experience of it someday.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DiabloGraves 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hmm [Music] hey guys welcome to gt live where we're still not live still not live but we're not changing the branding yep we're hanging out together and we are live here we are all live because maybe it's gt alive can we change it i will change the branding for that this is 2020 we might have to specify that gt alive oh and if ever this becomes a dead channel it's just at that point i like it gt alive that's what when we retire we're just gonna change this to cheesy should we at any point go live again well considering that we usually actually film these at like 9 a.m eastern time if someone wants to get up and watch that sure or during nap time people on the west coast might be excited at like a 6 a.m rise and shine i wouldn't be as excited about that that was incredibly loud on on the international front it might get us an international audience that's true that's like pacific islands might be excited about it right it's an after dinner show for them at that point australia hey australia hey greater pacific rim what's up pacific rim ring of fire all our viewers in tougaloo are two groups are watching hardcore good morning micronesia oh my god how are you doing how are all my pals in palau right now how you doing that's why we're not live that is all ten of you viewing from palau uh hey guys that's generous it is actually generous oh where we are alive and well and kicking uh we're gonna do fnaf memes this one's dedicated to you ring of fire um so we're here today to celebrate the work of one man scott coffin hey it's back off we're actually here to celebrate your work honestly like the meme reviews are here to celebrate the fan art and the memes that you guys are sending us on the game tier subreddit which are awesome which are amazing and great and we're going to celebrate them but for some reason they do seem about like 90 percent focused around the the franchise of now 75 75 but we got we gotta we gotta reign them in is it 75 i don't know i think it's i think it's it's just a lot it's a lot of fun stuff several several like we and it's interesting i will say this so when we do episodes about other topics maybe that's the problem we're doing too many episodes of a snap no when we do episodes about other topics like we did mega man and there were like three mega man posts it was like oh there's some mega man memes in here this is exciting yeah one of which we covered during the food theory meme review last week yeah um okay right but you know maybe it's just that community is just so much because if you look at the fnaf community on reddit like the five nights at freddy's subreddit they are very much about fan art they're very much about memes oh yeah like and so very engaged like artistic yeah it's a very artistic group and so i wonder if just like different franchises are like more or less like i wonder how many like fan arts are being made of like the fortnite community i was gonna say i wonder indie gamers actually have uh artistic accessibility yeah like they're they connect on a more artistic level with a lot of the games that they play right like when we did last of us i didn't see a whole lot of like last of us memes popping up on the subreddit right you know or like last of us fan art or anything like that but we did food theory and we saw a bunch of food theory stuff so like i don't know it's it's interesting let us know your thoughts i'd be curious to see them um but in the meantime let's snap it up we'll snap it up because we enjoy it you enjoy it you keep sending us memes about it and it's good for seo so it's like hey win win win win win win wins all across the board wins wins wins across the board let's do some me matt did you oh you're already up there oh he's so good how long have we been in the window mirror a second a second you just was perfect you just knew mirror matt he's getting real good on uh if you want to learn more about matt go watch me playing mario or super mega i had a rough morning with ollie uh mega man rock and roll those streams uh where we meet a little bit about matt we learned that he was a dj i he told me that he used to dj weddings this morning i just found that out dj weddings too if you know anyone getting married i mean probably not right now but you could be a dj you could just be their personal dj yeah i was gonna say the dj doesn't even have to like stand close to the guests like the bride and groom could be like over there and you could be like oh yeah wait over there i asked you all about your dj history and all you would tell me was about your college well no one cares about wedding djs do that yeah they do i remember the name of our wedding our wedding dj was named dj geno dj geno my dad kicked him out i was specifically so skeptical he was italian one because no no not because he was italian because he was no michael i was so skeptical because he wasn't no that's why my dad picked i love all our italian viewers you're all great i'm italian it's fine bonjourno oh my god now you're offended i'm sorry but but it's one of those things i was skeptical it was a because your dad picked it out and and i mean that was mostly why but it was like his name is gino we're going with him right because legitimately steph's dad picked him out because he was an italian like that is it that was the reason and i'm like did you look at his past he's gonna play some sinatra hiring him he did play some sinatra he did but he also had a great repertoire of dance music it was fanta he did a fantastic job good job dj gino greater raleigh area good job dj matt dj mirror matt yeah dj mirror man what songs do you play do you play your mongolian funk no i played i played a lot of outcasts okay like 20 to 30 year olds love outcasts a lot about i feel like you're playing more than one of an art like i think you're given if you're a wedding dj you hit each artist like maybe once maybe twice hey yeah okay and then oh god i'm a bad dj no i mean as long as you play heavy oh you're good wearing mirror beyond hey y'all though it's so fresh so clean ah yeah sure okay okay i mean you space them out appropriately if you space it out yeah it depends on how but if you're double dipping too quickly you can't double dip it mixed in there with we are family and the ymca as long as ymca makes an appearance some slide of some form oh yeah electric or cha-cha i hate the cha-cha slide how do you hate the cha-cha we've had this discussion like 80 times i don't like being dictated to when i'm dancing don't tell me to stomp again with my left foot it's called the lying day of jesus fall in line full in line want to be an individualist in line when i dance at weddings no to the same song here i was thinking uh it was the smartest show in gaming no that's game theory this is gt live yeah this is definitely not that lower your standards for gt live there's also a reason we changed the catch phrase of the show to ruining your childhood since 2011. [Applause] do we okay i think forgive us for not knowing where scott was born or lives or whatever we give him his privacy yeah jeez how is it our business where he lives i don't care for game developers but also i think he might be faking everyone out i think he might be fake living in texas but actually living somewhere else i wouldn't blame him i think he he also strikes me as maybe that kind of person too to be like no i'm nope i'm pulling the walls on you guys i don't really live there right why i mean yeah right cause cause the thing is you might get those crazy fans yeah you don't want you don't want those crazy fans kids and stuff right you gotta we gotta watch out yeah like i it wouldn't surprise me but to say that we're not the smartest show in gaming come on cuz i didn't know where why would i we're the most respectful of privacy show in gaming it just doesn't roll off the tongue the same way we're just changing all the branding today here gt alive the most respectfully distant show in gaming respecting game developers privacy since forever 2011. oh forever works too crap right i guess i guess we were at any point have we not respected i didn't know any before then so yeah we didn't really know anyone all right let's keep going they make games we play the games excuse me bless you sneezy pete oh sorry hollywood that's what we say to ollie when he sneezes and he's like sneezy pete yeah we're still trying to teach oh oh is this are you colbert what is this no i'm bob saget oh my therapist oh matt's matt saget isn't real he can't hurt you matt saget thanks chris oh no oh that's horrific oh but you kind of look like colbert i i feel like i look like bob saget i feel like this is actually very real like this is is this what you're gonna be like in like 20 years i pray not i am so sorry would you love me if i looked like that you put me on the spot would you still love me if i looked like this yes of course the the real answer to that isn't the funny answer the real answer is of course i would give me the funny i would laugh at you sometimes though give me the funny answer there's no way man what is that do you have a gap in your teeth over there is that real i do have a guy oh you have a little yeah i have a gap in my teeth i do have a gap in my tongue the teeth i think are my nose would have to grow a lot a lot and also you're you're giving me some pretty serious bill nye vibes here as well which i'm not loving bill nye is very sexy uh what matt is bill nice sexy yeah seriously are you too young to know who bill nye is i know who bill nye is okay you know he's he's like no bill and i could be sexy bill intellect is very sexy everyone in this room thank you very much he was a little grumpy bill nye is actually a yeah he's a little bit curmudgeon he was i was you know the whole thing don't meet that was bill nye a bit i've seen it no we've actually seen him in person twice once at an airport and once at an event that he was at oh and both times he was kind of like like and to be fair we didn't approach him because again we're the most respectfully distant channel in gaming doesn't run out doesn't roll off the tongue slap that on a branding unit uh no but you know when someone's at an airport because we also saw stanley at an airport and it's like it's cool to be like i was excited to be in their presence and i would have loved to have like met he was taking off his belt going through security it was very exciting yeah i was actually surprised that he was going through like normal security i thought you know also we see in the airport stephen tyler that was bizarre i saw stephen tyler yeah from aerosmith that's a band yeah that's a banana that many of you probably aren't familiar with dj mirror matt probably knows it big day mirror i don't want to miss a thing i could see that one showing up at the occasional wedding flash middle school dance obviously you're playing love in an elevator at weddings moms love that song do they yes i feel like that's more of a dad's song ask it i'm a mom yeah hey mom that's weird to think about hey any mom do you love the song love in an elevator by aerosmith i'm not sure that would be my first wedding choice but then mixing it up while i'm going down that is such an innuendo-filled song man i didn't write the song you're right but you're the one playing it at the wedding moms love it no i feel like squicked out by that i might i might be out of the loop on this one though because i'm the kind of person who i like the really really hokey songs at a wedding like i was happy to dance to a polka at our wedding as you should i will get down with the chicken dance i am into it i like those kind of wedding songs the cha-cha slide is a dictatorial it's a totalitarian song so let me ask you the question electric slide is okay because the electric slide doesn't actually encourages you to do in the electric slide it's a soft suggestion provides encouragement but not dictatorship okay the chocolate without whipping and they named they're talking about you simultaneously whip and nain it of course the cha-cha slide is like the north korea of dance songs it's it's dictating your entire life every foot if you step out of line you're going to get run over it's terrible wow i know this is intense i guess the chicken dance doesn't really what a hokey pokey though how do you feel about hokey pokey see hokey pokey is dictatorial as well it is a little bit of a wedding song do you ever play the hokey pokey i think that that one went out of style in the 70s one time i played the doggy and nobody knew what it was oh i got to say dougie is is over at this point like no one knows how to do the dough no but they were it was like they were too old for it dougie was like a two-year win how did that yeah yeah it's gone uh and they used to play the hokey pokey at weddings but now i think it's just for eight-year-olds that's true i do find that one i find that one a little bit constraining yeah but not like to try justin i think the problem with okay we're we'll get back to them i feel like the hokey pokey overstays it's welcome that's that's my problem with the hokey pokey you're putting your head in now my god like your head is like like okay elbows you draw the light enough once you get into elbows it's like we've already done the arm we've already done the legs do we really need the elbows or the shoulders like we've accomplished the upper torso can we move on to the funny bits because we all know that this is all leading up to you put your rear end in and you put your whole self in that's what the whole loading poke is the dramatic climax of the hokey pokey is your whole self and your rear end right and depending on the verse that you're listening to they either choose to put the button at the end of the joke of rear enter wholesale it's fine but we all are just patiently waiting for it but then you and we're all like okay we've we've been patient enough to get through the arms and the feet the legs they're done can we move on please but no now comes the elbow and it's like no the elbow was included as a part of the arm it would be like saying now you put your knee in the knee was included when you put your leg in okay move on hokey pokey you overstayed your welcome sorry that was so funny i had never thought about it though i had the climactic conclusion though it is though it totally is it is everyone everyone's just waiting for tushy it's it's the hokey pokey is that guy that you know means well and like it's like the relative that you know means well and that is gonna get to the end of the story and you're like this is gonna have a funny it is you're right it's me it is the me who goes on too long and hey at the end you feel rewarded for it but it took too long to get there uh that's my take on the hokey pokey snap memes look at me i'm bob sagan it's terrifying oh this is not a final meal oh god just some skit pizza and drama llama to improve your day oh that's really nice so cute oh that's so cute so cute they are so happy together oh that makes me really happy man that's really cute on your to-do list i know you're working hard on like soundproofing everything right now and not losing weeks worth of footage you know those are top priorities poor matt poor mirror matt matt you're right poor matt having to redo all the work that matt and matt too had to do poor and also edit a lot of the stuff together by hand himself i would say it was weeks hours you you would you you wouldn't as the guy who it's not my only job sitting on the couch he's trying to balance his burgeoning dj career with working for us schlubs my gosh but anyway the poor man put it on the to-do list that we want to update the fan art yeah okay so that way you know this five-year-old artwork is refreshed with something three but also it's been around a while but it's it's still lovely it's done great work and it doesn't go away it just gets moved to other parts of our office yeah but we would like to showcase more of it oh my god i just i just want this to be true i just wanted i want i want to just just cake just cake in here oh pikachu if pikachu you would not last long oh if you were a rainbow cake i would eat you up so fast so fast so fast i feel like it would be a relatively easy cake to like you're a simple shape oh yeah you could do it i think you just have to make a really big sheet cake and then just cut it into the shape of pikachu well no then you have that then it's just a she i'm talking about like stacking them up oh jesus no that's too many layers sorry am i awkwardly feeling pizza right now that's really sad please it's a bad touch oh my gosh people may i touch you no okay drop drama llama on the other hand it's like i like the drama llamas where'd trouble ever go i don't know draw the llama there's pipa too it's fine peep two it's fine game there's a nutshell just yelling at mario right and mark does he does he just takes it in fact sometimes nintendo chooses to work with us somehow right that's the thing that boggles mine they're very sweet at nintendo that's the thing that i don't understand it's like we called your hero a sociopath we called your princess a mind-controlling dictator who is very emotional we called your toads like your go-to sub mascot we called them brainwashed cordyceps that are trying to take over the universe and yet you still wanted you you still you sure because because we can keep going we called your game about them carting around one of the deadliest games in all of video games that's true you know we depicted in that episode violently giving all of those characters road rash like grinding their faces against the pavement until they're nublins and yeah you're still okay with this okay we're good all right we're good what if we take some of your other franchises like kirby and instead of talking about how cute he is talk about the like horrific dark lore that you've actually given him that's their fault that actually they actually gave him horrific dark lore that he is literally a destroyer of world so that's on them that one like i can pass ready but literally bit by bit piece by piece i don't and then somehow nintendo is still nice to us that's really sweet although they didn't send us paper mario origami okay it's okay i think we can we can figure it it's a business expense man it's going to be okay i'm sorry i'm really excited to play paper mario origami i know i'm playing paper mario thousand year door right i was gonna say you you let's get through thousand-year door first and then and then you can move on to oregon everyone says it's great yeah we'll see i'm excited we'll see chapter one was fun chapter two was a slog chapter three seems like it might be fun because it's about professional wrestling uh this is a joke i enjoy the fnaf theories i like that you have to premise preface this with that okay explaining how scientific things work in games explaining how william after killed the five kids that's hey yo oh yeah that's it is this i feel like is that a pretty good is that good is that neutral i feel neutral about this yeah this isn't quite the drake meme i feel like is it sort of i feel skeptical about this what is that face you're making what is that face you're making i think it's like i'm explaining something but i also have to pee that's my pee face it's that that's absolutely a few things whenever we're taking a walk or we're like at the zoo at a restaurant matthew just puts on his face and i'm like just go to the bathroom already it's like no i'm fine how do you know i have to go pee right now how do you know i have to go pee i'm doing fine this is great uh let me explain to you how william having killed five kids or was it actually seven kids or was it actually 13. or was it actually nine or nine seven it's never been nine it's either been five seven or thirteen steph come on this is a snap meme review how many people i thought you understood this franchise i know i thought i did too it's either five 7 13 or 23. spin the wheel because every new release who knows it's like the price is right how many murdered children without going over oh man this franchise oh keep going i'm pretty sure here let's let's let's what's your bet what would you if this is vegas what would you put your chips on so william okay it's it's actually different you're asking the wrong question here it's how many it's how many dead people because there's there's categories there's so many dead people there's how many dead children and there's how many different faults i take there's how many dead kids that william afton was responsible for because technically technically crying child's death was the fault of michael afton and not william afton like the progenitor though also elizabeth afton's death who goes on to possess baby not william afton's fault i mean it is because he constructed i don't know i think it might be admittedly he constructed a robot that snatches up kids and stores them in their bellies for later experimentation death whatever okay so technically he didn't intend for that to be like if you're talking about kids that he has actively kidnapped and killed in the back room of pizzeria you're talking the missing kids incident which is like five it's barely anything barely barely a drop in the bucket as it comes to dead people in this franchise if you're talking about dead kids and the whole thing you're talking seven plus now that we're successfully demonetized do you want to look at another meme and if you're talking about dead people entirely in the franchise i mean now you're opening up a whole can of worms because there's all i mean you have jeremy with his face sliced off you have you know the girl who ends up like glit tape girl from fbr you have the two researchers who just randomly died if fazbear frights is to be believed you have generations of people let's move on when matt and staff finally play day shift at freddy's three thanks thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you i know i like thanks i always like thank you thank you oh we need to break out our festive pillows festive pillows we do have them somewhere what's coming up nothing nothing literally there's nothing this year is perpetually nothing is there a labor day pillow it just has a picture of like a hammer on it for labor maybe maybe it has a picture of a pregnant woman on it there we go just a big belly for labor labor day the day in which we labor mad badass purple guy this took so long for me to do matpat is very hard to draw really wow you did such a good job though i i totally see it it's actually very much it discovered i could make them green and didn't know which this is great this is so good this is great i love this my forearm is beastly you have the most amazing forearms of anyone i've ever seen earlier let's compare to real life right so forearms i appreciate i mean i i've been lifting ollie a lot i was gonna say i think that i think that's where it's from those are those are your ollie guns right there those are my olive guns also but if you're also a purple guy it's you're killing dead children guns see now you bring it back to the deck why do you always bring it back to the back we're already demonetized it's fine okay so here's the one here's the two this is with the game theory chef let's play the optometrists one or two one or two one it's hard to choose i really like one can i see one again can i see two again well they look kind of they're similar i don't know i can't really tell a difference which one is more in focus which one is more in focus one or two just just pick whichever one two okay okay all right great three or four three my prescription is so strong that we get up to like seven eight oh yeah you're way up there oh yeah and then they start getting into like the micro like adjustments so it's terrible i think i like this one makes me look more manic and insane which is accurate to how this franchise makes me this one is this more shadow a little bit more normal but honestly as long as my guns are accurately depicted in both yeah that's good your wrist may be broken a little bit the old times did not make sense at all matpat golden freddy is crybaby child and purple guy is phone guy hold up uh excuse me all of that makes perfect the old times did not make sense the old times made more sense than the new times just be honest yeah the new times what what kind of sense do the new times hold up i'm gonna pull a fallout guy right now and say hold up to you friend cause golden fred how how would why wouldn't golden freddy be the crying child he gets literally bitten in the mouth of him he's pizza like a golden freddy bear follows him around why would he not be why would purple guy not be phone guy because he carries around a device that looks like a phone and i i don't know i thought that purple i just i i thought that purple guy was phone guy and i think from the chekhov's gun that you had back in fnaf 2 right it made sense way back in the day times are simpler than that i miss phone guy i feel like phone guy is an underappreciated character in this franchise at this point he's kind of everything else has moved on without him and he's been kind of left in the dust maybe you know what maybe phone guys lore is complete in this franchise and we just have missed it maybe i need to go back maybe i'd need to do an episode dedicated to phone like going back again i think that's a great idea and don't think you can rehash this franchise enough am i rehashing the franchise stephanie no i'm like coming up with your solution yeah you're coming up with new solutions thank you yep yep it's totally good actually no and the the truth of the matter and the more that is getting revealed from the phasma frights book i was gonna say the book the books are actually the things that have the answers now it's true or at least are alluding to a lot of the answers the more answers that are coming up the more it's confirming my final fnaf theory which the one the two-parter that i did um i think was at the end before fnaf vr came out and before the whole thing started getting rebooted again um but my final fnaf theory where i did like the story of the aftons and it's like it's a it's a story about this family and this and that that's the one that i think like as they as these books come out as they start confirming things like michael afton was actually the foxy bro it's like yep called that one and like uh ballora is strongly associated with motherhood it's like yep i called that too like there's just a lot of stuff that the books are like confirming in that origin that kind of like final final theory that i had the problem was a lot of people when that theory came out didn't want to believe it because it requires sister location and those like more advanced animatronics to happen much sooner in the timeline than i think any of us believed even myself i'm like it's weird that these advanced animatronics would happen so early in the timeline but it seems like that's being confirmed more and more by these books hey just saying i might have solved it during that final fnaf theory and none of us wanted to believe it and now it's me just rehashing stuff purple guy theory too lazy to make the colors match great done perfect that's two don't worry scott in the original case right made this with a mobile app um there was there were like i think most of them were jokes but there were a couple people who were like is it snap is the new channel fnaf theory you're just gonna separate all those off and it was like oh man that would be that'd be crazy but also yeah too much that'd be too much also i like that it's just subsuming film theory it's like that theory doesn't exist forget film theory screw film theory there are no new movies this year no right it's a dead that's a dead medium we're gonna have to start doing we're gonna have to start doing film theories on um 90 day fiance because that's all anyone's watching that's all people care about right now we started watching it i don't know every it's got it's like watch out some of the couples are funny some of them are a little stressful to watch it's dark it can get dark for sure i'm watching it on youtube tv and there's too many commercials i can't stand it that's also a problem why do you watch it like there right now there's there's no commercials like there's no ad units being sold anywhere right and yet tlc and the discovery network has been like well if there's if we can't sell the ads we're going to sell the ads to ourself and so it's like here's seven ads for all the other dis discovering network shows and it's like which are all terrible i don't i don't care about any of these and then there's like one i don't care about finding gold at the bottom of the bering sea yeah there's like one 15 second ad at the very end of this three minute and it's like here's the actual advertisement and then it's back to the show and then it's like five minutes later here's another one i'm like i can't watch it discover stop chilling for all your other shows by the way watch food theory it's a new channel make sure you subscribe to it hey and back to fnaf review thank you so much let's do it we have become what we hated we have become what we have dreaded most you either live long enough to the batman you either die or you live long enough to see yourself become the bad guy or whatever that's us totally network except for the theorist network oh no oh no i found this when i searched for teddy bear i found this when i searched for teddy bear killing kids according to the website this photo was taken in a local restaurant with specialized in pizzas suddenly kids started going missing from the restaurant who says restroom are you sure this to me is short for restroom i know restaurant is short for restaurants right that's not how bell restaurant wow it's a restroom where people started going missing picture was used as proof that the mascot was behind it can this be clue for an or an inspiration this is oh my god wait i didn't mean to click away from that this is terrifying it is awful looking is it so most okay so right now there's this huge surge in the whole like chuck e cheese is becoming fnaf you know let's make up fake lore about this which is fun i've been enjoying reading and also poor chuck e cheese i know beaten up over the years but my question here is most of them are really obvious that it's fake or just like riffing on memes from the the games i can't tell if this is like this legitimately looks this is well done enough that it looks believable i know right that's bizarre like i'm assuming that this is photoshop oh absolutely it has to be right it was just a joke like no what what what bear suit would have a mouth like this i don't know like it wouldn't have teeth and stuff but it is really good it is terrifying this is haunting my nightmare right absolutely this is great i don't know if this is real i kind of want it to be real not for the kid's sake i'm assuming the kid would have been fine but right that's terrifying i love crying i love this this is brilliant this is great yeah it's really good it's really well done here's the evolution of matpat's fnaf insanity oh episode one where i was just parodying let's plays that's real cute and then we became a let's play channel what no i wish i wish then me mildly shouting than me being sad this is see see friends this isn't the evolution of my insanity this is the stages of grief denial yeah denial anger depression yeah but we skipped bargaining and bargaining i think i bet you could find bargaining in there oh yeah absolutely like me like bargaining with scott somewhere like hey totally like hey give me the lore this is depression though that's depression and then this is acceptance yeah right right where we are i've become one with the animators this is acceptance right here this is hardcore depression look i even have my edgy hair oh yeah edgy washed out purple terrible oh this is just sad this is acceptance i'm like oh you know what fine oh man yeah this is an evolution of insanity my friend this is the stages of grief friends scott releases another snap teaser matpat oh wait no no now yep that makes that makes a lot of sense if only he listened to me right if only he took my advice no that was the bargaining stage scott's storytelling in a nutshell matpat one single piece of lore that looks like it doesn't support a ton the this this is an accurate dependency that is so accurate this is a colorized photo of the fnaf lore from 2017 1982. uh this is great this is true because it is it is it's one single piece of lore that looks like it doesn't support a whole lot and the whole thing comes crumbling down it's true this there has never been lore that is more of a janky jenga tower i and yet somehow it's more stable now than it was like it's weird i feel like he's shoring it up from the outside it's like a very janky jenga tower but then he's like putting like leaning little like like like pickup sticks as support around it's true it is in the early days there was lore and it was solid and then there was that like middle period where the tower was like it was just like oh tower is all over the map and now yeah like you said it's being supported on the outside so i feel like we've gone through like building little buttresses on the outside to support the tower of lore there's a lot of buttressing going on a lot of buttons all over the place uh fun fact my family i i've mentioned this on live stream but we take jenga very seriously in my family no one warned me that you could have given me a heads up that your family was the most like cutthroat set of jenga players ever and i'm pretty good at jenga yeah i am not a jenga slouch but they are so intense if you want to roll with my family family family they're no i can totally roll with jenga the bowling is a problem although i don't think i got last when we went bowling as long as you don't get last yeah who got last i forget anyway we've wiped it we we stoned them together right yeah we don't talk about them anymore and then we wiped everyone's memory uh but no the thing i was going to call out here is i've pulled off this move once in jenga you have i've had to pull it off once no where you did the quick draw the quick yeah the quick draw and all of a sudden like that entire level disappears and it the stack falls down on the level below oh my god i had to pull it once there's no way and it worked with that arrangement where there's just one on on the top and bottom i forget if it was just one on top and bo uh no it i think it has to be because otherwise if you're pulling it out like one side's going to fall so it has to kind of be that way yeah so it has to be this is the only it's a rare circumstance it's like it has to be a triple single stacker and then you pull out the middle of the triple singles yeah it becomes the triple single stack wow yep yep that's triple single to a double single hole so i made these when matpat says my final fnaf theory oh i absolutely skeptical child i don't i don't know why you would be skeptical of that why why would that be an issue skip it's final final finale it's the final and then they release more how am i to know that dear internet when forgive me for taking game developer scott coffin at his word when he said snap three was the final fnaf and then forgive me again when he said for an f4 was the end of the story because look it up he said both three and four were the ends of the stories he did multiple times and then because we were like oh my gosh we're gonna have to find a new game to talk about we did we did we're like should we just shut down the channel i don't know it's over wrap it it's done i keep talking about this retirement i keep talking about it and then forgive me again for assuming that it's over when ultimate custom knight final f6 kills off all of the characters you would think that it would be over and the story would be done when all the characters are dead in a burned down pizzeria i don't know felt kind of final to me final fbr let's bring them back in digital form oh okay oh now they're computer programs okay sure whatever poor madi oh man are you winning dad is that oliver oh no oh no oh no oliver you look really cute i know oliver looks great i've grown up really well i'm looking worse because oh matthew is not looking so good we have to make sure that this doesn't happen for real right no we got to make sure we got it we got we should take this one maybe we should like take this down and put it up on the fridge or something so that we know like don't go for this you're right we're not we're going to make sure that this doesn't happen because oliver's not going to come in on me he's going to be sitting on the chair with me oh my god get out of here that's what's going to happen i'm never letting him play that game no never no i mean he i'm sure he'll play some horror games the thing is by the time he gets around to playing games there'll be new stuff out right oh yeah totally yeah but he's got to know his foundations i was going to say like his foundational game he'll be so bored but like he won't care because italian heritage or he won't care at all is california roots they'll be like this game of dumb all right like daddy why do you play this game all right impossible what it'll be he'll become a minecrafter guaranteed oh i yeah i could totally see being into minecraft minecrafter impossible give me your soul and i will fulfill your desire i want to finish finafloor i don't do miracles yup that's fair this is accurate that's fair 100 not even my soul is worth it the joke there is give me my soul and then i give him a soul and then he shoves it into remnant oh and then my soul goes on to possess an animatronic inside joke matt doesn't know what fnaf is by the way or matt over here matt do you know what fnaf is now i do i've learned a lot abby what is fnaf it's a game it's a game pizzeria there's a pizzeria animatronics come along with kids yeah don't know who purple guy is though haven't gotten there yet cool it's fine it's fine don't rush it there's time okay focus on the important stuff like the sound panels skip the snap for now yeah you think the animatronics eat the kids what a noob what a noob take wait what you you don't even know foxy shiggity coming for your booty get out of here noob go back to canal you don't even know about fnaf world matt you don't even know about the questionable canonism version one versus version two come on fnaf world was a trip that world was a trip that was crazy hot cheese those are crazy times crazy time and then don't even get me started about you know the spin-offs like t-jock where was you were there where were you where were you here he was in like elementary school where were you during the pink guy purple guy debate yeah you weren't here and you just waltz in here thinking that you just over the place no no choosing games like killer and purple assuming that you know what's going on you don't know see see what you escaped by not coming to work for us sooner think think about the shape that you would be in what about the great debate of bite of 83 versus 87. is that still going on what is your opinion just saying everyone talking about election year and this and that no no the debate that needs to happen right now is fnaf 4 happening in 1883 or 1987. matt is it mike trapp or my trap or will trap you don't know you don't know amy can you just always do zoom in on like the sadness doesn't this is the this is the episode that just goes completely around this is this is a rough one make a theory on how william is immortal that bad seeing look at that do you do you see what this is what's going on here the fan base is trying to tell you matthew they're trying to save you are they are they trying to save me not that seeing williams not gonna be dead for the sixth time nick theory about how it came back to life and did die out see see i just translate the games for them i'm i'm just the one who's helping i'm their spiritual guide through this franchise that's how i see myself oh oh oh boy no i don't think it will give you happens here i love that no i don't think i will thanks scott ah that's great it's the full but again i think he has said he's ending things like a bunch of times and so we're like yes celebrate with an end and ending fnaf theory i think these two are the ones the finale yeah the finale is definitely the one um where he was like this is it if yeah but this is the one one i was talking about before where i think like we actually did solve it and now like the books are kind of confirming confirming a lot of the stuff that we solved it gets that one i think it's this one and the one that was the associated one with it because it was a two-parter because it's just a long story was that the two-parter that we had to do because there was a copyright strike on the channel at the time or something no that was way back that was early yeah that was that was purple when we were still matthew and i had the most one of the most stressful days that i still remember which was we were uploading this two part of of fnaf in a coffee shop because we were like having a business meeting or something someone had like like falsely issued a copyright strike against the channel this was like way back in the day and so we couldn't upload anything over 10 minutes and so we had to upload like two nine minute episodes of fnaf and like try and piece it together and we were trying to get them both to upload and it was nuts it was terrible it was terrible because we had promised we had promised everyone because it was the finale it was the finale of like a in and of itself a two-parter yeah because it was a two-part like i think purple guy solved yeah in the wake of snap three and people were so excited about it and we had done part one and we're like part two is coming on this day yeah get ready for it and we promised it but for some reason like the internet i forget what it was but like we weren't able to upload it at our house yeah and so we were at a coffee shop and you're right it was like waiting for a meeting and trying to upload this thing and then all of a sudden we got this copyright strike that had happened like either like earlier that day or whatever and so like you said when you get the copyright strike at least back then you couldn't upload videos that were over 10 minutes and so we had to slice it we and now i'm like oh this two-parter is now a three-parter yeah and we were so afraid everybody really mad and and we were like are people even going to believe us that we couldn't upload something over 10 minutes yeah because everyone's going to be like oh you're just milking it for the views and the markets like no like it's the weirdest and people were more sensitive about stuff back then but it was it was the kind of thing where like you look back on like years of doing this and it's weird the stuff that was the most stressful because looking back on that now it'd be like ah it's fine it's one episode in like a zillion episodes but it was so it was so stressful at the moment there yeah there was a lot of stuff like like there was the alt a lot of them with fnaf too yeah there was fnaf 4 where which happened during vidcon oh yeah so i so that was frustrating because i'm like i know it's going to happen near vidcon so i did a and everyone was racing to get their videos out mark left vidcon so that he could go play fnaf like it was not this point he like barely wants like he doesn't know he's like he's like get the same way he's like i ain't playing for nfv arm like you should it's actually a really good game he's like oh then i'll play you know yeah and like legitimately mark like this one's actually good um but at the time everyone was like racing to play it and so we were really stressed out about like what do we do do we like try and duck out of meetings like how do we figure this out it was yeah no no that and well that one was tough too because we had done the snap four video like a prediction like i'm gonna solve it beforehand yeah which was all about the bite of 87 and uh because all the teasers were leading up to like it being the bite snap four is about the bite the bite the bite and so it was one of those things where i did the prediction theory in advance and then boom the game hits and so i was already stressed out because it's like we did it but now we're at vidcon and we have this prediction theory but now the game is actually out yeah so we got to get like rush to get this episode out before people start playing playing the game so that way it's still a prediction episode but we're at vidcon and then of course adding fuel to the fire right this is also the game where he's like there's an easter egg about 1983 in it even though it's about a bite and i'm like oh and and then and thankfully scott like removed the comments we don't delete comments but people are like matpat deleted scott's comment scott commented on that video he's like you missed something and i'm like yeah because i haven't played the game cause i'm at vidcon and this was a predictive theory that i tried to make clear and he's like you missed that there's a detail about it being 1983 better luck next time he was kind of trolly yeah those days and i think he's also like we've all well we've all mellowed we've all mellowed out i think which is good and we're we've all become mature individuals but back in the day he was like trolling me hard and it was like no and then of course the fan bait as soon as like someone says something like that everyone just piled dog piles yeah i think he saw that like the dog piling of the internet was not yeah and that's and i think that's why he deleted it i think that's why like he doesn't do stuff like that anymore and like because it is it's one of those things that like the mob mentality like once you just say something yeah like everyone just piles on and it's like you don't need the pile like the person already feels bad enough about that sort of thing or whatever yeah like you know you don't want to call it attention it's weird the moments that you look back on you're like those were the stressful moments and a lot of them when you look back on you're like oh that wasn't as big a deal as it felt like but it always it feels really big one it always yeah and it feels big in the moment especially like when it's a big video or a big franchise and he also feels big in the moment yeah hindsight is 20 20. yeah right and you don't know and honestly the internet's a weird place where you don't know what's going to stick yeah like yeah you don't know what's going to hang around we thought that like oh this is going to be the last game or whatever like this and you never know because it's the internet you never know what people are going to be excited about next and how long it's going to be until they're excited about something else so it's yeah yeah it's yeah this the stuff that sticks is always weird to me like like for instance like sansa's nests weirdly one that's stuck for some reason i'm not exactly sure why like we've had a lot of really dumb why why because of toby because he was pretty mean about it what's he mean about that one in pretty like he's been mean to us for a couple of things but was it about that one i mean he yeah he's is that why i don't know yeah to me like but that one's like for instance you know the outside that's the only time where we've ever had a developer be really be really nasty about that's true about something like that yeah and i you know that's it's literally the only time um and i think that's why but but now hey like again that's also one of those things where looking back on it it's like that was one episode of so many right yeah there's a lot of episodes at this point but yeah it's weird the things that stick yeah and the stuff that just like meh whatever yeah keep on coming why would a land fly land on something like this that should be ashamed of falling this is ridiculous that's great that's great i love that that makes me really absolutely uh that's a good one uh probably my final post here oh no maybe this one will go oh well this is final post me looking at the most popular game theory videos out of here yeah this is yep all fnaf always has been uh technically i think game lab game lab actually is like i think game lab might beat it it's got i'm curious hold up let's see let's let's do this let's do the test because you're right when it comes to non-youtube original game lab has had some like bizarre treatment by the by the youtube algorithm or something yeah there's something off with how youtube originals gets treated in the system we're not 100 sure what most popular most popular yeah there it it is game lab 50 the parkour episode for some reason everyone's really into hardcore parkour stuff 52 million people 52 so anyway that's and then everything is look yeah then everybody wait at it wow look at it oh hey look at the duck season wow duck season good for you duck season i know way to hold your own and draw my life that's so nice good for you shoot mario in the face i couldn't get away with that one now yeah no all of the like all of these uh actually these are okay that yeah that was okay this one flagged yeah there's no way we could get it there's that one these are the bite that one would never flow this is a good tetralogy of episodes right here right this is a good job like this is old school game theory at its like finest yeah this is a great one there's okay there's some good stuff in here yeah totally mixed in a lot of fnaf you know why you guys wonder i know you guys wonder why i keep going but maybe i need to do more parkour videos there we go that's the moral of this stuff that's what we've learned you just need more parkour you need more hardcore parkour so this isn't actually accurate it is an off nav also game length also ironically enough the game lab episode that we made public that is about parkour or sorry that is about math and that's not on here there you see that down here yeah there you go yeah all right i haven't seen any memes using matt from escape the night so i made my own oh this is me dying spoiler alert oh that's so funny scott cawthon matt finally figuring out the finale all the viewers except for more that's amazing that's great good sweat band action going on there yeah good sweat band scott's silencing me that's great yeah this is when i die but i come back to life if you haven't seen escape the night by the way i again i encourage you to go check it out it's a wacky show but it was so much fun i've been season three it was super fun for me to do it was you're also in season four right i make a cameo in season four yeah but it's super fun this is literally how i see manpan scott huh i like it at least at least you're the good guy but i was gonna say if if i had to be one of these characters i'm glad i'm the one who's actually solving a mystery and not the one who's like killing off everyone oh what a great show what a great show matt have you have you seen death note no quarantine activity quarantine watch watch death note it's not long and it's really really good do you watch any anime kind of which what have you seen um i say kind of i know about anime you know about it well so when you say kind of you actually you lie see matt continues to laugh why do you keep lying no here here i i will totally piss your lawyer that is a concerning no i'm gonna defend matt on this one because if you talk to people who watch anime you don't know if they're like a very hardcore anime fan and if you if you say that you've watched zero anime they're like oh wait i'm not sure we can like talk anymore and so i actually i understand actually fudging it a little bit and being like i've seen a little bit of anime and then maybe just you have to just have like one really top-line title that you can name off to to complete the lie even if you haven't seen it just be able to follow through i've definitely pulled that off before before i started watching it now i really like it is the thing it's really great and but you have to start with the right series because if you start with like some of the more hardcore stuff like it just the it takes a while to get used to the art style it takes a while to get used to the narrative devices i think the narrative devices are different the character development is is actually really great but it's done a bit differently and the sensibility like the cultural sensibilities of anime that actually comes from japan and has like a japanese sensibility is like you used to acclimate to it and once you adjust to it it's actually really really cool but death note is awesome it's really really good as a cartoon animated series that's basically for all sort of all ages but like teens and up it's really good so it's a big murder mystery yeah kind of i like know what it is and like i'm familiar with it yeah that's a good entry one i think um there's a couple of good like entry anime and that one feels pretty good because it's pretty universal we started with sao or i started with a sam you started with sao i i mean i mean if it counts i started with like you start with like dragon dragon ball back in the day with tsunami but really if like in dragon ball like so surface level i feel like my the first one i really got into on toonami like because i would watch dragon was fine and i enjoyed it but the one that i really got into was actually big o which was this like noir s one that was very short-lived and never really had a satisfying conclusion but it was on toonami and it was great just don't start with attack on titan it's too depressing it's it's a bummer yeah my roommates are really into like hunter hunter and oh yeah oh yeah yeah demon slayer was we're watching yeah we're in the middle of demons yeah it's good it's good yeah all right all right okay it's beautiful it's also like one of the most beautiful beautiful ones that like the art style is gorgeous the the coloring yeah of it is great the water motif works really well anyway oh yes a release schedule that's a funny joke scott releasing a new fnaf game that destroys previous lore the new fnaf theory that was pre-recorded a week yeah oh my gosh this is so accurate yep oh scotch and mario put some pants on put on a shirt and stop running stop running us over with your new game popping out of nowhere i do remember that time too where he like that was also adding to the stress back in the day all the time it was it was constant he's like okay okay guys release a trailer release a theory release a game like it was crazy well it was at that point it was no it was even like he would at a certain point he got to the point where he's like i'm gonna give you a release date or a release window and he's like yeah i just finished the game i did it like three weeks earlier and you're like no no he learned his lesson with snap world though releasing stuff too early yeah world was it was an important one because it changed a lot of that it did theory we all need do you need a theory about that one friends there's a reason you don't poop on the floor ask us we're potty training a child yep exactly yeah parenthood so there you go friends poop on the floor that's i mean those are those are our theories in a nutshell that was fun that was a very unfocused right i was going to say a nice ramble down memory lane theory slash meme gt alive okay keep getting the stuff we'll keep reacting to stuff this was really fun we'll keep getting distracted while we talk about stuff yeah hopefully you're okay with that welcome to gt alive where we're alive and kicking way to be alive way to be alive congratulations making it through uh we'll be back for more gameplay stuff at a later date yeah but in the meantime remember that wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you see ya
Channel: GTLive
Views: 379,194
Rating: 4.9549718 out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, five nights at freddy's, fnaf memes, fnaf meme review, fnaf memes animation, fnaf meme song, meme review, meme compilation, meme review matpat, fnaf game theory, the game theoists, game theory, matpat, gtlive, matpat meme, matpat meme review, gtlive meme review, gtlive memes, game theorists
Id: x1-fXgAtjzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 26sec (3566 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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