FNAF is Life. | FNAF Meme Review 👏🖐

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Rama Lama will you be my friend me today will you film a GT not live with me right now you oh look good are you guess you're stuck with me peep at you you and your cold lifeless stare [Music] hey guys welcome to GT not live where today I'm still on the couch and you can actually probably tell that I filmed this immediately after work after finishing dinner from the previous video that went up about the staff animatronics because I eat dinner and I came back down to do some meme stuff because I've been missing army Mondays and I don't think this is Gehring on Monday so it's probably like meme Wednesday that right that no this way meme Wednesday it's always mirrored meme Wednesday here on GT not live we've been kind of running around a bunch and we haven't gotten a chance to kind of do another beam review but today is the day you guys so make it's amazing thank you so much for continuing to send these things there's so much fun to see they they really make stuff and I was super happy P but you on the other hand not so much mirror matpat super excited because he's actually the star of today's show I was pulling them up very quickly I saw that this guy right here created a couple of mean templates so well done you you know wait a way to mix it up a little bit you you've gotten your time give them the spotlight to someone else so excuse me while I transition over to the computer screen so we can actually review some memes there we go perfect awesome perfect so this is this is these are the ones that I that I pulled up for today I'm excited to check them out first off they deserve it just saying and yeah I know this is a meme we should stop posting memes so Matt and Steph can rest and then catch up with no pressure oh that's that is unbelievably thoughtful and and very sweet of you guys to send in no actually like keep them coming I don't know if we'll ever you know we're not always able to talk about all of them but they're they really do make a smile and even on days when we're not doing like a meme review or anything like I'll pop into the subreddit just to see what's going on because I it brings me joy honestly a lot of times we're gonna the channels can be pretty thankless or like just kind of work and you're like oh my gosh and then everything else going on you're like oh my gosh so to actually finally have something that we can kind of have more back and forth and you guys are sending us stuff and then we're able to feature it on the channel it's great it's like all the worlds combined and it's just better for everyone I love them I hope you're enjoying them because we really enjoy making them I know we're not the funniest when it comes to reviewing the memes but just like celebrating the stuff that you guys are sending in which is really cool because we did a financier either the last theory that came up on the channel is a big snap theory I I did see a lot of snap memes come in so doc Oh apologies but I think today is kind of gonna be dedicated to math meme review if you don't know doc oh my buddy he does fern asked me review so where they're all just went after memes I think today is very review uh seriously when will it end I don't fear you then you will die braver than most it's so true right it's an uphill battle it's an uphill battle I don't fear for Nath I accept it but starting to get a lot weightier there's a lot more things that I have to keep track of I have to read a lot more books I have to at least pay passing attention to the augmented reality game special delivery there's a lot that you have to juggle at this point to stay on top of nap same thing with fortnight there's a reason I haven't done a fortnight theory in a long time I've wanted to but it's there's so much happening in that franchise all the time at this point that I can't keep track of it at least with snaf catching up on a book every other month like that's fine but uh with some of these franchises and the speed at which they come out at this point it's it's incredibly difficult props to you if you know this the purple guys yeah the purple guys yeah I don't know about this on any of the channels yeah so we work with the channel random encounters a decent amount they do musical you guys know that I have a background in musical theater and so they do video game-themed musicals that's AJ on screen and so I was the the big bad I was the purple guy in Nath the musical that they did this like massive epic series that they did with markiplier and Nate wants the battle and then I'm revealed as the kind of big villain but you also have him dressed as purple guy like he is also purple guy it's complicated not quite as complicated as robot skin suits filled with everlasting life remnant metal but it's complement everyone thought it was that when was this after I think this was still now for maybe nap three for era that they did the full from that musical so it wasn't where it is today but it was complicated but if you've never checked out snap the musical it is on the channel random encounters they do great stuff I did a bendy musical with him I was the voice of bendy but I love I love those guys I was actually at AJ's wedding he's such a sweetheart so give them some love if you've never checked him out like I said a lot of snaps today friends literally the moment I saw the cover art I thought it was just pan arts the new cover art of the twisted ones is striking interpretation of how fab Hans man's death here here so the tips to animatronics wow that actually does look like it's true just take it just take my likeness god it's fine you can use it I demand 10% of all royalties from the graphic novels yeah actually it's really interesting if you didn't know the the original books the original book trilogy is being re-released with graphic novel with graphic novels and it's interesting I read the first one and they just released the the book cover for this new one I read the first one and it's interesting to see the visual interpretation of a lot of the scenes that happen in the books and the visual interpretation of a lot of what is happening in this universe but because it is a graphic novel you're actually losing a lot of like interesting details that I called out and past theories that are like there's a line in the garage that seems to spit like the lines that I'm like that's a really suspicious line that ends up paying off in like future books that kind of seeds out ideas of where things might be headed or like this is a Chekhov's gun that's gonna play out later so I will say the the graphic novels are really good they're really interesting to see the story in a different way but from a lore perspective you're actually missing out on a lot of the detail that those first novels actually kind of gave ah well yeah this is this is told me again don't explain the memes I guess I kind of have to know because I have I'm literally sitting on the couch with an inanimate object that I'm pretending as my co-host today so maybe I will explain the memes TUF TUF Nuggets tuff Nuggets friends you're just here but yeah these do look like me so this looks like me and Steph so guys Scott feel free to reach out I didn't you didn't ask for my approval of the rights or my image it's fine I understand we'll just retro actively take 10% of the 60 million dollars that you got from creating this franchise that'd be great thing remember that episode of GT live when they paid for half custom night well I sure do the message of the Pan Am saga no no the main message of the finance saga now is multi-platform merchandising really works breaks in the dough oh we messin at saga don't eat at Chuck E Cheese which I posted on Twitter about this you might not be able to anymore because it sounds like it's going bankrupt because of the co vid stuff everything is being kind of like shut down or hit with really hard Financial Times so Chuckie Cheese is in like 2 3 billion dollars of debt or something like that so it looks like all the animatronic pizzerias are gonna shut down which you know what that means we're one step closer now all we need is a serial killer Pizza manager I wish that upon no one so I we don't actually need that in our life what's not well let's forget I said that please my final beer you gonna prank matpat when he finishes with nap floor uh-oh oh he's getting the shaving cream ready Oh No okay day one who ice I skate by day two not gonna fool me 8:17 boob nope not gonna get me cuz it's never gonna happen I'm never going through that door when a floor is never gonna be finished I'm never coming through that door that shaving cream is just gonna melt in your hand unlike an M&M which won't melt in your hand it'll melt in your mouth 8:17 what is that boom three four years about we've got bro we've been trying to solve the fan a floor for more than four years friends more than day 817 we going deep in this franchise here we go the only reason more games are being made is because of math hat oh no no am I the one who's perpetuating this Oh what have I done I've made my own worst nightmare makes first math theory Scott getting ready to drive them insane for ten years we haven't gotten to the ten year mark I like that these two are partnered with each other past dates of a team not quite two ten years this is where the fun begins oh yeah for you Scott this is where the fun and the money-making opportunity to begin buddy here we go the true identity of man to Patrick aka matpat listen with audio oh this is funny this is actually from staff the musical uh they all Twitter is this just see told you this is marketed as red hair days and the animatronics are represented by puppets [Music] yeah that that is actually like a hedge clipper saw yeah I love this guy vaguely tolerate his consonant in a suit shove it and with so yeah that's funny that I was just talking about after musical um oh my gosh this is crazy I remember that shoot about many years ago at this point but it was over AJ's house actually in his house he just had a section of his house that was dedicated to like literally the pizzeria setup because they did so many episodes hashtag relatable about fine ass haha and it was I think like two three four in the morning that we were filming this mark and him had been there all day and they only needed me for like the ending scenes and so I came in you know I think I they're like your call time is like 11 o'clock or midnight I'm like oh okay here we go and it was so hot it was so cuz he had to turn off the air conditioning so it wouldn't like to interfere with the microphones and so that's my fault sweaty in this like heavy bear suit it was the middle of summer and I mean I'm just wearing like a full furry costume I was so much fun it was a styrofoam wall and as you can tell you only get like once I'm so nervous to get it right in the one take cuz I wanted them to get a really cool shot of me like stabbing through and things like that and he did which is great but you know they had set up like AJ had gone to such huge lengths like set up this like bowls wall made of styrofoam and everything and so there was a pressure to get it like one and done and it turned out so well the only weird thing is they they didn't have any sing at all the musical maybe they were trying to tell me something but I have been back as Scott Cawthon phone guy purple guy evil matpat and in other subsequent ones I did one with for glitch trap I did one for glitch trap in VR so again like if you haven't seen that that's fun and I actually again some reason I always am play in the like evil psychotic character I wonder why I wonder those are the ones that I really gravitate towards do I feel good in those characters I wonder if it's because I have some like deep deep seeded murderous rage who knows fun fact when it's 2 a.m. on Wednesday and Matt wants to talk about nap accurate listen I feel seen I think I think more so except except with this expression she says yes it's just like it's like you're bracing for impact achoo so they go okay yeah it reminds me of the Ricky Morty episode where they're all in a simulation and they just respond with what am i man no man yes yes like dead-eyed completely blank but she's just like uh-huh uh-huh great yeah oh did you think about foxy Oh awesome great oh I wonder that is frustrating Steph is a champ that's maybe that's like we've been doing a lot of snap theories late with maybe that's why she'd be the whole week does anyone remember the whole Christmas movie a year without Santa Claus I do oh man it's definitely terrified of the claymation in these things game theory I'm mr. white Christmas I'm mr. snow film theory get some love mr. green Christmas I'm mr. these these these are my children freakish 1950s era stop-motion Christmas nineteen sixties seventies I forget when these seventies I think these freakish creations these are my own I'm missed uh why Christmas those were weird man that was a weird one if you've never seen those it's worth just hopping back to be reminded of how terrifying they were or getting to a sense of what we as children I mean I wasn't that old but what we as children had to go through as far as Christmas specials I don't know if this is an posted yet love yet nuggets I do not take credit for this the mind not yet the space look at the power get reality now get time Nuggets soul nugget with stepper here to give me the boys I can't do his voice nigut I can't do it I'm so bad oh great awesome right we should just reschedule with luck it has Thanos he needs me colored purple he needs to look a little bit more like a raisin but otherwise we're great we finally have a bulb Matt and Pat seen together for the first time ever Wow now you know I'm exposed you've seen both ABS Matt and Pat I'm not mad Pat it's literally two halves of me that are able to divide up in the same frame together in that right Pat talked about gaming's to talk about gaming tangential learning experience oh my gosh that's a deep cut early game theory instead of smartest show in gaming or ruining your childhood or whatever I the subtitle port was gaming Stan Jinja learning experience let's just say I've grown and I've learned that maybe gaming tangential learnings news not the strongest catchphrase in the world me making up Bob wait it's Nevel again so weird it's just like that's the theme of today me making up an entire oral presentation on the spot by reciting information from different theories from both wow that is just like picking picking and choosing and cob load it all together I feel like that's theory crafting sometimes right like I can pull this a mess there we go my confused teacher realizing I still hit every score of the rubric with flying colors and then he can't be well oh that's awesome clapping half for that that's amazing and then lastly my partner who said only one sentence knowing that she lucked out having the biggest nerd in Class B assignment oh my god yes every time it got to the point in middle school where when I was put on a team I had done this so many times and the partner never did any work and like I would try to incorporate the partner by like hey let's meet at the library on the weekend or let's like work together on this section or like even assigning them sections that it just got to the point where I'm like they never delivered they didn't show up on time or they would show up at all or they wouldn't do their thing so I'm like you know what just I got this like you are creating more hassle than it's worth and I just don't care at this point so it got to the point in middle score I just like I'm done so yeah everyone was flaming Elmo for me uh a brawl just like all right great ever that's why Stephanie actually was in college was a little bit special hopefully special but the big thing about her at least initially was like oh my gosh she pulled her weight in a group project not just pulled her weight like didn't weigh more than I would have ever just paid it and so the two of us just worked really well together and that's kind of how that whole thing happened that's power dynamic between Matt Matt Patton Scott here we go it's got coughing adding more and more Lord to the most complicated secrets on earth yep that's it that's it right there this is again I feel scene I feel scene this is I'm getting a little like traumatic stress here from how real that is I made some fan art yes fan art Friday oh my gosh no no Kim we are and there's you yeah you made it to look at we're staring in the only thing I would critique this on is we look happy to be in the presence of peep at you people you and I have had a falling out it's it's awkward between us it's a bit tense we don't talk about it because we're professionals on camera but you know we we have some stuff that we have to work out he's a little jealous because of people too honestly people too came onto the scene mini Chu over there and he's been kind of salty about it he feels like he's getting replaced but he's not you're still here people you can't sit behind me and be sieved because he's still a child then also probably violate some Kappa law because he's a child okay you just do your thing the same loving beautiful patients stare that you've always had buddy first DT life in ER and I made a year ago oh I haven't seen this actually this is great nice take GT live try not to laugh oh I remember those they all got claimed I wish we could do more enough to laughs but literally every single cliff claims them so it's like okay we're doing be doing for fun these are this is amazing I love this I look so responsible and handsome it's fantastic I look so young and vibrant supposed to the slow descent into madness that I'm currently going through weird dream I just pulled up a bunch of me remember snap the musical exists that's so funny I don't know why we brought up a new you know five nights at Freddy's theory and we have another one coming up this week following up from the previous weeks about the new book but man I do it would be so intense you can't just kill someone with a chainsaw says my mark watching songul burn yeah that's that's about my level of intellect also at 3:00 in the morning that was about the level of my response I was able to do because we're like oh my god I had to I was about like an hour and a half drive away from holding to so I was getting home about like five six give me a bag of disappointments Lay's disappointment oh and then I'm a little bit more so subtly it's like the drape me it's just like I'm neutral I'm slightly less neutral about this just disappointment across the board disappointment tastes salty and I know lame-o this one's got a little bit of lime in it mmm put the lime in the disappointment chips shake it all up I present to you Maria and Steven or Stephan oh my gosh this is terrifying is that really Stephanie's face owner here the hair is actually what's really freaking me out oh this is wild look at that strong masculine brow that I have with Stephanie's nose I got Stephanie other fevers I gotta show it to her this is unbelievable I also like what it is Stephanie's eyes and hair with my notes and mouth look like we're like a 13 year old 12 year old look at this I don't know why it just looks super super young like uncomfortably young this one looks just like one earring it's just I don't know this is been done before sue me Matt Pat's phone whenever he tries getting into his phone it's true it's me doing the sign of the girls again oh hey it recognized me this time but you have to like I don't know what it's like I'm showering myself anytime sprinkling the holy water yeah the me and the facial recognition features do not get along it's because my face is too generic maybe if I was Steven or Stefan from that previous meme that must be it it's like hey Matt your face is too generic get a get a new face my my my phone is Loki shaming me this entire time uh half human half dragon matpat hope Matt Pat sees this I am oh look at me I love my wings sweet I wish I wish I had a blue channel and make sense oh I've got that I've I feel like I've also got the stands that the megalovania i-ching like glowing I accept it's green got a sweet tail - all good claw feet great yeah um fan art Friday keep calm and keep them coming cuz one like submitting them here I like showing them off on on meme reviews but also like I said we're looking to update this well again once all the craziness dies down but we're looking to update behind me as well as the little area that we have in kind of our on this space um we're we just like to hang out with all the fan art that you guys send so it's send it and maybe at some point I'll take a photo and show you that it is actually going somewhere but you can believe me it's there okay Pat oh cap pad like people like I feel like you belong and cats the musical buddy you're you're that like crazy hyper you're a bit too realistic don't go pulling a Judi Dench and licking your nether region yeah that cats the musical level quality right there it's a great image it's pretty terrifying to be honest I don't know what counts as fan hard but I customize my water bottle back in January there's a Pikachu on each side between the look there is a Pikachu on each side between the logos you this is great really this is a water bottle it looks like it was done with like a like white outer kind of like the glow pens or the paint pens this is awesome this is really good also really well done on via the film theory logo in particular because like that's a hard logo to recreate and so and especially in kind of like pens that's really really awesome that's come design our merch for come join us in the merch game PIPA to just this is the same my favorite part about GT live is beep at you and it's cold like stare old you old you've got a cold lifeless bear just staring Deadite at the camera the whole time everyone else smug you can't even crack a smile buddy think about this consider this friends is this his nose or is this his mouth once you see it you can't unsee what if that's his mouth what if he's just a glorified bowling ball these are actually his finger holes I'm trying to see it as this mouth that's a bit too high for his mouth if I'm being honest I was trying to say that as a means of like subverting your expectations because we all know all the best content out there subverts your expectations oh I can kind of see it as a mouth it's definitely your nose though let me know down in the comments below is this people choose no one's mouth or is it just his finger holes for bowling you're gonna give me a strike buddy it's so true though he has the best part of Gd live at this point I mean without staff he surges into number one if it was Steph here then it would be closed between between the two of them but I mean I recognize and I'm comfortable with the fact that I am in dead last on this channel and that's totally fine Matt Pat looks like Mortimer from hell no puppets if you distort the image in Photoshop it a bit I just also like wood qualification here Matt looks like Mordor from hello papa if you distort the image and Photoshop I feel like I feel like anything can look like more and we're from hello puppets if you distort the image in Photoshop I feel like with the powers of Photoshop and distortion you can make anything look like anything else that is a challenge out there for you artists uh here we go what's got this what's next what happens when I try to talk to my friends see you're already starting above all of us we ain't got no friends so way to rub it in my face not jealous of you having friends or anything to talk to you about mean things my friend okay wait me it's starting to explain the entirety of snap floor and it's tae Moo and you're hitting at the timeline I might even check out no don't don't no X this is Miyamoto X right there no he's starting to explain the entirety of nap and the timeline my friends who have heard me explain it every time a new game theory comes out oh my god for your friends sake I need to really skewer for nap theories I am sorry friends of the one - - I'm sorry I will release fewer from nap videos probably not true but you know what I can't say I didn't try actually you can't because I didn't really try found the perfect template what we missed theory me when people say snap books and games are parallel universes there it is this is this is parallel map hat as we learned the the set the main mat is mat other one is Pat so there you go yes what we missed there did you check that one out at this point I need to kind of create a lure it's so stupid I'm gonna say it at this point I need to create what is Canon and not Canon in the overarching fun a series because there are some theories that just branch off wildly and they're like what about this this is a possibility is it Henry Emily is our main villain sometimes you can add to that and that could be part of it but if you're actually watching all of the fine a series none there not a consistent belief system crafting like an overarching lore at this point minecraft is still fairly like you could watch all the theories and it's kind of cobbling together one overarching theory but naff has had so many like backpedals and we were wrong let's go down this path instead just to think about it maybe that didn't lead to anything let's go down this path that it's it's it's a tree it's a it's a vibrant tree the tree of math lore and who knows what branch you go down at this point I do have an idea of where I still think the lore is and kind of where it's gone but if you're just like a lay person watching the theories at this point you can get pretty confusing as we double back on things but with the help of fazbear's fright so I've got a I think I've gotten myself a pretty strong sense of where the key points are I don't know if they're necessarily ones that the greater community would agree with but I have an idea I'm hoping that at some point we'll get a little bit more consolidation of all these points into one larger puzzle as those books continue to come out but I have an idea of kind of like what are the things that feel more set in stone at this point and maybe one day I'll just do like a theory that's like this is the important stuff and the most support and things of snap that we know for all of you still keepin score at home fan art Friday day 25 let me be very clear drawing the GT live art board has not made me a better artist anyway I don't know why you would think that the first one was that your goal was that the goal that you've had cuz not a good plan in the words of Tony Stark not a good plan because you're copying chris's artwork and i don't know if you've been paying attention to this channel but we regularly made fun of chris's artwork for reet like it wasn't a gag i mean it was a gag but it also wasn't a gag like his artwork was pretty poopy sometimes there would be flashes of brilliance but for the most part is great food but hey keep going keep keep on that noble fight day 25 i look forward to seeing how the journey continues is this a new meme is this a new meme it is this is a new meme this is the is this a meme meme just gets meta and mater the Internet continues to eat its own tail my feelings every time Matt Pat puts out a new phone app theory Scott Cawthon changes the timeline every week Matt Pat trying to keep him it's more like me in a bomb shelter ducking and covering hoping that whatever new gets dropped doesn't completely shatter the like house of cards that exists that is the the fears that I've created and like the small little pieces that I've been able to connect it's actually this is actually it reminds me of so Oliver can't do puzzles yet we got him some simple puzzles but Stefan I really like doing puzzles and so go figure Wow our Friday nights consists of Scrabble and puzzles while watching anime or apparently be filming GT not lives when have time off but anyway the the irony of the whole thing is definitely we'll get together we have to hide our puzzles at this point because you know it takes especially big puzzles it takes a little bit of time to put them together and we can't let Ali see them because he will just come in and be like we will be like here play with the loose pieces he's like no let's rip apart the ones that are together and so yeah that's that's basically me with Scott and the floor is the puzzle I'm over here I'm Mike I play myself in this scenario putting the pieces together and then Scott comes in or in this case it's a giant death robot or in my personal case he's Oliver my two-year-old son Scott is my two-year-old son and he comes in it's like please there's a lure let's mix up the pieces the Lord thanks God appreciate that gives me more things to talk about which I like yes so how many more fun after ease are you planning literally everyone yes not crazy yeah that's there you go that's it that's thanks jacket by the way um yep in perfect spatula there it is meme here we go meme made by my friend at moon is a fandom attic 91/30 vomit and quite the catchy handle she doesn't have reddit so she asked me to post for her ok me explaining every detail about Jeremy's death glitch traps cult and quoting several tapes and boys to explain what the new game will be most likely be about my friend who just wanted to know why I was so excited over a teaser image yep yep that's it hey if you can explain every detail of Jeremy's death I am all ears because the fact that he's missing his face in the new game seems really pertinent to the lore that came before and it feels like it's really tied to withered Bonnie but I can't figure out why those two things would be connected but it feels like they should be cuz how many franchises have multiple characters missing a face feels like they should unite but they don't or at least it doesn't make a whole lot of sense we'll see ya new game is coming out for math I don't know when but there's a lot of teasers that have been coming out lately we saw the logo of it security breach there's a we know it's the Rockstar gang or kind of like a glam rock gang all we know that there's an alligator now and we know that there's a female protagonist or a female night guard which is interesting that's the latest oh here we go oh boy I see more Matt Bevin talking about snap floor here we go what's the odd ones out have to say so much lore and this new Netflix reboot just added even more lore there's even a character named allure how much is there feels very appropriate the only thing missing is the actual character named lore ah that's what we need then truly the cycle of brutality that is piecing the other nath mysteries will be complete being smart is hard oh there's something not that related go figure be smart it's hard I want to go back to school me confused as to why that's left my mom it's true though um I can only imagine students now who had like their their school years kind of cut off early and so not getting to see their friends and stuff and you know their next school year kind of being thrown into chaos or question whether it's gonna happen like I but I know for me like I was always really excited to kind of start a new school year get back to like the routine and get back to learning and stuff yeah being smart is hard it's it's kind of lame sometimes and but you know what don't be ashamed to like in school I loved school I really enjoyed it I and so I felt weird cuz everyone that I knew would always talk about how lame it was how bored they were this than that but oh no I just like learning and I'm not gonna apologize for that you shouldn't have to apologize for being excited about learning new things exploration of the world around you is awesome I did this GT Life an ER in awhile ago I wanted to post it but there was no fan art Flair but now there is I'm starting to see all these fanarts that I had never seen before oh this is great let's see um got skip got a little bit of a bendy vibe here this is so cool box up boxes worst diet coke days since that all they got the day since that coke board I don't know if that's the D monetization or not it certainly feels like it should be a democratization oh this is awesome I love these again I love the fan arts they make me so happy that's again that's one of those things I'm really missing about this year and we were supposed to have gone to VidCon by this point or in the next week or two something like that and we get so many cool pieces of physical fan art at VidCon and I'm so sad because that's always like when my highlights is at the end of VidCon going through the box of stuff that people just bring and you know just getting to like enjoy it with staff at the end of like a really long exhausting day at VidCon or when we get back from VidCon and we're just wiped out and that week and we're just like flipping through the stuff and reading the notes and stuff it's it's the best you get through the bad like you really are like it is hard for for all the joking about math and stuff and how like I'm like the worst thing ever the community that we have and how passionate you guys are and how excited you are to like nerd out with me about these stories it's the best so like if it if I wasn't so excited to do stuff like this and hang out with you like it would be completely different but you know it's it's a weekend I got some free time and I want to spend it with you guys on the couch just making stuff for you so we can like play along laugh together things like that so here we go that's that I haven't use read it before well I'm getting a lot of new reddit users which is awesome I haven't used read it before so I'm sorry in advance wanted to thank you for being amazing people you guys have helped me cope with my depression anxiety oh that's amazing not that depression anxiety but thank you for letting us know that we'd help you if you see this by any chance check out beginner's guide it's by the creator and Stanley parable actually we played beginner's guide these are great real quick I want to see these these are all how that's definite or Waldo these are amazing pencil drawing oh yes he's getting so old it's time flies so much oh I see you I see you in the corner there stabbed and a half he puts you blame chase and Amy a true superhero that she is this is awesome these are so good thank pro tips with Stephanie yeah that's this is also pretty accurate these are amazing expressions everyone's so emotive all you got some some escape the night action going on yes awesome reality check game lab us ride the ostriches which if you haven't seen game lab is available for free I highly recommend the ostrich episode cuz where else are you gonna see people riding ostriches around racetrack not something you come across too often Oh power couple this is from our like consulting headshots this is so great thank you for this this is unbelievable this is from the merch oh so good that was awesome thank you but yeah I was saying about a beginner's guide a beginner's guide is we played it a long time ago it's back back on the channel but you can find it it was a it was a really good game definitely different than Stanley parable and and the story gets way up at a certain point but it's fun and it has that cool met inist that Stanley parable had so we checked it out and that playthroughs just buried on the channel let me go go back and look at it do be like that Scott Cawthon new finet timeline me yep that's it that's why I try not to talk about the timeline anymore honestly is at this point it's just like oh my gosh what's lets piece together chuck it again to use the puzzle metaphor let's piece together chunks of the lore and then if it makes sense to revisit the the timeline at a certain point we can but for me answering the biggest questions of this series is really you know just standalone like who is this murder victim what is the actual backstory of golden Freddy like how did these cutscenes actually make sense who is the orange guy stuff like that that's the stuff that what is juniors that's the stuff I think that I'm most excited about and if it does come together in a sensible ever will but you know timeline is kind of like oh you know if a wish list is hey here is the identity of mustard man and you know who is actually in gold and Freddie and stuff like that that's great then second tier of wish list would be like okay well what is the timeline of the actual events here um second ever past elastol pastel drawing do you like it I do this is great this is pastels awesome get ready there might be another segment of this coming your way soon it's one of the reasons why we've been working really hard oh wife Stephanie need a break why I'm you know taking them this weekend as a break and stuff there's been a lot of extra work going on we work on maybe doing another one of these filling out this thing a year after it was supposed to have launched but we're getting there it's it's like right there and I'm so excited about it I'm so excited I really like a lot of the stuff that's going on there it's gonna be a lot of fun anyway I don't know what to put here thinks he figured out a new connection with snap games and the books Scott realizes a new game that doesn't make sense until the last book yep I I don't understand know what realizes new game that does yep it snap-snappy crazy gonna have to be crazy right we can all agree nappy dome after one hour practice and an hour and a half of drawing and referencing at a more clear hands marked am i right always messing with sleep schedule the newest members Vani all this is great look at the hand it's like a little plush strappy hands is Vani for those Vani vans but in my own hands whose control of these is glitz trap controlling my face that means that's one this is awesome though I love this I think Vani who hopefully plays a big part in here any breach I think is gonna be a really cool character I think the cult of glitch trap angle I think is what they're leaning towards and if that's the case I think that's a really cool exciting new way to kind of take things away from like William Afton Henry puppet and instead be like here's like army of villains that you can have to spot or even almost like drop on tea like who are the who are the like villains in the rough who are just kind of like faking being normal and who are the the actual heroes of the story I think that's gonna be the new oh there he is there's the purple eyes and there's the years and there's this hand I think that's gonna be a really cool twist in the series though is if you can't trust anyone around you because anyone could be a killer at any point I think that's really exciting oh this is different deadlock was the best game three fans here at steve-o film Theory just struggling out on its own name dead oh you dead son no uh fun fact I do feel bad about filthy film theory is a much looser fandom or at least it feels that way uh and it feels like a lot of the like game theory fans who would be film theory also fans kind of overlap with or the film theory fans would also want to participate in conversations like this spillover in the game theory maybe I just need to come up with a place to house them all together so they're not struggling to swim and slowly drown but when it comes to deadlock I will say this I still I love deadlock I thought it was a great format people got mad at me because I kept it neutral and they didn't like the fact that like there was no decision but I liked the idea that the audience decided the and I'm trying to actually pitch it to YouTube to to differently gaming of platforms there's some new gaming platforms that have popped up that are looking for content I'm like deadlock is great guys the reason we couldn't really continue it was it took a lot of editing resources actually like the green screening and especially when we have the pixel fighting going on to represent the different points it took a long long time and we're like hey we need the editors to do other stuff but if we're able to like sell that show or that idea or whatever to youtube or somewhere else like then we can do it again which be great and give us the ability to like make that happen I want to so badly um but as a special one-off I so ask doc oh if he wanted to do a deadlock with me on staff just because there's like one or two big still kind of like topic a versus topic D that would work really well for a deadlock in the fandom and I'm like hey can we you know debate Mike bot versus Mike victim which is like one of the big things in turn a fandom and hopefully we both got kind of busy shortly after I emailed that so it's been hard for us to coordinate but I'd love to bring deadlock back and forth at some point here's a film theory game theory hybrid CFL sake I said film theory is hiding out on the game theory subreddits fine I've crafted several dark and disturbing theories about child friendly content it's true I have please no more yeah yep sure the nice thing is that disturbing theories about child friendly content there's plenty of that out there in the film universe but in gaming this is an accurate assessment of the two-channel intent me wait format and stuff play Yoshi's woolly world again never never again nope the game that ended our relationship no fully world was do you want to can't handle it I must speak to the manager of fame fear matpat there's no causal link between video games violence Caryn's look good at the Karen great visit Karen look at that-air mm-hmm I should grow up my hair and become a Karen listen listen they do cause violence and also don't don't listen to the Karen's okay don't don't believe him don't don't trust him for a second get out Karen thank goodness 14 theorists am i right Matt Pat tried to edit the old games if Photoshop I'm not very good at it but it doesn't matter that yep and you just get in you draw and you get a little bit better every time but sometimes the outsource that elevating to people who are a lot more depth than you are at making things look not sucky sorry mr. Rogers you and me both buddy we're not good at ours leave it in the hands of the professionals respect for the whole team anything small in the fanatics eye is this a clue is this lore there it is anything small is this lore you know it's all lore let's be honest a woman dies an event and it's like I know that someone died and revenge it must be a clue to some larger thing this is how I described game theory to all my friends game theory is like half popped popcorn it may look weird and yeah it may look weird and we're okay do I look weird b-but you do I look weird don't answer okay I mean you could answer come on do I look weird if if no say something if yes say nothing god I can take a hint yeah yeah half pop popcorn at Stephanie's a big fan of the half pop popcorn I'm all about the full pop I want the full pop except when it comes to theories those half-baked as possible an evil villain steeped in mystery steeped in mystery it's but a burglar oh she's getting the world's best mom oh man I gotta tell Steph that someone's on the hunt for the world's best me long is that stuff herself I wouldn't surprise me she could use a tea refill right now starting to see a pattern here and I'm not sure I like it oh no Doctor Who theory theories on how bending works theory on the doctors biology took three years to finish and once it's sewn up oh no I actually pump back uh I'm working on another part of this right now and we're working on firebending right now so I have not given up hope on that one hopefully what a year what a year that's all that mattered long as you're maintaining some level of momentum was a pretty big accomplishment my mom trying to figure out where she went wrong oh no my mom pretending to be interested in my no clothes please oh the wild when I first read this I had to think about the no clothes because I'm like wait is it impressive that you're playing breast of the wife and then I'm like oh it's breath of the wild he doesn't wear clothes I get it mom where did I go wrong I feel in the internet age and the age of gaming a lot of mothers are asking themselves that sort of thing they don't understand they don't understand the beauty and challenge of a no clothes run of selection does that that is artwork the only thing that would make it even higher art almost like postmodern art is if it was a no clothes run a link in no clothes but then you did it on like a DDR dance pad or you I've seen people like play video games with like a recorder and they're like nose flute or whatever like that when you've achieved like Galaxy brain levels of artwork right there this is why the staff timeline is so hard to construct any small detail the staff box is this relevant or hey it's just that other meme just with me now accurate great working on a fan fiction based loosely on the game theorist theories up Tiffany have seven really updates twice a week that's really cool I am excited to read that at some point just actually this is fanat fan fiction narrative based on the game theory of snap videos up to ultimate custom night really this is my own interpretation cool oh this is amazing I am absolutely gonna check this out there's seven reads three-part story oh it was updated eight this is great thank you please keep it up I'm actually gonna read this even secret to myself and if you have any good theories totally gonna make them into videos oh that's awesome that's very cool I love that just like bring the it to your attention that this exists matpat put words them Oh No the Church of the foot theorists is that a game there think it's definite worship of Matthew's feet oh he's nobody no feet on the livestream zero feet out of ten on the live stream I need to be better about that I really want a film theory theme the pom pom beanie game theory merch me shoving them game theory march down your face me wanting film theory merch we did film Theory merch once with the hoodie and not a whole lot of people bought it which is why again this is probably why we don't have a separate community for the film theorist but yeah we could try it again we can do it let's do it red black we started talking about film Theory merch for this Christmas I'm not a hundred percent sure what we're gonna do with it we were talking about maybe like a blanket or a Snuggie or something like weird like what can you do when you watch a movie at home since this year's all been about like watching things in your house and so like a film Theory like popcorn bucket or like film Theory like movie night out box or something like you know here's popcorn snack and then like discussion points or something because that's the merch that you want that is the merch that you want the merch that we deserve discussion points just got anime all speaking of merch I just got a mail I love it lost pages good I love the the journals turned out so nice I love those things if you haven't got a chance to see them there's like really high quality images and artwork that we've done in there there's like little mysteries inside especially the first journal I'm so happy with how those turned out um Matt Patton stuff should be like this is that meta upon meta um pet meta we never knew he had this many layers oh yeah I'm like an onion I have layers or a cake all of them found this meme speaking of alley student loans health problems relationship problems weight gain me trying to enjoy my time wait am i representative of student loans el problems relationship problems away gay no now am i all of those things I am the embodiment of all the worst things growing up sucks man Steph mentioned that they recently finished attack on Titan yep so I try my best Anna this is so good oh this is beautiful oh my gosh thank you so much for this oh I can't this is another one I can't wait to show Steph she will love this ah are we wait what team are we are we are we the scout team that doesn't look like Scout team are we are we the inner militia look my little suspenders also cool I want to talk about the gear that they use but I I got a speed through these so I can run upstairs and help step out I thought man step oh oh we got a lot of uh I thought Matt Patton stuff would be amused by sailors siren oh if siren head wasn't nightmare fuel enough wow this is so good I love it and I hate it at the same time it's like an alpha red level I love it and I hate it um Return of the fredbear I just discovered four and Star Wars have things in common both have six meet both its sequels and both have spin-off oh that's funny yep that's it snap and Star Wars I wonder the same hopefully that sticks the landing a little bit better a four horsemen of the apocalypse and there yep this is this is also accurate taco-mark me and Scotty I did a meme did this meme happen is this meme meme meme show me Oh meme is this a meme listen happening and he's done nothing but that sense and we secretly love and accept it's got coughing after your original finale became popular thank you yeah and he has and we all have and the internet trembled in fear as a result oh wait it's got when you find out who wrote the PanAm timeline great beautiful uh so anyway that's it guys for today's snap meme review I'm gonna go help out Steph upstairs thank you for the memes like I said please continue to send them along we can't always address them every week cuz it's hard to just squeeze into the schedule of filming but we are checking them out we love them they make us all so happy so thank you thank you for caring enough about us that and hanging out with us enough and understanding us enough that you just want to make jokes with us that it's cool to be a part of a community that does that it's golden thing you know be someone that you guys want to do that to and win so I love this community you guys are amazing next time less now but it's probably not the case because by the time I do another one of these another 40 real come out so I just kind of bring it on myself now if you'll excuse me I need to go play daddy I love you guys and remember that wasn't a stream but it wasn't me review thanks for watching but up up it up um don't care [Music] you [Applause]
Channel: GTLive
Views: 408,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, five nights at freddy's, fnaf memes, fnaf meme review, fnaf memes animation, fnaf meme song, meme review, meme compilation, meme review matpat, fnaf game theory, the game theoists, game theory, matpat, gtlive, matpat meme, matpat meme review, gtlive meme review, gtlive memes
Id: rj8gCRXzum0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 15sec (3495 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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