How to make a gold bar (and silver bar too!)

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hello everyone dan herd with Dan her prospecting here have you ever wondered how to cast a gold bar or maybe how it cast a silver bar well tonight I have got a whole lot of silver and gold a couple ounces of each I think and we're gonna cast them into bars gold and silver bars we're gonna melt them down with the kk8 kiln we're gonna pour them into some graphite molds here and we're gonna weigh them up afterward and see how much gold we have and it should look really good please that's the plan I hope it works up [Music] now originally I planned to do this sitting in my driveway at home but unfortunately winter finally hit us and hit us in a big way it is like minus 22 outside or something like that it's cold so I borrowed my friend shop here used to be mine I've changed jobs so I don't actually teach in this shop anymore but if we're gonna shop to cast inside tonight we're have good ventilation now tonight I have a whole bunch of gold here probably over an ounce maybe even close to two I'll weigh it up in a second it's fairly clean gold I could probably get away with just melting this down and casting it but I want to clean it up some more so I've mixed myself some very simple smelting flux here very very simple because I'm not doing really high sulfides or anything like that and we're gonna clean this gold up a little bit more before I cast it which means I will reduce it in weight because I'm going to take all those impurities out of it I'm gonna weigh it before weigh it after see how many impurities got tied up in the fluxes let's get this kiln going in heating up you can see the whole process going and we're just gonna get started to heat up get a bit warmer inside now let's see how much gold I have to play with to turn this on bunch of nice placer gold there 18 grams in that this is a bunch of hard rock stuff this is the stuff that may have some impurities in it still 70.5 so yes well over two ounces of gold here well over two ounces now when we smelt this down we will reduce that by a little bit let's hope when we're done we have a 2 ounce bar let's hope for a bit more than that but it will be abound about 2 ounce bar now this is a simple non lethargy I've got mixed up here it is 30 grams of borax 10 grams of potassium nitrate 5 grams of soda ash and 5 grams of silica all mixed together really well we are going to take the gold look at this Oh dreadful and pour it right into that flux and stir it all up I know doesn't that seem just awful oh that looks terrible all that beautiful gold mixed up in that flux and we're going to take that and put it in our crucible there we are that is ready to go into the kiln which is now warming up I'm gonna give that a few minutes to heat up and then I'll show you what's going on inside so while that's heating up I'm also getting ready about 1/2 ounce of these little Capel beads that I have and we're gonna melt those down to make a little 1/2 ounce bar as well and down heating up hot enough to melt the whole surface yet but it's getting there for sure boil up too much so first looking good so I've cranked up the propane a little bit created the temperature pretty much there right at the sort of melting temperature of gold right now though I do want to get it a little higher than that I want to get it it's a little hot so that it's a little bit ruddy or when I pour into the bowl and inside a second ago I had a look inside a second ago and it looks to be just percolating away in there perfectly it's a bubble every few seconds so it's a almost done sort of chemical reaction if you will and it's just sort of you know melting down nicely I'm gonna go have one more look in there luckily the urban twice with me [Music] it's still bubbling away so there's still a good reaction going on cast it yet I just had doesn't look inside and she is ready to go no bubbles nice swirling going on it's just perfectly ready to go so I'm gonna set the camera right on top of the before and we're gonna do this I just remembered I have heat up the mold so if I put the mold up there rotate it around a few times let it heat up nice and hot and then we can don't pull off that whole camera write down on it and you go I said molten in the crucible upside down so you don't get any flux going down the outside of the crucible it goes back inside and that looks good there [Applause] is the cast look at the patterns on top of there very cool actually very very hot so while we're letting the gold cool I have all sorts of scraps or sterling silver from projects gone by that have gone bad or never got used or all sorts of stuff we're gonna melt all this down and make a nice big gold bar out of it and since the crucible is hot it should take us too long I'm not gonna use any kind of special flux on this just some borax to cover the surface and that's it and this shouldn't take too long to melt down and we'll cast another silver bar out of scrap silver I see now I hear that the flux has come off easier when it's cool so I'm not going to try to force the fluxes off too quickly I'm gonna wait till it cools before I take those boxes off the top but you can see there's like an eight-inch thick gold bar and then a whole lot of flux on top of that as I'm not happy with the the Courtauld heated up again and pour again do not go there my mold is just too big so here is all cleaned up some Delta 60 4.1 grams I'm gonna recast that see if I get a nice you're looking hard okay here we go with the silver bar [Applause] you can see only a little bit of flux on the surface I only use a little bit of borax in there so that's almost all silver I'll clean that up nicely in a moment and now I'm going to melt the other gold I just put some borax on top of it then melt those will beat the gold in here just a little feasible propane torch I feel second [Applause] there we go a little half ounce bar of gold I think I supposed to do the half ounce in that one not this one that's the three quarter rats oh well a little bar gold so I'm not all that happy with sort of this half bar because that first mold was too big so I'm gonna heat it up one more time just a little crucible here and I'm gonna try a pour a couple of small bars instead I don't know if it's really that I'm not happy with it or if I'm just playing cuz this kind of fun let's do it hmm and I think for this red the torches cuz they would take forever to eat that up I'm gonna eat that up in the kka kiln just with the top layer off it'll be easier yeah terrible job of that one so let's recast that one that one worked out nicely a little bit larger than the mold but that's gonna be nice look probably one out to borrow right there okay I'm gonna take all the gold and the silver bar home and clean it up and finish off this video at home but just before I do let's zero this out zero it out one looks to be just over an ounce another half or so more than half a quarter that almost 80 grams of gold there nice 78 point five grams of gold will calculate that I want to get home yeah yeah okay ah you know longmate melting and smelting and all that I'm gonna head home right now it's beard over there I'm gonna head home right now and call it a night tomorrow night I will go and clean up all this stuff weigh it out see what I have make it all look pretty that silver bar is really tarnished right now I'll soak and I'll dip it in a bit of acid make it nice and shiny all that kind of stuff and finish off this video at home we'll see you there so I'm back home to weigh up the gold and figure out how much is all worth and show you the cleaned up gold doesn't it look nice but before I continue that I gotta send a thanks out to Pat from quick kiln for supplying that kk8 Killam to me and also Dave from 9/11 for hooking me up with Pat and getting this whole killing thing set up it's been great and a lot of fun thanks guys so if we look down here at the gold we've got we've got this nice big block of sterling silver we've got about a 1 ounce gold bar about a 1/2 ounce about a quarter ounce this over here was another half ounce that was those little beads that I had melted down and then this was just left over these are some more of those Capel beads that I didn't use there's another half ounce of gold there and I'm just going to show you serve the the cost of all these things ok I have up on the computer here a sterling silver calculator for figuring out the cost of sterling silver I've got it set for Canadian dollars because well I'm Canadian and right now sterling silver is going for about $20 Canadian and ounce when I weighed this block up it came out to 219 grams so I'm gonna plug that in here 219 grams and you'll see that this block of silver is worth about a hundred and thirty-five dollars Canadian that's a lot of silver it's only 135 silver is really not all that expensive but let's look at the goal the goal here this big block of gold that came out two thirty four point six grams so let's go up to the calculator switch over to gold okay this gold here I'm thinking I don't test if I'm thinking it's about ninety percent pure so let's knock this down to 22 karat gold which is ninety one percent close enough so about 90 percent pure gold and that big block was 34 grams so let's write put that in thirty four point six grams and this big block of gold comes out to seventeen hundred and seventy eight dollars yes one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight dollars for that block of gold this next one here was eighteen point four grams weight for weight four and this one here is nine hundred and forty five dollars almost a thousand dollars look at that that was a hundred and thirty-five dollars with a silver this here is almost a thousand dollars worth of gold you're the difference between gold and silver okay this little guy he came out to nine grams exactly nine grams of gold this little guy here is worth four hundred and sixty dollars four hundred and sixty two dollars for that little piece of gold this guy over here that those were all those beads I did he was fifteen point nine fifteen point nine this guy right there worth eight hundred and seventeen dollars this was 1.5 grams this little bead kept one and a half grams 1.5 this guy this little tiny thing is worth $77 $77 and there's another half ounce half ounce wookie bout 808 900 again let's put it all together and see what the whole thing altogether weighs whole all the gold comes out tonight ninety four point six grams let's calculate that out ninety ninety four point six grams four thousand eight hundred and sixty-two dollars worth of gold right there plus another 135 of silver I could take all of this gold and silver put in with my other placer stuff and put in the safety deposit box at the bank and this stuff will be stored up for you know my retirement fund gold ever hits like ten thousand an ounce or something I might sell it then but for now it's been stored away for a retirement in a safety deposit box a nice secure Bank there we go almost five thousand dollars worth of value right there thanks everyone for watching special thanks those patrons up there for helping me produce these videos for you guys to watch please leave a like a comment share the video and subscribe to my channel if you haven't already don't forget to hit that Bell icon so you get notifications so you never miss an episode I hope you all enjoyed it until the next one bye
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 800,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gold Bar, gold bars, Silver bar, making gold bars, how to make a gold bar, Gold and silver bars, selting gold, Placer gold, Hard rock gold, Melting gold, pouring gold, pouring gold bar, gold casting, gold smelting, Value of gold, cast gold, kwik Kiln, purify gold, cast gold bar, one ounce gold bar, smelting gold ore, smelting gold at home, smelting gold bars, melting gold into bars, melting gold at home, melting gold flakes, melting gold nuggets, gold bullion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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