Massive BULK Trash Picking Rich Beach Town...AGAIN!

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all right we're planning on going on the island to do some memorial day trash picking but we found our first pile here offshore let's check it out they probably had it out because it was raining really bad yesterday so you can find some stuff over here but to get the real gold you gotta go over the bridge what's up everyone welcome back to another video i'm tucker and i'm sammy j and this is our youtube channel so today we are continuing our series of trash picking rich beach towns down here at the jersey shore welcome to our channel we're tucker and sammy j a young couple from a sleepy coastal town called summers point located directly across the bay from some of the richest beach towns in the country every summer millions of people flock to the new jersey coast to enjoy the sun and sandy beaches and with them they bring the excess of american culture which many times ends up in the garbage this series follows us as we drive from beach town to beach town salvaging roadside treasures for profit and the best part is we never know what we'll find next today we are in avalon and we're going to do avalon and stone harbor so let's do it coming down the streets we're like oh it'll be nice to open this kind of on the beach and there's these dressers on this specific street but then as we were coming down here to park there's another guy and we think he's taking the dressers it's not that because he's right there he's about to leave or you're just working for the guy either one we're about to score these dressers fire fire dressers and we were thinking because it is memorial day usually people do go home sunday so today's monday usually they were here for the weekend and then they go back sunday so then you know all the trash pickers crawl out and they come and scoop up the trash because they'll clean out their house before they go back home but since it was raining all weekend we're thinking a lot of people stayed because today is the first like nice memorial day weekend day even though it's monday please look it's a bulgy slender man yeah okay all right let's get this let's get these dressers yeah all right we're gonna see if the dressers are trash do you want to just hop out and ask them ask him the guy that's not he's next to his truck right there just ask if they're trash she's gonna ask if they're trash i wish you could hear the situation that's going on right now uh sure yeah okay go see if they are so he wasn't trying to take him the guy was offering them to him we're gonna get these dressers these are really nice sammy j is putting in the work right now sammy just went up knocked on the door and got the okay to get him i think do you want to just stay here and put them in right yeah let's just look at them real quick dresser number one scores right yeah are you thinking that for real not that heavy no we could get this one and then i'll pull up and get this one all right i can just get this yes maybe with the big one yeah put the big one maybe yeah we'll pull up and put the big guy in there cool nice is it heavy is this one heavy all right it's already heavy right cool oh oh yeah we might have to lay it down because we lost the piece of wood that went right there then i can just push it up to the front this guy's going to help his hand with the dresser it's not light that's a good thing it's solid yeah yeah exactly what let's work hard blue let me know i'll push first successful score first successful score [Music] well how did you feel going out to the door a little weird but they were nice like they weren't gonna let you take it if right if there was the tr thrusters out there were trash there she was like yeah i'll take it he was like all house sweet nah that was sweet little girl asking for boy right he but that was his kid up there he said he saw a cat that little kid that was like where in my head that's what he saw a cat meaning you he was looking at me when he said it but i was thinking he was thinking you were a kitty cat i was thinking because he could see your true form maybe i was just wondering where the cat was the eyes of a child guys got the scores so one big dresser and a matching side dresser wow already came up good thing we brought the trailer this time huh okay so we secured our first big score today here we're in avalon and we got a question a couple people i guess that we're asking um how do we sell this stuff if all the people around here are rich they'll just buy it new or whatever but i think it was a good question that the vast majority of towns in south jersey are just normal towns it's just the beach towns that are directly on the shore are tourist towns so if you just drive right over the bridge you're just in a normal neighborhood so the people that buy from us are just normal people and these people well actually sometimes people that come down will buy like a bike or something it's not always like people who walk i'll just rephrase what i was gonna say people that have money also buy you uh oh yeah for sure maybe that's how they got rich to begin with but no a lot of these people that come down to the shore uh for the weekend or for the summer for the week and have houses down here they don't live around here so they come down they bring new stuff they throw out the old stuff they do clean outs um they sell the house someone buys it again they're cleaning out other people's stuff it's a rental house so it gets thrown out it's just a lot of people moving in and out in and out and in a situation like that a lot of stuff gets discarded and we're here to come and treasure on it and pick it up see what we can find i would say the streets are paved with gold people have kids and stuff and then they you know have these shore houses like the kid doesn't care whether it's a nice new like ikea piece of furniture like they'll just put it in there because the kids kids usually ruin their furniture anyway so they're just by use i will say too we're in cape may county and we live in atlantic county which is not far from here but it's a whole different area all right let's check out this bed frame see what it looks like so that's going to be hard now hard now see this is another reason why we don't usually bring the trailer is because it's really hard to turn around and there's a lot of people around here and look how big this thing is trying to maneuver it with its truck attached sometimes it's impossible a little score we got gone maybe yeah in the back i'm gonna get out too some fake plants we figured might be cool for a photo or something not bad they're really nice these are scores scores i'd say straight up really cool see something out of the corner of your eye you got to pull over and pull over the plants were just like a little come on they were like super heavy like they were heavy so usually the ones you bought from the store like cheapo and like pick them up with your pink oh you know what they tried to savage it for people by putting that over it but the rain was super the rain ruined it uh that's kind of like the more he just got but nicer but he got soaking wet though they wanted somebody to take it or they wouldn't even bother putting their dad over it there was a heavy heavy rain that was very thought two days before this so anything that had been out before today is probably ruined some of these roads go back into the lagoon here uh this one's a no outlet though but you know if they're back on the water that they got a lot of a lot of money we're gonna cruise down this little lagoon street here see look at that guy says he had the craziest stuff coming on what'd you say the table and the benches didn't we just come up again how do you just how do you just come up like this how do you just come up like this just say it just say it what yeah we just come up like this oh wow with the chairs no way all right with the chairs are they light how do we put those in here so upside down pretty much how it is do you know what i'm saying do we have another moving blanket yeah one more i guess to put it underneath on the script actually if we put the big table up there and then those two on top of it upside down and then the chairs let's get this stuff gold which isn't even that good of a brand but you know it's decent quality these are fire straight fire we've ever gotten like outside people that we ever got and it's just going for sale well yeah obviously what else would you want to do with it you're right you could put it in the yard and act like you're going to use it now you're right like if we had a nice patio i mean this is about the nicest table we got outside we ever got just because it's wood bring it like this and then bring it up yes give you guys a little bit of what we got going this is him okay just set it down right and then we can just set these on top of it like this right yeah yeah they fit in there to the west wow actually the benches have to go with the table the chairs don't you got that this is the the trailer separates the um ability to get gold though see we got these might as well all right doesn't that the benches do you get these they're super loud this is our gold claims dude we just scored an outdoor full-size like eight-foot table two benches four chairs second big score of the day and also the fake plants which were also a score which is not a big one all right onward and upward to the next [Music] claim all right what do we got what is something strange in the neighborhood it's like a pretty nice though you want to just pull it right now and grab it so i didn't obviously it's not fake but i think it's they do like rope wrapped around metal to make it look like wicker but we'll say we'll see what it actually is it's really nice that dude regardless but yeah that is what it is see what i'm saying it's like plastic metal wrapped in plastic does it roll huh yeah but it's just wobble it's all yeah you think that's the only reason it seems pretty nice you make the call get it what do you guys think i mean i know people are saying yeah but it's not your house you have to store it in either i mean what do you think if we threw it up for 20 bucks today it would probably sell yeah because it isn't it's nice and i could figure out just grab that side i guess right yeah it's pretty nice all right we're taking the fake wicker so i was right it's not it's not rope it's literally plastic wrapped around metal on it it's made to look like wicker but it's not bad it's an outdoor deck piece kind of yeah which is probably what they used to do damn big girl getting up there actually we could probably turn it in here all right we can just tie everything down kind of think it's good you just jumped i mean it's gonna move it's got that groove to it like but it's not going anywhere oh no it's going to move like this [Music] okay i spotted out some boxes that's weird we're gonna check them out let's see what we got this is our first loose objects claim today strange assortment of items norman rockwell what's up with this corner yeah some scrap yeah that's a scrap box there the norman rockwell shall we these are useless for us i don't know i'm good on that this is good though [Music] i don't necessarily like these but for candles especially because you can hold it i'm just trying to explain why i like that but no real reason i just uh some things are useful and maybe not at the moment it's like oh i don't really have a need for them but it's always nice to have something when you're like where can i get one of these for like a week yeah there's another one for the movie i was thinking too cult members like nobody buys these plates ever no because we actually had legit ones we had like 25 of them like with all the papers and everything which that obviously these are thick though these are nice stuff is always [Music] impressive all right let's check this out it's cage it's pretty cool [Music] i wonder if this is trash it's gotta be trash right is it good or is it creepy no it's good it's a nice table i mean the chair is not that great but it goes with it it's it's sturdy though i guess you could wait for an ask oh it's perfect it's holding it right yeah this is a nice table oh yeah really nice it just needs to be wiped off no yeah this is nice should i hi do you want to take a picture yeah super nice i guess it's german i'll get this too because you know what george's mom could probably use this i mean this is a really nice candle or uh jesse this was definitely in the trash you've inherited my home all right we're gonna have to do a strike mission because the trailer is so big on the back of the truck if i pull down a dead-end street it's almost impossible to turn around and i have to keep going back and forth but i'm gonna go on the strike mission right now and check out this bike well maybe multiple bikes with any luck these bikes will be so good i can just ride one back no not that great but still one cruiser and a vintage mongoose and then a bunch of other stuff but these two are coming coming with me mongoose villain this might be a collectible bike it's pretty old it's got plastic rims it's not bad with a little work you could get back to its former glory we got the tour the panasonic cruiser yeah when did panasonic make bicycles and that one's fire which one you want to grab [Music] a big doggy this is pretty beat up but it's it could be considered a collectible you want to ride back ride them or how do you know it's a flat tire wow just just just pulling back here yeah what's that thing there's a girl probably a nice girl paid paddle this one's too rusty or would somebody fix that up i don't know it's pretty brutal but i could just scrap it oh that's true you know what is this a new outlet street yeah the panasonic cruiser 5. who would have known that yeah that is weird i'm gonna do a bike like uh post of all the bikes that have been sitting and just be like make an offer you know what i mean kind of thing because there is a heavy crew that likes to fix them yeah and if they can get them for like 15 20 each and by like five or ten at a time they'd be all about it so what it was like it was the one from stranger things yeah no but it was close the scrambler that one that was the same rims i guess is what you'd call it right because like obviously the tires are wrecked but it's the room so this is made in usa on the room so are they plastic or metal though they're plastic oh wow that's weird it's kind of genius though because like literally everybody is just off so they're just relaxing memorial day going to the beach hanging out drinking chilling nobody's thinking about making money but here we are just taking all the good stuff that maybe normally somebody would have picked up but they're just like nah i'm on vacation you don't want to do anything do you know what i'm saying no you're right we just came across an epic nice looks like an antique dresser and sammy's going to scope it out to see if we'd ever be able to fit it all right so as turner was driving he was passing this dresser and i missed it so he went back around we passed it again and i guess it is kind of big but that's not really he was right it is super heavy i was like no it's not heavy but it kind of is but it is super nice i still think we can fit in the back of the truck like the bed of the truck so he's parked right there i knew i should have brought a tape measure but is it super heavy in my head we've lifted heavier things than that so i'm thinking i think we got this see the final verdict did she get it i knew that it's huge should we just come back for it and then we could just pull up right in front of there do you know what i'm saying or is it too heavy to even get ever if we could pull up and no it's not but it's just the fact that the trailers on the back so it's not it's easy to get right in back and like all right let's go this guy's about to pick up a bike from us anyway okay so even with the trailer we've maxed out here to the point where if we start stacking stuff on top of the stuff that's in there it's going to get broken so like the when we were here the last time people are like why did you bring your trailer okay that makes sense though because there wasn't as many people as there are right now but it is a burden to yeah but we would have got it we got a lot of good stuff this time that we wouldn't have been able to i think better than last time yeah just because of the trailer it's fully worth it but with the trailer there's so many people tragically because with the trailer people do uh treat you differently like like oh i i've never seen somebody lift a piece of furniture before those people were gawking at you i did i don't know you got it on film but we probably won't put it in but i was just like take a picture i was like hi do you want to take a picture she's like and she was very fantastic no just admiring the nice furniture as if i'm like below beneath her for a trash making but it's just like nice and lady i don't know when the last time you thought it was a piece of furniture but i was thinking she was so mad that we were picking a piece of furniture that she would have paid like 500 for but she was too good to trash pick it but she would have paid for it so she was mad that's what i was thinking i do they're not pickers like we are i was treating this today like a full-time job though obviously i'm saying like guys it was like all right let's go out for like eight hours and get some gold you see like no it's gonna work though but it is that cruiser bike though 20 bucks it's a 20 bill right there on the side of the road it all adds up too so like twenty dollars isn't like a lot obviously but if you sell you know ten items or twenty dollars it's a decent amount this guy's about to come and buy a bike off of us for 75 bucks that we packed last week the the fuji one the fiji one it's just it's a speed bike and it's older but he's all about it or he wouldn't mess with me like five times about it let's see if we can sell this bike these guys are here to buy it so hey how are you yes what's up good that's the bike right there right yeah what's up man how are you i'm fine [Music] see if you can ride it try it out before i don't know i have a lot of bikes so i didn't thoroughly test it all right yeah wow that's nice not bad but i wouldn't say it's perfect either are the gears messed up a little bit you said you have another bike i have a bunch of bikes you want to see them [Music] they're back here to work in ocean city yeah where uh i sell ice cream on wardrobe what is the place called do you know i'm driving truck driving a truck all these bikes are for sale these ones this one is not good but i think that one works and then there's there's that one and the one red one on the other side is pretty nice but now the tire's flat so i don't know it was filled up yeah yeah bring it out front all right so this is load number one we took some of the stuff out already so we did just sell two bikes but we have a big bike collection going mongoose villain that's a straight come up for some reason i think it's i wouldn't say it's worth a lot but it's a decent value on that one this is like a 20 so if at all maybe even scrap we got all this nice furniture and then so these guys they're from turkey the country of turkey and they're over here to work for the summer in ocean city they bought these two bikes um so i gave them both to them for a hundred and they were going to ride them over to ocean city from here which today is probably not a good day to be doing that so we said we'd drop them off and then we're going to head back over there to where we saw that dresser and we're going to see if we can get it and we're going to put it in here if it's still there scores scores all right we're cruising back to get the dresser if it's still there look at that thing hey we gotta get that all right that's a buggy bad and look what we just came across neither of us would fit on that thing this dinghy that is it the dreamers it's terrible oh it's not hard to clean though are you going to clean it i know something let's do [Music] let's just check this out it's not a legit dinghy but hmm it's about as legit as it gets honestly we literally have to get it it's not like it's a great boat or anything but like dude it's a fun day it's not like it's that great or anything but it's a fun dinghy dude we can put it over top of the dresser then we can set sail on it you know usually i can scrub this down and i will i will i think this is more for like you uh attach a rope to a boat and like because like a dinghy wouldn't that have like the plastic piece or something you can put a motor on it dude look yeah literally i just don't like my sunglasses all the time intex excursion five isn't that what it is yeah like as if like uh yeah trolling motor mount because it's dirty and they just bought a new one look at their house they obviously just bought a new boy let's just put it in yeah right stop playing not gonna pop yeah here get the other end is this longer than eight feet do you want me to hop in there just put it on its side sideways i can't see all this tonight [Applause] dude this thing's not right he doesn't want to go in here i mean at least you know it's not going out it's not falling out definitely not that new oh how dirty did i get for that no way that destroyed me all right so that was one of those the one that got away so we didn't get the dresser but here's the other pile that we marked down we'll check this out the dresser slipped through our fingers let's check out this stuff though [Music] somebody got the dresser it was that nice so when you're out here trash picking if you really really want something make sure you get it when you see it see this so we got this stuff looks like it got flooded out by something that's a decent table not something that i would take um although it is pretty nice and then we got this is a bread basket that's just a pretty cool shower turn two bikes not that good yo we got a basket for no it's a basket do you want to go grab it it's not she's trying to tell me you're trying to tell me about my to think that she needs one that's like uh that doesn't have the top on it because she looked right and she's like i don't wanna go underneath or something i just wanna hop in it you know oh this one's broken it's not oh can you cut that off yeah it just comes right off right is it nobody made it just leave it right it's not big enough for no it's not big enough another basket that wasn't for we did just score another bike though we didn't film it you just kissed the dirt spider eggs on you dude my arms are so creepily itchy right now after that look at the excursion this is a bike we got though just like literally three minutes ago such a nice bike all right one last score before the end of the trash picking excursion that's fancy that's fancy that's fire right let me tell you guys see this wait until you see this find wow wow what's wrong with it is it round no no way super cool yeah thoroughly cleaned or just left outside and not even and cleaned outside this room's in not even dealt with ever again by us just whoever buys it that woodworking baby i guess shake that down while i'm holding it well i can hold it true and uh well do you know what i'm saying and then slide it under yeah that's how we're gonna have to do it [Music] [Music] [Music] there's one on the other side we had to let the air out of the raft i'm just gonna have to blow it up again [Music] almost gave me a heart attack all right it's in there would you say we scored today big scores big scores there's still more stuff out here all right do you think we scored today yes i think that they scored big not big but so we got our second load it's the sun's pretty much going down it's like almost seven o'clock we've been out here all day basically not all day but for a decent amount of time searching getting the the roadside treasures um there's still a lot out here so if anyone wants to get a trash picking this is the place to do it in the summer beginning of summer there's a dresser right there not that cool but still still could be sold but i think if we sell everything that we got for a reasonable price like cheap even still it's around four to five hundred but there's no guarantee so every single thing you pick up you gotta think in your head what could i sell this for if it sells but after doing it for a while you kind of learn what items even if they're not your favorite items to pick up are the ones that people usually buy so around here a lot of bicycles boating stuff that's why i just wanted to get that raft even though it's totally dirty and i don't want it for anything um that's the kind of stuff people buy and recently we've been learning a lot of like just smaller to medium-sized furniture like dressers stuff like that people like to buy a wood dresser you got to think about it like this even if it's been used for a while it's easy to clean whereas like a couch if it's been used for a while it's just ruined so think about it like that so we got some good inventory and we will be back this is i think this will be the probably part five so the fifth the fifth video in our rich trash picking town series um yeah so i hope you guys enjoyed it if you liked it please hit that thumbs up button if this is your first time viewing for some reason uh and you like the video go subscribe to our channel like i said we have five videos from this summer this season already like just like this and then we have a ton of other videos similar on our channel and the dream continues you got anything to say dream continues and my eyes are sunburned from the heavy day because i know that like people with lighter eyes usually i don't know where i don't know if i just my eye doctor told me this but like people with lighter eyes usually their eyes are more sensitive than people with brown eyes i mean i guess the sun affects anybody's eyes but mine are like super sensitive for brown eyes i'm just cleaning but yeah hope you guys enjoyed that video i'm thinking about what sneaks next i'm gonna get because it's kind of early and happy memorial day everyone memorial day everybody see you in the next one say in the next one pound it up so you
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 323,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: massive, bulk, trash, picking, rich, beach, towns, again, trash picking, garbage picking, pickers, found, treasure hunting, treasure huny, road side, furniture, recycle, upcycle, flea market, yard sale, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tucker upper, nj, new jersey, south jersey, rich people, rich towns, beach town, beach side, ocean, avalon, bridge, fun, couples, couple, couple vlog, hot couple, game, money, making money, Facebook marketplace
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 7sec (3067 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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