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how much I don't know um how much is your Snoopy stuff uh five dollars a piece another piece in a stitch um little 150 cents that one's a dollar okay yes never have too many Band-Aids side stuff I did look at that good how about yourself would you do 20 on all of them so four a piece yeah they're really cool awesome thank you very much do you need um kind of a bag it would be great because if not I have some foreign [Applause] just go into my car it's just going in the car so it's gonna be fine all right all good how much you say your shoes were five dollars five dollars and what about the Stuffies little plushies yeah okay cool [Applause] foreign welcome back to the channel thank you so much for joining me on another yard sale Adventure today we're doing part two of the flee across Florida just a quick reminder before we get into the rest of the video If you guys the like this kind of content please do consider subscribing down below according to the YouTube statistics 30 of you guys that are watch are not subscribed so if you guys do like this kind of content and you don't want to miss a video hit the Subscribe button it does help me out a lot today we are back at flickers Florida Today we're in Jacksonville Florida I decided to travel here in the morning on on Saturday and hit up the Jacksonville yard sales for continuing down Route 190 and eventually going through I-75 and heading back home it turned out to be a pretty good decision because you will see in this video and in the next video we score pretty good this day at this first sale the day I pick up these really cool gym Shore and Hallmark snoopy figurines usually Jim Shore does really well Hallmark is a man but if you combine Hallmark with Snoopy that turns out pretty good as well I would have scored a lot better if one of them did not arrive damage I bought this in Jacksonville I live in Northport that's about five hour drive during that five hours unfortunately the best one the gymshore surfing Snoopy won the ears of Snoopy falloff and Woodstock also fell off so that that piece if I was in good shape but also for about 60 bucks on eBay but because it didn't I sold it for about three dollars on whatnot and so to one of my viewers that's she's gonna fix it up and make it look good so she got an absolute deal as you see over here the rest of them all sold and I still got a hundred dollars for my 20 investment besides that the Stitch plush I also sold on my whatnot show and the mizuna shoes that I bought for five dollars are currently being listed for 35 dollars so not too bad of a start to the day good morning I'm good how much is a little girl it's very cute foreign thank you so much I'm going to do a little voice over here because that plane becomes super lattice over ahead of us right now but I spent twenty dollars here on a bag of Chanel stuff it has three items in there including that sealed big box of body lotion that I'm selling for a hundred and eighty dollars also that has an anti-wrinkle lip cream that I'm selling for 40 and there was also in there a lipstick that I already sold on whatnot for I think 15 as well plain it's a loud plane it sure is oh my is it one often do they what does he fly over often uh okay yes I'm not from around here so are you pouring this morning this morning he's doing something yeah always taking the lamp for three okay on this my math is correct it's 23 23. you got that this morning oh bad I need a gold star I need a gold star math is usually hard but before nine is a lot harder so much uh yes please thank you you're very welcome have a great day good morning good morning I'm fantastic you're bringing on you like video games Electronics we don't have much of that okay um no not individual cassettes or old Nintendo or anything like that we wish we worked there why don't you go find some new games that you don't want it what does this thing do that that's for calibrating scales oh okay so like uh if you want to maybe make the scale normal again or something yeah they're dead on they're certified by this that's crazy yeah they're quite expensive if you look for them online Florida Department of Agriculture so this is what five pounds supposed to feel like huh that's cool no problem [Applause] what are you asking you got one yeah two well they thought it was too difficult for them as kids it's like some game I already got this one somebody else might buy it yeah what do you what do you have on uh on this yes that's I think I know for like three or four online that's a fair price they're not branded right they're just yeah and there might be some paperwork somewhere in there I don't know I might tell you more about it I'll have to look for a company that used to go around doing all the scales at the grocery stores like when you weigh your produce they have to be spot on or else to get charged by this no that makes sense yeah gotcha this is one the beauty of garage sales that you find some item that you probably never have seen before in your life like this scale set right here to calibrate scales that was pretty cool but he wanted a little too much for the shuffle between 100 and 150 online so for his 100 there was not enough me in the bone for me to make any profit how much are your shoes that's all that's left oh there used to be a lot more okay and the women's uh okay tennis shoes for three okay I don't know five DVD player who is this is that I'm Yours what's that a portable DVD player what do you want for it that was a good negotiation [Laughter] how much do you want for it what do you want for it sure so what are they all for the shoes uh to each six oh I have is 20s I'm sorry your neighbors took my small bills [Laughter] trying to strip ya um I'm gonna come back and demand for my dollar demand my dollar bag thank you thank you so much good morning foreign too far away from home to buy that we'll take my whole truck up I don't happen to have any like video games Electronics I'm asking you with those terrible color chairs I'm from Philadelphia so I have a little I'm a little envious right now okay laughs oh man nice to meet you nice to meet you how you like in Florida pretty pretty good so far yeah what brings you on this side uh there's a big Highway sale this weekend flea across Florida from Jacksonville to Pensacola or whatever really so I was in Tallahassee yesterday then I was like in Lake City so this morning I decided to wake up and it's like why not just go out here cool nice to see you I'm thinking all your good stuff I'm sorry [Laughter] wow that's I'm like wow people Jackson will love me I should come in Morocco good luck all right nice to meet you guys how you doing I feel like I'm hangry 24 7. [Laughter] stuffed animals this guy's cute baby Yoda are you Star Wars as well so [Music] whoa Thanos see a good guy or bad guy it's a bad guy sure looks like he's a good guy yeah guys you want to destroy the good guys yeah that would make him a bad guy good morning it looks like a bad guy too yeah all the good guys poor bad guy just got left behind one person bought all the good guys huh she didn't buy on your bad guys sad oh wow that's that's throwback all right dino man I will take you back guys they're lucky all of this so these are two so two three those are fifties I thought those were 50 cents each yes why don't you just let them take all of those for a dollar okay and then how much is this Emery three dollars this one's three no this one is one two two okay so three for all of that and one so how much all you learn from Dino math that's awesome oh you're trying it you're trying to sell it sales person yeah he's like maybe you will have good math too if you get the game I see what you're doing yes please oh thank you there you go you're welcome thank you this is a very fun garage sale encounter it and everything from this garage has sold on my whatnot show I spent four dollars total here and I turn it into about 40 on my whatnot put these places good morning that says 100 or best offer it was only used five times okay how much of your game all of that including the PS2 is 40 bucks 40 bucks controllers and everything sold I don't even time you like anime huh [Laughter] [Applause] I wanna have fun today we'll have a lot of fun it's a throwback right there foreign thank you enjoy it again I will don't happen to have any like Pokemon cards or anything like that ah I think I hit twice I couldn't bring the bed out here they don't think it's your neighborhood oh they have uh we have a futon too they're helping her yep I hope you're getting Commission [Laughter] thank you all right thank you oh my ladies and gents we're going to be back in the office because as you see outside I don't know if you can hear all that but it's kind of crazy out there and what's crazy is that by the time I'm done this outro um it might stop raining and be sunny that's in Florida is for you but let's talk about the last Vibe of the day I paid forty dollars for all that PlayStation stuff and I think to this day I may have only one game left yeah so all I have left to sell is Final Fantasy X2 and this Yu-Gi-Oh game because this video game was only case only there was no disc inside and there was no desk with PS2 but everything else in that video sold some of it sold for decent money some of the games you should be in the lookout for so I'm gonna just go to my eBay right now and search PlayStation and share with you guys what sold from it so the big bundle I sold the I saw the big bundle of the PlayStation with the memory card with the controller I threw in the game that wasn't worth much as well to make the bundle a little more juicier I throw in a God of War I think no I don't even Killzone as part of the games and that bundles for a hundred and ten dollars plus ship so pretty good sale right there after that uh all the three hack games I don't even pronounce that correctly the dot hack hack games I sold volume one two and three together those sold for ninety dollars plus shipping Xeno Sega sold for twenty dollars plus shipping got a war sold for 17 Dragon Ball Z sold for 35 that was disk only the other controller I think was a blue controller sold for twenty dollars plus shipping besides that hack infection sold for 33 legality Saga sold for 20 and I believe that is it from that bundle so you can see forty dollars turned into over three hundred dollars in sales easily oh final Final Fantasy also sold for 10 but that's not a little later and most of that stuff that I read off sold about a week after I listed it it sold super super fast this is a big reason why people ask for video games at yard sales like I understand the the temptation to do it in this video you guys see me do it too but there's one way of doing it which you think is the right way when you look around and you don't see stuff and you see them bringing stuff out at that time I usually ask hey do you have any video games and try to do as play as possible but unfortunately there's a lot of people out there that think it's their world and everything revolves around them and sometimes they just put on the window and say hey you have any video games and just keep driving or they just come and distract the whole yard sale and demand attention and give you guys a rundown asking for video games and those people just rub me the wrong way they just make me really angry so don't be those beat those people don't beat those people but I see the temptation of doing that because if they do he can get a really good deal and make a lot of profit so uh that was a really good buy for me thankfully it was still out there it's gonna be it for this video let me know down comments below what your favorite final today was I put a lot of yard sales in this video so you guys are just getting smacked over the head with various various sales with tons of different items let me know what your favorite part of this video was and then stay tuned for next week for part three the final part of flee across Florida we're going to continue our Friday sales and we'll try to win some of the sale uh we're going to continue our Saturday sales look and we'll throw in some Friday sales as well and make one big finale part three video of flea across Florida US see you guys next time until then here's my dog Sasha peace out foreign
Channel: Philly Phlipper
Views: 28,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dropping $500+ at a yard sale!, yard sale, garage sale, yard sales, garage sales, yard sale haul, garage sale haul, yard sale ride along, garage sale ride along, yard sale pokemon, vintage toys, comics at a yard sale, yard sale gopro, garage sale gopro, american pickers, froggy flips, froggyflips, toy hunter, toy hunting, vintage toy hunter, vintage pokemon, yard sale ebay, garage sale ebay, yard sale flipping, garage sale flipping, yard sale video, garage sale video
Id: Hz-QxARnpMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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