Trash Picking RICH Beach Town...NO WAY WE FOUND THIS?!

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what'd you say it's a soft ass banana like i feel like i just bought these yeah well the bottom they're organic they get bad quicker let me just eat this then all right eat your banana all right what's up everyone good afternoon welcome back to our channel i'm tucker i'm sammy j and we've been doing this series throughout the last couple months and we're going to continue it through the summer where we go to some of the richest beach towns near us and we see what we can find right on the side of the road in the trash so this is part six i don't know don't quote me on that part something of trash picking rich beach towns so today we are in avalon and we plan on doing avalon and student harbor we got the trailer yeah let's see if we can find some gold welcome to our channel we're tucker and sammy j a young couple from a sleepy coastal town called summers point located directly across the bay from some of the richest beach towns in the country every summer millions of people flock to the new jersey coast to enjoy the sun and sandy beaches and with them they bring the excess of american culture which many times ends up in the garbage this series follows us as we drive from beach town to beach town salvaging roadside treasures for profit and the best part is we never know what we'll find next all right so here we are cruising the first street here it is a monday i believe this video will be out on a wednesday but today's monday and [Music] yeah we're gonna see what we can find hopefully the trash hasn't been all picked up because i know monday morning is a trash day i'm just not sure what part of the town it's a trash day in definitely one of the coolest houses right there and there's a bunch of houses like that in this town but look they have a big backyard well it's small but it's big for uh this area nice big side yard seen any trash yet though oh did we just go down this street all right so we're at the first pick of the day here um both me and sammy like different things she likes rugs a lot so every time i see a rug i say sammy you want to check out that rug and then we hop out usually and check out that rug dude i love the color of this rug it's got like stains on it though all over it i mean you know what it is guys we're gonna have to do a smell jack smell it over here come on first you gotta smell this side no smell is this your rug no no it obviously passes the smell checking flying flying colors no french fry nah it's actually pretty good these ladies are over here like why is this the only way to know sniffing is to open it though and that's just a burden well they put these nice ties on there see this it's pretty bad i mean it's not bad i was just thinking this isn't first cell like i was thinking look at all the stains all right i mean this is a syllable chair right the top is that something's off yeah we can scrap it did you just fart what oh that was the chair that smells like that that's your upper lip it's your upper lip you said you know what it is i can't with that i might have farted a little bit i know your flavor i started smell checking it like this is good yeah and then i went deeper and then i was like i gotta wait for something really crazy so i would say seriously i really like the color of that rug it was a fail it was a hard foul we don't need that rock don't need it don't need it we found some buggy ruggies some boogie woogies no some good rocks though and i see a flat screen so usually the flat screens are always like wrecked this is a really cute house i like the screened in porch over this ting and then ugh it's humid it's hail and nobody cut the cord off and the cords still on there that's gold should we knock on the door and see if it works yeah i mean i feel like they're not here those aren't rugs what those are like uh they're outdoor rugs aren't they they're like beach um kind of cool roll it out it's pretty you guys know what i'm talking about okay their box they are what you want them to be born some outdoor garage i feel like these aren't are those things that you just bring to the beach maybe made in india the tv i feel i feel creepy going in their screen door and then knocking on their doors yeah if anything i guess we could throw it out i'm just thinking it definitely works it doesn't look like crazy at all how easily could it be berg enough usually easily right should we pass on it okay all right what do we got it's like a sink for a garage yeah we don't need that all right moving along all right so we went down this back way into this culture sock [Music] yeah this is a really good one now i mean it's not that good but are you sure stop all right pause the video here for a second so yesterday we posted a picture of us standing behind this bicycle on our youtube community page and a few people said watch out that bike's too good to be true it's probably stolen well the reality of it is check out this house right here it has an estimated value of six and a half million dollars on zillow so these people have a lot of money the truth is they could buy a bike like this every single week and put it in the trash and it probably wouldn't affect their finances at all so scores for us this is the benefit of living near some really rich towns and you can find some pretty incredible stuff if you're out there picking so we were pretty stoked about this bike you'll see later on in the video i got it fixed up oh it's good why is the tire like that i don't know what happened does it just fold like that it doesn't just stuck it's kind of good that it's on there no yeah um this is a really nice bike actually i mean they probably paid like a decent amount for this when it was new but it's not used they didn't hardly ever use it it's not the back tire that's messed up so the front dude i bet if i slap that on there it'll be gold oh yeah they have a decent amount of money over here so they're not worried about it let's be completely honest i'm not worried about it even a two-three hundred dollar bike let's just check let's check it out the good thing about turner is that if something like the wheels off of this bike but he's super handy and he's capable of putting the extra time into putting the wheel back on on the schwinn and then you could sell it more close to what it's worth i don't do much work on bikes yeah but somebody does but there is a lot of people in our direct area that take the bikes fix them and then they yeah up charge them i don't know what's going on here it's not the same exact bike but it claims to be the move three on the schwinn site they're sold out at 770 and you could put that in the description people love that for some reason because it's a different year it just looks a little different but i mean it's like a 500 bike it knew it's like a 500 buck easily people love when you put sold out on a website in the description because then it makes it that's what i was saying though like you're gonna try to put the wheel back on oh yeah i'm gonna try to make it rideable but there's like a whole crew of people that literally fix it that's what they do totally new like they buy them from people like us fix it totally and then sell it again for like triple no yeah we got like 45 bikes i don't know anything about bikes but from what i can see is that the bike is in decent condition besides the wheel not being on there the tire but the people who had that bike obviously they have so much money they're not going to waste their time on fixing the tire they're just going to buy a whole new bike for 700. that's true it's just something that's a company that picks stuff up that's why they weren't worried about it because literally this is like the prince lives here it's so expensive you've got to get buzzed in my girl knows [Music] sammy j spider's copper as we were going down the other way and it legit is copper look at this and some crazy pool coping look at that straight cash right there copper claims up claims and some crazy pool coping that's really cool should i get this where is it throw it in there you want it yeah the copper goblins are out here i have no idea what it does that's like some decent 30 bucks worth of copper though well i just know up so like that's what i'm saying check this out so made in the philippines some kind of wall hanging thing i don't know i think it's worth it went from having full accessibility to that this and it hangs and now they're all broken off that one's totally broken off whatever that's what you got if you use your stuff enough this is true i mean you could just lift your truck up and not use it yeah just kidding of course but it's looking like there's not that much trash i'm not even gonna lie we've been finding good stuff though good stuff but it wasn't like it wasn't like the last time where there's just stuff filling the streets the mountain but i'm still a little butt hurt about that dresser too the mountain bike is was worth coming here just by itself if i knew that i was just sitting there i wouldn't drive down here just the truck no trailer just put it in and went out very true sir very true we're not done yet we're not done this is the worst neighborhood even though they have the most money they never throw anything out no so like if we keep going that way we'll get better stuff plus there's that weird neighborhood over there that goes over the little bridge yes that's near uh the wawa never even went there yet these are where the massive crazy houses are right here but they never have trash out front i don't think they have trash like normal people i think they have someone taken away let's see what we got nothing just some lonely cans on the side that's a cool house the arch nemesis in front of us taking all of our goodies away that's just the recycling truck though isn't it yeah i know somebody that was on the recycling ad for this county yeah you never take a vacation from recycling all right wow look at this score vintage whoa no way never heard of it before but i could see the detail on the fenders that somebody's gonna want this this is a collector's item so is that car all right we haven't been having a crazy load yet we've been out here searching for a while but we found a few good items um we now came across a little dresser we're probably gonna get it it's like that beach style it's pretty good it's a beachy dress all right [Music] it's like the nicest person is a beachy dresser i could just grab it maybe how happy is it it's not heavy at all yeah let's just get this right [Applause] here george both open good nice and clean score 20 to our 30 dollar score if we just put it behind here do are you going to hold it down hold it down the head mount let's hold it down well you're going to hold it down i'm going to go check out this uh i couldn't it's really hard to pull in anywhere with the trailer if it's a dead-end street like a lot of these are so we just pulled over so i can just check out this bike really quick so let's uh putting the grateful head on as we caught and we're gonna see what we're working with here the potential there's a lot of bikes oh there's a dresser over there too let's see this bike though quest looks pretty beat oh just for the frame at least maybe let's see if it even rolls yeah she's worth it this and then there's actually a dresser all the way down that street it looks like nah it's like missing a jewel or something but this was worth it i think that this is going to be like sold for just literally the frame of it um because i don't know what's up with the i don't know the tires are mangled though what is this thing that's not in the trash that's like a little kid's thing it might be no it's probably not the trash you're gonna don't want to risk that so yesterday we were out here picking up some stuff went trash picking a little bit made a mental note of this desk and this dresser and now we're back we just went obviously as you guys just saw trash picking found a bunch of stuff but we do have room for both the desk and the dresser so we're back hoping that they're still here so let's see what we can get them also that other video i think is just going to be up on the other channel we have a second channel that's just extra videos that you guys should check out if you like these videos because we got a bunch of cool stuff on there too so this isn't we're not getting we're only still on like i know it'd be on this block so maybe this isn't the street there's not one over there okay we think well we know that somebody took the desk the desk is gone but we still have hope that maybe potentially the dresser is still there we had to look back on the gopro footage because the video is still on the camera and we just found the address that was behind the dresser in the video and now we're gonna go get it hopefully we will say stay tuned grab this table all right all right we got a table it's an outside table um it's pretty heavy i'm gonna set it up right people buy these up pretty often pretty good right put it on the brick side for a second yeah it's fine i mean it's not that great but it's definitely a score say i would people asked before how i come up with pricing but i would say just 30 bucks 40 bucks something like that on the spot i just come up with the pricing if i don't know already what it's worth just something cheap for people to um score if i put it like sideways that would be kind of good right if we put it yeah like this and then move it all the way back and then i can tie it yeah just like that and then i'll put the rope from there to there you know what i mean well it's already hooked on here so just gotta use it like this and that should just hold it real nice perfect scoring it up now [Music] you always gotta just be prepared for i don't know that's that should hold it in prepared for uh what you're least expecting when you're out here because you never know where you're gonna find and this person's mad because they got an oc new jersey 6.9 license plate all right what do we got some vacuums some old vacuums obviously they got a new one some trash i guess some tennis rackets yeah that one's coming apart but this one's really fun and then yeah that's it nothing good sammy j is making a claim right now oh those are uh nice chairs wow i thought they were outdoor chairs those are leather wow pleather leather this is a scissor i would get those yeah the other one's stuck that one's we had here maybe in here though right sorry all right they're not leather though are they score moms i didn't see those how are these mirrors for you they're not good but is that a sled i don't know what that is yeah we got some gold up here [Music] right now no right wet ruined wet burrito all right we're heading back now so whatever we pick up on the way back is the last of it but we did our well we did our well today out here we saved a few things from going in the landfill that's for sure make a little decent profit off this stuff too not gonna lie sammy j found a big cushion that's a nice one right this is a nice one how are these yeah you want the other one these are good though thanks yeah those are good actually this is good too because you know what i'm going to use it for four here throw them in yeah this one too getting the gold out here squish them in yeah like uh smash them not grab these ones you got them all right smash them in yeah perfect now they're clean what is that yeah it's for a couch oh you got excited there that huh yeah because that would those are really cool but [Music] some crazy last minute finds here let's see is it smoked what about those lampshades okay so we unloaded the stuff we got this was the best item i thought that the tire was just sitting sitting there but now i'm realizing it's literally jammed into the bike so uh i think the best idea would be to let the air out and then try to pull it off but i this bike looks like it was hardly ridden i mean it was definitely ridden but not aggressively i think that the tires came on loose on here somehow and it went into the air and maybe somebody was riding it at the time and they just threw it out because they didn't want to deal with it anymore because it is a really really nice bike and see if this will help i hope it will and then if i can just pull it out from there reattach it to here well we want to keep the reflector oh no no not keeping it on there [Music] even if the brakes have to come off too i can't really even be that worried about it because somebody's gonna have to fix this thing up if they buy it i'll just okay so something crazy happened with this yeah the front tire that's what it is something's going on with the front tire so i do have another mountain bike with a front tire that's pretty good i mean it's a schwinn i might be able to put it on here actually honestly it's kind of similar it's basically the same setup so it's been almost exactly the same i don't even know if there's anything wrong with this no let me just try to put it back on here actually i mean that's like fully on there straight up oh yeah okay it's fully on there so i don't really know what happened but that's like as tight as you could even make this i need to even loosen it more like then it's really tight so i'm gonna fill up the tire and see what the deal is put the chain back on if i can maybe this was just somebody's bike who just literally didn't want to deal with anything because like these fixes i'm making right now i don't spend a lot of time on bikes so never do so i don't know how the guy even got it like that but it's looking like it's not really too crazy of a i mean it's back on the everything tires on it the brakes in the front are not going to work um but everything else seems close say i actually used this air pump the compressor to pump this back up because i had to eventually let the air out i should have done it right away and that was another trash pick um and i just used this this crazy end and just shoved it on top of there so it was covering everything and it just it pumped it back up it worked really well actually this is how i use this is what i use to uh pump up all my bike tires so that we find because honestly we don't even you use bikes we just sell we find them and we sell them we never bike we skateboard sometimes but hardly even that i mean that's pumped up this is a crazy nice bike let's just be real there's nothing wrong with this bike and it has the full shockage this thing is so sweet check this out wow what a score no joke this is like a 500 600 bike new obviously it's not new the front brakes don't work the back does though so i'll just make sure i put that in the description sometimes people just don't read the descriptions though and then they're mad when they come and it's not perfect but it's like i said that in the description but yeah this is a facebook marketplace dream all day long [Music] hmm [Music] and that's the video for today thank you all for watching we really appreciate the support we've been getting over the last couple months on our youtube channel it's been amazing and this is just one of many videos we plan to do throughout the rest of the summer so stay tuned um if you haven't and this is your first time here or your second time here and you haven't subscribed yet please subscribe to our channel it really helps and leave a thumbs up on the video hit that like button and please if you don't mind leave a comment because that helps as well um i wanted to say that dream with your eyes open and take steps towards those dreams every day that's what we do and we've gotten to a place where we are happy here more so than anywhere else in our hearts and if you follow your heart you never know if you don't follow your heart you're just gonna be miserable your whole life and if you do follow your heart and you set out goals to achieve um you'll be surprised how far you can come i'm just going right in here because the wind's so strong don't listen to other people if you spend too much time listening to other people um you're not going to get where you want to be so signing out we'll see you guys in the next video we're about to go grab some fish from the fish market and cook up some dinner i also wanted to say life is about achieving things that other people think you can't and by achieving those things in their eyes you're achieving the impossible go for it go for it achieve the impossible that's the claim of the day peace nothing like relaxing after a long day of picking [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 155,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trash, picking, rich, beach, town, no, way, we, found, this, trash picking, garbage picking, pickers, picker, couple, beach town, richest, rich people, finding, treasure hunting, hot couple, fun couple, unreal, crazy, curb side, selling, buying, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tucker upper, bike, expensive, millionaire, look what we found, road side, road side treasure, trash to cash, cash, dump trailer, scrap metal, scrap, copper, copper scrap
Id: Mfr-mZxHM1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 40sec (2320 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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