I Found Versace, Coach, & Gucci in the Student Dumpsters!! OMG!!

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what's up everybody okay i just got to the first dumpster of the day and it's saturday so last saturday i found a ton of stuff hopefully uh today will be similar so let's see first there's a chest i always like to check the drawers on the chests and so it definitely does look like someone moved out but i go around to the other side oh that is full all right i never open them up when they're that full because i don't want to be the reason that stuff falls out so i will be moving on okay just trash at this one um whoa look at this that's cool wow that could be worth something huh all right a picture of elvis yes i still have the trunk in the back of the truck i just didn't take it out of there yet i'm still working on it let me go over on this side a cat scratching post i don't know i think i found someone's like burning man costume it's just like a bra with nails like glued all to it a matching belt also with some nails okay this is another air mattress we'll take okay so a few random things and then two boxes of tea there's one and two and then i just grabbed this bread too so there we go okay i got to another spot just now and it does look like there's gonna be stuff a little jewelry box adult diapers another one canvas of leo muhammad ali the glass is broken on this frame kurt cobain that's cool i'm trying to get the glass off of this one okay i got most of the glass off of this one this piece is like still in there so i'll just leave it for now this is just a print it looks like it's like babe ruth or yeah babe ruth and someone else who's the other person so i'll take this just for the frame still good all right that's it from this one that was some honestly good stuff we got two packs of adult diapers that can be donated and then we got all of these like prints and everything the kurt cobain one's really awesome and then the canvas ones are very cool too so yeah we got all of that and some stuff in there sweet look what i found this is an apartment that i normally don't ever come to because they only have compactors but i guess like around move out time compactors are not enough so they have the giant construction dumpster i'm so excited okay so already on the top a textbook so we'll take that let me see if it's open on this end at all okay it's not but let's peek and see okay this is gonna be a good one i can tell that this looks like outdoor patio cushions so okay let me see take this to the truck because it does look like that's what they are it looks like they're patio chair furniture uh cushions so take those and i'm just gonna have to leave you all here while i look because i don't want to drop my phone into this giant dumpster so [Applause] hey so [Applause] is um yeah today's saturday [Music] they left it behind i did this last year around the same time you can make so much money too like garage sales reselling on facebook like there is so much stuff like it's so i can't believe how wasteful like just even just now like i've gotten a bunch of stuff just in like the first two minutes i found laptops iphones it's wild so is it okay if i do this all right i will thank you so much okay i'll look at all of them right i know luckily i have a truck bed but it'll fill up so awesome thank you bye thanks so much so i guess he is one of the people who works here i'm gonna say this so that i don't forget his name he said if anyone says like to leave or whatever tell them ishmael said it was okay so he said there's three more of these giant dumpsters in this complex and that they start doing them five days before the first of august so it's so crazy so i'm just gonna like now i have like no fear you know look at this little guy he just chills and then i got these two things they're whole packs of vitamins they're like individually packed things of vitamins they do have like well no there's not only bones so yeah i think that these are just like supplements so i'll look this brand up but a bunch of vitamins so so is someone came and told me to leave he was like you need to leave property and i was like ishmael told me that i could be here and he was like okay he was like mad about it so we got this stuff i really like this hat it's like a miami old school hat planter some cleaning supplies like that and some of those things this which i originally thought was a bong but it's a vase and the cushions inside of there so there we go i am gonna go check the other ones now and i'm very glad that i have that name job that's good like he pulls over in his truck he goes you need to leave property and i was like ishmael already told me that i could look through these and he was like who are you i was like my name's kelly but i already talked to ishmael and he said i could look at all four of them and he just like backed his truck up real quick and like went and parked he was like all mad he thought he got me oh that was honestly i people who are kind you know like ishmael he's like yeah people are really wasteful like you can come take what you want out of it because all these college kids throw all this stuff away and they're like really wasteful he's like wanting to you know to go to another good home that guy was just like get off property but i'm at the another one now i'm not leaving freaking ishmael told me i could be here so let's keep going standing mirror workout band two xbox controllers laptop these are wireless bose headphones [Music] so all right we got that gucci belt two dollars uh like a gold vape pin i don't know i got a grinder there's a lot of stuff in here all right let's look over here jeez there's a lot of stuff it's hard to know where to even start ow i just hurt my wrist really bad okay i know it's not as fun as a view but i'm gonna leave y'all back over here because it's easier to just grab stuff they're just a cute little holiday box paperweight a little speaker oh and the bows i almost forgot i don't know if they're wireless or not they do have a little hook but i grabbed a bunch of wires so they might be in there for it a few more things another controller that's like the fifth xbox controller this is like a super cool it says it's coach it's got the coach thing and the interior so who knows it looks like it could be real and then there's a bunch of shoes so i'm gonna go grab all the shoes okay we got this sick like snake leather jacket polyurethane dope there's that this cool thing love it i guess it's a thermometer that's cool and then a bag of shoes which one of the pairs is like this really nice penguin like men's dress shoes so that's super cool there's a belt i know i'm like extremely sweaty right now it's really humid all right what else binders and uh what is this laundry soap or or dishwasher detergent more laundry soap and tampons [Music] oh my gosh i am disgusting oh yeah very gross okay i'm off to the third out of four these university apartments when they have the construction dumpsters it's just like a gold mine like these kids just like throw away gucci belts xbox controllers i don't know if that gucci belt's real but we're filling up the back let's keep going all right backpack okay here's a little whiteboard calendar and this box is like all these cute little reusable plastic wine cups okay this one actually wasn't very full you can see down there it's like not all the way to the top so we didn't find as much at that one but still got a lot of good stuff going on in here all right more dorm apartments what do we have well we have a north face backpack okay that's a good start let me put this in the back so [Music] so all right that's it sweet so two backpacks today one's north face which it's a little bit beat up but that'll still sell since it's a nice name brand and then here's the other backpack this is an everest and i've never heard of that brand but it looks cute oh it does have a broken zipper and that one's not going to be worth anything darn all right well there's that let's take a look at some of the rest of this stuff because i don't think i'm going to want to get all of this out when i get home because it's so hot and i'm pretty tired so we have a three piece toning set look at this guy and it is in there so these are just like those bungee cords alex actually uses these so that's good here is a fuda sport jacket it is very heavy and it's very hot but it's very cool it's like snake skinny kinda so there's that ziploc bags always just good to have this is a nasa sweater or hoodie so that's cool nasa this is something but i thought it still had the tags on it but i might be wrong so that's just like a women's shirt some cute little jogger sweatpants from arie that's american eagles brand and i don't know what this thing is oh makeup eraser huh it's like a nice plush um soft liner i'm not sure what that is so there's some clothes i showed y'all this cute little holiday box i just grabbed that because that's cute for gifts this is a bag of shoes and a belt in here it's a pretty belt brighton so these are really the shoes that i'm most excited about the original penguin these are probably pretty expensive shoes there's also some nike sneakers and a lot of converse and then a pair of vans as well so they're all in there they all have their match this very well could be a coach bag y'all have to tell me i'm not great at like just authenticating stuff based on how it looks but it does i mean it looks like even though you can tell it's been used a lot it looks like it's in really good condition at least the leather and everything there's the coach stamp on the interior and it also has the coach on this like dangle thing so i think that this might be real that's what i'll say and then y'all can tell me if i'm right or wrong but that's really cute um over here this is the really cool little thermostat thing so i don't know if that's accurate or not we saw that stuff already put that back over here we got the textbook and the plastic wine cups those are really cute um this actually has most of the stuff that i grabbed all from this one bag there um speakers little like hand exercise clamps one xbox controller headphones which even if these don't have the cord with them these will sell because i'm sure that cord is very easily replaceable so that's actually really cool um this cute little small screwdriver decorative football um i guess this is just an adapter calculator with the memory cleared um this is an iphone or not iphone um macbook charger that's the extendable part those birds so loud so there's the charger uh another xbox controller so that's two this is the big pile of cords that i just grabbed i didn't want to untangle them all there so there's all of those this is a cool belt right here oh my god it says it's versace no way okay here's another one we need to authenticate someone let me know if this is a real versace belt it has tarnishing on the lion it has lion studs and a square end but it doesn't have any other tags or markings or anything like that it looks like right there might have been where the tag used to be maybe with the sizing or something so potentially a versace belt and that was in the same bag as this gucci belt that this one i'm kind of guessing is not real um but i very well could be wrong but it's striped down there's that this cool little plate or this is on a plate a paper weight a paper paperweight um i don't even know what this thing is oh this goes with the screwdriver so i think this might just be like the rest of the parts for the screwdriver so they're all in the box there a two dollar bill pretty cool uh this is like just like you know probably some paraphernalia that i shouldn't be driving around with there's a grinder a chargeable like pin um i don't really know what this thing is actually oh it's a lighter let's see i honestly can't see if it's working or not it's really bright out here i can't tell if it's lighting or not but i guess it's like a little torch lighter um here's two more xbox controllers one and two they don't have the battery packs with them here's the rest of the part for the macbook charger i think this is like a little whistle i'm not gonna test it obviously but i think that's what that is the hat i showed which i love alex will probably wear this miami hat and a cute little seal mug so cute and this is a shirt i guess yeah just like a pharaoh looking shirt and then uh the planter itself what else this is awesome if this like stuff is authentic the coach purse the versace belt it's gonna be really cool oh look here's another xbox charger or controller so there's another one and let's just open this up so i can actually know for sure yeah okay well i was right that they are just pillows um but they are for outdoor furniture so that's cool somebody might buy those um and then this rig headphones it says plantronics on it so i guess it's like gaming headset showed that here's the little cute calendar eraser board with the cork down there that's really cute someone will definitely buy that and then that stuff in there that i showed there's the binders tampons some laundry soaps not a bad day not at all that's pretty much it and then the stuff that we already definitely saw just like the picture frames and the canvases there's just like a little thing of of tape i always need stuff like this for my packaging so that's perfect and there we go okay i thought i was gonna go home but then i saw one that i kind of like just like had a good feeling about so i looked in it and so far i've gotten all of these clothes these still have the tags on them there's just like a bunch of clothes this whole thing is full of it and there's more in here adidas shoes that's really cute [Applause] my phone keeps stopping recording and i don't know why i don't know if it's like full or it's just too overheated but i literally from this one i got all these freaking huge bags of clothes like literally they're just like piled full of clothes there's like cute like bags like that's like a cute tote bag they all smell like moth balls like a lot like models but oh i mean i'm gonna wash them all obviously this one also full of clothes the whole thing that was all from in there i haven't looked in here okay there's nothing in there but yeah this is probably like 100 pounds of clothing look there's more purses with the tags on them a little wristlet that's so weird a lot of the stuff has tags on it so pretty so oh it seriously smells so strongly of mothballs so yeah this is gonna be the last stop and it was a good one i also got these brand new sheets still in the package it's crazy it's so crazy all this stuff in the dumpster granted it smells weird but you can just wash it it'll be fine all right i need to go cool down i'm like feeling a little faint i need some water and stuff so there we go there's the whole truck hood full of stuff that we got from the dumpster i just can't get over all of these clothes and that they're new a lot of them are new wow all right there we go thank you to the dumpsters for providing oh it's awesome okay so it is the next morning i just finished editing this video i'm so excited about it and i just want to um show that i'm using the brand new um bose headphones i'm kidding i know that these are beats i don't know why i literally said bows like a hundred times when it says beats like literally right on the top of it but they work perfectly the um cord was in fact in there i just used them like i said to edit this whole video and these are like the best headphones i've ever used i've never had any like nice headphones i've always just used the ones that come with you know the iphones and they're so nice so i'm really really excited to have some brand new beats headphones well they're not brand new you know but they're brand new to me they're in really nice condition uh there's like literally nothing wrong with them so i uh yeah i love them i am gonna go lay out some of the clothes my original plan was to wash everything so that i could show you guys all of the clothes actually washed and laid out but since i did not have time to do that yesterday i'm just gonna lay them all out on the truck bed and i'll show you some more of those um this is like the one of the best hauls that i've ever had so i'm so so excited to get this video up and yeah let's go check out the clothes hi bud hi okay so this is literally probably like only a third of it but i just pulled some stuff out of the bags and put it out to show y'all these boots are very cool there's lots of shoes all these clothes like again new with the tags and everything these are all of the bags right here and this one hat so there's like a cute little faux fur hat with the tags on it a north face backpack uh this is just like a cute little purse it's kind of unbranded i think this one right here is oops okay that's fun timing i just sold something that i found in the dumpster not in this video but uh in a couple videos back so they just came and did curbside pickup for it so ten dollars it was like a um water aerobics like floating barbell kind of thing it looked like so there we go ten bucks this morning and here's a little bit more of the clothes okay so this purse again this is um i don't know exactly what brand it is but it still has the tag on it somewhere i thought it did i guess i'm wrong but it looks to be in really nice condition it's got the cute like little western tassels like that um this is a fossil purse and it's really really pretty it does have like a stain on it like you can see there's like some pink stains but really pretty on the inside these two that we showed already with the tags on them just like two little wristlet wallets this is lily pulitzer which always sells really well really fast so this one's lily pulitzer for estee lauder it's in nice condition it's just like a little swim bag or like tote this brown purse it's got a lot of pockets on the interior some air postal shorts new with the tags those are really cute another little wristlet that has the tags on it that tote which i showed earlier there's some adidas sneakers they're in like pre-owned condition but they look nice still the other shoes that were in here did fit me uh those will actually fit me too so those are really cute i need some new diving shoes so those are perfect get out of their yard pilgrim come here hi so yes there is like so much stuff so there's all the clothes so there you have it that is this video i hope that you guys have a really awesome sunday an awesome uh start to the week and happy diving i will see you next time bye
Channel: breafkast
Views: 268,545
Rating: 4.8953285 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diver, kelly sparks, flipping, reseller, reselling, flipper, trash, upcycling, recycling, waste, american, garbage, dumpster, diving, scrapping, haul, dumpster haul, clothing haul, texas, trash picking, salvaging, reduce waste, throw away culture, budgeting, save money, couponing, dumpsters, trash flipping, breafkast, gucci, versace, coach, name brand, free
Id: qlptUjlvz4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 34sec (2974 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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