Bulk TRASH PICKING Beach Town For Curb Side TREASURE!

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wow wow no we didn't just come up on this score right now dude a freaking Vespa Sammy J that's crazy did we just score it what this is why we come out here look at this look at this gold the espresso no way the espresso we just drag espresso here we go look at those little baby dogs [Music] espresso tastes like a cigar [Applause] yeah okay good morning everybody it's actually the afternoon but another beautiful day outside today and we're going on a special mission so we got a message from one of our viewers who's local and they said I'll see if I can find the message I'll put it at the bottom but they said there's going to be a bulk trash collection over in one of the Richer not the richest but a wealthy Beach Community Beach town near us and we're about to go check it out this is trash picking for roadside Treasures in Rich beach towns let's do it we got a lot of videos like this so this will just be continuing the tradition let's go [Music] foreign [Music] we stopped over here at the Wawa sitting out back Sammy's grabbing two shots of espresso so we can get amped up for the pick and then we're about to cruise into Ocean City go over the bridge through Strathmere and then into Sea Isle and do some roadside trash picking see what we can find today we do have the whole family with us here Finn you just sleeping back there he's just sleeping so she's our good luck charm obviously in life everybody who has a kid knows that and yeah let's just hope we find some Goods it's too hot to take oh it is yeah hold on this one's until we get the shot to Expresso though look at this little baby shots they're tiny is it too hot right now yeah sure you wait until we get there yeah all right mine's a Doubler but I might not drink at all because four rounds just express it doesn't taste good I mean I'd rather have this little shot of espresso than like a full cup of coffee literally tastes like tastes like it tastes like what I said before what was I said that was like a cigar espresso tastes like a cigar to me all right so we're out here I don't think there's any Trash though I don't know what what's going on here but I thought there was a bulk collection but I don't know we could have been wrong on this one isn't it looking like we were wrong [Music] no wow no we didn't just come up on this score right now dude no it's not real a freaking Vespa Sammy J that's crazy did we just score it are you gonna white what this is why we come out here look at this look at this gold no no scooter gang the espresso no way the espresso we just drag espresso no way what a score I gotta get this loaded up on on the freaking thing we need it to the tire oh it's locked up it's locked up yeah I think I got my trust [Music] boat cutters in the back right or do I not an animal get out of here there's nothing else to be worthy [Music] yeah it had like a little stick no it's good now I think you know uh this thing's insane [Music] not how you load it too rusty I mean you could scrap it but although we did get some good money from the scrap to that that's a nice table honestly I'm surprised I know we got those just yeah another bike right yeah yeah scrap scrap bike Cruiser guys cruiser bike yeah that one's chained up right that one over there yeah I don't think so I think they're bad trash should I get this one it's just a frame in the tires around couldn't even get 25 for it there's no point because it's trash too right yes no way I'm not taking it just down this off chance at someone's bike pull up on a behemoth pile this is what it means that's about immense right there look at this freaking look at all this gold yeah what is actually gold about this wow they're mold on yeah why is it all so bad it's just one pile baby I'm about to grab that art though that's kind of cool wow two pieces they put them out do you think it would be uh I'm not seeing it all right what are we doing fifteen thousand dollar piece of art what do you think it could be do you think I'll sell it for that no oh no this dream's terrible it doesn't matter this is an original Dream right here yeah signed in pencil all right pretty quick grab this GoPro and here's his brother is that 64. how do you keep them nice in the back though two original piece because you don't want to put them in there no they're going right here and if they break then we'll be pulled the magnet I might have a towel I might have a tail all right uh let me check the other side evening I actually left the towel next to the door oh wait no I didn't no no I got one yeah I had a yeah put that in there because it's all Rippy and it's clean too so uh myself that ends up getting good will later I mean honestly kudos to you for even looking that hard because I was just claiming it was trash yeah because like usually everything's print so I think we got another Street here of goodies what do we got that's nice wicker though see that wow maybe we should get that yeah wow we might have just scored a really nice piece of furniture either for our deck or to sell and I think that'll load it up if we load that up that's in this wagon will be capped out Finn's been such a good girl she literally just sleeps the whole time foreign just I mean it's not terrible but the only reason it looks so good is because they spray painted it I was wondering yeah this is cool but nobody would buy it ever he's right Red Wagon not terrible I could see why they threw it out but uh I would say that's a 30 to 40. 30 to 40 bucks right there 20 bucks at least you know what I don't even know I'm over this I don't want this hoarded in my yard because the whole back's cracked and the tires are bent and I'm not trying to deal with somebody tell me how shitty it is on Facebook because that's what happened last time okay we scored a few epic finds out here but we don't want to keep fan out for too long so we're gonna head back but just a quick overview of everything there's probably like so much scrap on the streets but we don't even know if we think you just it's illegal to scrap here or something because there's so much metal it's insane but we out success okay back at the house so we actually just went hard did all the litter boxes we vacuumed the whole back porch because they've been the cats have been using the catio like crazy this area of our house so it got pretty dirty over the last couple of months literally we vacuumed back there but not a deep clean like we just did and the back room our lucky is well she's right here but I vacuumed that Sammy helped me with that and yeah so this is what we got today not much but there was a lot more it's just we were not trying to stay out too long just because of Finn that's that's rude but at the same time we all wanted to go as a crew because it's funner like that [Music] the track multi-track 7200 uh don't the condition is rough but the frame is fine I don't know I got to look up how much it actually would be track bikes gonna go for a lot of money though and this the express I'm gonna have to get a freaking board to go down this thing to go down on that artwork you said artwork original other one which is like a gnarly painting too four things all together we scored had fun and we can sell all this stuff hopefully but we'll see well so I may stand corrected on the uh track bike this one's missing the handlebars three hundred dollars let me say used three used 365. so the bike's probably worth a hundred bucks in the condition that it's in easily actually I'm gonna post it and say I don't know people get crazy all right Finn's gonna have her bad time and go to sleep but I'm gonna put those away actually this to be continued I might do it tonight in a little bit or tomorrow but that's it for today and we'll see you guys in the next video thanks for watching as always the dream continues okay here it is beautiful sunny day and the plan today is try to get all the scrap that I possibly can hold on I'm going out of the Wind so this is the plan get all the scrap that I can this piece the rest of the boat into the trailer I actually have to like shovel the rest of this dirt out here which is a total burden but fill up all the trash like all the metal into here so I can take it to the scrap yard tomorrow get that situated that might take up like the next two hours maybe though I don't know how long it's going to take to cut this boat up this trailer up because I don't know if I can pick the whole thing up but maybe maybe I can roll it in there I guess we'll just see but I gotta cut this off and go from there do this side foreign thank you all right now we're down to basically this Frame which is actually pretty light because a lot of this is aluminum actually I might try to unbolt these see if that works probably not going to happen but okay good morning everybody so I tried to organize all the scrap yesterday a lot of this stuff that the lawnmower man gave us didn't sell on Facebook uh and that's the only place where I would ever try to sell something like that and we had that boat trailer which I chopped most of it up but we're at the scrap yard this channel basic quickly started not because of scrapping this channel basically started not because of scrapping but the scrap video that I first posted my very first scrap video was the best most viewed most liked most commented on video at the time by like 10 times it got over a hundred thousand views probably maybe close to 200 000 now I'm not really sure but at the time I had views in like 400 500 views um so it was a big deal at the time and then when I started making scrap videos that's kind of when the channel I could say took off a little bit uh got like 3 000 subscribers in in a short amount of time uh but here we are let's see what he needs from us today so here it is this is like uh you know the biggest recycling plant in the county probably uh even just the County Recycling isn't reuse this much stuff you can see the massive pile back there they used to have a U-Pull-It yard here and actually above even the scrap videos we did some fun videos in the U-Pull-It yard here that actually even launched off our Channel even even more than the scrap videos so yeah this scrap yard has been a good place for us to film and you know you can make some money here it's like you're gonna get rich but there's nobody here today this is the most dead I've seen it probably so the first thing we want to do is pour the nails and stuff into one of those containers so they don't go in the yard to get run over foreign look at all that stuff perfectly organized that someone just scrapped look at that screws now level all that stuff straight out of some of the garage that's crazy these guys and this guy these are actually pretty heavy I wonder what these were for these were made personally for something [Music] okay the only thing I'm really gonna do is to snip the wires off of the power washers just because they have really long wires and that can add up to a few bucks I mean all of these weed whackers all this have Motors in them that I can get crazy with but all right let's try this it's going up it sounds weak though I'm not gonna stop it until it stops on its own no that happened just got stuck right there [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] and it actually was kind of good that I did it by hand instead of dumping it because there's still a lot of that sand in the bottom of the trailer that astroturf's gonna haunt me forever but here it is there's the load see all the weed whackers and stuff on the ground this is a decent amount of weight I would say it was a thousand pounds probably at least maybe more than that probably 1200 pounds let's just see right here here it comes no way 1210 pounds for a total of sixty dollars and fifty cents it's really not that bad I mean I can pull shroud our door almost just took that thing out wow okay here's the deal here you guys already know it if you don't know it though they have a big scale the one I just went on that weighs your whole truck and everything in it and then you unload it and it gives you another weight and that's what they pay you for the other scale is this one behind me it's smaller and it's for all the metal that they call non-first and all this metal is not magnetic so this is the good stuff foreign so I picked these up yesterday at yeah these are wow these are aluminum all the way through that might be a good payday right there [Music] foreign not a bad day so we got Deloitte iron was 60 bucks and 50 cents and then the other was 102.25 so 162.75 that's not bad you know don't quit your day job but at the same time a little extra cash literally never hurt anybody so now to get back to the house and make plans for the day although it's hard to really make plans with Finley because it's just a whole different lifestyle than what we used to live but we're out here we're doing it all right so this one was easier to just do with this then with the actual bolt cutter okay [Music] all right what's up everybody so as you guys well know we take great care in documenting our journey here on Earth so yesterday so we got this delivered so I just wanted to give you guys a little run down of storage for youtubing so I mean anybody who films and takes photographs of anything hey lucky what's up should have a hard drive because you can offload all your stuff from your phone even all your stuff from your camera all your information on one of these and if you treat it right and don't like throw it across the yard onto some pavement this has like a shock proof casing on it which I like a lot designed by Neil Holton on every one of these I guess but I have a bunch of different hard drives and I've never had one crash totally on me um one time we were on a trip and my brother's hard drive fell off a table hit the ground and we did end up losing footage off of that but that's the only time that ever happened and that's because it took a huge fall and landed wrong that was like 12 years ago but my point is invest in storage so I got another five terabyte one um because this information uh if you're serious about it is more important than anything else so on here has you know the whole birth of Finley which is obviously on YouTube but this has all the raw footage from most of 2001 and so far all of 2002 so five terabytes we're gonna put birth of Finley I'm just literally writing right on here so that when I look at it I'll know what years to go so we got another one we actually filled up that five terabyte one to the max but uh these are 179.99 on b h five terabytes of information it could it would last a normal person probably their whole life but somebody who creates a lot of content probably a whole year um if you have a really high top uh high-tech like red camera or something it's not gonna last nearly as long but if you're just filming with like GoPros and regular phones and cameras this thing will last this thing will last long look at that an orange cord this time the other one didn't have that that's all I need though I'm not gonna register it or anything because for me there's no point but yeah now we're ready to go so I can't really continue editing without having storage because I never delete any footage from anything so yeah rant over invest in information storage because later in life everything you shoot Now You're Gonna Want later kind of the whole point so on to the next edit and I wanted to do an update too on the fan so Sammy this was like about 10 days two weeks ago by now almost got Finley on a nice sleeping schedule so now literally she sleeps in increments of like four hours in the night but she'll sleep from like seven or eight to like one or two even three and then change your diaper feeder and then she'll sleep again until like six or seven and then do the same thing she sleeps pretty much through the night if you wake up and just feed her and check her diaper it's all good and this has presented a really good situation for both of us to sleep more uh where in the beginning we were literally fumbling around and basically one of us was up all hours of the night one or the other taking shifts but now we both sleep um at least a few hours at a time which doesn't seem like a lot but when you have a newborn baby two three hours of sleep is like gold I'm not sure what we're doing today I'm about to edit and then I'll update you guys in a little bit
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 82,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bulk, trash, picking, beach, town, for, curb, side, treasure, treasure hunting, trash picking, garbage picking, yard sale, tuck and sammie j., family, vlog, family vlog, baby, sammie j., tucker upper, freedom to dream, rich people, moped, found, find, treasure chest, expresso, funny, laugh, scrap metal, scrap yard, junkyard, junk, salvage, salvaged, recycle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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