Dumpsters Kept on Giving – Plants, Grab Bags, Books, & More!

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okay okay well what's up you guys welcome back to our dumpster diving Channel we are out here at some retail shops this morning hoping to rescue some usable items that they've thrown away so let's go see what we can find all right first stop of the day all right some tires um it rained here two nights ago and possibly a little last night I can see some water on some of these bags yeah Lucy filter oh wait I see a bag right right there see that pink tip on that thing all right that bag has stuff in it oh yeah it does have stuff in it you think you'll be able to get it with that I'm gonna try but first oh a blank maybe possibly so close here oh no be careful okay all right you can jump in for it okay nice oh I should have gone right there oh my goodness is it so full yeah we're gonna have to put it in something okay let me hook this up then [Music] thank you [Music] wow wow look at all these chalk Riders oh nice incense wallpaper for sticker rolls Jurassic Park I smell like a intensity oh he smells intense okay I love it oh nice little bottles bandages [Music] oh dang nice lots of sandwich bags more Band-Aids and Power Hour what are these oh face masks nice lots of cables that's open [Music] foreign Sandalwood that's a nice scent too thank you I mean I think yeah just he was just making sure it wasn't leaking paint be careful with that oh okay so yeah [Music] it's just one Oreo oh there's some paint who died wow that's a great bag oh nice oh when it comes with a little uh incense holder too how cool oh yeah it smells good all right let me pull this bag out of here then okay [Music] okay that's a lot of stuff dang good work [Music] this shirt sounds bad I'm Gonna Leave It that was awesome one hit it's got like poop in it or something oh it does have Raw it's wrong it's wrong it's a little better it's kinda empty cat food there's like moccasin boots [Music] thank you yep potato Glory okay oh this one's full of stuff okay set them like that in case someone comes by and would like some shoes oh man though that was a great first stop at this was a dollar store that we found that huge bag of stuff so we bagged it all up and we are gonna make sure that it gets to somewhere better than the landfills there we go look at all this stuff there's so much in there [Music] very awesome y'all great stop we're moving on right outside this dumpster is this nice little high chair it's um spray painted on the inside though and on the table that I love the wood and singing here oh unless that can has it does oh really I was not expecting that okay grab bear this is a liquor store and a lot of times there are cans in here but their CBD infused sparkling water nice um they're normally empty because it's like they do samples at the front so I really wasn't expecting these to be full barley Marley Mellow Mood there's two more right there what is this maybe just oh yeah CBD infused tea oh it was popular as they were expecting I guess they're gonna be pretty popular at our house cucumber and mint another one hmm look at this uh maybe under these boxes right here oh there's one [Music] this is the car oh it is a cigar right there okay plastic out of here there we go nice there we go I'm the driving pruner that's hilarious well so we got a cigar right here we're getting all of our little sparkling CDD Waters why don't you take those to the truck oh great okay [Music] I will let me put this up [Music] oh I see one way in the back completely [Music] that one I think yeah oh this one there's more actually [Music] oh that one's old okay as long as it's not leaking this one right there oh nice thank you [Music] all right I've been putting yeah you found it [Music] more I'm not seeing anymore okay he went that way there's that one back there oh shoot oh I'm gonna go get it oh my God oh nice [Music] [Laughter] it's funny here we go we got a whole bunch of these back here so and our cigar a party night I love cigars yeah we love smoking cigars mushrooms stick this in here real quick cool [Music] I'm gonna check the daily one man that's an awesome stuff right there I love finding stuff that we're interested in trying and how about this dinosaurs pretty hit or miss here's the some type of seat they did spray paint it yeah all right this is all wet trash oh really yeah well well not recyclable but but we can take it yep anything else in there okay well that was an awesome stop oh I thought the train was coming now all right all right lots of boxes oh here's another Marley Miller nude oh wait it's empty yes when this cardboard box moved it moved it like oh yeah it's like it weak yeah smart boxes are some of these some some people were getting in here and drinking them all right okay well there we go great stop at these first few dumpsters it's always awesome when you start the morning out by finding some great things look y'all looks like somebody pulled the whole thing out earlier and left them over here for people to find this is red it's like a whole box but we'll leave those or whoever pulled them out but yeah someone else must have pulled them out that's so cool [Music] [Music] man that's cool so y'all we're gonna keep going and see what else we find preserve meat we found another huge jerky haul all right this is the wettest bag I've ever grabbed yeah it did go down my my shirt I do apologize no it was my undoing yeah dirty wet bags it makes you nervous oh now it's like from Ross yeah and in it we've got um cleansing facial wash the thing's just broken so you have to do it a different way and this switch has been opened are they individually they're portion packs oh look that's got a hole in the bottom all right there's a cable in the face wash the cable has the face wash on it when I throw it down there for a second yeah I want to see how that is that what they are they're individually packed in there hey yeah look at that they're totally fine I love apricots oh also more face wash on there okay uh oh yeah they're so wet man yeah I kind of I feel like that bag oh let's see it right there but [Music] there's a knife it's like sound gross good job Alex okay y'all that was a gross bag but we did get those couple of items right on top so that's awesome we're moving on all right oh what's this one say CIA police NATO FBI Wyoming mob all right now there's really never really much in here anyways so let's see oh one of these Lumber yeah that's been in here for remember because there was like a bag of horse feet under there one time we tried to get it but okay well here we go just some dumpster artwork and we're moving on through another one these are Native American tribes on this downstairs oh let's just take like 100 pictures so I don't know what I'm gonna do with them to look like someday we'll do something with all of our dumpster photography let's see okay I don't remember some of these are medical places [Music] we never really drive down this strip but that's Burlington's dumpster and the first one that we just stopped out with the graffiti is an office supply store but it's kind of weird because we never find anything um I guess there is a compactor here which maybe they use uh but yeah we're still gonna check it today it's cool with different stuff Alex is taking pictures of it and we're just having a good time out here there's an airplane all right y'all head to the next one so we haven't found anything here in a while but we like to check this one lately it's kind of been more construction stuff and I have construction-ish someone was making like balloon animals but yeah this just looks like food trash okay yeah no not that one all right moving right along we've got a big pile of furniture outside of this one but doesn't necessarily mean it's nice or worth taking let's see who's really good oh you're right that store is not around here that's kind of weird it's just more mattresses oh here's a reusable bag that red one that is an apron oh it happened so much glass on the ground maybe just take this on a bounds all right well we've got another store up here that we've found lots of food at before so we're gonna go check it and see what it has for us today it's also sometimes locked and so it's kind of just a surprise until you get up there okay well the one that we wanted to go to there were some people around it so we are actually at a different one now and we're gonna see if there's anything good in here they got all their pool noodles in some books back there it's a gross dumpster but we could try to get the Grabber oh yeah we might be able to get some of those books this is normally what we find here [Music] another way [Music] okay let me get a box for us [Music] foreign oh yeah that one is a little ruined the wicked proposal I thought I couldn't get them all I want that's nice there we go nice promised passion nice good work all right here we go not a bad little book haul right here and these two are restaurants and we first showed them up they were a ton of birds oh really nice [Music] all right [Music] not a bad stop we really always stopped here for the Dollar General but we rarely find anything from there and we typically always find when we find stuff from here most of the time it's these books and there is a used bookstore and they sell records and CDs and stuff like that too here so now we check it for that one and it's great to find books they don't need to go to the landfill and so we're gonna get them to someone who will appreciate them right starting to warm up oh yeah some type of little plant oh there's more there are more we might want to take a couple of them just because I do like using the soils on them I think they would bounce back yeah you think they would these look I don't know yeah that's true they look better than some of the pansies we took that's very true all right I'll get the grabber [Music] thank you very nice awesome I'm not sure what kind of plants these are they're really pretty and they have little pink flowers on them petunias oh they're is petunia Etsy magenta yeah that's what I hear is that oh that one's beautiful oh this one's a squash that's a zucchini squash another squash we're getting free food okay there we go we're planting we're planting flowers yeah that's right our squash is here this really is cool to find plants the flowers are beautiful but that these are really gonna grow food is awesome to be able to get that for free out of the trash is great oh interesting I'm not sure what that one is [Music] that one's really going for it oh I don't know yeah that'll be fine we've found so many pots in our last dive actually the Terra Cotta oh also it's going right off um I'll put those in there I don't know I don't know about it it fell off no put it back oh it smells nice all right but yeah we've been finding a lot of terracotta pots so that's great we can put them in it we can see if they'll grow that would be really really cool dang beautiful very awesome all right y'all we've got a couple more stops today so we're gonna go see what else you can find it's been a great haul so far try not to make it more messy [Music] Ajax everywhere nice [Music] I don't know about this club thank you this might be good in the bag but it's been going through yeah I know I want to check the pile of boxes and make sure there's no cards or anything this is so wild yeah oh these we find these all the time I didn't know they came in a little container I didn't either no they're always just loose all right make it worse I don't think it works [Music] okay unfortunate but nothing there what are we doing we're moving on oh yikes [Music] we're moving on oh all right he's ready he's ready now all right y'all this is our last stop of the day and there's some interesting items out here this is uh satellite dish from the roof take some kind see [Music] okay nothing's standing out right on the top [Music] yeah it's just it's just funny it'll be fine okay now this pile here is always a question because this looks like a donation and it's not in the dumpster it looks like possibly it was left here um sometimes people do leave stuff there you're not really supposed to but it does look like maybe it was left there and Jordan over here or maybe it was left over here but not sure if they'll just end up in the trash since it's been kicked through like this are you seeing anything in the actual dumpsters [Music] as well soccer soccer [Music] that's cool someone wants that for sure sure oh it's kind of heavy weight yeah Sanchez trophies Culver City [Music] cool oh 13th grape stuff oh that one is all broken up yeah but I think well I can just be tight yeah it's like a bolt something like that I mean it's like grape swamp it's not someone's actual card yeah yeah somebody could use it for something they might want to take the little man off the top and do something or maybe they just want it to look like they've won a lot of sports oh that's a nice frame yeah that's nice [Music] I guess yeah at this point this one we got trophies so we'll take them big soccer fans foreign form yeah we'll just recycle the glass at home and wait there we go not about to stop so there we go awesome day and we'll see you for a little haul reveal whenever we get home okay you guys we're back home and we have it laid out on the table for you bones has been up here sniffing everything and I think he approves of it all so I'm ready to show you guys this is all from the dollar store is that right yes the very first dancer that we went to had a big bag in it and this is everything that we got it's an awesome amount of stuff this stuff right here are some gift bag little bows this one still is sticky on the back this one just is missing one of them that was in the package we got a tiny little gift bag here and underneath three tablecloths and one big silver platter right here just a plastic little platter plastic little platter we got two sets of Band-Aids that's awesome this is athletic tape we got some barrettes right here again and these are just missing one possibly they thought on the store possibly someone took one um but they threw the rest away so there's those we got one raw shea Shia Shaya butter soap this is a conditioner the bottle is pretty um dented on that side but there's probably nothing wrong with it other than that uh-oh he's been up here trying to mess with stuff okay we got tampons awesome allergy sinus headache medication this uh what is this body spray two aftershaves this is four face masks and it says it's a kit um but I mean I don't know exactly what it's missing because there's the four face masks a rich cream mask so four of them are in there cute box maybe there was more stuff in there in the beginning all right bones is looking at this Lantern right here it's a solar Lantern we found a couple of these before um and I think that every time pretty much the candle is just like kind of broken off in there you could remove it and put something else in there you could put your own candle or just use it as Decor this is a little teacher uh what is this just a little plaque kind of little plastic plaque right there two nice seashell bottles they are glass they look like sea glass which is cool I'll probably take this ribbon off of them the little rope and keep them but I don't really want the little fish and stuff on there but there's those excuse me bones okay we got three sandwich bags now these are awesome we always love to keep these when we find them and so there's 40 snack bags 15 quart bags and wow 125 sandwich bags so there we go I can tell that there's one shoved in here that is a little bit dirty so we're gonna take that top one out there's one corn holder just some corn one little clip one thing of toothpaste this was in the box but the box was wet so I tossed the box and there's uh some toothpaste right there and then these two also had the blocks but they were wet and these are just ankle supports and they're black it's kind of hard to see but there they are um and I'm gonna actually wear these two kickboxing so they're just little kind of socks but they your foot is still exposed and they just help support your ankle so these are kind of cool I've actually kind of wanted some like this um so great we found them for free in the trash we also have been out of incense and we have been wanting to go get some but haven't yet so this is awesome there's 40 in each box here possibly on this one too that doesn't look like 46 but this one comes with a cute pink little incense holder and yeah this is a rose scent bunch of sniffing it and this one was sandalwood and then this one I'm not really sure possibly Rose or some floral scent since it's pink right here we have this just a fake security camera uh that's kind of cool so it lights up when you put batteries in it so there's that we got all of these cords and these all have a little 75 cent tag on them so they came from the clearance section um I'm there's probably absolutely nothing wrong with them I mean you can see they're still fully sealed in their packages uh most of them some of them are loose oh look how cute that is little cherries on it and more there we go hopefully one of them is for an iPhone it looks like some of them are mostly Android they are oh they're all micro USB cables I see all right so they're not really phone chargers that we can use but definitely a great item to take out the trash they do not need to go to the landfill people absolutely can use these now right here we've got two things of paint one glitter green paint and one yellow as well as three crafting markers now these are upside down so these are two chalk Riders and this one is a metallic marker these are really cool actually I really like these just four rolls of Dinosaur Jurassic Park stickers I'll probably use these just on my thank you notes and stuff like that because they're pretty cute I like them I like finding stickers so stickers we got a Monster Jam puzzle we got jumbo playing cards we will have to count and see if there's 52 cards in here it looks like the deck but you never know definitely they some of them could have fallen out so there's those flashlights they're really um lightweight really cheapy kind of flashlights but we'll have to put batteries in and see if they work and I like this one because one it has a little bone on it which is adorable but it's also like it's a flashlight and a doggy bag for your dog you know I mean the little pooper scooper bag so you put those in there and then you also have a flashlight for night walks so that's cool one rock star um this is busted on the top but it's still a rock star and we've opened them up like this before just to make sure that they're not gonna like explode when you open it and they don't they're fine um it's just kind of awkward to drink out of but the whole beverage itself is totally fine this is just two Golden Oreos just a small package this is a calendar that's kind of all bent up possibly somebody would still want to use it for like replacing because this calendar is outdated but you could slide something else in here I thought that it was magnetic for but it's not so it's just kind of a desk calendar then we got two cleaning gloves one container here one cup one LED tall candle and I think that's everything so this stuff is gonna be awesome it does not need to go to the landfill and will absolutely donate it uh keep some of it like these instances the ankle supports the baggies right there and we're gonna make sure that it gets somewhere that it will be appreciated instead of going to the landfill so there you go y'all thank you so much for watching this video keep ones in his Tower honey bones in your Tower we really hope that y'all enjoyed it thank you for coming along with us as we went dumpster diving it was a great day we found some really really awesome stuff all the things on the table as well as all of those CBD infused sparkling water drinks all the books and some random miscellaneous items from the thrift store so it was an awesome day we are excited to get back out there and keep rescuing items from the trash from the landfill and just trying to help do our part help make the world a little bit better of a place so thank you all so much for watching we really appreciate it and we'll see y'all next time have a great day bye
Channel: breafkast
Views: 70,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpsters, throw away culture, texas, trash picking, dumpster haul, recycling, upcycling, reduce reuse, reduce waste, landfill, saving money, environmentally friendly, trash picker, waste reduction, dumpster score, dumpster find, dumpster shopping, texas dumpster diver, landfill save, food in dumpster, food waste, dumpster diving 2023, breafkast, dumpster divers, retail dumpster, wasteful, documentary tv, donating, food from trash, grab bag
Id: wy9liSs2BXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 27sec (2607 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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